, . F. Davis of j recent visitors la , t. t l.r. and Mrs. Melvin , ;. I-ore of South Port j. I.Ioore and small i n me of Mr. and Mrs. here. .- '"'!'' t Villains and Miss ..T.riams of Keysville, v: ting rejitlvea here and n. '!. , ,. . and Mrs. J. F. May and i and Mrs. Joe Tyndall'and' I uwrence Kessler have re i after a weeks stay at Ca- . . u:h. .;' C; '''!;''! ': o barns on the farms of S. i sj and W. H. Jones and Co. i u. i.troyed by Are recently.' j Ruth Turner and Mr. T. J. r were recent ' visitors . 5. at inla Beach. . '-'.-. . r. Melvin Jones and Mr. Jack -her were recent business vlal s at Fremont. ., V . "' Miss Connor Jones spent Satur v afternoon la Klnston. vV , 4 i rinceton defeated Pink .HU1 10 i 9 In a baseball game on the lo l diamond Sunday afternoon, T n Innings were tiecessary to play ; a tie. ':.':':'rC- f '"'-' - ': Dr. iud MrsH. -"'A, Edwards and c i'gh.ten : . of Greensborox came i mday to spend Several days with relatives.; They spent Monday at t:.e Edwards camp on Neuse River. Parties from Pink Hill accompa- nlaA thATVI ttipra ty' ALBERTSON NEWS . Guest! of Mr. ; and Mrs. ) V Paul Price Sunday for dinner were: Mrs. Bessie Potter, Mr. Kelley Hard! son, Mr. Guy Hardison. " - V " , - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ' Peaver were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jes se Stanley Sunday. .rjt" a' Mrs. Gorden Deaver, Mrs. Bessie Potter were business vlsitora : at Goldsboro Friday, .r. ' Mrs. Jeff Jones ' and' children were visitors of Mr. Jackson Pot ter Sunday. XJt:,i-:y v-. S: ' Mr.. Sam Hill went to Holiness prayer meeting Sunday evening. Mr. Robert Hill was a visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Roland Barwlck Sun . day. t , ' i TEACHEY NEWS - Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Boney had as their week end guests, .Misses Mavis Lewis of Rocky Point, Hel en Prlvette and Mr. Brooks Prlv ette of Bailey, also Miss Frankie Lu Warnock and W. M. Brook of Cary are spending sometime with PORKiE'S Quick Lunch' ; DONALD KENNEDY . Fink HUL N. C .'. - KING'S COURT SERVICE STATION A Full Line of ' TEXACO Products Firestone Tires, , ' ' Batteries, ' 1 " Us Accessories, v ; PHONE 183 Opposite fcourt House" , , , W. 8. NUNN ; Kinston,,N. C- f - MAXWELL'S MKAU V & - Makes Bread Good to the last Crumb FOR SALE by the FoUowlng1 leading Merchantat - ' Kenansvllle PAUL THOMPSON - u Rlchlands - 1 U P. TYNDALL Pink Hill 1 QUINN tt PARKER v "T. W. QUINN . Beulavllle , Kenans'vllle, R. F. D. : ' '' " HOLTS STORE ' . ' ; ' ' Seven Springs, R. F. D. 1 . v " t Yes If WATER GROUND Pot up and guaranteed by Maxwell's Mill, H. D. MAXWELL, Prop, riOTSHDLL!sT'!-i : ' ; : . 'Mr, and Mrs.. Boney. ' V ' Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Boney were hosts at a swirumlnir party at the Noel Cottage at White Lake on Friday afternoon. Those enjoying th v:c u.sion were: Miaaea Frankie Lu! Warnock, Eleanor Brooks, Hel en Privette, Thelma and Alice Mal lard, Mavis Lewis, Odell Fuasell, Ruth SniDest Margaret Noel. Mes srs J.' B. Brooks, Brooks Privette, S. G. Harness, Horace smitn, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Brooks, Jr., Mrs. C. V. , Brook's and Mrs. George Noel, Party In honor of their house quests. Misses Helen Privette of Bailey, Eleanor Brooks of Cary, Mavis Lewis of Rocky Point, Frankie Lu Warnock of Brooklet, Ga., Messrs. Brooks Privette of Bailey, William Brooks of Cary, Mr. and Mrs. D, H. Boney enterta&ed on Saturday evening with a Japanese party. The spacious veranda was transformed into a lovely Japanese garden with decorative lanterns adding to the beauty of the scene. After the flo wer contest and amusing, games Misses Mary Frances Wells and Nell Forlow, dressed as Japanese maidens, assisted the hostess -In serving a delicious sweet course. The other guest included Misses Lorraine - Wells, Elizabeth Ward, Mary Adeline Wells; Eugenia For low, Messrs Alonzo Wells, Colin Wells, Ethan ! Wells and Rev. S. O. Harnes.':.-Uvs:! v'W. "' Rev. and Mrs. C. V. Brook of Cary were dinner guest of Mrs. Thad Mallard on Saturday even ing, v ; '-' : :.- , ', ' .Afteryvtaittag;Mr.'jd'Mr. D. H. Boney the past week, Rev. and Mrs. C V. Brooks of Cary have returned home. , ; ' : , . . Mrs, Densmore Rlvenbark ,' re cent bride was delightfully honor ed on Thursday evening, when the. Woman' Auxiliary of the Presby terlan Church entertained at a mis cellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. J. O. McMlller. The home, en suite for the affair was beautiful with summer flower and potted plant. After an, informal social hour the bride-elect was presented with an array of lovely gift. The hostess served an appetizing course of tea and wafer..; f -ti-jx . Mrs. Bonnie Ward, Mrs., Dens more Rlvenbark, Miss Katie Page, Mr. and Mr. Boney, Graham Ush er spent one day last week in Wil mington, : t t i V;'.;," .,'. . Mrs. Henderson and children of Warsaw spent ' a few days with Mrs. R. D. Usher last week. : Graham Carroll Emaia left last week for Washington, D. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Morkey and children of i Charlotte, ! Mrs. Minnie Newton and son Willie of Fayetteville, Mrs. Cora Dobson of Wilmington were vlsitort of t Mr. and Mrs. Chase Wallace recently. - Mr. Geo. McMillan, Sallie Wells and Norman Well of Greensboro were week end guests of Mrs.' J. C. McMUlan. ' ' ?;''.?' .'-.-!' - Mr. and Mr. L.: B. Forlow and family of Greensboro were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Forlow.'.. ';! vVV' ","'iv'::'',-'t Mr. S, r; Turner pent the week end with hi family. . .. ' J Mr. H. V. Boney and aon' re turned from New York last week. Mesdames. S. R. Turner and J, B. Wells have been spending some time at their brother, D. D. Wil liams during the past week.. Their mother, Mrs. J -L. William 1 ill. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rouse vis ited relative In . Magnolia ' Sun day., 4 . Long Ridge News :.-"fv i o '' i Mr. Alton Daii and Mis Pauline Singleton were at Woodland Lake Saturday evening. : .. , v Mr. and Mrs. Rubert Jones an nounces, the birth), of a son, .June 20. y---A. ; '- ' f t. , Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hill and lit tle daughter, Shirlie, left Friday for Virginia Beach for a weekend house party !!;. i " . , Mrs. Bertha Whaley and daught er of Klnston and Mis Lula Ken nedy were dinner guest of Mrs. R. M. Sutton Saturday. ' -i Those from this section who were at White Lake Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Singleton, Mr. Rolen Sullivan and Mis Ethel Dall, Mr: Wm. Park' and Miss Callle HiU, s warauw , - Klnston . "U C. TUBNEB ' , Pink Hill . , r ROUTE I . ..' . .til. ...iillCl 1..L li.it J IiOlil- er Km ay of Calypso were vis itors hi-ie Sunday, Mrs. Geo. Tucker of Sweet Run was a visitor of Mrs. W. B. Jones, Friday. , " Mr. and Mrs. Thad Rodgera were visitors of their daughter of Rhon es Chapel Sunday , ' ,Mr. Dixon Peltier of Mays Cha pel was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 5. J. Taylor this week. , - Mrs. Wilson Dail has been sick but now Is better. v. '. Mp. Lestle Summerlln was a vis itor of hi bister Saturday at Sa recta. '"vri .'.:H; f'd:fii!;i,?: MILLER CLUB REPORT FOR JULY a Our club met July 9th at the home of Mrs.' Ash Miller. The meeting was called to order by out President .: The club sang .."Blest Be The Tie That . Binds" and read our' club prayer, illnutes of last meeting were read, after which the roll was called. 28 members was added to the Mat We also had 7 visitors present. We made! plan for quilting the quilt which we are making to help , raise money to send our ! leader to State Short Course. We also tried to learn from our member bow many of them were planning to attend the Short Ckum.;,,.!y;;-,!,!'!t.-'fv;"' ' Our program for the afternoon was somewhat different from our regular monthly program. Instead of Mrs. McSwain giving her dem onstration the entire time was ta ken up-In report from the follow ing, project; .Leaders on the work they', haci accomplished since the first of November, 1934. -. House Furnishing, Mm' J. H. Sanderson; Clothing, Mrs. Ralph Miller; Food, Mrs. Norwood Miller; Health, Miss Ernie Sanderson; Garden, Mrs. J. T. Miller; Child Development, Mrs. Will Mercer; Yard, Mrs.-Ash Mil ler; Recreation, 1 Mrs, .Ottls Miller; Education, Mr. Hermon Miller., ! ! We had judge for the occasion i to score tne reports tnat were giv en. Mrs. Norwood -Miller, our food leader had the highest score and for her efforts is to be given a free trip to the State Short Course; The Judges' had quite i, task in judg ing the report as they were, all very good, which proved to us that each leader put forth their very best efforts. , , , Mr. McSwain awarded a prize to each of the different leaders. She also gave each member and visitor, present a sample can of eocomalt. ,- t ' ' Our hostess served delicious re freshments after which we bad the penny parade , Our next meeting will be with Mrs. Willie Mercer in September. Friendship News (Intended for last, week) ' ' ; Mr. Bertha Rlvenbark, Mr. H. J. Rlvenbark and Harry Lee, Jr., Mis Eunice Wilson, Thomas Jack son and A. H. Mann of : Raleigh spent last Friday , with . Mr. and Mrs. Kit James. t - J ,. f' . Mrs. Johnnie James, Mis Ruby and Pearl Swinson and Kit James spent Tuesday in Goldsboro. Mi .Mary, Roberta spent last Thursday in the home of ' Mrs. Johnnie James. Mr.,, William Wilson of Magnolia - V ' . O 'Ml. Xjggitt it Myiu totixa Co. - , I - "'-y- " J 1 I ter, 13. C. . . We, are'so! s Bedie James j hear that Mrs. remains sick with her throat. Mr. R. W. Hurst is spending sev eral days in Plrk Hill. f - Mr. and Mrs. Carl Winders and Mrs. Thelma Braswell spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jam- I Mrs: Alton Wrench and son Tom mle of Warsaw spent several days of last week- with' Mr . Charles Swinson. 1 5 ' OtapU ami nips Of Mian MltHrsH I Swinson. , ,r ? r , Mrs. Ellis Royal I spending sev eral days with her mother of Deep Run. .. ' tlall3 Cross Road ' . (Intended for last week) ' . Miss Eva Mae Williams was the guest) of Mr. James Jarmon Sun day. ' r ' Mr. and Mr. Mike Miller and son. ' James . Edwood. visited Mrs. Miller's grand-parents Sunday p. Miss Lillian Miller spent Sunday with Miss Mary Ruth Williams. Mrs. Leslie Miller spent Sunday with. Mrs. ,E. B. Miller. , : Miss Mildred Williams was the guest of Mr j' Ray Hall Sunday.! J .-. jwr. jpxea uiaiocK visicea at Mrs. E., B. Miller's Sunday p. m. Mrs. Bob Whaley and daughter from 'Warsaw visited down here Sunday., Mr! and Mrs. Remus Hall visit ed at Mr. Halls the week end. V Miss Catherine Williams visited Mr, James Ralph Griffin Sunday. Potters Hill News i Mis Sudle -Whaley spent Sat urday, night with Miss Verdie Quinn. s ,( , ; Miss Lorenia Wiliams was the week- end . guest, of Miss Mary Jone. I The regular monthly church ser vices were held at Limestone Cha pel Saturday and Sunday. Misses 1 Romlne and Ida Lee Bostic, Ruthie 'Quinn, Fannie Ruth Maready and When iii KINSTON i Make Ybiir Head- 5 quarters at E. B. Marston -DriigiSfore Fresh Stock Seeds TURNIP. . RUTABEGA, CABBAGE, KALE, and MUSTARD. T H E B I G. ; FOUNTAIN : KinstonN, C. Phones 50 and 51 MP " Vhesterfield.. j a Una - j.' were baptized and received into the Church. . Miss Sarah SandUn Vof : Beula vllle were the guest of Miss Macy Quinn Sunday. h ;-! '. . .-! I Messrs Don Quinn, Clayton Ho ward, Jack Howard, Cart Whaley, Ransom Padrick and Cagie Hous ton, Misses Erma Houston, Ron nie Quinn, Vendetta Quinn, Verdie Quinn,,' Sudle "Whaley . and .Inez funeral Service DAY PRONE 46 NIGHT PHONE 878 and 208 Ambulance .fciiv'''';::'''':'',;., . ' ' '! 1 KINSTON, N. O. KINSTON 3. E. DALE, Prop. Mm -1 uanBU' .; ' : ' GOOD u AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY OUR CARS ARE GONE OVER COMPLETELY IN OUR SHOP BEFORE THEY ARE PUT ON THE MARKET. SPENCE AUTO CO. WARREN MAXWELL, Rep. LaGrange, N. C. k What is the yardstick for a cigarette... v -Take mildness for one thing how does it measure up for mildness? ... Chesterfields are milder not flat or' insipid, of course, but with a pleasing flavor. Then take taste for another thing does it have plenty of taste? . , Chesterfields taste better not strong but just right. In other words, They Satisfy ' V . that's my yardstick for a cigarette. j3 -gcv Jsri , CtcSterfieU (r the cigarette that TASTES BETTER i .d ip. Sunday afternoon at I- .ntford's Point Beach, 'if. '!j; Misses Lizzie, Myrtle and Rouine Kennedy , were the guest pf Misses Effie,. Thelma, and Rouine Bostic Sunday. . : , . . , ff Mr.. Theodore Quinn was the guest of Mr, Warren Brown Sat urday night.: ::,,;: Mrs. Matilda Herring was the guest of Mrs. Lettle Hall Saturday n I? i 1 ? e Ei. GENERAL MERCHANDISE KENANSVnXE, N. C. KENANSVILLE'8 LEADING GENERAL STORE Our Stock consists of everything needed on the farm. A DbIaI. TIm- anA flnmAnfr. Kert llii..- unri WltratA of HndfL nn R I hand for late crops. ; WE CARRY ,BIJSHEL HAMPERS FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE, hi Make tmr Store h i ... - - - .-, iimmmKimmtmml&mmimmmmimmmimmmmimmammimmmmmimmmmmi sasssss ii ssssss You will find it easy to make satisfactory $ selection here as we carry a large stock of X ""..TV. ' 4 Monuments in Marble and Granite. Let our k thirty-five years of experience be of ser- $ vice to you. $ MARBLE CaFS see afi MILDER Mewra'K and Wlle A. .mn, and Miss GK .nle Quinn were the . guest of Miss Flossie Stiles this week end. ( v, 4 J T ' , ' riuira Tj. H: Quinn. Don QUinn and Macon .Turner; went to5 War-.. saw on a business trip Saturday. 'Everyone 1 glad to hear that, Mrs. D. B. Rhode the hospital. - is home from AT.TIMMl VVJlilJll . tJ IllJ lour neaaauarters 111 - hi WORKS I t Kinston, North Carolina i A

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