namvmrnammm m WANT AD RATES This size type. tM? per word. Minimum 50c. Want ads repeated at two cents per word rate, mini mum 40c. This size type, 3 cents per word, minimum charge 60 cents. This size type, 50c per column inch. Advertisements will be published according to desired schedule without extra charge. F.rrors in advertisements should be reported imntfdiately. The Mountaineer will not be re sponsible for more than one incorrect Insertion. ALL ADVERTISEMENTS ARE CASH IN ADVANCE. Cash must accompany orders sent by mail. Want ads must be in office be fore 10:30 a.m. on day before publish* to guarantee to be in s^^id section. When you wish to insert a want ad Dial GL 6-5301. Special Notices LENNOX FURNACES?Free estimates. No down pay ments. Three years to pay. Automatic Heating Com pany. GL 6-5291 pany. GL 6-5291. A 12 tf FOR MONUMENTS see Haywood Monument Co., next to Farmers Exchange on Asheville Road. H. B. Angel, manager. Dial GL 6 5191. tf FOR ODORLESS sanitary septic tank cleaning, call Canton 3274. Hinkle Plumbing Co. J 19-tf FUEL OIL ? Call Lee Oil Co. for prompt delivery of Super Refined Cities Ser vice Fuel Oil and Kerosene. Next to Le Faine Hotel. Phone GL 6-3091. N 17 tf DOGS BOARDED: Separate sleeping quarters with outside runs. Weekly rates. Ox Ear Cove Kennell, GL 6-5141. Feb 23-tf ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS ? meets every Thursday 8 p.m., Grace Episcopal Church Parish House. Write A. A., c/o Grace Church, 108 South Haywood, Waynesville. Jn 28-tf MRS. W. B. NOLAND, Rt. 4. Waynesville, has two tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Moun taineer office. ASC ORDERS FILLED ? Rye, Oats, Barley, Vetch, Winter Peas, Fescue, Orchard Grass and Ladino Clover ? 2-12-12 Fertilizer and Lime. See us first . . . Parton's Feed Store, Depot Street, Waynesville. A 30 tf NOTICE McElroy Taxi has changed to new location behind GunnV Corner on Church St. in th' Waynesville Taxi Servic lot. appreciate vou busilK Dial GL 6-5120. A 30 t< $2.00 HOURLY possible doing Ugh assembly work at home. Experi ence unnecessary. CROWN Ir dustries, 8507-Y West Third, Lo Angeles, 48, Calif. The surface of the Dead Sea : 1,286 feet below the level of th Mediterranean Sea. FRIGID AIRE APPLIANCES MARTIN ELECTRIC CO. GL 6-3341 Main St HOSPITAL BILLS DON'T WORRY Mi r- JMlf I'M PROTECTED BY BLUE CROSS / ? ARE YOU? wr m uu for rwu otm? Rrprftrnttttn WAYNE ROGERS Lake Janaloaka. n. C. Phone: GLendale Mill ??????mmm________ For Bent FOR RENT?Two room furnished apartment. Private bath Adults only. Call GL 6-8165. Jy 26-tf FOR RENT ? Offices with steam heat, hot and cold water. Main Street. Phone GL 6-6823. A 6-tf FIVE-ROOM GARAGE APART MENT FOR RENT?Furnished or unfurnished. Call GL 6-3928. S 10-tf FOR RENT?Six rooms and bath, over store building at Five Points in Hazelwood, after Sept. 17. $40.00. Call 6-5291. S 13-tf FOR RENT?Apartment ? Three rooms, shower bath, steam heat, hot water, new paint. Main Street near bank. Phone GL 6-6823, S 17-tf FOR RENT?House trailer ? Two rooms. Located at Five Points and Balsam Highway. Waynes ville. By day?week or month Call 6-9193 or contact Joe Mil ner at Joe's Cafe Balsam High way. ' , S 17-20 FOR RENT?Second floor furnish ed apartment in center of town Private bath. Oil heat. Holiday House, 114 Welch St. S 17-20-24-27 MRS. JAMES MURRAY, Waynes ville, has two tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Mountain eer office. FOR RENT?Three room cottage located on South Main St. Kitch en furnished. Tel. GL 6-3685. S 20-tf Professional Services ? PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING, voicing and repairing. Paul Shep herd, Canton, N. C. Tel. 5123. S 14-tf FOR RENT?Two bedroom house in City limits. Call GL 6-8131 days?6-6584 nights. S 20-24 ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Charity Cham bers, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having ;?l*?ms against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Wavnesville, North Carolina, on or before the 15th day of August. 1957 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate wil' please make immediate payment. This the 15th day of Augusi 1956. Grover C. Davis, Administrator of the Estate e' Charity Chambers, deceased. 2688?A 16-23-30 S 6-13-20 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor r the estate of J. H. McDonnell, d' ceased, late of Haywood Count North Carolina, this is to noti' all persons having claims again the estate of said deceased to e" hibit them to the undersigned - Waynesville, North Carolina, on r before the 23rd day of Augu '957 or this notice will be plead' n bar of their recovery. All pc ons indebted to said estate w' -lease make immediate pavmen* This the 23rd day of Augu 956. Wm, Medford, Executor of the Estate of J. H. McDonnell, deceased. 691?A 23-30 S 6-13-20-27 >OOOf For Top Quality Buy MAYO'S SEEDS AND BLUE RIDGE PLANT FOOD FROM Haywood County Farmers Co-op, lac. H. M. Dulin, Hp. Depot St. GL 8-8621 Wanted I II Ml I WAN TO) TO RENT ? Unfurnish ed bouse wuh two or throe bed room." within city limit . of Waynesville. Call Sylva, 208-J. Roy Tyler. Car. furnish refer ences. A 30 S 3-6-10-18-17-20-24 SALESMEN WANTED?Just be eome available, established Raw leifh Business in South Hay wood County. Many thousands of dollars sold there. 1 sell in ad joining Locality. Will help you. See J. C. Jifoore, Box 495, Hazel wood or write W. T. Rawlelgh Co. Dept NC 1-581-672. Rich mond, Va. S 3-19-17-24 t WANTED: Ride into Ashe ville daily. Share expenses or pay fare. Call GL 6-8626. S 6 tf WE NEED YOUR OLD RETREADABLE TIRE!! Do yon need new tires? Do you have a couple of retreadable cas ings lying around your house? Bring them in. We are giving tor trade in values or cash for your tire. We need them before winter for snow retreads. CHARLIE'S TEXACO SERVICE. Phone OL 6 8971. S 10-tf WANTED: Boys over 14 to set pins. Apply at Waynes ville Bowling Center. S 17 tf Some super markets are now carrying a unique type of canned goods. They are canned long-play ing hi-fi records of Tschaikowsky and Beethoven music. administratrix; notice HAYWOOD COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of George M. Craig, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at P. O. Box 714, Waynesville. North Carolina, on or before the 20th day of August, 1057, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate, payment. This the 17th day of August, 1956. RUTH I. CRAIG Administratrix of the Estate of George M. Craig, deceased. 7689?A 23-30 S 6-13-20-27 ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE ?"orth carolina haywood county The undersigned, havine quali **?<! as Administratrix of the Estate -?f Jeffrie D Freeman, deceased. '?>te of Waynesville. North Caro "'na. this is to notify all persons '-??vine claims aeainst said estate ' - file the same, duly certified with -M Administratrix in Wavnesville. *-?-th Carolina, on or before the ^h dav of Aumst 1957. or this -?lee will be Dleaded in bar of re -verv thereon All persons indebt * to said estate are reauested to "Ve immediate payment to the -?Vrsicned. Tile 2fith dav of Aueust, 1958. Hatsie R Freeman, Administratrix of the Estate of Jeffrie D Freeman. '94?A 90 S 6-13-20-27 O 4 CARD OF THANKS We wish to evnress our sincere ??"ks for the exnression of svm ?bv and deeds of kindness dor 's the illness and death of Mrs 'onard Farmer. The Games and Farmer Family. Sept. 20 EXECUTRIX NOTICE" Havina qualified as Executrix o* ?? estate of W H. Nelson, de 'Soed. late of Haywood Countv "nrth Carolina, this is to notify '1 persons havine claims aeain** estate of said deceased to ex 'hlt them to the ur.dersiened ?? "?vnesville. North Carolina on o' ??fore th*? 12th day of Seotember o*>7 or this notice will be nlead ?d in bar of their recovery. All per ">ns indebted to said estate wtli '??se make Immediate navment This the Hth day of September ?956. alma nelson. Executrix of the Estate of W H Nelson, deceased. s 13-20-27 o 4-11-18 *>? ' i ?' ? r , at. ? h . m* FOR SALE Will trade New 3 bedroom home for good 2 bedroom honse trailer 1954 or later model. LINER Real Estate & Insurance Co. REALTORS 181 Main St. Waynes*!!]* GL 6-8381 For Sale reR SALE: Motorist*: Tour All state Insurance Company a grot la Waynesvtllo Invites you to compare Allstate'* features, ad vantages and low rates with any ether auto Insurance! Get de pendable Allstate auto Insur ance today. See or phone ftob Brannon, your Haywood County Allstate agent Just a block down from the Courthouse la Waynesville, located at 317 De pot St Phone GL 6-5612. Jn SO-tf FOR SALE: Lots, and small farms. County Home, Rat eliffe Cove, and Health Center. Maggie, Hillside Terrace, Balsam Road. Chrest George, 6-5424. A 16 tf FOR SALE?Well equipped beauty shop in good location. Must sell due to health. Phone GL 6-3654. A 9 tf ?OR SALE?Used Watches. Com pletely reconditioned. Fully guaranteed. From $8.00 up. Kurt Cans, Jeweler, 207 Main St' A 5-tf MRS. P. C, Mann, Clyde, has two tickets for. the Strand Theatre at the Mountaineer pfTiee. WE BUY AND SELL Milk Cows ? We buy cattle for bwf. Call, Jones Market, GL 6-8371. GL 6-| 8503. F 23-tf TF YOU NEED A HOME, we have it. We have 2. 3 and 4 bedroom houses, some new, some old. Located inside or outside Waynesville. The L. N. Davis Co. | Phone 6-3501. Jy 26-tf FOR SALE?Four room house, lo cated in Grandview. Furnace heat. Hardwood floors. Call 6 8558 after 3 p.m. A 30-tf FOR SALE?Income property ? Four large furnished apartments, centrally located, in a quiet resi dential area. Easv terms. Apply Apt. 1, 114 Welch St. S 17-0 18 FOR SALE?An Unright Piano in good condition. Price $50.00. C. L. Vaushan. Lake Junaluska. Phone GL 5912. Sept. 2" FOR SALE ? Several thousand bales CLOVER, OAT. ALFALFA HAY. Thomas Alexander. Phone Canton 7900 evenings. Sept. 20, 24. 2t - FOR SALE?Delicious hom? cured country hams. Hugh J. Sloan, Tel. GL 6-8fir,9. , A 20 tt FOR SALE?Several acres of Inn'' Beautiful view. Ideal for sum mer homes. If interested. e?" GL 6-8728. S 6-13-20-?" FOR SALE OR TRADE?Six roo house with oil furnace and nlnj> paneling. Available immediatelv Call 6-8060 or 6-8947 at night. S 10-*' The world's smallest republic s?n Marino, was founded 16 cen ?tiries ago. FOR SALE or RENT Attractive panelled house on Breezemont Drive. Country Club section, con sisting of 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, and maid's room ? Beautiful lot, <160 x 100 ? Excellent view. APPLY J Kilpatrick ? Felmet GL 6-3631 Main St. WaynesviDe ' " ? i r" - ?? I THE OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY i JUST AS I THOUGHT- - HM-M? \ ^ CVWtVUO?K ?C1?OSSWO?PUS/ ? MtAP40"HlSTMftfte- /"m# S leTTSK-VXMD Bf*AIM fS (|| { coulcWt takb tmosb \ IftJL II jSIX-t-gTTeg WOBOS 9m mmmm? ? gSgrcgs'" Woman U. S. Meat Inspector Relates Her Unusual Career | By JANE EADR WASHINGTON?Mrs. Ruby L. Cctham, recently retired after more than 37 years as one of the federal government's few women meat inspectors, says her unglam orot?s but absorbing job brought her into contact with every known hog product except the squeal. The doughty and genial Ala baina-born IVlrs. Cotham, now liv ing here wih her brother, a gov ernment accountant, and his wife, began her career on the killing floor at the East St. Louis, 111., stockyards in October 1918. "It was a horrible job but use ful, and I needed work," she said, "I kept learning and studying and finally was sent to New Orleans, where I got off killing and into sausage, lard and shortening. Just before I retired I got into fried pork skins " There was nothing agreeable about all this, Mrs. Cotham con cedes. Her work outfit consisted of slacks, a white frock, hat and shoes spotlessly clean, and no nail oolish. It was hard physical work, she said, but gratifying. "Federal meat inspectors pro 'ect the public, honey," she ex ! Plained. "We never let anything I get out of the house I wouldn't "at myself with relish." For 12 years, Mrs. Cotham work ed in a New Orleans lard refinery Inspecting oils in shortening and compounds. "I had to climb up into the tank cars to sample every thing to see if it was sound and wholesome before letting it be un loaded and packaged into pure lard." she recalled. "I smelled and tasted and sent samples to the laboratory. After a while I Rot so I could almost look at it and tell whether it was good or bad." After World War 1, Mrs. Cotham was the only woman employed by the meat inspection branch of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, although several were hired dur ing World War II and today there are two or three women veter inarians in the service. Up until her retirement. Mrs. Cotham took busiman's holidays. vis/tinR meat packing houses. Now she likes baseball better than any thing. "I want to see the Wash ington Nats do something this year,** she said. "I've been holler ing my head off for ttiem." Bookmobile Schedule Friday, Sept. 21 tALSAM ROAD-ALLEN'S CREEK Mian Hyatt 8:45- 9:00 barber's Orchard 9.15- 9:40 ">ueen's Store 9:45-10:00 Mrs. Oscar Afrington 10:15-10:30 Kay Allen 10:45-11:00 ?*111 Ferguson _... 11:15-11:30 Miens Creek School 11:45-12:00 ?\ K. Chambers 12:15-12:30 0aul Browning 12:45- l:0O "alph Rathbone 1. 1:15- 1:30 ? - ? Monday, Sept. 24 BEAVERDAM-HOMlNY E. Burch 8:45- 9 00 Billy Haney 9:15- 9:30 Mrs. T. G. Murray 9:45-10:00 tunior Haney 10:15-10:30 G. E. fiarnett 10:45-11:00 Glenn Phillips 11:15-11:30 Tack Mason 11:45-12:00 Ed Queen 12:15-12:30 Mrs. Will Cole 12:45- 1:00 Tuesday. Sent. 25 MORNING STAR-WEST CANTON Quay Smathers 8:45- 9:00 Tack Chambers 9:15- 9:30 Wilson's Store 9:45-10.00 Etnley Cook 10:15-10:30 S. L. Rhodarmer . 10:45-11:00 B. M. Stamey 11:15-11:30 Smathers Dairy 11:45-12:00 Watt's Store 12:30-12:45 Cromer Crisp ...... 1:00- 1:30 KILPATRICK-FELMET AUTO INSURANCE ? The Best ? DIAL GL 4M31 CUSTOM-BUILT We Km A Wide h Variety of Fabrics Inctadinf 7 ? FIBKR ? NYLON ? PLASTIC AND INSTALLED $18.00 to $39.50 COMPLETE AUTO UPH0L8TERING Headliners ? Door Panolo ? Floor Mata HUB'S TRIM SHOP Dial GL 6-8640 HUB RUFF WayiKOrflle IT WILL BE OPEN BETWEEN SEPT. 15 AND 20. WE WILL HAVE BOOM FOR 2,000 TO 3.000 BUSHELS. THE CHARGE WILL BE 40c PER BUSHEL UP TO APRIL 15 TO MAY 1. WE ARE LOCATED ABOUT 16 MILES WEST OF WAYNES V1LLE. FOR REFERENCES SEE CHARLES E. RAY'S SONS. WHO HAVE HAD APPLES WITH US TWO SEASONS. THAD C. BRYSON & SON Growers of MTN. COVE APPLES HOUSES FOR SALE We have a wonderful buy in beautiful Maccie Valley consisting of an ideal home with 3 bedrooms. LET US SHOW YOU A HOUSE .,. JUST GIVE US A RING ANYTIME ? DAY OR NIGHT! LET US BUILD YOUR DREAM HOUSE FOR YOtJ! NOTICE APPLE GROWERS WE HAVE A NEW COLD STORAGE HOUSE WHICH HOLDS 9,000 BUSHELS. AND ne wui DU11Q tnjr hiuq oi nowc you want at the lowest possible cost to you. SKYLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY GL 6-3501 or GL 6-3181 Dick BntOey, Hi COM iad Paul Davis ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Having qualified as administrator >1' the estate of John E. Sentelie It-ceased, late of Haywood County. 4orth Carolina, this is to notify ill persons having claims against j he estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at toute 3, Waynesville, N. C., on or Jofore the 13th day of Sept. 1957 >r this notice will be pleaded in lar of their recovery. All persons ndebted to said estate will please ?nake immediate payment. This the 13th day of Sept. 1956. I L G. SENTELLE. Administrator of the Estate of John E. Sentelie, de- 1 ceased. No. 2700?Sept. 13, 20, 27. Oct. 4. 11, 18. For All Your Needs In INSURANCE CONTACT THE L. N. DAVIS CO MAIN ST. GL 8-3501 PARKWAY MOTORS Sells Fords For Less. *M?ANM0U1ia~??fc I , vVfestinghouao Sold In Waynesville Only At MASSIE FURNITURE CO. CONCRETE BLOCKS Size Yd. Price 4" x 8" x 16" 12e 6" x -8" x 16" 15o 8" x 8" x 16" 19e 12" x 8" x 16" J6c Fine Blocks 75e Tile All Slaee Jalousie Window* and Hoots All Sixes Silo Blocks 20c Precast Septic Tank and Covers CALL 6247 or VISIT - an m - *? ? ? - < ? PLEMMONS Concrete Products Co. Canton, N. C. PLUMBING AND HEATING GUARANTEED WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES Either Contract Or By The Hour DIAL GL 6-8169 FARMERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. 414 DEPOT STREET State Plumbing A Heating License No. 1542 READT MIXED CONCRETE SATS TIMS & LABOR f MONET! Our PrteM Are Reasonable And Berric# Prompt Ready Mix Concrete Co. Dial GL 6-5931 GOOD CLEAN COAL ? PROMPT DELIVERY ? CREDIT TERMS We A ho Have RAG COAL DIAL GL 6-3271 RICHLAND SUPPLY CO. Commerce St., Waynesville I i lJ ^FARM BUREAU INSURANCE^ A?ents FRED SETZER Dial Canton 6088 and J. C. McDARRlS Dial GL 6-8169 SYLVANIA T. V. For SERVICE & REPAIRS On Any TV Set Call GL 6-5011 Haywood Electric Service TOOLS FOR RENT 21 Different Tools For Home, Lawn or Garden Use. CLINE - BRADLEY CO. Joe Cllne - Dick Bradley ALLISON & DUNCAN | PFAFF and UNIVERSAL SEWING MACHINES Priced From Senice ? Parts - Supplies For All Makes YORK'S SEWING MACHINE SHOP Mr. Home Owner! Let Us PAINT Your House Now (Inside or Out, or Both) . . . And Pay Later ? Take Up To 12 Months to Pay! ? Low Interest Rates ? Free Estimates "No Job Too BIr ? None Too Small" Cline-Bradley Co. DIAL GL 6-S18I TAKING A TRIP? BUT AMERICAN TRIPMASTER. 1 DAT TO 6 MONTHS. $5,000 to $50,000 ^ LONNIE L. LYDA 111 Main St. GL t-?08l When I Serre Ton?Ton Save. General Electric Appliancei - GARRETT I URNITURE CO. INC. Main Street ? ?? Y0U CAN ^n=sL^si DEPEND ON "THE PERFECT FUEL" TAPPAN and HARDWICK GAS RANGES r~5Tal GL 6-5071 ~1 MOODY RULANE INC. m N. Mate WiTMnflb i I

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