A x.iuclirooms nn3 pelicious Meal Quickly ancl: , Easily Prepared. -.,. '. '-',r. Br EDITH ' USHEOOMS, baskets and baa-- keta or them, , creamy white, i. 'ii decide the Question - "What fc !! we have lot dinner to'nlghtf nhca the business woman house I 'f r doea her marketing on ber way home from the office, i Mash' ro.inis have such a meaty :, flavor t :it sometIm.es they have; a good Due at a vegetable meaL Possibly they will te garnished with a few strips of , crisp bacon. ' They are useful In making that leftover meat from last night's dinner go further. , You don't mind bow. far and few be tween are the pieces Tot meat; If , there are plenty of mushrooms. While broiled mushrooms are fa mous In name, J think that mush rooms are more generally satisfy- ' log when they are fried in plenty . of butter. As yon probably have noticed,' mushrooms demand a pret ty good portion of butter. When they are to be served on toast there should be enough sauce to" soften the toast, of course! A quick, de licious supper dish can bo prepared by sautelng slices of ,cold meat for a moment m butter or bacon fat Arrange the . siloes on- toast and '. pour over creamed mushrooms. Any stems that can be used. In the main dish may be cooked In water to ,; make a stock which can be used to the last drop In preparing one of our favorite, . modern .. American " jBoups. Have yon noticed how very popular ' cream of mushroom soup 1ST ' -(; ;r'!- -Vi,.;,, ' Although mushrooms are usually served hot, they makjt delicious : : hors. d'oeuvres when they are cooked In a little hot water In .a : double boiler nntn tender. When they are .cooked, , mix with mayon naise, which .has been thinned with i a. little sour cream, and 'minced parsley.- I think Belgium la respon sible for this dish, , " ;' a , , Golden Salad. Bhxed' raw carrots' very One and : mix with, one-quarter cup french Smart Summer Suit ; ... i. '.'J-'. . - V Printed dark blue' georgette with bslgn of white and sea coral red vlng a sea coral blouse, of flax, makes a smart and cool summer suit The square front beret of matted fiber matches the blouse AMAZE AMINUTE f t fTTIFACTS BY ARNOLD - ' FAR MOLD Perfumed - ,;' GAS ;, IT Artificial per- POMES IN ANAES- ( HETICS WIUSOON - MAKE WVTIEMTS is-IC,ONSClCXIS IN TO MAKE A HAM-i MER ENOUGH TO DRIVE NAILS t6 wosr PICSANT Point the T7ay M. BARBER dressing to which two tablespoons minced watercress or parsley , has been added. Minced onion may also be added! .' Serve on bed of lettuce. Mayonnaise may be used.;?ij; :;;iv: x i Creamed Mushrooms. .' ,,-' '. f 2 tablespoons butter j',?; 2 cups sliced mushrooms, " ' 1 tablespoons flour. v cup mushroom stock and milk cup cream Salt, pepper " , , ' " -t. t Cook the mushrooms' In the butter for Ave minutes. : Sprinkle od the flour , and blend well. Aid the stock (made by cooking the tougher portions of the mushrooms In wa ter), milk and cream and stir until thick and smooth. Season to tast. Serve on toast - , i:, ft Bill Srodlcata-WNC Serl6e.v . OUS6, Lydla One of the Latest Stylet f Sheets Hemstitching tTNK sheets and pillow cases may V be perfectly plain with: . hems hand stitched, machine - or hand hemstitched, or ' ornamented with embroidery. Color jnay enter Into the ornamentation on white bed lin ens, or the entire cotton or linen may oe anted. Xmen remains the textile pre-eminent for these arti cles, but the name bed linen has be come flexible,-signifying, In Its broad meaning,' both cotton and linen.) In cotton sheeting, percale, holds the high place. Many homemakers are content wlthmachlne-stltched hems. while others consistently cling to nana nems, ':'.:,;.. :y?vy:- Quaint and beautiful stitchery Is now put on bed linens, chiefly In theform of One featherstitchlng, of a single frond each side the main stem, or two or. three. , The latter makes as wide -a line of work as Is attractive for the- articles. Some times the embroidery alone appears on the .sheet just, above (be plain hem. Again the hems are machine or hand hemstitched and then the featherstitchlng is done by hand or machine above It The handsomest of these styles of fancy hems has the featherstitchlng come between a hemstitched hem and another row of i 'v Ocean far prow salty- ThOOCM THe OCEAN GROWS '' SALTIER YEAS BV YEAR, Ft IS SO UNOERSATU RATED THAT IT COULD H'We TWES AS MUCH SALT AS OW HAS i- -, .;.-:) .' $1 Hammer wot uijuin- LIQUID MERCURY ' a -v ii IS EASILY FROZEN ft A l HARD Indian Boy Adepts aw? w ) . . When Mayor Fiorella La Guardia of New York, seeking health, went to the. -Grand-cany on In Arizona, he was at once adopted by Kajoch-a-na, four-year-old Hopl Indian boy., The lad acted as the mayor's personal escort and rode with him on one of the big trail mules. L Baron Walker la Which Bern Featherstitchlng and Are Employed. : . hemstitching 'or of drawn Work If tne-stitcbery is done by band, . r DnnringThreids. The woman- who- decides to have ornamental hems of her own Work either uses linen sheeting, or ex pects to devote as much time null' lng out threads of cotton sheetlnc as she takes te do the embroidery. uut wnen the unens are finished. sne. has nanasome sheets and pil low cases whichever textile she uses. - The teason ' why linen can have Its threads mora rapidly drawn out, Is because good flax fibers spin into strong One strands which re main Individual while cotton, which has snorter libers differs when spun. It does not keep . Its separateness under weaving as does linen. . Hems can be partly - flnishell by machine and partly by hand, and a pleasing commnauon or works re sult v The sheets and plllow .cases may be bought with, machine hem stitched: ends; Then the feather stitchlng can be done at home, ' In the original style which Is being .e- vlved, hems were hand - hemmed rather than hemstitched and feather-stitching In one or more rows was done below. . ' 'fc atU SradloaU. WKO 8rrlt. "Keep .Your : Head ft ' . - ": t By i LEONARD A. BARRETT In his book, "Becollectlons Lord Money relates bis satisfaction In it having; been able i In a' very lmpor- I i wncoeoaw n teep my head Cooler thanmost men." s A wise suggestion, time ly ' and Impor tant A casual reading of the bi ographies of emi nent i statesmen convinces tus. of iitelt r great 1 reserve-strength. Soma' business men of our own day-appear to be so. "cold" as to be entirely lacking Iff th emotion al element ' Lord Morley said be was very hanoy that he seldom lost control of bis head.?' Few persons are able to make so bold' a state: rnent. ; Most of 'tis have "lost onr heads'- at one time or another. Many failures In -life are accounted for by the jack of emotional control. Accidents occur because persons fall to keep their beads cool. When emotions get the' better of one's Judgment serious results are bound to occur. In the Interpretations of life values, wtthe in literature or. In actual experience, - largo place Mayer La Guardia should: b given to the play of the emotions. However,- in estimating these values, in determining meth ods and In .making decisions be tween grave alternatives, best re sults are achlevedwhen "the heads remain cooU" :. .".V-r We are living )n' one of the most interesting . as well as the most critical periods of history. No per son with any degree of common sense would attempt to predict the outcome of our economic system or the result of the clash of norms In our social order: One thing is certain, however;, this is no time for our emotions- to dominate our Judgment, If there , ever was a time de manding discriminating judgment, controlled emotion and a cool head, that time is now. The same forces which direct the destiny of impor tant business enterprises are the same which determine the destiny or- our national life.,. "Glad to find-that I keep my head cooler than most.? .If every person entrusted with the responsibility of molding public opinion, as well as every private citizen, could say as did Lord Morley,- he would avoid serious mistakes In, his struggle for national recovery? O. WasMrn Nampapar Union. Dawson Wins '.' Glea ..Dawson, running for , the Tulsa Skelly club, defeated Glenn Cunningham, called the fastest man In the world. In the special mile run at the Kansas relays In Law rence, Kan. Dawson won with a home-stretch dash and was timed at 4:17.4. My Neighbor Says; Do not throw away the wooden skewers that'eome with -meats from the market : Wash them and keep In a kitchen drawer. They are use ful when cleaning paint, to get Into niches and corners. ' ' x. . For dull and spotted mirrors, take a small portion of whiting and add sufficient cold tea to make a paste ; rub the glass-with. warm tea, dry with, a soft cloth, rub a little of the paste well on the mirror and polish. A 'marshmallow rolled In cinna mon and placed on the top of a cup ful of cocoa adds, to Its flavor; and attractiveness. ;!i.; - . Aaolmtd Newipmwra. . i-(!).--; ; WNU Sarvlo. . '"'.. u POTPOURRI VVJ; Sugar. From Wood ;, ; German . .laboratories are cred ited with being the first to pro duce augar from, wood. An acre of .wooded area Is said to yle)d about as much sugar as an acre of sugar beets; . " This sugar Is not as sweet as beet sugar,; but more like glucose. The German raw product is about 05 per cent sugar. - , weatern Newap&par Union. , . V i-iil ; -r VI Make Selection - for Your Quilt Br CRANDMOTHER CLARK Y SB Each patch work or applique quilt requires quilting, and a design should be selected that harmonizes with' the design used In the patches. Space for quilting also varies, and the women who do this work should have quite an assortment of quilting designs on band from which to make a selection. We have pictured three different sets of perforated quilting patterns in past issues. The above twelve patterns are not perforated. They are, however, print ed n dots on perforating bond paper and must be perforated with a pin, which can be done in about ten min utes for each pattern. The patterns are eight times as large as the illus trations above. Package No. S1A contains these twelve patterns, with cotton and blue powder for Btamping; also full In structions how to perforate and stamp them will be mailed to you postpaid upon receipt of 15c. Address HOME CRAFT COM PANY, DEPARTMENT D, Nine teenth and St Louis -avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Enclose a stamped addressed en velope for reply when writing for any information. IToauicklv allavskin t i.-o-'-- ' l. '.A-! irnranons or nuns. depend on soorhing nflDinfl FADMC Burraleototil. IScmsh Par Ulac riorila. Box Sl-H, JaokaoiKrUla, Fla. GEE, DIZ2V, YOU SURE HAD SWELL CONTROL TODAY BEATING. THE TIGeRS NOT SO GOOD AS THE ARMY -DOWN IN TEXAS ONE. NIGHT THE HORSES STARTED MILLIN ROUND IN THE CORRAL AND Dixxf Dt Thmm MnditrtUf . Pirn. Solid brooza, with nd mm. , clad lauarinc. Free for I Grape. v Nots padnse-top. In orderinf, be ' fnr to uk for Prize No. 301. . . Dirty Dm AntotHpM PttmH. ' ; Bf Bachracb, tin: S br 10 with v - Ditxr't facsimile aigcunre. Free for 1 Grp-NiKj pick ire-top. la ' ordartns, be sort te ask lor Prht Send J'-V- u I Sf , "" ''''' '' ' &i HOW DOWLfc1 f I SO YOU'RE THE VARMINT J "THAT BEAN BALL? THAT S CAUSIN' ALL YOU WON'T CAUSE Jf THE FUSS I I'LL TAKE L I ANY MORE TROUBLE THE STING OUT OF YOU 1 f 1 . , 'ROUND THIS MAN'S i COSH, DIZZY THAT iyVAsT " f 7 I 'Vt BUT HOW CANWE 1ET " ) - II ' r' some, control! and at '--1 " lots of energy ? t aafl NIGHT TOO ! "-"Tr h ii n t 1 ' j 1 '" 53855355555 I CAN TIP YOU OFF TO ONE 11 sfps WELL, YOU GOT TO HAVE WAY THAT CAN'T BE BEAT ii CONTROL TO WIN ffr Egm 5 EAT GRAPE-NUTS FOR Bf WOftLO SERIES, KfsSm BREAKFAST hit , t5S m&U GAMES, ANO WHAT'S if. YPP kz DO. IT'S GOT 1 W MORE IMPORTANT. IfeiJaMl SrU WHAT IT TAKES TO Wf V LORGY Mm COLLEGE FOR DOGS ' the world's first dog college or ganized on psychological princi ples has been started at Ilinkoye, Bussia, not far from Moscow. In Its laooratorles at Lenlngrao, the famous ; psychologist, Prof. Ivan Pavlov,', has . worked for years with dogs as experiment subjects. From this work has developed the theory of i "conditioned reflexes," now one of the chief Items of modern theory In both animal and human psychol ogy, TJntJL recently, however, Pro fessor Pavlov,, and everybody else were thinking of the "conditioned" dogfc as merely experimental mate rial to show facts about the work ings of the brain and nerves. Almost Century Old London university,-In -England, is preparing to celebrate its centenary next year, when part Of Its new home at Bloomsbury will be ready for oc cupation. The university has In its colleges 18,000 students,' 877 profes sors and readers, 883 other teachers and about 12,000 outside students. Should Be Excepted "Only foolish men whistle at their work," declares a professor. This seems unduly bard on locomotive engineers. Sprinkle Ant Food along win dow sills, doors and openings through which ante come and . go. Guaranteed to rid quickly. Used in a million hornet. Inez pensive. At your drngglit's. Be Sure You 3f ISSr 11 "1 I I fS D1ISG II TO Q I HAD IN "" J WHOA, BOBBY ll m I EASY THERE, I Ss " V- WR''- ill "X. Girls! Get Valuable Prizes Free! Join the Dizzy Dean Winners.., wear the Membership Pf... get Dizzy's Autographed Portrait top from one full-sized Grape-Nuts package, with your name ana aaarees, to Urape-Nuti, Battle Creek, Mich., for memberthlp pin and copy of club manual containing Cat of 3 7 nifty free prises. And to have lots of energy, start eat ing Orape-Nuta ritht away. It has a winning flavor all its owu. Economical, too, for two Ublespoont, with milk or cream, provide varied nounshment than many hearty meaL ELIOrS INDIAN BIBLE Sold from the library of John Baf teraon Stetson, Jr., of Philadelphia, Rev. John Eliot's Indian Bible . brought $2,400. Dated 1663, It was a translation Into the Indian laa guage and was used by Eliot In hi : missionary work among the Indiana In New England. Approximately 1,000 copies were printed;' only SO are in existence. Literary Digest, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the oris inal little liver pills put up 60 years aso They regulate liver and bowei-Adr Seemed Appropriate ' "How did you happen to becoms a chiropodist?" he was asked. "Oh," he replied, "I was always ; at the foot of my class at school, so -just naturally drifted into this pro fession." Stray Stories Magazine. -. ' .. CLASSIFIED ADS Improved Nancy Hall. Porto Kiran potat plants; prompt shipment; $1.25 1,000 post paid. Brad berry A Crews. Gleaaon. Tenn. POBTO RICO POTATO PLANTS SI 1.000. U. F. HARDY LA GRANGE - NORTH CAROLINA, State Certified Tomato Plants; Mirglohe. Baltimore, Pritcharri, Bonnie; 1.000 $1.10; 10,000 up $i: John Baer, Jayteedee, stons II; Cabbage 7Sc; Onion 75c; pepper $1.60; eg? plants 11.26 ; potato 11.60 ; prompt shipment. Osteen Plant Co., Pembroke, Ga, Get SIMONIZ! You can't Simonia a car with anything but Simonia and Simonia Kleenet. And, unless you Simoniz the finish, it will soon lose its lustre and beauty. So, if you want your car to sparkle like new for years . . . always insist on Simonis and Simonis Kleener. CM4aw' tit AimmI ' f oodte (Offer ex Fit-i'l if 1 tl