Edwin Philip it, 13 by Edwin Balmer SYNOPSIS Under the leadership of Col Hendron, noted American scientist, some S J persons escape In a Spaoe Bhlp just before a co'smlo collision thai virxd out the earth, and land on Bresson Beta. A rivet bottom green , with ration la discovered and treat forest of dead tree, preserved by the iute cold ot apace. The appearance of what look like aa airplane,. and disappear without makingr an attempt to communicate with the i-r- usees, leave a l eeltns; of alarm. They realize they are aot alone on the i v planet, and that their visitor may be enemUa. Tony Drake and Eliot .' ., on an exploration airplane flight, come upon a wondrous city, en- -,a under what aeema like , half an Iridescent giass bubble six mile -wide and half a mile high at It center. Among their And,. when they make an entry into the-city, I an edible grain million of- bnebela. On their way back they, (tumble upon the camp of more than 10 persona -who left the earth when they did. In a second Space Ship piloted by Dave 3 nnndelL Ransdell goes to Hendron' camp with Tony,1 and the latter tell the people of the wondrous city. Tony learn that certain Russian, Japa nese and uerman communist nave reacned Hronson Beta and probably sent the mysterious plan to spy on their camp. In Tony' absence Hendron' .1 U mi. h. ii i. iun .nimt., ' .. ...... . . outfit 1 gassed by unseen enemies.. CHAPTER VI I Continued V , ; 'Do yofl see Dodson T Have you f'Vaeei vtoM':Whe&-&!&:. "No; 'you want Dodaon, especlal- : V ij r "'vr '; r&A, vv?v:-i; k fie might b a,bl to tell, aa what 1o do.". , f V Tony threw a switch, and k faint ' 4-orona flowed along a heavy cable, r The air crackled sofUy.K "Onr pow ' cr-Btatlon'a working,", he laid with ' x'aatigfactldnv "We :canglve: this tube -. the 'gunVwhen , we,, want to ' Ton know hew to give It the gun, , t S T know," said Vanderbllt calmly. ; . 'Then yon stand by ; and give it J..V the gun If anything appears over head! Jack, see what yoa can do ; with that tubel" Tony pointed to ? the north corner ot the camp.,' TH look' over some , more of the peor - pie; and see 'what happened - to ' Hendron-and ; Ey&t-and Pansdell : and Dodson. .'' Dodson's the one. to help ns. It we can, bring him to' - He bad caught command agaln- .' . command over himself and his eom , -' p anions ; Taylor already was obey ; lng hlmi and VanderbUt "took bis " place -at the tubetv ' Tony moved .back into the camp r lone, j;;'" At his feet lay men and -is and women, motlonleas,. sight . deaf, utterly insensible In their stupor. He ;cVold do nothing for ,'.', tliem., bntirieogais tbtm,.pie- yfe" He did not find Eve Hendron. , Where was she, and how? Had . his sleep dropped ,lnto' death, for some T He wanted to find Eve, to assure himself that she at least , breathed as did those others; but he realized that he should first of " 'all locate. Dodaon 1'V Dodson, if he. could be aroused, would be . worth a thousand laymen. Then .he recollected that - he had last seen Dodso'n - irii Hendron's dwell ;Sj tag. : ' ; Tony rushed to it and flung I ; ; open the, doorf but what ,-Wy .' be-. yond it halted him. v He found Eve. ' She lay where she had fallen, face forward on the desk and, Ransdell lay slumping beside her.. 'His left 1 and clasped her right hand; 'they ;'" had been overcome' together.. Both of them' breathed slowly; but they were completely lnsenslbleif'( Dod- 5f. son had crumpled -over. actable. ' There, was a pen in his hand, a pa , Tper In front of him. Cloth Tony j saw that the cloth was from dresses had been stuffed around the door. In a bedroom-lay Hendron, the' rise . and fall ei hie cheat almost Imper cestlble. - Tdny shook Dodson. . Suddenly he realised that his head was splnnlng.'.v1;';,;' i ' He plunged to the door and stag- tered Into the fresh air. Gas, after , all. The people In '.Hendron's house .bad seen It strike the others, and attempted to barricade themselves. They thought It was death. There ' I were sUU fumes in there, Dodson he must get Dodson: , , ' He ran back,, and .dragged the huge man- into ttie, open. . :'- He stood over blm, panting.. Then he remembered vthat . Dodson had been writing. A note, a record. Tony went for . It So' strong had been the poison in the air that be fount ; ';it hard to- tisA;f'.V4'',fM'-?v "We've been gassed," Dodson had scrawled.. "People falling every where. No attack visible. ' We're go lng to try to seal this room,. They're all unconscious out there..- ! got a etnell of it closing a window. Noth- lng familiar. . I thin-" : Tony shook' Dodson. :' He' brought water and doused, him. He found Dodson's medical kit and tried to iimke him swallow aromatic spirits t: ammonlai then whisky. Dodson could not 'swallow.' -kv-;--"A--i": Tony jerked about as he heard i ie one move. It was Vanderbllt, t o had left his post at the tube. ; "Nothing In sight out there," Van bllt said calmly:" "Taylor stays i watch, .ri 6ught to be more use ' - lire.", ' .'''-..v'v-A ff.: ' . hat cari you! dot' Tony de- - .... . , i '... .-j.'i'.v, -(i. ' . 'n two-thirds of a doctor for r' anyway. Vanderbllt said, i to sp" ' ' '' t"t of time at D$y.zr Wylte ml Philip Wyll. WNU Service - hospitals. Mortld; .maybe,";"WWle he spoke hie slow, casual words he had taken Dodson's kit and . had been working over the ; physician. .. h'.' "I gave him a hypo of caffeine ond strychnine and digitalis that would, have roused a' dead elephant He's still out though." : Vl. Afterward they pullet Eve and Ransdell out. into the open air. and laid them on the ground; they car ried out - Hendron, too. Nothing remained to do; so they sat watching the forms that breathed but likewise! did not ' move, and watched the sky. ,. Three hundred yards away, Jack 'Taylor stodd at his tube watching them and the sky, and the ecattered, senseless, eleep ing''peopie.'iijti,.:i;: ; .,. . "Our other campl" said -Vanderbllt "What do' yon suppose' is hap pening there?" - fyv.'-'i' I'I've been, thinking ' of that of course," said Tony. "We, ought to warn them by radio t ut ,lf We did,' we'd warn' the enemy, too. He's listening ,n,, we may be surer he'd know we were laying for him here; our chance .to surprise him . would be gone. No; I think our best plan is to lie low." r, '- ,t " Tony and Peter Vanderbllt moved toward fbeir radio station; and they were" debating there what , to dh. when their dilemma was solved for them.'; The sound of a plane came dimly, to. their ears. Both stepped out of the radio room'and lay down on the ground where, vision In every Thare" Was a Noise ; Like, the "Opening of I. Door to H I .The tandlng-Fleld Became, a ( Volcano. The Plane' Vanished 'A III . .: Blllring, I umunwiH Core of Light It Was Not Fair Fight . , , It Was Not . a Fight ', direction was unhampered. '- Tony saw Taylor slumping Into an atti tude of unconecldusness. ' then hl eye caught the glint of the plane.1 A speck far away 'He lay motionless like the others, and the speck rapidly -enlarged. - : ?l ' It was one of the Bronson'Betaa ships. ' It .flew fast It came low, towed.'' down, velreled.''.3'" tlj Tony's heart banged as he saw that one of, the faces peering over was broad, 'bearded; strongly Slavic. Another of Its occupants had close cropped hair and spectacles. People' from earth I They completed- their Inspection end rushed out of sight toward the northwest 'Tony and Vanderbllt Jumped, up and ran toward Jack Taylor.- The inree men met ior a iranuc mo ment "They'll be back.";. Tony rtdok with ,i .rage 1 "The swine I They'll -be back -to take over this camp. : I wonder If they'd kill the men and carry off the . women, a Kyto Iraggests. Well be ready. Tl) take the west tube. : Watt till the first ship lands I can rake h 1 out of that field, Then get 'em all I" They went' to . telr ' positions again. '- .". i ; .? il-ftf' '? : An : hour later a . large armada flew from the northwest They did not Jly. in formation, like .battle planes, Their maneuvers were not Ladly, an " i Lot well versed U ion; '.vi'.'t'y.w'.v": . counted;" There were seven-, L n fciilpa and some of them were very Img' . -y The three defenders acted oh a prearranged plan;". They did hot follow the fleet with' their tubes. They did not even move them from their original angles. They could be swung fast enough. They hid themselves carefully, i ': The ships circled the camp and the . unconscious : victims beneath.. Then, the leading; ship, prepared, to landIMl;.;i,;-;r wi-. isi-vi Tony ilred his tube. ' the crack Ung sound rose as the blast began, The enemy plane was almost on the ground. . He could see, lines of rivets in its bright, metal body.: He could see, through a small peephole, the "taut face of the pilot', the wheels touched I , .'''' ''f'V Tony heaved, and the counter balanced ..weapon described, an arc. There was a noise like the opening of door to .hell. -The landing field' became a volcano. The plane vanished in a blistering, tumultuous core of light The beam swung up.' It curved along the air, and bro ken and molten, things dropped from ' the sky. j Ipto. that armada probed two other orange fingers' of annihilation; and it melted, , dis solved, vanished. -'' . It was not a fair' flght It was not a fight v " . The blasts yawed wide.' V'They were fed by the horrible energy which had carried the Ark through space. Their voices shook the earth. They were more terrible than death itself, more majestic than lightning or i volcanic , eruption, v They, were forces" stolen from, the awful center of the sun itself. : ",;yi;;,.f; ; In less than a minute they were stilled.': The' enemy was no more. ' Tony did not run; now. He walked back to the Center of the camp. There he met Vanderbllt and Taylor. No one spoke;, they sat down, white, trembling, horrified. Around them lay ' their unconscious com rades. Here -and , there On the ground over and beyond the land ing place, great fragments ot twist ed metal glowed, and blistered) :. ' . Jack .Taylor, student oarsman, not long ago a carefree college boy Jack, -Taylor sucked in a trem ulous breath and whispered: -"Od I Oh, Q dl" ' ' .'',-' ,:'V.;-;';-:;;vr , . .Vanderbllt ,rose and . smiled a ghastly smile. He took "a battered package of . cigarettes from t his pocket tenderly, and as if he touched something rare and valuable. They knew he had been cherishing these cigarettes. - He open fed the . pack age;' four cigarettes were left He passed them. He found a match, and they smoked. Still they did not speak. " ' -They looked at the people who lay where they had fallenthe people who had come through that hideous destruction without being aware of VL'i'k'M'f: v--;',-'V'',:''r.i v . . One of these people moved. , It was Dodson.' -They rushed to his side. V -Vanderbllt opened his med ical kit again and poured something into a cup. Tony held the doctors head. . After several attempts, they managed to make him swallow the stuff, , - - V He began a long, painful strug gle toward -consciousness. Finally his tuddied voice .enunciated Tony's name,. ("Drake I" he said. "Gas I" then a meaulngless Jumble of sylla bles. . Thea, "Caffeine 1 Stick it in me,. Gimme piua. ; uanaiooaiociooa loo. " Gas, v Rum, rum, rum, rumj rum headache t I'm sldu"R : ,y,-. : v Then, onlte abruptly, he came to. He looked at them. 1 He looked1 at the sleeping forms around him.- He squinted toward the field and saw what was there. He' rubbed his head nd winced. 1 ' : "Ache,"' bp said. : . Ache .like sin. Too you came back in time, eh!" " , "We laid ; for them,".. Tony an swered solemnly. "We got them." . Dodson pointed at the sleepers. TDeadr - ' t "All breathing. We wanted to get yon around first If Anybody could be revived." Dodson's head slumped and then be sat up again, He looked at the sky. ; "It Just rained down on us out ,of, nothing. , ( . . t- ssistul'"l'''s1)tati"r'lsiJllltMlls . juj UUl list The .v(..i- saw or too- fast,' But . we bad a mln Le struggled - and temple It i smelled It ' I did both. I ute's grace." finally rose t his f ;et;.-"Obvkmsly something to l.no a us out Nothing fatal Let's -roe what w. can do about rousing s. lebody else. Prob ably'd, sleep it c ; In time day, maybe. I want to make some tests," He wa very feeble as he rose, and they supported him, ."HI put a shot m ttunciman and Best and Isaac flret, I guess; they can help with. the others." Tony located Runctman, the brain special-' 1st Dodson filled a hypodermic syringe, then methodically swabbed the surgeon's arm with alcohol, squeezed out a drop of fluid to be sure no air was in -the instrument and pricked deftly. They moved on, looking' for Best and Inaac ' As they worked, Dodson's violent headache began to be dissipated.' And the persons hey treated pres ently commenced to writhe and mut ter. J 'iri; j: -ft . Hendron was Among the first aft er .the ' medical men, ; Dodson lin gered ver him and shook his head. 'Heart laboring Dad condition. anyway. 7 I'm 'afraid? .Vanderbllt and Taylor and Tony knew what Dodson feared. In two hour number of pale and miserable 'human beings were moving uncertainly around the camp. Tony had sent a warning . to the southern, camp. Tbey replied that (hey bad seen nothing and were safe. The three men who were heroes of. the raid went, together to the landing Held. they stood together staring toward the northwest An expedition In that direction would be necessary at once. It would not be a safe voyage. Night cam on with its long, de deliberate -twilight; and with this night came. cold. The sentinels outside stood In lit tle groups .together, listening, and watching the sky. No lights showed. The encampment could not risk an air attack by night : Tony found himself continued in command; for Hendron held to his bed and made no attempt to give di rections. Bansdell was quite him self again,: but like all the others but . Tony, and Taylor and Vander bllt, he had Iain insensible through the attack and the savage, successful-defense the three had made. ' Everybody came to Tony for ad vice and orders. . Eve, like the rest put herself under his direction. "You'd better stay with your fa ther," "Tony said to her. "Keep him. quiet as yoa can. Tell him ril keep him Informed.. of further de velopments; but I really expect no more tonight"--? , Eve disappeared Into the dark ness, which was all but complete. AnotnefTflrr-Joined WgriHip otT men standing and shivering near the great .cannon-like tube aimed heavenward, v "Anything stirring r asked Shir ley Cotton's voice. ; "Not now," replied Tony. fWu cold," said Shirley, "It's sure ty coming on cold, these nights." "Nothing to what It will be," ob served a, man's voice gloomily. "How -cold r wIU it be soonf asked Shirley. ' "Do you want to know!" William son cnauengea. ur are you just asking"! ."I've heard," said Shirley, taking no offense, "an awful lot of things. I know we're going out toward Mars. But how cold Is It out there?" "That's been figured but a long time;" Williamson returned; "They taught .that back In school on earth. The surface temperature of a planet like the earth at sixty-seven million miles' dlBtant from the sun the distance of , Venus would be one hundred and -fifty-one degrees Fah renheit The mean temperature of the earth, a't ninety-three , million miles from the sun where we used to be Was sixty degrees, The mean temperature of the earth, If it were av hundred and forty-one million miles from the sun the distance of Alan would be minus thirty-eight thirty-eight degrees below sero, Fahrenheit ."The earth went round the sun almost In a circle It never got nearer to- the sun than ninety-one million miles, and never got, farther away, than about ninety-four mU llon; so our . temperature there never varied, by season, beyond comfortable limits for most of the surface of the earth: ";. "But riding this planet, we aren't going around In the sun in any such circle; our orbit now la an ellipse,' with the sun In a focus but not in the center. So. well have a very hot summer when we go close to Venus,- where the surface tem perature averages a hundred and fifty-one; but before; we get that summer, we go Into winter out by Mari 'where ' normal temperatures average hbout forty belb aero a hundred degrees less than we're nsed to. i We're headed there now." Ere returned to the group. She halted few steps away and Tony went -to' her,- i-ftt-il'' &'f-f'r "Eather asks for, you, Tony," she said in a voice so constrained that he prickled with fear. ! ; -"He's weaker!" asked Tony. ' "dome and see," he , whispered; and he seised, her hand,, and she his at the same time, and together through the dark they went to the cabin where lay the stricken leader. Hendron was seated upright In bed, his hair white as the cover of hla pillow. ; :, ' (TO XUi CONTUTOBD.J. uv : J RIGID '. -TO GT RESULTS Failure to practice them regular' ly Is one of the-reasons a good many women seem never to get the 'moist good out . of .their beauty routines. If yon do your exercises once a week instead of every day you can't ex pect to see a rapid improvement in your figure, . t Drinking eight glasses of water only ne.day out of the month isn't going to keep your complexion clear and. smooth, and dieting three days a week and then stuffing yourself with sweets and starches the other four .won't make you lose weight If yoa really are serious about keep ing, your skin, hair and figure lovely through the years you simply must stick by whatever, rules you have made,,vy;' .-a ..j:':'- $.. ;The same gefieral idea applies to use of cosmetic preparations, too; One mask won't clear up a muddy complexion, but If 'you nse a . mask on a certain day each week for six months yon will see ': -'an 'Improve ment. -.. ; ''.'. If yon are trying to get rid of fine lines around your eyes apply - eye cream, muscle oil,' tissue builder or whatever, each and every night be fore you go to bed'. One applica tion of anything Just won't correct defects that have accumulated over a period of years. -Ton have to learn to pick the right aids, use them properly and, above all, consistently. You should allow at least fifteen minutes each morning for applica tion of make-up; about half an hour at night before you go to bed for brushing, cleansing and creaming; two hours one day a week for a visit to a beauty shop or for thorough skin and hair reconditioning treat- Constipatioa Troubles Thedf ord's Black-Draught is made of the dried, ground-up leaves and room of plants that act on the bowels when they are sluggish or consti pated. For refreshing relief when yon need a laxative, take this de pendable, purely vegetable medicine. "I was almost-down; was bloated. 3 1 w , ana nau gas pain unui a was in a bad fix," writes Mr. J. W. Dillard, of Jonesboro, Ark, "I had heard so much about Black-Draught, I wanted to try it I began taking small doses after meals. I found it was helping me. X have regulated my bowels. THEDFOED'S BLACK-DRAUGHT i ZZZ- I iwHVf. . . YOU HR W(&000 RlPtWJCE 1 4 BEFORE 60. MfclW.VOU iNSOUNfFtlSrEA TO I AGAIM HADN'T I WrWT RI6HT HAVE HARMOtf, ID LIKE 1 WN6 PUPPV... & WM. . . I TOLD VOU THAT VW M V0UM6 PtTOPLE TO I TO TELL VOU OHi I IF V0U HAD NN ' CRITICIZING CAN'T MARRy MY ft 6NJ0V THEMSELVES, J j THlMS. V00R I HEADACHES AWP SOU I OOti'T B DAU6HTeR? NOW IJL AUVWAY ? rn-rfK ' DISPOSITION! IS a INDIGESTION kLT HM 4 3 CET 0UT-70U y0UN6 ,1,, Ij RUINIIM6 fRfttit I WO BE WORSE 1 6ET AWAV P f MV MfftHER SOFFEREO WfTH "fttKJB TH6 NEXT rVORNlN6 ;.t TTKeS' j 1H6SAME1HW6S,MKHARM0li, Of HIM TELL V i . ' '' V ". ' 'f WHEW KSHM , j THE DOCTOR SAID 5HE HAD HW TO MIND L ''iKgJ I J' ,fiR'6J T'i C0ME5 IN), J COfFEE-NERvES. SO SHE HIS OWN SSdJ S TfN rf 00ll60 ! 1 rSrrSr ite?. Ml Such Kt Klf 1 OUT OF HER ' ' ifrff ' POSTOM THIS KJS I Jtr' " Q I Imew coffee wa bad for I r-l,. -IV I NaCl D chlldren-but I had no idea I Iwy ," maw U HONESTLV. HOMGV. lV Lr & J'f , V WaPT ' l NEVER SEEW SUCH A M r,4 VW,V CHAN6E SlriCg HE H ; I OH BOB, WASM'T HT 6AV6 UP COFFEE AID U I PAD WONDERFUL L SWITCHED TO POS1UM W W- -.-af -:w-:. y l f nt . I WPW ( tmi v- w- n &...:;'."';:,;..':.:.' cV1-' '.-..p. ' vH'!v V5.;!-.'i-iv;'.JvV'''fe'.-'.;t meats at home. The total U only seven - and .ne-quarter . horn a per weekcertainly not too much time to devote to your personal' appear ance. Alicia Hart, In the New York World-Telegram, - " ' t,.' ' Soft Water Best ' New Tort state sanitation officials figure that it is profitable to under take the softening of any water sup ply having a" hardness of over 1501 parts per million,' since there Is a saving In soap,, plumbing repairs, fuel and clothing; . Dr. Pieroe's Pleasant Pellets are the orig inal little liver pills put up 00 years sgo. They regulate liver and bowels. Adv. Adapted Proverb A fool and his money attract no body worth having. Increase ia Mata' Cases ; The number of patients In hos pitals for mental diseases has been Increased three times as fast as the general population, with a 100 per cent Increase In such cases during the last 25 years. . Mnch Forest Land Burned Over Over 40,000,000 acres of foresf land are burned over every year. In many cases the large trees are not killed. In normal years there are from 5,000.000 to 10,000,000 acres of forest land cut over. . Indians Banned Yellowstone Yellowstone park has never been an attractive camping ground to Indians, because they feared the evil spirits of the geysers and springs. Silk Spinning by Hand The silk spinning Industry, which employs a third of Japan's textile workers. Is largely conducted on band manufacturing lines. Chines Goiter Remedy The ancient Chinese used the Iodine-containing seaweed as a rem edy for goiter. This Is now medi cine's remedy. Portugal Has Much Wast Land Nearly half of Portugal Is waste land and a large part of the remain der Is covered with oak forests. Many in India Illiterate India's population, equal to an of Europe, exclusive of Russia, Is still 90 per cent Illiterate. grown-ups that Mi l J HRB IT IS... . lANTERfJ MtbM4vlliv PlntV Kcautovu erf lig-ht foe ewrr oouioor ;a.g(pMrUlg lobst nlht in rT k ind afwestber. , Up ts M eaodlepinMrbrnilane, Pnex alas iob anak it wmd-proot. rem. jraof and iiuMct-pnxrf. Can t spill foal ma Tf tipped over. . Fine (or Blent wore aroana bans, fcsd lota, sarai and cellars lor wri In np kda-es. clubs and cabins. It the) " Liaht ot a Thousand Uses', Beeronr hardware or hooseforntshms ieas er. Ub Hoisn t asncue. whim n. THE COLEMAN LAMP (r STOVE X, DntWOHt, WleMXsas. Lo AnolM, Cent.) Tenoto, Oorsrln, Ceases. Paniee Favof Aataaaat It seems that most panics occur . In the autumn. Black Friday, one of the worst In September, 1869, - and the panic of 73 started In Sep , tember. The 1907 panic was in the autumn. An exception was the be- -ginning of the 1020-21 depression, i ' which broke in April. ' Tke panic -of 1929 began in qctober. , ..... V, ih r Fiance, Fiancee Both masculine and feminine forms, fiance, fiancee, are ' pro-1 nounced alike fl'an'se" I as in po-, lice, a as In art, n with a nasal sound, e as in prey, and the main stress on the final syllable. Liter ary Digest. Milk Bottles Used Four milk bottles are used for every person who takes la a pint of milk a day. While It Is being delivered In one, another is await lng the next delivery, a third Is be ing washed, and a fourth is kept in reserve. " Trichinosis Trichinosis Is caused by. a tiny worm, too small to be seen without a microscope, which lw)B in the flesh of Infected hogs, and If not , killed by cooking, Infects the per son eating the meat from these ani mals. Gray Duck Is Attractive Although Inconspicuous from a distance, the gadwell, or gray duck Is attractive at close range. It Is found In both the Old world and North America where It Is most numerous In the Great Plains area. it could have such an effect on Dad!" "Certainly it bothers lots of way, Fran. The caffcin in coffee sets their nerve on edge, keepa them from sleeping, gives them headaches or indigestion." i If you suspect that Coffee disagrees with you ... try Postum for 30 days. Poetum contain no caffcin. It ia simply whole wheat and bran, roasted and slightly sweetened. It's easy to make, and cost leas than one-half cent a cup. It' a delicious drink . . . may prove a real help. A product of General Foods. FREE! Let Us send you your first week' sup ply of Postum free Simply mail the coupon. Gsnkkal Food, Bttl Cnek, Mich. w H. u. ws-ss , ' Send mm, without obligation, a week's supply of Postern. Fill lit complmflr print name and addrass ,ti TbisoHcrezpucsueeemDsreii ik IB rm-i -; 15 ' 4-"-' 'i -'I t . I,; 1 ' I 1 r . ', 1 c -- . ' ' ' '' ,- ' ' ',:'-.i-

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