1JDC Names 33elegates To State Meeting "the Haywood Chapter, United T auchterc of the Confederacy net Friday afternoon in the home of Mis* Nancy KUBan with Mrs V -F SWift al eo-ho*tess Mi-*. N. W. Gamett of Cullowhee and Miaa Killlan were named cctegatee to the state convention rf tike UDC to be held in nickory t Us week.* Also attending will be Mrs. R F. Campbell, district president, nd Mrs. C. F. Klrkpatrick, ehap t >r president Alternate delegates : re Ml* T. L,. Bramlett and Mrs. ham Queen. Sirs. L. 15. Ferry presented the ; i ogram, using at her subject the T DC Memorial Building in Rich mond. ; ? * ? 'Letter-Writing Week' Observance Is Requested Here National Letter Writing Week * til again be celebrated In Waynes * 111* thia week. Postmaster Knos I'oyd announced today. Commenting on the significance el National Letter Writing Week Mr. Boyd pointed out that each > ear since 1398 this event has been i bserved as a reminder of the real i leaning of a personal letter. Emphasizing the traditional sanc M y of the letter mail, Mr. Boyd i eminded Waynesville residents that one of the basic American vr**dems Is the uncensored trans mission of their first class mail. It Is the most valuable possession of the citizens of a free country. "We all know the human Im portance of letter writing." Mr. Tloyd stated, "the way in which It holds scattered families together, rf giving comfort and love and ,iews to all the people of the land *tut its value is Immeasurably ??neater than that. Its implications i re almoet infinite " ? * * \Wom?r*Of The Church To Haye Supper Meet The Women of the Waynesvllle Veabytoriag Church will meet for i covered fish supper at the home >f Mr*. Dan Watkins, Tuesday, October 9. at 9:30 p.m. The supper will take the place <f the regular October meeting and 'he program will be under the Urectlon of Mrs. Watkins. ? ? ? Hazelwood PTA Sets Meeting For Monday The first meeting of the Harel vood PTA for the current school vear will be held Monday, October 3. at 7:30 p.m. in the school lunch -oom. -Officers and committee mem ber* will be Introduced by Mrs. Tfueh Daniel, president. Following the business. parent* wtu be tnvtted to visit the rlaat -oomi where teachers will receive Refreshments will be served at 'he close of the program. Births New arrivals at the Haywood County Hospital include: A Ron to Mr. and Mrs James Caldwell of Canton on October 4. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James Bryson of Balsam on Octo ber 4. A daughter to Mr and Mrs Charles Noland of Clyde on Oc tober 4. A son to Mr and Mrs. William Craig of Canton on October 5. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore of Waynesville on October 5 A son to Mr and Mrs. Wlllard Warren of Waynesville on October fl. ? A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hinkle of Canton on Oc tober 6 A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. San ford Wyatt of Waynesville on Oc tober 6. A daughter to Mr and Mrs. Rob ert Dotson of Waynesville on Oc-' tober 7. A daughter to Mr, and Mrs. Gil bert Bumgarner of Canton on Oc tober 7. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. George Rupe of Canton on October 8. ? ? ? NotMnsr Hells Like Newspapers MRS. REID RNI.OE MeCONNELL was married August 10 in Nash ville, Trnn. She is the former Miss Claire Ilowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ilowell of Waynesville. (Photo by Sherril's Studio). I . WW - - (JIaire Howell Is Bride Of R. E. McConnell Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Claire Howell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Clinton Howell of Waynesvllle, to Reid Enloo McConnell. son of Mr and Mrs. John A. McConnell of Henderson ville. The wedding took place In Woodmont Baptist Church, Nash ville. Tennessee on Friday, Aug ust 10. at 3 p.m. Dr. G. Allen West, pastor of the church, performed the double ring ceremony. The couple entered together and were unattended. The bride wore a dress of white linen styled with fitted bodice and full waltz-leneth skirt. She wore a white nylon hat and her flowers were pink rose ( buds. Mrs. McConnell is "a graduate of Wavnesville High School and received her B. S. Degree from Western Carolina College. She al so attended George Peabody Col lege for Teachers, Nashville and at present is a member of the Clyde High School faculty. Mr. McConnell was graduated from the Dann High School and served with the U S. Nacy dur ing World War II. He Is now en gaged In dairy farming. * * * St. John's Parents Will Meet Monday The Parents' Club of St John's School will meet Monday, October 8. at 7:30 p.m. The following new officers will be Introduced: Mra. Wilson Nancy, president: Mrs. C. S. Jamison, vice president; and Mrs. Steve Ctarneckl. secretary-treasurer. A social hour will follow the meeting and refreshments will be served by Mrs. Michael Platuto and Mrs David Underwood. ? ? ? Clyde Circel To Have Covered Dish Lunch Circle No. 1 of Central Metho dist Church at Clyde will hold an all-day meeting Thursday. October 11, In the home of Mrs. Mark Cathey. A covered dish lunch will be served * * * Miss Marcuerite Russ, student In the School of Nursing. Univer sity of North Carolina, spent the weekend at home, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Curtis Russ. She was accompanied by Clifton Met calf, also a student at the Univer sity. Heilig Harney Is Bride Of J. E. Pittard The marriage of Miss Grace Heilig Harney, daughter of Mrs. Thomas Bad ham Wood of Eden ton and the lare John Mathews Harney, to John Edward Pittard, son of Mrs. John Ptttard of Ox ford and Hie late Mr. Pittard war solemnized Saturday afternoon at Saint Mary's Chapel in Raleigh. The bride is a granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas I>ee of Waynesvllle. The Rev. John S Spong of Dur ham performed the ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by Mr. Wood, wore a waltz-length dress of Italian silk and an antique ro?cpoint lace veil. She carried a bouquet of white orchids and stephanoti.s. Mrs. James C. Cole of Durham was matron of honor and Dr. Hal Pittard of Oxford, uncle of the bridegroom, was best man. A reception in the Hayes Bar ton Room of the Sir Walter Hote' followed the wedding after which the couple left for a wedding trip to Bermuda. They will be at home in Oxford. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. James ? A. Gwyn of Waynesvllle, uncle and aunt of the bride * * ? DAR Chapter Will Meet With Mrs. Howell The October meeting of the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter. Daugh ters of the American Revolution will be held Friday, October 12, at p.m. in the home of Mrs. J Harden Howell. Mrs. J. H. Howell. Jr. will be co-hostess. Mrs. Ben Colkitt, regent, will preside and Mrs. R. H. Sherman of Canton will present the pro gram. Members, are asked to bring packages to be sent to Moore Gen eral Hospital to be used as prizes for the Veterans' Halloween party ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rathbone of Richmond, Va., spent the weekend in Clyde with the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rathbone and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Medford. Teen-Age Treasure By VERA WINSTON THERE should be litUe com plaint from teen-agers when mom takes them shopping- for their new outfits. No complaints from moms, either. For the new clothes are ever so beguiling, charming, fashion-right, yet youthful in their appeal. Typical of the new fashions in coats is this one, the fabric a bright needle - point woolen set off by a little collar of black velvet. It hangs loose with two box-pleats front and back which widen toward the hem and hug the body a bit closer from about the under arm. This is a topper for a youngster to treasure and to wear right through the months ahead. A MRS. ROBERT BRADY. JR.: it the former Mlsa W'ilda Arrincton. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Arrincton of Hazelwood. She was married July 22 in Greenville, S. C. Mr. Brady is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brady, Sr. of the Balsam Road. The bride attend ed Waynesville High School. The bridegroom attended Florida State University. Tallahassee. The couple left last week for Tampa. Florida where they will make their home. Presbyterian Women Plan Annual Meeting For 17th The annual meeting of the Pres byterian Women of the Church. Asheville Presbytery, which in cludes the Waynesville area, will be held in the Oak Forest Presby terian Church on Sand Hill Road Wednesday, October 17, at 10 a.m. Registration will begin at 9 a m for all women attending the meet ing except the executive board members, who will register at 8:30 a m. The board will meet with Mrs. Arch Baylor, Presbyterial presi dent. at 8:45 a.m. Mrs. D. R. Freeman of Concord, Tenn., special teacher selected by the Appalachia Synodical Women of the Church, will present the Rible study and will give a preview of 1957 materials for Bible leaders. Mrs Baylor will preside and the Rev, George N Clavman, pastor of the Oak Forest Church will give the Invocation and will conduct a Communion service at 11:30 a m immediately preceding the lunch hour. The morning business session will Include reDorts of officers and standing committees and election of new officers. At the afternoon session Mrs. i Tom Morrison of Grace Covenant Church will reoort on the Synod ical meeting of the Women of the Church at Johnson City. Tenn.. in September Mrs. R. E MeClure of ; first Pr>?sbvterian Church. Ashe ville. newly - elected Synodical president, will brine a message and w'ill also conduct the service of Installation of new officers. The Rev Rober* A. Potior, pas tor of the Murnhv Church and chairman of women's work for Asheville Presbytery, will speak. Mrs. C. D. Thomas will present the cause of Mountain Orphanage. Mrs. W. H, McMurray, retiring counselor of business women, will discuss "Evangelism through Friendship"; and Mrs. J. E. Wilson will outline "The World Missions Forward Look". Prayer leaders will be Mrs. W. C. Cooper of the Arden Church and Mrs. Grier Davis of Asheville First Church. Luncheon will be prepared and served by women of the hostess church and a nursery will be pro vided to care for pre-school chil dren. Miss Crrthey, RriHp - Elect, Is Honored Miss Lucille Cathey. bride-elect of Sidney Stuart Bust. Jr. of Wins ton-Salem. was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower given Fri day evening in the fellowship hall of Central Methodist Church al Clvde. Hostesses were Mrs. Lois Rogers Mrs. E M Bueker, Mrs. Mart rn?hev. Mrs E. G. Cathey. Mrs F, W. Free. Mrs. John Stamey, Mrs Lei a Robinson, and Mrs. Ro> Haynes. A pink and eroen color scheme wa? used and the refreshment table was decorated with an ar rangement of roses. Miss Cathey was oresented a corsage. Thirty guests were included. ludge And Mrs. Frank Smathers Celebrate 48th Anniversary Judge and Mrs. Frank Smath era entertained at a dinner Satur day evening In their rummer tome tore in celebration of their forty eighth wedding anniversary which is October 7. The date also marks Mrs. Smathers' birthday anniver The dining room table was cov ered with an embroidered cut work cloth and was centered with an arrangement of white ckryaan 'hemums. flanked by white cand le*. The living room was decorat ed With arrangements of ohryaan "hemums, autumn foliage and oaes. The guests Included Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn, Mia. Adora Rayne. Mr% W. B- Haviland. Mrs. Bar bara Havlland Weiler, Mrs. Ern st Withers. Mrs J. F Abel, Mrs. lobert Breese, Mrs. Robert Os borne, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harden Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rose, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kilpatrick, Dr. tnd Mrs. Thomas Stringfield, Mr. snd Mn. Clyde Ray, and Mr. and Mr*. Bftt Sloan. A number ol additional friends called during the evening. Senator George Smather*, son of the hosts, who flew down from Washington Saturday was forced to return without attending the party when his plane was unable to land.at the Asheville airport. ? * ? Skyland Garden Club Will Meet Thursday Mrs. Kurt Cans and Mrs. Jack Davis will be hostesses at a luncheon meeting of the Skyland Garden Club Thursday at 12 o'clock at the Waynesville Coun try Club. Mrs. Gan.s will give a demon strated program on "Harmony in Table Settings." * * * Jonathan Woody spent Satur day in Chapel Hili visiting his son. Stephen, a student at the Univer sity of North Carolina. "No other"... Clamour UtlES HOME JOURNAL $9.95 PT \I I"S ! No others can touch them for sheer beauty .of line and superb fitting qualities at such a modest price. /Ifme&^eacC SMART SHOES TOR ?RACtfUl. POISE %rr* / / ' ? ?? -s^A.. , lft jjyw- ak .?? . _ CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF THE LADIES OF THE HAYWOOD COUNTY Home Demonstration Clubs WHILE YOU ARE ATTENDING THE ACHIEVEMENT DAY PROGRAM WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO VISIT US! THE SMART SHOP Main Streat Dial GL 6-8210 M_4 . ' t : ? . -- , m " ' ? ? ? ^ You Will Find at Ray'i Boy's School Jackets Of Every Type and Style From Size 2 to 18 MOTORCYCLE BLACK JACKETS ^ WOOL | ! COATS - JACKETS LEATHER JACKETS i !; GABARDINE JACKETS - COATS LEATHER TYPE PLASTICS BLANKET LINED WRANGLER TYPE ? ||"H|r 11IH11 R5wf^v2| I B3LJm^II?WivM^ ? t ti.....,.?. ?>>?i u ? rwTiCTiy mOiulM II ? B?_J ^>3^ /W^ TOU GET SO TO ?l fW r-ff /// 4?% MOBS FOR p\|\ JkI[ .^V' TOUR MONET N* ^ BECAUSE WE I BUT DIRECT. PAY A LITTLE AT A TIME f&AfaML a? LET US SHOW YOU AND FOR MEN Everything In Coats - Jackets FROM "SOUP TO NUTS" - If You Like ? Use Our LAY-AWAY PLAN vhbx mars boom to rarki ? ,

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