a i ... .'8 1 f 1th 1 i. i i 1 Ol nil 3 Cf Kill1 nl s r u-ei i, I i.' 'Uiia near I v 11 rl, 1 1 . i. : ' y. I ". J. . i i of r' nr J .1, v 1 I i a Ii( u I !!' tur vtho la m v in s s. i'. C. T. C, Cree t 'on. LIr. and Mrs. John Ivey. Emtth of the B. F. Grady s.-c'fon Inter- la nuicbiT ( f r f k .t ! 's v i a f ire It.. y n' t. i -e jiv t cre: x sd J' .rat l 1 r, I r. i 1 r w Euiir.i and I r. T T i 4 1 73 l tt y tt- ,i " t - r 'N T.'T.H CF A - i r ili" :o . I . " i,. . i'in one of the old- l of Totters Hill died t f rornji stroke of pa- p'im, Mr. I 1 "i. Marlon I il Le!.' I s Lena 1' 1. i Alovrtsnn, Allen, Mr. Leni ' dv, ITr. and J, fai , I r. I Smita ai.J c it I'tio, and 1 . &rs. An ed a r' i i .. 1' 'tl. 1 i 1 be a sick fr a few y but he seemed better late ly, r : ' y a.'ienioou he fell from !,3(' r 8 nd when he was he'ed up he could not move. He died at 11:C3. He la survived by two bro thers; Z. J. Qulnn and H. B. .Qulnn and one sister, Mrs. Olive Carney. Funeral services were conducted, by ood-! Rev. Gray. ' ait.l Mrs. j Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Oulnn enter. I. E'ona Gre- talned several of their .friends Wed y ' Mr. and nesday evening;. , - -t.. V, tir. Kenneth, Everyone is sorry to hear that .ml,.i jivln Grady. Mr. Jim Tavlor la seriously 111. v. Mr. Byronj Mrs. N. R. Tlnsren and children . ..e, ana Lil- were the week end guests of Mr. f 1 Mrs. John and Mrs. Emmltt Thigpen. bil l . !)ert lira-1 t Mliia Iimmi Oninn urna th ffiiAat .-. no ana of Miss Ronnie Qulnn Saturday a:is t .....i. Aiuttlt night. Mc-t. i.. s Annia Messrs Barney Qulnn, X W. i s.un, i,,r. ana Qulnn and Don Qulnn " went to .:i .. n, au report- Kington on a business trip patur- y ana Mr. BUSter ; , Mr an Mni.T Hmutnn m-ra emiui v . e vuuiors in Greenville the guegt of Mr. and Mrs. Edmond , uim,.y. . , Brown Saturday night. v 1... i Lena Smith has ' returned . Messrs Lonnle Jarman and Adol from Charlotte after spending a phy Qulnn went on a fishing trip icw oays vim iiisses Delia Nyda Saturday. -. - f uooKe. - v J Mrs. Matilda Herring was the Mr. Lehman Williams of Louis- guest of Mrs. Ellis Turner Friday oury ouege spent tne ween end afternoon. - witn nis parents, Mr. and Mrs. I .Mrs. Lonnie Jarman was the - Zack Williams. 1 ! guest of Mrs. L. H. Qiunn Saturday 7 Aiuui me - fuiiHion - snoppers afternoon. ' - 'v-.v: mI.0 Preaching services were held at " Smithv Misses Mary Edna Limestone Chapel last Monday and T-"T'' "u ""ob Tuesday evenings by Rev. I. P. Bennett of Charlotte. . , . . 'Barneof Mass. -.,.ow of Mr-Lenie Sumner Sundav, ' ' " - ' I MrB' Q. I Qulnn is seriously ftl. : iibs oaran Bennett or Charlotte - Mr. Clarence Whaley was the is spenaing her holidays with her guest of Miss Thelma Bostlc Bat aunt, Mrs. T. Gordon Smith. urday afternoon. - , , ' . Mr. Ray Miles was a Klnston ! .., w - '. .Pt the birth of a Uttle daughter. this seotfon visited Mrs. Fred Gra dy Soundav.' - - . v .Mr. Marvin S.mmons went to . .Washington, O. C, Monday on bu siness, u ' , . s j Quite a few of the people of this section attended the Ladles Auxil iary birthday.: intertainment Sun day night at tne church .jit Pink Hill. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Turner were the guest of Mr. and Mrs, L. H. Qulnn Sunday afternoon, , - ' Mr. Cagie Houston . was -the guest of Miss Inez Qulnn Saturday evening. ' ; Miss Hazel - Thigpen was ' the ' guest of Miss Fannie- Ruth. Morea r..k.rfA.t . ay oaiuraay nignt. - " alio icvik imgjjvn wcui w vc- C:,TOVIIILLNEVS nansville Friday. Miss Eztelle Thigpen was the guest of Miss Ruth Edwards Sat- Mn and Mrs. Edgar Outlaw and urday night. ;-. ' children were Klnston visitors Sat- - Misses Virginia Turner and Ka uay. t. ithleen Taylor -were the guests of . Mr. and, Mrs. -Edwin Holt and Misses Verdie and Vendelta. Qulnn baby yunted at Mr. p. a Waller's 'Sunday afternoon. ,, , : ; v f Sunday. - 1 Miss Ida Lee Boa tic was the The Ladies Aid met Saturday p. guest of Miss Edrie Qulnn Sunday m. with Mrs. Martha Bishop. Mrs. D. S. Waller and daughter Lorena and Marjorie spent Friday p. m. with Mrs. Edd Kornegay as "Quilting" company. . i .' . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Powell and children, Mrs. Lola Kornegay and"! uiree children and Mr. and Mrs. .Edd Kornegay -and children were among the visitors at Mr. Ransom Kornegay Sunday. , . - . J . ft -ML vv . . ' .., 1 i - ..v.. . "ij aiiu Children and mother, Mrs. B. F. Herring were visitors in the B. F. Grady section Sunday P. M. Mrs. Melvin Powell and baby visited her father, Mr. John Grady Sunday pm. - Mr. and Mrs. Millard Kornegay were visitors In this section Sunday.- v - - Mi., Mr.' and Mrs. George Kornegay and three children were visitors at Mr. Erving Kornegays Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Sampson Whaley and children visited his sister, Mrs. Festus Powell Sunday. Miss Irene Outlaw was a Sunday . visitor of Miss Violet Kornegay. . Mrs. Axum Bell and daughter Ruth and Mr. Thurman Herring were Saturday visitors of Mrs. Edd Kornegay. afternoon. Measra Perry Hall and Bettie Thigpen were the guest ox; Misses Ozell and Bessie Edwards Sunday afternoon. . 1 " , . , Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williams were the guest of Mrs. Lillle ' Foster Bunday. " r ' -, Piney' Grove TiTews Mr .and Mrs. Zeb Turner children, Mr and Mrs. Gordon Stroud visited Mr. Ed. Teachey ot Klnston Sunday.. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Ashly Stroud and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Ftu nle Langston Sunday-. - " " ' ; Mr. Sam Jones made a special talk on Sunday . School at Piney Grove, 5 i , - .v t Mrs. Melvin Stroud and Mrs. Bursell Herrius visited Mrs. Bessie j Potter Sunday p. m. , ' ' Mrs. Ralph Hardy and Pauline Sutton spent Saturday night with Kathleen Jones. . . ' . . ' " Mrs. Bertha Kornegay and chit dren, Mrs. Mattle Langston visits ed. at Mrs.. Clyde Adams Sunday. Mr. Elbert. Hill Randall Hardy Quite a few Miss Bessie Stroud, Gladie Rae o ; our old friends Lang8toIl visited Miss Bertie Mae i. v -jn wms a v nor of 1 j i ssr, Mrs. I LJae r:;une 1 y p. m. Ix'i I I.cCoy vi...t ' Mrs. LerU.a Kornegay EDtur!" j p. m. - To lie for I st week ThoFi li te r """n ft t" ' Louis lio.l In 1. km dayaftt"' i fron t un ty wfe 1 t I 1, . r s , JVv.irri' r( Orson LoCot: -r ai i Guy 1 .- " . l"r. ef-1 l""s. Jaclison F.!L."'r, Mrs. I aul Ca. : w and sa Tr' ' vtjltoi 1'r. ti 'i ISra. Klily L.J Sun I. y arv .ouh, 1 'e tl h g part in the Moth ers toy program Sunday at How ards Chapel from this community were Melvin Doris Eatelle and Ro selle Potter. . Mrs. G. N. Jones spent the week end with her brother at Khimton. Mr. Lufcy rrper, Ur. Kiiby H.ll and Mr, Clnrence Earnett went to Golda boro imday to visit Mr. Bur netts son in U.e hospital, i , . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon! Ueaner visited Mr. Peter Deader Sunday. - Mr. Cory Hill and Mr. Kilby Hill visited Mr, Jackson Potter Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Price, Nannie Pearl Earl and Mr. Kelby Hardlson visited R. L. Waller Sunday.' , - Mr. Melvin Potter and Mr. Guy Hardlson visited Mr. Paul Price Sunday afternoon: We are glad to know' that Mr. Is improving. 1 -J by lue I 1 team'tibU..ijt the Kins . Shots here Sunday after as won,; by the Pink Hill . The score was 6 to 9. . and Mrs, Ed Jones? spent t the home of his v afternoon with Mm R. k. ) nesday. May ; 8th ' . I followed by an assessed liean. n , m tutr'A -wt. twas buried Thursday morning kt"1.- hnl, ratt,m . .' , ih ..n. Jr., have returned after Owrtery near Wallace strawberry eeaaOT U of Deep Run. t with ''MatiimnM JFunrBJ. Services were conducted by wifh Mr t t " . - . t with relative, near Farm- v H wm,ams pastor of .-f on CI " . i. ' 'iiii... '''-";"' Teaehev Bantint rhurrh Abner is ' . . J"tJJU'"a" "peui , jnuier woo aiea rrom a uTriersn?' S h?r fur '??. sPent W Ww. .i-.-.'Jtai . kh., a"t,Mrs. Lola Mae McKenzie neral service was ;condu, -ia mere witn nia parents, a CI. 3 " mn " momer, Mrs. Maggie McMll-v v, . , . .uua.y.-. .t , . ingaev - ' " "u f Mrs. Charlie Hearn is 3 visiting ' Swinson. Abner Brown, th. - -r old son J her husband at Asheville this week, ! Mr. and of Mr, and Mrs; EJ.o x iown died . Miss Caror Well, la viaitin her ' vriu pircnts, Wed-'unt, Mrs. Jack Carroll of Wllnv- Martha was t of pneumonia, Wt, , - JamM Jo, Miss Christine Lambert of Calyp- I ' Mr, . and Mrs. brothers and sisters. Mr. Nerlus :7nTnt " "rice was condu, . . . ... ... i .near t-itnton. . w r jovner nf Parian and Mrs; Robert Taylor of thene! 7 Mr ftnd Mrs. Mack Jemigan. Mr.'day afternoon at 4 robVcloc; ii were .KueHis or relatives i ' -ndg herd Bunday. : I Joe Jemigan and Miss Strickland was buried at the Miller cen - ira. - .v i .... - . iTiir4 01 unn. were guests of Mr. and near his home. He is survived o-. , . . " - "l J- uarr Bunday- I the following sisters and broth. C.-inquanin News ; Mr- " Mrs-Robert Porter ara MUw c,ara MU,er' 1 s Marv H 4. CWfl ,: , David Wells was leader of the'pro- spending some Ume with Mrs. Por- ler. Mr. Pete Miller I 'r Carl V - a i am mi Uiv mih i ' i .. . . r , ,,':'''rrliome..1: .';.: .Aw..'-:v ler or Warsaw. - 8011 on May loth. - , ir xfje,. enJovable meetin the w . u p 4sw.s.a. ww ut omi hlio. iiuilf A raong lthose shopping In Wllnv , hostess served sandwiches and Ice er 0f Warsaw were euests of Mrs 1 I 'on this weal?-were Mr. and tea. ... . , Jr.w. ri..,VM vr n v i,,,-;. , , i it a .1.1 - ' Barr's daughter, Mrs. R. P. Usher w i ...19. U IV. KWN, AUnUUO WW V Raw B - fl U.m.a. Milnli H-J...l ' y.. rs n rv.tori,i. hii.l . ' ' i"w- .,,;(; " "' " "v " Teacnev fresbvterlan rhumh. ..d.; r.M -1 TT..J.. 1 I - " : : PINK HILL NEWS who have moved away attended 'Rorr.,k church at Snow Hill Sunday.. i "T, " Yoii ,ri f SI: "re In Cur Rex" - S The rewards, In a busjuesa such as ours, often take the form, of lntanll-!e qualities. In experience, services which we alone ere able to offer the community, and In the respect of those who dal with u we f:nd s.' ,:ction. In'these, as we'l as in the iore concrete results of savlrjr and good management our clients are always expected to share. - ". 1 1 J C" One of the most delightful .: of the season bridge parties was that given by Mrs. Melvin Jones at her home here Tuesday evening. High score prize 1 went to Mrs. Alton Tyndall and the floating prize to Mrs. Horace Tynaaii.- The hostess was assisted by Miss Louise Jones in serving a delicious salad course.' Players making up the ' tables were Mrs. Alton Tyn dall, Mrs. Horace Tyndall, Mrs. Jasper Smith, Mrs. Earl Smith, Mrs. Floyd Heath, -. Mrs.' Jones Smith, Mr. Floyd May, Mrs. Ike Stroud, ,. Misses Celia Maxwell, Ruth Turner, Tessie Smith and the hostess. ' ' ' i - - Mr. and Mrs. Ike' Stroud "at tended the funeraT-of Mrs. Mary Swinson at Warsaw Friday afternoon,- ' " " -i i Rev. Lawrence Kessler was at Bottqe, N. C. Thursday evening to address the Senior Class In the Commencement Exercises at the school. Mr. Rudolph Kornegay of rinK Htu was the schools principal and Miss Annie Taylor, also of Pink Hill, grade teacher. ; Miss Ella May Henderson,'" a guest of Mrs". Herbert Jones for several days has gone to Greens ville, 8. C. to spend the summer with her parents. - ' Mr. and Mrs. -Jones Smith and sons were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Whaley at Klnston Bunday. Mrs. I R. Turner, Mrs. Floyd Heath, Miss Celia MaxweU and Miss Dorothy Turner attended .a lecture on Christian Science at the Harvey School In Klnston Friday evening and later, the. Manufact urers and Merchants Exposition at the Carolina Warehouse. . - Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hardy of Moss Hill and Mrs. Thomas Jordon of Asheville were Visitors in PinK Hill Sunday afternoon. . A surprise birthday dinner was given Mr. Jasper Tyndall at his nome nere Sunday. Guests attend ing included Mr. ; and Mrs. Alvin Korengay and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Thad Kornegay and daught er, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Tyndall, Mr.; and Mrs. Horace Tyndall, Wonda Tyndall, Mr. and Mrs. tt D. Maxweu and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tyndall and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smithv V Mr, Wallace Williams of Klnston spent the week end in the home of Mr. J, A. Woriev. .'Or Mrs. JL R.- Turner.? Miss- Celia Maxwell. I'rs. Floyd. Heath am) Miss Dorothy Turner attended r a miscellaneous shower; :i honoring Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rouse, at the home of Mrs. Ray Rouse recently. Mrs. Rouse and Mrs. Remus Rouse were Joint hostesses. ' v iMr. and Mrs. Phillip Lanier were called to Warsaw Sunday because of the death, in an automobile ac cident of James Merritt, a broth er of Mrs. Lanier. 'trs. R."B. Jones has returned after a short visit in the" home of Dr. and Mrs; H. A.- Edwards In Greensboro. Miss Ednsr Turner of Louisburg College spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Turner. ' ' - , Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Whaley and Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Btone of Klnston were f iesta of Mr. and Mrs. Jones . ,Ji Sunday after noon. i : . , . Mr. Ransom, Holt and spent' the week end with relatives in Peters burg, Va. c.s i, fcara, George, Hardy Royal, Rev. and Mrs- W. C. Smith and ch:: Jrn Clifford and Henry Lewis, llr, Mrs. Clirjfprd and Henry Lew in, Mr. and Mrs. Frank James. Mrs. uicye uatu Harreu u a!mi ho? , V.-f ' ' 1 . s Faye Howard of Deep Run is via ,U were guests "of Mrs. Ramsey V, Vimii V mother, Mrs. R. P, Usher Sunday Rev. T. H. Williams, pastor of -T i - Teachey Baptist Church preached 1 0 I Friendship News Mrs.' J. A. Henderson and chil dren of Warsaw and Mr.. Boney Graham Usher of North Wilkes- iting her, ijater Mrs. Joseph "nam usner or worm wuaes- Wllliams. " ' -T i I TOro peni tne ween ena wim uietr Mr. Bruce" Burton of ' Jackson-J PaPents Mr- and Mrs- R- D- Usher wa viw in vn7n s.m. I Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Holland and day. - ' ' Friends of Mrs. X L. Quinn will Mrs. Mary E. Swinson 89 died at her home near Warsaw Thurs day night at 10:15 o'clock. Fjmeral services was held at her home Fri- iHav AUanlntr a t A-fn 'nlnilr TltA little son spent the week end with , funeral service was conducted by be glad to leara that her candition uuro" ansville. She Is survived by the has improved. : i Messrs Elbert Forlaw of Marion, following children: Mrs. L. E. Par- Miss Hettle MaP Andrews of Ce- S. C. and Lucian Farlow of Greens- j nell of South Carolina, Mrs. Wood- dar Fork spent Sunday with Edna boro were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,, w 0 Freeman, Mr. Buck James. . , -. ' -r'.. ; E. G. Farlow Sunday. . 1 a..o n..,, Dm . t. a . Mrs. Joe Wood and Mary Wood Mr. R. W. Wells of Greensboro hv phh,; Mr Ren , HJ!! ?a'Urd,ay' aPt?. !UnAar .W"h. hi';a,m"yhere; nson and MYr. Charlie Swinson . iHIH leWMU UUU Bieilb JUUIIUUV I JLi MIU U1R, WW, JUUniUOIl UIIU I n XTaaa,tt i. r- i v: .i - . . I uiu-. i.mt a11 OI near Warsaw, III ACUUWVIIWV B. C. Bovden WARSAW, N. C. Radio" Repairing LICENSED RADIO EXPERT" ALL WORK GUARANTEED 4. Quick Service ; ' All Kinds of -Electrical Repairing : t : j r : r.IALACIA In s r ys i ' 4S I uyuiuoii vycie kuqbis vi. jar, javin.il- j Only One Sbrndaixl of Quality !-:Ar.-,-!.rti'. " V ""'"" ' 'lo -;' SB nEMEMDER TDEnE IS ONLY ONE FORD V-8 YOU MAY BUY IT WITH OR WITHOUT ; DELUXE EQUIPMENT BUT EVERY FORD HAS THE SAME CHASSIS (112" WHEELBASE 123" SPRIIVGBASE), THE SAME V-8 ENGINE ALL-STEEL BODY SAFETY- GLASS ALL "We. . AROUND 6;0f x 16" AIR-BALLOON TIRES .There U only one Ford V-8. Each car is mechanically y the same, built to the same, standard of quality, De--'t;-' Luxe equipment Is available for those who prefer it. ' Every Fordf. V-8 gives you the tame fine ear perform- ( aince and big car roominess. Comfort Zone riding has - been engineered Into the Ford V,-8. All passenger s '., now ride Cradled between the axles on the full-floating 123" Bpringbase. ' ' - , - Every single Ford V-8 owner gets the smooth per. ' formanee of the pqwerful-V-8 engine the thrill of an M8" with the thrift of a "4". Every Ford V-8 owner . - gels Safety-glass all around at no extra eosU. All-steel "yelded body, 6jO0x16" air-balloon Urea are standard I equlpment on every Ford V-8. Fenders match the body color without extra charge. Examine die new Ford V-8 feature by feature and yon will agree that it is the biggest dollar value Ford has ever offered. And it it the mott economical Ford ever buUt.t Select the model you prefer wilh or without DeLuxe equipment. Either way you get a Ford V-8. Ford builds ' t8 only on standard of quality. FORD DEALERS OF NORFOLK TERRITORY WW V8 W5 and w, r.o.a. DETabrr 6N THE AIR Ford S.vmpUony, OrcK(ilra, Sanday Evenliifi. Fred Warlnj, Thunday Ereniniv Columbia Network r See thelNeW FORD V-8 now on Display at UORWGODS GARAGE 1 . ?''8M

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