U.S. Marine Band Plans Tour Soon ? (EDITOR'S NOTE?Th* color ful U.S. Marine band hat. made meyeral appearances at Ashr vtlle's City Auditorium, and raeh time has attracted a large con tingent of mrmbrrs from WaynesviUe High School'* hand.) By JANE EADS WASHINGTON The U S Ma rine Band has cone lulled this sum mer* performance* in the series 8 years a^o anil is about to take to the road I", a niht-wee t tour Itatt will tskc it to 03 town. over the country Hall ol the lOO-mem be i band will remain in the capital, on call for otlicial and mililaty (unction* such as the colorful sunset parades at the Marine Barracks, review*, ceremonies and funerals, as well as functions ai the While House. During renin summer* thous ands have sail red to hear the concert* twice weekly at the Water Kate on the bank* ot the Potomac and on the steps ol the Capitol, where 150 years ago, before the then unfinished Hall <>! Congress.! the first little moup- a fife and drum corps played under the direction ol Drum .Major William Farr. Fair brought the group here when the capital moved from Philadelphia. Drum Major Farr was an enlist ed man, and all subsequent lead ers have come from the ranks of the band, although in recent years they have b?vn officers. Last July j the director of the band and two assistant directors were made com missioned officer* by law. The current director, ("apt. Al bert Schoepper, will go up in rank to Lt. Colonel |h> two assistant' directors. Warrant Officer Dale HarpImm. and another wl?Q has not ' yet been appointed will become Urst lieutenant* and may rise to be captain* The upcoming tour, to run through November 17, will lie the baud's 85th. The first in 1891, was inaugur ated by the world famous "March King'' himself. John l'hillp Sousa Some 2H per cent of tlie fabric used In the United States Is made of man-made fibers. NEW HANDICRAFT ROOM at Prison Camp I till at llazeltvood was shown Thursday afternoon liy the ? jmp superintendent.'Capt. Jerry Rogers (left), lu Col. II I . Ilailey. state direelor of pris on*. The handicraft program is part of the state's rehabilitation program designed to lit inmates for a useful life when they leave prison. YOU FIND AT RAY S f 22~" v^v' \V. .. . V H ? I ? B I H I 1H ? i II i ? ^Mk ? I ? STYLED FOR SCHOOL and CAMPUS $595 TO $895 WE FEATURE BLACK SHOES WE FEATURE 2 s TO 6 BOYS' OXFORDS THAT WILL PLEASE YOU Tops In School Shoes A Congressman's Tips On Good Letter Writing I I i : : : :?? By JANE EADS WASHINGTON?If you feel the urge to write to your congressman, make your letter brief. Confine yourself to one .subject. Write legi bly. Letters which follow these rules are the ones that get the most at tention, according to Democratic ltep. Edgar VV". Ileistand of Cali fornia. who gives some handy tips on Writing to congress in "Roll Call," the newspaper of Capitol llill. "Letters that run for four or five pages aren't apt to be read thor oughly." the congressman says. "We received one that rambled on i for eight pages, covering every subject from the Bible to the hy drogen bomb At the end the writ er added a P.S.: 'Please disregard what I've said in this letter. After re-reading it i've changed my mind about certain points, but after writ- j Ing it I didn't want to throw it away'." But. the congressman hastens to add: "This doe: n't mean you should write as briefly as the unsigned writer who sent in only two words on the hack of a postcard; 'Drop dead'." Hep. Iliestand says one of the joys of a congressman is his daily mail. "With it lie takes the daily pulse of his district," he explains. "From it he learns what his neighbors 1 want?and why. Mail guides but riot always determines a congress man's vote on the close issues. A congressman's job is to speak FOR 1 the district, and when the people ' speak strongly he does not ignore j their voice." Operating one of the busiest post offices in the nation, the House I Office Building receives five mail deliveries a day. There are less frequent deliveries on Sundays and holidays, too Someone figured out. Hep Hie- j stand says, that the average con- > gressman gels about 545 pieces of mail a day, an increase of almost 10 per cent from a ysr ago. "Most of the i*iters are compli- i mentary," he says. "Practically all of them are respectful, even though the writers may disagree violent ly with the opinions expressed publicly by the congressman. This would indicate to me a public con fidence in the representative sys tem of government despite the varying personal opinions held by the constituents of their individual congressmen." Another bit of advice; "People I should, whenever possible, print their names and addresses so that i the letters may be answered. It isn't necessary to type. Abuse j doesn't pay. The old axiom still s holds that you can catch more flics willi honey than vinegar. And if you want attention, don't write anonymously." IfTsivi'" ^ ~ ?"! I UZJEAR A10AW- WOULD >OU OB "UP A TPEE* ?F NtX> VJCRE MANAGER OF A SROrflCil OFFICE ? SYWA CWOgONiMK NORTHAMPTON, W. [^EAR AlOAW- ARE ^EtLY CANCERS EXPERTS AT MAMAL MANEUVERS ? ?Joe WARR . . reeao feark M.V. fiMO *u* ^JWf M*77OA) Tm AJcuut Ou**sM * to| *???**> ^ . Haywood Baptist Unit To Meet Monday Night The Executive Committee of the Haywood Baptist Association will meet in a special session at the Calvary Baptist Church in Canton, Monday, September 17 at 7:00 p.m. Every pastor and lay member are urged to be present. U. S. cars and trucks being scrapped today average 13.8 years in age No More Thievery MEMPHIS 30 Willis Smith 10:4 *:00 W. Plemmons ..... 11:15-11:30 Ollie Mack 11:45-12:15 Wallace Massey 12:45- 1:00 Friday, Sept. 21 BALSAM ROAD-ALLENS CREEK Allan Hyatt 8:45- 9:00 Barber's Orchard 9:15- 9:40 Queen's Store 9:45-10:00 Mrs. Oscar Arrington ... 10:15-10:30 Kay Allen 10:45-11:00 Bill Ferguson 11:15-11:30 Aliens Creek School .11:45-12:00 E. K. Chambers 12:15-12:30 Paul Browning 12:45- 1:00 Italph Rathbone 1:15-1:30 Toronto is the only Canadian city which has a subway. X:'tfS Bonanza time atBoick Dealers' -And Smart Ms \ , am buyinglour W ^ M A ^ w 6& Bv'iCk CCNTWY 6-Possenger 4-Door Riviera rriiifcKE nl;\ lh w as a better time to I. start enjoying a gorgeous new Buiek. 'lake today's 56 Buiek prices. They re not nuieh higher than those of the smaller ears. Frankly, w ho can tell if they'll ever be as low again? Take trade-in allowances. It's a fact that a volume dealer can afford to give, you the benefit of any doubt. Its another fact that the beautiful '56 Buiek is more strongly than ever in Americas top three best sellers. You can draw your own conclusions. Take the season of the year. Ask your self?isn't it time to turn your present ear out to pasture before its excellent value today goes down, down, down? Aliove all, consider all you get in a big, re >111 y, solidly built '56 Buick. The pride of I wing years ahead, today. Advanced styling, advanced power, advanced ride, advanced everything. And best ol all. you get wonderful new advanced Variable Fitch Dynaflow*? with a double helping of take-off and a sweet new kind of control. So doesn't it all add up to a real bonanza of value? Drop in and we'll prove it does. And hurry ?the sooner, the smarter! *Scw Ashamed Variable Pitch Dt/iuiflinv is the ouly Ihjnafkhe Buick build's today. It is standard on lb>admaster. Super and Century?optional at modest extra east on the S/m rial. 1 P.8. We have some espe Q cially good buys right now 4t'C ?? ^ on the high-powered Century f. rift ond the extra-spacious Super. QrQ&f ? ?? Better 'em real to boy a 1 * will wiidwwl-^ ^ Bonanza ^ ? Trade-in Allowance ? because your present car is at its peak value right now. And because?with Buick so solidly set as America's No. 3 Best Seller?our bigger sales volume permits us to make you an even better trade-in allowance. Bonanza Buy Buick prices start right next to those of the smaller cars. But those Buick dollars buy you a whale of a lot more automobile ? more room, more power thrill, more styling freshness, more ride stability, more solidity of structure?the Best Buick Yet. Bonanza Resale A Buick always resells high. But the '56 Buick will bring you even more money when you trade it because it carries today's new Variable Pitch Dynaflow.* It's the most advanced transmission -j yet developed?and the only one that breaks with I the past to bring you the switch-pitch performance I and gas savings of the modern plane's variable j pitch propellers. * * SEE JACKIE GlEASON ON TV E?*rv SaivnJav ????.?? TAYLOR MOTOR COMPANY DIAL GL 6-3591 FRANCHISER DEALER LICENSE NO. 982 HAYWOOD STREET