' of the i d Tfitchrr r' n cf the . nil. j on , lit 7:2i) o'clock t, Mrs. II. L. chair. 3 c -ned' V""i " ' ii" a" fol! : I . ;r r repea I ! i e C.uson, ! c nlzn"'m 1 e-i:t- t e Lcceml. . I Vmvlllo, Ti 1 rmort of t !. li.e Pre s. R. V. r I or, 8 j n t e a- J .n efjr tue r 'edn'i, t r t!ie t ;a dm 3 i.r the f tiie re- ; months cf school, .a vote J at- this iorse the Ltate PVT. I m and friends of the - P. 1)1 T A were Indeed ve Mr. L. A. Eeaaley "o as their guest ' evening, his sub- s nnd souna inanc-, " ( -1 ' I tit School System." . I u o touched upon the, y i ' , s of the 'atlva pro l concerning edut lion. This . was most lntereuuugr and In- tlvo. , , , A d : ;.htful feature of the pro n wore two duets, "Princeton non limM' and "Echoes .of i" played by Mrs. Paul Potter .1 Iiiss Grace Talton. Mrs. Paul Ucrs room won the cup for hav j moat parents present.; - ; o . -.;. ) Give minstrel Zl:ov February 15th " , ' . - O ' " . A Minstrel Show composed ' of nil talent, will be presented In e Warsaw High School auditor- MADE- s i 0, GOOD SINCE 1883 v. niLLiCARLTON 'Vnreav Kenansville x i . Lr.iCK, LI3IE far: i IiLD FERTILIZERS PuV-2 Gcl:ccl Beck Depository :l a rrr-ciATB 1 t 8 auisplces a and la outstanding evci.t ( f I I ' T t INNER r . J. L'cham and Miss s . im were Hosts ' on i . . k, January twenty- ' u Uiey entertained . : at r honoring Mr. and Mrs. J. T. am, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. U. Best, Jr.,, recent Brides and u JainS. Covers were laid for six and a delicious course dinner was served. i- ! o- WARSAW PERSONALS Mrs. R. L. Best Sr., spent last week la Ayden the guest of - her daughter, Mrs. Jack Quinneriy. Mesdames E. J. Hill and H. D. Farrior were visitors to Greenville Thursdays . . Mrs. Matt Hargrove and child ren were visitors to Jacksonville last week. - Mr. and Mrs. Paul Berry, Paul coJ Jr., auu Airs, naipn tseBl Pent several days In Washington " "u"'' Mp' Berryir mother, returned to u uiuuuus siuy Mrs. Christine Hill of, Jersey City, and Mr. Virginlus Faiaon of Falson were visitors in the home of Mrs. T. B. Pierce Friday . Mr. Clarence Brown was a vis itor to Chapel Hill Friday. . i. Blllle Best, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Best spent last week with his1 grand-parents Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Turner of Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Britt spent Monday in Goldsboro. Miss Margaret Woodward was the guest of her mother Mrs. D. C. Woodward several days last week. Mesdames D. E. Best, J. W. Far rior and J. C. Thompson attended the Sesame Club in Faison Wed nesday of last week. Mrs. L. P. Best spent several days in Raleigh last week with i .i Fertilizer OEifEBAX) MEReHANDISK And cementv SUPPLIES voub patronage c. JHD WAR I : : :' uaryher daughter Mrs. W.'B. Aycock. Miss . Julia Farrior spent the week - end with her parenU Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Farrior. i Miss Edith Surratt, student at N. C. C W. Greensboro spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Surratt. , . Mrs. Sallle Bbyette of Calypso is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. B. Cook. ' ! . v Mesdames J. W. Qulnn and J. T. Gresham, Jr., returned Friday af ter several days stay in Charlotte. Mr.Mlddleton Hines, student at Carolina, Chapel Hill spent the week end with his parents Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Hlnes.-, .::": Mr. Ernest Boyette of Norfolk, Vs., spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. A. B. Cook, r'i t f. Miss Dora Hunter spent Bunday with, her aunt Mrs.' Bettle West in Dunn.'. ; .':.s Mrs. B..C. Sheffield spent Tues day lh Wallace. ; ''''-r''.r'; '-: Mr. Robert Browder, a student at Carolina Chnpel Hill, was a vis itor In town Saturday. Mr. James Blackmoro, a student at Wake Forest College, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Blackmore. , " Rev." and Mrs. R. C: Foster and Mrs. A. D. Hall were visitors to WhiteviUe last Thursday. Miss' Margaret ' Cooper . spent the week-end' with her mother, Mrs. M. U Cooper, o ; &isa Margaret Pridgen" spent the week-end with her ' parents Mr. and Mrs,sG. P. Pridgen. - Mr. B. L. PoweU of Rock Hill, S. C. is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. A Powell.' - . V. Miss Carrie Lea Brown of Chin quapin was the week-end gnest of Miss Thelma Slier. Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Hunter spent Sunday in Raleigh, : Mr. Charlie Brown . of . Rich Square was a visitor In the home of Mr. and Mrs: G. P.' ' Pridgen Sunday. ; ,r. :.y; , t'"-' Mrs. Joe Pickett of Beulaville Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.-Bland Pickett this week. , , - " i . Miss Evelyn Maynard of Ulling ton was the week-end ' guest of Mrs. E. F. Strickland. . " Mr. and Mrs. A, Homer Snyder and little daughter Edna Kathleen were guests of Mrs. J. A. Powell Mr.; Bob Wheless, student at Siate College spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and .Mrs. R. E. I Wheless. - v Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Potter, and , Mr. and -Mrs. J. T. Gresham, Jr., at tended a bridge ' tournament ' In' Kenansville Monday night. Thla tournament was sponsored by the Junior Woman's Club of Kenans ville. .. . ' ' 4 -,, Mrs. 'Clarence Latham of Faison- was a visitor in the home of Mrs. T. B. Pierce Monday. , Mrs. Luther Holllngawortn of Goldsboro was the guest v of ' her sister Mrs.'J. C. Brock, last week. r Miss Alene West spent the week end In Wilmington visiting friends Mesdames D. S. Rav and J. M. Pelrce attended thfuneral of Mr. Packer m Clinton' Monday after noonv-'.''r-!!rw;fv Mr. R, D. Johnson returned to Raleigh- -Monday ' morning - after spending the week-end at home, he was accompanied by Mrs. Johnson, who will spend the week In Ra leigh. v -, . -Miss Ann Cavenaugb returned Sunday after several weeks' stay in Wallace. t ' . Messrs. Herbert West, and Rob ert West' a student at Wake Forest College, spent the week-end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rogers of Chapel Hill spent the ' week-end with Mr. Roger's ' mother, Mrs. Walter Carter. - ' ' Mr. Bill Sheffield, a student at Carolina accompained by his room mate, Mr Page, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Sheffield. Mrs. M. T Daughtry, of Wilson, spent Sunday with her : daughter Mrs. Leonard Herring. r-Vv. . S: 4. Misses Margaret . and'. ' Helen Carlton spent the week-end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Carlton. ;'. . . ' Mr. andMrs., U P, Best ' of Mebane and Miss Janle Fleming of Winston Salem spent the week-end as guests of Mrs. L. P. Best, 1 Sr. Mr. ' and Mrs. Aubrey ; Ramsey and family, of Burgaw, wereguesta of Mr. and Mrs. J. A; Porter Sun day. ' t:-M,-iX,-:: :, ; ;, ' Mrs. Ralph Best and little son Blllle Best spent Tuesday In Wal lace. V ').'?. :;.-''- ''"'.V '- Miss Leslie Stanclll of Kenly was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Stanclll last Week;; " ' Miss Luclle Ashworth returned to her home in Fairvlew Saturday after a visit with her sister Mrs. John D. Miller. ...' Miss Mary Euford Best , spent the week-end in Ashlana, Va. ' v Mr. and Mr Bat.ford Packer at tended the funeral of Hr. Fnflkers uncle Mr. Jim Packer In Clinton Monday. v Mr. and Mrs. S. ,D. Tm-!'r-ton were guests of I'r. an.l I i. 1 on ris Cobb in Go! 1 ' 'o i . I r. " ' b .was cell;;,- t 1 i C. V 'V. r,. y v alker 1 Miss C -j. E. . ice, of Wlli-i-i-end guest of fhnson return- ington wii i Miss Bettic t. Senator F-. V. ed to Rale 'i I ing the week y after spend i with his family. Jj; Jan spent the lier parents In i. Jordans father 111 for the past to the delight of is improving Mrs. Way j.. week end i Marlon, S. C. I has been crl. fewweeks, b his many f each day.. : Mesdames J. C. Robinson and D. E. Best were visitors to Goldsboro Tuesday."'1-;'t Mr. E. J. Bowden returned to New Yory City Friday night after a visit with his mother Mrs. Hen ry Bowden. While here Mr. Bow den made a trip to South Carolina. Mrs. J. W. Best and Miss Mary Buford Best were visitors to Clin ton Thursday. " 'i'r:-' ' 0 . jV'S;'. ; TOM THUMB WEDDING ? Vi-' 1 " 1 " 'V- 1' ,rMlddIeton-Week8 V :.' ; The Auditorium of the .Warsaw Gramme; School building - was ' a scene of -unusual beauty on'Tues day evening January 22nd, at 8 o'clock when Master Jack Middle- ton, sos of Mr. and: Mrs.' D. ; 3: Middleton, and little Miss Evange line Weeks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs." Ben ' Weeks pUghted their troth In the presence of a hoste of relatives and friends. ' The stage Was a perfect setting for this hap py occasion, tall baskets filled with whte roses and fern added further beauty. A mlnature arch entunjed with southern' smllax was placed in the centerl . While the guests were assembling a lovely program of neptial '.music was rendered. Just prior to the ceremony, Misses Dora Hunter, Betty Hall and Mary Middleton sweetly " sang "I Love Tou TrulyT "Master; Ben Cooper wearing a conventional robe ef black entered and took his stand beore the improvised altar, where he spoke the marriage vows. To the strains of Lohengrin's Wed ding march by Wagner, the wed ding party entered as follows: , ; ' Ushers: Masters J. W. Johnson, Jimmy Batson, Carroll Best " and Ben Frederick. Groomsmen: Mas ter's Harold Matthla, Paul Berry, Joe Surratt, Leslie Brown, Billy Best, 'Tommy . Wrench, Carson Boonejand Walter P. West t Bridesmaids: Misses Jean New kirk, Mary - Ellis k West; ' Peggy Steed, Evelyn 1 : Stanoel, ' Janet Jones, Evelyn1 Parker, 'Mae Brock, and Mae Bell Surratt gowned in ruffled organdy of pastel shades wearing :, picture- hats, carrying arm boquets of pink (oses. Maid of Honor: Little Miss Bar bara Jean Thompson, Wearing a gown- of American Beauty taffeta and carrying an arm- . boquet of wes. , . Ring bearer: "Sonny Boy" Jones wearing a white satin suit, Lord Founteleroy Style and carrying the ring on a .white satin pillow. Flower glrss ' Little Misses Ann West, ind Rosaline Spivey wear ing dainty dresses of pink organ dy, and carrying baskets filled with roses. -The groom with his, best nan, Billy Kornegay, entered from an adjoining room, meeting his bride at the altar. The bride, gown . ..'wj xawuonea aiong simple lines voMq:! ed leaning on the arm of her fa ther, Master Allen Draugham, who gave her in marriage. Little Miss Gladys Waters wearing pink organdy and Master Crawford Lee Hooks, clad In a suit of white, act ed as train bearers. Immediately following the ceremony the bridal party left the stage to the strains of Mendelssohns Wedding march. Jbivited guests for the wedding were Grandmothers of the bride groom, misses Katie May Herring and Edna i Earl . Moore. Aunts: Misses Ruby Reeves, Ernestine Grady, Martha Miller, Cassis Ruth Herring, Martha Surratt, Lillle Dunn, Elols Williams, Janice Draugham and Elolse , Pipkin. Uncle, Elbert Matthls. Friends of the families: Misses Jewel Porter, Marguerite Pelrce, Ruth Kornegay, Betty '. Reeves, Joyce Vlck, Jean Miniat, Frances Ham, Rachel Hall and Katherlne Register. The old woman who lived In the Shoe and her children: Elolse Bush Martha, and Bobbie Gaylor, Fathes children, . Laddie, Williams, ! Sarah Gaylor, H&roldtne Apple and "Bud dy" Steed. Grooms mother: Ruth Best; Groom's father: Otis Al dridge; Brides' mother, Miss Haz el Strickland. , , ' The above wedding , was given under the auspices of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Meth odist Church and directed by Mrs. Wayne Jordan. .Net proceeds amounting to around thirty five dollars. After the departure of the wedding party a most attractive miniature chorus, was given by : " :'scs Amelia Farrior, Frances ' i, I"iry Frances Matthls, 1 C 'tor. 'Ihe'-Dmily MlMeitx Week- ' The Duplin offers a tare treat for show fans next week The management has outdone Itself a little to bring such a program of hit shows to Warsaw in one week. : Tha week opens With "Homespun Philosophy" In "Mrs, Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch.' The third and last of the three great novels of and by Americana, has been made into a motion picture by Paramount and comes Monday and Tuesday to the Duplin Theatre.-: i Mrs. Wiggs v of the . Cabbage Patch," was written by Alice He gan Rice in 1901, is ; generally ranked with "Lltqe Women", by Louisa May Alcott : and "David Harum,". by Edward NoyeS. The latter two have already been film ed, and "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cab bage Patch" is now completed; ;t ' Pauline . Lord, . distinguished stage star .who played in such notable productions as "Anna Crtstle," "Tho Late Christopher Bean," "Strange Interlude," - and "They Knew'What They Wanted," makes her screen debut as "Mrs. Wiggs." She rejected numerous screen offers In the past but suc cumed to the chance to play in this ciasaic. : ' , ;' Evelyn Venable and Kent Tay lor, who have been teamed several times, are cast as the young lovers Miss Lucy and Mr. Bob. W. C. Fields has a leading role and Zazu Pitts plays the vapid Miss Hazy. All five of the child roles Jimmy, Billy, Asia, Europena ' and Aus traliahave been filled by well- known youngsters already promi nent in pictures. 'Adapted from the play by Mrs. Rice and Anne Crawford Flexner,. VMrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" brings to the screen the world-famous characters of the story. .. "Desirable," Warner Bros" dy namic and , colorful drama of Broadway's theatrical life and its contact with New York's social set, comes to the Duplin Theatre on Wednesday only, with an all star cast headed by Jean Muir, George ' Brent, Verree Teasdale and John Halliday. ' The picture, based on the story by the famous magazine- writer, Mary McCall, Jr., is filled with highly dramatic and Intensely emotional situations, with rapier like dialogue and a climatic clash between a woman of the word! and her unsophisticated" daughter that fairly takes the breath. " For the first time Miss Muir ap pears in a role that calls for gor geous gowns and luxurious settings as well as a strong portrayal of emotional upsets. Verree Teasdale, one of Hollywood's best . dressed actresses, also will be seen in cos tumes that are the forerunners of the coming styles of the most not ed of fashionable designers. , George Brent portrays a man of the world, once devoted to the mo ther, who falls In love with the un spoiled daughter. Charles Starrett Is the rich so cialite who la Intrigued by the charm and beauty of the girl, but whose family Is shocked by her un- conventionality and utter frank- nana kfitlnarm ft. Imtuwt.M. mIm In. elude John Halliday, a theatrical aagijoan Wheeler, Pauline True, Barbara Leonard and Virginia Very Much -Improvei ; ' After faking Cardui X have suffered a great deal from cnmplng," writes Mrs. W. A. Bewell, Br, of Waco, Texaa f-I would chill and have, to go to bed for about three days at a time.' X . would have a dull tired, sleepy feeling. A friend told me to try Cardul, thinking it would help me i and It did. I am very much im proved and do not spend the tune - in bed, I certainly can recommend Cardul to other sufferers." , Thounndi of nnn tmtitf Cartful bnuflUd thtm. If it doaa BQt fewtttt XOU, eoond( phyitoUn, EVERGREENS SHRUBBERY : Reduced prices on all plants dur ing February". . , . 1 -.( Before buying it will pay you to see these plants and get our prices. Fair View Nursery . Located on IIlway'N. C. 40 Adjoining the Wilson Country ' , Club " . " :'::';,! . -v ,?-, . ;.-'V;.. WILSON, N.' C. Hammond. .v-i! .v- . ; - Dick Powell, with hi inimitable production. . singing voice, heads a cast of uifc j Miss Hutchinson as the daugh usually talented players In the new j terof a wealthy and socially prom- ( First National, production, "Happl- inent family, runs away from her ' ness Ahead,", which ,U scheduled 'engagement party, to search of ad as a feature attraction at the Dup- venture. Bbe runs Into Dick : and lln Theatre next Thursday and Fri day. , i ,. ' v :.,' Although the story, la straight comedy drama there are " four special songs, catchy airs written by three of the most famous song writing teams, Allie Wruble and Mort Dixon, Sammy Fain and Irv ing Kahal and Bert Kalmar - and Harry Ruby, Powell sings two or the songs, alone, "Pop Goes My Heart" and 'Beauty Must Be Love", and also Join with Frank McHugh 4 in a duet, "Massaging Window Panes." A fourth song, "AU on Account of a Strawberry Sundae," Is sung by Dorothy Dare, the famous Broad- way musical comedy star who .i.iJJM..' N OTICE TO TAXPAYERS After Feb. 2 Penalty I against all unpaid 1934 Taxes at the rate ? i .' i s 5! of Vv. percent per month. x PAY YOUR TAXES I Now And Save The Additional Cost i I I. N. HENDERSON, I Tax Collector. & i 64Hff60v U. S. Government Bonds N. C. State Bonds DUPLIN County Bonds And All Municipal Bonds BOUGHT, SOLD AND QUOTED Branch Danldng & Trust Go. All of our accounts Insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation RESOURCES OVER $19,000,000 WARSAW AT Duplin Theatre WARSAW, N. C PROGRAM WEEK FEBRUARY 4th MONDAY PAULINE LORD W. Mrs. WIGGS of the Comedy Matinee WEDNESDAY OfHX JEAN MUIR GEORGE BRBNT - : VERREE TEASDALE DpSipABI4Ew i Comedy Mafmea:S0 THURSDAY FRD3AY . J DICK POWELL A JOSEPHINE HUTCHINSON ; Comedy ..t , .,' , New t - 4;8ATURDAY': l mnVoa finr screen debut In this sis pal Frank McHugh, - In ,! a Chinese chop suey palace where the happy throngs are celebrating ' New Year's Eve. She Is attracted to Dlek but wishing him to Jove herself she poses as a working girl out of a Job. ? 'i Dick, who is in the window wash-, Ing business sees the girl -getting a check from one of the town's wealthiest citizens, in return for. which she throws her arms about i us necx ana Kisses mm. im 1 1 1LI..I ' that : his ' girl is double-crossing himself and her sugar daddy also. Then the fireworks start which end In one of -the . most amusing and thrilling climaxes Imaginable. will bepfin accruing WALLACE THE - TUESDAY C. FIELDS ZAZU PITTS KM fcABBAGE PATCH" Monday S:S0 News Screen Oddity 13)ro.-nr?il1-

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