J iugh Gn: Ilal Keylic mI Sao W-j i . I : ;.h, N.' C. May 2?th., 3 - Trp action t ' vl ? t ia sicnirsr f '. to tf:e Home D. f I i .1 M--.ion Act, Whiih 5 t..e l poratiou to am ; t n v i "wIuUhm, from 'JuUn II. 1 Ci.u.rniun of the Gorpoi-on 1 ," i a statement et Wt ' ! v,Mi.h was transmi'.UJ to all 1 lueligi We If his general record la Lianch offices of tie Corpo. atlon I unsatisfactory, particularly ... if he in which he empha- .'ss that new has deliberately-defaulted on his explications - would be accepted . existing indebtedness and has a re from home ownerswho are clear! v ! cord of not paying his bills he is in distress and are threatened with I able to do so. - ':'' loss of their home throue-h foreclo-1 "3.- To redeeom the home from sure. , , ; - - i " Action of the President in sign-, ing the bill followed closely on -the - adoption this week of the ''report of the Conference. Committee . ol 'the House and Senate, which., was v adopted by Use House May 20th and was then sent to the Senate where Is was acted Upon prior to y being 'dispatched - to the - White House for . President Roosevelt's ... signature. The amendment will al , - low applications to be 'accepted , " from home owners who are in 4sl- . - tress, for a period of- thirty days. j ' 1 1 . . s cf e-tviitg lenders from ested in poultry, in 1CI7. f ' , i"-i!"j f f eir own past mis- information, he ' ylii'tai 1'""- ? i i !f f l.ii.g excessive loans, or poultrymen of Burke and ex, , ......Kg to persons not entitled ing counties and consul J t i utc'diL . , : i local larm ajei't. men ae siai-i. j . . . .. .. his first-vear with a flock of 175 ;;y '.. z. xne past record or ine appu-1 . . T - . . ,: . - i.,.i r. .Rhode Island Red. - that the quality of his birds must be improved, so he kept only his best for breeding purposes, and . purchased, a number of purebred males, He followed this procedure for Several years. ; ' In 192S the eggs from hi ' flock brought premium prices when sold to a commercial hatchery in the county. From -1928 to 1934 he kept in his flock an- average' of 139 : birds. . which , produced every year an average of 151.4 eggs each During this period he spent amt. of 2.33 a bird. Tfa3 feed costs each year amounted to J1.65 per bird He started the 1934-35 year with 277 high grade birds. During the first six months of the. year his forced sale or voluntary surrender, such sale or surrender- must, have taken place since January 1, 1930. "4.. The applicant must be In act ual distress with his mortgage in debtedness and threatened with the loss of his home by foreclosure. Applicants! who have no present or prospective income tf any charac ter, and clearly could not meet the indebtedness,: are ineligible . unless their notes are also signed by re sponsible parties. --., " , "5. The property must.be used by the owner as his home of held by - Along "about this year preceding Stater ies,' candidates for the -egln to visit Washing- ' eruin how Okay stand ! ya from the home-State i roved their vote-getting tar, not a single one has acouraged. ,The i lads - Congress must be good and must be better to , .TJhey know better than ice-seekers the imorea- ,ldf Congressman, is hot ,It's the old army game and skill- but it , still s" 1 ' ' ' - ' - -O i 'lN5 North Carolina bly. , Over in the revenue . depart ment places - on the- augmented State , Highway Patrol are being migbtly sought .alter as are poai tions in the new department of Highway Safety. . With the -. great number of ' appUcanta administra Uve heads have. a, wide choice of personnel but they are almost cer tain -to disappoint or offend: many politicians. , ' - - - - - , ' ,. ' , , WINE AND SONG I Attorney General A. A,' P. Seawell ban ruled t 1 el .. So- adv., oi i ; oi "'. " tha i.t in the i ed cv hand a c that , under the-domestic wine bill passed by the late Legislature wine of natural alcoholic content may be manufactured and sold in this State but -' that .nn Crimea mav -'ha . '""ies are .gomg after imported containing s more alcohol f. bill, now In the Unit- than; lptrai Unrtnr tha fnrmtr law i jSenate. out In the open.. That bothers" many wine"manufac . e companies are (running 1 turers located in other States but nts in the SUte news- buying their grapes in North Care fg the public their side Una,' However,' the boys and girls Privately some, power 'who drink- naturally- fermented ' Press the opinion; .that' wine of about 14 per cent alcohol much of the undesirable will not know much difference a ure to put unprecedent- local business in the or imported,-it is all calculated to Uie Federal Power Com produce song. : xwvvyuuiiu vU - IK;.. m -. Building: In r Kenansville?; Several People' Are : Mr, W. M. Brinson has nist com. pieieu a new Home to begin at c i of a house on Lime ;el and bis" recent 1 nils;, a their, home In Ke. The new brick vt. r i'.'-iJay School unit at the locul I'AUo.; , i church Is unrinr nrflv n,I nnf Ipal.tu on South Main r,m- j- . . street which will be occupied by week - - ' Mrr-P. D. May and familv. Mr I - ?upllnurtyaaS18tant agent fr! Top-dress the com when abmt VRev. Tom. L is remodehn. th. S.lf; i.v!dTht0ne iad and wi" PPUcatlon of quick-acting nitro have a modernhome there and this gen u, recommended. " Will b occupied by the new Coun- - - 1 ty Superintendent of schools. O. p.. Johnson and family. Mr "If you" want wild flowers In the CUfton Brinson is making plans Graeber. -- r 1 1 1 3 C5P 85a3L ; j' J tress, for a period of thirty daya rr" "JT u,; . " I " . ' The Corporation suspended -yuffi if mtt hvT beThiThomTpn . .ance of new applications last Nqv- T ' 10 " ' v.re&nzea june ijidjo, . --. .-v' 1 above f i reporte l vhat their-xnail has been. f a prison camp lsa pot-bellied f niiea-Wiui protests against the po- feHow who would Uke to have the wer cor.U'OLhm. privilege of flogging all his proson- ers every day Just for the fun of ,.Ton. tizzJ. C:a ame ti proioctlorc C.af v: y xyJ raca drivers demand - ; KELLY PETItLO; ON MAY 30, WON THE 500-MILE Indianapolis Race on Firestone Tires, breaking -the track record and driving: the entire distance at a rate of 106.240 miles 'I mlBsi . jrear ui t iceuuig mco Hiwieu oecjoe against the Rav-: BTrt .tor r.frvt .w tivt average return above .burn V I. Be that as it may, Tar make th mutak. f , ,h,...I U Heel n . . .ers .of Congress, have with th iha. . ....i-.- 1 PCI 1IUU1 ; record Is an astoaadJng: demonttratlon of tire efficiency.'. .To go 500 miles in lets than five, boon on this rough and bumpy 26-yeexHtld a brick : track demonatratee the ' etrength and blowout' proiecuon tuai iretane bnUds into their , Gam-Dipped Tiret. ' ember when the funds then In hand - appeared to be only sufficient handle applications already on file, averaged ft eggs sachwuHe -T. iwiimu-gt , - - v or sits a mro, ,MA MAf MiAAillni. AAA mJ. 1 .1 ,J W .; '.... IN TI".J MAKING It now an- the thing. pears C.i Wrightsville Beach near appointed 'V may he given a new parole commissioner. .Edwin -; it. , a (lease on I e by tha building of a Gill, reports that he finds camp r v. onuge iw uuana ana construct- neaas surprisingly intelligent men, P. . D. McLean, newlv- assistant to the State i hir 'frit nnMunliu4 ' XT M.-t ... t Mat. nwins ti Kitllf A jfilnlA .inr & rOk.T. On thA afltliul liHa ha. Wlthi raal inttaat tn Zitrv. or. Von .be made for an amount exceeding brooder house and a brick brooder yondthe ctater of public attracUon. loU of work to do. Superintendents granting new runas, it is estimated ! ,14 000 cent of y,, aaylng that this Is safest and most New Hanover county commission- must-know how to farm, must be Will care for all those, throughout -.,. JL.,.., .kU ' era hava niilfed tha Rtalo Hio-h,,,.., ahi tn ... uw uuua wq.reyi ganger -viav.,, f. rt...-... ,, - .itm. i, am Kahv and Public Works CnmmliuiAn n thine- nf iiunino D.M,t. I. . v hi V..V " '. I ...w mm .. i 1 n nuvn 7. Ordinary farm property Is chicks and during the; 'first atx Pnd the. money to be allocated how to handle bad men and able rr-Tv."" ,r. !"b'v': .-T. Ordinary farm property andnder thetern1.of the Law. ; j. i", mL, T . - ' .i - .Mr. Faheyg stotement, outtlnlng . farm occupation. . . . , . .. ' the eligibility tosts, and explaining - .-g. No applicant will be 'granted '" Brief NCWS IteiHS -rr ... B..- a , iuuu u sucn : rennancms' is in AB JENKINS ALSO RECENTLY DEMONSTRATED THE stamina, efficiency, and blowout protection built into Firestone Cum-! Dipped, Tires. He drove his 5000 pound ear over the hot sslt beds at , Lake Bonneville Utah, 3000 miles ia 23 M hours. This was an averag speed of 127.2 miles per hour, and althougk temperatures were as high as 120 he fcad no blowouts or tire trouble of any kind. These jrecords are made possible by special construction feature built into Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires. - ' TaksT no chances protect your life and the Uves'ef others by letting us equip your ear with. Firestone Tires. ..." - lor general road purposes m their to work a corps of guards. For county oh 'the Wrightsville Beach these services which continue al proJect.. v Since j resort business most 24 hours dally, they receive means so much to this pounty by the princely sum of from $65 to the sea,. It' Is not improbable that $100 per month. you wm ee a- doesn't mind it Governor ernacceptance of new applications ' tended only to protect a bank loan' t n'iarm'M L ira. . omniaaon may grant the re us a iouows:.. , . , . . j OP other bueinesa obligaUon, - .T ' Z1 V,ZZ'J n 'lue8t- went me same tests of eligibility of 'HOLD applicants which have ap plied In the past will in genera) continue: in' full force under this. ' new- legislation. :The Corporation intends to make every effort to as sist home owners who are in gen uine financial difficulty," but it will be forced to reject eevry applica Vi which hi not clearly eligible.. . nome owner should apply for a 1 until h Vh i aPPcaUon WUI be ",nft T.l A Httor of ten Spotted Poland T. ttto timeUeotenanfr schools, good hospital, for, the In? . ouuuincrporauonsre- llf- '-,7-7 rT. China pigs- sreighlng 51 Potmd!"r,wA:iranam and Clyde sane and deformed and decent pay t actions. ! He should realize that . Puitry flock. - 'w,uiin.ra.nlM,.M m ,JR Hoey.'ol rihelBV. ordtheVln-Uw for sohool ta.hr. m ,-T i.ic rcjcuiiuu vi an ineiieiDie arDii- ,. i... ..... . , tvii.nn k oi "9. The Corporation will not re- E!2L.TL1 bl torive your car right up to Ehrlnehaus isn't worrvina- m.,.h ance thaHome of an owner who ta a t, I "J fhtsvUle something about all the talk over applying the . w-curry m present njor claaa, say one observing agri- for-T - "7 uc- mree per cent general sales tax to loan- fVt-v- - -. . cultural worker. . -"V, V - 1 , ,1 -'i5- mea,s Berved 111 eating estoblish- ' z ' J '. " - f . , , t i'.g .) i - -' ' o ments. He remembers that his pre- 'j n " ii ' " T " I Farmers of ' Burke County re- - usu-lAX?- As things are now decessor was ','cuased" for running Aged rOUltryjnan IS' cenUy made application to register "napping up it appears the Ehring- the State "in the red" and believ- IJtnintr IVntlriToSodf 20 Pura nrea uuernsey cattle to """-"r-""" iuir w puuuu win come to apre- . continue the remarkable progress i'ijr: . 1 . iu .veveiuinvB. uus mwu w wury X I Honk. 78 year old Burke Cou- 0WU9 m "Wyi ; in ine coming guDernatortal prim- elate that a balanced budget is ary. .In 933" charges Were-hurledjnore to be desired than the ap tttat theiC' dnef forces 'favored clause accomnanvw Haman-nirin BhringbftHfi ' Vver" Ms 'opponent Rr.-toliUcal nieeches. W Jhlnka mlnri T. Fountali "TUb time Lieutenant- schools. 'rood hoanitjiJa nn th. In? a rejection or an ineiiglDle appli- Arv..ni-. ki. 1 r.,. i. Wllann nf Tmnavluanla riniintu tW r ... . v-"',jnore enthusiastic- about poultry iuu foove.eea costs. Af dwault on exlsUng debU, Is Miel,ttwlllMIW vounireP tlrVr' .- . n . V . - on Rowan good in spring in annnlvina farm . raVilaa veienm . larroer gc,t mter- wiw in tasty aiin sskSBsaasasiBaaasaaBassaaMaasssBaBaa 2 :."r . "ome he ted & P. Parish: extension DOuUr-' - Strawberry "patches" rJ,r:y:.Deeaiwe w n- yman at State -Collee-e. after , a 'arms havo brought to a :"""8"" w present. mortga-. recent yj to th, Honk farm. , omo to.the owner this Bj w carry me loan lOUOWinal - , tadHIMnn tn such default. "Largely as A result V more - ; than 2 1-2 billion dollars, in bonds already disbursed to them' by - the . Home Owners' Loan-Corporation, . - lending Institutions -are m a far . . stronger position today than they . '. were a year ago,. - They are well a--: ble to recast and carry reasonably suuuu hiui nge wuna, instead -of coercing, or even encouraging such s . ; borrowers to make applications to this Ctorporatioiu'The testa of ell giblllty are as follows - - '-' "1. The applicant must have, been ln Involuntary default on his home -. loanon June 13, 1935, and unable ' to carry ,or refund his present mor tgage, unlesA it can be shown to vth Corporation's satisfaction that 'w a default oceuring later than, June ' 13, 1933,'Was the result of tinem r ployment or other misfortune be 5 ' yond the applicant's control. - The ? Corporation was created to protect a honest home owners who- are in temporary difficulty, and not fori' P'ei li OUEu ; Tobacco Flues That Fit i ..' A ' i -V . . -v..- .V'-;-'.. - C -iS.E. E W. H. Jones & Company Pink Hill,:F Ci : Faison 4-3 Sunday 41 former Governor Gardner, are the present ODooaition to Axnanainn oonstderid the chief contenders for of the sales tax. r the red leather: chair and tha Man. I - Won W Blount Street In Raleigh. Wara Dpfpflt pi so fatvtaere hae een no, Indl- IveiedlS oatlon that the present Governor doslrag to play favofiUes.; tn fact. afferent key men in the Earing- " haus ? organizaUon- are;- favoring ' Faison, . June 0 Warsaw came first one and then the other of the back to town Sunday, after two iwu uig-snoc cumulates. . - i unsuccessful invasions two preced- " XvL. 9 ' lnS Sundays ,to take the locals in tlve living aMng former countv dirt mull t.a. ow: ii .:..:t ' r v-- r - ' -w-, Bn, fwa huvkuuiuuu. ana at times it was anybody con- wywR jnoy.. -asoime tM of test However Pridgent a Warsaw IX OenU (DO, the gallon. TheV Were 'rio-hthnnrW ranalvaH hsHsr ann. tha promise" that as port from his mates than Arms-oon-a; tharimary- State road trong, who did the twirling for. the mutpfvimi ui tutus a- locals. &W:tt&JWjUn!lmiM'l Prinm ninn't allnn, Fo)n be.'Aibut f In Dasa.bln - aiuwathoK , .". . ... . .... .-i..... -v-a it -r- . nil uniu we lourw. wueu vauuiar f010". Walton slashed out a Texas Lea- thir hT ii tf T MP , ..T"2" ge for three bases.. Hatcher, run that the alto-system la finished witn with two mm out Bafora you buy new tirei atk youn)ii lhs Ihrtt qucineiif 1 "Will Uie tread give me the k Answer No. 1 Vnirenity pretecttenafainililtiddinf?'! "Are they built to five me the greatest blowout protection?'? '"Without iscrificint af two imporiant safety features will key give me longer mileage, thus Melting them th moit cenomicel tiret I Mh buy rf snow r Ires tone line stop your - ear 15 quicker than best tires. Answer No. t Vnequaled per formance records prove that Cum Dippijg gives the greatest blowout protection known. Answer No. 3 Car owners report unequaled mileage records of the longer wear and greater economy of Firestone tires. show al Uuivenitv toati iFUestone'Tiietuop iro is- 25 quicker AGeai-DloDed cmnt five greater blowout Bas protection. bvm-Dlppln It not ossd In other Hres . : A Wider, Halter tread eX gives ssere than 50 Jbf longer eon-skid wear an1: fkn .ediMafai ek.a HZJZZrZ-Ett!?X was automatically out when he at- -VI ""rvf T"B tempted to come home and was hit rtrted to various and .... a v-n , a .i. .undry pur eT Some of thaWlSLS ZLwr; kai been :::z : 'ziir:nTr? uuuurcarron,third uP, 6 a. fuvuvij i r away irom , A fi-at - ilnej your rw iVbe embarrassed In1 Go W "1 y. .-if ' 10 DKUVERIES IN ;ia DAYS n Let U Give You A Demonstration- i t . .-? v,.: r :;:: V 1 , . - V 3 CLm t Autlicrized FORD Dealers , no::: hill, n. c, A Oooi glc" u of I" TC'J.-I ni 7 'TC"Sr Priced r lowed only one bit for five Innings. and "two1 out In out a' trlple. - :..He """.mate swung .three, missed three. ny.-vr - I for the final out in that imiing. LTER INDED (-',TBa4 Eure.l Faison scored first In the fifth principal li?rk Of 'several" anaatnna nrhan Waltnn anil Amutmnr miiu of the 'Mouf of 'Representatives, through with hits and then McCol now. aay there to no doubt that be man came through with a tremen wIU oppose. Stacey?tV.,Wado:; for 'dons slash hi deep left to puah In Secretary of State In the Democra- two markers while his hit went tie Primary "next spring. Mr. Eure for a triple. Another run was add adds that he M confident of sue-led in the seventh for. their final cesa,but flejrtary , Wade believes score, ' Warsaw scored three runs he will have something to do With in the seventh to knot the count the .matter,- Eure Is back touring J when Carroll rode a high Into deep the State as escheats officer of the 'center which apparently : Warren University of North Carolina and misjudged and cleared the sacks reports thaUie finds his campaign 'for the Only homer of the game to r-BmiiiB2vea oener than he score two runners ahead of ;hlm. anticipated, KIBBLINO-I R.',Dunaganv-Ba-lelgh newspaper correspondent,' Is reported to be nibbling at the idea of entering tha lists with Eure and Wade for -tie, post "of J Secret of State. Dunagan to one of the ve teran capitoau-newsmen- and -aa a Stato correspondent has " haonma known over .the State. He has ''co vred" several sessions of the Ren al AaaemDiy and can call by first names most of, the boys who do things In North Carolina politics. vIth all that in his favor, however, iUe ear-to-the-ground boys . shake their heads a-d opine thev beliova I Tr, Dunagant will change his mind out entering politics and. stick t ) his scribbling. ..... " -"0 - -(' " 1 T BAG Several ate de r. 1 in 's are I ' - '""-Pd Their winning run came late ia the game. y - - . Armstrong, although loosing his first game of the year whiffed 17, walked 1 and allowed- only six hits. Prldgejn gave nine hits walked four and bad six strikeouts to his cred it, t ' tr.,"" , " , Refreshing Relief When You Need a Laxative Because of the refreshing relief it baa brought , them, thousands of men and women, who could afford much more expensive laxatives, use Black Draught when needed. - It ia very economical, purely vegetable, highly effective, -v , Mr. J. Lester Roberaon, well known hardware dealer at Mai ttntnil. Vs., writ: ewtalnlr can recommend Black-Draught as a --Inli4 trn . I bav takan It far eon UM s4 d!l fMllnim mt ' ., au haS 1- 4 II WI SKVlMHSlinr.' A., .'.i.i.-..'.' t r - - m i I it ..iii,4.v;UII I . HIGH SPEED TYPE Wa wtlect fn fcsaf raw materials the haat and biahaat arada rubber and eattoa far tbaHiakt gnaad Tlra. In our factary wa salnl the and aklllad tlra makera ta build thia tira. It la accurately balanead and ri(idlr Inapeatad ana we Know I ii perfect human ingenuity eaamafcalw B745 III ae K II ihu SIZE 4.50-2 4.75-1 5.00.1 5.25-1 5.50-1 I priceTT 3S7.75IH 9i 8.10lb 91 8.80N5 lj 9.7Sn5 SIZE .75-19ND .00-19Hn .25-18MD 1.50-17MD .00-17NOI4.S (price Solos ill.OC 11X.XO ut2aV Otttr Sixtl PnfrUuuttlt Ltw Volume -Direct Purchasing -Straight Line Menufeclurinf end cmcicni ana Economical System of Disiribulina to our O0 Stores end to 10,000 DeeUrs, enebles Fireilona to give you greater values el lowest prices ; -1 1 I, 1 I , I CIMTUMT aUeslikr Bsuni rtcMT ta any wo lld First tradei, budw or asLus liaaa r card lea of by whom man wfaatiirad. - r 81 ZE I PRICK oe-i 4.TS-1 SJS-U s.se-is 7-JO 7-7S 9.M 10.40 OTHM sizes rtOrOKTWNnraTlOW oufliu nn ' Equal or nor to any apa eial brand, tlra manufacturad Sar mase'dla tributora with out the manu faoturar'a lan or suarantaa. $fi05 u 4.40-n 81 ZB 4.10-11 SM-19 S.50-17 PRICE 7 .40 v.ao OTHER SKCS fSOPOHIIOKATELYLOW JtNUNElTYrl Carrlaa tha Flrcatona name and guarantaa equal or aupe rior .to any tira mid. in tbia prioa elaaa. SE50 Jy 140-21 SIZE 4.50-21 1.75-19 3.25-IS 5.50-19 PRICE 0.40 V.oo .7S 0THU SIZES POP0II0NTEttlOW coumb nn Carrlaa tha Firastona anu and suarantaa. Sold aa low aa many Infartor tlraa made to eU at a prioa. SIZE PRICE Ml 4.7S 4.se-n s.aj 1.75-1. f.ff AUTO SUPPLIES AT BIG SAVINGS We save fosi money on every auto supply need for your ;yeatre BATTERIES SPARK PLBG$ IEAKPR00F TUBES 3.' Sealed against , P aW.,, O ',tlont'r air leakage to ft , Hj CL,tf' 4.5e-21 ai.4S Vk1:,A1w J - I f ' -7-Jli f , .r-asr . ' tJl- -WjnS.t, Mstan a tna I'oica o f Inutona aaturlns RUhmrd Ooaai, CiaaV 5warshlt, JValaow Kddy, or Marsarat iipkt anary Monday lUgM aaar N. M. C Strickland Sales and Service Co. : r- 1 5 A 1

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