( V Cold Theirt Most Deceit Jb Wi'-a Expedition. ' Bollywood Down at the bottom of the world, where the winds howl 11, winter long at tempera! ...act 70 degree below aero, men.U. a 1 tiie seetfnd Byrd Antarctic ex;cl - tlon spent IS long month. And of aU the difficult and - gerous Jobs assigned to men-' t : ttbe crew, the balloon man'a 1- -! Jvlgll ami tboaa icy blasts, bended . the llat,- 1 v " " i Even the'' two cameramen who risked their Uvea to phou f;'a ex citing Incidents ? agree tuat their Job did not eompare with that of the meteorologist fs:M 4 The story of George Grlmlnger sent with the expedition by the told by John I Herrmann and Carl X Peterson, who brought 130,000 feet of aim back from Little Amer ica, . .- ' 400 Balloons Released. V' Day after day Qrlmlnger mount- ed the snow covered root, of the .. aclence bulfldlng and kept tel escope trained on balloons soaring Into the atmosphere. More than 400 balloons were, released by the meteorologist to determine wind ve locity and direction at varlons alti tudes. - .. J' t. The neat little pUe of record books ;ost Qrlmlnger- many a frost bitten .lixik anil nnmtr. For hours at A ' time, exposed to the extreme cold, teir; i luid the band crank ca-. . i ea.-WT-''' 1 aphers developed a t i,t their own to defeat t!a ? r. Placing their cameras Ik -j would prepare scene raWhinV' rac for. the .s and grind them-until they- Once Herrmann clambered up a 75 toot ateel radio tower for a bird's- tha eamn. s The scene over, be tried to descend, but dis covered his legs were irosen to a pair af ateel supports. Another man 1l.Knl anil hmk him lOOS. Anofher time on a tractor trip toll harvard Into 12-foot crevasse, but escaped with bruises. The cameramen and four others k.nn1 tar th admiral's ad vance base to bring back supplies and equipment lea oy juyra wnen he returned to tittle , America by plane. ,'-K.?N;i''f 19.CYMr.Old Church Is Dissolved by Court Writ Jjsboii, Ohio. The 125-year-old rn.tr.lt. TtatnrmrA church In Han- . -- ... over township near here, was dle nnrier an order.: issued by Columbiana County Common Plea Judge W. F. Lonee. - . a MmAr tract was aiviueu. i.u synod was granted the church and Its site. The parsonage t was -.tA tii thA (Central Theological seminary and the cemetery adjoln- i .. .hniwh wii asslcned to the time, exposed to the extreme cold, I Trlnitv Reformed Church Cemetery bekept blseye.oiuthtelescopfcBe- Ja'uon. : ; , cause the lens must be adjusted con stantly, be eonW wear orny mum gloves. These kept his Angers from tVMtiM to the friztd metal, but they weren't much protection from the cold.' Qrlmlnger relayed his readings through a telescope to fellow sci entists In th warm building below. ' Readings were made once a minute ohtil the balloon was lost rrom sight. In daylight their course could ; be followed ap to 80.000 feet Dur ing the long winter of endless night little paper bags containing lighted candlea were attached, j Suffered From Frostbite. 1 " Qrlmlnger wore, noseguard and other special equipment bat still he suffered continually from frost bite, tha cameramen related. As matter of fact, U of the in men under Admiral Blchard Byrd, and , the admiral himself, "wert frostbit. - ten at ona Urns or another. . . Frequently- lbs eameramen - ana tothers on trsil trips would be caught : it. . kiiRini and narta of their 'bodies f rosea before they could erect s shelter. At Wade of Jortu Hollywood suffered the most severe css4w He -was-eighteen, pounda lighter when released from the V ilOSpltal V "-.''( . .V-'v : Uotlon piciura pnowgru difficult at any temperature below aero and almost Impossible at 40 degrees on down, the cameramen reported.- Down to 40 degrees the ' film becomes brittle, and beyond - that It continually breaks. The camera itself creeses at iow IPka narlah WHS CKBDlUUeU in 1810 by Hev. John Stauzh, a Gets .n T.nthRrarf minister. .He served as pastor until 1847. Find IlicUc i i . ; i Ccnscrlj Spring I :, I i. For a while X A. Cook il.u;t "t know Just what to think. Cou:j it be that the AAA was tumli;g cm Into gold, J after all? i Called to adm! . r the estate of a brother, Co. 'c " I a corn Crib full of corn. V .e work men were loading It from the crib Into their wasion tticy sud denly stopped, rubbed their eyes, . There, in the middle of the crib, was a pile ot money. Ten thousand dollars they counted, In gold, coin and bills. '. Cook's brother had been known to be well-to-do, but not to the extent of being able to bide 110,- ooa, . ,' IR C 171 CJ JGTiOIl Ere: '; '.; t!:c lives of I: t . ' v Liberty Statue to Have . Birthday Party in 1S33 waahinTtnn. American citizens han been Invited by the national n j, anrvtM to ' BarticiDaie nexi air in a nroirram which will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Statue Of Liberty. ; . The monument .was unveiled on October 28, 1886. The nation shared In the ceremonies.;. VVi.i. ..:; . Tha nark aerTice has requested that everyone Interested In the semi centennial ceieorauon bsmh m w-i and aaaambllnc noems and pictures of the . statue which were published at me umo w aented the memorial. r . It waa pointed out mat many oi those pictures and -fflustratea c-. "atrlklnr and arUstlc lending- tbwnaelves, admirably to ef fective reproducuon." Authors who wrote poems during the dedicatory period Included John Greenleaf Whlttler, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, a C. Stedman, Charles Bar hard, Esther' Singleton John J. Garnett, Sidney Herbert Plerson. - Turks Find Way to Beat Polygamy Ban m ) a mm m. : : W 1 ill'? ik'' rr - v - " 1 !''?dtt' F"r t Women Taken Outside An kara on Work Contracts, i.vih Tnrkav.-Polvesmv and m Mllvtnna narrlaeeS are Still problems which are worrying the TurkJah republican government ' ara am marrlaces were made drll ceremonies and monog amy for all future onions msde the la "annarlntendent Of law. inn vm . marriaces" In each municipality, CHAMOIS VOGUE ' rcw mBwai tncaotaa Dog Beggar Accepts Only Good Nickels Danla VallAT. 4Dkl. PlM nick- eltj arent good enough for Jack, bliieblood blroXlog owned ny w gu Long, local hardware mer chant 'i. .v.? ";: '' '. with the bird - season over Jack, to earn a living, becomes nanhandier. ' He treads me streets of Pauls TaUey with A paper sack dangling from bis teeth . begging mercnania xruuf door to 4oor to drop In a nickel so be can buy meat Shopkeepers try 'to aissuaae the big English setter with pen .iu ' niiim and washers but he I"""- - ' . n't accent them.' The dona- i mnat ha a nickel and It can' not go Into his sack until he ex amines It ' v , , " ' ' When Jack acquires a nickel .M immediately to a nearby meat market enters the' front door,; approaches tne meai case and points, true oiru-aog wbu tit ttiM mot ha wanta. ' ivu, w : Butchers have learned not to .. wAtcrhf the do nor to sen him tough ateaks. He de tects discrepancies as readily as k-m tha-avaran housewife and he refuses to trade' with short- weight artlsta. . t r 1 mu Ula nf waa rt riff chamois hat and Jackets and various accessories nf .hamnla la maklna S bUt appeal out In Hollywood colony wnere mm beauties set the pace in blgb fash in -' nara ' wa im - Jean ' Harlow i wearing a perfectly stunning suede Jacket Note bow artfully It Is pan eled thus inducing an jniereauna a.ui una Tha nncketa are trlaniU1 tar shaped which, together wiia ois and cbuples , who ; are . physically "passed" for marriage come nexora him for tneir union. . - But habit keeps many or me. Turklab , population following the. old ways. Now a clever trick where by this Is dons, has been dlscor- viva. ' .. ' . , . Vfen from Anatolia go to uunoui and there And young women, espe cially pensioned war wiaowa mm mhana and nan them on em ployment contracts for work In the provinces.'. v. y.- :.. . . n,aaa anntracta are duly legalised by the. publie notary. When, the wat ta - marrr1 uin1 mr proach the provincial ilerlc, exhibit then- contract; saying that It m a civil marriage contract ana wo vim cleric who does not understand the document proceeda to unite them In marriage accorutug w rites. '" - . if they married civilly tney wouia i. thai nanalon. ' 80 they hava Invented this way ot taking in the clerics, who thus Innocently breaks the law in wedding mem wmwau When they have never been through a elvO ceremony. -..V j '7 The Ankara government u ammv to Issue regulations forbidding pub lie notaries , to legalise these em ployment contracts wmcn are vwua abused in una wmji - -, " As tor polygamy, Tuonan men atlll succeed la practicing It From m.MM tha rraaa over Into Bul garia and there marry wives under tha aTnranis law ana unui um back. In the same way tne men oi South 'Anatolia cross into the re? glon ot Alexandretta, wnere wey ,t.y, TnrUah- Jurisdiction, and there they provide themselves with mors' wives, v This practice la also to oe swppeu by a law which wiu attacn muerm punishments to these supienuge baU buttons, lend a (cap o chic The Jacket Is collarless, so that U ... ha avnrn with a scarf. Jean Is earrytmr a soft shirred, calfskin bag with barrel shape iocs. , ceiow m the. picture Is an . ensemble of chamois- bat; , glow an Jacket hiph Gertrude Michael 'elects to with her navy . Diue areas which has polka dots and s hugs ruffly.; Jabot , ,;;-,, k,,, i -'XiJPl I Hit Per jQMES TKB FCSHERAAAM . HOME ANY t-UCKf ar,l"'''ALLl,' Bin"-;"1. ; )l RI&HT A ROAT in mm'l ;mm$& .-the ovrn HnU I UAt oijE. WOOKED" THAT WAS A, MitE--Vjem AMY--MVAYi OVER THREE" FEET tONS-"H- .... a-.rawrl A T'leF" ll , .''j fc... H Xon can get. by this summer wiihj ounnany thlnga-but NOT without that "indispensable" The Shirtwaist rrockl And indeed, why should youj ', even try, when a very few yards ot mart striped cotton shirting and a little effort can produce the pictured result? In town, In the country, onj the links, or driving your car you'll find that "action back," the answer to your prayers. The Inverted skirt pleat makes for unhampered freedom 4 tha alaahed brevity ' Of the leeves was designed with "heat wave" In mind.-' Every woman will have one shirtwaist frock but the amart woman wUl make several I. i , Pattern 8222 la available In sizes 12, 14, 18, 18, 20, 80, 82, 84, 86. 88, 41 and 42. SUe 16 takes 8tt yards l Inch fabric Illustrated atep-by-si awing Instruction Included. ;- SBN0 FIFTEEN CENTS 13c) . coins or Stamps colns pref r for this pattern. Write plainly r address, and style number. BB TO STATE SIZE. t ' Address orders to Sewing CUc.a Pattern Department 848 West Severn teenth street New lork city. f) WaMara Xiw4( CaB a . -a ,.. . : f mii&iOF TlilE FORCE IiSL Wind Breaker f"6 ' iim Haaca n aiu w mm a.aiinDtrv. -Ohio. Boats which t... nfiivAii thAlr usefulness on! the Great Lakes and are In various decadent stages In slips aiong ine r w rta wainrfront here may be need for "filling In" In a reclamation nroiect here. .( '- I liar shaped which, together with wgip -- - c New and Old Depict Advance in Transportation 1 I L ' m m . j , n,.lr natv fiit tmltlB oadweekwa. SJwVbalT. Nortt Western's tt. EurUmrtort Zephy, .nd th. AU,- . a,.,. ArtoiS TkS A OR HARJ O' HSARlM 5S k2S x : -v' i H HClTH-R. WAS THAT LADY 3 XMOvV HER I JUST WAlT A " "TS THIS vwiHtv . orF'U M2-UC2 -VA DID LET IT STAND rha Wiiifnr Ynn aav , he had a3 - the landmarks of a burn. Don't yon mean earmarks? it - Tha RfTvirteiw WelL there was enough soli In them to make It the same thing. ., ,, , ..j. i ;,Yi m i 'i ill. . ' ',V Ah, Hal " " i : . "a I marry you, you'll have to atva nn vnnv 1oh.H ,(.; .r. . -. .v. ..1! !.. ! . c "But my' dear ' man, yon; don' seem to realise you're in tne xweiv I tleth century." N 1 No, but I knew the man you'- working for." i - in -It Soared Hiss ' V Slnkerton Why do you argue so against compulsory eaucauonT I ' . His Friend My wife tried to makaj me learn how to cook my own mealol .1 1 " 1 . ' ' 1 " .'U . 1 ' " "Daal" In Fact j Teacher-Surannei la "pants" i 1 gular or pluralT ' : Suzanne I thtok they are r' ' t above th. waist anf plural 1 i WNtT T. .'i 0 TT 7TT f