Three Students Aided By Rotary l*oan Fund Plan Three students are now b in? assisted by the Rotary Club Stu dent Loan Fund, and other applica tions are being reviewed, it wa> ( announced to the meeting heri Friday. The finance committee said the.v expected a sireable increase in th< fund this week, aa other members, contribute The fund is loaned to students who want to go to college and meet certain requirements "lie money it not a gift but made a.H a direct loan. The committee is composed of W. I. Dooley, William Millar and Jonathan Woody. The interviewing committee check* on the applicants, and when approved, the finance committee issues the money, in accordance to t^ie terms of the commitment grant ed Lt. and Mr*. Jimmy Swift and heir son. Jimmy, Jr., of Camp In cline are expected to arrive to ilght to spend the holiday* with >11. and Mrs. W Y. Swift and Mr. ilid Mrs Ralph f'revost ? ?r--< ?r *i TOggSjSl <uSfiui*l Ittxoduc&yuf T^nUe* THI WATCH SENSATION Of THE YEAR "hwtSwitwiL ^yith exclusive POWfl-MK* FT" ROCKET Wind* itttlfl Wotti and thock f??i?tant, non-mag netic. >we?p->?cond Kond. 17 umKmn| diamond luxuriously styled with two fiery genuine diamonds Yellow or white cote. 17 jewels. t ? L HI* fACTORT-HAlID I fACRACf fOR I tour raoTimoN NOW AVAIUBIE at SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICES I BOYD EDWARDS WATCH SHOP 204 N. Main Street WayneHville ? ? .. * ? Speaking Of Christmas. J You can't beat the comiort style and wear of 4 ? BLUE BELL WRANGLER M leans, Jackets and Shirts Wrangler Jeans Authentic Western cut ~ 11 or. Sanforized denim ~ Mo-scratch rivets 2 front. 2 back pockets In button or ripper closure Lockttitched leg bottoms f Wrangler Jackets Special free-action back Reinforced pleated front Banded waist bottom Adjustable side straps Button cuffs 2 flap pockets. w&> "snSu Wrongler Shirts Solid colors or bright plaids, stripes, patterns. Trim Western cut. Double yoke. Gripper snaps. 2 flap pockets. Harry Tomp kina. World Champion All Around Cow boy. 1931, waara and andoraaa Blur Ball WRANGLER jeana, jarkatt. ?hirta. ? . . And To Go With Them COWBOY HATS - BOOTS WHITE BOOTS FOR GIRLS FREE REGISTRATION DAILY AT RAY'S SUPER MARKET & RAY'S DEPT. STORE TWO $100 BILLS WILL BE GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE MONDAY, DECEMBER 24th rays s?;? !. Crabtree Chronicles By BEVERLY CHAMBERS Mrs. Fred Cainoun of Waynes ville will be in the school two days each week for private lessons. She started as a member of the staff last week The lessons last ooe-balf hour Mrs. Calhoun it a well-known piano teacher, and the sebool is happy to have her available from ber other schools for (wo days each week Anyone who wishes to talk to her about lessons may call her or contact Mrs Chase Many senior activities are un derway The make-up committee works dally on the annual. The deadline for mailing is Decem ber 19 Measurements were taken re cently for caps and gown*. The calling cards have also been order ed Plays are being studied so that the final one may be selected be fore the beginning of the Christ- ' mas holidays The Beta Club plans to show two films with the Christmas theme. Wednesday, December 19 A small charge will be made to pay for rental of films. The basketball games with Beth el Tuesday night were very thrill ing The CID girls won their first game of the season by defeating the Bethel girls 29-28 The Bethel j boys won bv 20 points Births New arrival* at the Haywood County Hospital include: A son to Mr. and Mrs. David Reagan uf Hardwood on December 13 A daughter to Mr. and Mrs Voder Messer of Waynesville on December 13. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Holcombe of Canton on December 14 A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark of Canton on De cember 14 , A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Bu ford Gilliland of Waynesville on December 15. A daughter to Mr and Mrs. K. C. Howe of Hazelwood on Decem ber 15. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Moody of Waynesville on De cember 15. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mc Dowell of Canton on December 15. A sun to Mr and Mrs. Fred Fra dy of Waynesville on December 16 A son to Mr and Mrs. Max Cole of Hazelwood on December It. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Koch of Canton. Route 3. on De cember 17^ ? ? * Holiday Tour, Flower Show, Set In Canton Final plans have been complct i-n iur-mf Holiday HOUXf Tour and Flower Show, sponsored by the Canton Council of Garden Clubs, to be held Tuesday, December 18. from 2 p.m. until 10 p m The flower show will be held in the Assembly room of the Canton Public Library. Also open for the tour will be the homes of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Freel, 35 Oakland Cr,, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hyatt, 26 Pennsylvania Ave., and the Can ton Presbyterian Church. Included in the schedule of classes and exhibits will be ar rangements featuring a Madonna, reproductions of Christmas cards, candles, gift packages, table favors. n\iniature Christmas trees, window and door decorations, etc. Special exhibits will include wreaths, swags, homemade candles, a family Christmas tree, and the Nativity. Horticultural classes will include African violets, foliage plants, booming plants, hranches of ever greens. and forced bulbs. Clubs participating in the event are The Rhododendron Garden Club. Canton Garden Club. Friend ly Garden Club, and the Town and Country Garden Club Tea will be served in the library St. John's School Slates Yule Program St John's School will present a Christmas program in the school auditorium Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock. The program will include drama tizations by various groups from kindergarten through the eighth grade. The high school glee club will sing carols. The kindergarten will present "The Christmas Toys' Party". Tak ing part will be Elaine Arrington, Susan Robblns. Cathy Crayne. Di anne Stump. Carolyn Epps, Deb bie Blake. George Pankiw. Michael Carpenter. Harry Hyatt, Timrny Timbes, Raymond Lawrence, and Charles Lesink The first and second grades will present. "Santa Takes a Nap." with John Massie. Genevieve Sansone. Paul Osborne, and Keith Klosky. The cast for "Paddy Bear's Christmas," to be given by the 3rd. 4th. and 5th grades, will include Jod.v Kilpatrick, William Wahlgren. Nancy Beck. Robert Jamison. Cathey Massie. Jennifer Griswold. James Reed, and Suzanne Woody. "The Bootblack's Christmas." presented by the 6th, 7th, and Stb grades .will include Neal Allison. Alan Henry, Joyce Cagfc. Austin Ferguson. Brcndann Church, John NakUtis. Carl Henry. Emma Jean Hftcaa. Barbara Howell, Lyna Wright " The glee club will be directed by Sister Marv Agncse / ~ ? -? Personals Mr and Mrs. L. K Barber and \ their son, Larry, of Paris Hill, j Maine, arrived yesterday to spend tht holidays with Mrs. Barber's ; parents. Mr. and Mrs. J, H Way. * * ? Stanford .Vlassie. medieal stu dent at Duke University, arrived Saturday to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs Francis Massie. ? ? ?. Mike Hardwiek, student at the University of Tennessee, arrived today to spend the holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hardwiek ? * * , Mr and Mrs. William E. Wend Jirtg and their son, Billy, of Ken dall vtlle, Intl.. are expected to ar rive Wednesday to spend the ho^ days with Mrs. Wendling's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. fluss Kibbe. Mr Kibbc's mother, Mrs. Alice L. Kibbe of Indianapo lis. will join them later in the week. * ? ? Among the Mars Hill College students who are at home for the holidays arc Charlton Davis, Nancy Morrow. Use Keichter, Bill Pre vost, Ronald C. Muse, Konja Snyder, Thomas L. Francis, Buddy Noland. Charles Dean, and Charles Eugene Davis. * * ? Mr. and Mrs. Eric Clauson are expected to arrive this week from St. Petersburg. Fla. to spend the holidays at their home on Country Club Road. ? * *. Mrs. W. W. Norman of Griffin. Ga. is expected this week to spend the holidays with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Barbet, Jr. ? Shady Grove Church Group Has Meeting Bv MR?. TOM RAIMER J Community Reporter The WSCS of Shady Crove I! Methodist Church met Wednes-1 day afternoon in the home of ( Mrs. R W. Howell for r. program and Christmas party The program on "Children of the World," was given by Mrs. Tom Rainer, Mrs. Mary Plott. Mrs Leona Leatherwood, Mrs. Glenn Boyd, Mrs. Kate Kennedy, and Mrs. Ralph Bovd. Christmas carols were sung and Pollyannas exchanged gifts. The Board of Stewards of the Shady Grove church met last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lec Howell. 1 Mrs. Sarah Leatherwood, Mrs. i James Howell, Mrs. Kate Kennedy, ' and Mrs. Mattle Garnett met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Garnett Tuesday night to nomi nate project leaders and plan the program for the White Oak Home Demonstration Club for 1957. Mrs. Annie Moody flew home from Blacksburg. Va., last week. She has been visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moody, for ten days. Major and Mrs. George Kniee and daughters, Karen, Joyce, Joan, Claudia, and Cynthia, who have been stationed in Heidelberg, j Germany, are visiting Mrs. Knice's j sister, Mrs. John Williams. Mrs. Kniee is the former Miss Hazel Boyd. A Christmas program will be; presented by the church school jnd the MYF Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock at the Shady Grove Methodist Chu*h. Mrs. Ralph Boyd. Mrs. Mary Williams, and Mrs Billy Boyd are directing the program. Primrose Garden Clutt Will Meet Tuesday The Primrose Garden Club will held a regular luncheon meeting 1 Tuesday, December 18, at 12 : o'clock with Mrs. Joe Stanelli and Mrs. Bill Cherry as hostesses in the home of Mrs. Stanelli. Mrs. Lewis Green will give the program on "Birds and Bird Feed ers." BOOKMOBILE SCHEDULE Tneaday, Dee. 18 CLYDE - CANTON ROAD f H. McDowell 9 00 tnnle Long 9:40 rene Snyder 10:00 Li. E. McGowan 10:30 Mian Angel 11:15 iam Rathbone 11:45 Friday. Dee 21 FINKS CREEK Paul Kirkpatrick 9 00 Mrs. Rutb Moore 9 15 ri ant ham's Store 9:1* Prancis Rogers 10:151 T n ics Crock School 10:43 tl. I . Rathbone 12:00 g si. Rathbone 12:30 2. R. MeElreath 1:00 Bethel PTA To Have Musical Program The Bethel Parent Teacher Asso ciation will meet today at 7:30 j.m. in the school auditorium. The program will be presented jy the school band under the dlrec- | tion of Albert Morse and the girls' chorus under the direction of Miss Lois But-kncr and Mrs. Delmar Phoenix. - * JunalusKa PTA To Have Program Tonight A regular meeting of the Juna luska PTA will be held tonight at 7:30 in the school auditorium. The program will include per formances by the rhythm band and chorus and a play. "The Gift pf the Little Shepherd." All grades of the school will be represented. The public is invited. TURK E YS~ for Christmas. Dressed or on foot. C. C. Francis. 6-6076. D 17 KURT (JANS - "The Store of Fine Watches" f ^Jfaterproof* fj /.? 17 jowels luminous dial > nere is wnere ' ^ 4 out of 5 watch breakdowns start- but '-m i Wy ler i n c a flex The exclusive flexible balance wheel g-i-v-e-s with the shock, is 100% guaranteed against damage. Most practical feature a watch can have, most prac tical buy you can make ? exclusive in our Wyler Incaflex watches. Handsomely designed models for men and women. ml U H* Wloa wlMtl. UIMKC |H I H ?il w WUMt pmk bKMH | H ? knlm, %? htwki \m I H fwniw to R^tM or NfiKt H H| *MI vfthoirf cfcarg* rSKIPPER ? Steel bock, 10-K Gold Filled lop wMb o gold-tiled ex pansion bracelet. 52*5^ f yniwn!? ? </ M ufai II i ILIL# M fa a a M- i. ' vwutwn'*w w?'?*f*?vt VI IW?J VI HfwVI M VHVO ??* w?*c* it wrrkW *M nnlti Wjriw fitt. ^ Your Complete j&ffa**- <krr:Ci" i Western North C^rottos's Lmtdinj Jeweler APPLE BARGAINS COME and GET THEM RED ROME & ROME BEAUTIES $2*25 to $2*00 Per Bu. Box $2*00 to $2*25 Bulk Bu. BOLLING HALL ORCHARD At Saunook ? MOO00 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD SUITE ON THIS MODERN PEARL GREY 5 Piece BEDROOM SUITE ? I H iiT'imrrifc I ' ' ''-Z ? ' ? Large Double Dresser ? Attached Mirror ? Full Size Bookcase Bed ?Matching Chest ? Night Stand Regularly Priced ? $299.95 S |0095 # NOW YOURS EMM FOR ONLY ? and your old suite ? Compare This Suite With Any Suite Selling For $.'500.00. Superbly Constructed In Mahogany Veneer With A Beauti **ful Pearl Grey Finish ? ^JBXSSBXM. WITH THIS SUITE YOU CAN SAVE $40.00 ON A SEALY DELUXE BOX SPRING AND MATTRESS REGULAR $139.00 VALUE $AQOO FOR ONLY With The Purchase Of This Bedroom Suite Your Old Suite May Make The Down Payment Balance Can Be Paid Next Year! GARRETT FURNITURE CO. Mftin Street W&ynesvllle . . .99 I

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