emmrnmmM mm m WANT AD RATES ? i This *l*c type, Jlie per word Minimum SOc. Want ads repeated at two ee:its per word rate, mini mum 4fo. This size type, 3 cents per word, minimum charge 60 cents. This size type, 50c per column inch. Advertisements will be published according to desired schedule ' without extra charge. Errors in advertisements should be reported immediately. The Mountaineer will not be re sponsible for more than one Incorrect insertion. . AI.L ADVERTISEMENTS ARE CASH IN ADVANCE. Cash must ^Mripany orders sent by mail. Wf^HKds must be in office be fore 10:30 a.m. on day before { publication to guarantee to be in want ad section. When you wish to insert a want ad Dial GL 6-5301. Special Notices ???????? i LENNOX FURNACES?Free estimates. No down pay- 1 ments. Three years to pay. Automatic Heating Com pany. GL 6-5291 pany. GL 6-5291. A 12 tf > LOUISE ROSS. Waynesville. ha* two free tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Jlountaineer of ' : i DOGS BOARDED: Separate sleep ing quarters with outside runs. Weekly rates. Ox Ear Cove Ken nell, GL 6-5141. - Thurs. Only?D 6-tf ' FOR MONUMENTS see Haywood Monument Co., next to Farmers Exchange on Asheville Road. H. B. Angel, manager. Dial GL 6 5191. ' tf 1 A WIDE selection of Hamilton Watches are at Kurt Gaps, WNC's Leading Jeweler. These Watches priced from $33.75. . N 29 - D 24 FOR ODORLESS sanitary septic tank cleaning, call Canton 3274. Hinkle PlumbingvCo. J 19-tf j FUEL OIL ? Call Lee Oil Co. for prompt delivery of Super Refined Cities Ser vice Fuel Oil and Kerosene. Next to Le Faine Hotel. Phone GL 6-3091. N 17 tf ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS ? meets every Thursday 8 p.m., Grace Episcopal Church Parish House. Write A. A., c/o Grace Church, 108 South Haywood. ] Waynesville. Jn 28-tf JOE STAMEY. Rt. 1, Waynesville, has two free tickets for the . Strand Theatre at the Mountain eer office. FIGHTS ALL COLDS SYMPTOMS AT ONE TIME... IN LESS TIME ! ITS THE PROVEN COLDS MEDICINE I bBLUE dSbr cross THr Maternity is covered (after 10 months) on all Blue Cross family certihcates. \ wwrt on call ton ruu details Representative WAYNE ROGERS Lake Jnnalnaka. N. C. Phone: GLendale (-5591 For Sale rOR SALE: Motorists: Your All state Insurance Company agent In Waynesvllle Invites you to compare Allstate's features, id vantages and low rates with any ether auto Insurance! Get de pendable Allstate auto Insur ance today. See or phone Bob Brannon, your Haywood County Allstate agent. Just a block down from the Courthouse In Waynesvllle, located at 217 De pot St Phone GL 8-8912. i Jn 30-tf pOR SALE?Used Watches. Com pletely reconditioned. Fully guaranteed. From $8.00 up. < Kurt Gans, Jeweler, 207 Main St. A 5-tf VE BUY AKd SELL Milk Cows ? We buv cattle for beef. Call Jones Market, GL 6-8371, GL 6 8503. F 23-tf SELL. BI'Y OR TRADED Lots, farms and small tracts. Citj conveniences. Restricted and non-restrict ed. Houses and Business Pronertv. Chrest George. GL 6-5421. S 24 tf PRESH EGGS FOR SALE Dale Ketner. Tel. 6-3300. N 8-tf pOR SALE?Pies, eieht weeks old Hamoshire-Poland China Cross. Turkevs ? dressed or eobbline. C. C. Francis. GL 6-6076. N 26-tf IDEAL GIFT Is a Wyler Watch from Kurt Gans. Priced at $29.75 up. And Remember Kurt Gans is WNC's Leading Jeweler. N 29 - D 24 ?"OR SALE?1939 Black Chevrolet. Call GL 6-5221 after 3 p.m. ? GL 6-5274 after 5:30 p.m D 6-10-13-17 rOR SALE ? Apple tree wood. Sowed in Teneths. Verv reason able. At Frady's Orchard, Pi geon Road. Phone GL 6.5623. D 10 tf FOR SALE ? 4 lots 50 x 190 each. $400,00 per lot. 5 lots 50 x 200 each on black top road. $500.00 pe^- lot. City water. Call GL 6 5998. ' D 10 tf rOR SALE ? Registered Dachs hund puppies. 8 weeks old at Christrrfcs. Call Canton 3266. D 17120 lOUSE FOR SALE ? Two bed room and garage. Oil furnace heat. Two years old. $1250.00 down. Payments $52.00 per month. Plus insurance. Located in W'aynesville on Assembly St. 3ne six-room house and bath. Inr sulated. Block garage and stor age. 3 acres and 20 apple trees. Between Hyatt Creek and Plott Creek. See Homer Justice at Haywood Furniture Co. D 17-C0 BUY Your Bulova Watch from Kurt Cans?priced from $29 75. Western North Carolina's lead ing Jeweler. N 29 - D 24 PARAKEET BREEDER for sale. Cages and baby parakeets for Christmas. Call Canton 2110. D 10-13-17-20 FOR SALE: Native Balsam Christmas Trees. Brannon's Produce Market. Wavnes viHe. D 10-13-17-20 Jesse Harrell, 12. thought he had a sure winner with his pet lamb at the Montana State Fair. But 'he judges ruled there was no cate gory for a five legged sheep. ? We have moved to 313 Main St. Opposite First National Bank. Still have a few good buys in nice homes. LINER Real Estate & Insurance Co. REALTORS 313 Main St. , GL 6-8331 Waynesville It's m simple a* that IS IT WORTH $1.50 TO RELIEVE MISERABLE COLD SYMPTOMS? Sniffles, Sneezes, Stuffiness, Aches and Pains Ot course, it's wort1-, MORE than Si.50. Medicol science now mokes suffering from common cold un necessary. Ask your druggist for the NIW ANSWER TO THE COMMON COLO. The bright yellow copsule contain irvg purified hesperidin from citrus bio-flovonoid. You will be 100% sotisfied with the results from this new cold fighter. or return the empty bottle to your druggist for o full refund of purchase price. Ask for yellow COLONOID CAP. SULKS, told only on PULL MONEY ? ACT SUARAMTtl. k ? Wanted WE NEKD YOUR OLI) RETREAD ABLE TIRE!! [>o you need new tires? Do you have a couple of retreadable cas ings lying around your house? Bring them in. We are giving top trade in values or cash for your :ire. We need them before winter 'or snow retreads. CHARLIE'S rEXACO SERVICE. Phone GI. 6 1971. S 10-tf WANTED ? Walnuts hulled and dried or in hulls. Will pay top prices. Ketners at Lake Junalus ka. Phone 6-6005. N 19-tf SALESMAN WANTED ? Splendid Rawleigh Business available in South Haywood County. Over $45,000 in Rawleigh Products al ready sold there. 1 sell in adjoin ing Locality and will held you Also vacancy in Waynesville. See J. C. Moore, Box 495, Hazelwood. or write W. T. Rawleigh Co.. NCL-581-o66. Richmond. Va. D 3-J0-17-24-31 HELP WANTED: Lady for re ception and clerical work, start ing January 1, Good handwrit ing essential. Give full details to Box 511 D 10 tf WANTED: I'in boys over 1 I years of aire to set pins at The Waynesville Bowling: Oenler. Apply after <> p.m. For Rent FOR RENT ? Three room unfur nished apartment, 211 Hazel St Call 6-6957 D 3-tf APARTMENT for rent over store on Boyd Ave. Call GL 6-8371 or C.L 6-8503 D 3-tf FOR RENT ? Three room apart ment with full bath. Wired for electric stove, Also: Two room apartment, half bath. Wired for electric stove. Parker Grocery, Dellwood Road. 6-9189 D 13-tf FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent to couple. 2 large rooms ? private bath?in modern home at Bethel. Heat and water in cluded. $30 00 a month. Dial Canton 7102. D 13-17 FOR RENT?Garage apartment in Ratcliffe Cove. City convenien ces. See P. V. Phillips at home D 13-17 FOR RENT ? Garage apartment Three rooms and bath. 404 Car olina Ave.. Hazelwood. Dial 6 6980. D 13-tf MRS. CHARLES EDGE. Clyde, has two free tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Mountaineer of fice. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA ) HAYWOOD COUNTY ) The undersigned having quali fied as executor of the estate of Minnie S. Otwell. late of Palm Beach Countv, State of Florida, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to file the same, duly certified, with said executor at the law offices of Mor gan. Ward & Brown, at 415 Main Street. Waynesville, N.? C. on or before the 12th day of Novemher. 1957. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment to the undersiened executor. This 7th dnv of November. 1956 IT B DUDLEY. Executor of Estate of Minnie S. Otwell. Deceased. 2716-12-19-26 D 3-10-17 OftOOO For Top Quality Buy jpjj|| I MAYO'S SEEDS AND BLUE RIDGE PLANT FOOD FROM Haywood County Farmers Co-op, Inc. H. M. Dulin, Mgr. Depot St. GL 6-862? Guatemala's First Lady Helped To Dislodge Reds By MARGARET KERNOD1.E WASHINGTON?The First Lady of Guatemala is proud of her huge k;iehen. equipped with the most i modern mechanical devices manu factured in the United States. This vivacious brunette. Alicia Odilia Paloma Paiz de Castillo Armas, who made an official visit hete with her husband must be up by seven and rarely retires before midnight. She and President Car lo* Castillo gave or attended a din I ne; party almost every night. The huge home, the Casa Presi dential, is built around a beauti ful indoor courtyard with fountains i and tropical plants. She and her i husband occupy the first floor, v.'hich includes a vast mirror room for state occasions and ten private apartments with modern furnish ings and Chinese or Mayan acces sories. It is here that she carries on a large correspondence, reads ail the daily newspapers and week ly periodicals of her country. She must find time for teas too. This regal looking first lady taught school four years until she was married in 194:1 "1 have not worked since," she said with her engaging smile. However, like many wives in this country who ended careers with marriage, she's been at work con stantly for her husband: kept a boarding house and a grocery store as anti-communist fronts, was his confidential secretary, a code ex pert and top assistant to him even before she became No. 1 hostess in Guatemala City. Her most exciting experience was running a grocery store. Many items on the shelves, she recalled, represented code words by which she and her customers exchanged i information. The boarding house i was headquarters in Honduras for ; young men joining the forces pro testing the Communist infiltration of Guatemala, There the quick smiling Dona Adilia handled cor respondence, decoded messages and sent clippings from Guatemala papers throughout Central Ameri- > ca. "We wanted to he sure they were Informed through the words of Guatemala's own press of what the Communists were doing," she ex plained. When Castillo Armas moved across the border with hombing planes, she followed in a week. She insists on personally reading all j correspondence that comes to her desk and seeing those who seek her aid. She has little time for her self although she loves poetry and f likes to listen to tango music. She sometimes plays pingpong with the Picsident. who always wins, and | goes target shooting with him. j *24/id I 7(/atc4ut$ 7 | 1 I Insurance on your prop- 1 ? erty should he looked M ? after constantly . . . *o that your policies can be ? kept up-to-date and re W written to cover changing M I conditions. Ask us to explain . . KILPATKICK-FELMET, lnc Phone CL. 8-3G.I1 I PHONE NOW ... | GL 6 3921 j FOR PHILLIPS 66 | FUEL OIL ? CLEAN BURNING ? PROMPT SERVICE ? METERED DELIVERY 21 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE m Fl EL SERVICE TO LSS J WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA ALLISON & DUNCAN OIL COMPANY Hazel wood Murphy 30 DAY SPECIAL Regular $39.50 ) SEAT COVERS FOR ALL 4-DOOR SEDANS JKaa AA 30 DAYS ONLY jUaUU HUB'S TRIM SHOP Dial GL 6 8640 'HUB RUFF Waynesville < Wrong Autograph PHOENIX. Ariz. (API? Maricopa County Sheriff L. C. Boies lias a special interest in finding the forg er who cashed a check at a Phoen ix supermarket. The $64 check was signed: "L. C. Boies, Maricopa County Sheriff." ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of John O. Bry son. deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the Undersigned at Rt I, Waynesville. North Caro lina, on or before th. ? 15th day of December. 1057 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said ostn'1 will please make immediate pay ment. This the 15th day of December. 1956. Harriett B. Caldwell. Administratrix of tho Estate of John O. Hryson. deceased 2724?D 17-24-81 J 7-14 21 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY The undersigned, having quali fied as Administrator of the Estate of Thomas E. King, Deceased, late 1 of Haywood County. North Caro lina. this is to notify all person having claims against said estate to file the same, duly certified with:said Administrator at 405 De pot Street. Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before the 19th day of November. 1957, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. All persons in debted, to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment to the undersigned Administrator. This 14th day of November. 1956 Doug VV'orsham. Administrator of the Estate of Thomas E. King. Deceased. 2717?N 19-26 D 3-10-17-24 Attention Hemorrhoid (Pile) Sufferers A Wonderful New Discovery Just I'ut On The Market An ointment that has been used for the oast two years bv a prom inent Mt. Holly, N. C-i doctor Who states, "DurinR the Past thirty seven years of general practice f have used all the well known and accepted remedies for the relief of Hemorrhoids?without a doubt the formula known as SUTHERINK gives the most satisfactory relief that I have ever used." SUTHKR INE is especially recommended for the smoothing relief of pain and itching in HemorPhoids (oilesl. In many cases bleeding has been stopped. Ask for SUTHERINF, at all drug stores. (Adv.) I (Reg. at U.S. Pat. Off.) WCotiSx3tgu Enjoy Reliable Home Heating (Esso) HEATING OIL ? Economical ? clean burning ? assures TOP burner performance ? you ALWAYS have an ample supply ^? for Automatic Dolivory 4 Sorvlco V Call GL 6-5056 Night Phone GL 6-827:1 Haywood Esso Distributors HEATING OILS Greases ? Tires ? Batteries ? Accessories OIL HEAT IS BEST TOOLS FOR RENT 21 Different Tools For Home, Lawn or Garden Use. CLINE - BRADLEY CO. j Joe dine - Dirk Beadier A LARGE stock of Elgin Watches " await you at Kurt Garus?priced from $33.7S ? "Western North m Carolina's leading Jeweler". P N 29 - D 24 READY MIXED CONCRETE ? PROMPT SERVICE ? REASONABLE PRICES CLAY'S TRANSIT MIX C,L G-688.", GARRETT I FURNITURE CO. INC. Main Street - LINER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE CO. C.L 6-8331 131 Main St. Agents For J Jationwidb Mutual Insurance Ce i Mutual Fir* Insurance Ca. mmmmimm i I ? PFAFF and UNIVERSAL SEWING MACHINES Priced From $89.50 Service - Parts - Supplies For All Makes YORK'S SEWING MACHINE SHOP CONCRETE BLOCKS I1 Size Yd. Price 4" x 8" x 16" 12c 6" x 8" x 16" _ 15c | 8" x 8" x 16" _ 18c 12" x 8" x 16" _r .... 26c Flue Blocks .. ? - . .. 75c Tile . .. . .. All Sixes Jalousie Windows and Doors ..... All Sixes Silo Blocks 20c Precast Septic Tank and Covers CALL 6247 or VISIT PLEMMONS Concrete Products Co. Canton, N. C. For Greater Viewing Pleasure Get GENERAL ELECTRIC TELEVISION Haywood Electric Service ALLISON & DUNCAN READY MIXED CONCRETE SAVE TIME jA LABOR ? MONEY! Our Prices Arc Reasonable And Service Prompt Ready Mix Concrete Co. Dial GL 6-3931 Professional Services 'PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING, voicing and repairing Paul Shep herd. Canton, N. C. Tel. 9123. S 14-tf I PARKWAY MOTORS Sells Fords For Less. 8 mm Concrete ? m BLOCK J5C Jalousie DOORS TORY'S Complete . WW Aluminum Awning and Steel Casement Windows Steel Door Frames and I.intels Aluminum Basement Vents GILBERT Concrete Products Co. Phone 4463 Seventh Ave. E. HENDERSONVILI.E, N. C. TOYS! TOYS! Come In Now And Make Your Selection Of Toys For Christmas. USE Ol'R LAY-AWAY PLAN Howell Hardware Main Street Waynesville NOW READY Dr. Bloch's Directory of Magicians World's Largest Directory Dr. Marcus BJoch, L-HY. President Eastern Magical Society 210 Rivington Street ? New York 2, N. Y. TV w PLUMBING AND HEATING GUARANTEED WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES Either Contract Or By The Hour DIAL GL 6-8169 FARMERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. 416 DEPOT STREET State Plumbing A Heating License No. 1543 FRIGIDAIRK APPLIANCES MARTIN ELECTRIC CO. GL 6-3341 Main St. TAKING A TRIP? BUT AM R1CAN TRIPM.4STE*. 1 D \T TO 6 MONTHS. 45,000 to $50,000 LONNIE L. LYDA 131 Main St. GL 0-00SS When I Serre Too?Ton Si?*. ^?1?w 'mi YOU CAN i DEPEND ON "THE PERFECT FUEL" TAPPAN and HARDWICK GAS RANGES | Dial GL 6-5071 1 MOODY RULANE INC. tn n. mil* winmmffl*

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