WANT AD RATES This site type, 2V^e per word Minimum 504-. Want ads repeated at two cents per word rate, mini mum 40c. This sire type, 3 cents per word, minimum charge 60 cents. This size type, 50c per column inch. Advertisements will be published according to desired schedule without extra charge. Errors in advertisements should be reported immediately. The Mountaineer will not be re xininsioir ior more than one incorrect insertion. ALL, ADVERTISEMENTS ARE CASH IN ADVANCE. Cash must accompany orders sent by mail. Kant ads must be in office be flkrr 10:30 a.m. on day before ^publication to guarantee to be in want ad section. When you wish to insert a want ad Dial GL 6-5301. Special Notices LENNOX FURNACES?Free estimates. No down pay ments. Three years to pay. Automatic Heating Com pany. GL 6-5291 pany. GL 6-5291. A 12 tf FOR MONUMENTS see Haywood Monument' Co., next to Farmers Exchange on Ashevjlie Road. H. B. Angel, manager. Dial GL 6 5191. tf FOR ODORLESS sanitary septic tank cleaning, call Canton 3274. Ilinkle Plumbing Co. J 19-tf TO CORRECT misinformation that Mrs. Roeer Walker is not hand ling World Book Encyclopedia. If interested, contact or call Mrs. Walker at GL 6-6245. N5 FUEL OIL ? Call Lee Oil Co. for nrnmnt Holivprv nf B*-- r? -V * j ?? | Super Refined Cities Ser vice Fuel Oil and Kerosene. Next to Le Faine Hotel. Phone GL 6-3091. N 17 tf DOGS BOARDED: Separate sleeping quarters with outside nins. Weekly rates. Ox Ear Cove Kennell, GL 6-5141 F?b 23-tf ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS ? meets every .Thursday 8 p.m., Grace Eotscopal Church Parish House Write A. A., c/o Grace Church. 1C3 South Haywood. Waynesville. Jn 28-tf ASC ORDERS FILLED ? Rye. Oats, Barley, Vetch, Winter Peas, Fescue, Orchard Grass and I.adino Clover ? 2-12-12 Fertilizer and Lime. See us first . . . Parton's Feed Store. Depot Street, Waynesville. A 30 tf Professional Services PROFESSIONAL PIANO TTINTNO voicing and repairing. Paul Shep *rd, Canton, N. C. Tel. 5123. i S 14-tf DOES YOUR CHILD NEED HELP in any school subject? Private tutoring. Certified teacher. Mrs Lois B. Hendry. Telephone GL 6-8603. O 22-tf i ? ? PUBLIC TYPING: Pho. GL 6-5071 during office hours or GL 6-6858 afler 5 P. M. N 1-5-8 DANNY CALDWELL. Clyde, has two tickets for the Strand The atre at the Mountaineer office. LET'S TRADE GUNS If You Don't Like Yours See Us - - - We'll Trade! CLINE-BRADLEY CO. Joe Cliiw - Dick Bradley BLUE gSi|11 CROSS mrP Maternity it covered (afte* 10 months) on all Blue Cross family certificates. wmti on cau roR ruu dct?r.s WATOE^OGERS Lake Jnnalnska. If. C. 1 Far Sale FOR SALE: Motorists: Your All state Insurance Company agent In Waynesvllle Invites you to compare Allstate's features, ad vantages and low rates with sj ether auto Insurance! Get de pendable Allstate auto Insur ance today. See or phone Bob Brannon, your Haywood County Allstate agent. Just a block down from _ the Courthouse In Waynesvllle, located at 217 De pot St. Phone GL 8-5512 Jn 30-tf FOR SALE?Used Watches. Com pletely reconditioned. Fully guaranteed. FVom $8.00 up. Kurt Cans, Jeweler, 207 Main St. A 5-tf WE BUY AND SELL Milk Cows ? We buv eatt|p for beef. Call Jones Market, CL 6-8371. GL 6 8503. F 23-tf SELL. BUY OR TRADE: Lois, farms and small tracts. City conveniences. Restricted and non-restrict ed. Houses and Business Pronerfv. Chrest Oenree. GL 6-5424. S 24 tf FOR SALE?Electrolux Vac uum cleaner. Complete with all atttchments. Like new. Bararain for cash. Dial GL 6-6545. O 18 - N 8 LOTS FOR SALE ? 181't> x 120 on Tate Street?100 foot front aee on Dolan Road. Call Mr*, J. R Breese, Phone GL 6-8242 O 25-tf FOR SALE ? Two Weimaramer male puonies. three month* old. npoconnhlo nrino Call f!T ft 6805. ' O 29-tf FOR SAI.F. _ Farle's Sandwich Shon. 261 N. Main Street. Best location in town. Reason for sell in^: Owner has other interests. If interested see owner on prem ises after 2 p.m. weekdays Any reasonable offer considered. Farle Scruesrs. 200 Maxwell Street, Hazel wood. O 29-tf LAND FOR SALE?20 34 acres of land for sale, beine a nart of what is known as the Osborne I Farm. Pieeon Townshio. lies be tween State IIi"hwav and P>eeon Fiver. See Ornver C. Davis WaynesviUe. X. C O 29-tf SELL OR TRADE for livestock or land ?? clean. 1949 4-door Ply mouth. New naint. tires and bat tery. A good buy. Call GL 6-8331 N 1-5 FOR SALE ? Stark Bros, fruit trees. Nov. and D-e. is a Pood time to set fruit trees Call 7. L Massey, Phone 6-8509. N 5-8-12-15 FOR SALE?14 acres of land on Hyatt Creek. Two miles from Davton Rubber Tobacco allot ment 4 10. New well. Tobacco barn 4-room house with lights Plenty of timber. Call Millvil'*. N. J.?Tavlor 5-3841 or write Marion Fnre?c?. Carmel Road. RFD 1. Millvil'e N .1 N 5-8 60 ACRES OF HEAVY TIMRER Located at Almond. N C. Swain Count v. Priced at 517 00 ner , thousand Cash. Write Timber Box 51.1, Waynesville. N 5 FOR SALE?Gentle fre?h milk row and heifer calf See Ralph Ford or call GL 6-5707. N 5-8 FOR SALE?RR Oldsmobile Station Waeon. 1049 model. Excellent condition throughout Call GL 6 3079 N 5-8 WaynesvUIe 2 bedroom garage apartment on large lot at 514 Walnut Street. Oil forced hot air fur nace. $6,000 ? $500 down ? $50 month. \ Sunnv-side 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, den and bath. A fine 1 Vt acre piece of property. $7,000 ? $500 down ? $50 month. Good housekeeping begins with adequate insurance pro jection. Discuss your insurance needs with us. LINER Real Estate & Insurance Co. REALTORS 131 Main St. Waynesville GL 6-8331 1 FOR SALE?Place your order now for Thanksgiving a id Christ > mas turkey. Mrs. Rob!. McCrack en, GL 6-5429. 4. 5-3-12-15 FOR SALE?White O.I.C. pigs. 8 weeks old. $10.00 each. Call Can ton 6953. N 5-8-12-15 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE ON WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 21st. 1956. at 11:00 o'clock A M. at the door of the Haywood County courthouse In Waynesville. North Carolina. I. tht undersigned Sub stitute Trustee, vill sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands and premises, to wit: Lying and being in the Town of Wqvnp?villtf> ll.nva'nnil Pminlv ? North Carolina, and more particu larly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the Easterly margin of Richland Street at a point 260 feet from the inter* section of the Northern margin of Shoh Street with the Easterly mar gin of Richland Street and runs thence with the Eastern margin of! Richland Street N. 6? 15' E. 40 feet j to a. stake; thence N. 54? 22' E. 122 j feet to a point in Richland Street1 16 feet from the Easterly margin of said Street and near the Railroad:! thence S. 56? 34' E. 170 feet with the lines of Lots Nos. 13 and 12 to a stake in line of Lot No. 12, Clar- , ence Thompson's Northwest corner: i thence with Thompson's line S. j 24? W 86 6 feet to a stake in said I Thompson's line; thence N, 73? W. 1 223 5 feet to the BEGINNING: BEING all of Lot No 13 and part of Lots Nos. 9, 16. 11 and 12 of Block "G" of Oak Park Addi tion to the Town of Waynesville as per recorded in the back of Deed Book "R." Haywood County Regis try. BEING part of the lots conveyed i to Fred Sheehan and wife. Ernest i ine R. Sheehan. by L. H. Bramlett and wife, Maggie Bramlett. F, L. Jones and wife. Lillian Jones, by >' deed dated April 3. 194R, recorded in Book 123 page 90. Haywood County Registry. This sale is made pursuant to. under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Fred L. Sheehan and wife, Ernestine R. Sheehan. to Howard Holderness. Trustee, for Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company, dated November 19th. 19,13. and record ed December 5th. 1953. in Book 87. page 41, Records of Deeds of j Trust of Haywood County. North! Carolina, in the Register of D?eds' Office of Havwood County. North Carolina: and the grantors in said , deed of trust having failed to com-:, nl.v with the conditions and stipula tions contained therein and having defaulted in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, and having been requested by the hold ers of the said notes or note and deed of trust and indebtedness to exercise the power of sale in order to satisfy said indebtedness this notice of sale is published and advertised. The undersigned was duly ap pointed substitute trustee in the place and stead of Howard Holder ness. trustee in said deed of trust by Substitution of Trustee dated August 20. 1956. and recorded in Book 170, page 200. OlTice of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina, with all the powers and authority conferred bv said deed of trust upon Howard Holderness the original trustee. This the 18th day of October, 1956 M G. Stamey Substitu'e Trustee 2708?O 29 N 5-12-19 ^ nnnnn For Top Quality Buy MAYO'S SEEDS AND BLUE RIDGE PLANT FOOD FROM Haywood County Farmers Co-op, Inc. H. M. Dulin, M*r. Depot St. GL 6-8621 j THE OLD HOME TOWN ??? ?- By STANLEY I JUST - HE S OUT TO ~TB*DE "THAT)-T"THAT" ^ . \tfHIZZED \f OLD CPlTTE*. DONT LET >?UXu hag 'OVEI? F(POM) ? HIM FOOL TOU ABOUT r?DQHT LOOK CeoOKED.S \ SPEED*- -TYIN6 ON MIS ) ( L'Kf PINE RID6E. / ( CAP IS JUST A FAIfT j \? ^ \ <5 HIS SALES -j -J,-v Vj-CKS-y BACK-t?OAD FOLKS- c' //^,\\ - - r N BUSINESS P0P?RT '' CJ t-iV SXANit_Trr.. ? ' - J'" "? ? - - For Rent FOR RENT?Four room gam go apt. Hillside Terrace. Phone GL 6-5998. O 29-tf FOR RENT?Furnished duplex apt. Conveniently located. Tel 6-8229 O 29-tf FOR RENT Nice, three-room ga rage apartment with two garages. See or call Earl Crawford Tele phone GE 6-5030 N 1-5 FOR RENT- New house, 5 room.-, unfurnished, with basement oil heat, good neighborhood. Close in. Phone 6-5410 or 6-3298 N l-tf FOR RENT Apartment. 116 Pigeon St Inquire upstairs 10 i? m t<> n n m sjt inriirirr fnnni ture, automatic oil .heal included Cottage. weatherstripped, insul alcd, automatic heating system, electric Water heater, wired for electric range 116 Pigeon St. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. N 5-8 FOH RENT Four room garage apt Park Drive. Electric stove, water heater, ana furnace heat furnished Call GL 6-3060 after 4 p.m. N 5-8 FOR RENT?At Brannercrest, one attractive apt. 2nd floor One first floor, large bedroom with bath and cooking facilities. Rea sonable rentals to right partv GL 6-5097. N 5-8 The earth is 93 million miles f:om the sun ^__________ 1 | i 'II *"E^H m ^?tMlftn^ wwws"'w'wwwWW*"' ??^ ?w?. vvCrvw >-^-' *?*>" ? www VUWW. ?I THE L. N. DAVIS CO. Wain St. Waynesvllle Wanted t WE NEED YOUR OLD RETREADABLE TIRE!! Do you need new tires? Do you have a couple of retrcadable cas- j ings lying around your house? Bring them in. We arc giving top trade in values or cash for your tire. We need them before winter for snow retreads. CHARLIE'S TEXACO SERVICE. Phone GL 6- ! SOT 1. S 10-tf WANTED- -Home for cat. Used to j children. Mou-ebroken Dial GL 6-5978, N 1-5 POSITION VV ANTED?Young girl six years experience. General of fice work, accounts receivable, payroll and typing. Phone GL 6 8779 N 1-5 i WANTED TO BUY ? Large deep freezer. Call 6-3682. N 1-5 .HELP WANTED Splendid Raw ' leleh Business available in South Haywood Counts Over $45,000 in Rawlcigh Products already sold there. 1 sell in adjoining Locality and will help you Also vacancy in Wa.vnesville. See .1 C. Moore. Box 495. Hazelwood, or write W. T Rawlcieh Co... NCK 581-566 Richmond. Va. N5-12-19-26 Mils, h.don BURNETTS. IB 1. Canton, has two tickets for the rM 11111'i i iivaire at uif Mountain-1 cor office. HELP WANTED Be a McNess Dealer, Haywood County now open Make more money. Be your own boss Distribute qual itv line household necessiti es to farm families Wonderful oppor lunt'y for dependable man or woman with car. "Write me for evening appointment." Mrs. Jane Wright, 195 Aurora Dr., Ashe ville N 5-8 Church Work GREENVILLE. Miss. (AP) ? Grace Methodist Church had $55 and its congregation had sore muscles, hack kinks and sunburned faces and hands to prove the mem la rs would work for their church The congregation picked 1.700 pounds of cotton on a nearby farm and donated the proceeds to the church building fund. SPECIAL THIS WEEK IF YOU WANT A SEWING MACHINE ? HE SURp ANI) CHECK PRICES AT CAMPBEIJ/S SEWING MACHINE SHOP BEFORE VOL BUY. EXAMPLE ? $200.00 DESK MODEL NOW S125.00 CAMPBELL'S SEWING MACHINE SHOP Corner Church and Montgomery Streets ? Phone GL 6-82.>:; CUSTOM-BUILT BunriMriMMAMi We Hare A Wide b Variety of Fabrics Inrlndtnc ? FIBRE ? NYLON ? PLASTIC STStigZ $18.00 to $39.50 COMPLETE AITTO UPHOLSTERING Head liners ? Door Panels ? Floor Mats HUB'S TRIM SHOP Dial C.L 8-8640 HUB RUFF Wayneerill* i ? Lost & Found LOST ? Anyone seeing a brown mixed breed male puppy about seven months old, please rail the anxious owner, four - year - old Lamar Stinnett at GL 6-3304. tf WILL PAHTY WHO borrow ed my I' j" gasoline driven water pump, please return same. Clay Construction Co. Ilarry r. Clay. N 5-8-12-1 ti MHS MARY TURNER, Rt X Waynesv.Ule, has two tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Moun taineer office Enjoy Reliable Home Heating (Ssso) HEATING OIL ? Economical *- clean burning ? assure* TOP burner performance ? you AL WAYS have an ample supply /~X? A For Automatic , ,^j Delivery pjr-i ?? 4 SefViC? m ( all n ^ GL G-505G ^'itfht Phone (?L 6-8273 Haywood Esso Distributors HEATING OILS Greases ? Tires 0 Batteries 0 Accessories OIL HK AT IS BEST TOOLS FOR RENT 21 Different Tools For Home, Lawn or Garden I'se. ( LINE - BRADLEY CO. | Joe ('lino - DUk Bradley READY MIXED CONCRETE ? PROMPT SERVICE ? HI \SON AHI I PRICES CLAY'S TRANSIT MIX Gt 6-(?88."> HOUSES FOR SALE VI We have a wonderful buy lr beautiful Maseie Valley eonsistlny of an ideal home with 3 bedrooms LET US SHOW YOU A HOUSE U ST GIVE US A RING ANYTIME ? DAY OR NIGHT! LET US BUILD YOURi DREAM HOUSE FOR YOU! We will build any Kind of houst you want at the lowest possible i cost to you. SKYLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY GL 6-3501 or GL 6-3181 Dick Bradley, Joe Cline and Paul Davis 1 r Insurance' j F Tailored ] ? To Fit 4 V We take pride in V L fitting coverages to 3 individual needs k IT P tTPirW.PPI VICT l>. , ? ? l*?V 1% ? * J IJillli A , 1 IIV Phone GL 6-3631 1- ' " 1 ?*? r "?? vou can SI SUM...if rrfe \\estinghouse Sold In Waynesville Only At | M ASS1K FI HMTl'RK CO. 811 Concrete || BLOCK Jalousie DOORS $01^5 Complete W? Aluminum Awning and Steel Casement Windows Steel Door frames and I.intels Aluminum Basement Vents GILBERT Concrete Products Co. Phone 4463 Seventh Ave. E. IIENDEKSONVII.LE, N. C. LINER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE CO. GL 6-8331 131 Main St. Agents For | Nationwide Mwtuol Iniurontt C*. \ Mutual Fir* Insurant* C*. I lift Insurant* Co. HSSQESBBSOEN - PFAFF and UNIVERSAL SEWING MACHINES Priced From $89.50 Service - Parts - Supplies For All Makes YORK'S SEWING MACHINE SHOP CONCRETE BLOCKS Size Yd. Price *?? ?, 0'? ? T A O \ I" 1tC j 6" x 8" x 16" 15c 8" x 8" x 16" 18c 13" x 8" x 16" 26c Flue Blocks 75c Tile .... All Sizes jalousie Windows and Doors All Sizes Silo Blocks . 20c 1'recast Septic Tank and Covers CALL 6217 or VISIT PLEMMONS Concrete Products Co. Canton, N. C. ALLISON & Dl'NCAN READY MIXED CONCRETE SAVE TIME I.VBOR MONEY* Our Prices Are Reasonable And Service Prompt Ready Mix Concrete Co. Dial CL 6-5931 YOU CAN 'Jm "1 DEPEND ON "THE PERFECT FUEL" TAPPAN and HARDYVICK GAS RANGES rFrr T Dial GL ?-5071 3?7 MOODY RULANE INC. 202 N. Main Waynarrttla A Man's Life MUSKOGEE. Okla <AP)?Mrs. Lena Daughtery believes dogs de serve Just as much luxury as their best friends. And luxury is what she provides at her ?"country club for dogs." ASTHMATICS! Want simp!* eflectira relief from dioh? leg. racking bronchial asthma spasm*/ Gat genuine Breathes sy?sea what roa'aa been misting! There'# no substitute foe original Breathes *r inhalant and ne led Fees sec. Get comfort by breathing! Guaranteed! SMITH'S DRUGS. INC. 226 N. Main Waylfsvillc a % ^^1 m . FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES MARTIN ELECTRIC CO. GL 6-3341 Main St. TOYS! TOYS! Come In Now And Make Your Selection Of Toys For Christmas. t'SE OCR LAY-AWAY PLAN Howell Hardware Main Street Waynesville . For Greater Viewing Pleasure Get GENERAL ELECTRIC TELEVISION Haywood Electric Service PARKWAY MOTORS Sells Fords For Less. ! GARRETT FURNITURE CO. INC. Main Street ? f PLUMBING AND HEATING GUARANTEED WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES Either Contract Or By The Hour DIAL GL 6-8169 FARMERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. 416 DEPOT STREET State Plumbing & Heat ins License No. 1542 TAKING A TRIP? BUT AMU ICAN TRIPMASTEK. 1 DO TO 6 MONTHS. 5. .000 to $50,000 LONNIE L. LYDA ISl Main St. GL 0-MSI When I Serve Ton?Ton Save.

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