GO TO CHURCH SERVICES SOMEWHERE EVERY SUNDAY The Crabtree Methodist Charge K. J. Hahn. Pastor ALL CHURCHES FRIDAY? Charge ? Wide Official Board Meeting at the Crabtree Church at 7:30 p.m. CRABTREE SUNDAY? Church School. 10:00 a.m. John Klrkpatrick. Supt. WEDNESDAY? Choir practice at 7:30 p.m. DAVIS CHAPEL SUNDAY? Morning Worship. 10 a.m. Ser mon subject; "Workers Together With God". Church School 10 45 a.m. O. L. Yates. Supt. PINCHER'S CHAPEL SUNDAY? Church School Sunday 10 a m Woodrow Plemmons Supt Morning Worship, 11:00 a m. Ser mon subject: "Workers Together With God" Methodist Youth Fellowship, 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY? Prayer Meeting 7.00. MT. ZION SUNDAY? Church School 10 a m, Hershel Rogers Supt. If YOU are too busy for Church, YOU are TOO busy! . i . 1 First Baptist Church wayvekviixf. The Rev. T. K. Kobinett, Pastor SUNDAY? 9:45?Sunday School. The Teach ing Ministry. Mr Glenn W. lirown to superintendent. 9 45 to 12:00?The Nursery to open. 11:00?Morning Worship. Ser mon, "Give an Account of Thy Stewardship," by the pastor Music under the direction of Charles L. Islcy, Jr. 6:15?Training Union. 7:30? Evening Worship. Sermon "Think on These Things" by the pastor. MONDAY? 1:15?WJUiam Wallace Sunbeams meet at the church 7.30?Intermediate G A.'s meet at the parsonage. TUESDAY? 3:30?Junior G.A.'s meet at the church. 7:30 ?> Winsom Sunday School Class meets with Mrs. Clarence Cathey WEDNESDAY? 7:30?Midweek prayer service. 8:15?Youth and Senior Choir rehearsal. HEAR, O ISRAEL ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By Alfred J. Buetchtrj I I. Scripture?Deuteronomy 6. ? On the plain* of Moab, after the Red Sea river i .ossing. Moses warns his people to be true to their God who had brought litem out of bondage to take possession of the Promised Land. The Israelites were Instructed to teach the Lord's lews to their children; to talk of them In their homes, when they walk ed, when they laid down to sleep and when they rose in the morning. Mose* also warned his people not to for l?ct Cod when they prospered in the Promised Land. They must remember to worship the Lord their God only, and not bow down before heathen idols. In time to come, if a son asked his father about these laws and statutes, he should be told the story of their flight from Egypt, by the Lord's help. MEMORY VE&SE?Deut. 6;6-7a. Special Services Set At Rockwood Charge Churches Rev. Wilson Nesbett, executive secretary of the Methodist Com mission of Town and Country Work, will speak at The Plains Methodist church Sunday morning at the 11:00 o'clock worship serv ice. Mr. Nesbett is one of the instruc tors in the Haywood County Train ing School to open at Central Meth odist church, Canton, at 7:30 o'clock Sunday evening He is to teach the course on "The Work of the Local Church". Rev, C. Edward Roy, of Brevard College, will direct a team of stu dents from the college in a brief serviee of worship followed by a discussion of features and advan tages of Brevard College at Rock wood Methodist Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock. This service is being sponsored by the Methodist Youth Fellow ships of the two churches of the Rockwood charge fine of the pur poses of I he meeting Is to acquaint the youth of the churches, who arc graduating from high school, with one of the Methodist colleges. All members of the churches and the people of the communities are invited to attend. There will be a snack supper served in the social hall at the close of the meeting. Those attending are asked to bring along a light snack and join In the fellowship of the social hour, ITsr the Want Ads for results. Church of Christ * Kiist on lllghway 19A-Z3 Across from RKA Building Bob Kigdon, Minister Phone GL 6-8930 "Speaking the truth in Love? Eph. 4:15. SUNDAY? 10:00 a m.?Bible Study. 11:00 a.m.?Worthip Service. 3 00 - 4:00 p.m.?Worship Serv ice at Tuckaseigec 7 30 p.m.?Worship Service. TUESDAY BOO p.m.?Bible Study at home in Sylva. WEDNESDAY? 7:30 p m. Bible Study?Church Building. Radio Programs SATURDAY ? 9O0 to 9:15 a.m. ? Radio Pro gram?"The Gospel of Christ" ? Radio Station WHCC. "The churches of Christ salute you". Romans 16:16. * Aliens Creek Missionary Baptist Church Her. Otto Parham. Pastor "And when the day of Pentecost j was fully come: they were all with one accord in one place." SUNDAY? 10:00 a.m.?Sunday School, Garl Brooks, Superintendent. 11:00 a.m.?Morning Worship, 6:30 pm.?Training Union. Roy Mills, Director, 7:30 p.m.?Evening Worship. ANNOUNCEMENTS WEDNESDAY? 7:00 p.m.?Teachers meeting. 7:45 p.m.?Prayer meeting. 8:30 p.m.?Choir rehearsal. MRS. ROBERT E. EARLY MISS MARY ELLEN HARRELL ? ' ? I - REV. EDWARD ROY Methodists Set Five - Day County Training School Five courses will be taught in the training school for members of |the church and Sunday School at Central Methodist. Canton The school begins Sunday, October 21, and will continue through Thurs day, October 25th. j Five interesting courses will be taught, as follows: 'The Use of The Bible With Children" with Mrs. Robert Karly. | teacher. "Youth Friendships" (a course for young people! with Mrs. Iona Berry, teacher, "The Methodist (Youth Fellow ship" (for adult leaders of Youth! with Miss Mary Ellen Harrell, teacher. "The Work of The Local Church" (for Chairmen of Commissions, Stewards, and members of the Offi cial Board) with Rev. Wilson Nes bttt. teacher. "The Teachings of Jesus" (a gen eral course for Adults) with The Rev. Edward Roy, teacher. Mr. Roy has just returned from an exten sive tour of Palestine and will show pictures and films that were taken during his travels. ? ? ? ?. ? ? -?m Barberville Baptist | Church The Rcy. Paul T. Mull, Pastor SUNDAY? 9:45 a.m.?Sunday School. John Ruff, Superintendent. 11 ;Oo a.m. ? Morning Worship Message by the pastor. 7.00 p.m ? Training Union. Jake Sehulhofer, Director. 8:00 p.m. ? Evening Worship Devotion and Observance of the Lord's Supper. Announcements and Activities TUESDAY? 7:30 p.m. ? Regular monthly meeting of the Brotherhood. All men of the church and community are invited. WEDNESDAY? 7:15 p.m.?Prayer meeting. 8:00 p.m.?Choir practice. | Richland Baptist Church Telephone CL 6-3507 SUNDAY? 10.00 a.m. ? Sunday School. Wayne Caldwell, Superintendent. Ernest Miller, Associate Superin tendent. 6:45 p.m. ? Training Union. Everett Cutshaw, Director, and Roy Parton, Associate Director. 7 30 p.ra. ? Evening Worship Message by the pastor. WEDNESDAY? 7:00 p.m.?Prayer meeting. Seventh-Day Adventist Tabernacle 106 Beech Street I1AZELWOOD Elder J. O. Wilson. District Pastor Dave Wiggins, Local Eider SATURDAY? 9:45 a.m.?Sabbath School. 11:00 a.m.?Worship. Sermon by the pastor. Welcome. Ninevah Baptist Church The Rev. C. L. Allen, Pastor SUNDAY? 10 a m.?Sunday School. Roy Davis superintendent. Rufus Lem ing, Associate Superintendent. Sermon by the pastor every sec ond and fourth Sunday mornings at 11 o'clock, and every first and third Sunday nights at 8:00 o'clock. 7:00 p.m.?Training Union. Ruf us Leming. Director. Aze Griffin. Associate Director. WEDNESDAY? 7:00 p.m.?Prayer meeting. The W.M.U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Jason Smiley Mon day, Oct. 22 at 7 o'clock. (The (golden (Tejct___ The Hebrews poising over Jon/an, MB "And these words, which I commend thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shall teach them diligently unla thy children."? Deuteronomy 6:6-7?. Crabtree Baptist Church Route 1, CLYDE, N. C. "A Church With A Warm Heart" The Rev. Gay Chambers, Pastor SUNDAY? 10:00 a.m. ? Sunday School, Charles Noland, Superintendent. 11:00 a.m. ? Morning Worship. Sermon by the pastor, 7:00 p.m. ? Training Union. Noble Hoglan, director. 7:00 p.m.?Revival Service con tinues this week. Rev. Thomas Er win, pastor of the Mt. Zlon and Bethel Baptist Churches is the guest speaker. Everyone is in vited to attend. j Rocky Branch Free Will Baptist Church The Rev. T. Wheeler, Pastor SUNDAY? 10:00 a.m.?Sunday School. Ray mond Willett, Supt. 11:00 a.m. ? Morning Worship. Sermon by the pastor every 1st and 3rd Sundays. WEDNESDAY? 7:30 p.m.?Prayer Service. Rev. Shope Will Become Pastor Of Buncombe Church The Rev. G. H. Shope, Jr., has resigned as pastor of the East Waynesville Baptist Church to ac cept the pastorate of the Bent Creek Baptist Church on Brevard Road in Buncombe County. The East Waynesville Baptist Church started as a mission Sun day School December 14, 1952, and was organized as a church Febru ary 22. 1953. Rev, Shope has served as pastor since the organization of the church. The church has made marked progress since its founding and now has a membership of 80, a Sunday school enrollment of 136, and a Training Union group of 45. Rev. Shope will conclude his work at East Waynesville Sunday, October 28, and he and his family will move to their new residence the first of November. Use the Want Ads for results TOUCffiOWN! * ? ' 1'OUCHDOWNS come at the end of long, sus tained drives. Rarely is the goal line crossed with little effort and without the cooperation of every member of the team. So it is with civic improvement. Our towns are made finer by combined and continuing effort. As in football, if any member of the team lets up anywhere in the drive, the final objective may not be reached. V i ? Help your town reach its goal in the Finer Caro lina contest by completing all projects by December 1. 1 whs n mu\ (.CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPATTY^ I _________ The Sinner's Case At Bar or HOW CAN A LOVING GOD I CONDEMN ANYONE TO HELL? Hf?r A Uw Trained Man Discuss This Subject At The FREE METHODIST CHURCH Assembly and Oak Streets 7:39 P. M. Sl'NDAY ATTENTION FARMERS, ORCHARDMEN, CATTLEMEN! See The Greatest FORD TRACTOR POWER now... 3 PLOW 4-WHEEL 3-PlOW TtlCYClE S-PIOW 4-WHEI 2 now nticTcu D 3 4 HOW FOtWON MA'"1? DIESEL Ford I TRACTORS in the size and type you need Yes, we're now offering Ford Trac tors in models to fit evety type of farming operation. First, there are Ford's new full 3-plow tractors, 4-wheel and tricycle .,. 30% more powerful than any previous Ford Tractor. The full 2-plow 4-wheel and tricycle models provide the same money-making performance that has made Ford Tractors famous. And, there's the 3-4 plow Fordson Major Diesel . .. econom ical, outstanding diesel power. Come in soon ... ask lor a free demonstration POW wow EVER STAGED IN HAYWOOD COUNTY At Mrs. E. B. Rickman's Farm WEST PIGEON, In The Heart of Fertile Pigeon Valley. FRIDAY, OCT. 19th FULL DAY'S PROGRAM COME EARLY ? STAY ALL DAY! PRIZES FOR ALL! EVERYONE INVITED! SEE THE FORD "600", FORD "800" ? FORD DEISEL TRACTORS IN ACTION! SHOWING AND DEMONSTRATING THE WORLD'S MOST MODERN FARM MACHINERY - FORD. "THE FARMER'S CHOICE" ROGERS TRACTOR COMPANY Phone 3941 ? Specialists In Farm Equipment Financing ? Clyde, N. C. PAY ONLY 25% DOWN ? UP TO 3 FULL CHOP YEARS FOR BALANCE f . ? '