? ? ?'Woman's Club ?Of Canton ?Has Meeting J . A meeting of lb* Canton Wo man's Club was held Tuesday af ??ernoon in the assembly room of }&?? Carton Public Library. Host leases were Mrs. Roy Smathers. JMrs. J K Tate, Mrs. J. T. Bailey. I for*. W. E Sheffield, and Mrs. Hol |auid. < The Ruest speaker was Mrs. ; 'Walter Baermann of Habelwood, Jt^ho has recently returned from ? Europe. She was introduced by ! 'Kirs. Fleet Holland, chairman oi I the International Relations De- i ? partment r?f the club. Mrs. Logan White, president, an- ; ^.'nnfMa?:.,ns for a meeting ot Hdstrtct One to be held in Frank lin. October 23 9 Mrs W N. Frees, chairman of Elie \Vr* i and Means Committee, ?old pi a % for the group to spon ?or sale on October 19. ? The club adopted plans to send , WARE packages. ? ? ? B One child prodigist who retained It early fame is concert violinist Boscha Heifetz He was acclaimed i By critics in his New York ^?buffet U age of 17; first played lie vkil iv .it the age of 3. Primrose Garden Club Will Meet Tuesday The Primrose Garden Club will meet in the home of Mrs. Rufus Summerruw Tuesday, October 16. at 12 o'clock. Mrs. John Penny will be co-hostess and luncheon will be served prior to the meet Inn Mrs. Herbert Singletary W"1 preside and Mrs. 11 L. Liner. Jr. wilt give the prograni on "Bulbs." ? * ? Legion Auxiliary Plans Regular Meeting A regular meeting of the Ameri can Legion Auxiliar;. will be held Tuesday night. October 16, at 7:30 o'clock in I he Legion Hall. Members are requested to pay dues to Mrs. J T Russell or Mrs Robert Hall. It was also announc ed that gifts for the Chrirstmas Gift Shop lor veterans are due at this tWrie and should be delivered to Mrs Robert Gibson Mi*s. Nee son Smith will be in charge of the program. ? ? ? ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Charles Way an nounce the arrival of a son, Charles Burr Way, Jr., bv adop tion Mrs ltay is the former Miss Mary Ann Massie the attention of flower lovers this week. The plant has had as many as 30 blooms. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wright, Jr.. are completing their new ranch style home here, and expect to move in the latter part of this week. Announcement has been receiv- ' ed of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Noel Williamson in Albu querque. New Mexico. Mr. Wil liamson, a former resident here. ; holds a teaching position there. Mr. atd Mrs. Tom Jimison and children spent the weekend with j her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Raper at Murphy. Mrs. Hobeut Carter, Jr., was hostess for the regular meeting of I the Good Neighbor Club at her home Monday evening* Mrs. ' George Wright presided, and each ' of the ten members present gave reports of their activities during j the month. Plans were made for remembering shut-ins at birthdays j and Thanksgiving. At the conclusion of the meet- j ' ing a tempting sweet course was j served by the hostess. | t Mr?. held Mct'onnell, the form er Miss Claire llowrll. hIkim roar riaiir took place August 10. has honored uh with her selection of china. Ilcr pattern is: "Apple Itlossom" by llaviland. It k now on display at K V K T <; A N S. Jeweler - : tv IT J{- T II A N S ? "The Store of Fine W atches" i A I EXCLUSIVELY o.m ELGIN LOOK NO J HANDS* lord Elgin Direct Reading I I 21 jewel &ho(kmoit?r. 14K natural I I oolH filed case Podded blue grey I : I leotKer ttrap. ? I s79*? | 1 IUtey're here I Elgin's exciting new Direct reading watc'hcv iaft You road moving numbers instead of moving hands . . . top number shows the hour . , lower number Wa^Y/ H shows the minutes. Never before 5?C^ I watches so fine ... so easy to j >r ' I read. Only ELGIN'S creative ? LORO I genius could bring them to you I r^gj (ELGIN j \ . fell r-r?. (H^jl Yy7Moving Numbers HT* > I No more bent hands or broken crystals . . . mm ?"""""l Lord Elgin Direct Heading I i 14k natural gold fil.d com, brv i I eled center panel. 21 |ewel Shock- I ? master. Calfskin strap. . _ _ I I ? When cose* crystal and crown ore intact. j A LITTLE AT A TIME ^jcwctea MRS. KOHIRT RRVSON' ROYD in the former Miss Shirley Maxine Rerry, daughter of Mr. and Mr* Roy Rerry of Wayneseille* Route I. She was married in VYalhalla, S. on August 18. Mr. Boyd is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Royd of WaynesviUe, Route 2. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Royd are employed at Itavton Rubber Cp. They are making their home with the parents of the bridegroom. (SherrUl's Photo). . Miss Mary Walker Marries Mr. Ford Announcement has been made I of the marriage of Mit$ Mary Walker of Upper Crabtree, .laugh- j tor of A. C. Walker and the late ; Mrs. Walker Arthur J Ford. The wedding was held at the home of the Rev. P. C, Hick* who officiated, Tuesday, October 2. Mr Ford, a resident of this commun ity, is employed at the Champion Paper and Fibre Plant They will make their home on Crabtree. Mr and Mrs. W M Williamson and family who have been resi dents of the community for a number of years, are moving this week hi their new home which has Just been completed on Boav-, erdarn The Williamsons sold their farm here to the Champion Paper and Fibre Company. A night blooming cere us of Mis. .1 II. Clark's is attracting South Clyde Community News By MRS. KYLE LINDSEY Community Reporter The South Clyde CDF held its regular meeting at the commun ity house Monday night with Ed win Jackson, chairman, in charge. Family score sheets to be used in the county CDP contest were distributed, and a discussion was held on waterproofing the com munity building. A supper also was discussed, but no definite plans were made. Bob Tippett, assistant county agent, was a guest at the meeting. Some of the young people of the MYF attended the district meeting at?JJje First Methodist Church of Canton last Monday night. Mem bers of the Clyde church had part 011 tiie program. Miss lva Ann Deaver and Mrs. j V N Allen honored Mrs. Van Deaver with a birthday dinner last j Friday. Attending in addition to j the families were Mr. and Mrs. ? Boyd Lee of Franklin. Mrs. Mattie Rhodarmer was honored with a birthday supper at the community* house last week i by some of her children. Mrs. George Limbo of Brevard honored her father, Kyle Ltndscy, and her husband, George, at a birthday dinner Sunday. Mr and Mrs. \V. C. Justice cele brated their 58th wedding anni versary last week. They have six children living and a large num ber of grandchildren and great grandchildren. Mrs. Hugh Khinehart, who has been a patient at Mission Hospital. Asbeville, is now at home. ? | Charlie Mcsser is a patient at I Haywood County Hospital. Little Doris Rhinehart had a broken arm, caused by a fall. ? ? ? Railroad employees in the U. S. hive been paid more than one billion dollars in unemployment and sick benefits under the Rail- i road Unemployment Insurance Act since it went into effect in 1939. Sheppe's ' ? l i New Fall COATS 2295 ? You'll find their low price* hard to believe when you feel thei/luxurious softness. ? 100% all wool ? Tweeds and Solids ? Up-to-the-minute styling ? Sizes for Juniors 7 to 15 Misses 8 to 18 J New Fall DRESSES 595 ? One and 2-piece styles ? Whifls & slim skirts ? Winter cottons. Menswear, crepes, failles ? Stripes, prints, solids ? Wide variety of colors ? 7 to 13, 10 to 20, 1 \Vt to 21 Vi Hi Bulk Washable Orlons Slip - Ons Cardigans 299 399 ? Every girl likes lots of Sweaters and now is the time to save. ? Classic & novelty necklines ? Holds its shape without blocking ? White, pink, maize, powder blue, jade, brown, melon. Sizes .'51 to 10. Fall Wool SKIRTS 399 ? Slim and Titrated ? Solid colors, tweeds ? all the fairest eolors of fall ? Sizes 22 to .'>() ? Smartly Styled Fall SHOES 299 ? Loafers, flats, novelty styles ? Gray, black, navy, brown ? Suedes, calfs ? All leather ? first quality ? Sizes 9 to 10 Misses SUITS 10?? 4 ? Newest Fabrics V ? Latest Styles ? Fully Lined ? Junior, Misses & Half Sizes New Fall Glamour HATS t 2" ? New Shaggy Felts and Velvets ? Casual or Dressy in ? Cloches. Turbans, togues, high rising pillboxes domes ? Georgeous Colors, Too. Fall Cotton BLOUSES 1" ? Wondeful washable cotton fabric ? Newest styles & colors Short, long & :ti sleeves ? Sissy ? Ivy look or tailored Styles ? Solids, prints classic and novelty patterns ? Sizes .'52 to .'58 Cotton Challis PAJAMAS 299 ? In collar & yoke daintily deta^ styles ? Man tailored styles ? In solids, prints and stripes ? Sizes 32 to 10 Lacy Nylon SLIPS 2" ? Washable no-iron nylon tricot ? Wide net and lace ruffles ? Adjustable straps ? Straight Cut ? Sizes 32 to 50 S n e PP*^ 123 Main Street Strand Theatre Bldtf. ^m???i??himmmtm?????????mmm?^?i?? ? ' ? . " - < - . . - . i K I R T (; A N S mvMhwun^^UAi^m ? |pp r* ^S'a l>r* reused figures luminous dial, invisible crown. $59.50 Don't take any chances ? toke the best-protected watch you can buy, Wyler Incaflex ? used by thou sands of knowifig farmers. Triplo-guaranteed: ? against shock, against water, against mainspring breakage. It's mighty good-looking tool eOrdinary balance wheel ? rigid spokes relay shocks straight to vital balance mechonitns. Wyler Incaflex balance wheel Gives with shock .. . fully jf \ guaranteed against damage ** ' ? I * , J E W CLEW