ar$av; Han; t .1 ; rape f il u u i Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Leary of Goldsboro Were week end guest or Mr. and Mrs. Alton vick. Mrs. -Margaret P. Orme has re turned to her home in Washington, n r Rf te visiting her jnolhcr, Mrs. T. B. Peirce for the past two Mrs. Dora Parker of Durham , spent the week end with her neice Mrs. J. B. Reaves. . - i . Mrs. J. W. Farrior attendei the , " marriage of her cousin. Miss Mary Cromatie id Ellzabethtpwn on Fn- '6, Mrs. R. E. Wall ani thAir 'nephew, John Fonville opent the week end at Myrue .ocuwu, -iiurnea u iwiuiuwiu ......a C. Mrs. Wall remained for several f their mother, Mrs. Herbert - Mid . weeir stay.. -'?:'-' ' v,';f'!;:i;-''!'''6Ueton.,''Vi:;.;' ::v--y ;? :'''"?;' Mr4 and Mrs. Charlie Hobbs of j Miss Emily Knight of Goldsboro Raleigh were guests of Mrs. P. W. was the guest of Miss Lola May Hobbs Saturday. : ; t; Middleton Monday night Mr. W. E. Hines and sons, Mid-! ,, Mr. and Mrs, J. , C, Brock and J,.l nm sMwurd and ,J. Her- sons Kenneth and McDonald Brock man Hines "were visitors to More-, had Sundav. Middleton Hines re maining over for two weeks stay. 1 Earl Best and Ann Hines spent last week at Wrightsville Beach, guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hines of Atlanta, Ga. - Mesdames Ula M. Kennedy, R. ' ' H. Best Sr.. L. H. Brown and Les lie, Jr.," spent Friday in Kinston visiting relatives. A Misses Cary and Narcie Williams are visiting their grandfather. Mr. Robt Whltaker in S. C. : Miss Victoria Kornegay of Seven Springs Is visiUng her brother and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Kornegay. -..j"' ..'. '';'-. " f Mrs., 3. D. Miller and little dau ghter, Dorothy Lou, left Saturday morning to Join Mr. Miller in New ' ton. Mrs. Miller and daughter will visit her mother in the western ! part of the State for a few weeks. Mr. E. D.: Williams is spending the week in Durham with Mrs. 'Williams nad the children. Mr. and Mrs. - Norwood West ' made several trips to Wilmington 1 last week to see their little daught er, Ann, who has been ill in a hos- - pital there for the past two weeks. Anns condition is greatly, im proved, much to the delight of her , many friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. G.- Mosley of Newport News, were visitors. In ' town Thursday. Mr. Mosley'a sis ter, Mrs; Kitty Hunter returned home with them after visiting at the home of Mrs. E. J. Hill for tba last few months. Mr. and Mrs. Mosley and Mrs. Hunter spent this week in Seven Springs before re turning to their home in Newport News. '.;;' Mrs. Litchfield Hine returned - home Monday from. Goldsboro, 1 where she had been an operative patient at the Goldsboro hospital. The1 many friends of Mrs. .Hine are delighted to know she is getting along so nicely. v Mrs, Robert Usher and little son of Teachey . spent the week end . ' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Barr. - v .' Miss Amelia Farrior is visiting her cousin, Miss Sallie Sloan in Garland this week. Mrs. Harvey Kornegay of Atlan-; , ta, Ga., is the guest this week of Mrs. L, H. Brown. Messrs Sam Moore and Henry Moore of Goldsboro were visitors ' In the home of Mrs. Lila M. Kenne ; dy Sunday. ' : ";' Mesdames Douglas Southerland and Murray Holland of Kinston were guests of Mrs. F. P. Fonville Thursday. , Mrs. J. J. West, Miss Alene West, Helen and Walter P. West were visitors to Wilmington' Sunday, they went to" see little Ann West ' who is a pateint at the Baby Hos pital there. Misses Elizabeth and Martha Hines, Julia and Louise Farrior . and Mr. Bob Wheless spent Tues ' day at Carolina Beach. ' Mr. and Mrs. Norwood K. Oats t were visitors In the home of Mrs. Henry Bowden Monday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Enock Fonville of Rocky Mount Were guests of Mrs. ' F. P. Fonville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herring, and j little daughter, Bobby Jean spent Sunday in Kinston . visiting Mrs. Best ' Mrs. Sadie Blalock of Burlington is the guest this week of Mrs. J. K. Williamson, ;, - , Miss Margaret Capell hss return ed to her home in Wadesboro, af . ter visiting her aunt,,: Mrs. U. S. Best, , . i " " Mrs. W. M, Bowen T and little granddaughter, Katherine Bowen ' spentJast week in Wilmington, vis iting relatives. ' ' Misses Ruth Ivey and Edith Sur . ratt were visitors to Chinquapin one day last , week. They were guests of Miss Catherine Landin. Mesdames G. G. Best,' Frank .. Thomas, Misa Helen Marsh Best , and Mr. G. S. Best left Thursday for a trip through the Western part of the State. From there they will go to Maryville, Tenn. to visit Mrs. Walter Wallace. Mrs. Wal lace was formerly Miss Reba Mea i ws, and will be very pleasantly mb.Ted as a former member r t'.e Warsaw School faculty. ' T ""i Furratt had as her " ' t p eek, Misses Ma n. Flora S'lr- i. Henry Middleton end in Dunn, visit Ions slater, Mrs, An- .pent the Ing Mr. I. nie M. r .11. Mrs. Waiter Hayes and her dau gliter, Miss Lois Hayes of Roxoboro were guests last week or Mrs. nay es sister. Mrs. Walter A. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Bland Pickett spent Sunday in BeulavlUe guests of Mrs. Joe Pickett. ' Mrs. Vance Blount and Miss Al ma 'Rimint . were visitors Jn Vie home of Mrs, B. C. Sheffield Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hawkins and tjheir daughter, Martha have re- spent several days at Ocean VlewJ and NorrolK, va., iasi ween., ui tie May Brock visited her aunt, Mrs. Luther Hollingsworth In Gold sboro while her parents were a way';5"i':f;v"'ip;; Mr. T. S. Cheek, of Mebane Was a visitor in town Tuesday nad WboV nea6;-' My. and Mrs. B. F. Cooper, Miss Meljones Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones and family were visi tors to Carolina Beach Sunday. ;, Miss Johnnie Brown Kennedy of Beulaville is the guest of Miss Jen ny Qulnn Cavenaugh this week. They will spend Thursday in Bur gaw visiting relatives. " '. v Miss Florence Frazelle .and Mr. Henry Middleton of Raleigh -were visitors in the home of Mrs. Her bert Middleton during the v week Mrs. Ed Peirce left Monday for her home in Georgia after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. J, C Russ. ' : John Kent Huff of East Bend is visiting at the borne of his sister, Mrs. Frank Pickett. ' Mrs.' Warren A. Smith and Miss Margaret Cooper were visitors to Fayetteville Friday. Miss Evelyn Maynard of Clayton was a visitor In the home of, Mrs. E. F. Strickland last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Strickland and guest, Miss Maynard, Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Brltt and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pickett, and Mrs. Pickett little son John Huff spent Sunday at Carolina Beach.,' - Miss Frankle Cooper has return ed from Burgaw where she' has been visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Best left Sunday morning for Middleton, Va. where they will visit Miss Sephie Lee Clarke frbttr there they will go through the Shenandoah Valley and on to New York City. Mrs. Emma Powell ; Chambers and her daughter, Miss - Mamie Chambers will spend the week end in Norfolk, Va., guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Honeycutt. Miss Zilla Falson, who has been nursiner Mrs. T. B. Peirce for the past few months is spending! her ! vacation with, her mother in Fai go,,. Mrs. Lathan of Bowdcn is with Mrs. Peirce. Mr. R. I. Foster of Mocksville. is the guest , this week of his son and daughter in law. Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Foster. Rev And Mrs. Foster had as their guests Sunday night and Monday, Rev. Foster's sisters, Mrs, G. S. Koonce of Reed - and Mrs. J. M. Livengood and family of Advance, also his brother,-' Mr. C. M, Foster of Louisville, Ky. j Mr. and Mrs. Guion Sewell and Mrs. Hlnton Middleton of Kinston were visitors in the home of Mr$. Herbert Middelton Sunday. They were en route to the Western part of the State for a visit.- - Mr. Leslie Parker bf Baltimore Md., was the week- end1 guests of bis cousin, Mrs. D. W. Hobbs. " Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Middleton were visitors to Fayetteville Thurs day. . - Mrs. Kate Nicholson of Georgia is the guest of Mrs. J -A. Powell. Mr .and Mrs. W. B. Isham- of Greensboro were the guests Thurs day night of Mrs. George Bennett. ; Master Billie Best is spending the week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Turner m Wal lace. Mr, E. Walker Stevens is spend ing several day at . Wrightsville Beachv 1 , 1 J ' Mrs. Laura Fulford of Gouces ter is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gordon West Mrs. JEstelle T. Smith of Golds boro was a visitor in the home of Miss Helen Carlton Saturday. Miss Mary Elizabeth Crawford of Kinston spent several days with Miss Rachel Frederick alst week. ; Rev, Deleon L. Woodard and. son Walter Woodard of La-Grange, 111, are visiting Rev. Woodard's mother (Mrs. D. L. Woodard. Messrs Glen Rollins and ' Doris Hollingsworth attended a week end house party at Lake Waccamaw. The many friends of Mr. H. H. Carlton are delighted to know he is greatly improved after ten days in bed. Mr. an.i Durn - i . nr from July 1, 19:14, t . ! i 5, the Dup lin County . ji-mtendent, Mrs. llarvi v j i traveled 30,000 null s i i t ii mance ot her duties, 'i . .; v ; f r the year included suri rv i of hofipitali zatlon, aid to . , t'uld labor, unemployablcs, j e court and adult court cc i, I 'J rriaoners pauper burials, l uutenicnt of chil dren and dcpenu!iit adults, adopt ions, domestic relations, wayward girls, etc. , ' Until January 15, 1935, the Fede ral Relief was administered by the Superintendent of Public Welfare', but since the consolidation of Dup lin with .Wayne and Lenoir Coun ties the Federal Relief Administra tion has been in Wayne County. The Welfare work of this county, however, has been carried on thro ughout .jche. year, ''y-'i-",:.--: From July 1, 1934, to January 13, 1935, 30,000 interviews were made by the welfare department and relief department From Jan uary 13. 1935, to July. l, 1935, 8, 000 -interviews were made 'in the welfare department Hundreds of personal Interviews have been made to settle disputes, and succeed In keeping certain do mestic relation would-be couf t cas es out of .court ' Ten Insane people have been in vestigated, some of whom were ta ken to State Hospital. , Twenty-three unmarried mothers have been investigated and cam! for, four of whom were carried to Salvation Army Hospital. Eight marriages have taken place because of the influence of this de partment These marriages seem to be of lasting type. Sixty-eight wayward girls and women have been visited and ad vised to discontinue their conduct Honest work has been secured for some of these. ' Of the women who have been placed in the State Farm. Colony from this county, one had two chil dren for whom we eared while she was away. Three women ; from State Farm Colony have been plac ed in good homes in this county, and are under the supervision . of this department - i . We now have nineteen paroled women jr under our , supervision, There axe thirty-four paroled men prisoners; In Duplin County, many of whom report to this department each month. ' ' ' ,One feeble minded girl who wm sent from this county to an Insti tution was sterilized. ' s Good homes have been found for ninety-three . children. Some, of these -r will ' probably be adopted. Others are working and earning a living. ' v . , w i One baby has received its final adoption papers. , , 1 , , ' Seven children have been sent to North' i Carolina School for the Deaf. Seven crippled ; children have been sent to Gastonia for treat ment During the;year fifty-two' child ren were taken to Goldsboro clinic. We averaged four or more per month. . i SHOW YOUR CHILDREN : THE VALUE OF MONEY You can teach them how to be thrifty by insuring their lives in the Northwestern Mutual. And the younger you start then) the lower their premium rates will be. ivt L. STADIEM ' i Special Agent " , . - Northwestern Mutual Life v , Insurance Company ' 121 DANDY DENIL GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND SERVICE STATION .. Near Outlaw Bridge D. D. HERRING, Prop. 24 HOURS SERVICE AT Pay and Night Service Station i. L SMITH , " , , On Highway 11 ko::itegay'3 Electric Refrigeration, Ice Cream, Drinks, Groceries, Gas and OH. At Intersection of Highway's 11 and 111. . - . THAD KOENEQAY. "; !: GAH, ( . their i s i i -r. i r child 1- it ! L. 3 ) unlawfi-1 a es 1 ,L.atod an 1 t ch" 1 to attend s- ! n oris l) ove ! scUu. : ut was incir;: ..... bee. 9. ' , ' ' Six ; I tve been taken to CaswKi ing School for mental tests. ,,' v ; Four 1 were, held in our build: ; the year by Mr. E. II. F - m the Department of I. i to rehabiliate aduita who a .rapped by disease, deform;: . a. Some of these are bui. .,' i . :i to do work such as their. h i will permit Plans are being u s to rehabilitate others Mary I ie been admitted to the County I e during the year. As quickly (it e can be placed in other hi; i, they have been re moved, ii I at present Six are liv ing thet-f, , -,. ...A-'-'-i.'.' -.';'; ::.:':' Six vcti is have been sent to Veterans' I nitaL We have used our influence by letters for Jthers to receive compensations.. EJgnt veterans have applied to Veterans' c. c. c. We . have recommended destitute unemployables to the County Com missioners f on, aid with county funds. These have had very small county orders which have been sup plemented with Federal commodi ties such as canned milk, beef, etc. Visits have , been made to those on Mothers' Aid list. Two mothers were added to'this roll during tho year,- and one more has been rec ommended. . - Frequent visits are made to the County Home. Visits are also made to the stockade and jail. ' We have appealed to citizens who have made it possible for nine teen transients to be taken care of from time to time. ' . The Duplin County Council of Social Agencies was organized. Follow up meetings not held be. cause of infantile paralysis. ' . . We have advised all persons aid. ed to join burial associations. Be' cause of the popularity of said as sociation, pauper burials have been reduced. We hope that similar ar rangements for - hospital associa tion may be made. Quality Of Grapes Affected By Harvest A mistake frequently made by vineyard owners is that of pick ing the grapes before, they are ful ly ripe. . , ; -. Immature grapes lack the nec essary sugar and solids to keep well and to develop a full, rich fla vor after picking, says Prof. M. E. Gardner, horticulturist - at State College, i i . j. Since many varieties are fully colored before maturity it Is not easy to determine just when they are ripe, he added. The ability to tell , when a grape Is ready for Richard R. Rouse NEWS STAND ALBERTSON. . BARBER GAS, OILS and DRINKS . Highway 111 , , JPORKIE'S Quick Lunch . C DONALD KENNEDY ' - Pink HU1, N. O. .". Kodak Films Developed, Eight Ex posuTe Roll and Eight Prints 40c Southern Art Co. ; KENANSVIIXE, N. C. ? czzzz DAY & HIGIIT . -SERVICE STATION Polite At" i "on " On Highway 11 s ar B. F. Granly i iool w. I v. : ok NEW Jj.OIIE IN OLD r V.-i AT Beulavl" GENERAL r, ke: : N. C. ' - vxrisE l t, i, co- o w 'i y, the to lli n n of 3 on tae Drail- i ... '., and the easy pulling of ber rir.) irom tue stem. Tasting: a few I.. . . i pulled at random from the vine is also a guide. . Small pointed shears should be used in removing bunches from the vines, with' the stem being cut close to the bunch so the point will not puncture other clusters. After picking, the grapes should be placed in. the shade of the vines until they are packed or carried into the packing shed.' All defec tive grapes should be removed from the bunches before they are offered for sale. . When the bunches are well trim med and packed colsely in the, bas ket with the stems down, they will be in a good condition for ship ping and will present an attractive appearance. , ' .. -"...; ' , The muscadine grape, not of the bunch type, is hard to ship and therefore is used largely at home and in, nearby markets for wine, grape ljuice, and for fresh consum ption. Brief News Items - - Dairy farming Is increasing sln Haywood County, according to ob servations by county agent W. D. Smith, - - Alfalfa, lespedeza, corn and cot ton have tripled in growth in Meek lenburg County since the " recent rains. i ' "'We have the finest prospects pecta for corn, hay, cane, peas, soybeans and sweet potatoes than in several, years," says Rutherford ' NOTICE OF SUMMONS ' : BY PUBLICATION North CaroUna : ;,' -', Duplin County. - - : Before the Clerk of Court of . . Duplin County. , - The Federal Land Bank of , Columbia ' VS Walter P. BrMgeraL L. Brld- : gers, G. H. Bridgers, E. B. . . - Bridgers, Annie Kennedy ant) husband W. A. Kennedy, Wal- ' ou cro ALL 7E3GGG when you buy t 77.o I i i . i..:: uf f " r ( -.hi J tJ t ' from 'in ) of the stei You are entitled to all of tlie car features pictured here when you buy a car 6t ".Ing in l!ie lowest price range. And the new I.I aster De Luxe Qievrolet is the only car in its pi ke range that brings you ell of tLira! It is t"ie only car of' its price wiiU a Z:l ' I T rrvt-Top n, :r JW-ythe smartcBt an I f ' 1 1 'li. T'.e only carofitspricetLat f ives i' e.' " -i -J". V ?Xiire Action I'LL: Tie oi.fy r r f ; i ; ' ev' '11 ie Fltime Vul.:e4'i-I 11 ' ' "" IViotU EndCuu .i i ... I,. c-..!.tjtwJG "!-Cft- ( ! . of -'.r- , a Li west one To I. L. Bridgers, G. H. r.ridger.s, E. B. Bridgers Annie Kennedy and husband W. A. Eeimiuiy, and the American Lime stone Company, being six in num- Iber, in the above entitled action, I take notice 'that summons was la 'sued orainot said defendants on the 19 clay of July, 1935 by R. V. Wells, Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin f County, said state, for . the foreclosure of a certain mori Igage deed recorded in the Public Registry of Duplin Co., said Btate in book 249, at page 155, and note thereby secured, executed by D. H. Bridgers Aug. 26, 1924 said mort gage deed conveying a 72.7-8 acre tract of land, more or less, in War saw Township, said Co., and state, which lands the said defendants have or claim to have an interest therein all of whlch is set out in the complaint filed in this action . , Let the Baid defendants further take notice that they are required to appear" before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin Co., at his office In Kenansville, North Carolina on the 26 day of August 1935, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action,' or the relief demanded in said com plaint will be given. ' v, ', This the 22 day of July, 1933. . R. V. WELLS, Clerk of the Superior Court. 8-15-4t. D. L. C. " i MAXWELL'S MEAL Makes Bread Good to the last Crumb FOR SALE by the ' , , v Following leading Merchants: C. E. QUINN. , i Kenansville PAUL THOMI'SON -, . Rlchlands -' L, P. TYNDALL Pink Hill QUINN ft PARKER Beulaville ' "HOLTS STORE ' , - Seven Springs, R. F. D. . ' ; i Yea Ifs WATER GROUND Put up ana guaranteed by Maxwell's Mill H. D. MAXWELL, Prop. - PINK HILL qnf iilcd to FEATUjG a low-priced ccr 1 1 imii J 1 VJ r. w. i , : :. . Joo T.. I - 1 v ' Eryant, T. I.. . '. ' ter, J. S. K McCn, i - - ; i Gowen, 1 ( ; The C u ant, An : I t ' MacKintK', a. i i ' take notice tuat m l: t above has been comm Superior Court of DU i North Carlolna, to foret:!--gage on land from Joe Ji. . and Margie Bryant to W. I. bobk 203, page 501, Row;' Duplin County, assigned to i Johnson, by W. P. Ward, bi . u pabe 153, Registry of Kauu County, each of said defon having Inherited an interest in lands from Joe B. Bryant; and defendants will further take n: that' each of them ia required 1 appear at the office of the ( of Superior Court of said Com , :ln the Courthouse in Kenanev N. C, on the 22 day of Septem! , 1935, and answer r demur to tua complaint and amendment to ce t- plaint In said action, or the pin a tiff will apply to the Court for t relief demanded therein. This 80 day of July, 1935. R. V. WELLS, Clerk of Superior Court-Duplin County. ' 8-28-4 G. R. W. ' : ' . PACKERS . ,',"1 ' Warsaw ''-". GRANTS . J " Kinston . L. C. TURNER ' ' -' . Pink Hill - T. V. QUINN Kenansville R. F, D. z ROUTES in ID mm g" 1. 1 j trolled Brakes. See and drive the Master I' Luxe Chevrolet and learn by actual tcet I much these features iean in terms of a motoring enjoyment. Do this and yo agree that the Master De Luxe is exac;' ' its owners say it is the most finely I ' low-priced car ever built. Yiwit your i Chevrolet dealer and drive this car t cr:;vroLET motou co, Detroit, i Cut, j iWeGievrokt'tlim)l,'tvfTt' ! prices and,.? n'.yG.l terms. A Ccnm.l ' itnrs Vi. ' p

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