3LISHED EVERY THURSDAY s THURSDAY, JUNE 13th., 19S5 NUMBER ti IS u ILL-,-IT. C 3. 'TIJTY'ACNT'S ;COLU:.IN ; :y L. U McL-NDON, ' . ' -In Survey!, g Crop f ' ,i '.i-hlp su; srvteort will be- eosuring co-.'.on and tobacco d acres today, and to check "te compliance with the con All farmers are expected 1 are asked to assist In measur es planted acre or to. desig to asslBt With this t if he la not able to be present very necessary that the farm- e this arrangement as the I ton cannot 1 continue - 10 visits to his farm. ' e case of the cotton the f ar- expected to designate ? by i or some other means those ted to the Government tin t : cotton contract. This ill be pushed as rapidly as and every effort will , be i complete the task before )g begins in order to save i inconvenience as possible. Exemption Application Must Be Filled Out i r TUe 8th, 7th and 8th of June " , . - . SffSSff 2 Home Demon-a:on A-ant ?vtSrDSMakes A Good Report;: 496 t 'pug to be signed before the com' i.teemen " '- ' " , ' ' : A ereat many of these applica ntygenT.o , ZZJZ&SZte ?wer who does not make applica- ;. tions have been returned to : the t n f or them. . wo applications cuiirr 'e after June 20th and it is ! . I.' '"i'v necessary for . these to be secured prior to that Froduotlon of Hay " , n of the most satisfactory i-t 1 r(yn(tPij buy ci farms in . ..y a hay of ex ; 1 -' y is by planting very is cy pmimn vr. rs about three feet rs.- -As 1 ft ' 1 1 rows i or . in height cultivate them aud then plant a row of Cow. Peas In the middle. Tata allows me eoy- beans not to become crowded by, the cow peas and gives a mixture that is palatable to all classes of livestock ft and 'One Wg In feed value. This hay should be; out when soybeans begin to bloom and mi ib-vcb yi ovj cow peas are stlU reen and noti" "heddlne: from the Plant, ' If cut at . , IhiS Stage ail ox me .awniwui still ding to the plants when theinrn. , . durmt m ng bay cured ; ... ' .. ; . There is suu ome ior pianimg meetings during May was pr" " 7r". , -? :;asr.r-.S-1Sii ; ' Lyman News Mrs.' Bllley Whaley spent week end with her parents, .nt ura ' Kit Hunter. u ." ..Jick .Larder.' spent last week, with his grand-mother. Mrs. D. W. Maready --rf- -r;. . ;a 1 ; Mrs. W. rv Lamer sp"" ,u - day with Miss Dorothy Lanier' : - Mri. rry Sandlin of Winston dainm visited friends here last week: ' ' s ; ' )'"-",? , - .' Mr.'and Mrs. .Hugh .'Hunter spent Sunday in Magnolia. .- . v r' -' ' Mr .and Mrs. Jack Lanier spent ' Sunday .with Mrs. and Mrs. ;G. ece.' . ' Friends here wish a speedy Te ' coveryifor Mrs. Joe Williams. Littls.Joan Reece entertained a number of her. little friends at a brithdav party Saturday, after noon. This being her second birth ' am ucuiR uc large cake upon j whiclv day. " A wad placed ced the tenter of the- tawe. ;me guest were served pundh and cake. ",,7 toelr aummer train-1 Rose HiU:-Mary Lou .WUklns, JIb but Naomi Moore, Vienna Moore, Lu erjoyeff on Ihe lawn, The hostess . -.gourcef ulness of ,1U cile Ward. s ' received several f membfrstni, Teethe church has' Clinton :-Nlda Robinson, Betty sent were, R. H. Lanier Ji "dwta lred property.near Watha at Carter. Wllda Robinson, . Hazel Lanier, D. C. Lanier. Eloiae Brown. gutoB ,8, Neck. The Robinson. Dixie Knowlee and Rac Tlney Maready. HWwOwtor. Jc-community is being rapid- hel Roblnaon. . , : , 7-' -Shirley Carter, Glennle Lanier, and ;tudy j' Greensboro:- Addle Ford. Mrs. Sharon Lanier. - v Jomg people ta now ln progress. France. Buttles, Marjorle ' Leslie T ', The property was, deeded the Unl-' Frances Buttles, Majorle eslle, SnOW Hill NeWS 1 IversalUts by the Alliance of Unl- Maiden. Mass.; Mary Lee Shine. .hnd'ren mrotofKornwaT J, iss Dorotny Kornegay .. t Mr and Mrs. S. J. wauer anu . Mrs D. S. Waller enieriaineu :. v ,it ii Catnrvlav P TUT u uiuiwa " : ').; : - i ia -..- 1 rra r F. Herrin&r and children , 7; wi7.m TimiiinM of 'x"vPir Mill section Sunday Taft Herring and children Ii-S Eari Herring and baby d in the Scotts Store commu- ' a U1B , 1 . . . : . t ouuuu r. . . and Mrs, awin xiuil ai.u xnent Sunday at Mr. D. B. ml Mrs Edirar Outlaw and -illel. -ws Lena and ' , ,;,'t -ini!..vat -3k ' " res In Duply's 'Above is pictured from left to tv Home Demonstrator. Miss Ruth Swinsou and Mr. May, Assistant County Far-a A jj:.t. Eyrd and 1 Mr. Byrd were the winners In the I son was also 4 eompetitor In this Women Attended Meetings 17 Group Meetings ' V -T;, ai LUI OUJUJ lii v 5 ' ..; -' 1 j ; 4 - it llealtn COnieSl Held; Duplin Rates. )' ' " '' ' ' ' ' During the month of Me 'teen club meptingswere,.' f women with an attendant v . .... Eighteen new mcmbfs " ?. Jch t , e en- 9 t'e ing U- - -'-' " made, a score of loo during xne month and aufverage o six pw- . ; . lMfcw. i-,,,. contributions at J meettogs; " mevep. hundred'and fifteen mils 7.,ZI ,r tb .."" C- .ti, y.7ta? people e.S thSh of He" cat aeent'S office .One hundred ana ""J" --..-. ( ... .(, JZ- , wdlvld .t.tm'BBUryamtumywuTut--'ThB old church buildlngi jTk..iii. - also a competitor- In this contest now used . has been serving the wnJv uiiiwiw mi attributed - and 2000 wm.' Every member .ttendlB1E ri m,i.nrf wwwnrir " ' . ' ' . ! ' . . -lCaTmyrmi )W.,.", rt.mnn.tration f1InuHn ,nt, were demon- Btrated. j of oiled floors; 2. 1 LCI OUj- -i Vt- VV . . ...I . . j.'- .n'i aI ")mmiBh ,noors and woodwork; 4. Care of VL woodwork; 5. Care of paint ,K!TZ ni ihlrnitiir.- 7. Care of Linoleum;' 8. RenovaUng Printed Unoleum; 8. How to make, a treated floor mop; 10. How to Universalists Are Holdirig; Institute At Shelter Neck : w The L'niversallBt Church In, Kmllna this voar ifl enlOVinK SUm- Carolina .y." ""577,.. i.t-- i During the school daye Rev. W. V"Z . ? tariau mrumcu, n j v,'- n. pw j I ducting a class. Rev. John T. Fits- geraia or oeveu fub i-.wi- in on Church History, Mias Sallie Wilklns gives a ; course dealing) with "Famous Americans", Miss Edna Williams has oharge of the music and Rev. H., U Canfleld of r u, AonVa "rhirront . Hlv. riMananAM TMiriira , . .!, Wan Tnnwlnv. ... ,--.- morning ana wm iuo oiiu.jr, Mrs. John E. Williams an d Mrs. 1 Glennle Outlaw are house mothers Of the Institute. ' Young people attending the In- jstituteare: ' j c.t'iw's rri-'ze: LtTloy r.m - 4-II VJ 'Zi Vcrk rlg - t: them. Prs'. Byrd sad C ' ' r. r. V-m L, Duplin J CoateetL s Bwl contest." ' ' ' V 1 ttZwSZSt JJ? !-jS Wl IU wuaa aa(r rff ' 7r:, TJ ... J. .iL, k niotiim a rnom- fter patching all boles in tbe waU Is: ZTtlZ aU hole, in tbe waU l,, neclosed. After nntohimc 1 family decided to finish th 'other rooms Of the bom also put up ' wreens ana muw oux- side t ' t. . 11'" r re ten memoers i;i ! 1 "7 f I it (4 esv to-lm- -gme t- y t v sm 'now. -J comforts- tb-Jt t-elr fc' 9 is r I'l a 1 '.1 nvk. . Am mtoa aa poaaiuU j wju (Ubmit. other pictures of underway. 4 a ill. r j 1 , 4 - ' JtatttJByiv a.Carsvi Btd ww - wtnnera tat th- Dp 1 Contest and wew earried to Lum-' last Monday by the Home -1 to Wlth . bcoiw ior una uunnci. vuuuv follows: Ruth, Byra, VI; UrJ,. aminauon Rum Byro scored to ana 1MU. Small from Jones County W j ,. aHiw Itufi teU mar W. J. Gibson, also tram Jones and was therefore eU nlnate - " ' ( - It wal rrattfying; to know; that rnn ijiifi in1 winun wan ovmr - 12 . : counties of the district ana wan Just a Uttle attention to one or more minor defects we sb J expect these two contestants .to carry orr the honors for tbe entire district next year. ' ' " - mons, Ben Frank Outlaw, Annie j s Nellie ' Patterson, Adolph Patterson, Gar-i Fits-1 gerald, ' Bryant, Clinton, and Mrs. , Norma' !a - . r.v, . jr , i --- - , "; .. -.j , amTWkT rnTTrt .-v-w h GETTING NEW COAT ' . -' - Stanford rresDytenan nurcn In the north-western part of the county to getting a new coat; this I. Mr. Ben spring. The men of the church night with hav hull th KMif DBlnted SJld arft' i : - nlnnnlnr tn nnlnt the bodv of the TZ" .V , s n v ..., .- , 1 Services are held in this church 5 every Sunday afternoon at s H:80 , and proarhlng sorvlres twice a mo at 3:ED. 1 r-eaching is ibr'i c 1 f.e f- 1 1 ! r - nys .f r - zens flnii'nfvl 1 Co. Seat gov. jure being dr-I ter oi communir asking that the s Commissioners ton to secure for da which may be 4 Federal Gov jmmediate' esta- tlon of a Coun j. County Seat; ' 5 been agitated by i aunty's outstaad. vera! months and' ) concrete action -a of these petfr t..s tf t Lor; 3 i t : L ava emu. bl hi. ty Ho-; . This r. a number Ingeitli'. is cry . with t! tlons. J been a dreds a The I bout tv vllle it for tte Home I ' of names have : ', ,nany more' hua- i fme located af' mm or . enanH- p. i as the- location 1. '' The:ounty ery little good, as ; not, enough ",tb nance.. -The borne could very ; well .iis for beginning Justly ! at it i be ust.i the wo. Far: AtC union Held jtlaw Home i A family' re-union of the late Mr. and Mrs. Gi jeW. Outlaw-was, held Sunday V the Old home-place which came t4 V surprise to; the ' youngest me er,- miss lmir, woo Most of we lanu rcb before, gather ftnion. , A : bountiful ved -at the noon wing children With . , their faimu jre present. Mr, and 1 aw, Mr. and Mrs. rs,,.i... v. y " "" uul: UOutlaw. J 4hd Mrs, Mock Out' " ; pTuT" Mrs, . O O . law of Goldsboro - - - - ; ' Za? I-t wm - r l r - " -"ven op " Shad Spow d Edd Orady who Hla Outlaw. Dur- thf';- uTIJUii.I-4 Sru a was enjoyed:;- ' i - v ,",,(" ; , T iRockfish Church ' '.. - . - -. 1 1, !-'-'' - ocmgri xvepdireu Wallace,' June 13. Rockfish : Presbyterian Church, one of .the oldest churches in the State, and "t ,ne I I ..... ... t conrregauun for about fflty 1 years. Work has been begun on , c the , M and "'oSST rTb ' 6 " " ;r" " smauer windows tnan are now in the church and Cose the two front Wu him Alia nna all. trance in the front of the build- I in g. . This will make it necessary 1 to make some minor changes on , tbe inside of the Building : also. The , uwu"" v .w , w , 411 1 L i. Z remodeling when complete will make this church one of the most attractive in, the county.. Rockfish church bad its begin-: ning in 1736, and has been, in con- tinual service since that time. The , present building is the third struc- i ture that the church, ,oas had dur- ing its long period of service. Rev- W. P. M. Currie, -of Wallace, has been serving this grand old church for more than a quarter of a cen- . - 'J -' " t ' I nney, UrOVCXeWS ' , iv , i Ti i 111 ,1. J , Miss Mamie Sutton and Mr. Bill Tuesday afternoon at 4:00. J. L. Sutton were visitors of Miss Ver- wiliams of KenansVile presided, da Jones Saturday .P. M, . . . i The ways and means of giving .- Mr. and Mrs. ,W, CL -Barnette better service to the public was were visitors nf jdr .and. Mrs. I the theme of the meeting. Mrs. N. Jones Saturday. : " 1 - Wilson of Warsaw spoke on the Mr. L. N. Jones and family and ways to handle insured packages, Mrs, Albert Wiley visited relaUves x and other features of the Post Of at Mt Olive Sunday.- . , . ffce work and' stated that the pub- Mr, BllKButton was k visitor of !)lc appreciated all that was done Bertie Ray Smith Sunday - . , for them. Miss Leah Frank of Mr. Ben Hlnes visited Miss Bon- Jacksonville spoke of some of the nie Jonea late Sundav P. M. 1 rules that the public should know ttWOOd WM Ua Jones late Sunday P..MV - , ' ' -h. Q,,ttnn tn r.f Verda Jones late Sunday P. M. . Ui F.irrmr Turner. Mr. Bill sut- 'ton. Orson McCatter. and Elbert mu aitenaea a .now w ivmsion .Saturday night ' : Mr. Ben.Hines spent Saturday : Mr. Attwood Lee.. . .1 ORAZY TOBACCO TAOS n T .-r wTTr aw nprnnr , T - . j. 'nr.. ... The ,Ci give a c Pridge S J -ne ?"1 a " J Th nraev Tobacco Taes wlil roncert at the Outlaws School on Thursday night,; h. Everyone is extended J invitation ts t'tend. 'GRADUATES - Edward Cobb Outlaw ; Who graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy in Annapo lis last week. Outlaw received Ills commission and after a two weeks: stay at home will go to the Pacific Coast where he will go on duty on the U. S, Ship Indianapolis. Ensign Outlaw is going to the Indianapolis at the request of Commander Do nald Patterson of New Bern, Outlaw is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Needham Whitfield Outlaw of Goldsboro. His pat ernal grandfather was Need ham Bryant Outlaw of Duplin County. He was the youngest mem ber of the Annapolis graduat ing class being only 20 years oldA .. 4 m ,. i, o - Hiarhwav From Faison . ; au viuuvii rn(rflrtiftn A ' " T;., . Zt.L .TTZT. : "" 'T'J"' " 7: 7. . consirioiion. rronueaison 10 iia ton.- For-many years there Jg modern highway: between these,1" t"cac"- another step of progress for this community. This new highway will ther, Mrs, Eva Rouse at Uddell. be hard-surfaced. I Misses Rachel and Lucy Outlaw At first as thia highway was e;iast week for Mars Hill Sum being laid out it was planned that mer cno01- this highway was to intersect1 Mrs. Bettie Outlaw, Randolph Route 40 on Soloman Street. May- and Mavis Outlaw spent Sunday tne p, b a Sway wU toteiteW or martin, however, secured a on main Street, automatically se- curing a hard-surfaced road rhrnllch Matn Qtmat thia nm. miinitv , i will be taken out and thus reduc- -;4ri - - - : "r "' " 'J J l? i.uuiir,cuiu m.u 'J ... JfreSbyterian berVlCeS T ci,TTT T -r, nALd V 1C Sundav School st in no Sunday School at 10.00 , Preaching at 11:00 STANFORD Sunday School at 2:30 Preaching at 3:30 You are invited.to attend. ; ril i 1 KnCtma Ctfr W 1 v w v m ' w Over MeetingPostal Workers The Trl-County Service Council 'of postal Employees met in the school auditorium in Kenansville " TS Just one side of Uie package and she advocated the putting on ln the schools by the various postmasters educational talks telUng the youth now u aoaresa Vwbk --r"7 r; "r"--' - ; jelc - 8ne wso toucnea on w. we recenv regulations p , o. keep me postal mum cu- aim .w, 11 iVlnrvfl fVnf AAiinf ' TDr. UUIcl -Milan l.llli.gt vsiavv vwuim. - -w-i ti fi ,K ViiVIHIfio trt tTlA nmtm tsl avlne instead of . th the BaDy . - - ... .... . ... wuuua v. seem to feel that the people resent navmg to give ine vaiue 01 insureu anu registered packages .She insisted that an pacttages tnat are 10 oe insured should be wrappea secure-: 1 ftfi Ynnnar P..-.rli l4.cf In . W .":. v --. a, V.UIJII. 1I1UL 111, t;; it. - I " ' Warsaw Church Friday Mrs. Rogers Guest Speaker Duplin Desperado Es capes But Recaptured . A. W. Petit who is serving 45 years in state prison for bank and highway robbery in this county, was one of the five men who es caped after slugging a guard over the head with a piece of iron, in a field on the Calendonla " Prison ! farm in Halifax county Monday af ternoon. The convicts flea from the scene into a nearby swamp and Petit is among those who were ca ptured Tues'day. Petit is remembered in Duplin county as the clever bank robber who turned state evidence in the trial after the first robbery of the Bank of Magnolia and was given a short term in prison. He made his escape from the prison camp and in a short while returned to the Magnolia bank for a second robbery which was unsuccessful. Petit and York, his companion were lorcea 10 mae in ine wooas of Duplin county until recaptured by Duplin Officers just south of I Beulaville. He is now serving term for this second robbery. - o OUTLAW'S BRIDGE The Home Demonstration Club will meet with Miss Pauline Holm es next Monday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. All members are urged to be present. The Crazy Tobacco Tags, who broadcast for the Crazy Water Crystals Company over W. P. T. F Raleigh will make their ap pearance at Outlaw's Bridge School building, June 20th at 8:00 o'clock. Admission 15 and 25 cents. Tkln la Vvoi n cr ennnonraH Viv tVlP A- M "JS. te few days last Week with her mo- with Mr .and Mrs. joe nerring near Snow Hill, Greene County. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sutton and family of Deep Run were guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Sutton Sunday. ra H P Ohpatniltt. of Sum- merlin Pmu Rnnrt silent several davs last week with her daughter Mrs. Charlie Vernon. Master Alonzo Outlaw of Dover was among visitors at Church Sunday. Mr., and Mrs. D. H. Outlaw and daughter, Elizabeth of Mt. Olive were visitors here Sunday after noon. !, n. f, Aamm.wt , at LIMESTONE CHURCH 0 June On Sunday, June 16th at the morning and night services Albert tlnU Tw IK ...in 1,1 ITironoraliat ! T.. 'l..L ",,7 "'7 UI Augusta, vra., wilt ia.11 qi Limestone Advent Christian Church near Potters Hill. The pub lis is cordially invited. 1 ll ITIft f rftSldGS - ly. Arrangements should be made i Miss Margaret Jones of Kenans to get all perishable packages out ' villa in company with four of her of postoffice at once. The Address ' friends left Tuesday for an extend to the carriers was made by Mr. , ed trip through the United States. McNair Johnson of Willard. Mr. The party will travel by car and Johnson got a good start with a plan to follow the southern route joke and then grew serious and west going through Texas, and called to attention the many chan- Colorado and turn south into Mex ges that have taken place in the ico. The party will then follow work in the past two decades. He the Faoific cost through California, built his remarks around the in- On the return trip they plan to vis scriptlon written on the Post Of- it Yel!ow Stone Park and follow flee Building in Washington. "En- the Jioithern route back east. The larger of Common Life, Consoler party plans to spend about a mon of the Lonely, and Bond of Parted th on the trip. Friends." He showed the great op- Miss Bertha Mae Shaffer of portunity that men had today to Kinston is spending her vacation do as they worked in the Post Of- with Her parents, Mr. and Mrs J flee work to be a friend to man. W. Shaffer. Janet Dobson of Kenansville. r 4.1. sang beautifully two selections AIlHOUnte iSlTin which everyone enjoyed. ' Kenansville, June 13. Mr. and The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Robert Bowden, of Kenans Wallace on the second Tuesday in ville, are the proud parents of a September. -- fine son, James Robert, who was . ' A ft Ihfl VtiBlMiUa aAt th Kniil Simrifl1 aftM.nrtn ;lA1,W V. U WMHIM HaaWll ' UW group retired to the lunch room' for a social get-to-gether and pic. nlc supper. Announcement was made of the postmasters convention to be held in unariotte on juiy sra ana 4tn. and of the Rural Carrier's conven- uon to ne neia w Chapel Hill at the same time. , . , , vtll B.O- 11 LVftsV't'A7V Training Union ; l. ELECT OFFICERS ' W. F. Blackmore Elected New Pres. The Eastern Associatlonal Baot- fist Training Union met with the : Warsaw Baptist Church, Friday evening; June 7 at 8.00 o'clock. One hundred and eighty six young people from thirteen chur ches in the association enjoyed the splendid program arranged by the President, Mr. W. F. Blackmore. The guest speakers were M1S9 Zu la Rogers, Southern Regional Ju nior Intermediate Leader, Rev. Boyce Brooks, Southern Regional President, and Miss Winnie Rickett B. T. U. State Secretary, all of which gave helpful advice in B. T. U .work. Miss Rickett urged us to remember that B. T. U. mem bers bear the name of Christian, and to live accordingly; also to give Joyously to Jesus Christ. The following officers were elec ted for the ensuing year: President ..Mr. W. F. Blackmore Vice-pres. ..Mrs. F .W. McGowan Sec. Treas. ..Mrs. T. H. Williams Junior-Intermediate Leader Miss Ruth Murray. Chorister Mr. Jake Buie Pastor Advisor, Rev. H. G. Bryant A District Leader was elected for each of the five districts. At the close of the meeting the Warsaw and Kenansville B, T. U.'s entertained all present in the Sun day School rooms. Refreshing pun ch and wafers were served. Kenansville Items ... , . amp -rirff-- .r- Mr. James Wilson; student at the Medical School at Duke Uni versity and a son of Dr. R. M. Wil son of Korea is visiting Miss Edna Mae Newton at the home of her parents here. Miss Sue Lee has returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Williams from Blackstone, Vir ginia where she has been in school for the past year. Miss Lee was a member of the Senior Class of the highi school department of Black- stone College. Walter McLendon , student at Carolina has returned to his home t here. I Willie Murray, student at Caro- . Una returned to his hom near Ko. ansville last week. Vance Gavin, returned Monday to Wake Forest College to attend the summer session there. Louise Wells left Monday for Greenville to attend the first ses sion of the E. C. T. C. Summer school. Dr. and Mrs. G .V Gooding, Miss Kathryn Sitterson and Miss Mat tie Bray Rradshaw left Monday af ternoon for Washington, D. C. to attend the Shriners convention i there. Dr. Gooding also hopes to atiena part of the session of the Medical Meeting in Atlantic City. Mr .aid Mrs. P. D. May and P D. Jr., have moved to Kenans ville and are planning to make their home here. Mr. May is em ployed by the county and state as an assistant in the Farm A- j gent work. . ... . J m,.mwu. o 1 .: The Brunswick County corn 1 crop is reported in excellent con- ditton with all. other crops grow- lng well. . .-.-..;..-: . much colon m uampson uoun- ty has been planted for the third tune with a poor stand soil be mg secured. . , TTTS ' O a

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