Mrs. Randolph Wins Top Place Ifi Flowe Show ??M| |r< + * * * - Mr*. "Donald W. Randolph was Warner; ot the ?weepstak?s award In the Chrysanthemum Flower phow. sponsored by the Town and Counitr? Garden Club Saturday In the Canton Public Library. Sirs. ta?l Powell v. as runner up for the award, and hire. Eleanor O. Jucocks won the trl-oolor. Blue ribbon winner* were: Mrs. 4. P. Cllne. Jr., Mrf. Randolph Mrs John L. Jones, Jr., Mrs. George Kdgerton. Mrs Carlton Peyton. Mrs. B. B. Whtthorth Miss Doris Plott. Mrs Nell /vetoo Mrs. Jaeocks. Mrs. Powell, Mrs Brelnard Burrus. Mrs William J DhiMa? Mis* Frances Summer* Mrs. V. E. Wilson, Jr., an J Mrs C. S. Owen. Jr. Mr*. George Eld gerton s?ir\ed a? seneraj chairman of the event, and Ml*. Donald W. Randolph 1* presi dent of Uie sponsoring club. Judge* were 'Mrs P. E Worth tftgton and Mrs James Long of WavneayiUe, Miss Louise Ballard of Lake Junaluska. and Mrs A W Bottoms of Canton They were en tertained at a luncheon by Mrs Ifall B tFrltworth in her home on Boplgr Street. Special recognition was given Miss Plott. Mrs Jacocks. Mrs. Dev lfh, and Mrs. Vetoe for their ex hibits portraying the theme of the show, "A Town Is Born". A feature of the show was an educational exhibit bv the Gary Itarthcock Company of Henderson ville. * * Saunook Club Honors Members With Party The Saunook Horn* pcmonstra Uon Club met Monday night In the Vpme of 14rs Howard Arrlngton with Mr?. C. T. Hartman as co hnsteas. Mrs James McCllirr pre sided and conducted the devotions ?The Home Beaut iteration report wag given hjL. Mrs Bnvd Evans. Frozen Foods hv MV*. H E Chase, tfome Hardens hv Mrs Carl Hoop er. and Citizenship by Mrs. Stuve ptemnions. * Mrs. J. M King, chairman of ?he Achievement Day Committee, reported on final plans for the "U h's exhibit The demonstration on . "Family Business Affairs" was given by Mi*8 Marv Corn well. During the social hour a birth day party was given in honor of Mrs Howard .'.uiiidoB, Miss Ohvllls Hartman and Mrs J. M. King, whose birthdays rnme In Steotember ? * o o ETA Elect's Officers At Fines Creek Hirh ?The FT^ Club of the Fine: '"^?eok Filch School has PlwW the rQllow(ne Officer* for the current school year: Marearet Roi?cr? oreatitent: Barhara Fereu?on vice nrpxWent: Patricia Kirknatrick. secretary: Jean Rosers treasurer? itid Juanlta Lowe, renorter. KURT CANS - "The Home of Fine Silver'Vd^VV^ SELECT AND REGISTER ~ YOUR PATTERN /l (at least 6 treeks before your wedding) / fl 1 (>6olfiam W _ "L*,N<L_ WILLOW CMANTIllY HONDO 3?^V-U-l?Vf CAMflllA STRASBOURG 1 CELCSTC START WITH A SINGLE TEASPOON ROM ??4"Z5 ^ y ???AH MA Ml ^J ? W C L E R ?'? W?ips w '^MUN^I Yes, lucky bridc-to-bc, com* in .. . select and register your favorite Sterling pattern well in advance of your wedding day. Your friends and relatives will appreciate v your thoughtfulness ... for gift selections will be easier and accurate (no duplica tions). And ... too ... the earlier you'make your choice and register it... th* more Sterling you'll receive. Why wait... choose yours today I Prlc+9 indudi Fid. Ton MRS. LAWRENCE DANIEL JENKINS Is the former Miss Connie Mse Parham. daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Otto Parham of Waynesvllle. (H. B. Norton Photo). Connie Mae Parham Weds Lawrence Daniel Jenkins Miss Connie Mae Parham, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Otto Parham of Waynesvllle. be came the bride of I.awrence Daniel Jenkins. son of Mr andJVfrs F. W Jenkins, Friday, September 2R, at 7 p.lti. In the home of her par ents The ltev. Horace L. Smith, pas tor of the First Baptist Church of Canton, pronounced the vows. The bride ? wore a ballerina leneth gown of white Chantilly lace over slipper satin, styled with a Peter Pan collar and long sleeves ending in points. Her fingertip veil was attached to a lace coif trimmed with opalescent seouins and she carried a white Bible, a gift of the YWA of the Aliens Creek Baotlst Church, topped with a white orchid. "Miss Barbara Jean Oreen of Canton was maid of honor. Her ballerina length dress of pale blue over taffeta was designed with a bonfTant skirt and she wore a bandeau of flowers and a corsage of white carnations. Joe Turner of Waynesville serv ed as best man. An Informal reception was held following the ceremony with Mrs. lames T Parham and Mrs Billy | C. Parham. sisters-in-law of the ' bride, and Miss Peggy Hendrlx as I Mrs. Cathey, Mrs. Justice Are Hostesses The Cecil Home Demonstration Club met Wedneslay in the home I of Mrs. John Cathey with Miss [Helen Justice as co-hostess. Mrs. Roy Edwards presided. During the business session the | club planned to serve a Lions Club dinner. Mrs. Thomas Erwin was named chairman of this commit tee with Mrs. J. W, Johnson. Miss Helen Justice and Mrs. J. Edgar Burnette. Plans were announced for a workshop to be held on Wednes day. October 3 in the home of Mrs Harmon Erwin at 9 a.m. Mrs J. E Burnette. Internation al Relations chairman, showed souvenirs from Greece arid cave plans for the club's participation in an exhibit. The demonstration on "Family Business Affairs" was given by Miss Mary Cornwell. stating. Fop a wedding trip bv ear the bride wore a brown princess stvle dress with avocado accessories and the orchid from her Bible. Mrs. Jenkins, a graduate of the Canton High School. U employed in the office of the Canton Laun dry. Mr Jenkins was graduated from the Waynesvllle High School and Is employed by Dayton Rubber Company. The couple will make their home in Waynesvllle. ? ? Mrs Earl Price, Jr. of Clyde Is a pateint at Memorial Mission Hos-1 pltal in Ashevllle Miss Traxler Announces Wedding Plans MUa Barbara Jewel Traxler. . Jxughter of Mr*. Sidney Jacob (Yaxler of A*hevllle and the late Mr. Traxler, has announced the >lan* for her marriage to Thoma* Sugene Curtis, son of Ml and Mrs. Zeb Cbrtls of Waynesvilie. The double ring teermony will ie performed Saturday at 7:30 p. n. in Calvary Baptist Church, tsheville by the Rev. J. Lester _ane The bride-elect will be given in narriage by her cousin. John Wll lam Traxler of Rock Hill, S. C. Mls? Yvonne Traxler, si*ter of he bride-elect, will be maid of lonor and Mrs. James M- Wallace >f Gastonla, cousin of the bride uect, will be matron of honor. Bridesmaids will be Miss Jean fYaxler, sister of the bride-elect; Mrs. Porter R. Frady of Waynes dllc, sister of the bridegroom sleet; Mrs. George F. Crook and Miss Blddi* Nations, both of 5wannanoa; and Mrs. James A Brlttaln of Black Mountain. Laura Carolyn Frady of Waynes vilie, niece of the bridegroom sleet, will bo flower girl. The bridegroom-elect's father will serve as best man and Robert D. Brannon of Waynesvilie, Mark D. Solosbee, Jr., cousin of the hride-elcct; James S. Green of Morganton, William Blanton of Forest City and Charles M. Nan ney of Canton will usher. A reception will follow the cere mony in the social hall ef the church. Miss Betty Jeane Sluder en tertained the bride-elect with a luncheon yesterday In the Battery Park Hotel. The rehearsal party will be giv en Friday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Wayne Sigmon at 143 Westwood Rd., Asheville. HDC Schedule Monday, October 1, 2:00 p.m.? Morning Star?Mrs Ralph Miller (Mrs, Ralph Gibsoni. Monday, October 1, 7:00 p.m.? Good Neighbors?Mrs. Otis Hen nessee. Monday. October 1, 7:30 p.m.? Lakeside? RFA Kitchen. Tuesday. October 2. 2:00 p.m.? Reaverdam?Mrs. James Mathls. Wednesday. October 3, 2:00 p.m. ?Aliens Creek ? Mrs. Bud F.d wards. Thursday, October 4, 2:00 p.m? Maeeie?'Mrs. Robert Clement. Thursday. October 4, 7:00 p.m.? Thiekety?Mrs. Olen Tatham. Friday, October 5, 2 00 p.m.? Jonathan?Mrs F R. Kennedy. ? ? ? Junaluska Club Has Study Of Nicaragua The Fake Junaluska Home Dem onstration rluh met Frldav after noon in the home of Mrs. Clarence Muse with Mrs. Boone Caele as eo-hostess. Mrs. Hurst Rurein nre sidod and conducted a devotional. Dot atled nlans for the Achieve ment Dav booth were piven bv Mrs. Bnvd Medford. chairman. Mrs J W Fowler, Jr.. Internation al Relationship chairman, eave a renort on Nlcpraupa Mrs Franklin McCrarken. d'solaved the native costume which she had made as a dress for a doll. The demonstration on "Familv Rusiness Affairs" was given by the Ifome Agent, ? ? * Mrs John Smathers of Clvde is rervorted "restinP comfortably." at Memorial Mission Hosnital. Ashe ville. where she is a patient. MADAM DUN A PALM READINGS LOCATED NEXT TO THE H AYWOOD COUNTY HOSPITAL She Will Tell Your ? PAST ? PRESENT ? FUTURE Gives You Advise On Love. Business, Marriage, Etc. If You Are Sick Or In Trouble Uome And See Madam Duna WITH THIS AD SPECIAL READINGS! SPECIAL SALE ONE WEEK ONLY! We placed approximately 200 new Goodyear Factory Second Tires on Sale this morning, and will continue the sale for one week only. These tires are mostly white sidewalls and are fully guaran teed. This is a special purchase and we are able to offer savings up to 50% on these tires. Both tubeless and conventional tires are available in sizes 6.70, 7.10, and 7.60-15. ALLISON & DUNCAN TIRE CO. Georgia Avenue Hazelwood Methodist Circles Set October Meets Circles of the First Methodist Church have scheduled regular meetings for Tuesday, October 3, as follows: Circle 1 will meet at 10 a.m. in the home of Mrs. J. M. hong with Mrs. A. J. Fancher as co-hostess. Circle 2 will meet at 10 a.m. in the home of Mrs. H. L. Liner, Jr. with Mrs. J. W. Fowler, Jr.. as co boaiets. Circle 3 will meet at 3:30 p m in the home of Mrs George Al len with Mrs. T. L Bramktt as co hostess. Circle 4 will meet at 7:30 p.m. In the home of Mry. G D. Stovall with Miss Frances Robeson as co hostess. Circle 5 will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. H. M. Dulin with Mrs. Wayne beitz as co hostess. Circle 6 will meet at 7:30 p.m. In the home of Mrs. Robert E. Al lison with Mrs. T. C. Davis as co hostess. Circle No. 7 will meet at 7:30 in the World Methodist Building at Lake Junaluska. The Wesleyan Service Guild will meet at 7:30 p.m. In the home of Mrs. James Atkins, Jr. with Mrs Homer H. Plott as co-hostess. * ? ? Joint Hostesses Entertain McKimmon Club The McKimmon Home Demon stration Club met Monday after noon in the recreation room of the First Baptist Church with Mrs. Roy Smathers, Mrs. Charles Coleman and Mrs. C. F. Owen as ^host esses. Mrs. Harold Hansen conduct ed the business. The devotional was given by Mrs. Jack Cabe. An exhibit of souvenirs and oth er articles from China was shown by Mrs. Gordon Rogers, chairman of International Relations Com mittee. Mrs. Rogers also asked for volunteer leadership for the Girl Scout movement in Canton. Miss Mary Cornwell gave the demonstration on "Family Busi ness Affairs." * Long's Chapel Circles Will Meet Tuesday The circles of the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service of Cong's Chapel Methodist Church will meet Tuesday, October 2, as follows: Circle No. 1 will meet in the home of Mrs. R. N. Johnson with Miss Sara Leslie as co-hostess at 2 p.m. Circle No. 2 will meet In the home of Mrs. Ray Ellis in East Waynesville at 7:30 p.m. MBS. C. (L DUCKETT Announcement has been made of the marriage of Mias Evelyn Carolyn Garriaon, daughter of Or. and Mrs. Ralph Bernard Gar rison of Hamlet, to Charles How ard Duckett, so nof Dr. and Mrs. V. II. Duckett of Canton. The ceremony was performed April | 1 In Chesterfield, S. C. The bride is a graduate of Salem Academy, Winston-Salem. Mr. Duckett is : completing his senior year in the Bowman Gray Medical School in j Winston-Salem. * * * The Paynes Are Honored At Supper The Rev. and Mrs. Don Payne and their small daughters, Cindy and Donna, were honor guests at a family fellowship supper held by the congregation of the Long's Chapel Methodist Church Wednes day night in the church dining room. The Paynes are leaving this week for Liberty where Mr. Payne has been assigned a new church The supper was sponsored by the Young Adult Class of the church and gifts were presented to | iMr. and Mrs. Payne and their! daughters by the youth Fellowship. I Around two hundred members of the church were present. ? ? * * UDC Will Meet With Miss Nancy Killian A meeting of the Haywood Chap ter. United Daughters of the Con i federaey will be held Friday at 3:30 p.m in the home of Miss Nancy Killian with Mrs. W. F. Swift as co-hostess. Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick will con duct the business and a program will be presented on the education al background of Confederate of ficers Mrs. L K. Perry will review the UDC Magazine. RELIABLE JEWELERS salutes the return of the I JACKIE GLEASON I v* SHOW t over WBTV Charlotte CHANNEL 3 Saturday Night. 7:00 O'Clock JjJ i biloya : I Presents for the time of your life those | fabulous TV headlinert. 1'jLJ GODDESS [J * '?f3B or nunc P JPj i^Spi | CREDIT TERMS Hp/ BULOVA "23" to six precision . adjustments, k, self-winding. F waterproof!* unbreakable ^^3 mainspring. shock resistant, anti-magnetic. all \j| .. \- steel case, sweep second hand $59.SO (also available with charcoal dial)' EJAjililiiLfin mmmel M tonf H aryttol H Intact COM Only t M(WtMt I?w?l?J t^ouid rtploco ciyttol or clot* com. HICES iXClUDt ftDttAl TA? Ir. and Mrs. Belcher riven Housewarming Mr. and Mrs. Walter Belcher, ho have recently moved into a #<v home in Clyde, were honored : a housewarming Friday even ig. Hostesses were Mrs. Dae [ann. Mrs. Carlton Corzlne, Mrs. ohn Stamey, Mrs. Hasque War Mi, Jr., Mrs. Claude Jolly, and Irs. Ernest Rogers. About thirty guests were in luded. * * * I Mrs. F. A. Anderson of Johnson ity is the guest *o> her niters Irs. Hi 1 Hard / tkins and toe Bases Helen and Frances Ray. OES Will Have Meeting On Thursday The Waynesvilie Chapter, N.o. 165. Order Of the EasTttr. Star will meet Thursday. October 4, at % 8 p.m. in the Masonu Hall. The meeting will also mark tte 83rd anniversary of the orgar.izfa tion of the chapter. For Quality Merchandise AT LOWEST PRICES THE SMART SHOP MAIN ST. CL 6-8 2 H BIG T V. TRADE-IN WEEK We're Trading Wild This Weekl Come In Today! SEE THIS ? GENERAL ELECTRIC* bh* m m white oak cabinet finish vAUW / I \m on pressed wood. ? 261 square inches of viewable ? UP-FRONT "PUSHBUTTON" POWER TUNING ??The quickest, easiest way to select a channel ? SET-AND-FORGET VOLUME CONTROL ?No need to re-set sound ? SHARP AS A MOVIE SCREEN ?No glare with G-E aluminized tube and tinted safety window ? NEW, REMOTE CONTROL ?at slight extra cost BIG TRADE-INS? This Week Only! NO DOWN PAYMENT! UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY! | m Ultra-Vision ? clear ??>. \ i pfflll and sharp as a movie IWf *u i n I screen mHH fi I ] * Aluminized p'r^^ Ik C 1 button Poyrer Tuning Wmm Bm' fl) ? Dark-tinted safety jji'ljl'Ir'"- :?? Srfff^TfWrt " K'ass,tilted for glare ejection HI; ? Set - and - Forget Sjh| { Volume Control ^HB^g!55=^ -Ji ? Push-pull power switch ? Lighted number ^^ '? window over tuning Tppsr 261 square inches B dial of viewable area 8 _ , , _ ? Model21C160 8 * Powerful G-E B c'iass>s fl [i am* m m 0 ? Dynapower I H speaker ^RUSsjEr fl ? New Remote Con- I ? trol Channel Selector ? (optional) 8 ? In mahogany, I white oak or cherry ? 8 veneers ? VOTE FOR THE TWO MOST VALUABLE HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL PLAYERS AND SEND THEM TO THE DUKE-CAROLINA FOOT BALL GAME NOVEMBER 24 WITH ALL EX PENSES PAID! VOTE TODAY! DArtDC electric nUUCK) COMPANY Dial GL 6-6351 Main Street v /

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