.5". v-BY 24,1935 1 ' PL. 1'IAT t TT 4 TT-T-!TkT Y 11" ' I . J.iD WA ALlONG-THE-FOLiLJ OFIKENANSVILL MRS. NORWOOD BONEY, Reporter ' v '",'; J )up!! ' ;rve3 i r -n it si v e '- a p .- 3 la 1 oo-eand- ( CLE OF a jiier IdtroJ-K f the j.(r rif,- t or i . emptor IT. D. C, ) ''ool a I s C.k fe." - ' j . f i ' 9 flnjT t J , ' . .nack. 1:1 t 1 in ri. r j . j. i:. if . i'-). M V tt'fl "P I nt a i e at . year to t e boy or tree 'v.!.:', j c 1 f t .'"ot to i ty a . , t 11 the local . tor at tioir meeting I ). Itii! I otter and Misses -nut and Lucile Freeman t h oil teases to the Katie y Circle on Monday evening, ry 21st at 7:30 o'clock at the .a of Mrs. J. T. rGeaham, Sr. . ; room in which the meeting tend this service. 1 1 O Warsaw ir; 3NALS Miss Sophie Lee Clarke spent the week-end in Hookerton. Mr. and I'.ra. W. E. Hlnes and Mrs. W. j."MddUston spent Mon day in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wells were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Best Sunday. fj i, ''.'.;;' Miss Victoria Kornegay, of Seven Springs was .the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Kornegay over the week Show w ' : v open with Turner and "St. Louis v 3 held was attractively decorat ed in spring flowers.. Upon the ar rival of the guests refreshing punch end, was served. Mrs. H. L. -Potter Misses Elizabeth and ' Martha newly , elected Chairman,1 of the' pines and Louise Farrioa, students Katie Murray Circle presided over , at E. C. T. C,, spent the week-end 1 v.. 'tors i 1 1 the I attended this u-h School, and the meeting. Mrs. I O. Williams led a very Impressive Devotional from Hebrew using as , her. topic. "Asking God's blessing' on the New Year."' Tho - program theme for the meeting was, "Planting Our Ban ners In Foreign Lands." Those tak ing part on the program were: Mesdame Elizabeth B. Vlck, J. D. j Miller and Miss Annie Kate Powell, i with their parents. ' Mr. Mitchelle Wooten Of Klnston was a visitor in the home of Mr. and -Mrs. R, H. Best Monday . : Mesdames X T. Gresham, Sr., and Paul Potter spent Sunday in Raleigh, Mrs. H. D. Smith, of Ben son Joining them. They went to see Mr. Joe. K. Johnson who recently underwent an operation. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson, Miss rrywg an Impression hostesses served fruit gelatin and and Mr. Mordecai r a t. .J work being done by 'Angel caks. a faculty and members of our 'lOOl. . ' " the .'Catherine Hewitt, Miss Ethel Guy Pelrce . spent V. METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS , '( o,v fi'p 1:, The January meeting of the D. O. METIN3 Tlie Jamns Kenan Chapter. Unit' Methodist Missionary Society was cd Daur.Uurs of the Confederacy held m tte churcn on Monday af wcre d fitfully entertained oni,,, January, 21st : at S:80 1 uursday afternoon January I7th tfeiack. In the nhamre, at the Prea- 1 1 3:30 o'clock, ati. the home of Went jrg Wayne Jordan, the mect- l rs. j. w. t arnor, wim meaaarr 3 D. E. Eest and W.'J. Middleton us i oup hostess. 'Beautiful arrange- 1- ents oi roses, carnations ana M intorcting program on "Prayer t evia were used throughout the Praise." Those taking part on taSned. The meeting was presided over ry Mrs. John 11L Pelrce, the Chap- t i c r President.- Dixie was sung as an riiing number,, followed by the ling of th 3 Ritual, led. by the Plain, Mrs. C. B. Best. 'Follow-' j the Ritual, the President read i inspirational New Tear's poem." i 'lort business session was en od in, and committees were apr ted. ' Uembershlp' : committee, ., P. E. Eest, assisted' by Mrs. . !?. Br'.'.'rrers, Mrs. R. V, Wells i i-iiss ginia Cambelli A com . ' ' ? to canvas membership ' for I . .-.-Jne Drive: Mrs. Paul Potter, 7 . N. B. Eoney and Mrs. R. E I 1 i. A motion was made' and c '-.-i to give a subscriptioffto the ; iutticrn M?:azne, : the official 1 iil.Hcation to the library of War i .v, Kenans vine -and . Wallace SiiJOOlS . . 'Ji v'.'k :v; January Is celebrated as Lee- Jackson, Maury month by . the V. D. C. and in accordance with this custom the program Included the. reading , of papers exalting the i : i acters of these noble leaders. Mrs. C. F. Carroll gave tho Life of Stonewall. Jackson,. Mrs. N. B. Eoney, the life of Matthew Fon taine Maury, and a review of Cot ' -ecman's Eiography of Robert E.' e was given 'by Mrs. H. L. ;vens, Jr. . . . Sunday in Wilmington the; guests of Mrs. Johnsons' mother, Mrs. W. L. Hewitt. .... Mrs. Mabel B. Waters spent the week-end in Washington, D. ; C, visiting friends, Mrs. H JH. Waters, Mrs. W E. Carlton and Mr. W. A Byrd spent Saturday la Dunn . Mr. and Mrs. J. A.. Porter and little daughter JeweU Porter, spent the week-end in Burgaw. ; i Mr. and MrsH. U Potter were visitors to Wallace Sunday. : Mrs. W. M,' Bowen and : UtUo grand daughter, Catherine Bowon the program were Mesdames , W. spent sunoay in wummgion. - C. Surratt, John Mlddlcton, D, L. Mr, J. W, Best spent Monoay m Carlton and G. P. PrldgenT Wilmington. ; y'-..: , a ' V-'yr.' . Mr. A. G. Moseley of. Newport Mlaa Amnlln. Farrinr Enterfadna'News, Vs., was a visitor la the mg was presided over by Mrs. G. P. Pridgen. A short business ses sion Was engaged in, following with Children of the Confederacy home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hill Tuesday and Wednesday, Mrs. Kit tie. Mosley Huntei1, who has peena guest la thds'home In the last few weeks returned 'with her brother for a visit with him. Miss Amelia Farrior was hostess to the members of the children, of the Confederacy at : her home ; oh" D.hinl.w .ffAnuwin.Tfiiiilorv IQfK at 8:30 o'clock. The president, 'laJ Mr. and::Mrs, E. F." Strifcktend T,t in D. nf th and sons. Brisbane and .Edward meeting. This being the isMiai "Pant Sunday In Cllntoa', Visiting meeting of the New. Tear.; Com- relaUves. '.:';,.. A ; , ! " mlttees were appointed and regiilar I 'Mrs. Leyton and her' daughter routine business dispatched. A: Miss Martha Leyton were visitors most enjoyable social hour follow to -the home of Mrs. J. T. Gresham ed at; which the hostess, assisted: Sr.,. Saturday. t by her mother Mrs J. W, Farrior. Mrs. H..W. Hunter ; ana , mue served cream and cake. The Febru-' daughter, Doris Hunter, spent Sun- nrv m)inr will hA hM at th day la Raleigh. They went to see home of Miss Agnes Best I PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY MEETEVO , ' ; The January meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary , of " the Mr. Hunters' sister who U Ul with pneumonia. P; Miss Elise Gibson, spent Sunday in Faisoji visiting friends and rela tives. " ' ' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Potter, Mrs, J. T. Gresham, -Sr., and Mrs. H. L, NM.ri.n .hiin.i wn a hAiii in Stevens, Jr., spent Saturday in the church on Monday afternoon KenansviDe . the guest of .Mr. and January 21st at 8 J0 o'clock,' with '. Mrs. L. A. Beasley.- j tie President Mrs. W. P. pridgen! Miss Evelyn Maynard, Of Uttle presldlng. The , call to worship ton wUl be-the week end guest ot hvmn "Abide With Me" was Dlaved Mr, and JBl.il.. IT. stnciuano. softly. " - 1 : Mrs. j. . i. uresnam, or, uiu o Minutes of the last meeting were ' T. , Gresham, Jk, spent Thursday - read and approved. The following'; Golds Doro. . his Soldiers ' mmhAr. tA annnintmi tn urvn Dr. J. M. WUllams attended a Lee's I . ...well to s given ty Mrs. J. M, PeUxe.;as a notnlnaUng. committee for the; Medical meeting held In the Cape - . t. ai. ' ' ... . .. m VT.1.1 m.l,u,JA ln nraalr - nuinoer uu me prur new officers. MesdamM B. C Bhef- ;a con ' am v.-- s t'..e Hymn, "How Firm Found jliun," the favorite hymn Fear Hotel Thursday of last week. fieldl H. D. Farrior and J. W.Best. Mrs. Hannatt Mcuowan oryan. Plans were discussed for the study f Ovattanodga, Tenn.,. wh6 has cf both Lee and Jackson. Follow- book for February. The book to te been visiting her neice,: Mrs. G. .P. the rroirram the hostess serv- ...l d Meious 'lc.es and Individual c ' s decorated in flags. ' ' 0 T..Y;'"V . . Y. P. L: I JOY PARTY; , members of the Presbyter- (f in-r Peoples- League were .'.icd by their leader Mrs. R. jiack at her home on Fri- ct,.H0H k "Planning f Tho Rnnd PTldeen 16ft Taay mgnt IOr. a life" bv Rev. Henrv H.' SweeU.' visit with her sister-in-law Mrs. D. r n x . 1 - .'L. 'Farrior In Raleigh before re- The DevoUonal ' topic for the turning to her home.- nuetlni wnji "Qo Teach All Na-i . Mrs. Leon Britt, tlons", Matt. s:a:i, lnteresungiy ! given by Mrs, J. W. Farrior. A Special Foreign Mission Program was presented with stirring mes sages from each of the Foreign ting January 18th, at 7:30 Field, brought by Mesdames J. W. The livlnr? room and dining Best, D. E. Best, II. N..Lpninack, v - !i-e taaUiy decorated in, J. M. Pelrce and Misses , Sallie r t -hijj flowers. The members 1 i"i ::o, an Automobile Con , and Eiveral other games, r; r in Use evening the hostess 1 by l-'rs. Elizabeth B. Vick, ri e i-1'.Hed sandwiches, cccoa rvr i and Iced grape , i Ice. l::';;9 Gibson and . 1. r. TrL'jfjs were invited i f:rf..e ev-vzs . : o ' ' - - i i ;;' r ' i?-im i ' if ' y : : " ' ., ' Bowdcn and Sallie Gibs ' Pridgen. At the close of the program Miss Nell Bowden sang, sweetly . a Foreign Mission Hymn, "Hark The Voice of Jesus Calls." A - special collection was taken after which the meeting was clos ed with prayer.. ; ,:: ', . -: ; - ' ' o "'. '.'," '':":'"- Rev. Clcntz To Prctli I:i tVcrcaw Sunday ,'. Rev. R. Cv Clontz, of Wilming ton, N. C.', will preach in the War v Frenbyterian Church next Sun r' 7 momlug, January - 27th at 1! 1 o'clock. Tills c':urcn has be-a t a rnntor since Rev. Frank :n ytsm called to' the ' cf ::';r,ington 1 t , i ' v ".l be d s ; s ! : ". t r of Mt Olive, spent Tuesday and Wednesday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bland Pickett v Misses Willie Gray Bush : and Hattie Laura Britt, of Clinton, are house-guestsof Mrs. E. F. Strick land this week. - , ' ' ; Mr. C. C. Deal spent the weekend with his family In Newton, ?v NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and ' by virture . of . the power of sale contained In a certain deed of trust execute hy J. N. WEST and wife ANNA WEST, to W. J. MIDDLETON Trustee, dated 27th, September 1928, and recorded in book 313 at page 841, of ' the Duplin County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the note secured by said deed of trust, and the bolder of said note secured thereby, having demanded a sale of the land therein described to satisfy said note, V. a underslgn Tfustee will, on Wednr lay Febur , -y 23th, l'J3, at t." lve O'clock i "i 1 at the court tu a cHor in I ':!o, N. C, b ' l( ff 'i to r t i f " t or r '' 1 1 1 et i " Next Tactions Bring Very I, rrogram With Tho New i Actress Play ing Here . a First Time. . Will Bo . ..atesfc:'is'.;;sA--- t the DupUn .-wui i Cagney in the " for Monday and Tuesday. I thrllllns; picture Cagney ,: v le supported" by Patricia E esd Alan Jenkins. ; j,Wedne.-: y c 'y will be seen the new Russian actress Anna Eten In "Nana.- .' - -'.'.. , Nana, the t. .!ne of Emlle Zola's famous novel, r-iade a business aut of love. And Anna Bten, in her American film debut, makes a business out cf "Nana." . j Th photor??" y that introduces Miss Sten represents a new record In care, time c id money spent In preparation. E imuel Goldwyn was determined that he would know more about V" s Sten before she made her first picture than another producer! would after her third. The first, is all-important, he 'said. It must be good. So he waited and studied and prepared, and when Goldwyn was finished. Miss Sten began 'work In '"NaNa." Eighteen months-and a small fortune were spent in getting ready. The rise and fall of a notorious courtesan in tho gay and colorful setting of Paris in 1780, forms the story f "Nana." Willard Mack and Harry Wagstaff Cribble wrote the screen play, basing their tale on the character and adventures of Zolo's scarlet heroine. Nana and her cronies, Satin and Mini, played by Mae Clarke and Muriel Kirkiand, start off on their tour from the gutters ana,' the hovels to the boulevards, the cafes and the music balls, when they are confronted by a fortunate accident which makes an actress oout of the colorful Nana.' , '. : From'., baekstage, . Nana easily progresses to fame and riches; she has' lovers by the score, victim of her voluptuous and Irresistible charms. Old Grelner, dean of the Appollo and sponsor of Nana's career. Impersonated by . Richard Bennett, la badly hit? but finally regains his balance sufficiently to throw her back Into the gutter. Xt la with tbe tern, patrican Colonel Andre - Muffat, . and bis handsome young -, brother, whom she really loves, played by Lionel AtwiH and Phnpa Homes, respec tively, that Nana has her final af fair before the drums roll to call them -away to war with Russia. ; Then, they called Paris the city of light.' Her new . boulevards stretched out in every direction the sinning white face of the new Opera was . a fresh dehghe to happy, singing, carefree city, the pleasure capitol of the world. The music halls rang with laughter and gaiety, and the people were hoarse from raucous song. !!' i ' The picture which United Artists Is releasing at the Duplin theatre presents ad authentic revival : of the can-can as It was danced. : In Paris to toe horror of the contem porary Mucinoses, and Miss Sten sings "Thats ; Love,ii caustic lament on love, written for her by Richard Rodger and Lorens Hart. Dorothy Arsner directed the photo-J play.-"au.:;'.:; t For the ! Thursday and Friday showing the Duplin will bring to you the one and only Will Rogers in "Mr. Skitch." Flaying with Will is Zanl Pitts. In this show you will see Witt Rogers leave bis home in the middle wet to seek bis fortunes In tbe West And does be get ltT WelL we'll wait for you to see for yourself. The manager of the Dup lin savs about this picture: "It is the best picture I ever saw Will Rogers in. l oan persolally guaran tee a show that will please all." ' : For the Saturday showing the Duplin offer Ken Maynard in the "Banta Fee Trail." , , 7czli Of Prayer ArJ Belf-Denialjan. 20-27 PRESBYTERIANS PRACTICING WEEK OF PRAYER V ' AND SELF-DENIAL, ' ' Throughout the bounds of the Southern Presbyterian Church, the week of January 20 to 27th is set aside as a week to study the great Mission movement of the church, to pray for that movement in a special prayer groupsand to deny ones' self of some of the luxuries Of life and give that money to the mission cause. , ' . ''' The ' Southern Presbyterian Church has mission work In six foreign countries which represents a vast Investment on the part of the church for the saving of souls. She now has a total of 403 . mis sionaries working in these coun tries and during ; the) past year 8,883 souls were won for Christ Hi OpaliirfHan Otim1i Via falcon the responsibility f reaching 86,- KenansvilIe Pergonals IMMAOA twmnla in theaa ix cnun-' fashion candy-pull in the Woman's Club rooms, which are in the lower floor of the Masonic Lodge build ing." Theres were - about fifteen present. ( . , Rev. F. Lu Goodman, assisted the leader, Mrs. Jf. E. Jerritt, with the games and titunta. Mesdama F. L. Goodman and R. V. Wells ossisted with the candy making. Miss Dons Dobon was awarded pie prize for tho tackiest dressedV girl present while J. O. Bowman won that dis tinction for the boys. ,. ' -WHEAT- SURPLUS CUT , Budapest.' According to figures presented at ' tho International Whrjat Advisory Committoo Con. f orence, tho world wheat surplus, which has been the chief, factor 10 keeping prices down, has been cut by as much as 75 per cent by con ditions during the recent crop year.. s--..t-. tries. Today we have 14 of our choice young peoule ready r to go out In the foreign service as soon as funds are available, and 49 others are standing ready to be appoint ed to some mission service. These special services are being held all over ; the Southland this week that the work may go on in a great way. Rev. C. Darby Fulton, D, D,-who Is the executive secre tary of toe Foreign Mission work says that the field is now ready for workers as never before and there. is a challenge for every Christian to do bis best to take advantage of this great opportunity. The people are dissatisfied with the old relig ion and are looking put for some thing new -Now is a wonderful time to substitute the Christian religion which satisfies for the heathen re ligion which does not What a challenge! What will the answer be? .S;7x o KENANSVILLE JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB ENJOYS OYSTER ROAST .''" 'S ''; . '-. . Members of the Kenansville Jun ior Woman's Club and several in vited guests enjoyed a most in formal oyster roast at Gib's new oyster place on the opening night Friday, January 18th. A bountiful supply of oysters , wis furnished and everyone participated In the hilarious occasion. 4 Those members who went were: Mrs. Robert C. Wells, Dlrec tor, Misses Anna Carr, Margaret Williams, Nancy Jussley, Dorothy Wells, Ruth Stevens, Esther Step hens, Mary Alice Blackmore, Becky Edgerton, Erma Williams, Martha Pickett, Pattie Loftin, Bettie Jen kins, Thelma Smith. Invited guests were, . Mrs.' W. ' J. Pickett and small daughter Sarah;- Messrs. Robert C. Wells, . Frank Blackmore and Robert Grady . " .;, ' -o BAPTIST W. M. S. MEE'l-S The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of tbe local Baptist Church was held on Monday afternoon, at 3:30 in the Church with a goodly num ber of ladles present Mrf . W. E. Belanga the new president presid ed. Following' tbe devotional and business session,' a splendid pro grain,' was presented. rjrt; i ' ' '.0 ' . SENIORS EN JO Y PARTY On last Saturday nlgbt tbe mem bers of tbe Senior B. Y. P. L. en- loved tacky-party and an . old Mrs. Mary Smith accompalned Mrs. R. V. Wells to Rose Hill, N. C. on Monday. - Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert C. Wells moved recently into on apartment in the home of Mrs. D. M. Jolly, i ' Jlr. T. C. Moore, Photographer of Chapel hill, N. C, was a week end visitor here. Ernest, better known to hi! friends here as "Slim", Dail, has' returned to his home after having received treatment for several days in a Klnston Hospital. ( Miss Lula Hinson Tiad. as her guests for bridge-tea on Monday afternoon the following . ladles: Mosdames W. J. Pickett, J. E. Jer ritt and H. p. Williams. 'v . ' jyir .ana jnrs uaiuii, oruiaua mcved recently on a larm near Beulavllle. The apartment they had o whllo here'ln - thd home'? of Mrs.:' Fannie Cooper is now being oocn-' pied by Mr. and lira. W E. Powell " and con Bill, Jr.' ' f c Mr. H. O. Wallace i and' Mr. Bill V Bngham of South Carolina," wore ' recent visitors here. ' 1 Mrs. Nan Eurt. of Dillon. S. C who ha3 been visiting her daughter r IXrp. George Bennett in Warsaw N. C, spent several days recently here with Mrs. Mary Wallace. , ' , Miss Anna Carr spent the week ' end with Mis3 Rebecca Edgerton in Faisdn, N. C. ? ;-" Universalist Church' Notice Preaching at Outlaw's Bridge Sunday Morning. Sermon topic: "What ifl Religious Liberty, and do Wo;bivo It in America?" Rev. John T. Fitzgerald o chocks COLDS and ' FEVER ' first day HEADACHES in 30 minutes 000 Liquid - Tablets Salve - Nose' Drops County, N. C. ' Lying and being In Duplin County and in tbe town ot Bow den the same being lots nee, SB and "86 en plat of land surveyed and pUtted , by Jerry Respaes, Ovll Engineer, and known as the Lovelt Lee Sub-di vision, plat or map Is recorded In book 117, at page one, Duplin County Reg istry, reference to which Is here by made for a more particular description of tbe Iota. .; This the 19th day of ' January 1935. W. J. MIDDLETON, TRUSTEE Jan 24,31 and Feb. 7 and 14 ' II T. R. to Eio3 Attacks ' For bilious uttylfiT due to tuturtlr patton, thousands of men and wom en take ThwUurd's Black-Draught because it Is purely vegetable and brings prompt, refreshing relief. "I have used Bla-Draughtt Write Mr. T. L. Austin, of McAdenvllle, N.C "Thara is a package of it on my mantel now. - Z take It for bill eumess. If X did not take It, the nUiwai 4 kMdMh wooM pa aw oat el kn-w lililht autckMt U mm num mm mai Know. & Xbedforffb BLACK-DRAUGHT l , Ptmly Veteteble Laxative V, 14 "Bhifcoam una nu i mur r AT THE Duplin Theatre . , WARSAW, N.C.. PROGRAM WEEK OF JANUARY 28 MONDAY - TUESDAY Comedy JAMES CAGNEY and PATRICIA ELUS IN "ST. LOUIS KID" Matinee Monday 3:30 News WEDNESDAY ONLY Comedy ANNA STEN IN "N ANA" Matineo 3:30 Screen Oddity ' THURSDAY - FRIDAY WILL ROGERS IN "MR. SWITCH" Comedy News SATURDAY TkEN MAYNARD "SANTE FE TRAIL" FAMOUS AVIATOR. (Rigbt) Sir Char let Kintlford-Smith fays: "Once you've bad chance to appreciate the mild, mellow flaror of Camels, no other cigarette leems to suit yon. Camell are my 'supercharger" they five me new energy and go.' And they never throw my nerves on key. Vi.inirrtV.'afc ,?iniiniiiiiilin PHYSICAL INSTRUC TOR. (BiUw) "A Camel gives me a sense of renewed vim," says Charles Adams '' I enjoy this delightful 'lift often. Camels never inter . ferewithmyncrves." BANK TELLER. Orit) "I've aodced that after any strain or when I need cheering up, I get 'lift in energy from Camel," reports Bastes Davidsoa "Theytastesd good. Camels don't dis. titfbrcynervoussyotera.'1 ; EAST COAST FERTILIZERS.; . " Growth - Yield - Quality-. Herman Hines -AjnjehtsVWalter Bridgtirs ; iiifice At Gulf Service Station I - - w , WARSAW, NORTH CAROLINA 1 ' .?r!" I'. .