84th Congress Set High Record In Passing Bills WASHINGTON?From the num ber of bills passed, the 84th Con gress set a record. BUSY TWO YEARS There were 2878 bills enacted by the 84th Congress in a busy two years. These measures were sent to the White Hoi.se for approval or veto. Congress was in session for a total of 224 days to grind out this legislation. The record of Congress is always a necessary part of the political hustings. This year promises to be no different. For the next two or three weeks 1 want to discuss briefly parts of this record. NATIONAL DEFENSE As I am a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. I want to begin the discussion with this aspect of the record. There was the extended investigation of the air power of our country, carried on by the Symington Subcommittee' of which I was a member. This re sulted in focusing attention on the lagging development of air power. Subsequently the Congress increas ed appropriations for air power by nearly a billion dollars. Congress was alert to the need for adequate defense. It provided more fui^t than the Administra tion reqt^Bd. On this score it is very difficult to determine exactly | what constitues adequate national defence. My theory is that it is bet ter to have a little more defense than to not have enough. This point of view is substantiated by testi mony from experts who say that our forces must be in being as nuclear warfare will not permit time for a gradual build-up. Here is oi\e of the knotty pioblems of our time. APPROPRIATIONS Congress cut President Eisen hower's requests for money by about $2 billion. Breaking down the appropriations by sessions, the first session's figure was $52 2 bil lion. and the second session's amount was $59.8. Of this amount. $66 5 billion was for national de fense. The $59 8 billion this session does not include the new highway program, a long-range program de signed to meet the present and growing demands by our country. A fertile field awaits a legislator who is dedicated to economy In Gov ernment. With this thought in mind I voted against a number of pro grams designed to obligate the gov ernment to increased spending. As I stated last week, consider ing all features of the 84th Con gress, I am of the opinion that it made a good record. notice of SALE in superior court before tffe clerk NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY MAX O. COGBURN, ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF J. BOONE SENTELLE, DECEASED, i vs. R. E SENTELLE and wife, ann J. SENTELLE. JOHN e sen TELLE, Widower, IOLA sen TELLE Mcelroy, widow, jen NIE MAE SENTELLE boone and husband, WILL K. boone. PAUL INE SENTELLE goodson and husband. J E. goodson, harry SENTELLE, and wife, freddy INGLE SENTELLE, WILEY sen TELLE BALDWIN and husband, G. P. BALDWIN. GORDON SEN TELLE and wife, LOUISE CAGLE SENTELLE. LYNF.TTE SEN-: TELLE MORGAN and husband. T G MORGAN, HORACE N SEN TELLE. JR and wife. MAUDE RAY SENTELLE, LENIVER SEN TELLE LONG and husband, LEO LONG, JACK SENTELLE. Unmar ried, MARIE LITTLE SENTELLE, Unmarried. JUDITH SENTELLE LONG and husband. TOMMIE LONG, Being all the Heirs at Law of H. N. SENTELLE, Deceased, and WILLIAM C. SHEPHERD and wife, LINN1E MAE SHEPHERD, FLORENCE MATTINGLy and husband, EDWARD T MATTING LY. FRANK S. SHEPHERD, Un married, MARGARET C. LONEY and husband, GEORGE LONEY, ROBERT R. SHEPHERD and wife, SENA C. SHEPHERD, LAVONIA A CLUGSTON and husband, HAR RY P. CLUGSTON, ANNIE ROWE and husband, CHARLES J, ROWE. Being all the Heirs at Law of LA VONIA SENTELLE SHEPHERD GREEN, Deceased, and AZALIE ROGERS HANDY and husband. ALBERT HANDY, MAE ROGERS PADDEN and husband, FRANK PADDEN, PEARL ROGERS CAR EL. Unmarried, FRANK ROGERS and wife. MRS. FRANK ROGERS. HILDA ROGERS VOSBURG and husband. ALAN VOSBURG. RICH ARD V. ROGERS and wife, MRS RICHARD V. ROGERS. Being all the Heirs at Law of ELIZABETH SENTELLE ROGERS, Deceased, and L. GWYN SENTELLE and Wife, MRS. L. GWYN SENTELLE. and ALL OTHER PERSONS BY WHATEVER NAMES THEY MAY BE CALLED, OR WHEREVER THEY MAY RESIDE. CLAIMING ANY RIGHT. TITLE. INTEREST OR PROPERTY IN THE ESTATE OF J. BOONE SENTELLE, De ceased. Under, pursuant to and by vir tue of an order dated June 26th. 1956, and an order dated July 20th. 1956. both of the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Caro lina, in that certain special pro ceeding entitled as above, the same being No. 980 upon the special proceeding docket of said court, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 25th day of August, 1956. at 11:00 o'clock A. M. at the courthouse door of Haywood Coun ty, in Waynesville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, or terms to be agreed upon, those two certain tracts of land lying and being in Haywood County. North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows, to wit FIRST TRACT, nrcivvrvc ?? _ - . ... .V- ? . 1*1 a stake in the center of the old State Highway No. 284, C. E. Ed ward's corner and runs with the center of said Highway S. 69" 30' E 88 feet: S. 88? 30' E 276 feet; N. 67? 30' E 364 feet; N. 71? 15' E 165 feet: thence N. 13? 30' W 24 feet to a black gum on North side of said road; thence N. 76? 30' E. 132 feet to a stake: thence N 21? E. 82 feet, crossing the new State Highway to a stake; thence N. 63 30' E 258 feet to a stake, a known corner; thence N. 30? 30' W. to and with the farm road on Eastern side thereof 98 feet to a stake in Eastern margin of . said road: thence with said margin N. 71? 30' W 100 feet; N. 68? 30' W 150 feet: thence N. 21? W. 240 feet; N. 53? W. 100 feet; N. 10? W. 100 feet; N 51? W. 220 feet; N. 32? 30' E 590 feet to a stake on the East side of said road; thence S 62? 30' E. 382 feet to ? poplar. Russell's corner; thence North 1122 feet to a stake. Russell, Sentelle and Tate old corner; thence N. 8? E 1610 feet to a stake in a field; thence S. 83? W 1579 5 feet to an oak stump. Ratcliff corner; thence S 58? 15' W. 998 feet to a chest nut oak on top of a high knob, known as Gaddy Field Knob. Ed ward. Sentelle Underwood and Mc cracken corner; thence S. 8? W. 1191 feet to a stump, old Kilby corner and Edward. Kilby. Mc Cracken and Sentelle corner: 'hence S. 76? 15' E. 1386 feet to a white oak just below the farm road cn South side thereof; thence S. '2? W. 750.7 feet to a stake: thence S 25? W 123 feet to a rock; thence S 4? W. 231 feet to a stake; thence S 45? W. 302 feet to a Spanish oak. Edward's corner; thence S. 5? 80' W 495 feet, crossing the new "tate Hiehway No 276 to the BE GINNING. containing 148 63 acres, more or less, as per Map and Sur vey of Nathan Rogers, Surveyor, made April 9. 1956. EXCEPTING 11.52 acres sold to C. A. George in Lizzie Rogers Estate Sale. BEING lands conveyed to J. Boone Sentelle by deeds recorded In Books and Pages as follows: Book 65 page 272. known as the Tate lands; Book 153, page 19: Book 162. page 219. SUBJECT to the right of way of State Highway No. 276 and the old State Highway No 284 sreovn td ?i-? ?? ?mnvi; nt,Vi I IN IN ING if a fence post, agreed upon corner bv and between Rufus Russell, Iola ' McElroy and J. B Sentelle. and mns with said Russell line S 81* 10' E. 627 feet to a fence post; In |'he Penland line; thence with said Penland line S. 11* E 551 feet to a fence post in the Hardin line; ?hence with said Harden line N. 85" W. 748 feet to a fence post; ?hence N. 1* 30' E 563 feet to the BEGINNING, containing 8 32 acres, as per survey on Map of Nathan Rogers, made June 12. 1952. This tract is in Pigeon Township, Hay wood County, N. C. BEING part of the lands con veyed to J. Boone Sentelle by J. E. Sentelle and wife. Mamie Sentelle, by deed dated May 16, 1911, re corded in Book 29. page 569, Hay wood County Registry. SUBJECT to the new State High way No. 276 Right of Way running through the Northern portion of said tract. Said tracts of land will be sold both jointly and separately and the highest bid will be accepted. A 5% deposit will be required of the highest bid or bidders and if not made at close of sale the property will be immediately sold again. This the 20th day of July. 1956 MAX O COOBURN Commissioner 2679?A 2-9-16-23 ALL IN FAVOR j OF GOOD FOOD fefljfei ? 1 ?*te i .->_'9^:.iSv ^ggMRpPt wnvnRVinnHHnmMH^ iTTjrfJBflvMllTT/l ilrrl imSLiim JiItiniiiiMiV'nBi ^ ALL CUTS tT. S. CHOICE '? ^ '^xns) MSa BABY BEEF FRYERS si? ; POEKCHOPS 63=lb 49'" gffl&SS I Bradley's Pure 1 PORK SAUSAGE . . . . . . 32c lb I New SWEET POTATOES 2 lbs 2 5C APPLES 1 Qc lb BANANAS 2 lbs 25c FULL LINE CANNING SUPPLIES AT LOW PRICES! White House VINEGAR 69c Gl. i Gal. 39c Qt. 23c Pint 13c White Leaf or Lay's PURE LARD 4 lbs 69c 3 lbs JEWEL 69c 3 lbs SCOCO 69c 3 lbs HAWK 69c ORANGE JUICE 6-oz Can 18c mnn TANGERINE JUICE.... 6-oz Can 18c LEMONADE 6-oz Can 16c Seapak Breaded Fantail SHRIMP . 10-oz Pkg 39c l Uiant Economy TIDE 75c Reg. Size 31c Med. Size 14c DRUGS AND NOTIONS White or Blue SCOT TISSUE 2 for 25c Diamond Brand Blue Ribbon NAPKINS 2 Boxes 25c Brach's & Meador's Fine Candies ENSLEY'S SUPERETTE WAYNESVILLE*S NEWEST AND MOST MODERN GROCERY HEADQl ARTERS PIGEON STREET EASY AND AMPLE PARKING I i ? I ? ???"^SBSS\ A Copy Was Mailed To You.. . The \ Green Stamp IfeLlPRi Catalogue... IK Dixie-Home has a limited supply of the new, S. & H Mercandise Catalog. ^HflPPPPiP^^n If for any reason you did not receive one of these beautiful catalogs through ^ U the mail, stop in at your friendly Dixie-Home and get a copy from one of the <\ _2v??" H courteous Cashiers. This catalog is a unique pictorial review showing many V 1. ffif H of the finer Free Gifts, made by the Nations best known manufacturers. To \ \ ?-* day over 20 million women ... 4 out of 5 who save stamps . . . save S. & H. > 9 Begin Saving Double Today. Mayonnaise EjBEfSfc DUKES RQc Home Made Jar K^HEEDI^EE^S ^/j^k Iowa! 0^1 Morton's Cherry, Peach and Apple m 7 | IV WW ^ol ^V Ji m PIES 4??99'?... c ?3c Fresh Frozen Sea Pack rlrsTwull Bottle ? ? . 1 SIS 5 : 99c 4 ?, 99c liM \J U Libby's Limeade or Libby's Tiny I^SiliL LEMON. 7 6-oz. QQ BABY J 10-oz. QQ ^ || ^-Ji ADE I Cans WC LIMAS Pkgs. 5J3U Plump, Tender, Stewing 4Bff^^HyQ J HENS 33c?^ Borden's Plain or Buttermilk Lay's Cloverleaf Pure iisc.it.. . - 10c PORK SAUSAGE. . S 21c Economical Sp.ced Mickleberry's All Meat UMhM Meat... m FRANKFURTERS, .?. 39c rresn asry Full Flavored Sliced *"'.1 PORK LIVER .... -19c .. ? a i ? il, ap Palmetto Farm Gelatine Palmetto Farm Pimiento Med. Croakers 2o?,r25c Sa|ads . '" 25c Cheese . ??31c King Mackerel Palmetto Farm Pot Pies Mickleberry's Sliced Fresh Steaks lb 39c Chicken Pies '.I,.1 23c Bologna ?, 39c Thrifty Maid Tender Dixie-Home SWEET PEAS 2 N?d3 29c PEACH HALVES 2"- 55c Playmates Sweet Mixa pickles r as. mlfl a'rrow 2s-49c MIX VEGETABLES N?aT19c - ^ CHILI SAUCE r* 35c MIXES a s .2"- 49c Welch s Tasty STARKIST TUNA c 31c GRAPE JUICE . . . 39c ? -i-u.'j.B-iLP-T-ni-nFREE! FREE! ^ppnr l o m Tender Home Grown Small /I Cukes- 5c/^y Fa^ountain Gown Pol. 1 Palr Fr?? ? ? ? Wlth th? A p| Purchase of 2 Pair: Beans 2? 25' 2pr* 3mT e% *p, 2pr.--'$1.78 Okru 2-25 2Pr- = Chicken Chop Suey Puss 'N Boots Superfine Whole White New Detergent La CHOY CAT FOOD ONIONS A D N*cT 65c 6 ?*. 55c 2 e*? 33c 39c Toilet Soap Fast Action Cleanser Krey's Gravy With It's Digestible OCTAGON AJAX SLICED PORK CRISCO 3 ? 23c 3 38c 'ffr 47c | 3<? 95c i ,

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