Dry f ; ' 1 JCEJ OES roll. r:-; v ' ' '- , . Mr. L." . r Williams colld on Miss I" c . - i-oil Sunday evening, K:. a - a Iiller spent Sunday aftev i v ting here. , , i:r. ,i Erlnkley of Chinqua pin ; t uinday evening with M,.' I iCy Miller. , - , 7f e Coming At HallevUle 1: .Annual Homecoming Day By The County Farm A," .t The spacing of plants on tiie bed or row la a very important point in growing. Too often grower al low the plants to become crowded 1 in a matted row system of cultiva tion. Most any method of spacing suitable to the. individual grower is alright and produces better . oaulitv of berries than the matted I row..- Below you explained; a '.will be held at Hallsville Baptist ivery good system ) practiced by Church Sunday, June 9th. It has some growers in this, section. ' . j been decided that the morning ser- The double rowf spaced hill. sys- .vice will be conducted by Rev. I tern ' of cultivating strawberries M. HoUoway. The afternoon spea- ' produces a larger yield, larger and ker has not been diruuteiy aecia better quality of berries, less de- ed on. . vi . ' I " J caved fruit, more even ripening Dinner will be served on , the process, because sunlight and air ground. . .V". can get to the berries, more fertl- ( We cordially invite everybody lizer per plant, and picking and to come and bring a large basket packing are less aimcuit. or luncn. ,. . -f .: . To change a matted growth into , w ' o ,'., a double row spaced hlU system,! ' Car. fly' Plain NpW select the side of the row that av- j PlWy nam XXCWS w .m or harr off tW rid. Mr. and Mrs. William Thigpen leaving about 6 to 8 Inches of the Pt Saturday night with Mr. and best side or tne nea standing; thin the remaining part of the bed down to a plant average of 8 or 12 inch- ' es leaving the best looking plants; ( side dress with a mixture of 150 ' pounds of cotton seed meal and 73 pounds of soda per acre; throw , rilv haMr in mar fnrmlncr A mvul Mrs. 'Joshua Futral v Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith was the guest of Mx. and Mr.,A.,W. Hall Saturday night. Mr. Coy Sumner was the " guest of Miss Grace Baker Sunday afternoon. Mr .and Mrs. Albert Futral and clean bed for plants of runners to $ m - . take root As soon as the new run- J Mr and Mra Tel Kennedy of ner. form, place them onelther Mtof hi side of the old plant, making a , M R c Kennedy sort of double row. The runners ' day niKht vuujr ouiur- should be spaced from 8 to 10 inch-, gumner was the guest es apart in toe row and the two unster Futral Saturday A VWB DUUUUI UQ AMVU. flight " '' '' "'' ' ' Mr. Atwood Lee was a guest at Mr. Herman Stroud Sunday even-f ing. " Mrs. Bulah Pickett and children t were visitors at Mr. R. C. Kennedy aunaay nigni. Mr. pavid Kennedy spent Thurs day night at Mr. Sam Sumner. Mr. 'Roy. Lee was the guest of Miss lila Maud Futral Sunday. Mr. Zudic Futral and son, Lins ton made a. business lrlp to Faison part When the plants are well rooted, cut out the original row, leaving two rows of new plants. . , Keep your fields as clean as pos sible at al ltimes. Do not allow to : become choked with weeds and grass, . . because this takes the strength from the plants. Also keep runners cut -off after you tiave your two rows set The growers of this section, in order to compete with other straw- berry sections, must use either a double row system or some other good method of spacing their plants. . A demonstration of this method will be shown at the Strawberry Festival in Wallace during the week of June 3-7 Inclusive. . jCra. . 4 Governmental, state and civic oflicials joinrd wi?h t!se principal executives of General Motors Corporation In the : formal opening of the new 80,0Hhcar-a-year Clievni t txuetnbly plant in Baltimore recently.- The new plant (center) . was dedicated with impressive ceremonies (lower K . , and Chevrolet, Fisher Body and General. Motors officials were guests of the Baltimore Association of Commerce at a formal banquet in the evening., W. E. Holler, vice-president mod general sales manager of Chevrolet, is shown (bonding) with Maryland's Governor,, H. W. Nice, and Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., president of General Motors (upper It- . -M. B. Coyle, president and general manager, of Chevrolet, :- is pictured in the upper right photo with Senator 1 . ard Tydings (left) and Mayor'.H, W; Jackson, of Baltimore (right). Lower right shows the first motor car built in that city. . - " 4 HALLSVILLE NEWS v Mrs. Leon Blalock spent Monday , with Mrs. Davis Blalock, . Mr. Carl Smith made a business trip' to Kenans ville Monday. Miss Hettie Hunter of Muddy ' Creek and Lila Mae Wade spent the week end with Misses Aldene and Katherleen Hinea. Mr. and Mrs. Bland Rhodes en tertained a number of friends at ; a dance Saturday night Miss Mary Lou Bos tic spent Saturday with Miss Doris Miller of BeulavlUe. , ; Mr .and Mrs. Ned Houston and son, Alen and Mr. and Mrs. Edw , ard Houston spent Sunday with Mr. Joe Houston. Mrs. Anna Waler and Mrs. Ebb Thomas spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Bostlc. Mr .and Mrs. Led Wiliams and children; Lola and Gerald Hay wood of BeulavlUe visited Mr. and Mrs. J. K, Bostlc Friday evening. Mr. Ralph Veach and Miss Reba ' Winstead visited Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Langston of Friendship section Sunday. Messrs Roland Langston and Glennle Royals visited here Sun day evening. ' Messrs Dock Basden and Quince Pickett visited Misses Aldene and Katherleen Hines . Sunday after noon. t .(..:.. , Mr. Lee Raynor visited Miss Li ;.la Mae Wade. - Miss Minnie Wade is spending this week with, relatives in Bowd- v : ,.',-.;'; . . . Quite a large number spent Sun day afternoon at Hallsville Beach. Messrs John Wesley Veach and Mark Langston, of near Warsaw spent the latter part of Sunday ev ening visiting here. . Mr. George Lanier spent Sunday evening with Miss Josephine Car- Mnoday afternoon. ; Mrs. R. C. Kennedy is spending a few days in Mount Olive with her children. Mrs. Zudic Futral was a guest at Mr. A. W. Hall Sunday evening. QuestionsAnswered At State Colege , ; Question- what la the best time to apply nitrogen to corn and cot ton as a side dressing? . Answear- Applications should be to corn when it is about knee nigh and to cotton immediatly after chopping. Much of the fertilizing value is lost when late applications are made. With cotton, late appli cations may delay maturity while with corn they will increase the plant growth but wll not increase plant growth but will not increase the corn yield. Apply the side dressing as early as possible so as to get full value of the fertilizing material Pink 321 mo Mrs. Herbert Jones Was hostess to three tables of Contract Bridge at her home here' Tuesday after noon. The living room in wnich tables were arranged .for play, was decorated with a profusion of love ly Spring flowers. ' ' ' Miss Tessie Smith was present ed a picture as high score prize. Mrs. Floyd May received the con solation prize . and , Miss - M aisle Jones the floating prize. Delicious refreshments were- served by Mrs. Jones, assisted by Miss Pearl Jon es. : Those playing . were: j Mrs; Melvln Jonea; Mrs. Floyd May, Mrs Jasper Smith, Mrs; Floyd Heath, Mrs. a. B. MajfweU, ' Mrs.' N. C. Davis and Misses celia Maxwell, Tessie Smith,, Pearl Jones, Maisie Jones, Bessie Worley and Connor Jones. - . 1 v , , ' Mrs: Ike Stroud is recovering from a tonsil operation, perform ed 'at Memorial General Hospital in Kins ton Tuesday.'- ," Mrs.' Jones Smith Who has been ill tor sometime Is improving. ' Miss Maisie' Jones of Moss' Hill and Mrs, Herbert Jones and Miss Tessie 8mith of Pink Hill were re cent Rale! h visitors. j t,"7. . Mr.- and lTrs. Melvln Jones were recent viaitoia'at Portsmouth, and NorfolkrVa. ' ., .. Mrs. T. A." 'Turner and. ' Miss Ruth, Turner - were at . Gainsvllle Ga., recently, to attend Commence ment Exercises at Riverside Mili tary school where T. J.- Turner Is a student. - . v . . --i Mra Johnnid Williamson Is se riously 111 jit Farrotts Hospital - in Kinston.'" , ' - j - era go, ,Wt the work continues on.'' m'Ulw following lax copy wf the ' original constitution and confes sion of faith J document of the : Utriveroallsta of the South adopts ed and signed in a meeting held. fat Kenans ville on June.Srd, 1837 .? ", To Posterity The following- presents, a detail of the .first doings of Unlversallsts In North Carolina,' together -with the names .of few, who first, dar ed to-come, forward in the face of persecution, and compose the "Sou thern Convention of Unlversalists.'' To our children; and our children's Turner. NOVIA SCOTIA Land Plaster (' : - FOB SALE BY, - , V. E. BELANGI A -' Kenansvllle, N. C.' ' 1 Question- What should be done to control chicken pox in my laying flock r Answear- Where this disease is present all birds having the trouble house and utensils thoughly clea- house and unten lis thoughly clea ned, and a good germlced kept in the drinking water as long as cases given one dose of Epsom Salts at! given one dose of Epsom Btals at the rate of one-half pound to three gallons of water. Vaccinate the well birds with pigeon pox virus as this material will not produce as severe a disturbance as chicken pox virus ia the laying flock. Where a targe percent of the flock has the disease or it has been pres. ent in the flock for some time it is unnecessary to isolate the birds. AU other precautions should be ta ken for control. KENANSVILLE HAPPENINGS Questoin When can I get Infor mation on canning, preserving and pickling T Answer: Two new publications have reently been Issued by the Kx tension Servle at State College and are now available upon request to all citizens of the State. Circular No. 114 'gives Information as . to canning 'fruits - and. vegetables while Circular No. 113 carries de tailed Instructions for making all kinds of v Jellies, jams, preserves,: and pickles, These circulars were prepared by the home demonstra tion department and may be had from your local home demonstra tion agent or upon application to the Agricultural Editor at State College. . ;. - ' , n,v- ' ; FOR SALE r Id T. FORD TOURING CAR Cheap - ; ;:Iy to the ur.Jersisned quick if in- C :E.-QUINN, , Her- M3 ,N.C. ' Miss Louise Wells and Miss Re ba. Pickett who have been students at E. C. T. C at Greenville have returned to Kenansvllle to. spend the summer : with, their, parents here. -'Miss Ruth Bird whO baa bmnlmV onHADearatyao'pointM visiUng Mr. and Mrs. Li' A. Beas- out thl"wUl tend to keep the ley to spending the week with her h,rd" from, developing large frames parents. near Magnolia. ',. " building up the needed body Mrs. Charles Atkinson of Way- trcerv for futup Ption. ... nesboro, Vs., Is spending some time j Worm and parasites, ' Internal with her parents;. Mr. and Mrs. and external, flourish, in 'summer. John A Gavin in Kenansvllle. - when parasites are found, lmme We are sorry to learn that Mrs. diate treatment should be given,' Robert.Wells, is confined to, ber' Poor development, le weakness, room here as a result of a fall. Mrs and drawn face-t arts are ( svmo-1 Wells' medical, attention at this toms of worm a. Convitv Aerenta or time is preventive rather than - a other agriculture 1 ? . ivisers may be ! cure ana 11, is oopea uiai-sne wiir consulted in r soon be able to. resume her acti- control. " vlUes.. L .Vacdnatlntr Albert ' McLendon,' Student '. at an inexpensive State College returned to Kenans? against", this ville Tuesday to spend the summer says. ' -' " " with his parents in Kenansvllle, Weak or poc ' Dickey Sloan of Garland is spend are possible su ing the week with Mr. and Mrs. J. are seldom ; t O. Bowman. , i them from tLa f Miss Ethel Canady and Mr, Jes-; v "V"'; ; ". sie Canady of Hope Mills who have ,. ' . ' been ; sepnding some : time with their sister, 'Mrs, F. W. McGowan of Kenansvllle returned .to, their Txome in Hope Mills Auesday:. ' Mrs. G. M. Turner spent the children, to the latest posterity week end wo UrsL Hedrick Moore 1 may .this be preserved, as a sacred at'Marshallboi o, t v ' ' ''' j memento, '!' :';. r , , Miss Eons. Tutner: a student at ' ' Constitution , v Loui8burg College and Mr. Lilton ' V Believing in the doctrine of God's Maxwell, attending Duke Univer- impartial grace and Universal Ben aity at Durham, have returned to evolencei manifested in, the Salva their homes here for the summer. tion of all men, we the Subscribers Mr. ' and Vtrm. 'Rohf.rt. Tavira'' of M behalf of ourselves and the So- Raleigh were Visitors here Sunday. iclette8 we wspreaent, hereby solem . Mrs. S. P. Watson and son; Bil- nlv covenant and agree, in the pre ly of New fork," came recently fb1" of Almighty God and with spend sometime f With relatives, "- """"i ui asnwaaie ourselves Those from Pink Hill attending www unaer me name ana style a UniversaHst Convention, to Ken- 01 the, "SOUTHERN, CONVEN- ansvllle Sunday Included Mr. and f4u uxNivjurusALiSTa,'; un Mrs. tL" O. Turner f and Aubrey der the following rules and regu- ; ARTICLE, , This Convention cqnsiders itself as a soverign and independent body, with competent power to hold and, exercise Juris diction,; in. affairs, connected with US) own. interests; to receive into Its fellowship such Societies ;, and Churches as may hereafter request the same; or to withdraw fellow ship from,, or.Jabor with, admon teh or reprove, those who may walk disorderly, tJ1 pr ..unbecoming-: the Christian character. . . t ,:, ;. ARTICLE, Jli .They,, shall have power to grant letters of feUow- ship and ordination to candidates for the gospel ministry, and to re- cut ' wtw wnen occasion may 1 re quire. , .. , , - ' ARTICLE Etl. No1 preacher snmi be Hcensedr ordained by this Contention, unless with' his"- re- moulters should' be used for breed ing purposes. Portable rangp' shelters are -a help in providing adequate ventila tion, and should be moved to new grazing sites whennecessary. See that the birds have plenty of feed and fresh water; ""- - ", Do not .try:, to-reduce costs .by i to parasite ' its fowl ppx to' m of' insurance Dearstyne r developed bllrds of disease and table. Remove j, k.k '' . ., Poultiy Problems ' I" ..Increase In Sumner . . n0 n ' ( Summer brings number of pro blems to the poultryman. . . .: 1 Hot weather tends to decrease egg production and to increase the spread of disease, warns Roy 8. Dearstyne, head of the State College- poultry department . He advises the market, -- ear ly moulters and other hens ik. , Ing regularly. Cockerels not ktvi for breeders should be sold w! -1 they reach broiler size. Non-layers anil unnmvtnd rartc f n!a i"" -j e f 1 I ''1 r J crowd t): 1-. T V . -i. I "' ' ' MORE x Ninth IILtciiral Celebration versallst church. Rev. Hannah' 3. Powell, a native of J'Mne is lb charge, with IT' 1 grand daughter , as assistant Ti a work to in the Iii hood. ' The equ the chapel, built ly and his sons, t' s ' --fa, and the ' - 1 ci 3 are tai-' t. : ' ' ' s-pachlRj- st ' - n y. '-.A six' 1 ' 1 is cos ' I 1 r e 1 youths In i 1 ' t s hoi-1 '. ' a great e Inman ,.r of the nc hbor-..ts-,of t Iaman i-i" rei- - i 1 ' 1 on vf .on i ' ' Ven end Way he -Theatre "Mt, OUVB ; " Program Week 'JUNE 10 th; ,' MONDAY-TUESDAY f j '-';..! " Olnger. Rogers ;' Wm. Powell in STAR AT . MIDNIGHT" ; - WEDNESDAY' BARGAIN DAY ; ' J.i , : , ,1 ,, flf, V r.,, . THURSDAY, FRIDAY 1 Ruby' Keeler Al Jolson in , "GO INTO ' ; YOta DANCE" SATUI.3AY ' WKSTrrZNER "PAI 07 4 j 1 . 'y and 1 y i 1 ; . '1.0 VoitU 'y, I C" ARTICLE III. W." r s ' '1 be re-' Scriptures of I 0 ( i ' r of this j Testaments as - s t --y t ull have ' latlon of the v 1 c r 1 to thi erticles of j and those doctrii-n s :-r mentioned, "-r j which, by the aid of u V. This Convention 'powers, are to be cor twice in each year, on ' sufficient rule and u.i -. y in. lTay, and the, faith and practice; and , y in Grt-ji.er, as such receive them;. and God y be i. rmined on at promise according to our a ju"- .-..s R'retlnj; and all asso-j and understanding, to act c;. I ha ! a under Its jurisdiction, 1 accordingly. . almll be represented .at each meet! , , irT ly at least two delegates, and ' fRaf ' a 1 car stating the condition . of Alexander M Rae, Richd. E . the tudy, number of the members, fAlexr, Peden Joshua Ja- t I 1 S f. t -ee 1 9 i. pre-. lui.s ..ted bod'. VI. There shall be Ben- Ru8h- Jnn ?u"? Sa" &c, chos a annually, at the meeting to "n. B,ela H' Jacob?' Ge0' r; . rvtw . Mnriflrt .t npe.M . Thos. W. Brown, Dennis, t over the meetings of the Conven-, Joseph Gorrie, L. H, Marsto tion, and a 'Clerk, who shall record Stanley J. C . . 1 1 all proceedings of the body in . a lSn, -Thos. B Smith 1. ,. book to be kept by him' for that Harverson, Robert Larkins. I. purpose,' and , delivered to. his sue- J- & f ' J?u"v' F' ,J E,"",' cessor in off ice. '. , a Williams, J. F. GlanopleDJ , ,,.,, I er jonn A. Averitt, Lewis T, C - Confession of Faith. " I ner,' M. Huntington, William J I ARTICLE 1,, We believe In One, ' Edward S. Jones, N, H. Jpntw,, ? -the only Living and True God, the fred Shepard, Henry RvFoy, Du Creator, Producer, Upholder, .and Hooks, Oliver L. Kelley,, Jan i Governor of all things, infinite in Wilkinson, Hugh' M'Canne. Ju all his attributes of perfection Farrlor, John Miller, John G." -, both physical and moral, .which Abner-Hopton, ; G, W. ..-Robes, .1, God is unity, Indivisible and im-'Robert Ward, George Taylor, Al mutable. '- . , ' fred Wart, Samuel Ward, .C. De-- ' ARTICLE H. We believe to one Van.e Geo. R. Robeson, Jacob Lord Jesus Christ the Soirof God; Giles, "Albert G. HiU, J. M. Nixon,, ordained to be the Savlour"of men John S. Hill. - ' ' ; 'J through the medium of the gospel John S. Hill, Ben. Thompson, John and the power of the resurrection: Robeson.. , " ,' - 1 and by and through whom, , our j Kenansvllle, Duplin County, N. C, Heavenly Father has Irrevocably June 3d, 1827. - ' $20 REWARD OFFERED ; LOST STRAYED STOLEN y - Y Black'and tan hound dog, three years old. ! May be Identi fied by blue speckled ring around neck, blue speckled chest, tiji of tall, cut off, apUt in right ear; Disappeared MAY 8th. . o : Will pay 30 for Information leading to recovery; No ques tions asked, ( t" , ? ' "j vV v , , , J. B. WALLACE SHERIFF'S OFFICE ' ' ' 7 ",' KENANSVILLE, N.' V. l nP-'E I f , 1 4 ' . - ' This angry wife asked for nothing more .than relie" "" "r ; ' ' ' from the work and worry of playing jnufae to the old' . .'" water heatervfo do away with the bothersome old thing, . we tuggeit the modern convenience, economy, safety,. - . '' . rf- and cleanlineat of a Westinghouse Automatic Electric. 1 Hie low coat;, installed, ia really amazing. And, witi our -1 "t friendly budget buying plan and low rate, the hot water';" .' t 1 1'- problem is easily solved for all time. Come In for the it complete itory; You will . ootbeobligated in anyway. F" 1 vH f ' AS LITTLE AS -,L $2.50 ; A Month ) G .1 0 Iieddy Kilowatt Says: "No More. Hot Water, Troubb With Me On The Job I ty0& Work 24 Hours Per Day" 4 "I ' s