-v -V" r. a (i ' ) ' , ' ' k s. c: .ZA-LL, Ci AD, Clrcu! ' - ENTERED AT THE POST C., AS SECOND CLASS MAIL i ' ' , . BATES ONE TEAR (FT MAO.). POl MONTHS 1 a democratic jcr.::.. l. pueusheo by a deo crAt andevdted to t-j material, educat; , ALf ECONOMIC, ' ANr ' -0t 5.TURA. INTERESTS CF -, DUPLIN AND BVRKO, ..-;NQ OOCNTHS. -y- ;; . :tMcr.:DAy, apIjl 4, iw .FROM THE SCRIPTCBBS "For Ood so. loved the world, that he gwm W. o be- . totten Son that WhoeW believe ( -perish, but have eternal MM.V " " , i?"1 fi " ;V GOLDEN GLEAMS - - ' The borrow to servant to the tenders-New Ttstameat SENATORS BAILEY AD 't T ' ',what IS MONEY? ' some question, and .Utment to consider. ' ' ry all of our institutions xauin w t ait thwi-i, ,v. ' iia wMith This was irue meu v dbeTn lnontrol f ot a period the weaim ha. one tteandTof a f eV people. It 'to utterly Inconceivable that lour or tM the'lu7 ! " .nM r own eiehty or ninety per cent of Se wealtt except but by etoa legtoUtlon. And the money rerZl eJdeZd by. the'braln of man to enetov. exploltf people. '. , The money 'queetton to fliincuw " vr7-.i-"nW eflclSeaTS ytem control moat of the anue. f"1 url keen It beclouded a m to befuddle the mliuto of the pepte. P TwanlrBaUev a4 Senator Reynold, each t? W , of thU editorial blue pencUled and I want them to anjrwer gh SeiTcolumn. the foltowlni queetloM. What to doUar U i It . UnTor an artificial thin. t Dc. it rrowor to It made by man. rr . . w vtiA or France or do they ave doltorJ ZZZ eTuitt ivUy theyhave U j . . -i.. it t. tw it hmv to be made by dle. an aruicuu P-.- or can it oe maae. vj iwe "' . J.-L -.. .: auMtance nor tne iubmw r r . t . hVaWrity of the government which make. H 'M ' g .j i hmr do vou aav "That one thing la Z:f7 ufctur. montyr It to t teSen aJr,.rlea,plthrou Jhe column, of thU paper what .to wrong:. own Sen-ator. Idl ibmttthto article to Senator Huey P. Long and see If he an abed any faght upon Ihto aubject. . - . ; n J "s. b'.T' . 1 i BeneetfUHy.; " ' t . I'1 t.,V- J J --i -a O. Maxwell - u , . : , .-. . a . - - .tm w - - - ail sfcuaitaa mm wmwww m v. x i- " T. Y ' 0 V ) v Ibi EVERYTHftTfl' IN BRlCK UME ana snk ' t,:jz . v I? W wrrjL mniATB YOWK PATRONAGE A f It . . - - . . x ,l, , t . - ; 'J" -' KENANSVltLE. N. - VTTT.T. ..... . - 4AVl. wlU pete -.'-.'-" ' .' ' : .ww4''-.f'r5 's crr:"i -' ' 1 ' rr. cr. vuer ; g Editor .duster C V ' 3, KENANSVILLE," N. .:t. m TION ... n 1 Jt k .J1.B0 for our politician and .tttesmen , 1 , . "i -i-ifvl. r-jrr: .... u - nnv A, the money power ; U not the - - . .. , ,:.i-M. wtttnh ia tiut on the ittbetance bjr 'GENERAL MERCHANDISE : I AND CEMENT . r.fc.V1' iiv'.,4, i . . i, i .' : . i.'. i" A Z rnco W-. ' da vm; 4 " ' . 'g 9 "cv auJ Cauerh : pris.lla, of ;. C, . are visiting i i and Nancy 1 " " t of Little t, lr. c, t v .h I f. 1'r. aii-1 -t ,i,,;'y we t Cfi Saililav. s. ; s endner t i ! Wells. J. E. Jerritand to New I.ern, N. .C I Mr. and Mra, Oliver S,tpkea.went to Wilmington, n. u last aaiur Mr. and Mm. N. , B" Bpney an cliildren spent Sunday- in Gokto boro. N. C. .. ' i . . Mni. Jno. A. Gavin was a jpecial riiMt nf th John M.. Falaon.Club near Faiaon. on lasi orveu- nesdav afternoon. She waa acconiT pained there bjr Mnj. p,,WU- uams. , ' 1 . , . , iMra. Wilbur Adam, of Angler, tj n. ; Tias been visltlnsr -her. par- ents.: Mr. and Mrs. J. U vWilllama. Mr.ana Mrs. jonn- v. umu made a bualnea. trip to Wilming ton on -Monday and Raleiffh on Tuesday of thto week.' ,-' Countv SuDt J. O, Bowman at tended the State Teacher', meet ing in Wlnston-8alem, N. C last 'week. , ' . . - i Mrs. A. "J. -Merritt spent the week end with her 'mother,' Mra. Spell, of Wallace, N. C. Mesdame. K. V. wens ana . B." Boney are spending 'mursaay and Friday of thto week In Whlte .vllle, N. C, where they are attend ing the annual meeting of" the Wilmington ' Presbytertal. i They planned to spend Tnursaay mgni In Clarkton, N. v., wnn vev. uu Mrs. J. W. MUler. , o . ; - i HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Mra. Lawrencev Southerland en tertained In honor of her daughter, D.tH nun . nn laat Friday night at a suDPer. "Pat" celebrated her eleventh birthday at inai umo. ou had the following guesU: Iminle . . " . A. II Oho Jerritt. N. B. Boney. Jr Lawrence Souther HeMar wtnnia and Wllma Gray Qulnn and' the Quest ot Honor, : 'Pattie SlW 4 I i o B, M. p. SEWING CLUB MEETS MrS ".W. J.i MCKeil WB uiioiobo a Hm jj. M. .O. Sewing Club on tost Tuesday evening. She served tempting refreshments conn lauiiB ht -nnt&tn nnl&d - crackers. Pickles, Mr ' . ' - , sandwiches coffee with cream ana salted ' pecan, to the following members', Mesdame J. EU, Jerritt, n -u. joUv., P. Ji. XMDsqn, a. u bowman.. E. L. Reed: V. S. Wll: liamson and N., B. Boney., - . i , . o ) f 'is V. V. A. HOLDS MEETING ' ' At the regular monthly meeting v .inAAi P T. A., held here tSiMulnv nisrht in the KenansviUe' Scheol Auditorium, an instructive talk was made by Dr. Q. H. White, nimiln Countv Health Officer. His aublect was '"Mental Diseases,'? He was' introduced, to' the group by stint,' W V. Nix. .who also . D re sided over the. meeting in the ab sence of ; the president. SUB-DEB CLUB GIVES "PARTY .ThA KAnanaville Sub-Deb .000' sored a party Friday evening, 8:00 o'clock at - the community uenier. The. rnnm was beautifully decorat ed with pinei dogwood and yellow Jasmine; Games were played and dancing waa enjoyed by every one, after wiucn a oeueious saiaa course with ice tea was served.; The party sm nhnrinrnnml b.Mlns Lula Hin- son,.Mrs.:cjB. Slttewn.an4.MiBB Kathryn sitterson. iuacn. giri in vited a hov friend. There were w teen coubles in.iiumber.t ' u,- Woman' Auxiliary Of Wilmington r Pmbvterv TO Hold Meetlna- r. ' - At Whltevllle AprU 4th? " ;. T Dnt Thnpiulav,-AnriK 4th th Am hualimeetliiar f of , the i .Woman's Auxiliary of Wilmington .Presbyr tery will be held in the First Pres byterian Church, WnltevUle, N.,C. The' executive board. wiU1 meet Thursday morning at 0:30 and the 3VATCHand - ; Repairing - ; - v : All Work GIXARANTEED ( Quick Service , ALSO REPAIR V AND CLEAN JEWELRY, AND 6ILVERWAKE. :IIENNEDY Jeweler , ' L 1 VV"V"T", N. C. t. ;C. for sir Ji- mil. Tli in a I the i .iy l . ;;hey c Ota, Ga., 'V noon on ay." On '. -a from t fnd E ttye I net C, . v service i by V.: ' . . w. -Mrs. ti preslu . of Btate is i 1 Bonc'y.Cbr' ' i ...'ur. ! a .Uary to a. . d evei WOl i. and . Wil! N- del. on.L of L from t days' ii i ; -O-tr Miss r Jones' spent the' v ,k end u s Virginia Frost. Mrs. a . Rose BelL - ill. Maudr : a and 'children visited Mrs. 1" Sullrverit. Sunday. ... Mrs.1 ton ' Summerlin,. Mrs. McCoy": merlin, Misses Hazel Eva, and . !dred Summerlin, - Es- teen Out t and Vjoltf Alphin made b inesa'trip to Goldsboro last Thur; 'y. ' U, Tr .n Alnhln viRlted 1Ilsa Virginia i rost Sbny alght. . Mr. Tonanv. Bell and Miss Mar? garet .Vernon(.'andi Frances ,. Bell went to Mt , Olive vlast .Saturday afternoon. Misses; Ora : . and Evelyn Dail e. j. urirjiiARDi COMPANY SALkaIAN OR CISZCAGO HERE AGAIN Ha wa show ya the "T.r hard! Runture ShleU" rl- vately In hi. rooms at the GoU,- boro HoteL. Goldsboro, (,..car.t oa Saturday only, April am, from 10:1.3 A. M. to 6:00 F..M. Ask t e uotei cient lor me number, of Mr. : MelnhardTs rooms. 'V men ai inylted. The &..:inhardi Ruoture Slileld retains tSe rupture on the aver age cae regardless of size er location no matter how1 'much you exercise; lift r strain. The Mebihardl 'Rupture Shield to skillfully molded to each Indi vidual as m Dentist makes false teeth. (No leg. straps and no enmbersoiiU arrs'-'mpnts. It is ' watorrnwf, sanitary, Drmctlc&llv ' Inuunimrtlule, and may be worn while bathing r sleeping (continuously day and night) on HI ,no longer desired. Do not neglect to see hint on the above date. He will be glad to refer you to local men who ham nam! thu "Meinhardl Ruo ture Shield,' There is ne charge to lnvestlgte.Mnis visii if tor . wniie peopsj j.. c l . Chicago Office, Pure QU Bldg. 6wvvvwwvvv Good BE ivfsE'AND US& a -i (,'t, . t -a- .:'i ... . : -1 , i . : ; c a - t - :;i?"-';V1 ' , j - - ji;; s. .1 i;vvr r Leaf .18 lur. Many, t y attenu..i ILeon Outlaw : i Mr. and Mra. i ti. i ' .T6l I j af tc i. V. C. Tyn. near Buumi 1 i d relatives ,'ross Roads Sunday afteri'n-n. Mr.' and Mrs. Fred Alphin vs ut 1 the tetter's parents Mr. and rs. Walter Dail Sunday evti.u Mr.' Branton Bell and Miss Mr. Turman Alphin kj 5 ,a Virginia Frost attended the n in Warsaw Saturday night. ' ; t. and Mrs. Axum Bell and ' , :y visited Mrs.' Maude t Bell turday nllit. ' . llr. 'Forrest Dail visited Miss L-y Swinsbn Sunday night ' . . . '0- ' I. CC Advertising : vs sale qf ' , LAN!) ' ' O. V Under r. ,1 by virtue of an order t of. the .F perior Court of. Duplin- County, rti '.e by Hon. R- V. Wells, CU-ik, ia t.ie special proceeding eni titled "Qui in? y E." Davis, Adminis trator or II: M. Powell; against A. B. Powell, WiU Powell,, et-als," the iindertilciied commissioner will between 12:00 o'clock. M., and 1:00 o'ciocKjiV m.,. on jvionaay, me 15th ... dav of Acril. " 1035. ' at " the door of the Court,, House in Ken-. ansville, Duplin County, N. C., of fer for sale and sell f or-cash to. the highest: bidder by public auction the tract of land .in- Wolfscrape township, - puplin' County, said State: bounded as.followa,.to-wit: HnIiA nnrth hv ffipi mililln YnnA leading from Bear Mwrsh Church' to Bummerlln's CJrossrKoads; on -the '.east by the low-lands of. Mill Branch; on the. soutf.by Gosgen Swamp; runr on the" west by the . lands f T. O. JojneV; containing, about .12$ acrett; and 'being the Innda unnn rwhlnh the (Mid H. M. .Powell lived at the tlnieof his, This the 8th dayv of March, 1935 GURNEY.Et DAVIS,, ' " ""'''?;; Commissioner. Alberts. Grady,' ' . ' v ' -'i Attorney. 1 4-4it A. S. G.. i, .' ' . NOTICE V . , . Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the esta.te' of Ber- "Pnrkpr AAppmiAd this ifl tn not.i- fyt all persons , having c?aimS': a gainatrthe' said .estate; to present them to the1 undersigned; duly, veri fied and, itemize, , on. or ..before. Vnit. 27th . lOSB. or tHinbtloe will btl pleaded In bat oftheir.. recovery. Restate wUl please make- immediate payment.-, - Thto Feb: :2Jth,t 103. " -1 , MRS. ANNIE -J. PARKER,'- ; ; . n'" , v-v' t Administrate M . ' Mt. Olive.'1 N. C. RR D. John, A. Gavin, - j,.,!- h." ' Attorney. ' . . ! NOTICE !0F' SALE OF JLAND ,,-. , ' o ,:; Under and by virtue of tbe pow er' of safe contained, in a certain dml of .trust executed Ay G. W,J Fertiliser Is Si 3-8-3 States That 'MrjcVooten;of on - a rrl.hunT n'cif '.Vaov 'Tfc'Srio'. nivia RrSflrhf ' '. Leaf 3-8-3.1 vf i; Cg;'' ; Mr. A T. Sukff, Kinston, R; F. D. ZU&itogiPixi5 Bright x inCrop Iast Year That fi: J Vith the Use ot uixie j? erii;izcrs lzlsi i par, ,4,nat Decs Net Hesitate to Recoir.ierJ It to Every- one. X' c tse i tLe ot the "svffie, 1. 'pgt j- de li be- houis cf t ' ! cut.r uiOUe t r Pi'Min Couiity, b 1 r for c i t. f .s 1 K'Tlbf J real e ; In I. v-on Tj-- ' -j ets ! "IT, Cf 1 1 i f 1 i J r ri. 1, i r 1 1 ', ! i ice N. II, S A. D. I . , V. 1113 '9 r,. i i t wit: -ii th 1 1 " f nd l : n '. iii las r if a '.43 r; biiis .' corner, X .'- s to a t to it i tlii-... e f Stu: II, f to a s: IS pole. , oh t .a Avfnue, then N. 81. E. 43 the b'; ;iii5t 1-2 p-" s to a stake ' c r. contalninsr 16 9-10 acres, or iem, -1 ' ' Together with a r'. .!:t-of-way, on, over and across two avenues, leading In an ettarn direction to the Siallard Toad as shown to the AiaLard I'oad as shown L by a . plat made by C. BeemsT plat Is on file Willi the First National Bank of Warsaw. Adv. March 28th, April 4th, 11th 18th. , , J. E. WILLIAMS, , ". ' Trustee. . H.'T, Ray, Atfy. ,;' " -4-I8-4t-H. T. R. ' . ,t -', '.J 0 '" , . i 1 . NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND , r-0 Under and sby virture of the power , of sale- contained to' a cer tain deed of trust executed by -G. W. Srunsort and wife;. ; Jsne v. E. Branson : to M. McD. Williams, Trustee, and recorded in Book 294 at Page 176, default having been made in the payment of the note Secured thereby,-'' the uhdersigned will on the 29th day of April, 1935, between, the hours of twelve and one; at the cpurthouse. . door In Kenansvllle, Dfiplin County,, sell to the highest -bidder forrcash, .the followincr described real estate. Ly ing and being ln- Palson Township J CaroUiia' and bounded as follows: i . Beginning at a stake on thev Tena-Carr line nd runs N. 2? 1-2 E. 26 poles' to a stake, then N. 70, W.Jia i-t poles Maggie Falson's corner, then S. with her ' line 15, W. 25 IS, po)es, thence N. 10, W. I poles to stake, Will Taylor's corner; thence , S. 15, W. 3 poles to a stake In Tena Car old line; tbene that line S. 75. E, 11 '2 'poles to fVZ stake; Ttbussmd f .Women , Vi " Benefited 3y Cmuui The benefits many women obtain from Cardul glve-them. great con fidence in it. . . "I nave four chit, dren," write Mrs. J; OU Norred, of iagrange," Ga. Before the birtb, of my children,' I was weak, ner ' yous and. tired. I had a lot -of s ttouble with my back. ..I took Car i dul each time apd foundltsohelp fuL Oardul did more to allay the nausea at these times than ,an y- good bssMvan. bllo Ctrdul W at It." . . JThoumndt ot mam '? . Crdul bmented them. If ,it dots D0I 'jltMufll VOU, onUlt phTliila. .-. ' ' v.isCi; 0 O , .'. . . . . ........ ' . .1 . v . He Produced The Most Ojitstand-... He Has.r,aid MThirtyrs. ti. ; '-" or t...i-., t ft. v: i hit of t 8 1 on t' B Bi-.' i !;.., t'-. n n. " total ' 1 Faiiroii's and 1 ner o,n s;iid p' ' 2nd. T 'i t 1 to Gt-o. : Falson ty i dav of A , i .1, 1 J therein as ft- ' ; lota of en Wre 1, 4 deeded to 1- s p, HiLks, tlie s...' 1 1 ,ln the posn" of 4 'Son and I" g i' aouthern bomitlary of t, owned by the s,id 1 and adjoining the hm.: 1 1 . Fakutn and Page Carr. ' .. Adv. Marchi , 28th, April lith, 18th. , .' M. McD. WILLI r ' . . Tii, jj , Ayt Att'y.' . q 1 jj T r"' ' -m st w sLL .' c