T C. Should ark's Svstem C; Law Enforcement ' , Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ' j August 12th., 1935. Editor, Duplin Times: 7 ; ': New York was one of the states , to rttfcixjr MS XOhU , the Federal constitution. As I re member it only Connecticut and ' Shnla Talenrt . . rafimeri to ratlfV. New Jersey ratified late in 1922, two years after the amendment be came operative. S . 1 . The repeal of the 18th amend- mcnt by the passage of the 21st a memlmpnt leaves each state to hail die the liquor question in its own Way. INew ium iuao ai. .moij capital a Liquor Control Board. The Board exercises strong autho rity all over the state. The various towns,, cities, and . villages have "Liquor Stores". In these stores liquor may be bought . in sealed packages on-, not to be rimnk nn the Dremises. I rarely see any one entering or leaving these, stores, aitnougn tney ao a innvmg 1 business, I am told. In other places both beer and hard liqucr may be bought to be drunk on the spot. We do not see the word "saloon" or "bar-room", however. We see "U. S. Grill", Jones' Cafe". One place is called "Paradise Grill", although "Hells Kitchen" might be a more appro priate name. No one is allowed to sell liquor for consumption at the place of sale except in connection $10 forYourflld StoVe Only 5.79 Down v t, . -''s; . "' X"1', ;!,,,,"i:y.,i v;;'': s? ' ' $3.60 Monthly for 24 Months . Gives You the Comfort Efficiency,Convenience If "tiSt il j y of This Wonderful Automatic Hotpoint Electric Range Science proves that radiant heat A; (such as that given off by live I coals or glowing embers) saves , flavors and nourishing qualities .1 . of food. Reddy Kilowatt Says: Now you can cook with ' the clean, glowing, rad . iant heat of embers. En Joy the wonde r fully ,. , flavored food that conies ' from barbecue type ' . : cooking" -without the -muss,-work and atten tion necessary to keep a 1 live-coal fire.,- Hotpoint gives you elec- " ' trie embers. Heat is ,so accurately measured ' and ' controlled that cooking miracles become common to every woman. '. , , Miracle Cookery is easy to have. It Is amazingly economical. Come in 'today and see this wonderful automatic Hotpoint Range. Ado . New S aye Writer with an eating place, it must be an eating place in reality too as well as In name. If a government agent calls for a meal In such a place and there is nothing to eat oh hand It is too bad for the proprietor. : I started out, Mr. Editor to state a few facta that I think, may be of interest to your reader 1 dp not mean to advocate measures, ' de fend practices, or .uphold theories., : One thing, however, in conclu ion. If a person comes out in pub lie drunk here, be that person male or female, rich or poor, a town po liceman or a state trooper is ready to arrest that drunken person. A few .days ago in the city of Pough keepsie a prominent lawyor was driving under the, Influence of li quor.; He was arrested, fined a hundred dollars, his license was ta ken from1 Wm.':::: ?.:-';;,v:Jl :;'--k" Every state ought to deal sever ely with drunken drivers, whether the drivers have feeen drinking li censed or unlicensed liquor. ' Our state of North Carolina has many reasons to be proud, but law en forcement is not one of .them. . Truly yours, ' JOHN T. FITZGERALD. TEACHEYNEW$ Don Party; V 1 ' On Tuesday afternoon, August 6 three little girls, Louise McMillan. Mary Eve i ... si si and Hortese Blanton J- : i rolyn Turner In celebrating r. r ix U's birthday. It was not hard fur the girls to guess the age of Carolyn's doll i for the birthday cake with three candles told the story. ' Each little srlrl carried her doll and each doll carried a birthday gift ' . After Plavine games and enter taining; the dolls the hostess served delicious punch, chocolate cakes and mints. V'. l:-' -u,.-'-. Mrs. O. T. Teachv oh Thuradav evening entertained in honor cf her house guests, Mary Gladys Barrow of Durham and : Minnie Ward McMillan of Favetteville. After, the Invited guests arrived Miss Thelma Mallard and Miss Willie - Mae McMillan, chaperoned the Dartv on a Treasure 'Hunt. Finding the Treasure they returned and after playing games the hos tess served delicious refreshments : Miss Maud Carr of Wilmington spent Sunday with he a parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cart. I . : Evelvn and Pattle Williams of Route 1, Rose Hill spent the week knd with , Elolse i and Charlotte (Tells. -Jt'X vi'SS'- w..i:-N.::v;: -;v .Mr. Mover McMillan snent Sun day with bis carenti. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McMman-':-f'i Mr. Harry Turner Kpent the week end at WrUrhtsville Beach. -. f Mrs. J. E. Rouse and Jakie spent Sunday with Mr. and ; Mrs. Kichard Rouse. 'i-rih Mr. Richard Rouse has accented a position at Clark ton during to- oacco season. i,:,!..;,-j.;:r':,'-;.v,'i-: : Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith of Pike vllle. were euesU of Mr. and Mrs. E. a. . Forlaw Sunday.. . Mr. and Mrs. C. V, Holland spent the week end with ; relatives at Danvilleri.,Va.,::i:;: v.. w-s-,; -.' "Dot" Forlaw visited relatives in Greensboro this past week end. Miss Melva Forlaw; has returned home after completing The Com mercial Course at Kings Business College, GrVensboro. Miss Mary Alice Haigler of Co- lumma, s. c is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. I Wells. Miss Haigler and Mrs. J. 1 Wells spent Friday In Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Sara nt Callahan, Fla, are visiting is the nomes or Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Sou therland of Willard and Mr. and Mrs. J. I Wells. Miss Jannan of Richlands was a welcome visitor -in town Sunday. -Mrs. William Whitfield and chil dren are visiting at the home ' of nr. narcies southerland and Mr. and Mrs. Faison Southerland. Mrs.; Dolly Turner, Mrs. W. A. Southerland and Miss Rnatn Ruirx erland are visiting Mrs. Norman ow 01 uaarioice. ' , ; ;r "' The Josephine Wells Clivin at the home at Mrs. Stanley Wells, August 12 at 8 :30 o'clock. Mrs. Dixon Mallard tauirhf Hi. Bible Class. Topic: "The Holy'SpiN it in Paul's Letters." Mm. h u Wells led the program. Topic: "The opint oi unnst m Every . Day Uff." After the. meeting the host ess served lemonade, and Angel Food Cake. This circle was named In honor of Mrs. U E. Wells' and the regular meeting mi nn ho. seventy-fourth birthday. 11. H. LANIER . ' Muddy Creek, Duplin County GENERAL MERCHANT AND SERVICE STATION ' Cold Drinks and Cream -DOROTHY LANIER, Manager Announcement j TO MY . FRIENDS , A. I am putting in a COAt and WOOD : : yard at the Northern edge of WARSAW i : on Highway 40. It wUl be equipped with : : a set of platform scales where, you can' : : I get CORRECT WEIGHT No measur- ing 2000 pounds to I RED ASH and EXCELSIOR COAL Weight Quality Scrvire v 1 A- ''it t-...: If C--. wr:. - .somi in bart t. it bit l and hu' ' t bud sin with a i her from ; -.VS FEOil FLAT CK ks., ' t a big mud-turkle s swimming pool and 3 Johnson on the toe i till she got out and ! i his mouth open : e t.d 1t up to keep eding' to death... her . and her i ve rone to the coun (tyseat t ' to c.iuult the law for actual a: 1 ...ay-tlve damages an- jSOforth; " . .lightnt : .struck bert anderson on the f Idny morning endur ing a thut. -cloud, he suffered a slight ' t ut his head was so hard,' t .ii i tning could not do annythit: j it, so it bounced off And killed 1 i mill which he wu plowing hla i.rnip patch with, he j nan nenn r t rn rnm neaa uv v&r tous persoi tlf oar without getting nun verry oao. ; ir,:.' ,,: . .the summer. scholl which is being teecheo, by miss Jennie veeve smun ia.verrv well catter-nized. it will close early enough for the childrens - - ... , I Tem -Vaiice Comes (To the tune f -We-U Work TU1 i-f-'i X-ir' .'K1 Comes) i,,ltir We're living in awondrous land, . Thoueh daniter lurks along; - So we must Join with heart and hand,"''::vi;,;;;iS;"'M'i-';.;:;;.: And stand against this wrong. We'll work till temp'rance. comes, We'll work tUl temp'rance comes, We'll work till temp'rance . comes, That we may save our homes. . The liquor forces M our land v-. W1U loudly blow their horn, ; TO make the people take a stand, ' And vote f or barley corn. For strength and help we look to Him, ' , Who Uvea and reigns above; s To save our. boys nad girls from Sihr- ' And keep the onces we love. 4 'y'H. We're. threatened with an awful curse; ' God help us now, we pray;. May We not have conditions worse, But Wipe tnr curse away. , ,- r We thank our.God for Christians all, - We'll hear their voices ring; They'll hearken to the. temp'rance can. ' , and work for Christ our King. . We're miUiona strong and love our s . cause, - ' 1 Halleluiah, 'to His Name; t v . We'U fight against the liquor laws Till victory we'll gain. On Judgment day k We'll hear Him '. say, ' ' "WeU Done, thou faithful one, You stood With me from day to day ( -Come now into thy home.? By, Dr. Zene B. Spenoe, Gelda- tmro, N. C. i V iii ii ' T 1 A:.- r AND " ENEMIES I k . each ton.. ' v - . Specializing In , . 1 to hc!pVater the crops and will ta'.e up when they get thru, she teeches 8 grades herself, and her twin sister, sallie .veeve,1 teeches the rest of them, her vacation will take place betwixt one end of the term and the other end where it be gins again. i , .redd Jenkins, our dairy farmer, has benn treating his milk like the big copper-sationa have benn treat ing their stock, vizzly: wattering same, his 4 cows give 8 gallons of milk a day and he sells 14 gallons a day: his pump furnishes the dif ference, he has quit that practice and Joined the church, he let 10 of j other man to beat,'' ;';.'i't '-;p' . .rev. will walte, pasture of rehob- er church, will be assisted In the ML"!!." 5.?! a"U! special sermont on the evils strong drink and thin dresses, .and it wiU be delivered on this 6cCa-1 sion. the collecUon wlU go to furrin missions. , he la a strong and verry loud speaker, and has always benn able to. keep his congrer-gatlon a- wake. cotpe one, come all. but la dies, plese wear plenty clothes or get emoarraasea with nis taiK. ' ' t 1 yores trulie, - . ". ' mike Clark, rf d. - , corry spondent. ;SnowJHillNews ) jar. ana sars. mawin xion ana Miss Pauline Holmes were week end visitors at Mr. D. S. -Wallers. . Mrs. Erwtng Kornegay and baby spent Sunday with Mrs. 'Edgar Outlaw. . . Miss Katie Outlaw of Sykesvllle Md., Is ' visiting relatives and friends- in thia section. She is quite a atranger as she hasn't-been In about three years. " ? - Mrs. 8; M. Waller Is spending a few days with her son, Mr; D. S. Waller "Granny" Is always, wel come back to the old home com munity. - j: vv"" . Miss Pauline Goodson Bpent the week end with Miss Irene Outlaw. - Little Kathryn Waller and Alene) Outlaw spent Sunday with Lena and Nelta and' In the afternoon they all visited Miss Ruth Bell. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Waller ana children were, at the "old hoine" this week end. :yy:'';':-',--VX Mrs. Edd Kornegay and children spent Saturday P. M. with . Mrs. -V. s ) -w J !H ' A '. ). ; -: BUSINESS WITH A BANK? The butcher, the baker, the eandlisteck maker T Yes, and their wives and 7 their sens and their daughters. "And so do their sisters and their cousins and -their aunts." S That's why this bank, knowing how many types of people and businesses it ' serves. Is different It isn't Uke the dentist's business, or the garageman's or the grocer's or the hoasewifd'e. Yet It to like them, something of each of them being a part of this bank's make-up. ' Put them all together the dentist's ethics, the garageman's Ideals of service, V the grocer's pride In his stock, the housewife' sense of valuesand add to thai a strong feeling of trust, a sense of responsibility for sound advice and ' watchful protection. t . " t ' Then, and not until then, do you begin to define what this bank Is, what makes . It different." It's different because the people It serves are different, and they ' in turn choose It as their bank because It todifferent. .. ' : " . - f ' - o v.,'....; A f.jw tru.a this sec:" 1 i . -i-lng tobacco, on the t r - I re portiiMj goc-1 prices. i Rev. lair. Vernon ! i L i regular appointment at laat Sunday. . ,v liill church A News Mr. Lee Albertaon an son spent few days last week with Mr; A Mrs. R. Wallace. ; . ;. Mr. and Mrs. James Brown and Mrs. Cordellia ' aith, Misses Irene May and Eva Smith were Kinston shbPDers iUondav. ; Misses Lillie MiUer, Rubj? Mae and Hunter Swinaon, Gladys, Doro thy, Mattie Pearl, Ruth, Eva Smith attended the Young Peoples Union Meeting Tuesday night at Pink ... Mr. J. O. Smith of Newport News, Va., spent part of last week with IStj B. F.; Smith- and fami- and Mrs. Raymond smith Und Johnston Mae and tillfan Eva V1 Beach " i. . ' arnlth tnnb ""1 i"""" r T ' Rogers Sunday. Mr. Willie Williams of Va., spent part of last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Williams. ; . NEWS and VIEWS .(Continued from front page) through many of these contacts that work has resulted. Mr. Jer rltt has devoted much of his time to this work and Is due the thanks of ' the people of this county. Most every one knows Mr. Jerritt and know that when he enters a thing some results are bound to come. His ability n unquestioned in almost any field he may go Into aejd his persona lity is such that people are in-, spired bj( being In bis presence. Also may we . say a word-, for Miss Dixon, the secretary of the DupUn County Unit. She has proven a very efficient one and Classified Ads FOR SALE 'J. " FIVE JERSEY MILK. COWS and Calf.' Heavy Milkers. See C, H. ' McSwain, KenansvUle, N. C. -8-28-8t-C. H. Mc N. P.1 .; l::r:iT:' FOR SALE H6TJND PUPPHSS. Cheap; Mrs. Germon Powell, Kenansvllle. , v 1 WHO ... .. a i i 1-8 U ' f i t and w i4 h , Mr. BicLetuion's K- Mrs.' -Scr-ir:::;' . A dinner was given by 1 . den Summerlin Sunday, Ai; 1935, honoring her little dm Polly's ninth birthday. She t I an old time country dinner, i 1 style.' A large birthday cake aine Dink candles was tne cent . '.Interest. In the afternoon, feci the crowd left, she served the b -thday cake with ice cream. In t! ; afternoon, Polly entertained ho r little friends by taking them to Sunday - School. Those f present numbered about twenty-five and all enjoyed the day -very much. -'i o ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE .Having this day qualified as Ad ministrator Of the estate of Martha Smith, deceased, this is to; notify all persons indebted, to said estate to make immediate settlement and all persons having claims against said estate will present them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 12th day of 'August, 1936, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery.- . This the 12th day of August; 1935. . j " . 1 T. W. SMITH, i Administrator of the estate of Martha Smith. ' " ' , ' H 9-l9-6t. n. h. b. - - , ; SEVEN SPRINGS GENERAL MERCHANDISE ' Everything " to Eat, ' Drink :: and Wear, .Correct Prices and weights . to all. ice Cold Beer and Fresh Meats. Mules and Horses for Sale ' or trade. Discount on Shoes , ISo pair.'1, ,, ' .t-t--'.,s u ' M.,W. HCSEV, Prop. - lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli nil!!l!!M Day & Night Service , COLD DRRINKS,' AND MERCHANDISE We Buy and Sell Farm Products. On Pink Hill and Beulaville High- VfAji'.'- ;,v way.. .v"-.;'..v.;:..-:.);. r'i : yQEOROE RHODES, Prop. " ii!;:;:!::!::;;::::::::;;::::::!::::::::::::::!: i ' 3 H I. DOES c c t I

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