Crabtree Club Fabric Paintirfg Workshop Held A fabric painting workshop was held by members of the Upper Crabtree Home Demonstration Club Tuesday in the home of Mrs. R. F. Rogers. Mrs. Lynden MeCracken, presi dent of the club conducted the business 1 St. John's Center Plans Youth Group The organizational meeting of a ! young people's group to meet at the newly opened St John's Com munity Center will be held tonight at 7:30. The organization will be i open to all teen-agers in the area. Tentative plans call for weekly RAY'S STOM ANNIVERSARY SALE CONTINUES THIS WEEK BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPT. 4 ? J ? Shoes and Sandals ? Children's Wear ! ? School Clothes I ? Household Goods ? Piece Goods I ? Ladies' Goods ? Underwear ? Work Clothes MUSLIN CANNON SHEETS 1st Quality Cannon 55c Pillow Case ? 45 c ea. $2.19-81x99 Sheet ? $J.77 $2.29-81x 108 Sheet $J.87 2nd Quality Cannon $1.98-72x108 Sheet $J.67 $1.98-81 x 99 Sheet $J.67 $2.19-81x108 Sheet $J.77 49c Pillow Cases ? 2 *or 80c i Cannon 2nd* Are Good Buys BUY NOW and SAVE 1 YiiftJ m I I I ll * Mm t j I ? '^-1 mhMN Carroll-Grogan Ceremony Is Held In Florida Mrs, Fred Crum of Canton an nounces the marriage of her daughter, Tommy Maekey Groyan. to Charles M. Carroll, son of Mr and Mr*. A. J. Carroll, also of Can ton. The ceremony was performed Wednesday, July 11, at 5 p.m. In the Holly Hill Baptist Church in | Daytona Beach, Fla. The Rev W. Angus Wiggins, pas tor of the church, officiated, using the double ring ceremony. A pro I gram of music was presented by j the church organist. The bride wore a dress of pink Swiss, brocaded cotton with a | matching hat, and a corsage of : j white albums Mrs. James' Powell of Canton I was matron of honor. She wore a ! dress of blue summer cotton with matching hat, and a corsage of white flowers, James Powell served as best , man Mrs. Carroll, daughter of the late J D, Maekey, was graduated ; from Canton High School and the j A.-heville Beauty Academy. Mr. Carroll was graduated from Canton High School and Wake For est College. Ho is assistant man- ! agcr of the Metropolitan insurance Company in Ashevillr. The couple will he at home in West Terrace Apt* in Ashevil' \ (TUfst.s attending the wedding . from Canton included: Randy Cro gan. F.ddie Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Pat rick Greeley and family. Mr and Mrs. C. S. Owen and daughter, Mr. and Mis Alton Phillips and sons . Mrs. Bill Phillips. Sr., and Mr I and Mrs, 1. A. Coman and son. * * * Births ( New arrivals at the Haywood 1 County Hospital include: A daughter to Mr anil Mrs Ray Robinson of Lake Junnluskn on July 16 - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Wll- c bur Kglcstun of Canton on Julv r A daughter to Mr. and Mrs g Hershel Cogburn of Canton on July 17 v A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Guy 1 Burirett of Canton on July 17. B A daughter to Mr and Mrs. lfar lcy Warltrk of Waynesville on f July 18 v A son to MV and Mrs Floyd Conard of Waynesville on July 18 1 A daughter to Mr. and Mrs T c C. Sheehan of WaVnesville on f July 18. f A son to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Du val I of Canton on July 18. ' Ratcliffe Cove Home Club I Has Meeting j The Ratcliffe Cove Home Dem- * onstration club met Monday night J in the home of Mrs. Hugh Ratcliffe with Mrs Edwin Russell as eo- i hostess Mrs Russell; president, presided and the devotional was given by Mrs. L. E Hlnshaw. x Mrs Jimmic Galloway was a guest and Mrs. E. C. Smith was 1 welcomed as a new member. c Announcements were made of a s contest, "Sewing w ith Cotton Feed s Bags" 5 Members were urged to attend the Craftsmen's Fair in Ashevillc ' this week. Leaders reports were given on Home Gardens by Mrs. Mark Gallo- i way. and Home Beautification by V Mrs. Bramlette Stone. The demonstration on "Built-Ins" , was given by the home agent. Miss Mary Cornwell. q * * * 1 Miss Crouser J Is Honored ( Mrs. David Noland and Miss 1 Billie Kitchen honored Migg Mary Crouser. bride-elect of Harold Met- (? calfe. at - a miscellaneous shower j Monday evening in the home of i f Miss Kitchen. r Mixed flowers were used in ? decorating and a bridal motif was , carried out in the appointments. Informal games were played. ( Around thirty guests were in- s eluded. I ? * * Miss Ray Ballard and Miss Lou- r ise Ballard of Lake Junaluska are 1 spending several days this week at ( Blowing Rock where they are at tending a meeting of the executive board of the Garden Club of North |r Carolina Miss Louise Ballard is vice president of the state club. . ' t bridge instruction and practice fol- j lowed perhaps by informal danc- , ing. as well as reservation for the [ ( youth group of the tennis court one c afternoon a week. Other plans are c expected to come under discus- r sion. Already under way for adults It a series of luncheon bridge par- i ties at noon on Wednesdays. Heser- 1 vat ions may be made by calling J the school, GL 6-6067. j? The center, for the use of all a persons in the area, is being de- f veloped under the sponsorship of J the St. John's Parents Club add the a St John's Book Club. Funds de- I rtved- from it wtH go toward the ? i purchase of desks and other equip- i ment for the new St. John's School. \ MTSS MM.IE JANE SANFORI> of Charlotte is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Sanford of Clyde. Route I, who announce her engagement to John Daley Fields, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fields of Dallas. N. C. The wedding is planned for late fall. (Photo by Sherrill's Studio). 3ecil Club Meets With Mrs. Burnette The Cecil Home Demonstration ; 'lub nu t Wednesday in the home if Mrs .1 E. Burnette with tho ?resident, Mrs Roy Edwards, as , o-hostess The devotional was | [iven by Mrs Roy Edwards Mrs A. M. Rogers of Clarks ?ille, Indiana was a guest. Mrs togers is the daughter of Mrs A. it. Frazior, a member of the club During the business session plans or a workshop on copper tooling vere made for August. A report on Greece, the country >eing studied by tlx1 club, was giv n by Mrs. Burnette. Grecian ookies were served with the re-.j reshments. Project reports were given on fome Gardens by Mrs. W. H. Har [rove and Home Beautification by (Irs A M. Frazlrr. The demonstration on "Built ns" was given by the assistant tome agent. Miss Jean Childers. * * ? Rise Stevens To Present Concert M Biltmore House Once again Biltmore House cill play host to a glamorous lady. Biltmore. the most fabulous irivate residence in America, was hosen by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer tudios last year as the shooting ite for the Grace Kelly film, The (wan. i On August 14, Miss Rise Stev-1 ns. world famous Metropolitan pern star, will give a candlelight j oncert at the mansion. Benefits rom the concerts go to the Bre ard Music Camp. The setting for the Stevens con ert will he the rampe douce in font of the chateau Music will be furnished by the O-piece symphony orchestra from Irevard Music Camp, directed by ames Christian Pfohl. jirls' State Delegates \ttend Auxiliary Meet Biss Betty Liner and Miss Sara Tootsie' Reeves, who represented he American Legion Auxiliary at (iris* State in Greensboro, gave a eport of their trip at a regular neeting of the Auxiliary Tuesday , light. Mrs. Robert Hall presided and > dans were made for a covered dish upper to be held jointly with the .egion Post on August 21. Tate Attends Meeting Party Committee Joe Tate Jr. of Hazelwood has eturned from Raleigh where he ittended a meeting of the State JemOcratic Executive Committee Among items of business were he reelection of John D. Larkin. If. as chairman and the appoint nont of a committee to study the casibility of holding district aucuses the night before state conventions instead of the same norning. Mrs. Lowell B Genebach and ?er small son. Michael, have joined icr other children. Dennis and lean, for a visit with her parents, Jr. and Mrs. Fred Martin. Mr ind Mrs. Genebach recently moved rom West Point to Battle Creek. Jich where Mr Genebach will be .ssociated with his father In the ,'nited Steel artd Wire Company ie has been serving a? Captain n the U. S. Army, stationed at Vest Point. I Date Is Set For Annual Bazaar - Dinner The annual summer bazaar held by the women of Grace Episcopal Church has been set for Tuesday. July 31. The traditional big fried chicken dinner, open to the pub lic. will be given the following evening. Wednesday, August 1, in the Grace Church Parish House. 1'he bazaar will be held this year on Main Street in the'former Hay wood Furniture Store opposite the Haywood County Library. Mrs. Dwight Beaty is chairman of the bazaar and Mrs. Robert Os borne is in charge of the dinner. Bazaar tables with their chair men are as follows: baked goods.5 Mrs. Robert Breese and Mrs. E. M. Rothermel: potted plants, Mrs Roy Campbell and Mrs. Beaty; baby items. Mrs. W. G. Austin and Miss Pearl Harris; aprons. Mrs. J F. Abel and Mrs. G. M. Kimball; household and miscellaneous , (white elephants), Mrs. C F. Kirk-J Patrick and Mrs. Sydie Ray. Those serving on the dinner com mittee with Mrs. Osborne are Mrs. Davis Felmet and Miss Mary Ray. tables; Mrs, Robert Breese, serv ing; and Mrs J. F. Abel, Coffee. Miss Lou Elva Eller. president of the Woman's Auxiliary, is assisting The dinner will be served at two I hours, 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Patrons are asked to make reservations in advance with Mrs. Henry Lee <GL 6-8502). Tickets are $2.00 for adults and $1.00 for children. The menu will include slaw, corn on the cob, aeas. tomatoes, rolls, and desert. Texas had about 10 million visitors in 1955. Good Number By VERA WINSTON v EVER so slim is this sheath of black rayon crepe, a dinner dress that is highly sophisticated yet gently feminine. Perhaps this sartorial paradox is helped by the use of Val lace. The boat neckline is made Interesting with vertical insets of black lac* be tween horizontal bands, forming a pretty and softening yoke affect. The same detail is used effective ly at the hem., Local Girl Scouts Are Members Of i Pioneer Roundup Five Girl Scouts from Waynes ville are member*, of a Pioneer Roundup being held this week at the Ptsgah Girl Scout Camp. They are Elaine Chafin, Amelia Gib son, Carey Howell, Susan Moody, and Ann Owen. Mrs. D. D. Gross of Marshall, formerly of Clyde, is serving as Patrol Counselor for the Waynes- ! ville group. The 131-acre camp site has not been open for camping until this 1 summer. The lake has been pre pared for swimming and boating 1 and there is a well and pump to provide drinking water. There are j no buildings as yet so each of the I five patrols participating in the pioneer roundup will be respon sible for.preparing its own camp area including setting up tents, building fireplaces, tables, and j showers. All meals will be planned and prepared by the separate pa trols. During the five days, July 17-21, the Scouts will sleep in tents, cook out-of-doors, and learn to live in the woods. Miss Nancy Campbeil, execu tive director of the Pisgah Girl Scout Council, is serving as camp director. Mrs. Harold. S. Clark is camp nurse, and Miss Mary Claire Warren is waterfront director. Mrs. Gross is the wife of the Rev. D. D. Gross, former pastor of the Clyde Baptist Church. ? * * Mrs. Hurley Gives Talk At Garden Club Meeting Mrs. James Hurley of Canton was the guest speaker at a regular luncheon meeting of the Primrose Garden Club Tuesday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Ray Moore. Mrs. Hurley's subject was "Basic Principles of Flower Arrange mehts." Mrs. Herbert Slngletary conduct ed the business session during which details were discussed of the flower show to be held in Aug ust. Luncheon was served by the hostesses Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Russ Kibbe * * * Mrs. Wayne Mitchell and her three small sons, Tom, Jess, and Jim, of La Grange are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Crous er, Sr. Miss Mary Crouser, whose mar riage to Harold Metcalfe, Jr., will take place August 4, has honored us with her selections of Silver, China and Crystal. Her patterns are: Silver?"Esplanade" by Towle. China?"Rhodora" by Lenox. Crystal?"Anniversary" by Fos toria. ?also? Everyday China?"April Show ers" by Royal I>oulton. Everyday Crystal?"Century" by Fostoria. They are now on display at KURT GANS, Jeweler Mrs. Rhea And Mrs. Pressley Are Hostesses The Merry Homemakers Home I Demonstration club held its July meeting in the home of Mrs. James Rhea with Mr*. Ray Pressley as j co-hostess. The president, Mrs. Paul Clark. Jr., presided. Mrs. Edward Bell conducted the devo- i lions. ' t I During the business session Mrs. Carl Stjles, health Jeader, reported on a $15.00 donation to the Cancer Fund. The club also planned a radio program for Saturday. July 28. over WW IT. During the recreation period tfie club held an auction sale, proceeds of which go to the club treasury. Project leader reports were given on Home Beautiflcation by Mrs. Paul CLark. Sr., and Crafts by Mrs. Eugene Grcgan and Mrs. Paul Clark. The demonstration on "Built-Ins" was given by Miss Mary Cornwelf. * * * Cannery Schedule Announced for Week The schedule for operation of Haywood County canneries has been announced for next week as follows: The Fines Creek Cannery will be i open Tuesday: the Crabtree Can-; nery. Wednesday < if boiler repair j is completedi; the Bethel Can nery, Thursday; and the Waynes | ville Cannery will be open Tues day and Friday. Each cannery will open at 8 a.m. Mrs. Ferguson Is Hostess For Homemakers The Waynesvillc Homemakers met Tuesday night in the home of Mrs. Milas Ferguson. Mrs. H. O. Champion presided. Mrs. M. T. Bridges, education chairman, announced the schedule for the story hour sponso">ed by the club at the Haywood County library. Mrs. Joe Cathey, craft leader, reported on the Craftsmen's Fair and gave the Garden Report on fall gardening tips. The demonstration on "Bullt Ins"' was given by Miss Mary Corn well, after which refreshments were served. Mrs. Jimmle Williams assisted the hostess. The August meeting will be a family picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bryson with Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Bridges as associ ate hosts. * * * ATTENDING JEWELRY SHOWS Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Gans return ed Wednesday from the China, Silver and Jewelry Show in^tlan ta. They bought merchjf / for their store while attendCy the show. Saturday they leave for the Gift Show in Charlotte. CLEARANCE ON SWIM SUITS THE SMART SHOP Main St. GL 6-8210 I KURT GANS- "The Store of Fine Silver" - ONLY 10 DAYS TO SAVE ON glamorous<^0&e&?vni sterling IN ALL PATTERNS SHOWN^^^ KURT GANS Stort or fill In your set NOW 0*?? . of Gorham Sterling flat sil- Mf* ver at TODAY'S LOW PRICES. Anticipate the wed- v* dings, anniversary and ^<& ^^5^. birthday gifts that must be ' v bought. Higher costs of ^ increase the price of Gor ham Sterling flat silver on All Orders, including mail by Ju,y 30th will be filled ?? of Presen' 'ow Pr'ces? PofHrn prici rfiewn or* #o? a 0/) - tix-pi?ct place-setting; knife, fori, X . cgt <V oj teaspoon, so'od fork, soup spoon, ^ spreoder ond include Federal To*. ' I Buy On Our Budget Plan Pay As Little As $1 Per Week For Each Place Setting No DOWN Payment ? No Carrying Charges TH E STORE ? ^?0 q'a?"ty I ^JEWELER

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