1.: .. ....i. 1 ... i wiLIi ! 4 I J nu.iryj a' i cn i 1 j ("''. vl mx -ti ( . on MoniJ-.i' 28lh, the i Woman C! tournament, t are to bo used 1 '- '; rrniirtthousc Square, A large crowd from tho fliffi towns Jn'Duplih County ' ", tournament, making u; t- of Contract and Aucb J i Rummy. Rcqlt, Set f ,Hcwts-DlccA grand nkiA WAS irlveata .th l gcnUemen, playing, games. 1 i cacli ot : t io three days: i inter, charged with dis- ; crona without" paying . . f' :uunt paid costs and a was 'dismissed.,. r v' ,i e .ie (JraAy,- ctarged with' Jar- y and receiving. Nol .pros with j Hampton Andrews, charged with ! assault on a female. Former judg- . ---tlment in tbk cause being complied t.joro Jvith tift ceio was distiiissedJ- and t . .James Lof tin, charged- with as theae ! j;ault 03 a female: Defendant ap- jarcd :.th aMwer:n!oWpfaacg case intiKie at next term . . 1 Inw llousebreak rocny. Nol pros with "' Grand prlzoa were awarJcd as ,it& farmer- order and the- i ' s ' ' - ' ' ' 'was continued.. . v - . " Contract1 bridge: Uisn Leo r James iRose, Jj, , charge with, Ballentine, of Rose Hill, N. ''C. i jfass&ult , with deadly weanon;.' pes-- " Tudze R. Hunt Parker, of atifent M 'uCssioH of Wposkey ,anaf operating .' . . ..J- T.T r . ' "" tlfT : ' AUCtiOIl UriUge: U. U. V.WWU-T wm uuuiuwauw no juuuivun Li Wllliaina, in of Konansville, tt.O? T..-U, kit. t.; . T.' vvii Mrs. Harvey Boney.' 'V Rummy: Miss ifiranda-McJuenaon, autb 'While lntoxatedhfi action hhti'been comnlied with. .' W; Carroll charged with as iktilWitn deadly weapo with in tent to' kllfc IOs 'ordered fcv.the Hearts-Dice: Luke HotnrtcMrV Court 'tbaVexecUliqn issue., on. the J it V Wells J. O. Bowman.' ' I Judgment nbsolufqand. Jat ixir Kook: jrs j u vuiuuij, u.. w-. - - ;T-.rirv-r:srr? rwf.. n Newton. r v . 1 , , 1 r,T Mwn.(. j;i "''Jf - , ton Jew? BeTS-htaftoa o whiSkey: tt is - lOllOWH . jura.. cii y.,v-i 4ri aii,.. ai rn.i. V .idwritnviiffl .iwJdme Wayne -County. ' SoSS oUvKtoKen:-' Ft-selhargeta Iri as "lle',C.; ifrfGbert Honef ". 1?'? ITKpI. WW . Assault t s raair Wallace N' O' f 1- e'defenO . At the conclusion w u" b phanccwitli ihe fbrmer 'order jm& refreshments consisting of sand- - cfliT4-ia e(,wtttnied. - i wiches and hot coif ee, were 'served. , f; Id The tail, carts wtf owbo tv'jr:rry'; , :f 7 , 7 sketches of the court house smade '"m r1"'" ' - Llf WiUiam' wfcauis JiLowe jyirs. it. u. 01 tTT, made a talk on this cause ' and TT' T 3, ad a list of donations mTide by CoJW an dfaUed. - g merchants throughout the County. I z- B1radsw- S'mplf Dr. G. Y. Gcoding won the.Auc-,11 W to ttartt thfe lion rtiKii Buore huu rwiwouiucr, , - , ,. , ' 7 l subscription to mwvriAN r- - ; - year TIMES, donated by the Time The tournament petted, for the ladles about 23i,This amount wjth what the; already have, on hand with they already - have ln 1 hand 'for the project will give them a start, Plans are to plow ' up the court house grounds and sow in ftrass, set out sbubbsry -about the grounds- and to place1 a -chain 'or lence around the waHc for protec tion." - - ; o 5 ; , cost anoV.fiiie ifloaed iiv.h case Fi iendship Nws ,j MISS MARTHA ftWCfSON "7 'I f I ; lea i ' : C I 1 :..i vrth lar- cc ii j us with lci :' y- 1 , 7 charged with sti , u larc cny, gave bp" 1 ! of . Artiiur my and 1. leave. La-. de . Williams. House-breaking and .Jarceny. Because defendant is new serving prison , sentence ,; in another state tins action was or dered to gcoff docket. -V John .Newton, alias Pork Chops. Possession of whiskey for purpose of sale, Noji pros with leave. , ?., -M. T, Henderson. Housebreaking and larpfcny. t i HaHie Teachey. Violatmg fishing law,' 'Defendant having paid costs imposed at December., term, the sase was dismissed. . : i Buster Hill charged with. murder continued. ' 1 , . i -i Alphonza Cox. ' Housebreaking and lareeny. Continued. . , . :Jessle Wright was found guilty of Assault with deadly, weapon. Sentenced' to the roads ,for. 5 montto. , 'ft i , ,i i Gihbona Hicks. Resistina: an of ficer. .Continued. i: Oftr Lamb rand i: Mary , Lamb. Transporting vand selling . .whiskey. Transferred Ito General , County Court, j- r.Pearlie, Herring was found not guilty of breaking . and entering Ana larceny charge. . . , v Joseph; Adftins. entered a plea of not guilty to a charge of assault HUtht4eadly weapon. At the close of the state's evidence the defend ant,: through his . counsel, tendered a plea ; of assault with i deadly weapon.-Sentenced to the roads for Ju wi . . tif F Ar . Ma Ru'i Jci.. Of. and I ville. uWillian i to the W. ' ednesday i in play. C i by drawii- . after whi i ensued. t i ie game M Id high score . ;rton held se. i . i. ess served a i iis rmbblenz: - salad ; :se e while the bu.i s of iis belhg conduct j. 3 present were: I. tunes nams, Nancy . Ju:; ulcy, rr, Kethryn Sitterson, : WUliams, Pattie Loiyn, 1, Becky Edgerton, Bettie and-Martha- Pickett, sts wert Thelma Smith iy Wells, aisO of Kenans- '1 that lnstanta capias issue. Ctara Lewis. A?eftWb. with tlea Ijt weapon'.-CsJ&tfahd if ailed. . f ' James. Hajrfs, Reckless, giving. Called and faied-- ' " ; SvJ.,W. Ferrell. Forgery. Instant capias t Wilson, County: S '" & Henry Bonham.. Simple assault. Ordered tQ serve, the ; 30 . days ilni jail, suspended sentence,- becstuse defendant has not. complied with conditions of suspended judgment that is pay court costs. and doctor's biUkef'.proseduUngwitnessf m Che amount of $113.00. - f iyLcmr- Barwick. "" Possession "and ,tranP9rtaUpa,s,o( v whiskey.,Ap peared,' showed compliance " with former order, and continued. - , Tcny Pjnyatello. Charged with - murder. .Continued. , j,,f j,j Eddie , Holmes.. Assault with 4eady weapoif With' intent to kill. IACT KLtB" M KETS , ' Tho nansville Kontract Klub" mete ednesday 'afternoon i at 3:15 w i Mrs. Irvin Burch In her attra.:i a bungalow! Every mem ber w; i present. Mrs.'J. B. Penny totaled ! gh score for which she was i cnted an attractive fruit squeez rr.' She fuso won the travel ling ,pc . e. The hostess ,wai asslt- ed by li r: Joeph Wallace in erying ...3. KC- i 8:30-o. ;)ers wuie i Li. R. Dail; J. O. i Gavin, J. E. Jem i, . i and TST. B Bon y. 1 .-r tl'e usual f u s weie Invited . ! room where the h iH li e cream .u i'ood CbKe and coffee. . V C.'l I S. w ir n v ' v, A, M. . ,ney ar. 1 j 1 T C, r- i l ie 3 jna, ' a iviHe, here SPECIAL PROGRAM AT l"w"r;A. Gavin, loqar Secretary ot For . .Transferred to Oen-r Mlssjoni, Tne iViby)ect M Court' " '1J "For Such X aTim ' a t.. '' We lire all glad to know that we munity, Mr. and .MrsT twfKir.f h,mt2' t'hl,f Rprfstrr and familv. ' 1 Bdb-Hdrst.-Hunting Without 11- James, isheny Charged v with : Register and family. r- . MrJ PercY Best, of Warsaw - --" . ,,. . . .1 ' JAIY1AQ 1 iklNhanf jr. Ahnrvo-tul nrith' spent Tuesday , and Wednesday Z'IJIZ:, "u night with Mr. "Wmim- "HursU f ' ,w if ' Miss Retha Potter was the week ,uc"",jr u- 't.' . end guest of Mr. and Mxp. ,Bn Fffi&Z!?0 Swtason and family ... . TT. SSJjMSf1 10 Miss Mattie SwiMon Jane ia ,iIntCo'irf L .Hf.k. Drf. an.nt n.t i Herbert Barden. Assault with : intent to kill. Continued. iav in ML Olive. ' auu iw.uv. oe was Mrs.. Ben Swi'nson pent Satur. I ? tced to State Prison irom S il. -i s t, i ivftaiyearsf Commrttmentiiofctois-. - . ' ir-XttFirtS&teQ&M shall remain In CARD OF THANKS : We wish to extend to. pur friends out most sincere appreciation and ' heart, felt thanks 'for your kind- nesses-to Joe and to us during, the r-senteticed to fheVpads tojE 2 yekfs, ' sickness and death of our beloved ; son and hrother, William Joseph Penney.-";' f - ' 4. Signed Mr.'l ancTrMrs;"'Er""K. Penney and Family. - , MISSING WALLACE WOMAN . found, and to the eiroumstances of the discovery. l-piw;t t yi. ' The jury of inquest was . in ses- . fdon about three hours, and reached a verdict about 10:80 'elofcki Ail : thoritles :' ; wtniM - mention ' nn man as having been Implicated ij ...the -affair, but said nriest 'orj . MIVaM UiigUW 1UUUW 1UJ1.... TVU1TJ from the James Walker Memorial Hospital at Wilmington wg. that Miss; Bradahaw ' ; was ! lmpYoV)iv 'When she wasj found she was un coiisctous. She -was thinly clad and barefooted and near detfth s the result of exposure. . w. :ju p r custody of Supt of Welfare obey her orders fanjl; instructions for.-af period of 2 years .-; '; Fred Lmzy . plead guilty f 'to housebreaking and larceny. He was 2 years.; : s , v LiUie Ruth Carr was found, not guilty qf( Housebreaking- and lar ceny,- .' ' r- , . Ike Farnor, George Cooper nd Arthur Farlaw. . Larceny , and re ceiving. The Wand Jury ' did 'not find a true bul. . - , Arthur-. Fhrlaw. Bossession and transporting Whiskey for tlfe pur-1 pose (.of sale. eral County DcnnUf Faison charged with poe- session of whiskey for the purpose of sale plead guilty to possession.! t Ed Smith charged with- murder. The coi:rt appointed Mr. John A Gavin, attorneys, to represent him. Defendant entered a plea -of man- sraughter1. He was,, sentenced 'o State Prison f c"r a term of not less than 5 years-nor more than 8 yean Z. R. Bradshaw, Simple, assault Action dismissed. , - ' t ; - Sidney - -Sanderson, Temporary larceny Of automobiles - Deiendant held in ctistody for "payment ' of COStS.' ' - - , ' ' ' ' 1 , 'David-Leach. Assault with dead-' ly weapon. Transferred to General ; Courity Court. ' ' , -' Ashley Johnson. HouseWaking ' and larceny. Continued. Klrby Corbptt, was ' found not guilty of charge of manslaughter.: ' 'Dennis 'Faison. ' Possession of whiskey 'for the 'purpose of sale. Sentenced to 60 days cn the roads, suspended on, condition that he pay court costs add not io violate . the1 whiskey laws for a period Qt 12 months. ' ( 1 t , , .. , ; !' Solicitor J. : A, " Powers reported! that . he had examined -ihe offioe ofthe Clerk of the Superior Court for the Januarv term nrtrt - fmmrl SJld t Kit- nil -mntiAiw M,.aiTjiA .. 4-1. Clerk under color' and by virtue of ' his office, .fir ;, minors and others,- i has' been invested ... according to law since the close of (he Bank of ' Duplin. That the records are i in good condition. The report was ap proved by the court. 1 , " t Vance Gavin, of Wake College, spent the week end 1 wi'h I'r. an 1 "-s. J"o. A. C ' li-r. and 1 , . i Tiewt i f-. the week end in V, i i m?ton N. with Mr. and I" i . ...uara I cer.T.Trs. Annie I "rnm acconi'--ed tiiera as far i .-j I .irffaw, i she stopped to v t I r. aud I. Sam Ir n dnd f ... y. Mrs. ; :"Jie I.ce, of I.;;.- s Va., spent the past week c. Uiascs Lcuae '"'e' ai nl Pickett, of E. C. T. C, :r--. N. C spent la it v eek e d witb their re'ino tive par nts I Mrs. Ronald Ilmiis of Trenton. N, C, spent several days hee re cently with her mother, , Mrs. Emma Quinn, , ; . Rev. and Mrs. L. Goodman iad dinner Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs C E Quinn Dr and Mrs. '" G.: iV. Gooding I spent .last Thursday in EUzabeth City, where they took in ,the meet ing of the "Shriners." t . i , i' 'Mrs. Ben -Williamson spent sevi eralays recently in Kinston. N,. V- C, with her husband- who was an AUXILIARY MEET jri"""', , . . . . .. f. (ucuiwiM uvucitu, - nuspiuu. ner j, N. C, o.. . :i week. . a hd the i 1 e to I l"g Iln VI I isl in, J iys jf 1 1 rink C. Ward re spent .- ,d Mrs. J. 1 1 1 At regular .monthly . meeting' rv" Mhr?,;STders hetpt ner of the Woman's Auxiliary of Grovt -f "dren 7nilt ,ner Parent wel Pfcsbyterian .Church ',held. herc'g 61 ' - v 1 - Monday afternoon, January 28UT... M9 Mary Edna Dobson, of. thp at 3:30 o'clock n the manse, ; a Beulaville School faculty spent the special program was presented on : week-end here. With her parents. Foreign Missions!! Mrst'F. L. Good- Mrs'. Laura M. Gavin spent i mau led the Devotional. The oro- ouplo of days recently -In Golds- gram was in charge of Mrs. Jno. ' 001:0 witn her daughter Mrs. Mose warmer. , s i-i Miss Maude Southerland, . .of Sumter, S. C, came Tuesday to spend several uayrwith her sister Mrs. Ella Hobbs . who has been slck.t - ' ( , ' Mrs.1 G.-R Dail' spent a couple of days recently in Goldsboro, N. C, with relatives. if . Mrs. . Grace ? White (Bowden) Cooper, of Faison; ;N, C., visited her brothers here recently. ' I K . Sunday P, Y. P. L. , I ville - ' . Sunday School 10:00 Preaching1 ............ 11:00 f . Stanfori Sunday . School 2.1 Preaching ............. 3:i You are invited to at' "1 j nearest service. . - , - , , "I". o . . ' WM. JOSEril FSNNEY ' For -Such A !j,Time ., A This.!' Others,, taking part, were! Mes dames J. E, Jerrett, W. J. Pickett, R. V Wells, 'N B Boney, and J O. Bowman, Also "if iss Lula Hinson. MRS. TLRRY DOBSON: tj i t HOSTESS TO B: M i Miss Perty'Dohson Was" hostess to the B, M. G., sewing v club ' on Tuesday aftypoon of, thte -week (Continued From Front Tape) ville. He was made Senior Patrol leader. - of " the troop, and kei t climbing until he became the first Eagle Scout in Duplin County. He was an officer at Tuscarora Camp last sumther a position: which he filled with ; tho- greatest praise from superior officers. Joe was arf active, member of the Baptist Church and faithful worker in the young people's organizations. Lo had Dreven his ability a a leader with hoys, and realizing his posi tion as a leader he always walked in the high-land. . The people . of KenansvUle feel that in the death of. Joe Penney they have sustained a great loss in leadership among the youth, and material for future building. - ' . 1 ' The funeral services were held Mrs. Norwood Boney 'ind small m tne local Baptist church by his" daughter, Janet attended thjPtor, Revi.-R.ra- Foster, ass' ' ' M'(k fin's ri: :: it leaf; ' " GUAMNTfFD WWLVWLl . TOTAI.MITDiiiJt-U-..- 9.001 l,- Kf.Mi" 'IT uit..i:cM 0.7Si B V , h . yui .HI I ?0t C - WTE3flL,P0TASIi--3-ul2 vHLOHINE ' ZJJU M""rrti"'' w ' i. ' Vl In "l ' '7 Johnnie Brown was found guilty of larcepy and- receiving: Sentenc ed 'to' the-roads for 12 months. . Daws-WolfpleaffifUMtyto-tem-pdrary larceny of anautomobHe; He was sc4teTMi.'i thejroads for 1Q mm,h. ' .i..- ' ' . ' 'ho commuHityprayer service is s. .oiarrisoa Cromartie plead guilty held eveiy Wednesday" Evening at " "iiiijr w vtjujraii,.. a , luuie.; j 7 aajn the- Methodist Church. The if, j' lliat Ydii are Missing .fcAt Prayer Meeting.; . i., 1. . ." " "" j "4. "in-jmwn w xuetnodiat Church.- (Contoued Frpm Front Jjige He-was sentenced to & months, oJtPPU,beJng used at this time 'iTS S'J6 ;Wonan . was the roads, T" T U " i-M alongthe thVugbt of what JUhf ER RESTS, i J&lmond Pavnaiighrtead guilty to torebieakmg- and larceny He Vas--sentenced to State Prison from, 2 tt4 years., 9ommittment shalf not issue if defendant la com mitted to pastern CaroUnp' TrauV ,ing School for boya and be of good behavior there until hb'ls disiuiss- - A true bill.' or'Mndictment ; for housebreaking and,i entering, ad iWcAity Vas - found7 against Robert Lee; Brinsonr Robert Pearsall 'and Eva BHhsoTK Cap'iafl and continued. are thought of what it means to-he'ristian.' . These talks are arranged to reach the need of both youth and aged, and really show ub , What we are as-J Chrtetian8"ran what the Lord- expects1 of us. -i'ThJs past Wednesday nleht the subject discussed was "What the ' Christian Has". Briefly speaking the speaker said that the Christian had 1- Lafe, 2. Assurance, 3, Joy, '-reace. , p Access, - euppiy xor every need 7. Hope These Were explained so that even the youth there could understand what was Pespite ; the Boot Methods cf C -'Despite.! the Bent Land for Tofccco A?? Despite the, Ability of the Uak:.- J Eazelle- Md' Iver, Chflrgedwith meant . Thin i, a irrMt ntniw .,, par jury- Removed, to General 'every person i town should ar County Courts" - - i V ransre to attend Iprr WorinMrioi, Pearj CJ Blanchard1-'-dinjLfof;'the Stibje-ct will' be: 1 "What" A . - A' ' ' " r:-" - 'rx .""V VWlOWaj HOTCT ,. UUOtfU UU JUnil ' - t-uuuuea aroin, '.rnragej -y - V:'wr VfiT report offB. 6:69, and dealing with Christian Cases Disposed Of . J ,,, t 3 A H.,Carr, Jiecelver, for Duplin Gro .belief and not with Aennmint The following cases - were dis- eery, Co:, coverinir neriod of Jnmi-' dntHnoa I - . " 1 .. t,..i.ii..,.rv , Jji .J .HJ ' M J ' XmU -( , 1 ' 'Hit , r fi'it ..i 01 ' H f 5- li 1 i Pl 0 Js v o" ,';rr,,rinii,i g 7 t ( , l W Uc 1,1' ( s 1 ! TltiWM W'. W5i!'.'r . . ,. -.., .i - W1 ,'"i i-l , !-vX1t f vjmtr f t'f,1 r" c'x ' V i'- 1 ftJ' V.' v f r wU ,t .-,t n , n't ,l;.r - - 1 '!.-.,.'.' (, .,.,,... 1, '.1 i. I 4? "wrnrtniri C X.'? cn all l-r: the average dnd I. c EAST COAST 1 FERTIL!Z2?vS ..j r- .?JrortJ1 . Yield - Qiiality Mcripan Hines -Aentc-Valicr C: arc tl. 1 ' t , ' y 1 ' 1 i s. i C 1 t' e r moi T ! '1 t 9 I MAN . Route t i J for 1. '-jmllitia. Cm!) for hi",L Write to e train I. 1. rv ' . C , NCA f'l-A? Mi- ' -Me:-:-:: Fl we TLrc" T" i : ov. . " . ; 113? T.i -i "tV- iDs;:i: A .C : - 1 1 , I ft'' .-, .'t'," ' -1",.MV'",V,7 1.. Office At Gulf Service1 Stat? i ' i !