1 , 7Wr, and Ws. U " , Leslie, Jr., spent 8ui y in Wei- don as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Kennedy. Mrs. Lila M. Kennedy V returned with them after a week stay with her son and daughter- In-law Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Berry and ' Paul, Jr.. returned Sunday from a ". weeks stay to wasnrogton, u. c. . visiting Mr. Berrys mother, Mrs. 1 M. X Berry. Mrs. -Berry returned . with them for a visit of several weeks. Mr. E. W. Jordan of Troy was a week end visltorui town. . v , : Mi Marv Buford Best left Prt- . day for Ashland. Va., to spend, sev- w'"'t . h of Greensboro were week eral weeks with her aunts, the Mrs. R. B. U lesa. the,r . MUsea Trevinian. ... Stranghan and .UUr MUs, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd J. S trick- Nen Bowden spent Thursday In ?f'C ' ' land, James Franklin and Hazel obldsboro. I Mlaaea Elizabeth Allen and Xsy Strickland were visitors to .kins-1 Ht,lort. ,rin0.t- -f r,,," Underwood, of XJoldsboro were ton Sunday., . t , 0 tf A,MwHnl rf?LTl8rue8ta 1n ,h bom Mrs. U H - , j ' : ' la . visiting Ma. M. P. Ldbetter. Brown Saturday. Among those attending JhsT In-1 The following enjoyed a delight- Mr w M Bowen ,lu2e ' stallaUon service of Mr. Leon Mea-,; ful week end at White l.' jnaMMightei, Catherine have re-1 wwwm mum , . f villle on Saturday, June first were: Mesdames H., D. Farrior, E. J. Hill, W. J. Mlddleton, W. B. Hines, W. P. Brldgers and Misses Nell J. Bowden, Hester and Julia Farrlor, Margaret and Helen Carlton. 1 -Mr. Mlddleton Hines, a student at Carolina, Chapel Hill spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hines. . " n Mrs. Claude Murray . of Rich' mond. Va., . spent Saturday with A ict uivuioif m r arwiwv au- wiuui' I Mrs. Harvey Xornegay and lib Mesdames D. E. Beat and J. M. tie EHzabeth Ann Kornegay , of Pelrce were yialtors to Ctoldsboro Seven Springs were visitors in the Monday. -. borne of Mrs. U H. Brown Mpn- Mr. Walter Carter, Jr.,: of Golds- day. . J Lf 14 i 1 1 ... - M. M 1 HI . i "IvA M - t " ft 1 Jar A 1 1 ST . I. 1 b I 1 I M M . . ' " .! i W ; s -y 'r.yl- - - . ' rf - ' X -vf : ! t - -:' , ' ",v; s -c'tv1"- ;-ftvv.' 4-..-v . .4 . . '.-S" r.c FORD BUILT, many dollars if ) ,were frqyiW s putpf the putchwe rdy st your p;wr;t T , t ;. ; txtra pah info tb, 1935 Ford$V 7,w?W Ar epresentea an - studyk, fcatute f ' . 1 V-8 and then nducJTib, vc into- nuny Jitional ; rfythcl gettfjUr; ;;, Safety class all around at seat passenger! a front seat tide '.. Alug- Mgjwt 193J car.,; ' - age compartment, built into thijat No mwfjwhatyou Fenders that match thecaf.,'.Big $.00x16- Vtyle.sfeJ, speed, power, wonoorogsed , -'-; inch ait-balloon tires'" extra wide tread). endurance' oi VomfortthelFord V-S for T : ,-Study these fesfcifcr tarefiiuy- Ijf :Aef ; J93). wdl meet youc nwdi, Selhif or 40 . O.Z) DEALERS O F N 0 It FO L t TE X RMTOttY 'TllI Alt-rOKD IYMPMONV 4 ri -J""; 3-e i - Z X ir - e f i t r t. .; I v j , ,t wiU.i . Cailer. , a. Tutue ana wuuy are guests of Miss Hes- r. on Monday flight at t ,e of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. . -.. ... . ... . , t .... ... . 1 r ' ,i ,. - - - . " ! ; Henrietta, RMey of Eart N. T. is the guest of . Mrs. Viyren Smith. , , , , TUl Ledbetter Is vlalUng reutflv-- es and friends in. Dunn this week, i Kater Morris Nicholson of Beau-1 tancus spent last ween viaiung Kenneth and McDonald Brock. . ( I Mr. Bob Wheless a student at W college, tuueign is spending ... - -i : Mr, and Mrs. Q. J. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs, Alton Vlck, MUs Alen West of Warsaw, Mr. v and Mrs. J.' C Taylor of RobinsonvUle, ; Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Leary and Mr. Sterling Marriner of Ooldsbora t , , . ' Mrs. R. U Beat, Sr., spent Thurs day in Clinton, visiting her son, Mr, J. R. Best - i Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mlddleton and family are spending the week 1 2 chTvisTtinr Mrs. Middle tons sister, Mrs. Ben Bryan, ' " sc'-' :"' ' "V- . - 4' : '- .ti l " no extra cost. ilwsliveWl price of the new Ford V-8. i.'.Take OaCHSTA. SUNDAY Vf wiNGS See ThqTcv C2 ID.. V - T e y I . ' . S. C. ' ... jwdm l :e Brown 1 . ! t week for New . O. G. Best, O.S. re:- I C?orge Best speU Nro. t ; . :th left U -a to spend t i ' r brother, Mr. . 1 ( ' JCuia id ? s if Llr. F. L I r- t v . i. C. F. L . .-. ot C 3. C. is the house guest of 1 ja. I U ' rtt X.T. and Urn. R, E. T.'all I v retui -.1 f" r f - ""j-the J week in . t. C. MLuU-a Lm.: s.. 1 ''a Ft, TlimiUl . BTTAr nwiwtllir UbAimf ; weeks at Carolina; Beach visiting' Mrs. Bowens daughter, Mrs. J. P.I Newton, t. . , , ' I Rev. George W. Blount, Mrs. O. l. J. P. Pridgen, Mrs. " Wayne Jordan and; Mr. ' Hubbard Bidge attended a teachers training school held in Clinton last week. ' '. Mrs. Lyde Brown and Uni liw- rence Brown of . Beu!avi!ie wre guests of Mrs. UH,r -own Frki-y. The folic- i. x students arrived Monday to i c i the holiya, with their pa" ...j, lses loulae Far rior. En..a Murray, Beatrice Sim, on, Elisabeth and Martha Hines from E. C. T. C, .Greenville, luiss Edith Surratt frow C..C. y. .v 4 ' may want in a or- v - rIB 'WAS tUfl.'T'" 22LL G! IcVKOd ;'wl..'!h7t ' . "'. -am v' i T " ' . i t ;.'V(. i J l"i An 4 Xa4 ... ,h ., k viui., Lu: it, .. j. "n- . . . ; rJ..m"" - 'It : u.e w v t, ' "I.T,t,' Sr-weire'vUiiis ! !' to." have tvr' - a-T r r i i t i k. v ,M t i!,J tae Cawird. duig. "". ' f '. -.5" ' e ' . I t -y x t..e Carr, in V i i .. ' rr. ti, t'j. R. - t, 1 rs. U x -a. ' 3. .l.iS. Ito, L .4. c. v. i:v C.icko Cato, Uiss EI' --th J. I. . " i ! . i. J. C. .lion. Jl iitro- 1 ' j p -j ' t r j", 4. . ,e .' i. 1 rd. " A u iv, taken for Gol ' -n CkaJe Cu. e in I'-oya, Ja a. J A socU hour fu.'ved and 'ers of tlie 'Auxiliary served We 1 a ti crackers. . ,1,r. e.id Ij!-a..E. G. Farlow.and r.f i Va-s. Iavld Wells attended C mt ttt at Flora UoDor-ald re Wt week, uiw Ei'iUa wacco rr-xtjled them home. ua was a member of the graduat- a , , , ? "-s. John Birmingham of Wilm ington spent one. day last week wlthher, parents, Mr. and Mrs." J. D. Southerland. ' Mrs.' Roy Crump- of Wilmington sen Decoration Day with herTne-i tner, Mrstp :iy Turner. . ,v ;Miv Jacob Ward of C. C' Camp, Fayetteville spent the, week - "end with his mother, Mrs, Janle Ward. J Misses Lorraine WeSs and Eliza beth . Ward apent the ' week end with lllas Helen Ann Ward In' Wl mington.' , jt ' ' Mr. and1 Mrs.. Paul Carr vsVd Ifr, and Mrs. J. C. Carr hut wtk. .ICjas Wille Mae McMillan e; nt last' week with relatives in Samp son, ", . . v ' ..'r, ;.Mrs.' Rj P.,ysher and uttsm, "ijobby1' have been spending w e tinuLi. lih, her parents, .... Mr, a d 'Pw at Varsaw. ? (4. '1U, f '-"e U-ser rrat last week w .h'Lrr . israt Largaw.''1,,' Urs. liiibert Boney is spentpg the' week, with-her parenU, Ur. and I'tH.' C. V, Brooks of Cary. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks are plannipg to celebrate their fortieth anniytr sary.pvuj week. .. .' "es Eugenia and Melva For- 'nt to WilminKton one . dav last .iek. .. , ... I ..a Mildred Register, formerly ot r "i lln but now. from New, York 'ft Li t n Friday. - , . ,,T ' t xy Mai Dixon, was taken to lue L. ital for appendix opera tfn ,Tcptly,- , - - v , . .!; i t.Js of afr.-'Arthuii knaj m had ; to , knojw he -is 'holding hU ...Mrs.. J. Richard Rouse nd cbil drem pent the week end with'-her t '-v -.-rs," ilettttrs Linden andoy inod of liagnolia.' .." ,ti s DonniekWard apxl.ll . c.la visited Mrs, Ed Allen of C "tsy fur lay. . - i. JL i u I ora Ward of Route r, Roae as the guests of- Mrs. Don fue vvard Monday. t ,-. , . - ; j t f 1 , Under1, and by virtue of ,the au fv -.ty f""' .red upon us in a 4 ff i st exeeuted by W. D, iu'rt a and,. wife,' Geneva i'ar'n ea t J "h' day ff Oct 1 j. d u,ed in Eoak'i 1 4. Checks ' l r.iA li c ta -e '- j 1 1 . ,M J 1..,- 1, tJ- s f of J. W. f'ti,M : 1 - i V e N. " . ' on f 9 ; " 'j.. ".' tro; . i j . U !y luna 1 ". it IU Tay- d . by tae i! L, '. r and J. W. lata stoop-' i . Ciow's corner, ' life ' and runs ". i :. 13 putes-to a ; ; 8. 18 E. It a . a on the N. side ; r ' with path S. ti it nCltah thence . !'. I I. 47 poles to a t , ' i. ' . i Jt Jon's corn- i . a v, " . a line 8. 16 W. C s ; a ) t, Luther Tay S a r- . ; t . ,,ve with his line r'. ; 5 ". X3 i" ' -a; thenee with 1 i-l .e K C3 1-2 W. 18 poles; N. I K. 65 pole; thence 1j. ij HA U 1-i pole to a ditch; ' N. f ' ' '. I ) poles; thenee n. i X.'. i ilcs; thenee N. S -3 i v ' 4 to a point on the run ft ut taence with the run ' v a 3. 73 E. ES poles to a a. ? r, f i- le, the . beginning, e 7 C3 ftRrea, more or leas. S 4 "i U Liounded on the N. "fcy te 1,.,,. of J. W. Wright T. C. Craw; bmindUtd on the . p. by' the Innde of Geo. W. Al ; t "'.; tjiuiOed on the S. by the 1 ' cf x Ceo. ; W. Albritton; , I Toa the W. by the lands i. 'i ..on. EEGINN1NQ at a i . jicp, Geo. W, Albrlt-. t'm's ...wand runs thenee S. 3''l y 13-poles to a pine; tl' W. Z3 W. 52 poles; thence N'; i'45 poles; thence 8. M ;S.T rU; thence 8. 7 'W. 88 "Fr i ta the beginning, contain U J 1-2 acne, more er less, 1. land la sold subject to all nctUd" taxes.-.'.. , v w This sale Js' made' by reason of the failure of W.' B. Martin and wife; Cciieva Martin,' to pay off ar'idiacharge the indebtedness se cUi i by said' Deed of Trust. , .. A'deposlt of lft per cent will ,. be required from the purchaser at the - This the 20th day of May, 1935. ' r'TERSTATE TRUSTEE COR ;?PORATl6N, Subsututed Trus tee, Durham, N. C. , - June 27 " . Notice! State' of North Carolina, ' County of Duplin, " , In The General County Court - Laura Savage Clark ... Vs ' r. . -9 J! Stephen Churk : , . 1 e i JNOTICE OF SUMMONS BY ; ; PUBLICATION The defendant, ,, Stephen; Clark will take notice that an action en- ttiled as above has been commenc- mi 4h -th. rten.knii rv..n...nn. - P 1 County, North Carolina, 4p obum an absolute divorce on the ground of two years separation as provided by the Statutes of North Carolina; 'And Stephen Clark will further; take notice that he is re. quired to appear before the Clerk of ;the General County Court of DupHn County, at his office in Ke- Jnne. "1935. and an-wer, or demur' "JBaSHUMor to said complaint filed in said art-;GUET P "09D; ion, or wlthitf thirty days after the 24th day of June, 1935, or the re- Uef therein ask Will be granted. , ' .This the 16ih day of May,' 1935. A R. V.V.-LLS. Clerk General Couhtv Court of Dunlin Counrv i ftoDt. c. welis, -' ... . - 7- . Attotney - -. --20-4f A C. NOTICE OF SALK TRUSTEE Under and bv virtue of aflthori. ty copta'ned In It certain Deed-of "Trust executed by Marta C. Col- we'l and hband. J..H. CotweU J. T. Ciw.am, Jr Tr., dated thel lne unaersignea ouiy vei .. day rf October 1932, and re-1 lte0UW1' n or before. A, c ' ! 1 1 t:i of oe of the Register'1888, or thlB not,ce wUI b8 ' i for D, :in County;. De-: In bar .of their recovery. A ' .1 . ..e hep madfl in th '..' 1 s indebted to said e t t,t the indebtedness thereby i, I will sell at public auc '.n, for cash, to the highest bid . r, at the" court house -door , in ;..:iansvllle, N. C., on the 10th day of June 1935 at twelve o'clock; im. the fullowincr described trrt "nd: - -' ."- v CU?. TJANY FRIENDS IN DUPUN COUNTY: - We luvtte yon to visit enr store when at the C , ' f Seat. ' . , ' f J - carry a 'complete line of General Mer " - r J" f'"'on, Hardware and Groceriea. i 1 . s I ea Gooda. ' ve on .hand ready for delivery, Unn r '. a i . 1 and V. C. Field Tested Tort:. .Area" i - -'-i-Ican made Nitrate of Soda. ' .A f i ne of field and garden seeds the v -we eaa 1 ay. - v Carry full line of building materials, Brick, 1 , Cement. , V3 EUY AND SELL COUNTRV r:.w Our filths are reasonable. Come to s'e i s. ' ' ptecsitte oiir business. . v " yp 17 ' Pw r ' t - ' ' r We ' ;ie V ' , , j i.t ; 1 ! at ' stii Wi. lift. C... ;e t..-' ! This the 7i.Ii ( J. T. C. A. J. Blanton, Attos - - 66- Nctico Q2 Under and by vir and authority veatol i . signed by reason of a i gage deed executed ( Sandlln and wife Lt to the Bank of BeuLu ruary 23, 1928 and re office of the Register Duplin County in Book 35, default having be the payment of "the i thereby secured, the i will of fer for sale and t to the highest bidder at i house door in Kenans vii; the 26th day of June, 1 about the hour of tweive t noon, the following desei i of land: ' . Lying and being In I i Township,. Duplin Ci. ; GINNING at a stake In t of the HallsvlIJe nd Creek public road below t a. Mud Hole School house t N. 88 E. 40 poles to a i thence N. 60 W. 104 r : stake; thence 8. 10 E. 41 to a stake on the aforesn" S thenee down the road 8. t 1-4 poles to the beginning talnlag 28 acres, more or . Advertised this the 24th c o? May. 1936. GURNET P. HOOD. Comm' of Banks of North Care' i J "Rel The Bank of Beulavllle, 1 r tgagee. GURNET" P. HOOD, Commi,-1 - i" .. 1 of Banks of North Caroii,. v I ; Rel The Farmers Bank & Tru ;. Co., Wallace, N. C, TransiT REALTY ASSOCIATES, Im., Transferee. v Robert C. Wells, Attorney. . -6-20-4t RA.L Notice Of S-Ii Under and by-virtue of and authority vested in the ' signed in a certain mort executed by R3. Bostic i Lucretia Bostic to A L. C on the 25th day of Noven and duly recorded in "the the Register of Deeds ot County in Book 277 Pp-e fault having beta made in t ment of the indebtejsu ' secured, the undersigned ' for. sale" and sell for c courthouse door in Ret.. C. on the 26th day of J. t w about the hour of ed tract of land: " Being lot number I In t - i 7 of land formerly owned by I. J. Sandlln. Plot of Whi- h -1 e t (.record In Duplin County V Vt- T "'."f" " fcu"81 1 ' ' 'f B!r' i u "ay "l usipr s .el- UD . Bank J"1 mpy, I ' . 7 ; " 1 r!e' 1. ' l noBU" V-'Wfo, AKorn 6-20-4L A L C NOTICE of administea: . ' Having qualified as he s istratrix f the estate of l ut,av deceased, this is to aU PerS0n having claims the .faid, estate o present i please make immediate I This 26th day of April. " . ' . KATia t ; - R, F. P. "V,v( i' 1 Nor N. B: Boney, Atty., ,8-6-et N, B. B. Pd. ' :7. -i

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