r Ii '1 , f.'"V , O. (BOS) lXAXYMJUCot , B. S. GXADY, ; CJreu:, r Editor onager . ' ENTERED AT THE POST Or. KENANSVILLE, N. C. AS SECOND CLASS MAIL HATTIZX . , - ., ' , , .', -BATES tyf ONE YEAR tBT MATW.JPC JJXX MONTHS ,..;.;...v, . ,.$1.50 .75' f i ' A DEMOCHATiu u; CBAT AND DEVOTED AL, ECONOMIC, 'AND DCFLIN AND SUREOr.. MAI PUBLISHED BY A DEMO- ; Z. 3 MATERIAL, EDUCATION CULTUBAfc INTERESTS OF v JQ COUNTIES. vl V . ' Mr. I lege la r days w; Mrs. Joe Mrs. c iod of State Col the Spring holl i iieuta, Mr. and j. THL. MARCH 28, 1935 - . . n,; i lis, scriptures -,- u GroW.ta the grace and knowledge "of our Lord and y Savior Jeaaa Chrit-S Peter 8:18, ., r.f ,.'. ' ; o-s J- y '"( ( r " GOLDEN GLEAMS ' i -A little learning Is a dangerous thing; Drink deep,- or taste not the Bieriaa spring; The shallow draughts Intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers as again-Pope. . ! " -o- oil wouldn't be able to .recognize jhVpUmistlc salesman who tried to sell you if you heard nis peasimwuu rum .. ,i b ' ' ' ; Times are undoubtedly improving Its been since we read at least a month "Next Sunday a Joke about short skirts making a man. look longer. ' . p j. 0 '.' " .f.'L , , a.' . ' ir",,c ay drop a twefctf lionar'bUllCn tfcjVecpojCand'tf the collector doesn't faint it's a sure sign that he U.an - Income tax- col-1 lector. I s a. on toiirnevs through this vale of human activity e,.ia sur- prised at the courtesy of some examples! $he human race and atl f the rudeness of others. ; ; - (V, .v "''. The reason the average husband is so conceited is that he thinks he scored a triumph when he prevailed on his bride to accept his offer to support her for life, j T- .-. '' ' ; j' Hello Bonus boys! Now is your me to, stand: pat The" House of Representatives In Congress has clothed itself in glory by pass ing' the Patman B11L Tell our two U. S.' Senators, Mr Bailey and Mr. Reynolds that if they do not stand pat, for said bill "and serve' the soldier boys and the country instead of the Wall Street ' money gam blers that when their present terms expire they had as. well bid their seats in the Senate an 'everlasting farewell. Boys, sweethearts and friends are going to stand behind you and their motto wUl be" "lay on-McDuffy and damned be he who first cries 'hold! Enough!"' The country is In the condition it la because of the scarcity of money and itibelng cornered by our robber banking system.- K Maxwell, j r Ajvs Is spending sometiu.a in Iii ..'-iUd, Ga., with her siat -r, v -.o is very 1U. , ' . Mr. and Vs-3. Frt'd Williams of FayettevlJe f"cnt Ei-j- lay with Mr. and Mrs. Jul.n Bontic. Mrs. Brooks, of St Petersburg, Fla has been called to the bed side of her sister, Mrs. Nettle Wallace whose condition is grave. Rev. and Mrs."W. J. Siler,; of Warsaw were visitors here Sunday. Mr. and ' Mrs. Frank - L&Roque were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. U R. Hagood Sunday. ' ' , Mr. Alton Keith, of WUmlngton, was a "visitor in town Sunday. - Mrs. Jimmie Andrews, - who has been a patient at Parrott Hospital has returned to her home. , Mr. ahd Mrs. Arthur Wood and daughter, Margaret Hayes, were visitors in Kington Wednesday. . Jr. .Frank Quinn.iof Magnolia, was; the guestof. Mr. J. L. Qutnn Sunday. ' ' - "f ' Amongthose shopping' in Wilm ington; Saturday .were: . IJrSriP. B. D. Parker, fara , Emily - Parker, Misses A.lma Royal, Naomi ' Wood,' Mary Ruth Davis,; Misses 'Painter, Fleetwood and Kemp.i - , t. . 1 missesvaaiue wuae'.Monoson ana Kathleen Brlce, , members of the faculty lipent week end in Rose "Hill. . i , Mr. jonn Wallace. , or. licKory, Lis the ,guest of his sister, Mrs. iW. W.' Wells. , " Mr. Bruqa Burton, oj iacksonvlllo, 'Mr. Murray Wood,' Rev." W. a Smith, and Miss -Josephine 3 Wood spent Monday in 'Wilmington. ' s Mr. Charlie .Hardison, Louise and Carl Hardison attended the funeral of Mr. Hardlsons' father in Wilmington on Sunday. '.,, . . Mesdames Elliott ( Pickett . and $10,0Dowii 24MonthsToPay j Tax 'Listing: begins April 1st. " See iyour Township List Taker early and list your propipity. ' iTQWIf SHI1& , ;warsaw. , IFAISON..; IWOLFSCRAtE . OST TAKER ...l-R;'H:Bestjr. ..B:F.McCo;man 7 (GLISSON Miss Viola Westbroo'k ALBERTSON . . . .Mrs. , MaWuabutiaw ; .SMITH . J. E; KeijttiedyTi r. ' 'Limestone": . , r. .&fim Miner : 'CYPRESS' CREEK .... .Mar English ISLAND CREEK, l.&B. Adams : ROCKFISH '. . :. . . .;. . . . .G.H. Klai?tqn ROSE HILL : 'Mrs. A. R. Bland ;MAGN0IiA , . ,B. y. Byrd; "KENANSVILLE ?T. P. Quinn, Sr ; ; fJ ;The Board of County Commission ers have ordered thai; etery person list nis real estate by book und page y:!:c? deed is recorded in ResLter of Deeds Of- e. 1 Be sure to bringtycuf f :cJ when r ' " arte Lou Ii J at a i sday afte ;ra Pickett. I contests wer . -were invited t A beautiful c ; the teble. F 1 of cream and nresent were: I attie Sue and D. D. Eh- ,rrie Lee'Wood, La ra Houston Pickett, onald HarreU. CKf ry' Lewis Smith, II. l( ,3t and ' Evelyn a PE: the the ed t dluS. plee men Am Iu bont ard, : Maut Ruth ford . L. C Quln.i. SCllO: 1 Club ' ity, t of 1- Mr. i Pink 1 With I . . Mr.- f the gu : Hall Sun, y. - ' -l (Mr. I veitt Parker, of 'Warsaw, spent r a week end with Miss Jane and M a Swlnson. , ' ' ' Mr -.ma llrs. S. H. Mathla and Children, of Mt Olive speht Thurs day, hight with Miss Mattie win- sdtt i i , " , ' ' V'L W. r f .Ala 1?0ifl ; inn warsaivh u mwm. - o ter .i cnt Sunday afternoon ith Miss 'Jane and Martha, Swlnson, Mrs. I lis Royals was the guest of i "tha Potter Sunday. ''sMUwis Carrie Johnson and her sister., Fauiine, spent Sunday wjth UXa and liargarec register. ( ' 'Mr. Lut'l.sr Jones spent Saturday night with Mr. OtiaJ&winaoh.' Mr..!"pnry Brown, , of uowaen, spent veral days , last week wu 3H1P NEWS s For Last Week) s Lee Clark, the Home acher of 'Warsaw ganlsed Woman's Friendship oommun meeUng at theihome 8 Swlnson last week, rs Ben Wallace, of at Sunday afternoon 1 Mrs. Kit James. -trs. Ells Stokes were Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Mr. That Championship Team Of Ours ViJ' (copyrighted) '-it 'ill, '!- . jcu come, to list rf $5.00 Down Feddy Kilowatt - ; Your Electrical : 1 Servant Says , - 1 fl . ( ttj "TO YOU who plan to buy a new refrigerator this spring, ; it's per formance will be of greater im portance to you than any other feature. Look to the mechanism it determines, how long and how well .'"your; refrigerator will serve you and at, what cost1! ' j , , Sealed in steel GENERAL ELEC TRICS have 'no fear of the years. fyr 'V . v ' "I ;'.' '" GeneratESeetrics can be purchased on Easy Terms. VfV ; ' . ' ' j V ' Small models can be operated for leas than 8c per day Our new rates are attractive reaching the low' step iof i'je per k. w. h. -; , , ' The new General Electric. Refrig erator will add much to the' con venience, comfort and economy of your home. - , MAKE YOUR HOME' ELECTRI CAL start with a new General Electric Refrigerator! The real cost Is lower than you believe. . F. I ill, H. t. '. S. We, , Wells, L. K. i son and Mist- 4 . ring, Verna 'K Forjaw and BeU -it V.'il-beth WAiir U. D. C. Hi- i Mesdames S. E. II." v.. It. Best, Sr., and W. P. tin j v. associate hostesses oil We ! i sfternoon, March 20th, when t y entertained the local James llei. 1 Chapter U. D. C, at the home of Mrs. Hines between the hour's ot. 3:00 and 6 o'clock.- ' The president, Mrs. J. M. Feirce, was in tne cnair ana cauea me meeting to order. Members ans wered to the roll call with a fact of Confederate . history. . As an opening number on the program, Mrs. J. Ev Williams and Uttle Mais garet Ray Peirce played America as a duet v Mrs. J. W. Farrior gave most Interestingly "Grant's Story of 'Ap pomatox," , ' ' ' ;, ' 'The Life of General stepnen Ramseur," was read by Miss Sal- Ue Olbbs Pridgen. Mrs. Paul Potter gave a pro gram of Southern melodies which was greatly. ; enjoyed. Following this Mrs. N B, Boney closed the program with a poem. During the business session the local treasurer gave a report of the work. Also announcement was made of the pump being placed on Daughters lot at Cemetary. The lot has been recently cleaned off and with the blooming shrubs and jonquils now at their prettiest, each daughter should make an ef fort to see this spot of beauty. jiuBicBacn nerveu cuerry'ice cream and cake. . .. ov 1 T E. L. BIBLE CLASS I,!,., Bible C; at the h Friday ev. . - - 7:30 o'clock. Is1. si was tastily deco, .. i v 1 - !" quils and spirea, wre 1 3 r 1 bers assembled for ths, i The class engaged In "i t cv -Mon of the three fu .t t o. & of fht- nA Tpstament namely C :m Ha, 1 codus and Leviticus. 'A contest I week ffoiiwered wlto tne names w- imr.muu, I s vis enjoyed. A t Use business session the fol 1 - t c.VIcers were elected: i i t: Mrs. Emma Powell C ' "rs; Teacher: Mrs. H. L. tev(iis, Jr.; Eecretary: Mrs. B. F. Cooper. ' . . 1 The hostess served tempting sandwiches, cookies and hot choc olate. , 1 g. ., 0 ' ' t 1 J. I.I! I ' 1 r .find weit to I- ' Mr. 1 and . ited in I Miss Vi). a . I . t 1 inia !. end with J B. F. GRADY NEWS . ' . , IS ENTERTAINED Mesdames G. G. Best and L. ?H. Kenansville is more Xhan. proud of her basketball team this year, but we feel that our pride has arj sen since the teams have become champions. While , the; people ot Kenansville were . . unconscious of the fact that there was a team ot boys and girls at the school who were about to bloom forth lo tbo glory, of the town, there was hard work being .done by the .boys 1 and girls that is almost forgotten. We want to recognise Miss .Ruth Bird who'htJi' been oachlng the girls team this year and has done a wonderful " work; which has not won as much glory as the boys and yet has worked up a team that is a credit to;outr school and com. munity. 1 i - " ' ' ,,, We want to recognize '' Amos Brinson who gave- much of his time working with: the hoys and did a great part In the leading of them to be twice champions in one season. Amos stayed with the boys lire' Shout the County Tourna- ment'held at Beulavllle March 8th and ,9th and came back with' his team undefeated and winners of the cup." This IS the second time that the Kenansville hoys ' have been awarded the County Cup and one .more County:", Championship will give them the, cup as a perma-: nent possession. 'Amos., stayed by the boys in the Wilmington Tour nament and again led them - to a greater victory by being awarded district " Championship over .. all competing teams In the Star-News Y ..Tourney.. Kenansville sow. real ises that she put two great .teams, but the honoc should go to those who helped make them great Miss Ruth Bird and Mr. Amos Brinson. j - A Subscriber. ' . . ROSE HILL r.!UCIC; j r CLUB MEETS 1 O V V L t Rose ; HU1, March ' 16th. The Rose Hill music club held iU Mar. meeting at the home of Mrs. E. G. Murray on Tuesday evening. Mar. 12,wlth Mrs. W. S. Wells, assist ing' the hostess, , At the business meeting which wss presided over by;' Mrs. , A. B. viis, president, Miss Estelle Ft U was elected delegate to the Late Convention of ' Federated I c Clubs to be held In Winstni. I "9 for special Easter music a u :a, and Mrs. H. C. Marshall i -s t - ,;i.tcd di rector for this i was elected cl Music Week fur with Mrs. L. A. J The program v Say U With Flowers lerring Florist' if ft',- f WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS j . . TELEPHONE 68 ' , , 1U N. Trianon V Kington, NG. .Miss Gatherlne Whitehead and Mr. Jasper Tyndall had supper in Kins ton last Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zarbough and Miss Pauline Zarbough spent the past week end with Mrs. Zar bough's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Herring who lives near Pink Hill. ' . - , ' Misses Bettle Fay Garner and Evelyn Sullivan visited Miss Zora Dail. last Saturday afternoon. Miss Bessie Lee and Mr. Jack Parker went to the show in Kins- ton last Wednesday night. , - 1 During last week , end . Misses Ethel, Ruth and Nora Guy had as their guests, Misses Lyda and Mar garet Howard. ; ,-' Messers Bob Kelly,; Bill ' waller and J. I. Smith went to the Wal Mr. and Mrs. Csis'l and Carl, Jr., and I, Whitehur .t, I. in 1 C. rah Carr y rit to hi. urday morn! .7. Mr. and Lis. S'iry 1 Durham, viwited Mr. aJ Daughtrey. tout week end. Everyone in toe cos. pleased to know that I Smith, , who has been : bout two months, has agn' 1 teaching. Visitors of Miss Grace V last Sunday were: Misses 1 Bradshaw of Rose Hill en l Smith of Deep Run. . Misses Elsie Tilghman a i ' cllle Creech spent a part of l week end In Kinston. ! The primary find grammar i es of B. . F. Grady , High ! gave Jtheir Commencement ; night. If was enjoyed very in, hyalU , It is hoped, that everyone "S s tend the-.-vDeclaratlon-Reci: Contest", "which is to be at X High, School -next Friday ti'.., March 2Bth. , . , Miss Katherlne ; Whitehurst Mr. Jasper ,Tyndall went, to "Gene 'Austin' in Goldsboro Saturday tiht - " '.jj"... 1 asgg .11 y t r 1. t PINK HILL PERSONA! Miss EdnaJ Turner, a student at . Mrs. Eborn Plttman and Mrs. Lotiisurg College, LouiSburg. spent. Floyd Heath were Kinston visitors the .week ena nere wim ; ner, jfujr. parents. '- ' Mra. Hedrick Moore has gone to i' Mrs. Ike Stroud, who has been a nntiMit. at MembriaLOeneral Hos- xaimuaiiuurg - w Bint wu uu pjtaj i jn i Kinston, reiurnea noine with relatives. -- ; ' ' Sunday.'. " - ; '":'" - Miss uons mrnerwu a revuu visitor at New Port ' Mr. ' Robert' Grady, of Kenans vllle, editor of the Duplin 'Times, Was a recent Pink Hill visitor. -" Raleigh visitors recently includ ed Mesdames L, C. Turner, Jones " Mr. and .Mrs. Eborn Plttman and Eborn Plttman, Jr., spent Sunday with relatives' in Kinston. - 1 Mri and Mrs. Floyd Heath, Mrs- Horace Tyndall, Wanda : Tyndall, a.iu ' ..... m.An ia u.i. ) Eborn Fiuman, jr., au nuu en Tankard. ' Edna Williams. " and ' Heath. Jr., were Kinston shoppers 1 Ruth Hough. ' -' ' I Saturday afternoon. c. Wells a of National t -e local club, n, i!..tnt 1 -jsn cli'" 'er n Uu- four ' Of IiOW : 8 "At. 'i 1. r sic", and it v 1 - "1 lows: r. '"T t I and : .1 C ' r , W. Wi 1; j 1 " F, 'JL ' . i V tv I 1 r T , e' I "I ' .11 ly f gr 1; "I notn." by I . . ; duet '"Ua i 1 ever" fcy t , i U K. AM ' s F.s f T!-e ' t. v ; J u ; j. i 1. . r r idle" ). W. far a" rfil-. I ,J n- ao I'ir ! I "is. t the W. II. -1 ' i L. II. THIS UNUSUALEVENt AFFORDS YQUTHE QEP0RTUNI v TY'of Billing your New Spring Clothes at after Season Prices, .j, v e are never unqersou on,riuLj&&(ivnowingiy. , : SPECIAL REDUCTION ON ALL : rBJe:S:Ili' Drecses Now : $W, 91 to $ 1.95 ' Priced . "mA kr':., 'I Formerly PricedFrom $3.95to $6.95, Yes, it's actually true! Values that usually . appear only when the season Is practically over. We could offer these dresses for .much more and sell them, tool but we bought them in a most ' Advantageous special purchase and we prefer to pass the bene , fits on to you. - , , - , ( ' 1 1 ' ' ', ,' ' ' ' WARNING The: styles are so smart and the values so great ; that we suggest" you take no chances,. By .all means come. In earlyl ' , .,.- 51 M, j ' , . t,,( IN OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT ) '' ,ry - White Buck -; , S:j";White- Linen 'w ' ' Feature Spring Wear, d its 11 ' I '. Ties and Pumps ' Are Popular, White Fabric : $1,49 up ; Ve Spccir.lL-2 in Hen's Natural Criie lien's v;:.:tc cizs frcW ;Ti.c3 up; :( '.-:-.: . ,.-' ,Tfi ( ! i "w ' V J 1 Shoes.- We also I VE SLL FO?, CACII BUT FOR LESS Be prepare J to ric frrni ccr.cr.3 f 1 t 1 1 II i

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