VRAH C. 3 I" ONS TEAR (BT SIX MONTHS S, ADEBiocrr CRAT ANDr jai econc: : DUPLIN AND ! aw W yoa 1 1 14 J ) i C,JAS SECOND ( -' GOLDEN OLEAMS i 1 1 what we priM moat la aovelty. Ovid. X , c: era that does sot appear marveloua when 1 to aw knowledge tor the first timer -v " I . tut Elder - --ly agree that then ih Carolina "uv " .'1S-::"r 1 0 ftttm mnilir mhif will Ha a been planning to beautify their premises for the past ten years to make a start. 4 , t i"-'" ' t . - Personally, we have nd hope that everybody will agree with our Ideas and rather hope that some specimens of humanity will And them obnoxious. 1 .y .( i - n ' ii. ' i . , , . i o "' ' " ' " ' ' i 'Ths ntrptTV TTUEa U bmnnd to forarlve those who ' failed. ' to 'renew their subscriptions In ireoruary. The DUPLIN TIMES, win be glad to receive news items, or letters, from Its readers. Sign your name for Indentification; it will not be published tf yoo request ua to omit It - ' , " ".: :. '','V o -:i i ' We see where some American "intellectuals" are making a frlend ty protest to the Soviet Union, which will tell them, probably In a polite ,' ;way. to mind their own business. - . v .' 1 v ' j , ; , ' , p-'. .'j ; After the Individual (young lady) breaks about five appointments with another young individual (young van) even . the young man v ' ' ought to be able to overlook the-next appointment. - , i ii" o V(iff It will take mora thai) a plan to solve the social problems of the v United States and the Individual citizen of Duplin County can help the Job along by taking tare of himself or herself. -1 -'' v , , ' vervain hovsino pboject : . . , ' -t ' "A meeting win be called Monday of leading citizens from every sec- tlon of Duplin County to lay plans ! home owner jtrhb tt l&torestod in repairing his home or buUdlng a new '$''' -', ' , , 'f '? :: '.:.- ' BIPa 11 Haliock of. he AshvUle office '. of the Federal Houainlg , ' AdminUtratlon was ta the TIMES office yesterday and stated .that he a- 1 was -very anxious that Duplin County home owners get started oh the "project at the earliest possible time. His office will send a goverment ' representative to meet with the Duplin folks at their mass meeting and !. explain the proposition. ''yffXj' ''i'v Duplin County farmers have been unusually fortunate, for 'the past two. years. Crops have brought a fair price andhey are about - out of debt For the past five years or mbre the average person has not been able to give his home the necessary repairs and so the United f States Government la its NEW DEAL program is going to make it , posslMs for every home-owner to repair and remodel his home. There are two primary purposes behind this move. First Is the de -sirs that every man. should have the average conveniences , of life. . . When we take a look Into some of our homes,' a great many of them, I , . and' see conditions under which the Inhabitants reside should we won der that there Is so much crime and unrest among us? When a person arises on a cold morning and has no decent place, not even as good , , as some animals, to prepare himself, for the day's ' work ahead his "spirits are loir and he doesn't care much what happens. A comfortable " convenient home for every resident of Duplin County will aid In re- ' duction of crime and lawbreaklng as much as anything that can be done, The TIMES beHeves. , - , , s it . ',,, ' ' The second purpose behind this great move la 'to put people,"' to - work. When hundreds of homes In this county begin being remodeled and repaired lumber mills begin to run, paint factories increase their production, merchants' ' sales begin to Jump and more people are given work in every line of business. In abort it ,puts all the wheels ojf in .. dustry to turning. It Js, we believe, a patriotic duty to attend i this , . meeting and do your best? to Improve your living conditions thereby fc ' raising your standard of living and ldlng la the re-employment of '4 millions of people throughout these United sutes."' " ? .-i?: t.M p t; . .WHAT OCE LADEES AKE DOINO ft. ''v'l; am junior rvonuurs uuo oi Kenansviiie in cooperation withl . ladies from other sections of the County are undertaking a project of I ' beautifying the County Court Hose lawn. The spirit and Interest shown v ' deserves much consideration from the other citizens of the county, It .. Is a loyal attitude that prompted the desire to clean up and beautify our county capital The TIMES here and now takes cognizance of their ,. m wiw .vwyuijinm uim ivr toeir iinaeruuong. xj '' The bridge tournament Monday night netted about 328.00 for the project We think it would be a fine thing if our board of county com mlssioners would recognise their efforts and donate an amount to as , surs a one hundred percent Job. We do not think $100 Is too much for tne county to contribute. Also we , tereated citizens la the county who , lar or two lor tne work; In case there are some wa suggest that you send your money to Mrs. R.; CV Wells or Mis Anna Carr In Kenans i vine. ..' j r ' , . - , , Here's to you ladies. The TIMES hi pulling for you. ? '' 4 J" BUCTitSSI ISKTt EOTHEEED , , v ; While the country awaits the decision of th trmtArt at.t. E-mrene Court la toe gold ciaus cases with Interest there Is little evl-d-: r -t asyn'as Is rreaKy worrid. i t 1 In ! tret's, gesarally accepted as a reliable authority i, t , 1 1: at nearly evei-y branch of bulsness la attaining a on I r e i i Ice tlsaa wa set a x t . i b saved from C3.1 to T3. and how stands 17.1 ahead t , '' ..-.; , .'. ': 1 j . ': ;.. ?'t f- ' s 1 .t thet rtural forces are now moving " " t t r ' ' j c-"i prevent the up-turn from f ' " ' 1 '.'Nation and foolbh acts can ' 1 -1 1 ! : i t C;e natural re lourccs of this f ? t : r f -a - .. . . ..... 1 IIANSVUXE. N. .ox .75 SHED BT A DEMO MATE8IAI EDUCATION-' TUBAL.''- INTERESTS ' OF . , UNTIES. ' JJCUAKY 31. 1935 I jSCSJPTURES '-' t-oMb Ipent ye, and be baptised every i if Jesus Christ junto the remission of your Jva the fBt at the Holy Spirit." Acta 2:38. . 0 11 ; ";4ly , V" i Wv" 'kh are too many highway fatalities to - " - ! . ' mod tints for those nenDls who have January., provided, they do . so In i, v.f for calling a mass meeting of every believe there are some loval and in. would be glad to contribute a dol- year ago. Since 1352 the business i. II. C. Cook, Miss i: 1 i.r. Hob Maxwell l lust SutUrday to e Maxwell. : i ' I.vu.y u ie in the community is glad to know that Miua Annie Max- . well is improving and that she will soon be able to assume her position as teaching In the Outlaw's school, Miss Elsie Tilghman spent last t week-end in Kinston. - Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. I Walker, Master Cart Jr, and Miss Rather- ine Whitehurst, Martha Griggs, and Sarah Carr went on an oyster roast at Weaver's Bridge Sunday.' Mr. and Mrs. H. , C. Cook had (dinner with Mr. ,and Mrs. , Karl i Smith' lest Thursday evening. . j Mrs, Lafayette Outlaw, Jr., gave j a shower last -Saturday evening nononng miss iunie uuuaw:?and Mr. Herman Outlaw who are to be marnea soon. A very large crowd enjoyed Mrs. 'Outlawa hospitality, while the young couple were re cipients of many beautiful and use ful gifts. r The Comunnity Club of .Outlaw's Bridge gave a play last Friday evening entitled "That Thing call- ed Love." : .,- Tne Home Demonstration Club of Outlaw's Bridge, met at the home of Mrs. Marvin Simmons last Monday afternoon at two o'clock. Mesdames Rudolph Simmons and H. C. Cook were assistant hostess es. Mrs. McSwain, the agent gave a very good and interesting talk enishing .Furniture. The I tt'mber" U t,.01' 018 Meet' nuits a wwia. . Miss Edith Hlnson spent the week end In Calypso with Miss A Lesson From , ' ; c ( Gen. Robert E. Lee v ,i . . Seven Springs, N. C. , January 19, 1935. Editor The Times: " ' ' This is Robert E. Lees birthday. There Is" nothing I can add to what has been said in his praise. There are some who followed him in war but not in peace. It has been near ly three score and ten, years since Lee surrendered at Appomattox. A few months after the surrender, I have heard, the trustees of Wash ington College, now Washington and Lee University at Lexington, Virginia, met and elected the great General president of the college. Some one must go down near Rich mond and inform the- General of his election. The trustees discover ed that not one of them had' any money to buy a railroad ticket, that not. one of them had a decent suit of clothes to wear. There was one woman in Lexington, the story goes, who had saved, a little gold from the wreck of war. She lent it to the trustees. They bought one of the number a brand-new ' suit of clothes and ta went to tell General Lee of the election. : . '. . Robert E. Lee devoted the five remaining years of his life to the service Mrf the ' little college, en deavoring to repair the wrecks of wax, helping the prostrate South get back on her feet He ' lost - no time cursing the Yankees, He for gave' and gorgot. Can we not aU do likewise? t 1 ; , , ; - , ; One of the .finest tributes . ever paid the great Southern Leader came from Charles Francis Adams of Massachusetts . in 1907, the hundredth anniversary'' of Lee's birth; Likewise Henry W, Grady, the great Southern orator, paid to Lincoln the highest tribute that human lips could speak, la memory of Robert E. Lee let us keep our faces turned toward the .future. Let the past dead bury its dead. . ' ,i p i - ' ' ' John T. FitzgeraULT Kenansville r i v School HonorRoil, 4th. MONTH 1934-'S5 : ' ; FIRST GRADE Abraham Far- rior, t. ? p. ;- summerland, i, Inez VUinn, ...... v.V ,''"::';'i".''---': " SECOND ':J GRADE: brman' Henderson, Crosson Ivey, Henry West Lucy Brown, Mary Lily Rivenbark, Bertha Mae Outlaw. ,- THIRD GRADE: Wlllard Nix, David Westbrook, Helen Jones, Sarah Pickett Bertha Casey. Milma Brown, Sallie Reitha Brown. Jessie Lee Taylor, Laney Benson. FOURTH GRADE: Lillie Rose Whitman, Jimmy Jerritt ; FIFTH , GRADE : Louise .Wil liams, Pattie Sue Southerland, It E. Saunders. , , . SIXTH . GRADE: Annie Mae Brown, Ruth Carol Nix, . Ruth Chase Honeycutt Mary Lily Quinn, James Earl Jones. . . ' ."' ESVENTII CRADEr Robert Joik.i, EcuJah rrtee, K;i;;e iv" I i. Lc 1 be av y E. Smith i d to her I ' now lmpro she will E ' i jhlng again. i Thad and id Miss E. .tat Saturday is: , ' ' ie Creech .Ef . hoi to I .1 Kot gay . in I i. lit last viiih her week ! part s 1' -. Mihs ; Gri; Kin a La Grange Irs. Carl H. Walker, me Whitehurst, Martha 1 Sarah' - Carr went to t Saturday " afternoon shoi . The 1 comi with I .1 boys of B...F. Grady y played . basket ' ball i villa last Wednesday e gymnasium of B,'- F. ")0.,Th'e score was 25-22 oiglit ill Grady r - In favor of B. F. Grady locals. ; Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Shoulars had as their guest last week-end Miss Julia , G-iffinl . and ; Mr, : ; MairVin Smith, from Greenville. , , . ., . - Miss Tessie Smith, Lucile Creech and Bt jie Kornegay had Sunday dinner with Miss Elsie Tilghman in Kinston. - . ' , Mrs. Dallas Cameron, a former teacher of B. F. Grady school an nounces the birth of her daughter, Nancy Joan, last Wednesday Jan uary 23rd. , ' ' Miss Edith Henson and Lucile Creech are taking an extension course in Warsaw. :The people . of the Community are sorry to know that Mr. .Carl H. Walker is confined. to his bed wth tha "flu.". Everyone hopes that he will soon be up. HIGH SCHOOL: Ellen Souther-. land, Eleanor Southerland, s Polly Casey. ' ' HIGH SCHOOL B. F. Q. ROLL Adelle Brown, Ellen Southerland, J Leona Jackson, Lila Shaffer, -Polly Casey, Bettie Benson, Lila Jones, Marie Williams, Margaret Vernon. Beecher 'Ward Sitterson, Durwood Murray, Eranda MCLendon, Gar land Rivenbark. ' ' , t ; , , , .Hi' ;'0 ' ' " NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by vtrture of the power of sale contained ina certain deed of trust jex'ebuted by J. N. WEST and wife ANNA WEST, to i W. J. MT0DLETON Trustee, dated 27th, September 1928, and recorded m' book : 813 1 at page 841.1 of - the Duplin County Registry, .' default having been made In; the payment of the note secured by said deed of trust "and the holder of said note secured, thereby, having demanded a sale of the land therein described to satisfy said note, jhe undersign Trustee will, on Wednesday Febur ary 20th, 1935, at twelve O'clock noon at the court house door in i ITatfionavillis. "NT C aAil ' a t miltll auction for cash' to the- highest bidder- the ; following described tract or parcel of land In ' Duplin County, N. C" 1 ' .. . Lying and being In Duplin. -County and lot the town of Bow den the same being lots nos, 95 and 96 on plat of- land surveyed and platted ' by Jerry Respass, Civil Engineer, and known as the Lovell Lee Sub-dlvislon', plat or'toap Is recorded In book 127, at page one Duplin County Reg istry, reference to which Is here by made for a more particular description' of the lots. . -This the 19th day -of January 1935. . ' ' ' ' , S W. J. MlbDLETON, TRUSTEE :Jan 24,31 and s V - 1 1" ' rFeb, 7 and 14 , . '.. "H. T. R. '(-- ' ' . s Vi't ;:' "... o- NOTICE OF SALE : Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain "' Deed of ; trust executed by Louise Caven- iaugh and Melbdrn Cavenaugh, her - and recorded la the office of ' the Register of Deeds of Duplin Coun ty, in book 117; default having been made in payment of indebted ness thereby secured. ; 1 ' -1 will sell fat public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door to Duplin Coun ty, on the 18th day of Feburary 1935 at the hour of 12 o'clock, Noon, the following described tract of land, lying and being in the town of Rose Hill and described as follows: , ' . FIRST TRACT: Situate In the town of Rose r :i, North Caro lina, and on t" - r.i- t"o('i' j A. C. L. Ra" 1 u..J t at a stake 1. 1 ;:n r , Church St , J v o : ; South Ernst t of I ' i hoiina lot s ! ' i' for !' sa of r f t s - 1 - r-o r .l r -. t 13 U ill V t ! I - t i t r 1. 1 1 1 L.. i : :. oi ; of t ii i i . " ' '., as r-"or.! 1 i S iH,i e f t e I Show: su: 84,1 tcr of 1 i I "n Cii. Itft're!''e I ' j r1 li t 5 book and r e on v. ' T, li cvrt 'a map Is recor .1. rr full and comj ;.lete dosts. 'on of said lot being SI feet by 13 fct. Terms of sale Uat h. ' Advertised tnig the 16th day of January 1935. ' . ' A. J. Blanton, TRUSTEE. Feb. 7-4T-A. J. B. ' V'-- 0 " ' - ': NOTICE OF 8. . 0 "- ALE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained : In ' a certain deed of trust executed by Hv ' G. Sholar to' W. P. Bridges, dated June1 24th, 1931, and' recorded in the office of the Register ot Peeds of Duplin County, in Book 340, at page 817,' and default having been made in the payments of the In debtedness thereby Secured, and the holder of the notes secured by said deed of trust having request ed the undersigned to foreclose the same, the undersigned will on the 11th day of February,. 1935, offer and sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court-house door of Duplin County, Kenansviiie, North Carolina, at the hour of 12:00 noon. the following described tract . or parcel of land lying and being in Duplin County, State of North Carolina, and bounded and describ ed as follows:. : : . , Beginning at a stake In the place of two bull bays,' the old corner, now J. E. Henderson's and J. 7V. James' ' corner, and runs thence as J. E. Henderson's line of the WUkin's land South ' 40.1-2 West 721 loot to a stake. "in the road leading by the Old Nick Henderson Dwelling; thence North 81 3-4 west 100 feet to a stake, ': : Ennls Brown's corner; thence; as bis ' line North 81 1-2 East 2177 feet to a stake In the Bettie' Blanchard Estate line; 'thence as that lino North 48 1-4 East 750 feet to a stake, I. W. .' James corner; thence aa bis line South 8 1-S West 2152 feet to -the beginning, containing 24 and 5-100 acres,, more or less. Advertised this the 9th day of January, 1935. ; - ' W. P, BRIDGES, Trustee N. B. Boney, Attorney. " Febt-4T. N, B. BB. ' - V. ,?. :?tf.'-1-r " "0 .' ' i.'- j: ' I ':' ' ; i NOTICE OF SALE kV" ' ; Under 'and by virtue of authority contained in a certain Deed of Trust, executed by Maury Ward and wife, Dinnie ,Mard, to A. J. Blanton, trustee.! Dated the 11th day of October 1930, and recorded In book 818, page 116, office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin Coun ty; default having been made in the payment of, the Indebtedness thereby secured. I will sell at public auction at the Court House door In Duplin County, for cash on the 18th day of February, 1935, at the hour of 12 1 o'clock noon, the following tract or partlals of land lying and being in Rose Hill Township and described as follows; ' .. ' Being the . same land as de scribed In a mortgage from John W. Coston and wife, Jessie Cos ton, to, Oscar Fussell 'dated the 1st day of November; 1911 and recorded In the office of Regis ter of Deeds , In Duplin County. Reference being made to said registry for a full description of said land and same being bound on the North by the lands of Maury Ward, South by the lands of J. E. Wf" t, and on West by y the lan: of r.Iaury Ward, and and FEVER . i f rst t y liJi ' Liquid - Tablets Salve Nose Drors ! jlesl i. ', 1' Ai- 'i C. 2-7Gt rdj :)tratclix i, N. C. kc: . : o- 1LE s By virtue r.f i "y contained in a re.rt:.n 1 I '! f ' ,U': the 4th d.-r f : ' . i""i. executed ty r i ! r i 1 r 3, c r. u.ft" CJioo Dr nn: "I ohea work 101 1 12 hour! u nrttch Dd am tmokios Cornell til the time. TherbdptolncrcaM my 'pep' when I feci tired or slum." ( :.'.' ' 1 :1 : V ' Joho L. Sun.men. 8auuh KcquenChmpionof the , V. um "I often itbt ' : mf war through a tounu : 4 neot come out exhaust- ' ed. Then CemeL Mr eaergrisbrimauasftsaia." a SEE AND DRIVE TUX NEW - ' . NOW ON DISPLAY AT : , '... SPEKCE AUTO Cb. h: WARREN W. MAXWELL, Rep. - ' , ' LAGRAN. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT IS MANNED BY SKILLED MECHANICS AND ONLY GENU INE. FORD PARTS USED. WE GUARANTEE OUR VC ANNOUNCE : v ; :- ; OPENIT !G G37S: FL..3 WEAVER'S CPJDGE ' - ' ; "ON HI-VAY 1 THE MOST rwvATE E 00x1:3 " crvcup accc :c ' r 0 :-' NEW RIVER rr.l GTUTIP , C0UND OYCTZnS . : 'l ' , -o- , Yc " r V: ircr.Ts Vi!l P j r : -. i nn :. I-. .".'. l i r t fcoi " . ." .", r. . r Con y. Advri " January 1" A, 1 1 t i 1 1 ' s the 3 Feb. 7-4T- Cm. f. . em IMl i ' fi . 'm't S of rus. .-J ' r y UP - TO - pATE ;

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