i - a oocMXEr ; . :al s i WEEK' devoted to i j i ,xr:a- E8TS OS THE CGVXTZX ; - f PEOPLE. THE TIMEtf COfattS "9m - Ul' ' amir 1 1 a- Jr-s lis'. I i v- : p.y -1UCNANSYJLUE, ri busUSD EVERT THURSDAY THURSDAY, JUNE 6tta., I9S8 NUMBER S4 r7rs TT T :"1 aca3d.,; AtvCapitol "Wfiedr. :alysis t ccordlng to an Associated Press tch in yesterday s afternoon ELECT TEACHERS FOR KENANSVILLE rg it was inalcated in Wash- j n City tna( President Roose-: t might deem it necessary to I . :,,re.- Martial .Law Throughout i ' im- KenanavlUe Bchool ' Board i ! United States if certain meas- met Monday evening- and elected s now pending: before Congress .1 ail teachers accept two. The Ken-v-.'t-e not passed. . jansville school, it is thought, will The measures in question, it was . lose- a teacher in high school for s id , were the Wagner labor dls- next year due to low average at- put.es Dili ana the uuriey-snyderjienaance aunng the past session. coal BiaDiuzauon act.. No cases of Infantile Paralysis nave, peen r- - -rtea in Duplin Couqty . for t current year t to date, As the ( leas is preseqt in Other sections ii .the state and in one - adjoiiiir? county, all precau tions possible should be taken to prevent Infect!:; of (jhildrea. What Jh I "Je 'Pu-aJyiils :it may1 "be c mid as'Waciite I tic anct' the noji ' aralytic or alxr- W.V.Nix GoeTo : j 4 The teachers elected were as fol- Mr;' W. V. KliC who has " "been. principal of the Kenanaville schools for the past six years has accepted a position as principal of the WaJs tonburg High School in Green County and Is planning, to leave at once and make arrangements for the coming session. Mr. and Mrs Nix and their two ohitdren.' Ruth Carol and WUlard, have been act It is reported that the united lows: 1st grade, Miss Elisabeth :. Ju.ine ..Workers are expecting , to' Pparkman. of rBurgaw: 2nd erade. strike about June l.ih, Involving Muts Louise Bowen of WUIardj 3rd Ive In "the community work in Ke-1 "" .vvpv.; .,, v .. , i o- " vuium. ansvuie ana wen as in the school since we oeieai 01 me iw..qy , ur rae, miss- uiiy ( Bell work and they will be missed here - the Supreme Court last week he Teachey of Rose Hill; eth, grade, 'At Walstonburg, Mr. and Mrs Nix r on has been paUently waiting Miss Elizabeth Whttehursit "of will also have charge of the teach. Jto see what, steps the' administra-, South Mills 7th grade, Miss Jee-' erage. We wish for them - the uon wouia next lane, , - . xvauura, 01 ijeven springs; ; grandest - success In ' their " hew immeamreiy mier uuo uumumi ai-uwi,. Aiutn jJiCKSOn, Ua- WOriC V -:i.',r.Vj of the Blue Eagle many industries jlypso, principal and W. : J. .Hodg in nverv section k uia country ae clared themselves for the- NRA and voluntarily continued on NRA basis. 4 i. . " Faisori Sends Three To Finals This Week - Paiaon. June 'tb.-a-Ahiong the lorfr list of students' that will gra duute at Various : colleges this week will be. found three -of lthe st-: U v from v this community. T' . students - are; Miss Ruth J.5 I r. u r F 1 .,. V n, N. C. C. W.,' Greensboro; llliam ; Hargrave McCullen, rth Carolina State, Raleigh; : 'its Henrietta Grove of E. C. Jackson, who is the ds.ugh r. John Jackson, received ' . t'.e local fc'TH . .uitui.g there in '31. She . r r W H fAllnwlnfl' J received her A.'B. Degree i ' v k. ' , - I llliam Hargrave McCullen, i IS t e son of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. MeC. "len. Mr. McCullen also at teni i school here but completed - bis education at Piney Grove High - Bchool upon receiving, his diploma there In, the class of '30. He has been studying Business Admlnis- tration, and will receive his B. Deprree, - - " l ' " li;!S Henrietta : Crowe, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. .Crowe of this community.- - Miss nmva In alim irnuliiato of '. .th S anTSeTm 'SSS&Y McGoWah Gets A Necktie ; Boy Scout News "At "the weekly 'meeting -of - the Warsaw-Kenansvllle Rotary' Club Albert J.: (Roy) Stroud and J, Tuesday ntghV FtaOnKcGdwa D. Smith met the requirements for Proved the best gambler oh a plo the .Tenderfoot rank in scouting ing device and walked away with and have been awarded the Tend honors,; betbg presented with erfoot : Badges during the - week. verv necktie.T At the meeting This means that All of the mem Weelf Jimmy,' Jerritt Was1 the bers of "Troop No. M have najwp'd ''ttorao''i a rame almost Tenderfoot requirements and are "Bingo? and took home a cake all Tenderfoot Scouts or, 'above " 1 ' W,UJ served In that rank . . ,t i '.A court the near future "whiLh" v usflajirisnot tlve forni recognized. What te ,4i cauie ef Infantum Deulaville; Baptists Celebrate al Homecoming Day Next Sunday; Picnic Dinner Annu Mrs. feoney Again "1 Welfare Agent At a joint meetlne- of the Board of Education , and the Board of - V- ' l' . 1 uounty Commissioners, which cpm- - w unramicroscopic i pose the Duplin County Welfare p ., iiiuijuiiaiu, juouuity evening; Mrs. Har- When Its Fishing , is ((resent in the' mouth, hose alimentuiV'trat'k if ceise, car- and and riers,and those convalescine from disease:- f- ' .''-i rj'- - - How Is the'' dNessMb transmitted J from person to person? 7., ' opposition (n the County. . is transmuiea oy , oirect con-1 most emcient i Annual Homecoming Day will be " celehrated at the Hallsville Mia- ' TilTIP Til Ulinlin ,onarv Baptist Church next Sin- , ,iirae in uupun wbfin hundreds are txpetrted - ' . . 0 to attend an all day program. Last week was a great -day for At eleven o'clock In the mottling the fish of Duplin County, for the program will open with a ser they were fed so many worms and mon by the Rev. u m Hoiioway of s-ftt KM"with them without: being Pink Hill and Rev. Lonnie rowers nan trh Tkma T T 1 1 111 J i ... , ' uie pasutr in cnarge tact with case or carrier, and in direct contact with j"toys, dishes, etc, which iis' "soiled 3y secretions from cases1'" r Carrier, Hyiies,' dogs ase, a". What is known Mttdt the inci dence of Infatttile paralysis T 1. u priBfiafly . disease of children, as oven- eighty per cent of the- cases 'art UHdef three years of age. - .A--". ."". V, r 2. , U ocCxharacterlsUcally during the summer 'months, pre vailing most" extensively in hot, dry weather." ' 'i. , 8. It is only slUrtiUv: contia-louai As a rule,' .tbe..,propcftion of; the population coming doWn in an jout break of the .tusease,-4s. hot over one person- to; a. thousand or two tbusandatt Infetloua rate of one the community buiidlnir this week un-1 intecuoua ri , , ' , - by the ladTs of toe Xt rriln t0 flw t of honor wiU be held in Church. , . - f rwwtenan c ,t.ta characleriatk,j utureVW' : S" C J caurht. One man from HallmrilW vey Boney of Rose Hill was reoom- lPe "MKS Ulat 11 mended to reappointment to. her ui4;sel 8".n , ban duUes as County Welfare Worker rivep on ftenln" davs vou Mrs. .Boney had1 no opposiUoii atovave home before hht for the Job and has practically no wJf " othe5 !ellow tiiere oDDoaitinn in thi rn.ir... mT. , - om late comers had to sit dou- t--VVH .Mb n livt WWII CUIQ 1 . rtri. 1 , more than that her whole heart is ' I"1, ,arge crowd on tne banks of in ner dally duties. Mrs. Boney ie ever mindful of the needs of the county's less fortunate and never slows up In her efforts to make the world, a better place in which for them to live. ine rivers and streams scare the nsn and they run to shelter and very few are being caught com pared with the number of fishermen. Cupid Not So Busy Maybe R. A. General County Court Next Tuesday General County Court convenes next Tuesday morning with a ra ther heavy docket Court was post aracieristically a . ru tending Her pre vail in ' " 1 f if.. in Ultfao. u '"-'(lis.- - f '-., niaycvueuideiHiciviyat' tacking a large number lof people m a given place; endemlcally few people In a given place.or spora dical! person here and there."- r ' What amtto y mntoV - ' ) Siravbcrry rc'ilival (Goto Off To Good Start Rlonday Night With an attendance esUmafed at new and hovel designs have , been two thousand the "Strawberry set up and in themselves wohsti Festival, Merchant's . Exposition tute a display well worth Inabee-' and. Auto show got off to a fin -tion.v.The enoalUok . f,WaIlac8 Mondav m Z wnt. 1 Jnfbrmabve alue the Brick warehouse. It .was con- as showinr what Wlia(,D. 1 he Cupid seems to be on a mi nnnH Mn h. t . . , v, ; ... , . -- . vc nisi Muiiuay uur tbU week. Maybe it is the NRA to the absenn f Mr b v ir-n. or something like that. .He got'cU?rk. " only three, couples, one white and I Jury cases are set for trial Tues- two colored. . dav with th h,i . - 6 JU1U1CJJ William Miller and Hazel Hunt JL. . were the white victims and Henrv nZ? ' t D' MUIer' J' Lee Best with K.fL Smltt' He 8"lvan, H. E. ',-- iwinier. joe unnnon n vr wn. With EUsabeth ttaa atawnew Boner with LiUte Ruth .Carr .were the vicUms a mong the' colored race. All are resi- denta of Duplin-County, Following the moming soimon dinner will be spread on the grounds. At the afternoon session an ad dress will be delivered by the Hev R. C .Foster, pastor of :he Wat saw Baptist Church. Mr. Carl Smith, Clerk of the Hallsville Church, stated that ev ery one was expecting it to be one of the best gatherings ever hold at the church. ! The Hallsville Ctuirch is an in stitution in our county heaped with historical facts. The Church is said to be the mother of the Bapt ist Churches at Beulaville, Dobson Chapel, Cabin and possibly others The Hallsville church is the suc cessor of what was once known as Limestone Church. Limestone was organised long before the Civil War. The exact date is not known to the writer but information is that tne church is over a hundred years old. In some historical data gathered by Dr. H. L. Canfield of the UniversaUst Church he refers to Limestone Church in this sec tion as the meeting place of one kins, Duff Kornegay. L. A. Vernon ' the earUeBt UniversaUst move- Ross Teachey, L. c Parker J O w m Nanb Carolina. It is be Sandlin riii. Tiim.. u W o...' Meved that Dr. Canfield was refer- ! ; jtherland, Owen Kennedy'. Lawton rit?5 l thelwklat ta Halls- wuuaw, J.-lUt' BWinson. -"'. (. - of symptoms, depend.' hage of, the ,person, Mi power of the germ, But? iipon the part of U&t tem. ehleflw )nvnlvot 1 ' - n n M1BUB . IIU IIUH1 a-lMdered an excellent showing, foe what it does".v ' i TV! ZV ' . . , 1 V . - j I'S lue child Is si jthe first hlght. ' tem chiefly lnvolvi j ine typical case following' picture -1!- N ... .Ulj "i- . J - . l'i A cniia s Aubrey Harreu wejeped 1 with headache; isitors Mondav - ni-ht wfli.'1 ....i. Visitors were highly pleased with visitors Mondiy night and .ured the exhlbiU and the circus, which theitf to accept 'the! ."ttaskeve!" atu-actea a luit nouse for Its first. which h.e desoHhebv "a" the Marts performance. The Exposition con-J and minds W th- U X. local High School, 'receiving, her, Unues every nighti this Week, clos- lace. Jr. Hamtti nmttAt .tV Diploma here. In '31, ' She entered ing on Saturday evenmg. Tonight i audience. Rivers n Jnhrin this week' received her A." B. De gree., ,i j V ij" E. C. T. C, the following year and 'is expected by many to be the "Big mgni-.oi me week, c - .''t Displays were adjudged of a high character and Mayor J. - Aubrey Harrell, manager of the show, said there had been more general and more-generous cooperation on. the part of the entire communltyjthan ever before. ExhlbiU of the busl-l How To Get Mar- -T . 1 T . ,- idsc license in vise -I'ou Are Interested 'Warsaw, who acted as master of ceremonies during the evening' Quite- a number of the -State's wed known men were prseent at the opening of the show, among them Congressman Graham - A. Barden and R T. Fountain. . candidate for the V. 8. Senate, who uMon u- nW X L d' 1 1 1 .Community Picnic k i-utttuun oanicneaa Goes off Big ivauuu f-ommittemen The Youth of the town began to at soutneriand's Pasture preset mM' .Lii . ' -W. " " w gather iiT5Zri? W signing thes 'r&f& . .. " "u"ff " limited ani 'MOUinona'LZ: rs "e roBoecuve Who fan tn fna ivii- . . " . . TfflMhBki... mi . : 1 - - - uiiuiitiiee- wuic-u uulo eiris ana nova rnnu ProdU'cers In Dupila ' i. VerV HmT ZTTZZZ. 7' "ZJCITJ1' " Jon- iw,: r, . - -r. 1 wuv ions ,wni'w a iiurmiav. vr nAv anff) v. a.a. . " Saturday of thl 'iZSCPrT'. "u "l P'ces snown part were directed by Revs. F. B. 7. ii 2, V .' - -jim ly constipation temperature noji ir, Drowsiness, irh ache; and prost;raya most cases. The f c generalized iendejt;,i extremities and vi&W sualiyMevelops. In atttfjite cases. Paralysis develoDs in from4wftnt v.- r .. .j i. -.i. : ' tuur nou,to tnre da. ,": ; stow mayk transmission Of disease - Be prevented fhV : o far, .there Is 06 proof that f below 'irtay have to pay the Tax to Joyner and F, L. Goodman. These Who' hafe DlantPH l 1 I .T 1 m ln,a IL games lasted until the supper was C!??!lp,anted cottn "85 in I all producers are urged to attend spread on th hint -f 12" wuci ,uiut, uiey mav receive thlr tn H. ..-...7. . , . :. . . : r - ti . . . ., t 0 ui auuuuiui miu nere uic ivnuwing places. Committeman e-,W Township riace n. Albtertson, Holt's Store 6th and 7th ciiiilh, r reeiy am It no gth, .Jno. F. Southerland was some left for the stormed the hill Just crowd had left. very few of the adults hogs : who after the auuum 8 til ... jno P Qniithorion I u,e aouiis 01 the Umestone, Sandlins Store gth j V-SJ I town took Part " " sames but u iru.v onnianriui v. 1. . . . H Thio-T 1 . V"BU nicHuicivca Wltn :amDbell " or tne spring amuw- taions cnn1 Hn.. ir.ii-j'L. . . . . -r-T-- neas concerns bartlclDatine' wen. 'eritrtAtnmr.i- .ZTT. :"Mi'u" 'ocioence .or the disease has If you are planning to apply for f1 subject of much favorable convliuhg of the Exposition. - W i ' marriage license it will be well for you to note the requirements for .license' In this .'county.' The man who la planning to marry must 'ap pear in person before, the Register i of Deeds and make an affidavit1 that he is in good health, He must lbring some individual with him j who can make affidavit "that both) Ninth Historical Celebration Held At Kenansville Sunday bbob inriuencea oy any measure directed toward its control; General Measures Used - ' X Keeitw youne . children- from public gatherings. ; ,v , ; Z. Keep, children in operi alr .and sunshine-aV, much as practicable and have good yenUlaUOn Mn . the home.- v , ,,, , '"-u ; ! .: 4 We'-hend.befora gating :and keep hands,Jpe,ncfls, etc ou; o! the mouth v . , . y, 3 , j ar,A-.s T,. i. ,, larmewpreacner for 4ii vMra 1 ' , ; i.: cither or both of the contract: u""mr. His homewa. ahn. f iK m7 Mose Known;-nave , orti;. u n. i o Ul tv,8UiDemgpresentirom :. T " - , oee.i' m contact wiu. a case. v-pi ess ureex, uiniers School 6 ih and 7th : . v-"ttr"-y th and 7th W n nmr.Kn X"""""6 u uio reeK, Wallace 8th . . n p.mr.hl 1 w- lne suPPe'" call was given Rockfish, Snyder Can- Store 6th arid 7th V" a pow! most of "'ta were as anxious Rose Hill, Scott's Store 7th and 8th w n .fi for food 88 vouth wh had been w::;;r.tt., in 8" Dana "..w eth, 7th and 8ui t aiBuu, at i own nail th and 7th Jones D. H. Carlton M. C. Lewis and Faison, at Calyso 8th M. C. Lewis and j'. w 6th, 7th and 8th John King SMU TIL. j , Wolfscrape, at Voting Precinct K nTv.n' Strt " .'7th and m V.V.WeTouUaw Kenansville, at Agents Office . . . . 6thv . and 8- t , and girl named in the license leo;T and ministered ,18 years old or older, v on 8undaV , as farmer-preacher for 45 years. Kenansville Production Ass'n Loans; $113,000jTo Farmer playing ball. The scene of the picnic is an ideal place for folks who are used to flat country. There we have just a touch of the mountains with a spring of clear bubbling water at its foot. The hill is so steep that inexperienced climbers have great difficulties In trying to climb or descend the hill. Several took a tumble which added to the gaity of the evening. o : cessary to bring the parent or. . E Bryant preached in T Fatner Inman- was affec or both Parents of the parties the forenoon and John ru" "Ty C8i,ed' -Oucat. r age to the office of the Reg- gerald m afternoon. Rev. W?H WM the Bible r of Deeds and let them there st..,- n, o.b ..f!.l:!;;." and in the theological titeratun. vne urseK - and Latin Classics, through jthe a. anln at ., i ; - .juujiuin versions 01 tnem." , . n A i . . T Buu HlVlllUia KI Wlm.TfH.r'.,- 1 V . I ?.:', T 1 e negistar 01 ueeas office, i , rv h t. ni". I i , out the blank-glvmg consent Mlssa WunaZ wMPT tt, Bta t the marriage. If It is Impossible plano and Mrs. W H. Ikti S f tln vU The Kenansville Production Cred it Association has met with much rTeSDyterian wu jrcur , ii was .reportea oy Variana King, Secretary-Trees Government Delivers S Sixteen Cows To Farmers In County ;. O. AVOTo thna who xmio-h A sneezewlthout'hpldins; a handker- iurer ,Df the 'organization. The As chief over' the. nose and inotath' 'W'aUon. so far has loaned $118,000 ' A. Eat a well rounded diet, ' .l0 Iarmers in the county as com , JvKeep away from known caes Pa""1, with $64,000 loaned to far- or Services Sunday Through the Rural Rehabilita tion Program sixteen cows were de llvered to farmers in this county loaf n.Anl A A ... . ai present tncro in While, a controversial DreannAP a written, consent properly offlcW m,. tte e was accepUble as such. But 1 he 6drl briUtool -M -Ponsibljlty r r--. universaiism " in the mountains . "' 'ouu "'ereiore or- . te msvn at we ornce. ana The following excerpts are taken gamzed Bunday "cho1' Ana t Is j will be granted. The fee irom his address: recorded that, mounted on a mule, ,T-u-y Universaiism was first brought ri a" wmj many """ "a011 :i must be nald at the tlmo ha La. . ... i . 1 """WM if k mn. i i.jA . . i""" "e mountain regions of North " rr MTnjl "Z UMm , uaronna many years ago by a .man " " tne people ar- Whoge name nobody today seedis to rd and yn. who came to recejve e nil- owjiI..- i : - . his instruction. . iiwiiuuu . .. rarnri i rr . , .k .... I y could , save: themselves him as the saddle-bar preacher"'. Durina' the period of hid minis- Tffiiee- gifflpected of having dl- ' J? Jtt1uP, and Pender Coun- 11:16. This program is being spon ee. - T; J- ' ; ; es last year. This year Pender 'sored by the Womans Auxiliary I. Call' your family docWlf SiT JLUIJder, 0,6 WUmlnrton and Will be to a very Interesting M hM ...o-o-o.ti,, i,raw.A..i ?fnco,of .the loaning associations, ud liutnwiv. tu is Issued, p rtles contemplating i ould consider the above rul- aease. 8 chlld.ljaS suggestive symptoms of ine disease as early treatment 1s very, necessary. r' Early diagnosis j will also prevent the spread of di- ease.',y.l .f-''"" ' 'K'.'i There Is no yacoine-W market at present. -v.ti,fj.,is ' i e hi t . iiy i ' v-oiion- iarmers.' are suu tun a A special Foreign Mission pro gram on Brazil will be given at 120 farm families being aided by Grove Church Snnrlav mnmlncr otH.- n , u .,, 7 , 8 wm mi nenaoiiitation In Dup 11:16. This program is being spon lin Counties 11M1r- KJng stated that pracUcally mon for the morning will be "The I Hit. loans were made to. tobacco .Church's Need of a World Field" 23 ff "' thejsounty's The evening service will be the , two chief money crops. The Seed firaf nt . I rh. thi. : . . " 't aci vices tiAnnn ' lu in wmch the members of the P. . .. P- V will have charge of the The local Aoawiatinn waa nnr.. .. : i T f - Fur" m ojr ermong dealing with, pow is to loan money to farmers the Home. wwu ueuome scocKnoiaen in th : vA. w uvbVUU Will x cmniHr t . i . - j r 1 ra usi vriinvci n rtit cri van nur t riab aiatti i - . jl uu sub t.me andoften embarrass- ana avers that he came into the 7 " . .7" ministers tork Cotton - Exchange -Vseri Z!",,u,, Ior r"e. purpo or of these services l y having every thing In or- ZT , a application is being made universaMst , t f courtesy to the Register He preached It would be well when offered nd engaged to debate with ,n E- H- Lake H- BWnn.li. JT : lff daya M King ,manv orthorfnv nfvkailiaM xr i ganlzed no . church, but made at Mr- Wlulm Ive" mentioned at to make application dur- "ice hours. , un norseoacK witn a taw nvio. nun iHuK aw- ' uti. m. w. , time to time welcomed in thi. , -t'TTf.'rw Pair on the farms. It la "fain, i.." ".1 ton a. co-laborer.: nTL Z.'Z organization. wherever onnort C- F. R. Shehane, J. C. L ' a dmnf fh o auTnnA' . An occasional loan Is Bi an. rmgree, Dr. J. B. Doda ami .' we ,riaia,.,,. - gainst huge stocks .of cotton. Va. .. . . . .iwuw. utsuuiuB UH!unninpn in riu ' v . .. . 1 iuu are mvitea vice J growing. a crop or to build and re-1 strlckly a ' Washington sounds nations on a helna-ftiaa r-j. FIND STILL IN ALBERTSQN ssnerur Williamson and Deputy Dail found a 40 gallon copper still hid in a branch in Albertson last Friday. The still, apparently was being moved from the place of op eration. No whiskey or beer was found. 1st Garner urges re nate rules. , ' least there nnv-fa ',k 'ay-preachers. were farmers and teachers. ' i "Tn Wortc begun by these mln- "One of these men. -Jonathan isters is carried on under the ana. 656,000 bales that were around In 1928. ,1-iok, Decame a local preacher. Af- pices of the Women's NaHoMl and i.nfM ...t.' . him . ,,.. . . .. i yrrr r t iujuvvv."' .... .ly,,', M tii na ijvsiHNinnnrv annnninTinn vr i ' I trol. It 'doesn't nulla, mnoh Ait. ...:.:: ' . -J - i . I " - u It will' take, some timeCo die- j rerence: where the control comes from so long as It is directed in the interest of the growers. .. Foreign Policy Association port urges lowering tariffs. re- Consumers who are yelling a bout the price of meat might be Interested to know that cattle and calves on farms, as of Jan 1, 1039, totaled 60,667,000. There were pose of the hure cotton eurnliMl1"1 laa ( 3 ( 1 I ) I r-' ' t aa Well make i ( -r I I e smr.e fori i 1 1 ' ' Six-to-one vote favors retention of AAA wheat program.' ' - million WU1 be spent under board 'only 6.701.O00 head in 1928 and i plans for rural relief. , ; .. . . the tea year average is 61,257,000. F. C". Walker Is slated "for Far- wwle taU beef prices were 3 ley's post in the Cabinet. . ix-'V..; per cent higher during the first A i it . ....-.., . w' v months of this year than they .'.'wean viuiimw ICIU WIU -A"-'-' xay aids war on cancer. , .were In 1933. they were atiU about I 24 per cent lower than in 1929, j 'It i

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