Mr. b . Mr. 1U. mi I E. M. K - Mr. C. .... 3 a viu., J, ROBERT t. IDV, Edtor-S , tL O. (BOB) MAXKHLL. Conti! ' ' R. 8. OEADY, Clreulatloa I. ' ENTERED AT THE POST OFFICE, KIJANSYILLE, H(,' C AS SECOND CLASS MAIL MATT: X . - - , ; mV RATES OF SUErC. -TTION y( - 't ONE TEAR T.BY MAIL), POSTPAID . .' . SIX MONTHS ,..'.. .W ' ,1, -I,, , , i -'i. ' , i . i : it ' t ' i . i ': ' -A DEMOCRATIC JOUENAL, PIXUSHED BY A DEMO CRAT AND DEVOTED TO T"3 HATE RIAL, EDUCATION- . Al ECONOMIC, AND AGRICULTURAL INTERESTS . OF PCPLIN AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES. v- THURSDAY, JUNE 6ft, IS8 "" ."WITH THE SCRIPTURES "It la required la steward that at bom be found faithful I Cor. 4:. . , t 'N''', , GOLDEN GLEAMS - Life U not measured by the tine we Hve-Crabbe, v - -,-y ." MAXWELL SAYS EXCHANGE BLUE EAGLE WITH MONEY Now It seems a if the Blue Eagle has got In bad. Poor old fel low. I wonder If he will be able to survive long? It Is strange that al- . most every article you read on finance or economics offers so many r : quack nostrums for recovery: many M inem never menuuuiug And still everyone admits that there are millions suffering for food and , - rhn iianiibnt nnnn rhuritv or handouts for their vf .'tin iiiiir wui ale tcmvh.t m.........-. r - ' ; ? physical existence. They have no goods to exchange lor .outer gooas which tney neea. weiiner niw u w rvt-v - vv with, ' The industries cannot give tnem jons oecause mauainajw out i stand in need of their services and are constantly facing strike nd walkouts by those whom they already employ because they, the em rXf ployees feel they are not getting their Just proportion of the wealth they produce. Agriculture is depressed and unprofitable because mtk i lions of would-be consumers have not the money to purchase with, me . . . . - . J 1 .1. ..( .ml ... 111,. 111.4 1 gieav DanKers ana -money rhuoib uava uicu ...... with money that is needed in; business. - But those who need tt most "have not the security' to offer. There 1s absolutely not a sufficient volume of money and-what there Is gets in circulation principally by I being loaned at interest. Hence the bulk of the wealth is in the hands V . of the few who control money and credits, ninety-five per cent of the ' business transactions being on credit. Some "Old Book" says, "The borrower la servant to the lender." If the government would call in all of its bonds and pay them with legal tender paper money and. destroy the bonds, the Interest on the bonds would be stopped, and those who - receive the mdney for them would have to invest it In some way to be profitable.': Also they would have to pay taxes on it while they do not A 'have to pay taxes on the bonds. Since the mistress of t of a king -. 'wheedled him into letting private Interest issue money,, the- money ;mohopolist have never been satisfied and their appetite for that kind r ' -m . . I 1. Mil -. ..A- fc ,UnM . . .... all - powerful, dictating the policies of most governments. ' If our lawmak ' ers had the vistosf and foresight to pass some just monetary laws and :. the moral courage ana sutesmansmp to repeavroe jreaerai Keserve : : ttanx Act ana m Mauonai nana acc ana suma tot rest jusace in ecatiomlo affairs as Jefferson and Jackson did, we. might have real .progpextly in this country; Breadlines and soup houses soon be a jthing - of the past Jails, penitentiaries and Insane saylums -almost or com pletely emptied. As the everlasting struggle or tooth and claw -for .' mere existence on the physical plane prevents the cultivation and operv x ation of the higher and nobler moral and spiritual asperations. blunts reason, dulls conscience and drives millions of people to crimes, such . :,- as dishonestly, theft, murder, kidnapping, insanity and suiside. R.'O. MAXWELL . , ' ' - Gum Branch News ; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kennedy V," spent last Saturday night with Miss Bessie Kennedy. j Mr. Coy Sumner-was the guest of .Miss Grace 'Baker Sunday af ternoon. . Mrs. Mollle Jones visited her fa ' ther, Mr. Jacob "Kennedy Sunday. Mr. C. B. Kennedy also visited Mr. Jacob Kennedy, , - ' Mr. and Mrs. Horace Herring t visited at Mr. ana Mrs. Stephen Kennedy. - ' Mr. and k Noah Kennedy and little children spent last Sunday with Mr. J. M. Kenneay. , Mr. Alex Hall was the guest of Miss Dessie Summerlin Sunday p. m. - i , ; u , Mr. Thurman Kennedy, - Misses Ef fie Han, Thelma, i. Bessie , and Nao ml Kennedy motored over to Sarecta late Sunday afternoon. -Mrs. Enoch Howard spent Satur day night with her'father, Mr. J. E. Kennedy. Mrs. Eddie Hall spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. J.. H. Griffin. of Mr. J. i . ; Sunday night. Mr. To r x i'r E. MHu.i . t Mr. II.- j shter, 'lira. J . v afternoon. Mrs. uerUe r .. , . ,. Sherwood t, ct : 'it with her gran J f . - : - j. u. Kennedy.-:.. ... . . , - ITr. Cordon Ketuit,." T . Herring and Mr. Felix i .. j a business trip to Var9w tt day morning. Mr. John M Kennedy' ma Je a business trip to' Kinston last Fri day. " - - - Miss N. Brinson spent last week with her. altser, Mrs. Jonah Ken nedy, - .; -. " Chinquapin News Mr. N. B. Smith and family near Wallace was the sruent of I'n b- vaua, sir. ana Mrs. W, U. Smith, ins. aunaay aiiernoon, near Chin quapin. .,. . . Miss Dannie Smith la nniin a tew days with her nlr itp. Hay Dell Spooner of Wilminrtnn N. C . " Miss Mildred Parker of nhinnno. Pin is vlsiUng friends In Wilmimr- We are very Klad to know that Mrs. Paris Williams of near rain. quapin is improving. She has been eenousiy ui ror two weeks. , Auss Ella 'Mae WhaiAv . Oladis Thlgpen, and Lois Sander son. was tne guest of Mr. Lacy Moore Saturday afternoon of Chin. quapin. - , aiss Effer Pickets of nhinnua. Pin one of the E. R. A. teachers endlnr her school tnt Wana.... night She served cake and lemon aae to ner class at the. home of Mrs. Paul Ramsey. The onea that was present were Miss Effer Pick- ene. Mrs. Vistula Moore. . Lacv woore HttUU. Mr. Woodrow ITu. treal, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ramsey, air. r-eier a. nut and Miss Cora Alice Fu treal. Strawberry Season -V Summary is II Du.' of Tl do f Co: i t J V ' season Is i 1 prow c f a hia f' ...ure is 1. ,y grower; hist f ""'it ' ' '-res : fit ' - f pastures be Uie mouth tf . those farmers vide' adequate ' their hogs when "the lack is partlculary will no wea owinc a satin l year.vsaid W, cialiat at State 1 yi. the 'belief, held i, ' that pennant sild be avoided or hog pasture i .ated. Medium i it can be raised a close second, a good; on acid . White Dutch ost anywhere If 1. Although not -pedeta makes asses -are far odge, he con ire props nam- . ! mowed occasi eeds down and are tender and ing shoata. s placed on full ' to. marking,' he f o pasuire usea g stock, legumes I"" I'c c t-C i t ou e ... b.s e . pastuie c There U j than a . red clov As. Ice c soils it li can be r the i.uij i quite so i a good r better tl i UnuwL AU ' ed above t onally to 1 to to kev ...a succulent r t When'li ' i : feed pr added, t .:.. but for t..e l . fare prefers...: Among the tu norarv nastures. soybeans are rerhaps th beet. Shay-' observed. Tut' thev should not be fed t t: ;s being finished for the m&.: it since thev nave an undersial t ."fect on the qual ity of the mtut. TOBACCO FLUES Cash or Credit At Lowest Prices You Are Invited To See Our Stock Before Buying . T. A. Turner ink Hill, N. WarsawDry Cleaning Co. WARSAW, N.C. One of the Beat Eqluptoi PUntii la DupliM County: For 2 Weelio WE ARE GIVING : One MOTS PROOF BAG with every twe winter Oarmento .. ' . .,' ' - ". CLEANED AND PRESSED - "'"ri ' - - - f ' WE CALL FOR AND DOUVES ' D.Lfn: r.r. v r- "-575 GUT A. CARnWHi i w.w" AgrieuKural IndustriaJlAgent : snaiR) voast uh uaJuroM Co, The 1935 - Carolina strawberrv season is at an end. As a general thing tne growers have made moo ey and there is reloiclnr in manv homes.-While there was little dift lerence in acreage, 7,600) com pared with last ve&r. vielda wen heavy and the fruit of good quali ty, "z-th. '.. Strawberry time Is always a sea- son of hisrh .- nressure. work', and some confusion, for these persons acnveiy engagea in carrying on the work of the-4nduatrv: and durinr recent seasons changed transporta UoncondiUons have added to the eoafusion both- Within and outirida of the Jndustryi Formerly the rail- rawi' was aepenaeo -upon- to.: take care of the tranaportatloil needs of the shippers, nd -for many -years ue-iioos or oemes-was cared tor with few mishaM movinr bv-mli in an orderly manner over a priv ately owned and maintained road. bed. , But now during the season the berry towns are cluttered tip wiht motor:, vehicles and bay 'day and by night mammoth trucks; be hemoths of the road, are to be jeen plunging and swaying-hurtlinga-long the highways your highways at high speed, endangering lives and property, jmd cracking and crumbling roads that were not con, stnicted to withstand the pounding to which they are being subpected. Wallace and OWbourn are- the chief local markets, but Rose Hill. Burgaw. Teachey, Tabor. City Lftc ris, Mount Olive, CUnton, .Garland and Stedman each have a place in we picture, ew tne first time since the beginning of the industry yeartT r'rhifc TTrT' , ago carlot ahioments of atiiiiS U: 0,,ve- M H E ries were made thU season from New Hanover County -from farms of George H. Hutaff , who has sixty acres of berries in cultivaUon near WngnWDOIUi"'.;,rriJ',;.ti.tJ- Chadbourn is proud, and Justly so, of being the . largest Klondike berry market, while Wallace is the largest market featuring Muwion ary and Blakemore berries. vyrjK 1. There te always s good demand for Klondike and a atudy of i the" daUy : market sheet, shows that this variety consistently TttrinlU. a. premium -. over . Mlssionarye,. and the new berry, the Blakemore. also sells consisteittly for higher, prices than the Missionary.-Both . Blake morai and Missionary plants gene rally yield a larsrer number of ntm of berries per acre than , do Klon- aiKe. , ' r' . As mentioned, prices were good ranging- on local markets during the height of the season from 1.50 to $4.80 for Klondike, from 11.50 to $4.40 for Missionary, and from $1.75 to $4.50 for Elakemores., ; It la interesting to note , tist berries 'transported bv rail, aceori. ing to Government market re "ori s on several days, sold la New Yc 't and Boston for aub-stnnUr7 1' V er ri'nps f-n i" I r- t - Thous::3ForThe 1 Heme r '"Jtr'ir, u ' oodman! it whs ther of the good old gentlemen to i .e his children feel that homs the happiest place in fha 'was . . r-d I value this delicious noL.e-lw . i s voe of the choicest gifts a nerceot can be stow. W Irving. . 'The Strength of a nation is in proporUon to the .number of its virtues, mat IS, or its natural hom es, founded uoaa aunrema affan. tlons. -Joseph Cook'" ' - i... .-, r" ' - 5' it, j 14 proposition; a wom of, sense, married to the rieht man. , can do anythlng.-jGa HajnUton,1 , ; . Hail ve im&ll rmirtMtM nf for omootkdo mAko .the YVt)j M 4k lltram, 'fff.i. no. atiJ Kiaiiii "Twv. Jft.jf srv ),v aiu fclOfcWVJf , which begot Incline tiu; to love at lsu ii is ye wuo open uie door and let the .stranger, in. home. It' takaa at .'leaat tn in make a cheerful table. Shun res Uuranta and dine with your wife, :auuot unknown, t ( . . , In. arood temner will Win more victories t t UlcTlust U 'one Will eateh fMaa nrith houey than with k tar. Dulce iwnum. t iratlouftl 1 ire) V a mi tli ; I t ' ? t ct in r ; ' v ! " 'i f 3 V ill! i, r jiier 1 e r Cnce nu , ' r i i 'V i 'o Your Dance", e'io.- i. t at t e Vuo- tin next Kont!ry end Tuv. ' y. T' t ,t is he . Jvd by a i '--t re ms':K'.le team, Al Jo; ',m, sfp-e and s-reon star who Intrcduc 1 1 e picture, and h's wife, Ruby v 1 V li 1 a .i ci ii. iim i e. t:c ! t'.e famo ' 1 ' : ")id I ; , ' : . . t", is niit oii'y .", I t ia int .-is-i t .iiii&tic ninn.uiits a a nioi't fascinating ro- and Al Duutn v tuiu-a were written bv a team of Harry Warren C j r'l the s i ' s a, i - i t Ly a ru: t -di to. .ive clears up t! o mj a most amazing climax. j'-- . i mt -- ....... t "The Case of the Curious Briila" I a f,., v... a j latest of the First NaUonal melo- die Cooper and leased by the Couii- r nna tire wv,. , . .1 - star who rose tofamel Matt0 thrlilera to be ty Home of Duplin County wa. in the lastoi , filme(? under the aUf!Plcea ? the ! burned Tuesday , evening at 6:00. Never before have Ue two nlav- iubtwi,llM 8hown 'or the;The house was occupied by one of ed .together. !5 e'totafe?' the tamates " the Home wh" the spotlight from f other." But I. Enidkon'tha,.t l!la. MK5. r.?flyf19' "a " wb ' j .wtuf in very iceuie uiiysiueu conai . u113 picture they work together Erle Etanlev Gardner"- whteh' fl I ZL ""-;.T..:l aa a perfect romantic tAJtm. joiaon Bhowa more v of his ' uvu, j waa cuviio iu 1,11c uuuoe al til ran thA Vkrlllionf nrlmlnnl loi.r.,n. 1 - , 'aih . " "7 r. T. ui .urae ine .lire,; ana when time nerve, both In hi. singing and 1 tur. cse- hZ thZ' a . -nebboTa saw the he and ran his acting, than he has dtsolaved ! J? T . .. throUKh 8e , to thj rescue they had to force the In any other pictured m- iri.e" . "tound!nr adventures in old colored man from the house. with Miss Keeler seems to have kJT. - TO Wv.C . Hcurlou He was moved o other quarters at given h.m an : unusual Ji, r " ' " " As a Broadway entertainer.; in 1L. husbands. - . nelghbor arrlved at the the picture, he is barred fromt . The young bride is married to a fire it had gotten a eood start in , the celling . near the mantle and De some water was thrown on the fire w prciure, ne is Barred from! t "v'rt T v TT ' """.". fire, it had gotten a good start in the New York stage because of his rich; bu "P0" y"th. be-, the celling . near the mantle and fondness for the-"nonni. ... neving her first husband to be anm tv.t n, . , . CM ff , . . , V vvw VHiynii via U1C alio ao wine an women. After sharing 'fa. turns out, howver. that but enough was not t hand to honors in a little danelnir airi n Placed wooden cigar-store CK,ck , f (rfl.. M m..H a mid-West town n at.; . Indian in a casket to fool his wife comeback that sets tha tha..i nd authorities. ; After'her iw't i (tni,t u n, j worid aflame.; ; . ;vt w jriage he trns up to blackmail hetma& put too much fuel on the fire. is as sweet and win-; """" . " b""b aii of the furniture that was fn some as ever as the dancing part-."6 found dead in his a-the house was saved. '.The build nerwho is unable to Aide her love Partm" , "V 8ta tag was 'a two room structure for the great entertainer although j biB '. -1 made jnostly of lightwood with a . - - " ur, .Having I wuo is tu-resieu, oui mason sningie top, and made a very hot iwien or the wiles of'ac blues, flnda four other persons who has fire. No other houses' were near Singer, the Wife Of the Vino- n h. mnilvmi tn kill tha man . -V v t. a i . . underworld. "v " " . - C"6" w '5 Helen MorraiT - W ? wwa, BHUgCg CUlU piano sitter,, is given a bigger part than usual. Her ainin . . but stoe also has an Important role " "er woman and rival of Miss Keeler for the love of Jolson. the entertainer... Sha hdi.. . " a.aiaai mat LUX" ficult part with artistry, . CUenda Farrell is the same wise-1 ing, hard-boiled character she usually portrays, although In thlsi Picture she is not the gold digging tyoe. hap antira-w . . keeping her , brother, Al JoiU. I from ruination through his own f ol ! ly. - Her work Is faat nri and. adds no end-to the rolllcKing humor of Jhe producUon. . SI1!? , W.h0L? "PUoiiayy fine work include Barton MacLane, Bha Lynne. Pauy Kelly and pui Kegan. - .- 'Bobby ConnoUy,1 famous director-of stage and screen inusIcaJi has outdone all his hravi. ,. with the spectacuiar dance ensem bles he created and staged for this picture. I SMOKE j CAMUS STEADILY. I THEY'RE 30 f MILD-THEV 1 NEVER GET MY WIND ! ! . AS A CONSTANT SMOKER I AGREE WITH MR. SARAZEN I AROUT CAMEL'S MILDNESS. AND I NEVER TIRE OF - A THEIR FLAVOR! v t.-jn ; ion gol.'r c. ; i Oupi m:'-Tli?atre" .u" li..... Jk... 1 '. i " .-..--'- -- ' a. a l, . . i . i Go Into Your Dance 1 . Selected Shorts - ' MATINEE MONDAY 8:S MONDAY-TUESDAY Al iolaoa and Buby Keeler WEDNESDAY ONLY BARGAIN DAY' - - - - " i -Warren William and Margaret Lindsay - The Case Of The . Curious Bride Also News Matinee 8:50 -n JRroVram Week' ! "Bee inning: June 10 ii THURSDAY ONLY . 4 Mary Jafte'sPa, i With Aline MacMahon and Guy I " ,- Kibbee' -J ! , - , FRIDAY - , Chester Morris in . I've Been Around I. -I: I IT."-: day evening. . sir. l lira. Tinner of Mt, Olive enter! (4 at d. r Che Goklsboro liotel, honoiii i Mr. E, D. Pollock, a sister of Mrs. . .Covers were laid for twelve at a beautifully appoh t '1 1' i with its three bowls -of m' if - era. A threecourse dinrr was 'ved. . GuesU at his c r v . le: LV and Mrs.E D,! I 'o 't, l'r. c Mrs. Q..L. West fM J 4 West of Warsaw, Mr. I J. E. Pollock.of Mrs. Jack G!' r t p-r. Clarence I tt Souveniors w 1 he honoree r- .-,. , e'iver la her p MraGlisson, 1 i -.. tv given a set of L it vi ..3.'ny,, - - westerner "Gun Fire" The following people will receive FREE passes to this Thea-tre'any day next week if they will present this program to the ticket window: Mrs. Les Williams, Kenans vllle; Mrs. O.'P. Johnson, Kenanaville; Mrs. '3. V. Gooding, Kenansvllle; Mrs. J. -E. Jerritt, Kenans vllle; lis. Ben Bowden, Warsaw; Miss Martha Swinson, Friendship; Mrs. Street Kornegay, Warsaw; Mrs Albert Dobson, Magnolia; Mrs. A. W. Mallard, Rose Hill and Mrs. T. A. Bardin, Rose Hil). 3 ' ""2 Iniprorir- C AT..PHICi:.j YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY 1 Thfe County f been bavin ? t - leve'ed -dm . hoped Uiat Luts L cd and sown i t fore. The Town C , TO " T it .auriU. V A : ouncAri flTT?" rTO" MARIIET. . ' i Ann Gor::: over cojipj ::tely in Tii-Y ARE PUT 01 THE t r t 1 JTO CO. 1 1 1AJIY7ELL, Rep.

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