National B and PW Week To Be Observed Locally I National Business and Profes sional Women's Week. September 23-29 will be observed by the Waynesville Club by honoring a "Woman of the year," neiected from nomiations submitted by | various women's organisation* of Waynesville. The "Woman of the Year" will be guest of honor at a dinner meeting to be held Tues day evening. September 25, at 7 o'clock at The Lodge. As a further observance of the ^Wrek. members will attend the -morning service at the First Bap Mist Church in a body Sunday morn -ing. September 23. ? The Haywood County Ministerial "Association Is cooperating with the ??plans by turning over to the club " the Morning Devotions radio pro gram heard over WHCC Radio Sta tion each weekday morning at 8 o'clock. The schedu.e of dates and subjects is as follows: Monday. Sep ! tember 24. "Love," by Mrs. J T. ? Russell; Tuesday. September 25. | "Christian Attitudes Toward ?Work." Mrs. Ruth Craig; Wednes day, September 2C. "Prayer." Mrs. ? Joe Liner; Thursday. September 27, "The Joy of Walking and Work ing With The Master," Mrs Rebek ?kah Murray: Friday, September 28. [*" High For New Levels of leadership." Mrs. M L Sadler; Saturday, September 29, "Faith," j Mrs, Claude Rogers. _ Business and Professional Wo men's tiny will be observed on Wednesday. September 28, when club members take over the opera tion of Radio Station WHCC for two periods, 9 am to 1130 a m and 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. During these periods regular programs will be taken over by Business and Pro fessional Women and only women will be on the air. On Wednesday and Saturday of j the week local members will meet and lunch together at a special "fellowship table" reserved at the Towne House j Under the chairmanship of Mrs. Lynwood P MrElrny, the follow ing committee members are work ing to carry out the plans for the week Mrs. G C Ferguson. Mrs. John Metgger, Miss Mary Cornwall, Mrs. Kurt Cans, Mrs, J T RunmII, Mrs P. H Gentry, MUs Nancy Killian,. Mrs. Kenneth D Fry, Mrs. Charles F, Fowler. Miss Margaret Boyd. Mrs. M L. Sadler. Mrs. Edith Alley F.moson. Miss Peggy Mc Cracken. Mrs M G Stamey. and Mrs. Fay Toy. Mrs. Ben Phillips is president of the club ? ? ? ? , . ? ., Mrs. C. B Witt has returned ta, her home in Canton after a trio to Ithaca. N Y.. where she visited j Mr and Mrs H. W Dirkerson. She was aeeompanied by her daughter, Mrs. D. C. Dirkerson, and Mr. Dickerson. of Daytona Beach, Fla. Women's Division Of Farm Bureau To Meet Saturday Haywood County farm women are Invited to attend a meeting of the Women's Division of the Ha\wood County Farm Bureau of) Saturday. September 22. at 10:30 am in the Courthouse Mrs. Irby Walker of CJreensboro, administration director of Farm Bureau Women, will address the it roup. The Women's Division was re* cently organized in y A CINDERELLA ) MM J j] I ^ ^M4f-/\/f^f/4 ? ^JEW E L E R ,gteafeateategfeg^^^gfe^^feafe^gfegfe?isgfe?^fe?iB^8ateateai6a IN THE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT AT RAY'S QiiAlfi ClMcti It's a girl's uorld oj wonderful coats, this fall, and we've a wide selection of the very newest styles, in the very nicest colors and fabrics. 3 We've coats with hoods, with back interest, X double-breasted coats, tweed coats . . . in short, just everything to please young fashionplates. COATS ? Definitely Schoolable COATS ?Girls Will Love COATS ? You Can Buy "Lay-A way"