31T v The Duplin opens 1 Its pre; . Monday with, some .very urn: attractions for tneVeek. t rung me wee& wijuara rowea i- . i Ginger Roger will play in " f of Midnight". For the i ' , attraction. Jack Holt t ''. t s f a i In The Defense Rests", Saturday Westerner v j In The Night" wim The following; s the pictures will be i . Presenting Wr". i S Ginger Rogers, two f t well and a screen's outstanding favorite, and telling a story replete with nystery, sua- pense, romance and comedy, "Star of Midnight" is a delighuully en- tertalnlng and completely absorb- Ing picture, . , Powell and Miss Rogers, teamed for the first time in this RKO - Radio production, are obsolutely at field, both veterans of the stage home in roles made to order for and screen , are prominently cast their talents. As a modern Sher- in supporting roles. Leo McCarey, lock Holmes and Dr. Watson com- recognized throughout filmdom for bination, they work to solve a mur- his comedy work, directed "Rug der mystery. Their detective team gles of Red Gap." ; -work is unique, to say the least, 1. 1. ; o V',- with the "delectable Miss Rogers MORE ' providing more laughs and . heart j throbs than clues, although she does inadvertentlv muiut to nra-! vide Powell with the key to the whole mystery. ' " ::; The well-conceived, closely-xmi plqt moves gaily .at times and at other times with stark tensity to ward a hair-raising climax, v The -romantic theme is subtly woven in to the main story. , - SuDDortine . nerformances bv lie Fenton, Paul ' Kelly, . Russell Hopton, J. Farrell MacDonald and a long array of other capable per formers, are excellent. Morgan and Lockbart are ' particularly enter taining. i Stephen Roberts, the . director,' has imparted just the same name by that master of mystery fiction the late. Arthur Somen Roche. Ho ward J.r Green, Anthony Veiller and Edward Kaufman -did a grand job with the adaptation. - "Star, -'of Midnight;', 'presents rvwuKuu ium nueiw u men best in a really outstanding story and, as anyone knows, that means , bnwant entertainment ' , . ine amusmg account or wnat wiUiam Pokton and L Major ment was continued. . v -happens to a perfect English but- Hulbsrt chareed with drunk and t. Rn.Hr Phd tth the plot and story of aramount'a wttw w, ncu uiy, The picture .adapted from Harry Leon Wilson's, famous storyi first published in the Saturday Eveninar ' Post, features Mary Boland, Char- j Sr".. uug, icaau Pitts and Leila Jlyams in support of iaughton.'.,f - ; ; ; ' "Ruggles '' adventures . begin when his titled master loses him to an American .'.tourist and hislty of assault with deadly weapon, The most finely balanced You golf better - with BALANCED CLUBS- In all wavi Aristocrat of the low-price field ' -v 'Master De Luxe , . "GHLlWODsG? r i ir'of IVl rire Ne:: i a poker game. On his first i 1 :a new job, Ruggles takes oberant master out to view i's aijt galleries and winds i v. i .h him in a drunken spree. Xack to Red Gap, P. S. A.,; a crude but stimulating . Western town of the 1900', goes "Ruggles' with hia American emDlovers. And 1 t'"e j when his master introduces him to Is "Voice (th- society big-wigs of Red .Gap I Coy. 1 1 as Colonel Of the English Army. . ; two of "Ruggles" becomes the social fa cing. ! vorate of the towu, , . t . "Ruggles' " former master turns up in Red Gap to find a completely altered ' butler who engineers his lordship into a romance with a lovely American i lady. Finally, i "Ruggles" himself finds romance with the town's leading widow and . becomes the town's leading restau- rateur. " 1 Maude Eburne and Luclen tattle- COUNTY COURT i weapon. Given 90 days on ' the ' roads, suspended on condition that, each pay a fine of $10.00 and court I costs. Roland . Thigpen, charged i with violating the fishing law, was , given a nol pros. In the case of Carl Miller, char ged with - assault with a deadly weapon, prayer for judgment was continued. - . Chancey Chestnutt was given 6i months for possession' of whiskey, He gave notice of appeal. '; : , Nathan Shaw was given a 4 mon ths sentence . for . possession of , whiskey for the purpose of sale. Yancey Gamer and Daisy Gar- ner, charged with assault with a " -:" " prayer for judgment continued. deadly weapon. Daisy was found ' j6' " not guuty. Yancey was given eight w ' Cherry, charged With as months on the roads suspended bn Wt wl"'.'1 weapon. Prayer payment, ofcosU and fine of tot Judgment continued. S50.00., .4 - . , i ... - , I. rhirtl. Wi'glwcr -mraa iinAaA months sentence for attempting to break . and snter.. r '. . . judgment was continued. v PrSver fort iudement Was pon-".f 'tinnarf m h .au nr im pu.ii chargid with possession of whiskey a"11 pf non-support and aband .'ment cieo Spell was given" 12 months fof. aavalt with deadly weapon. William Moore was charged with selling whiskey and assault with a aeaaiy weapoa He was found gull-: ty or selling wmsjtey ana not guu- If. -y 21. ttfETV T ' TTS i.j.yi... .fc, I T.il . it in ,l.H.J..IJIJIH.l'f ! - " .. . ( I ' i it I I ! f J" t " j ' " i t. V : i I n i !H 1 i ; ' From ih fovtl t , Arthur Somns lie r with PAUL KE GENE LOCKUP , Ralph Mergsn, Les..j Fenton, J. Farre.'l MacDonald. Viuc'.ii Vj $Uthm Rdbtrts. ' IKO-JADIQ PICTURE I ' ' 0 ' ' ' """ 'our months on the roads. Ralph . Witherington, Charged with assault with deadly weapon; .It' Adolph Branchv charged with unhntinr ftiifn whllA . IntrkylfAtAH and transporting whiskey for the purpose of sale. Prayer for Judg- erating auto while r Intoxicated. lul juugmeut touiuiuou. : Zollle Pickett . was. found . not I , Bessie NethercutC was given 4 months for assault with .deadly weapon and being a public; nui- f ance. , , . , , , . " Johnnie . Loftin was given months for assault with weapon. deadly ;. (; ; " 7 I I low-priced car over P?rx!l- A i ' J The new Master Dc Luxe iince in the beauty pt its Body by Fisher beautiful motor car" is to own the . in-the comort of its .Knee-Action Ride' aristocrat of the Iow-ptii-e fielJ'tAe ; . , in the tafety ol its Turret-Top most finely balanced low-priced car construction and, Weatherproof cable- ever built! . . " , , . -controlled brakes . r. in the perform? Chevrolet motor cx;t dftroit, mic6. ' Compare ChevnMt low-delivered pricet and easy CM. A. C. term. A denerul Maton Va!u 1 ... t'-Ji Vorc:.! Alanily and Tuesday -Wm. POWELL CIXG"ii ROGERS in "STAR OF MIDNIGHT" Jrtatlnee S! jni!ay and Tuesday 3:30 - , WEDNESDAY ONLY Eargaia Day - "THE DEFENSE RESTS" WITH JACK HOLT ' J , THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ' , ". , CharUe RUGGLES - ZASU PITTS in '"'' "RUGGLES OP, RED GAP" .V ..' , Matinee SATURDAY INVOICE .IN . With TIM McCOY ' Matinee 1:30 .FREE PASSES: The to any t .ow next week if they .window; Miss. Martha- Dull, Magnolia; Miss Minnie Qulnn, Mag- nolla; I.as Reba Pickett, KenansvUle; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ben- nett Warsaw i Miss Florence ler. Warsaw! MlM Thnlma Nmlill.v KnnnnuvUlp- Mm. H. T. Rav Falson; Mrs. O.P. dhnson, KenansvUle ' " '' PORK I BS (njuE2:s 'LTOMaia; Pink Hill, N. C. Jnfant Child Mr. C : ' ( And "MrsI Frank; v k CaVenausrh Dies '.. June 14th.Tbe death Angel vis ited the' home of 1 Mr. and t. Mrs. Frank Cavenaugh, near Chinqua pin and claimed their darling baby. Dorothy. Lee. was 1 year and two days old.. We miss you darling, but we know our loss, was heavens gain. ( ' i ; -; - Dorothy Lee-leaves to mourn her loss, father and' mother, . Charlie, Lloyd. Roy. GrahamT Louis,- Lillle- Ball, Grace, Mary. Ann and Earnis- tine. , k" , . -;- The funeral was, conducted at the V own Sdn and economy of iis 'e-Flams r tTlklillT .', N. C. .T July 1 -i r y J- Matinee 8:30 I: i. ii Thursday 8:30 n n ii n THE NIGHTS following will receive a free pass I will present this ad to the ticket I J r f Moore, Warsaw; Mrs. 3. C. Mil . , -r, .. home by Rev. Powers, Rev; Brown and Rev. Smltb and interment was made in the family burying ground among a large crowd and laid to rest under a bunch of flowers' All Electric Kitchen;: ; To Be Displayed . People in this section will b in terested in the Westinghouse mer chandise : demonstratmg coach wnlch will be seen in various parts of the county this week. ,The coach will arrive in Warsaw today and visit most of the county today and tomorrow going to Wallace Saturday.. ; . ' ' 1 On display will oe a' complete electrical kitchen with a General Electric and Westinghouse electric j Turli jf ! -t nmer aXtur--ion tiid )' ' ' , i "-w fiins wi'l ; y t-. . 'v.ii n two hour's t iinmcut at t'-a ruplin Thea tre, Varsaw. The theatre has re I . -itly installed the latest ventl- system to be four.d in this ' . - on, and accordirg to the man- , ', Hr. Lang-, everyone has the lu ntee of e. cool anJ comfort- tble e every day. Not only is the syslcm cool and comfortable but ft is sanitary also. j j The management has outdone it self, in booking for the Warsaw house the best in cinema attrac tions for the summer , months. In fact the booking agent is so alert that he had bookedsfor a showing in ' Warsaw next week a picture that -has not been released from Hollywood, which only goes to show that the-management of the popular house is on the Job to bring the best to Warsaw. - E-Iiss Elizabeth Bcney. Buried Last Friday Wallace The remains of .Miss Elizabeth Boney, 15 were laid, to rest in Rock Fish cemetery Friday afternoon. ,- She was .the eldest daughter of George L. Boney and Mrs. Anna H. Bony, who survive with the following brothers and slaters; George Boney, Jr., Dorothy McKoy and Alma Boney. She had .been critically, ill for the past ten weeks In the James Walker Hos pital, Wilmington, where he died jjv';';:CLQTHrJG:' h OR THE BETTER KIND . . . . . I X BUT PRICED REASONABLE j v ; Bip SELECTION r- Tl .L,f i 1 : l X'A- :A?A 1 s ..7a . v 5 -74 1 lL:4i II . ( lilt & -i 1 i W-' it : --Wf i STRAW HATS : ; The new style collar In white, - ' Colprs and ' Patterns worta Big Stock to Pick from , - , - - ; ' ' -f- .Special,. ()-,'. T - 9701002.75, Q7. RIcn's C::crt3 and Men's Wash Vc.:t3 Pants - ' ' EXTRA VALUES ' ' PRE-SHRUNK " ' ZZC - Ol5 SVir.IMING ; - WHITE TRUNKS - SH03 ..' 1 ' EXTRA QUALITY ")7c to?3.C5 v f9 Q5 C. :c: .1 CI? :rjt 1 ; Lc,vPiI:::5( Pi;:c3 c:i C; i5r t,k . r,. f-- '...f, '!. . 'VifttVW S. i I! frn tr -' e--w r .. I f V 11 .s.ii '. ( i' ti:e wet it t t . y. I : t Tt:ai-lic y r Ti . r, Cv.-oi . I y Al're J.;' i wl..ie cui-; .t s Sad I 1 I C -rieva li.o- .r c ... Housewives who. have the advant.'j;V-s of an 1 frigerator in tiseir borne 1 ' who have been harboi i. ' thoughts for sometime. wia I terested in' visiting the oi the Tide Water Power Con in Warsaw and observing the c ating unit of the electric rt rators there on display t. Tlie trix box -has become so cot that a large number of horn. , , erywhere have them but very j people are familiar with the v. lags of the. machine. Tide v . has displayed in its window show .rooms the actual worl parts at work in a glass cast; the General . Electric sealed in m. and of the. Westinghouse unit. . is interesting to watch these tu pieces of. , machinery operate. It easy to listen to someone ex; ' the operations of a piece of m'a : nery but when one actually t the operation it improves their i defstanding of the machine, i : . The two units will be in the shu rooms for several . days, and , w, continue ,to operate without stop ping.. Tide Water, invites you ti inspect them. - OF LINENS, TROPICALS, CRASJI, SEERSUCKER : , IreAch cimn. Etc. 'I YOU-wUI find a. very comprehensive ' line of Suits, featuring all the .newest ! Styles, Colon and Sizes.' ' ' -r ' , n s Every effort has been made oy ur Vioining ouywr 10 iure rnu viuura as wed as popular styles, and they as-1 m .kttf 4-t.. .f aaIt nn JiCinil afimilll : make this our greatest year, - , j t S 1 , v 0 ip lO. C . s

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