MISS MARJORIB WOODy Will represent the Alpha Theta Chap ter of Beta Sigma Phi in the Miss Beta Sigma Phi contest this week end in Charleston. The contest will be a feature of the Carolinas convention of the sorority. Mrs. Ketner Tells Club Of Washington Trip The Dellwood Home Demonstra tion Club met Thursday afternoon in the home of Mrs. S. E Me-I C'rary. Mrs. Frank Henry con ducted the devotions. Mrs. W. E. Ketner save an ae- ' count of her trip to Washington. D. C. for the Citizenship Congress and reported oil the State Planning meeting which she attended in Raleigh. Mrs. C. E. Alexander reported or the Health Conference which she attended In Raleigh Mrs. McCrary presided. The demonstration on Utility Rooms was given by Mrs. Vernon Wells. Refreshments, served during the social hour, carried out a Hal loween motif. Guests were Mrs. Alexander. Mrs. Harry Bradley, and Mrs. Rob ert Ferguson. ? * * Use Mountaineer Want Ads Sorority Members Wijl Attend Carolinas Meet M iss Marjorie Woody left this morning for Charleston, S. C. where she will attend the Caro linas Convention of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority. She will represent the Alpha Thela chapter of the sorority in the Miss Beta Sigma l'hi contest and will also attend other sessions of the convention as a delegate. Miss Elaine Francis, also a mem ber of the Alpha Thela Chapter, will leave tomorrow to attend the convention as a delegate. Miss Woody, daughter of Mrs. \\. H. Woody of Waynqpville and the late Dr. Woody, was graduated front Western Carolina College and is now secretary to John llilden biddle, general manager of Dayton Rubber Co. " Miss Francis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Francis, was grad uated from Woman's College, and is employed as laboratory tech nician at the Haywood County Hospital. Canton Garden Club Plans Yule Events The Canton Garden Club met Tuesday In the home of Mrs. L. H. Hartshorn, with Mrs. Marvin Alex ander as associate hostess. During the business session Mrs. Charles Branson reported that flower arrangements had been tak en to local nursing homes, and Mrs. James B. Hurley told of the activ ities of the junior garden club, sponsored by the group. A report was given on the N. C. State Garden School, course 5, held In Canton recently. Announcement was made of the plans of the Canton Council of ! Garden Clubs to sponsor a Yule tide Flower Show and Tour Decem ber 18. The following were appoint ! ed from the Canton Garden Club to serve at the Christmas exhibit in the Canton Library: Mrs. L. H. Hartshorn, clerk; Mrs. Hugh Keen er. entries; Mrs. C. A. Stone an^ Mrs. J. Frank Pate, classification; Mrs. J. L. Reeves and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, focal point; Mrs. James B Hurley, schedule; Mrs. Charles Branson, judges; Mrs. A. P. Cline, Mrs. Herman Eskridge. Mrs. Roy Moore, Mrs. W. B. Williamson, Jr., Mrs. H. A. Helder, Mrs G. W. > Phillips, and Mrs. Henry Seaman I will serve as hostesses. Mrs. Burton of the Westgate Shopping Center in AsheviUe spoke briefly to the group and pre sented a gift of $25.00. Mrs. Hugh Keener spoke on "An nuals for Fall Planting". She sug gested flowers and discussed meth ods of planting. Mrs. H. A. Helder spoke on the Christmas rose. Arrangements suitable for a din ing room table were judged. Mrs. Herman Eskridge was awarded the red ribbon and Mrs. Hartshorn was given the yellow ribbon. Following the meeting luncheon was served by the hostesses. Eighteen members and two guests, Mrs. Frank Vetoe, Jr., and Mrs. James Harkins, were present. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Samp son, who have a summer home on Country Club Drive, left today for Sebring. Florida to spend the winter. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Curtis and their daughter, Mrs. Porter Frady, and her small daughter. Laura, left Tuesday for Sarasota, Fla.. where they are spending a vaca tion. * ? * Mrs. W. Ji. Woody and her daughters. Miss Joy Woody and Miss Marjorie Woody, returned Sunday from a week's vacation in Georgia, Alabama, and Ten nessee. # * * Mr and Mrs. A. J. Fanchcr left yesterday for Lakeland. Fla., where they will spend the winter months They stopped en route in Savannah. Ga., for a visit with their son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. McCrane. ? * * * Mrs. Annfe McCracken is leav ing this weekend for Palm City. Calif., where she will spend the winter with her son. T. M. Mc Cracken. Edward Lcatherwood. a sopho more at High Point College, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lcatherwood. He had as his guest his roommate, Glenn Lloyd, of Sanford. ? ? ? Judge and Mrs. Frank Smath ers. who have spent the past few months at their summer home here, left Tuesday for their home j in Miami. * * * I Mrs. Walter Marting. who has been visiting her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bacrmann, left today for her home in Cincinnati. Ohio. She made the ! trip by car with Mr. and Mrs. ? Haermann, who are going to De troit. Michigan. ? * * Mrs. Adora Rayne left Tuesday for Nashville, Tenn., where she is visiting her niece, Mrs. Calvin Houghland, and Mr. Houghland. * ? * Mr. and Mrs. Grover Haynes^nd their son and dau*hter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Sidnsy Haynes, Sr.4 have returned to their homes in Clyde after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Haynes, Jr. in Charleston. S. C. ' ? * * Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cagle have returned to their home in Clyde ? from Charleston. S. C. where Mr. Cagle, chief petty officer. USNR. had two weeks training. Mrs. Cagle joined him during the last week in Charleston. ? ? * Bruce Lcatherwood of Clyde is a patient at Memorial Mission Hos pital. Ashcville. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. John Morrow and ' the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I). J. Noland spent the weekend in Balsville, Va? as guests of Mrs. . Noland's brother-in-law and siv ter. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mc I Cracken. Mrs. Morrow and Mrs. Waldo Green spent Saturday in i Richmond. V'a. ? ? ? Jeff Reece arrived yesterday from Clcmson College to spend the I weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs C J Recce. I THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss I( the legislation committee, and Mrs. Rebekah Murray, chairman ?f the committee on International Relations, presented the program it a dinner meeting of the Waynes rille Business and Professional Women's Club Tuesday night at rhe Lodge. Mrs. Rogers presented informa tion on eligibility for voting, reg istration, and absentee voting. Mrs. Murray's program was based on the observance of the eleventh anniversary of the found ing of the United Nations. She read President Eisenhower's procla mation for UN Day and reviewed (he accomplishments of the UN. Mrs. Iten Phillips presided. Dinner and a Halloween party preceded the program and mem bers attended in costume. Prizes for the best costumes were award ed to Miss Debrayda Fisher, Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. Hugh Leather wood. and Miss Ilclene Coffey. * * ? Ann Coman Crawford Receives Honor At WC Miss Ann Conian Crawford has been elected by the students of Woman's College of the University of North Carrolina at Greensboro as one of the eight outstanding Births ?I New arrivals at the Haywood County Hospital include; A son to Mr. and Mrs. Carol Holcombe of Canton on October 22. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James Farmer of Waynesville on October 23. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jenkins of Waynesville on October 24. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lunsford of Canton on October 25. ? ? ? Clyde Church Class Has Supper Meeting Tive Starr Sunday School Class of Central Methodist Church at Clyde met for a social hour and barbecue supper Wednesday night in the fellowship hall of the church. Those present were the Rev Clyde Collins, pastor of the church. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brown. Jr., Mr and Mrs. Max West, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sw anger. Mr and MriF Ronald Rush. Mrs Dae Mann. Mrs. Grant Jenes, and Mrs. Larry Cagle. members of tile senior class. The daughter of Mrs. Charles Klrkpatrick of Everett, Washing ton and the late Walter Crawford of Wax nesville, Miss Crawford is president of the student body of the college. Week Of Prayer Observance Is Set For 30th The annual Week of Prayer ob servance will be held by the Wo man's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist Church Tuesday. October 30, at 7:30 p.ni in the Boyd Memorial Chapel. The program has been planned by Mrs. Carl Ratcliffe, secretary of ? Spiritual Life, and members of her committee. Participating will be Mrs. Marion Cooper, Mrs. W. M. Cobb, Mrs. Frank Smathers, Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn, Mrs. jan.es W. Clark, and Mrs. Harry 1 ee Lin er, Jr. The Week of Prayer is observed during the last week of October by the WSCS over the country as a time for devotion and sacrificial giving. The giving is used fbr projects not covered by the reg ular budget. This year the entire sum is to be given for education. ? * * Mrs. Cole Presents Club Demonstration Mrs. Otis Cole gave the demon stration at a regular meeting of the Clyde Home Demonstration Club Tuesday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Ralph Miller. Her subject was Utility Rooms. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Carlyle Haynes. OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR GUARANTEE l.ljlM.IIJ OUR ENTIRE STOCK mlw/iij'lH OF DIAMONDS ONE - THIRD OFF 'SS i mmU^m * f ^uctioh I f UMTIL I sj '^DIAI^NlTid COMBINATION |[|' Matched 3-Diamond Rings k Regular $75.00 One-Third Off $50??/ pi^RED^" SOLITAIRE I Regular $130 $100 ^ mm 5-DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT Regular S100 $66.67 3-DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT Regular $125 ox msasjm 8-DIAMOND ENSEMBLE I Regular $200 |_J133.3a li ' I M lO-DIAMOND ' W^m/yjd COMBINATION Rr*uV s25? ^iSi$166J)6jJ BUY DIAMONI k BiaiaHaaMaaaaBMHaMaMBMMkMaaMHaaM ASYTERMS^^^ 1M=|1M: |= 11 ?il 1 Miry )S FROM ONE WI1Q KNOWS! 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