WANT AD RATES This size type, 2>,?c Per word. Minimum 50c. Want ads repeated at two cents per word rate, mini-1 mum 40c. This size type, 3 cents per word, minimum charge 60 cents. This size type, 50c per column inch. Advertisements will be published according to desired schedule without extra charge. Errors in advertisements should be reported immediately. The Mountaineer will not be re sponsible for more than one incorrect insertion. ALL ADVERTISEMENTS ARE CASH IN ADVANCE. Cash must i^mpany orders sent by mail. W^^Bads must be in office be 10:30 a.m. on day before publication to guarantee to be in want ad section. When you wish to insert a want ad Dial GL 6-5301. Special Notices LENNOX FURNACES?Free estimates. No down pay ments. Three years to pay. Automatic Heating .Com pany. GL 6-5291 pany. GL 6-5291. A 12 tf FOR MONUMENTS see Haywood Monument Co.. next to Farmers Exchange on Asheville Road. H. B. Angel, manager. Dial GL 6 5191. tf FOR ODORLESS sanitary septic tank cleaning, call Canton 3274. Hinkte Plumbing Co. J 19-tf FUEL OIL ? Call Lee Oil Co. for prompt delivery of Super Refined Cities Ser vice Fuel Oil and Kerosene. Next to Le Faine Hotel. Phone GL 6-3091. N 17 tf DOGS BOARDED: Separate sleeping quarters with outside runs. Weekly rates. Ox Ear Cove Kennell, GL 6-5141. Feb 23-tf ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS ? meets every Thursday 8 p.m., Grace Episcopal Church Parish House. Write A. A., c/o Grace Church, 103 South Haywood, Waynesville. Jn 28-tf ANNOUNCING the openinjr of Frady's '"66" Service, Main Street. Waynesville, next to the First National Bank. J. L. Frady, operator. S 20-24 ASC ORDERS FILLED ? Rye, Oats, Barley, Vetch, Winter Peas, Fescue, Orchard Grass and Ladino Clover ? 2-12-12 Fertilizer and Lime. See us first . . . Parton's Feed Store, Depot Street, Waynesville. A 30 tf NOTICE McEIroy Taxi has changed to new location behind Gunn's Crcner on Church St. in thi XVQ .iesville Taxi Servic. y. We appreciate youi mjsiness. Dial GL 6-5120. A 30 ti $2.00 HOURLY possible doing ligh assembly work at home. Experi' ence unnecessary. CROWN In dustries, 8507-Y West Third, Lo. Angeles, 48, Calif. The surface of the Dead Sea i 1,286 feet below the level of thi Mediterranean Sea. FRIGID AIRE APPLIANCES MARTIN ELECTRIC CO. GL 6-3341 Main St otoss Maternity is covered (after 10 months) on all Blue Cross family certificates. w?tc on call ron run detail* Representative WAYNE ROGERS Lake Junaloska, N. C. Phone: GLemUle 6-5691 For Rent FOR RENT?Two room furnished apartment. Private bath. Adults only. Call GL 6-8165 Jy 26-tf FOR RENT.? Offices with steam heat, hot and cold water. Main Street. Phone GL 6-6823. A 6-tf FIVE-ROOM GARAGE APART MENT FOR RENT?Furnished or unfurnished. Call GL 6-3928. S 10-ti 1 FOR RENT?Six rooms and bath, over store building at Five Points in Hazelwood, after Sept. 17. $40.00. Call 6-5291. S 13-tf FOR RENT?Apartment ? Three rooms, shower bath, steam heat, hot water, new paint. Main Street near bank. Phone GL 6-6823. S 17-tf FOR RENT?House trailer ? Two rooms. Located at Five Points and Balsam Highway. Wayncs ville. By day?week or month. Call 6-9193 or contact Joe Mil ner at Joe's Cafe, Balsam High way. S 24-tf fUK KENT?Second floor furnish ed apartment in center of town. Private bath. Oil heat. Holiday House, 114 Welch St. S 17-20-24-27 FOR RENT?Three room cottage located on South Main St. Kitch en furnished. Tel. GL 6-3685. S 20-tf FOR RENT ? 3-room apartment. Love Lane. $35.00 per month. Call GL 6-5441. S 24 FOR RENT?Storage space 16 ft. square in brick building. Call GL 6-5441 S 24 FOR RENT ? 6-room furnished house overlooking Lake Juna luska golf course. $65.00 per month. Contact Ernest Edwards, Garrett Funeral Home. Tele phone GL 6-8656. S 24-27 O 1-4 FOR RENT?Two bedroom house in City limits. Call GL 6-8131 days?6-6584 nights. S 20-24 FOR RENT?In Clyde. Two bed room house with bath, electric water heater, oil heater, "re frigerator, wired for electric range. Call R. C. Evans, GL 6 5070 after 5 p m. S 20-tf FOR RENT?Two bedroom house. Call The L. N. Davis Co. Phone 6-3501. S 20-tf FOR RENT: Four room garage apartment, furnished. 404 Caro line Avenue, Hazelwood. Call GL 6-6980. S 24 tf Nothing Sells Like Newspapers ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of William P. Mc Elroy, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is t( notify all persons having claim against the estate of said deceaser to exhibit them to the undersigner at Waynesville, Rt. 2, North Caro lina, on or before the 14th day o' September, 1957 or this notice wi! he pleaded in bar of their recover? VII persons indebted to said estat 'ill please make immediate pa? nent. mrs. may Mcelroy. Administratrix of the Estate r William P. McElroy, deceaset 701?S 17-24 O 1-8-15-22 *00 Of For Top Quality Buy MAYO'S SEEDS AND BLUE RIDGE PLANT FOOD FROM Haywood County Fanners Co-op, Inc. H. M. Pulin, Mgr. Depot St. GL 6-8621 CARD OF THANKS | We with to thank our many friends for their expressions of kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of Mrs. Joe Mor mino. The Family. Wanted WANTED TO RENT ? Unfurnish ed house witn two or tnree bea rooms within city limit 01 Vv aynesvilie. Call aylva, 208-J. hoy Tyler. Can furnisn reier enoes. A 30 S 3-6-10-13-17-30-24 SALESMEN WANTED?Just be come available, established Kaw leigh Business in south liay- ( wood County. Many thousands ol dollars sold there. 1 sell in ad joining Locality. Will help you. See J. C. Moore, Box 495, Hazel wood, or write W. T. Kawleigh Co. Dept. NC 1-581-672, Rich mond, Va. S 3-10-17-24 WE NEED YOUR OLD KETKEADABLE TIKE!! Do you need new tires? Do you nave a couple of retreadable cas ings lying around your house? Bring them in. We are giving top trade in values or cash for your ure. We need them before winter lor snow retreads. CHARLIE'S 1'EXACO SERVICE. Phone GL 6 8971. S 10-tl JAMES D. SISK, Rt. 3, Waynes ville, has two tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Mountain eer office. For Sale t UK SALE: Motorists: Your Aii state insurance Company agen. In Waynesville Invites you to compare Ailstate's features, ao vantages and low rates with any other auto insurance! Get de pendable Allstate auto Insur ance today. See or phone Boo Brannon, your Haywood County Allstate agent. Just a block down from the Courthouse In Waynesville, located at 217 He pot St. Phone GL 6-5512. Jn 30-ti FOR SALE?Used Watches. Com pletely reconditioned. Fully guaranteed. From $8.00 up. Kurt Gans, Jeweler, 207 Main St. A 5-tf WE BUY AND SELL Milk Cows ? We buy cattle for beef. Call Jones Market, GL 6-8371, GL 6 8503. P 23-tf FOR SALE?Four room house, lo cated in Grandview. Furnace heat. Hardwood floors. Call 6 8558 after 3 p.m. A 30-tf FOR SALE?Income property ?' Four large furnished apartments, centrally located, in a quiet resi dential area. Easy terms. Apply , Apt. 1, 114 Welch St. S 17-0 18 I FOR SALE ? Several thousand bales CLOVER, OAT, ALFALFA, ? HAY. Thomas Alexander. Phone Canton 7900 evenings. Sept. 20, 24, 27 FOR SALE?Delicious home cured country hams. Hugh J. Sloan, Tel. GL 6-8659. A 20 tf OR SALE?Several acres of land. Beautiful view. Ideal for sum mer homes. If interested, call GL 6-8728. S 6-13-20-27 OR SALE ? Canning tomatoes $2.00 per bushel. Brannon Pro duce Market, Waynesville. GL 6 5512. S 24-27 . H. TERRELL, Rt. 2, Clyde, has two tickets for the Strand The atre at the Mountaineer office. OR SALE: Hudson Convertible Sports Car, with radio and heater. Pink and cream color. Call Mrs. Frank H. Miller, GL 6-5402. S 24-27 O 1 ELL. BUY OR TRADE: Lots, farms and small tracts. CMty conveniences. Restricted and non-restrict ed. Houses and Business Property. Chrest George. GL 6-5424. S 21 tf Professional Services 'ROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING, voicing and repairing. Paul Shep herd, Canton, N. C. Tel. 5123. S 14-tf FOR SALE New 3 bedroom, 1 '/j hath split level house at Grand* | view Heights. $13,500. Terms. LINER Real Estate & Insurance Co. REALTORS 131 Main SL Waynesville GL 6-8331 NOTICE NORTH CAROUNA tlAYWOOD COUNTY Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Mary U. Teague and husband, Lee 'league, to James H. Howell, Jr., Trustee tor Charles E. Plemmons el ux, dated June 1, 1955, and recorded in Deed of Trust Book 87, Page 236, Regis ter of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina, delault having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secure^ and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to fore closure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction iO the highest bidder for cash at ..he courthouse door in Waynesville, North Carolina, at ten o'clock A.M. on the 19th day of October, 1956, the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in the County of Haywood, and State of North Carolina, in Waynes ville Township, gnd the City of Waynesville, and more particular ly described as follows: BEGINNING on a stake at inter section of East Margin of North Main Street with North margin of East Main Street, the Southwest corner of Lot No. 1 in the subdivi sion hereinafter referred to. and runs with North Main Street five calls as follows: North ll9 30' East 85 feet; North 19? 30' East 48 feet; North 259 East 62 feet; North 50" 40' East 10 feet; North 39? 30' West 30 feet to a stake in line of Letter L,ot; thence with line of that lot North 50" 40' East 104 feet to an .ron stake, the Southmost corner of Lot No. 7; thence North 60" 30' East 58.5 feet to a stake in West Margin of a sixteen-foot street; whence with street margin North 18? 30' West 100 feet to a stake, ihe Northmost corner of Lot No. 7; thence South 43? 30' West 201 feet to an iron stake; thence South 40? East 56 feet to an iron stake in West margin of said North Main Street; thence with street margin South 25? West 63 feet to an iron stake; thence North 77? 45' West 35 feet to an iron stake, Arrington corner; thence with Arrington line three calls as follows- North 2? East 76 feet; North 55? 30' Ea-3 26.5 feet to an iron stake (hereto fore called for); North 39" 30' West 50 feet to an iron stake, Woodard corner; thence with Woodard line North 27? 15' East 227.5 feet to an iron stake; thence North 70* 45' East 51.5 feet to a stake in Al bright line, the Northwest corner of Lot No. 8 and in the East mar gin of a sixteen-foot street at its Northern terminus; thence with street margin South 18? 30' East 136 feet to a stake, the Southwest corner of Lot. No. 12; thence North 73? 30' East 149.5 feet to a stake; thence South 18? East 100 feet to a stake; thence South 73* a'*' West 149.1 feet to a stake in East mar gin of said sixteen-foot street; thence with margin of that street South 18" 30' East 100 feet to a stake; thence North 73* 30' East 148.7 feet to a stake; thence North 18? West 25 feet to a stake, the Southwest corner of Lot No. 34; thence with line of that lot North 73? 30' West 143.6 feet to a stake in West margin of Keller Street; thence with margin of that Street South 16? 30' East 88 feet to an iron stake; thence South 51? 32' West 150 feet to an Iron stake; thence South 25? 30' East 100 feet to an iron stake in line of old C. B. Russell home place; thence South 51? 32 West 170 feet to an; iron stake in East margin of afore said sixteen-foot street at its Southern terminus and in line j of de Neergaard property; thence j North 74" West 106 feet to an iron stake; thence North i SO' East 126.5 feet to a stake j in West margin of aforesaid six teen-foot street; thence North 18? 30' West (crossing drive) 16 feet to a stake, the East most corner of Lot No. 1; thence with line of that lot two calls as follows; South 56? West 113 feet; North 78? 30' West 159 feet to the BEGINNING: COMPREHE N DING AND IN CLUDING Lots Nos. One (11, Five (5), Six <61, Thirteen (131, Four teen (11/, Fifteen (151, Sixteen (161, Twenty ?20 >, Twenty-one (91), Twenty-two (22), Twenty-three (23), Twenty-four <24), Twenty-five (25), Twenty-six (26). Twenty-seven (27), Twenty -eight (28). Twenty-nine (29), Thirty (30), Thirty-one (31), Thirty-two (32), Thirty-three (33). and Forty-seven (47) of Keller Heights New Subdivision as per survey and plat of Nathan lingers, Surveyor, made February, 1946, re corded in Map Book "A", l'age 111, in the oiliei' of the Register of i Deeds of Haywood County; EX CKI'TING AND RESERVING, how ever, easement for a sixteen-foot street as shown on aforesaid plat between Lots Nos 6, 7.1, and 47 on the West and Lots Nos 8 to 29, inclusive, on the East. But this sale will be made sub ject to a certain other deed of trust executed by Charles E. Plemmons and wife t() A. T. Ward, Trustee Tor Eula Keller, dated April 3, 1951, and recorded in Trust Book 78, Page 177, Haywood County Regis try. But this sale Will be made sub ject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes and municipal assessments, and any other encumbrances of rec ord. This the 19th day of September, 1956. .lames II. Howell, Jr. Trustee 2702?S 24 O 1-8-15 MRS H. L. BAUGIIMAN, Waynes ville, has two tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Mountain eer office. FOR SALE or RENT Attractive panelled house on Breezemont Drive, Country Club section, con sisting of 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, and maid's room ? Beautiful lot. 160 x 100 ? Excellent view. APPLY Kilpatrick - Felmet GL 6-3631 Main St. Waynesville ? IttdHTULHCe ^ \?*? 4 You can depend on us to match your X insurance coverage A with your individual ! f needs. i^ Phone .... ^ ?m. . KILPATRICK-FELMET, Inc. Phone Gl, 6-3631 COFFEE TIME ? SPARE TIME National Company offers reliable person secure future in this area servicing route of new "COFFEE-TIME" hot coffee ma chines dispensing MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE exclusively. No selling required. All units are located. Ideal spare-time set-up to start requiring only 6 to 8 hrs. per week. S400 monthly pos sible. Good chance to take over full time with increasing income as business expands. Applicant must be dependable, have car, references, stable background and $395 to $3995 secured by in ventory. We help finance business expansion. Please do not answer unless you meet above requirements. Write for inter view in your area to1 MAINLINE SALES CORP., DEPT. NC151, 2138 Lee Rd.. Cleve. Hts., Ohio. I CUSTOM-BUILT We Have A Wide Variety of Fabrics Including ? FIBRE ? NYLON ? PLASTIC AND INSTALLED $18.00 to $39.50 COMPLETE AUTO UPHOLSTERING Headliners ? Door Panels ? Floor Mats HUB'S TRIM SHOP Dial GL 6-8610 HUB RUFF Waynesville j ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of J. K. Davis, de ceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify ail persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before the 7th day of September. 19S7 or this notice will be pleaded in Dar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 6th day of September, 1956. GROVER C. DAVIS. Administrator of the Estate of J. H. Davis, deceased. 2698?S 10-17-24 O 1-8-15 NOTICE - The undersigned, having quali fied as Executrix of the estate of W. C. Moody, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the "state of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of September, 1957, or this \ notice will be pleaded in bar of re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 3rd day of September, 1966. JULIA SEMMES MOODY, Executrix, Estate of W. C. Moody, Deceased. 2696?S 3-10-17-24 O 1-8 ? . , f 3 HOTPOINT Refrigerators MUST GO THIS WEEK! NEW 1956 MODELS! MODEL EH-12 REG. PRICE $I89.9? NOW $399.95 MODEL EC-103 REG. PRICE $319.95 NOW $219.95 MODEL EB-I05 REG. PRICE $289.93 NOW $189.95 COME IN AND SEE THESE BIG BARGAINS AT MARTIN ELECTRIC COMPANY MAIN STREET NOTICE APPLE GROWERS WE HAVE A NEW COLD STORAGE HOUSE WHICH HOLDS 9,000 BUSHELS. AND IT WILL BE OPEN BETWEEN SEPT. 15 AND 20. WE WILL HAVE ROOM FOR 2,000 TO 3,000 BUSHELS. THE CHARGE WILL BE 40c PER BUSHEL UP TO APRIL 15 TO MAY 1. WE ARE LOCATED ABOUT 16 MILES WEST OF WAYNES VILI.E. FOR REFERENCES SEE CHARLES E. RAY'S SONS, WHO HAVE HAD APPLES WITH US TWO SEASONS. THAD C. BRYSON & SON Growers of MTN. COVE APPLES HOUSES FOR SALE rt'e have a wonderful bur in yeautiful Maggie Valley consisting it an ideal home with 3 bedrooms. LET US SHOW YOU A HOUSE . . . JUST GIVE US A KING ANYTIME ? DAY OK NIGHT! LET US BUILD YOUR DREAM HOUSE FOR YOU! We will build any kind of house you want at the lowest possible cost to you. SKYLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY GL 6-3501 or GL 6-3181 Dick Bradley, Joe Cline and Paul Davis ASTHMATICS! Vint simple, effective relief from chok ing, racking bronchial asthma spasms? Get genuine Breatheasy?see what you've been missing! There's no substitute for original Breatheasy inhalant and nebulizer set. Get comfort by breathing! Guaranteed! SMITH'S DRUGS, INC. *26 N. Main Waynesville PARKWAY MOTORS Sells Fords For Less. wee ?am ea S4JA|_?irt VVfestiiigjhouM Bold In Warnesrllle Only At massie furniture: co. CONCRETE BLOCKS Size Yd. Price 4" x 8" z 16" lto 6" * 8" x 16" 15c 8" x 8" x 16" 18c 12" x 8" x 16" 26c Flue Blocks __ lie Tile All Sizes Jalousie Windows and Doors All Sizes Silo Blocks 26c Precast Septic Tank and Carers CALL 6247 or VISIT PLEMMONS Concrete Products Co. Canton, N. C. TV ' PLUMBING AND HEATING GUARANTEED WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES Either Contract Or Bj The Hour DIAL GL 6-8169 FARMERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. 416 DEPOT STREET State Plumbing & Heating License No. 1542 READT MIXED CONCRETE SATE Our Price* Are Reasonable And Service Prompt Ready Mix Concrete Co, Dial GL 6-5931 GOOD CLEAN COAL ? PROMPT DELIVERY ? CREDIT TERMS We Also Have RAG COAL DIAL GL 6-3271 RICHLAND 4 SUPPLY CO. Commerce St., W'aynesvllle 1 RORTH CAROURA^^^ I ^FARM BUREAU INSURANCE^ Agents FREI) SETZER Dial Canton 6088 and J. C. MeDARRIS Dial GL 6-8169 For Greater Viewing Pleasure Get GENERAL ELECTRIC TELEVISION Haywood Electric Service TOOLS FOR RENT 21 Different Tools For Home, Lawn or Garden Use. CLLNE - BRADLEY CO. Joe Cline - Dick Bradley ALLISON & DUNCAN BAZILWOOD PFAFF and UNIVERSAL SEWING MACHINES Priced F'rom S??.oo Service - Parts - Snppliea For All Makes YORK'S SEWING MACHINE SHOP Mr. Home Owner! Let Us PAINT Your House Now (Inside or Out, or Both) . . . And Pay I Later ? Take Up To 12 I Months to Payl ? Low Interest Rates ? Free Estimates "No Job Too Ble ? None Too Small" Cline-Bradley Co. DIAL GL 6-3181 TAKING A TRIP? BUY AMERICAN TRIPMASTER. I 1 DAY TO 6 MONTHS. $5,000 to $50,000 LONNIE L. LYDA 131 Main St. GL 6-6081 When I Serve Yon?Yon Save. GARRETT FURNITURE CO. INC. Main Street YOU CAN ^gjiHUBE DEPEND ON %. "THE PERFECT FUEL" TAPPAN and HARDWICK GAS RANGES 1 Dial GL 6-5071 | MOODY RULANEt INC. \ Mt V. Main Wayncnrlll. I

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