B And PW Club Is Celebrating National Week The Waynesville Business and Professional Women's Club is en Raging in a week of special activ ities in celebration of National Business and Professional Week September 23-29. Members of the club are con ducting the Morning Devotions radio program over WHCC each day at 8 o'clock. A dinner Tues day night at The Lodge marked B anu PW Day and the cluh honored Mrs. Lawrence E. Green as The Woman of The Year The cfyb was organized only eight ycaTs ago on July 14 1948 with 29 charter members, and since that time has achieved an outstanding record of community service. Its 48 members are repre sentative of numerous occupations and professions and devote con siderable lime to church, school, and community projects at the same time carrying on home and family responsibilities Mr?. M G. Stamey was first president of the club, serving until May. 196d Following her as pres ident were Mrs Doyle D. Alley, Mrs. J. Jtufus McCracken, Miss Margaret Johnston. Miss Mary Cornwell and Mrs. J. Howard Hry son, in order named Mrs. Ben Phillips is now head of the club and her officers in clude Mrs John T. Davis, vice president; Mrs. Jack Edwards, re cording secretary; Mrs. Bill Swift, treasurer; and Mrs. M G. Stamey parliamentarian. Mrs. Lynwood P. McElroy is serving as general chairman for the special events of the week and committee members include Mrs (i C. Ferguson, Mrs. John Metzer, Miss Mary Cornwell, Mrs. Kurt Cans, Mrs. J; T Kussell. Mrs. 1' H Gentry, Miss Nancy Killian-i Mrs. Kenneth D Fry, Mrs. Charles F. Fowler. Miss Margaret Boyd, Mrs. M. L. Sadler. Mrs. Empson, Miss Peggy MeCracken. Mrs. M. G. Stamey, and Mrs. Fay Toy. Dinner at The Lodge Tuesday night. In adctltion to honoring The Woman of tne Year, also marked National Business and Professional ^??? MRS EARL B. WIIITK of Winter Haven, Ha. will be an instructor 1 for the Garden School Course to be held in Canton. Ortoher 1-3. Women's Day The program. presented jointly by the ?iicmbei ship, public affairs, ami public relations committee, in cluded an impressive candle cere mony conducted by Mrs. McElroy and Mrs. Gentry. Lighted candles in different colors signifying dif ferent stations in the club were presented to charter members, past presidents, and present officers. * ? ? Mrs Frank Jenkins of Brevard is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. A. Hyatt Garden School Course Is Set For Next Week Final plans have been completed 1 for thr North C.'arolina State Gar- ' den School, course V to be held October 1. 2 and 3 in the OnUal MethodUl Church iti Canton The school i.s co - sponsored by | the Garden Clubs of N C . Inc and | the Extension Division erf N. . C ! i Slate College Ml \ W Bottoms | of the local council is serving as 1 general chairman. Mrs Bradley, ( Morrah, president ot the National | Council of Garden Clubs, will at- ; tend the school I Instructors will be Mrs John R. ' Salois of Dallas. Texas, and Mrs. ' Earl B. White of Winter Haven. 1 Eta. Both are nationally accredited flower show Judges, and they have conducted schools, workshops, and ' demonstrations in many vtaUs 'The school is under the auspices ( of Ihe Canton Council of Gardci , Clubs Mrs. Paul Hyatt is president of the council, and clubs included are The Canton Garden Club, Town and Country, Rhodendron. ' and the Friendly I Registration will be held Mon- ' day from 9 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. The address of welcome will be given 1 by Mrs. Hyatt, and Miss Louise 1 Ballard. 2nd vice president of the Garden Club Of X C . w ill respond. 1 On Monday Mrs Salois will lec- 3 ture on "Landscape Design." ' "Methods of Gathering. Preserv ing. and Transporting," and "Stand- 1 aids of Judging". Tuesday Mr- White will speak ' On "Arrangements with a Purpose" ' and "Color in Flower Arranging". She will conduct a demonstration ' on arranging and judging. Examinations for those desiring ' national,council credit will be glv- ' i n Wednesday from 9 a ni. until * noon. Luncheon will be served in the church dining room at $100 per ' plate. : " ' ? ? ? > 1 Donald l{ Loathe rwood. son of Mr and Mrs. Sherrill K. Loather wood. has returned to the Univer- i s'tv nf North Carolina School of i Pharmacy where he Is a member ol the junior class. SPECIAL SALE ONE WEEK ONLY! We will place approximately 20U new car Factory Second Tires on Sale Monday Morning, October 1st. and will continue the sale for one week only. These tires are mostly white sidewalls and are fully guaran teed. This is a special purchase and we are able to offer savings up to 50'? on these tires. Itoth tube less and conventional tires are available in sizes 6.70, 7.10. and 7.60-15. ALLISON & DUNCAN TIRE CO. (Georgia Avenue' Hazelwood KURT (JANS ? 'The Store of I'ine Watches" y/st-Qyfec/ WATERPROOF* ? SHOCK-RESISTANT LADIES' SPORT HATCHES *?y C*m???daint ? titt. alt steel, bather-set expansion hand $37.50 Avlotris?dainty til*, natural gold color with l*ath*r-t*t Mponiioa bond. $67.50 Wyler / f incafltx ? i ' It's the advanced modern design for today's modern-minded woman ? superb iet styling for sport watches geared to your busy life. Pertormonce-tesled by iet pilots under rigorous flight conditions* Exclusive Wyler Triple Guarantee Guaranteed shock-resistant Guaranteed waterproof Guaranteed mainspring ^ ^ IISV PMMEH1 PIAH | to suit your convenience \ Ask to sot Wyltf Ladies' self-winding wotiheu H I , BIG SAVINGS FOR YOU IN SMART NEW FALL STYLES COATS AND SUITS ? AND ? ? THERMOJAC SIDELINERS > ? CAR AND ALL-WEATHER COATS BUY NOW AND SAVE! THE SMART SHOP Main Street Dial GL ?-8210 k . Canton Garden Club Meets With Mrs. Pate The Canton Garden Club met Tuesday morning In the home of Mrs. J. Frank Pale on Poplar Street Mrs. Henry Seaman was associate hostess. During the business session Mrs. 1 Paul Hyatt gave a report of the beautiftcation committee, and Mrs. James B. Hurley reported on the recent district meeting held in: Asheville. Mrs. Hurley also told of the activities of the *Dogwood Gar den Club, a junior club sponsored ; oy th? group. Mrs A W. Bottoms discussed J plans for the N. C. State Garden j School, course 5 to be held October ! 1, 2 and 3 in the Central Methodist Church in Canton. The club went on record as fav oring Christmas lighting, tii?.- Holi day House tour, a spring flower show, and a fall vegetable show, all ' proposed plans of the Canton Council of Garden Clubs. Mrs. Willis Kirkpatrtck present ed a program on "Fragrance in the Garden". She reviewed the book written on the same subject by Norma Taylor. Line mass arrangements suit able for a hallway were judged, and Mrs. Bottoms won the blue ribbon, Mrs. Charles Branson won the red ribbon, and Mrs. 'William B. Williamson. Jr. was awarded the yellow ribbon. Following the meeting luncheon was served by the hostesses. |. . , ? > ? /- ? - S CAR Will Hold First Meeting Wednesday The Joseph Howell Society, Children of the American Revolu tion. will hold its first fall meet ing Wednesday, October 3, at 3:30 i i>.nv. in the home of Mrs. J Har Jen Howell, Sr., a CAR grand mother J The following new officers will issumc their duties: Carey Howell, J ^resident; Susan Moody, vice president; Marietta Campbell, sec- , -etary; Betty Owen, treasurer; ' Harden Howell, registrar; Rebecca VtcElroy, historian; Mary Barber, j Chaplain; and Betty Ruth Atkins, j urogram chairman. . The members will report on in cresting experiences during their summer vacations and projects )awd on historical events will be adopted Mrs. R. C. Lane of Lake Juna uska. senior president of the So- ' ;icty, will direct the meeting. Clyde PTA Holds i dear's First Meet , < "Education, Our Investment in t he Future" is the theme adopted >y the Clyde PTA for its program | 'or the current school year. Plans for the year were made f it a meeting of the PTA Tuesday i light in the school auditorium. i Mrs. Carl Gillis presided and t innounced her committees for the ( rear Mrs. Howard Shook con- t lucted the devotions. ' I Perry Plemmons, principal of < he school, introduced the follow rg new teachers: Miss Denton, Vtiss Betty Morrow, and Mrs. Donnahoe. A social hour was held follow lig the meeting. Officers of the PTA are Mrs. jiltis, president: Mrs. J. B. Soes- ' >ee, vice president: and Mrs. Jerry Leatherwood, secretary-treasurer. < * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Brown and their son, Gordon, Jr., have returned to their home in Scott, Ark . after visiting Mr. Brown's aunt, Dr. I. B Funke. * * * Harold Winchester, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Winchester, is a member of the junior class at the University of Tennessee, Knox ville. THE MARRIAGE of Miss Ida Smiley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jason Smiley, to Charles Rurris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell Burris. also of Waynesville, has been announced by the bride's parents. The ceremony took place in Greenville, S. C. on Septem ber 15. Both Mr. and Mrs. Burris are 195(i graduates of Waynes ville Township High School. Mr. Burress is now engaged in truck ing. The couple are making their home on Aliens Creek. Clyde Pastor And Family Are Honored The Rev. and Kirs. George (' I Starr, Jr and their sons, Mike and Eddie, were honored at a farewell >arty given by members of Central Hethodisi Church at Clyde, Wed tesday evening in the fellowship lall of the church. Mr. Starr, who tas been pastor of the church at 31yde for the past four years, has jeen assigned to Oak View Meth tdist Church in High Point. Games were played during the ?vening under the direction of Vfrs. C. E. Brown, Jr. and Mrs. Howard Shook, and group singing .vas led by Miss Janice Smathers, ?hurch organist. Gifts were presented to the quests of honor on behalf of the ?hurch and Mr. Starr spoke briefly n appreciation. About one hundred persons were present. The Starrs \vill be honored a ?ain on Sunday following the norning service at the church j vhen members of an adult Sun- ' lay School class, which Mr. Starr irganized and taught, will enter :ain at lunchedn. The affair will :>e in the fellowship hall of the :hurch. * ? * Parties Honor Miss Hipps, Bride - Elect Miss Nancy Sue Hipps, bride eloct of Thomas Wade Garrett, was honored at a party given Tuesday by Mrs. Wade Rhea and Mrs. Gar rett Smathers in the elubroom of the YMCA. The honoree was presented a i corsage and a shower of gifts. Informal games were played, and refreshments were served by the hostesses. On Friday evening Miss Hipps and Mr. Garrett will be honored at a dinner party at Glenelle's. Host esses will be Mrs. IJwight Avery and Miss Judy Allen, aunt and j cousin ot the bride-elect, both of Raleigh. Sixteen guests will be in cluded in the courtesy. Mr and Mrs. Willis ('. Hipps, parents of the bride-elect, will en tertain at a buffet supper Saturday. Guests will I tii" wedding party, members of the families, and out of town guests. Miss Hipps and Mr. Garrett will be married Saturday at 7 30 p.m. in the Plains' Methodist Church. * * * Mr and Mrs David Hyatt are expected to return tomorrow from Myrtle Beach. S (V, where they spent the past week * * * Nothing Sells Like Newspapers ill RT (JANS ? "The Store of Fine Watches" NOW FASHIONED IN THE MAGNIFICENT NEW ' Bulova/ Petite \ to tiny World's Smallest 23 Jewel Watch Fashioned in DIAMONDS Only Bulova?world leader in high fashion, high precision, could create this magniJkem value. Imagine , ...here is a tiny 23-jewel masterpiece, fashioned in diamonds, richly encased yet only $59 50. Other Bulova "La Petite" watches to $150. MIICK IMCtWtKft rCDCMAt. TAX Watch Crtotly Enlarged to Show Detail Lt. and Mrs. Spritz Arrive From Germany Lt and Mrs. Richard Spritz and the r ten-months-old ion, LaiVy, arri.-ed Tuesday and are visiting Mrs. Sprintz's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hyatt, after spending 18 months in Heilbronn, Germany. Mrs. Spritz is the former Miss Kathryn Hyatt. j Lt Spritz received his discharge in New York on September 11, after serving with the 60th In fantry Regiment. The family landed in New York on September 10 and have been visiting Lt. Spritz's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Spritz in Clairton, Penn. 1 Use Moantaineer Want Ada S h e p p e' s The One Coat You Need - - - Is The Smartest Coat You Can Buy! V The coat of versatility . . . dressy or casual . . this gad-about style in Chatham's "Fluffie" can be worn 24 hours a day. The "Fluffie" is 100% virgin wool fleece with Temp-Resisto lining ... It comes in several wonderful new colors . . . made exclusive ly for Louis Marcus. Sizes 8 to 14. 35?? kay junior a division of Kay Windsor "Vw?.4 ; kjimple Elegance" designed by KAY JUNIOR in rayon acetate for that demure but sophisticated look...black velvet and lace edg ing on neck and sleeves add delicate detail. Grey, brown, navy. Sizes 5*15. 1095 Sneppe4 123 Main Street Strand Theatre BIdjr. [ Jerry Robert Leatherwood, son )f Mr and Mrs. Sherrill R. Leath-1 ;rwood, is a senior in the School >f Pharmacy at the University of j Vorth Carolina I 23 jewels, 2 diamonds, I ? timed to six I ? precision adjustments, ? ? unbreakable mainspring I