Baptist Circles Set November Meetings On 6th Circles of the First Baptist Church will meet Tuesday, Novem ber 6, as follows: The Lottie Moon Circle will meet at 10 a.m. with the Misses Kobina, Maude, and Evonia Howell as hostesses. The Annie Armstrong Circle will meet at 10 a m. in the home of - Mrs. William Medford. ~ The Ann Judson Circle will meet at 3:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. _ Gene Turner. The Pearl Johnson Circle will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the home of, Mrs. Joe Stamey with Miss Cora Lee Moseley as co-hostess The Eliza Yates Circle will meet - at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Frank Lcatherwood. ? in- rannic r.. :s. tlcck Circle will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Kay Moore. The Business Women's Circle i will meet at 7.30 p.m. in the home ol Mrs. J P. Dicus. The Business Women's Circle 2 will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. P H Gentry with Mrs. J. It. Justine as co-hostess. * * ? Miss Killian Gives Program At UDC Meeting The Haywood Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy met Friday afternoon In the home of Mrs, J. J. Ferguson. Mrs. F. G. ltippetoe was associate hostess Miss Nancy Killian presented a program on "Chaplains of the Con federacy," giving special attention to Bishop Capers of South Carolina and Bishop Lconida* Pope of Vir ginia. Mrs. C. F, Kirkpatriek presided 4L * ? viu ? IIIK VIM UUMUCSS I JO II t A ( kim was made to the Red ( loss to help furnish polnscttias tor Otcen Veteran's Hospital at Christmas Mr*. Otis llurgin was welcomed as a now member and guests were Mrs Oradv Boyd, Mrs .1. M. Kel-j lett, and Miss Una Plotl. Mrs. It. It. Campbell, new dis trict president, was recognized and spoke briefly. ? Mr. and Mrs. K A Williamson J -lt last week for Birmingham, Ala where they are Visiting their-son and dtiughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs , Kdgar Williamson. Jr.. before go ing to Ken t Lauderdale, Kla , lor the winter. . _ ?_4 " TIGHTS ALL COLDS ? rt.tPT-, AT ONF TiMF r. IN LESS TIME t ITS tH{ Ty-' i-.! r-j r ? >: P', MEDICINE MRS. FRANK KDH'IN C'll.AMBF.RS is the (ormrr >1l?s Anna laiular MoHiidc. dallelilrr of Mr. and Mrs Robert Carl Meliride of WaMiesville. She was married Saturday evenin* in the YVaynes vllie I'resbyterian Church. (II. B. Norton I'hotol. Miss Anna Louise McBride Weds Frank E. Chambers t | Miss Anna ' Louise' McBride,> daughtei of Mr. and Mrs Robert I Carl MeHride n| Way nesvftle, be came I hp hridP of Frank Edwin Chambers sun (>t Mr and Mrs Weaver Chambers of Clyde. Route I, Saturday. November 3. at 8 p.m mi the w a> iipsmiip Presbyterian Church The Rev Calvin Thielman, pas- i tor of tire church. performed the double ring ceremony Wedding music was presented by Mrs. II I. Ranchman organist. and Mrs. .1 I. Kil(milrick, vocalist. The altar was decorated with i basket of- white gladioli and branched candelabra against a background of greenery. The bride given in marriage by her father, wore a floor-length gown of white nylon tulle and handciipped rose point lace over satin, fashioned with a basque waist, portrait neckline outlined with scalloped re-embroidered lace and sleeves ending in calla points. The bouffant skirt of tulle was ac cented with scalloped lace and her fingertip veil of nylon tulle fell from a Juliet cap trimmed with sequins and seed pearls. She car ried a bouquet of white roses centered with a white orchid. Miss Dorothy McBride was her sister's maid of honor. She wore a waltz-length dress of frost blue taffeta designed with a portrait neckline edged with Alencoii lace, fitted bodice, and full tiered skirt. Her headband was of matching Aleneon lace and she carried a colonial bouquet ol mixed flowers Mrs Max lingers sister of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Joe Green, both of U'ayhesyille were brides maids. Their dresses were of frost pink taffeta, identical in design to that of the maid of honor, and they wore matching headbands , and mitts and carried colonial , bouquets. Honorary bridesmaids were Miss Florida Donaldson of Canton, Miss Marjorle Woody, Mrs. Cordcll Chauthors, and Mrs. Wallace Cars well, all of Waynesvilliv Max Rogers, brother-in-law of . lie hrirlpoi-i?#??'*? ?.??-?.- *?4 r> -?-. ?., 0V1 *cu as ucsi man a"d ushers were William Carl Mi Bride of Birmingham, Ala., brother "f Ihe bride, and James Kobert Williamson of Wayneaville Mrs. McBrido, mother of the bride, wore a dress i>f copper wool jersey with black accessories and her corsage was of white rose buds. The mother of the bride groom wore a navy suit with matching accessories and her corsage was of pink rose buds. For a short wedding trip the bride chose a red wool suit, black accessories, and the orchid cor sage from her bridal bouquet. Mrs. Chambers was graduated from the Waynesvillc Township High School and is presently em ployed in the billing department of the Dayton Rubber Co. Mr: Chambers, a graduate of the Crabtrec-Iron Duff High School, is employed at Wellco Shoe Corp. The couple will make their home un Route I, Clyde. Following the wedding rehear sal on Friday night, Mrs. Joe Green and Mrs. Cordoll Chambers entertained members- of the bridal party and close friends at a cake cutting in the home of Mrs. Green on Kagle's Nest Road Assisting were Miss Fiorina Donaldson. Miss MarjorU* Woody, ?ahd Mrs. Wallace Carswell. Miv>. Catherine (irasty, whose marriage to J a mew (?.otitis is plan ned for November 23. has honored us with her selections of Silver. China and Crystal. Her patterns arc: Silver?"Hose Solitaire" by Tow le. China?"Patricia" by Syracuse. ( rystai?"Candlewick" by Imperial. Daily China ? "Calico Leaves" by Peter Terris. Stainless?"Spiral" by tiorhaitt. They are now on display at Kl KT (.ANS. JEWELER SPECIAL! DRESS SALE FABULOUS BARGAINS IN NEW FALL AND WINTER SILKS ? WOOLENS ? ORLONS ? TWEEDS ? WINTER COTTONS. ALL REDUCED Vt ? Vx OFF ? SIZES ?5-i:> ?8-20 ? 12'/, - 28Vj THE SMART SHOP Mais Street Dial GL 6-8210 ??1 ? k I It T (i A N S ? "The Home of Duality Diamonds" m ?s . %,o" * ^ 3 fUTUIE...S INTERLOCKING DIAMOND RINGS LOCKED TOGETHER FOR m0re diam0nd brilliance ? ?r-.. J??~S'r,:?^^^SBBS5S8B8HII^B A e 1m* tr?mVi?i 8 H The most ingenious rings in a century ,. thanks to the patented lock r _ v f that works like a charm to keep rings in perfect ^ V I position on the finger always. j nm|t Mrtetlw* I ,v I Conxc in and register \ Vsv ik I f.? ? U? C?i nnn L? v?c- ' I 1U1 VIIV ?J?1 ,UUU 111 ) Rings I I'CrRRsm.n | free Diamonds. We Save You 30 to 40'? On Diamonds ? We Buy Direct Your Compile p ^ A J^ ?n;:;ia" Western North Carolina's Leading Jeweler ?????i Methodist Circles Plan November Meets Cncitb ol tut Woman* socieiy Ul till 1111411 .XI Vile ol lilt (UM iill'Liiuul-ii OllUlld 1141 <c llluUUillCU IULI1 *?uvl IIIUl 1 lllltull^S lOl 1 UlS u<;, lot iHil, 4b lUiiUbi; i , tui'it 1 miu meti in the home ut aula. C. O. IW.IIipsoil 41 1U iVlfb. /llllll 1. VV4IU win fit to utMa'hl), Cirtie 2 will nu-a in the home | Ol nil b. Vt. D. 114V lidlili 41 10 4.111. cncie J win meet ui inc noun. Oi 411b. 1 ll4U O. CU4I1U 41 i>.JO p.m. cucle 4 will meet in the home of 4iib. *14114 brown at V.J0 p.m. nil s. Joe toeuater win be co ?lObiebb. Circle 5 will meet at the World ivictliuuiftl OUI1U1IIK fl LidKC J U lid" lU.sKd at 7:30 put. Mrs. V?. is. Alex ander and Mr*. David A. Worn Die win tie hostesses. Circle b .win* meet in the home of Mrs. W. L. Turner at 7:30 p.m. Mrs, Frank Moore will be co .lostess. Circle 7 Will meet in the home Oi Mrs. Joe S. Davis at 7:30 p in. The Wesieyan Service Guild will meet in the home ol' Mrs. T. Lenoir ciwyn at 7:30 p.m. * * * Garden Club Council Sets Meeting For 12th A meeting of the Waynesville Council of Garden Clubs will be neld Monday, November 12, at 10 a.m. in the home of Mrs. Frank ?VorlhinRion. Mrs. Hobert Stretcher is Coun cil president. Knit Up a Glamor Gift SANTA TAKES IP KNITTING . . . This flattering little stole is easy to knit in soft white angora yarn, and will delight every girl on the Christmas list. It's warm enough to wear as a light wrap with date dresses and dance frocks, summer or winter. Births New arrivals at the Haywood County Hospital include: A son to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cald well of Waynesville on November ?i,r:. . ? A son to Mr and Mrs. Amos Hannah of Canton on November 1. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sniathers of Canton on November 1. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs Dan iel Messer of Waynesville on No vember 3. A son to'Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Owen by r)f Canton on November 3, a in vii- vt.c p..n. Siiith of Clyde on November 3 A dauRhter to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tate of Hazelwood on November 5. * * ? Mrs. Kirkpatrick To Be DAR Hostess The November meeting of the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter. Daugh ters of the American Revolution will be held Friday at 3:30 p.m in the home of Mrs. J. H Kirk patrick. Jr.. Mrs. R D. Col 'man, Jr. will be co-hostess. Mrs. Robert Osborne will be in charge of the program on "The American's Creed". Miss Lois Ilar rold will review the national maga zine. Dr. and Mrs. J, K. Stringlield and thei rsons, Jimmy and John, rer turned last week from Ormond Beach, Fla., where they spent two weeks at Ellinor Village. . 1 Ned Tucker Is Garden Club Speaker Ned Tucker, executive vice pres ident of the Waynesville Chamber of Commerce, was the guest speak er at a luncheon meeting of the Mountain View Garden Club 1 Thursday afternoon in the home j of Mrs. Weaver Kirkpatrick Mr. Tucker spoke on Community Beautification and showed slides | of spots in the community which need beautifying. Mrs. A. R. Riegg presided and the group made plans for their an nual Christmas Greenery Sale with tnnt uti no rlnino f fne 1V4IAHV VV v.mLO .?V I IU1 UCVCIIIUCI 14 and 15. Mrs. J. E. Fender and Mrs. Riegg were hostesses with Mrs. Kirkpat rick. * * * CAR Chapter To Meet With Betty Ruth Atkins The Joseph Howell Society, Chil dren of the American Revolution, will meet Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. I in the home of Betty Ruth Atkins. The meeting will be directed by Mrs. Raymond Lane, senior presi dent. and Carey Howell, junior president, will preside. Betty Ruth Atkins is in charge of the program. Members are requested to bring clothing for Crossnore. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Stokes of Grandview left today for their home in Whitehouse. Fla. where they will spend the winter. I Personal Mention Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parkman and their daughter, Miss Pan Par It man spent the weekend at Clem son, C. and attended the Ciemson V P.l. looibail game. * * * Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reece and their niece, Miss Jean Yveaineioy, spent the weekend in Cieinson, S. C. where they visited Jetf Keece, Jr., a student at Ciemson College, and attended the Ciem son-V.P.J. football game. ? * ? Mrs. C. L. Dickson left Friday for her home in Durham alter vis iting her sisters, Mrs. Rulus Siler and Mrs. Hugh Massie. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Bill Richeson and their small son. Bill, Jr., of Ma con, Ga., are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. L. M. Richeson. * * * 0 Mr. and Mhs. Jonathan Woody re turnad Saturday from a three weeks' trip to the West Coast. They attended the annual meeting of the American Bankers Association in Los Angeles .and made the trip by special Bankers Train. Their ?m * - T T re | schedule Included several days in San Francisco and in Yosemite Na ttotal Park. Mr. Woody represent ed North Carolina on the nominat ing committee for new officers of tue Association ? * * Mr and Mrs. Ruius Siler and Mr. anu Mrs. W. F. Swift spent the weekend in Reidsville as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rothrock. Mrs. Kothrock is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Siier. ? ? ? * Dr. and Mrs. Jack Dickerson re i turned yesterday from a week's trip I to Atlanta and Florida. ? * ? Mrs. Mark McCorkle of Monroe is the guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Jack Dick crsen. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Massie left today for Charlotte where they vs ill purchase spring merchandise for the Toggery. They will go from | Charlotte to Atlanta whyre Mr. Massie will attend a meeting of the board of trustees of the Lake Junaluska Assembly after which they will visit Dr. and Mrs. Paul Hardin in Birmingham, Ala. ' ? * * Paul Davis and his a^^Spaul, Jr., Dr. Alan Brown and !.?. sons. Brownie" and Gavin, and Harris Prevost made up a party attend ing the Clemson-VPI game at Clemson Saturday afternoon. ? ? * Col. Mint Reed, ? who has spent the past several months at his home on Pigeon Road, left yes terday for St. Petersburg, Flori da. where he will spend the win ter. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howe left Fri day for Fort Myers Beach, Fla. af ter spending the summer at their home here. Miss ttullman Is Bride Of Pvt. Dobbins Mr. and Mrs. Z. R. Huffman of 128 Hill Street, Waynesville, an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Margaret Ann, to Pvt. Eddie T. Dobbins of Fort Eustis, Va. The ceremony took, place at Greenville, S. C. on Sunday, Oc tober 28, after which the couple left for Newport News. Va. to visit the bridegroom's parents Mrs. Dobbins was a student in the Waynesville High School at the time of her marriage. THE PURE OIL CO. WILL GIVE TO EACH NEW VOTER WHO HAS NEVER VOTED IN A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION ONE GALLON OF GASOLINE FREE EVERYBODY GO TO THE POLLS AND VOTE TUESDAY, NOV. 6 ? ' ? . A ' t LEDFORD & JONES PURE OIL STATION Across the Street From the Courthouse "I don't go for fads and fancy stuff in smoking. I want a real cigarette-one that tastes good and smokes smooth. It's Camels for me. M They're the real thing." ?? , , s~x' CCL k, McC Sheriff, Warren County, New YorK ? .nw* ??* ttrwrnaam???????? R J RcjrnoUi Tobtcro Co? Winston SUlrin. N. C. HAVE A REAL CIGARETTE UrtaCflM?,! Discover the difference between "just smoking" and Camels! Taste the difference! Camels are full-flavored and deeply satisfying ? pack after pack. You can count on Camels for the finest taste in smoking. Feel the difference! The exclusive Camel blend of quality tobaccos has never been equalled for smooth smoking. Camels are easy to get along with. Enjoy the difference! It's good to know that year after year more people smoke Camels than any other brand. Try Camels - they've really got it! 0

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