.DAY, . ..... JAR 17. si'V;.:'),1'"-' Veteran Dredge Is Busy on Another Big Job WEEN throngs gathered at Pot Holes, near ruma, Calif to celebrate the starting of the Ail-American canal they watched .with Interest the operation of the walking bridge dredge shown in the Illustration M It shoveled up ten cable yards M earth at each swoop. The dredge is a veteran on big projects, bar ing been used first on the Panama canal and later In Mississippi flood control work, tm. v.v'i 'wi'-r-; DEDTIME STORY 1 i y iISSS-ilSL? - PETER FINDS ANOTHER - ',' , FRIEND ., .? T"V tD' joo and your . relatives ;,(:!.; ..J... coma down ' from the far North alone r asked Peter of Dotty ' the Tree Sparrow. "No," was Dotty's prompt reply. f ' "Slaty the Jonco and his relatives fame along with us so that we" had a very merry ntrtjr.p; ttw-),l' Peter pricked np his ears. ' "Is "fy here nowr be asked eagerly.. -Kns-: ! "Are You Hers to 8Uy All Winter j . , Cried Pster. "Very much here," replied voice - right behind Peter's back. It was ax unexpected- that tt made Peter Jump. Be turned to find Slaty him self chuckling as he picked np aeeda, - He ;was : very nearly; -the same size as' Dotty bat trimmer i ' looking. There was no- mistaking " " Slaty the Junco for any other bird. ' His head; throat, and breast were , a clear - slate color, i Underneath ; he - was white. '-His sides were grayish. - Bla, outer tall feathers were white. r TTIa hilt Wfll flMhr'ivttM If IaaItaA f Inot white. , .1 'Are yon here to stay all wlnterr 1 ; cried Peter. - , " ' "I certainly am, was Slaty's ; prompt response, ."It . will take . - pretty bad weather to 1 drive me , sway from here. .If the snow gets Capitol 9; Section of Special Interest to Votnen c::d Children aders too deep ru Just go up to Farmer Brown's barnyard.' I . can ' always pick up meal there, for- Farmer Brown's boy Is a .very "good friend of mine.- I know he wont .let me starve, no matter what the weather la. 1 I think It la going to snow. Ton know I am sometimes called the Snowbird." - - 1 Peter nodded. "So I have heard," said he. ' ' "By the way. Slaty, "what do yon make yonr nest -'of' and where do yon put itT asked Peter. -- .. ,; "My nest is nsually made of grass and moss and rootlets," replied Slaty. "Sometimes it is lined with fine grass. When. I am especially lacky I line tt with long hairs. Often I put my nest on the ground and never very far above It I am like my friend Dotty the Tree Sparrow In tills respect t IX always seems to me easier: to hide a nest on. the ground than anywhere else. ) There is nothing like having a nest well hidden. It takes sharp eyes to find my nest, I can tell you that, Peter Rabbit,w vi1;.' 4 jij -Mr'A: A:'i::r.''i;:-:'t v - Just then Dotty, who bad been picking seeds out of the top of a weed, gave a cry of alarm and In stantly there was a i flit ' Of many wings, as the little feathered folk sought the shelter ' of the bushes along the edge of the Held. Peter sat up .very straight and looked this way and, looked that way: , Crouch ing flat among the weeds he saw Black Ppssy the Cat Peter stamped angrily, then with Jumps be started for the dear Old Brier Patch, Up-perty-llpperty-llp. 'W'fc-; : '.:., ft T. W. Brniw WOT Srrtee, p'fi 'l:'' Hnrkt Wot.j?. The Haymarket, square riot be2 curred In Chicago, j May ; 4,' 1880. The police attempted to disperse an anarchist meeting. ! An unidentified person threw, bomb which killed seven policemen and, wounded 27. Four men were banged as accom plices, three were Imprisoned, but pardonedjater, and one committed sdde,.'::if.:.W;g;:A:; Hilt Gang IIP1 Around the Dining' Room Table Jv " By. ANNE CAMPBELL AROUND the dining room table, A brown head and a. fair '' Are. bending above their school , books, J- v. , . - And doing a lesson there. "' .;rj.;.;.;':.jj(.jji v V ' And I remember another V - .' Round table long ago. With a ohin lamp- In the center " . And two dark heads bending low. ' ' '';.'''f'-fc' 'I't-'.i,'-' ft .'--'v'v' We helped ourselves to the apples That lay on the copper plate, ; And we munched on a bowl of pop- (',V4 "Corri, fjl.if' '1 While w learned to conjugate, i;;. The old clock ticked on the mantle, A kitten 'lay on the wg y.:- The stove burned wood In the cor v ner,, v, , r'','' ' And the roomi was warm and When ' the clock struck nine, our ,;,s: .w mother. Ui i'.Pf-rr- ?U v Smiled In her wise sweet way, And we climbed to the attic bed rKM room iiS '' .To dream of another day. ' . The crocheted spread and the bu , reau, ., r The pictures In, rosewood frames; The books about Elsie Dlnsmore, ' ThtrIarops',:pjcertaInIIames .ly.-u.;;:'.'";: -:?;H'. -'ffi:.. ;f,v' I see the whole humble picture, '-. : As, catching mj daughter's eye '. Above the dining room table.: ' '; I. dream of the days gone by.-?;,- QUESTION BOX vj M-tmf v v Dear Mr; Wynn: .Then Is a man living across the street front me who Is acting qneer ly. The first day I saw him be was running around his back yard drink ing from a medicine bottle. The second day 4 watched him he was still running and still drinking from the medicine bottle. Now, the third day I looked over I saw hint skip ping around the yard and still drink ing from the same medicine bottle. Can you account for these strange actions? c ': ' . ' m Tours truly, '::':::.! - v. gates. Answer; The. man yon refer to Is evidently a very sick man and his doctor must have told, him to take, his medicine two days running and then skip a,day,1i;; Dear Mr. Wynn : M My brother Is In the regular army and I hav decided to enlist In the army also, but do hot know what, to do. Zoo see the only, condition un der which I will Join the army Is that I .must be near my brother. How shall I go about Joining the army and-being close to my broth er? He is in the Seventy-fourth, reg lmentS'i 1 ''K'-l i'''-Truly yours. - . v D. ZEItTER. Answer Tours Is a difficult prob 1 J cx trough A ROMAN'S EYES lllllllliiitn... ....iiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll WEN WE WAKE UP CONDQN neurologists recently carried on an Interesting ex periment with three soldiers of the British army. They tested the sol diers as to the effect of their men tal . attitude . on ,;: their physical strength. '; This was measured by a device which' the men gripped with all their might, registering as they slaji,qf';' . .'S: ' It was found thtt li their normal state the men had an average grip of a hundred and one pounds. Then, hypnotised : and ' told they , were weak, their greatest efforts regis tered only, twenty-nine pounds. Still hypnotized and told they were very strong, their strength returned to the normal hundred and one pounds and then. Jumped to a hundred and forty-one 1 iS'.i' . 80, the men were weaker, in the VARIETY IN THE MENU TOR ' a luncheon menu after pre- paring the salad of crisp lettuce, trench dressing with a few sections of grapefruit or pineapple, sprinkle it with handful of good nuts pea. nuts; almonds, pecans or hickory hots any nnt will be good and supply the protein which is heed ed for the well-balanced menu. With a slice, of whole wheat bread and a glass of milk, 'this makes a good meal. ??rr;f;':.ffi:jr'; . . Jelly Hint , Use the fruit left In the bag when draining for Jelly to make Jam. if carefully .looked overjand the fruit is rresn it will make most accept able Jama, By adding an orange, a few nuts, one will have a nice con servej :.rvV-.:", , ; WITTY laTTY' :' r NiMA wnxox ivtmam '. . The glr chum says If these inter. national Bridge tournaments keep up, all hope of world peace will be snattered.- -. : .. ;?'.');,: i V Bi SyMlMW. WMU Unit. . ., v v iw jrerjeu, xwt lem, but I will help you s First write to the United States government .11 1 Japan Also Adopts Streamlines THIS Is one of the new streamline Japanese governmental railways service on the lines. s t ' 1 'iiimimiiiiii!iif"3fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiir , :br'" ' JEA?J NEWTON relation of . twenty-nine to a' hun dred and . one, ' when they BE LIEVED they were weak, but BE LIEVING . they were strong, they actually registered strength of a hundred and forty-one against a normal best of ft hundred and one I Sure enough people Bra constant ly, hypnotizing themselves Into one thing' or another, - Some allow a few disappointments vOr. defeats to hypnotize; them Into accepted fail ure. ' Of most of these It Is true that If they believed better of them selves they could do better. It Is also true, as enthusiastic "encour agers" point put to tie, that most of the unnsual achievements In the world went hand In hand with the supreme , confidence which Is selt hypnotlsmi which convinced some men and women they could not fall. However, kill-Joy though It brands me, it must be pointed out that self hypnotism , tan be a two-edged sword. How about the man who would have made a perfectly good carpenter who hypnotized himself Into confidence that he was cut out for the law and lived the life of the "also ran" and the failure? How about the farm lad who found self-expression and Joy In making things grow out of the earth, but who hypnotized himself, or allowed a fond parent to hypnotize him, into belief that he was called to "go to the city -and make good"? How about the woman who would have made a good accompanist but who hypnotized herself Into belief that she must not be tost to the concert stage? That story of heartbreak and defeat Is a not uncommon one. ' The experiment of the soldiers proves how belief in ourselves can hypnotize us Into strength. , The question is, can we follow through when we wake up? ft Bill 8yndicatfeWNU Servlc. This , coat by Chanel Is made of bright green wool. Its handsome lines give elegance to the form, and the high-low treatment at the waist makes It suitable for large women as -well as small , and tell them you wish to enlist in the army and, as you want to be near your brother, who's In the Seventy-fourth regiment yon wish to be put In the Seventy-fifth. f. ft th Aaaoolated Nmptpm - 1 mmmmmmmmmmmiMim . ' locomotives now being tested on. the for the purpose, of speeding utf , Green Wool Coat V W V I . v a4 l ' f'w 1,11,,.., KEV SOURCE (OF OPIU. i The control of the. drug traff i U likely to be complicated by a discov ery which has recently come to light In Hungary,' It is a process for ex tracting morphine and other drugs from the - straw and chaff of the opium poppy. Hitherto only the seeds , have been used and the re sidue has been discarded as waste, Zl Doetor k3""oH And doctors use a liquid laxative There's a very good reason why doctors and hospitals have always used liquid laxatives! You'd use a Uquid, too, if you knew how. much better it makes you feel. A liquid laxative can always be taken in the right amount You can gradually, reduce the dose. Reduced dotage it the tecret of real and tafe relief from eonetipation. Just ask your own doctor about this. Ask your druggist how popular, liquid laxatives have become. The right liquid laxative gives the right kmdof help, and the right amount of help. When the dose is repeated, instead of more each time, you take lett. Until the bowels are moving regularly and thoroughly without any help at all. People who have experienced this comfort, never return to any form of help that can't be regulated! The 2fe.fSeJiLSYRUPt PEPSIII Volcano Awaket Eruption of IUinpehu, a New Zea land volcano, for the first time In 39 NOW Relieve Your Cold t "Quick as You Caught It" Tito BAYER Aspirin Tabkts. Male turt you fat tht BAYER Tablet you mk for. 2 Drink a fun glass of water. Rtpeat treatment in 3 hours. If throat k am. crush and ittr S BAYER Ainirln Tablets In a third of a glass of water. Gargis twic. This an throat aweoca almost instantly. MM. mm t M-i air t. U ''i:l- H(il4. 1 msAmA e ' J.LnaKhKM ...AWSa33rWoo t Convenience without tdded cost Not only Is the jret low, but dj iteuig near every tntng . . , when In PiuladelphiBl v 1 - sXrtTL... 1 1 OTEL but by the new process It will slble to produce 800 grams 1 phlne base and 80. grams of base from' a-Htfngle- ton .- of straw. The resultant Incw output of these drugs will 1 necessary for the authorities t erclse even more careful control 1 the traffic; In opium. Tlt-Blts Ji zlne." 1 0:X0&A?Qiri, ; '. ' liquid laxative generally used is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin; It con tains senna and cascara, and these are natural laxatives that form no habit even in children. Its action is gentle, but sure. Jt will relieve condition of biliousness or sluggish ness without upset;. It's the ideal family laxative because it's a family doctor's prescription, and perfectly tafe and effective for family use. If you are seeking something that will relieve your occasional upsets safely and comfortably, try Syrup Pepsin. Give regulated doses until Nature restores regularity. . At all drutatona years, caused a column of water and steam to spurt 700 feet from the I crater lake. For Amazingly Fast Remit Remember Direction in These Simple Picture The simple method pictured here is the way many doctors now treat colds and the aches and pains colda bring with them I It is recognized as a safe, sure, QUICK way. For it will relieve an ordinary cold almost as fast as you caught it Ask your doctor about this. And when you buy, be sure that you get the real BAYER Aspirin Tablets. They dissolve (disintegrate) almost instantly. And thus work almost in stantly when you take them. And for a gargle, Genuine Bayer Aspirin Tablets disintegrate with speed and completeness, leaving no irritating particles or grittiness. BAYER Aspirin prices have been decisively reduced on all sizes, so there's no point now in accepting other than the real. Bayer article you want. NOW ' NKESoeCanuhssaAtpM oeUcalr .ductal ea AH Shm .'I ! 2.50 yoa save transportation eoata It . pay to live at Uotea Vendig . , VEHDIG PHILADELPHIA A 15f Pl' 4" , ' t t V I 0' 1 'l f ('4 1 . , 1 r t ' 1 ' f . - f

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