THE DUPLIN TIMES xrrnsDAY, august 15th 1935 :nreAttractions At . The in Theatre Next W esk I've been waiting- for- them vi,w they are here. John Bolea j an Muir . in ''Orchids To ' and. Janet Gaynor and Henry j. in "The Farmer Takes A i" feature the week's program t,t lae )uplin next week. ". .Orchids To You A brilliant cast, sparkling : dia ncifrue, and a remarkabe story go to make up Fox Film's latest pro duction, "Orchids To .You," a pow 1 nil and unusual romantic drama with a theme competely out of the beaten track, which opens Monday at the Duplin Theatre,'''-:, ;V "Orchids To You" is absorbing in its universial appeal nothing highbrow, nothing psychologtcal-r-Just an honest, human document that gripped, every spectator 'In last night's ' audience; yet It; is lightened with plenty of , natural comedy. ' The first film to glorify the Am erican florist, "Orchids To ' You" deals with' the financial and rom antic troubles of a pretty -florist, who, after- building up a - highly successful: business of her own, finds herself , in difficulties when her professional ethics prevent her from .revealing the identity of a cus tomer. The working out of the plot leads tb a romance of a distinctive kind, as charming as it is unique, and certain to add vastly to . the following of the., principal, play-. erT'K; x$0&i$&. '. . John Boles, who has the leading role, proves himself the, most pop ular singing star of the screen to day,; by his grand performance. Jean Muir, distinctively fresh and; charming, turns in the finest per formance of her career; 'while Charles Butterworth's . inimitable comedy portrayal: furnishes most of the laughs in the picture and is perfectly suited to the part he plays. . , ' n " - The Wednesday attraction will deal with scientific sleuths who out -Sherlock Sherlock Holmes and who outfight desperadoes in'Men Without Names; With Fred Mac- her affection. In a pounding, action-filled cli max, Fonda ' proves , ms courage and his' right . to Miss a Gaynor's Jove. i . 1 .4 ' iv-. Walter' D. " Edmonds. iwidely- read novel, "Home Haul'nwaa.tiie basis for both the stage play and the picture Of "The Farmer Takes A . Wife," Ih the supporting cost of the picture, which includes more than fifty speaking parts, are unm Summerville, Andy TJevine, Roger Imhof, Jane Withers and Margaret Hamilton. 4 Winfleld Sheedan produced 'The Farmer Takes a Wife", which, was directed by Victor Fleming., , -;:'-g-.,.:.: ' r. 'iti n tr,:",' Potters Hill News ' Messrs Don Quinn.' Cheslie Thig- pen and Th'eodore Quinn and Miss es Verdie vendetta ana Inez yuinn went to Hallsville Sunday. Murray, Madge Evans, Lynne Ov-j Mr. Fannell , Lanier was the erman and young David Holt head-;! guest of MJss " Daphney Futral lng the cast. "Men Without Nam.-' Tuesday evening. KING'S COURT SERVICE STATION A Full Line of, TEXACO Products Firestone Tires, Batteries, ".".Accessories, PHONE 183 .' Opposite Court House V. S. NtJNl Kinston,.N. C, W. S. NtJNN, es'ls a dynamic, puncn pacxea film based." on adventures which really have happened. The. Former Takes A Wire ' Civilization marched westward over the turbulent Erie waterways Mn four-mile-an-hour ' boats'.; and I strong men hammered out ah env Ipire and Iwld the love of beautiful 1 women with their brawny lists. 1 Miss Ruthle Quinn was the guest of Miss Fannie Ruth Maready Sat urday night. ., . . : i Mrs. sl. I, Thigpen was the gueat of Mrs. J.. W. Quinn Saturday. Mesdames Ellis Turner and Z. J. Quinn were the guest of Mrs. I Ii, Quinn Sunday. , . Messrs Don Quinn, Andrew Ho mirH miii TJnvri Howard attended That is the glamorous; 'action , h, frv hv Min Emma iiuiea picture 01 auikium u. c i Johnson Saturday evening. : . ! roaring 1850's which Fox Film's I Mlss Raulne Bostie was the guest "The Farmer Takes a Wife" brings I of M,M- Edrle Qumn ga;UPQay. ,-. !h"r t0 Mr. RoyceTlngen was the guest About the tender love story' of , g Zd Miss Janet Gaynor and :l5SSJ.fSLlS the stars of the picture, all ? f a M excitement, humor, romance and jr(j:-. ' near-tragedy of this never to -be ?unuay- . - v. t forgotten epocb centers.; ; ' I Mr- and Mrs. H. a BosUc, Mr. Miss Gaynor is a girl of the Erie! Perry Hall, Miss Mattie Hall and waterways, fascinated by the nom- ' Mrs. Lettie Hall attended church adio, gypw-like existence. Fonda ' at Salem Chapel, Mt Olive Satur- 1m a. Wft . mVv tnnplra An Trio fn t1 fll H day' evening. ,, m a uu - wif r D " . ; - - 'merely to earn enough money t6 Mr. Barney Quinn attended .a buy the farm ne nas always want- weinee roast given Dy jhujh michi; ed. ' .' '!"....! "-,';' :' ' . ' ! Jones Saturday night 't- Although these two realize that Mr.' Cagie Houston was the guest there is this fundamental differ- of Miss Inez Quinn Saturtffiy ev ence between' them; they cannot ening. . ; - i : . help being drawn together by love. Mr. and Mrs. Kater Thigpen an; As the picture progresses, Fonda's nounce the birth of a baby girl. fortunes prosper and he .prepares Mr. and Mrs. Carrie Lewis were to withdarw from the: canal. But the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Miss Gaynor believes that he is Jarmon. running from Charles Bickford, Everyone is sorry to hear, that the canal's buly, and his rival for Mrs. Kate Jarmon is ill. OUTLAW'S BRIDGE Most of the farmers -will fin ish curing tobacco this week. . Mrs. W. G. Kornpgay of B. F. Grady 'School section spent several days- last week With her daughter, Mrs. M. W. Simmons.' . - Mr. Norman. Simmons of - Mt. Ollye was a visitor here Sunday af ternoon i ' . - Mrs, Willie" Griff in and children of .Seven Springs visited the form er's mother, Mrs. Lou Smith Sun day. . - . , , . ,' ' ' Several from here attended . the funeral of . Mrs. Lizzie Head at Zlon- Saturday af ternoon. C l'. ; 1 Miss Helen Parker spent Satur day night and Sunday wUh " Miss Amelia -Grady at Albertsori. , Miss Ellthe Outlaw has been se lected captain for. the Girl Scouts. f, Mrs. J. W. Outlaw, Sr., has been on the sick list for several days. . t i ; t 1 o , Piney Grove . li- (In'tend"eJ for last week) , Mr, Herman SutWn was a visi tor of Miss Ruby Stroud last Sun day P. M. f . Mrs. M. Langston was a vialtoi of Mrs. Aahby Stroud last Sunday. Miss Gladle Rae Langston spent last ..Sunday at the home of Mrs. Alma Herring. . Mr. Troy . Smith was a visitor of Kids' Lela Mae. McCoy last Sun day night nd Tuesday liignt also Miss Lela Mae' McCoy spent last Saturday night with Missei Lina Bell, Ruby ,and Bessie Stroud. They all -attended a chicken try which was given at the home of Mrs. Zeb Turner. ' Mr. Bob Hardison and Miss Lc tha Thompspn ,aHended church at Piney Grove last Saturday night. Everybody' is invited to attend church at Piney Grove the 3rd Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock and also Holliness Church at Mr. Clyde Adams; that evening at 2:00 o'clock. ' -. and Sunday. . ..;.: ''Mr; Gie Hardison was a visitor of. Miss Bossie Potter Sunday. : Mr. Horace Lee. was a visitor of Miss Doris Potter Sunday. , - Mr, Albert Stroud was a visitor of Miss JuliaXJones Sunday p. m. Mr. Eal Strqud was a visitor -of Miss Verda Mae Jones Sunday p. m, '' " . .' ' ' Mr; Ben Hines was a visitor of Mips Bonnie Jones Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. 3. J. Adams and children and Mrs. Cattie Long was a visitor of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bar nett -Sunday . M. ' ; ,;' V Mr. Fred and Lester Barnett was a visitor of Mr. Vander Out law Saturday night and Sunday. H - Miss Kathleen Jones- and, Miss Pauline Sutton was a visitor of Mrs. Myrtle Stroud Sunday p. m. There, will be Holiness t prayer meeting at- Mr. Clyde Adams next Sunday at 8:00 o'clock p. m. ; biL and Elwood Swindell and Mr. John Smith went to Kinston Satur day. - 1 - Those from here who went to White -Lake Sunday, included the following: Mr. and Mrs. Swindell, Mrs. Joe Benton, Miss Clyde Ben ton,. Miss Adene Garris, Mr. Pren tice Garris, Mr. Pncely Smith, Mr. A. W. Penny, Mr. Forrest Martin, Mr. Troy Holland, Mr. Elwood Swindell, Hiss Sybil Swindell, Miss Grace Holland, Miss Ruby Martin, and Mr. 'John Smith,' Mr and Mw;B, G. Holland of Petersburg, Va and daughter, Lu trell, Miss Leatrice' Holland and Mrs. Omega Holland of Pink Hill were visitor 'In- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kent Holland Thursday. i Mr. Pricely Smith spent Satur j day night with Mr. Troy Holland. L' Mr. Paul Waystaff of Clinton, (visited Miss Ruby Martin Sunday ,. night. . , ' 4 Mr. Prentice Garris is spending 'tainia tlmo with his sister. Mrs. 'Jofl Benton. - ' '-: FIDLER'S SON Electric Frigidalre and Auto Service ' J. L. BALKCUM On Highway 40 v ,.. - v ' '- - v Cedar Fork News Mrs. Martha Sloan spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brinson. , ",. .. i Mrs. James, Albcrtson and son Frederick spent Sunday with Mrs. Annie Picket. ; ' Miss Annie Lee Gray spent the week end with.Mrs. John Brinson. Mr. John Brinson made a busi ness trip to Kenansville Sunday af ternoon; Mrs,., John Brinson is spending a few. days with Mrs. Happy Jackson..'.:'.- " -v;f'. . Mr.' and Mrs.( W. M. Lanier spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dossie Lanier. v VLong Rdige Mr. J. J. Taylor made a business trip: to Mt Olive Sat. i Mr. Perry Dail was a visitor of relatives in Wayne County Sun day;' ' Mr Jcnas Dail and Miss Sonnie Jones motered down to Sneeds Fer ry Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. Paul Whaley were Visitors here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hill were a- mong the dinner guest of Mrs. Hiram Jones Sunday. Mr. Roland Outlaw spent the week end at Wilmington Mr. Lacie Rich and Miss Effie Tucker gave Miss Tucker's sister Mrs. Rubert Jones a call Sunday. Several frcm here were at the chicken fry given by Mr. and Mrs. Estelle Kornegay Saturday at their home. Mr,. Leslie Summerlin was a vi sitor of his sister, Mrs. Willie Brock, of Sarecta Sunday. Mr. T. F. Hill, Sr., visited hi3 mother Sunday at Pate's Mill. Mrs. W. C. Hill of Smith's Cha ple spent Friday with Mrs. E. J. Hill. Mr .and Mrs. James Ezzelle were week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Summerlin. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Summerlin spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Willie Brock of near Sarecta. If'li r 4 4 cifo djii::3 ti:.zc see how MUCH VS.GZZ QUALITY, the world's largest tire-maker offers for prices as low as OR LOWER than any. ,v- ' - Remember, Detective Faurot's great ' investigation showed the sensational Goodyear Ali-weatner is oe- ; liverini more than , , f , ' Of MORE NON-SKID O MILEAGE. ExreTAxosT the sharp non-skid registered by these "G-3's"atthemUi'. ales shown below'' proof that they're: still good for many' more thousand of miles of safety. 31.10 BllM R.W.Krnttf . ScdalUt, Mo. v;:;si a iiberal TRADE-IN AUOWANCt s 30x3V4 CI. 1 4.40-21 ' $15-05 4.50-21 ; 4.75-19 H e r e ' - & u i eV Goodyear quality In, h n wo r 1 d 1 M-t Irs t-' choice economy tire. ' Built of 'tough,- new! rubber with center , traction safety tread Supertwlst blow out protection in every ply. Finest tire built for the money. FATlFI'"TI! IVouuliTuuauaijtll: i in writing against road injuries I " ,. and defects " " ? An valu,u. wade- pos- ibleonly by millions. 1 oft' ftnlfl: OrtadveAT-i butlrand guaranteed ' wifhll quality -'features: thick non- ; ' skid tread Super , twist body rein- . . forced sidewalls all ; . new rubber, a won ' derful "buy." SPEEDY -I . 14.941 mllw - " G. H. Weddintton '. - 1318 Aram t -. ' Ft.' Madlaon, lows ; t with A i:i-.r.Ai y AUOWANCt 1 ' 30iflHCf.' 4 4.40-21' ' $5-m 4.S0-21 $50 , 4.75-19 12,164 hHm ' '-, A. Schwafel . ,' Merchant' , WMmiitUI, Cl. 17,10 MllM ' J. f). Selmcr KellaMe Laundry Ft. Worth, Tex. "! IT nfT rnnim by discount from padded lL- ryvtml"i' price Usts. Buy no tire until you ee how much more quality Goodyear gives you for the same money-or lent Mr i 0 y i. v. J RUC v V t t ? IT T v ? t I v ':: i V 1 T y V Y y y ? y' X Duplin Theatre -.WABSAW, N. C. Sarecta News Items Miss Ruby Martin spent Satur day night with Miss Grace Holland. Mr. and Mrs. A.' H. Swindell, Sy- Progjam'For Week Aug. 19 MpNDAV AND TUESDAY John Boles and Jean Muir in ORCHIDS TO YOU Matinee Monday 8:80 WEDNESDAY ONLY Fred McMurray and Madge Evans in MEN WITHOUT NAMES Matinee 8:30 ' & THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Janet Gaynor and Henry Fonda in The Farmer Takes A Wife Matinee Thursday 8:30 SATURDAY Buck Jones in THE CRIMSON MAIL The following will receive a FREE PASS to any show next week if they will present this ad to the ticket window: Mr. and $ Mrs. J. L. Miller, Beulaville; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bostic, Beula- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Thad Kornegay, B. F. Grady; Miss Clyde j Benton, Sarecta; Mr. C. D. Thomas, Sarecta; Mr. and Mrs. v Gardner Edwards, Beulaville. S 2L Sarecta News Mr, Kxa Houston entertained friends at his tohacco barn Friday night. - A sumptous supper was spread, consisting of fried chicken, sand wiches, stewed chicken with ma caroni, cake, ice tea, also water melons. Those present for the oc casion were: Mr. and Mrs. C. D. i Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Delpar Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Hermon Houston, Miss Annie Mae Hous ton and small brothers, Dr. and Mrs. ,G, V. Gooding and children and Miss Bruce Alcox of Kenans ville. All reported an enjoyable time.. v A motor excursion left from here for i White Lake early Sunday morning. Among 'them were: Mr. and Mrs. A." H. Swindell, Miss Sy bil Swindle and Mr. Elwood Swin dell; Mrs; Joe Benton, Miss Clyde Benton, Miss Alene Garris, Miss Ruby Martin, Mr. Forest Martin, Mis Grace Holland, Mr. Troy Hol land, Mr. ohn Smith. visltorsinear ncre trora Newport News, Va.w were Mr. Jerry Smith, Mr. Willie Williams. Mr. Rafdrd Williams of the U .S. Marines is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Williams. . ,Mr. C. P. Haskins, has returned from Enfield, N. C. where he spent the. week end. -Mrs. B. A. Daughtrey's sister, husband and son of Durham spent tb.e week with her. Abovejrc c..iiu ""."'. v....---- . -. . - w ' G. A'. West's Garage ' '' I ' s l?2 ' R. F. D., Warsaw 1 " LOW AS Piney Grove News j.v,..w, . ... o ; i v" ilntmOttd For Last Week) ' Mr. Russell Smith visited Miss Lila Mae' Howard. . Mr. Randall Hardy was a visi tor of Miss Pauline Sutton ,Sun- day p. m. -.'j:."..-.' -v Mrs. Wllbert Hill was a visitor of Miss Kathleen Jones Sunday p. Mr Willie Rav Outlaw was a visitor "of his mother Saturday nlirht and Sundav. ' Mr. Sig Lee was a visitor of Miss Doris Potter aunaay atier noon, ' J-r Sl . , Mr.' Gle Hardison was a visitor of Miss Bessie Potter Sunday ev ening.:.- .'". , 'v i Mr Sidney Houston was' a visi tor of Miss Katie Outlaw Sunday P. M. v - " ' Mr. Lemuel Houston was a visi tor Of Miss Mamio Outlaw Sunday P. M, :.y-Kkfi--:-Z::.: Mr. Wilbert Hill was a visitor of Miss Kathleen Jones Sunday. . Mr. Randau Hardy was a visitor of Mia - Pauline Sutton Sunday P. M.:, Mr. Willie Ray Outlaw was a visitor at home Saturday night SELL AT HES n JR'S Warelliiiie CLARKTON, N. C. "Where Tobacco Looks Good And Sells High" All grades of tobacco are noWiVery much in demand on the CLARKTON MARKET. The quality of tobacco now being offered for sale isn't near so good as last season, BUT YET? our dally average is as high and some days higher than it was the iirst week of last season. Tobacco is really selling high in CLARKTON. Don't be fooled into the idea that the market that displays the Most road signs and has the greatest number of trade men is selling tobacco higher than anyone else. It is your money that has to pay your ferti lizer bills and alt farming expenses. Gentlemen, we try to conduct a sale in the best manner possible and on the mast sound principle of all "SELL TOBACCO ON ITS MERITS." We are not going to throw out any bait for you to grab. We think you will find that we try to work for your every interest at all times. All the manufacturers and the biggest percentage of the independent companies have buyers on the CLARKTON MARKET. You know what that means. "Where there Is competition tobacco sells good. Try the CLARKTON MARKET and see for your self. Give Us A Trial Bring us your next load and let us prove to you the truth of the above facts. Hester's Warehouse i B. HESTER GEO. T. HANCOCK L. a HESTER, Jr. f !

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