TIJUESSAY, At' r l a., 1 .G 1 Hill, Aug. II. me P'O- . Wharton. i ,r the eighth annual Parent- not listed ... .., . good, Mrs. -auy awmwr.-., janfe Howard Richardson; Dr. announced here today by Rua- a de Mr8 Dan Schroder, i M. Gruman, director the Mrg w Fonville. Mr., J. F, jersity Extension Division, s m Charles W. Phillips. C. B. , h is conducting the institute in Woodt Mrs. E. In McKea, Mrs. Ira Deration with the North Caro- Grlffla MrB a A lUzer.V i J i Congress of Parenta and Tea- j ..... A banauet -at, k, yen in Gra lis. ';...,'-.-:"-'';:-'.-.:C';.- .;,.:-. Mrs. W. B. Aycock, of Raleigh, ' te president of the Congress, i l preside over the opening meet- oo'clock on i r in Bingham HalL j - ' i I eaturing Monday's program will I e University hour from 12 to 1 o'clock during which State Super intendent Clyde Erwin will speak on "New School legislation." ' . During 1 the "morning Mrs. - Ray mond Binford, secretary of the Na tional Congress of Parents and Teacher., will extend greetings to State delegates, Parent-Teacher work accomplished during the year in North Carolina will be presented by Mrs. Aycock, Mrs, Joseph Gari baldi of Charlotte, first vice presi dent; Mia. Weaver. Mann, of New Bern, recording secretary; Mr. J. W. Burke, - Gibsonvllle, - treasurer, and Mrs. Erwin, auditor. . Six district president, will then be presented. They are Mrs. Vivian Darden, Hartford, northeastern dis trict; Mrs. J. . 8. Blair, Wallace, southeastern district; Mrs. VTUbur Devendorf, Asheville, western, dis trict; Mrs. D. S. Coltrane, Greens boro, northwestern district; Mrs. R. U Sanborn, Gastonla, . south Piedmont district and Mrs. N. .I Walker,, Raleigh, central district. ' During the afternoon, Mrs. Bess N. Rosa of the Woman. College of the University will address the In stitute : on "Organizing Study . Groups." i'4i-ihfo ihi i. ' ; Social Monday- Night - Monday night the local organiza tion with Mrs. A. J. Flower., Jr., presiding, will hold a meeting to be followed by - a social with the .Chapel Hill PTA as host ' The feature of Tuesdays ses sion will be a ' membership con ference, to be led by Mrs. John Neal, of Durham, Mrs. E. W. Guth rie of, Kinston, president of North Carolina " Education . Association will be speaker. . ; ' Other speakers Include Mrs. C, S. Freel, Canton, on publications and exhibits! Mrs. A. B, Holmes, Fajrmont, on the National Parent Teafcher Magazine; Mrs. E. E. White, Greensboro, goals; Mrs. J. Fred Rippy, Durham, bulletin; R. M. Gruman,; extension; Mrs. A. J. Flowers, Jr1.; New Bern, institutes; . Mrs. , W.: E. Langford, Asheville, Founders Day; Mrs. H. A Helms, Social Btandard Conference; .Mrs. Curtis Bynum, Asheville, Endow ment; and Mrs. Lionel Weil, Golds boro. Student Loan. at 10:00 1UB " Mrs. Blair uuiuuer m m i im v.imin mu and surroundingcounties. ; essential if Fall Attorney -, HDW LAB Dr. Edgar W." Knight,- director of the University, summer school, will speak at the University hour from 12 to 1 o'clock on '"The Cur riculum" on Tuesday. Mrs., Rosa will speak during the afternoon on "Developing the Program of Stu dy.". ... , ; Tuesday night will be devoted to County pouncil organization which - will be led by Mrs. J.' T. Burke and assisted by members of . the Guilford county council. . . ; Legislation Conference y ? Wednesdays feature will V be a legislation conference to be led by "Mrs. W. D, Upshaw' of Raleigh. Felix , Grisette, head of the North ' Carolina Hospital Savings Associa tion will be speaker. ' S&B C&J G&B DLC GRW B&J B&W AJB JAG SB&S; HDW AJB LAB -DMJ ' G&B ' RDJ SB&S , G&B , RDJ OBT GRW GRW G&W . GRW GRW. "';,;,v-'bJ G&B , A pubUcity; conference wiu ne held during the morning with Mrs. J. L. FrizzeUe; of Durham,' presid ing. Talks wili.be made by Robert W. Madry, director of the Univer soty News Bureau and William Varn of the Associated Press. ! Mrs. W. W. Weant of SaUsburg will speak as historian of the De partment of Public Relations; Mrs. John L. Henderson of the . Wom an's College, will talk on cooper ation and Mrs. CO. Burton, Green sboro, on radio. f LJAG . . McN&M MJH .. AJB - . MCG GRW Mr. W. A. White, Jr., wiU pre side over a, conference on fine art. Wednesday night Mrs. Eamesune C. Milner of Guilford College, will speak on readings of verge for chil dren. ' ' ., f - i Featuring the session of the de partment, of f education Thursday morning over which Mrs. W. A. White win preside, a library con ference will be led by Mrs. H. M. IlllI of New Bern. Speakers will be Miss Marjorie Beal, director of the. North Carolina Library Com mission; Mrs. Mary Peacock Doug 1 5, director of school libraries of t e State Department of Public In f .-uction. ' . ' - . Other Speakers Greetings will, be extended by J !e B. Warren, secretary of the rth Carolina Education Assocla n and talks will be made by h. Herbert Bluethenthan of Wil ton; Claude E. Teague, of the un's College; Mrs. Homer An , Burlington; Mrs. Justin Mc , I nmberton; Mrs. W. D. Twad i; I ppenk at a kindergarten :e led by Mrs. Mrs. W. U R&R HDW PRF G&B KCR HDW AJB R&R B&J LAB " LAB AJB ' , HEP G&B JG&B n Amone other speakers I prices for their tobacco, will be Mrs. J. M. Hob- ;Y. Floyd, extension tobacco j. k. ssiaDury, :: vr. nst at staie vouege, 'Harvesting should start as the lower leaves begin to ripen. Under normal conditions, X, Floyd said, it ia advisable to prime tne plants at least once a week. Do not crowd the tobacco on the sticks or in the barn, as plenty of air is needed to carry off the mois ture during tne curing process. ,; ,.As soon as the leaf is hung in ham Memorial Thursday night and the Institute will adjourn after the 1 University '. hour from 12 to 1 Friday morning. the barn start a fire and raise the usually is recorded in the mid temperature to five or ten degrees ! 'months according to a 8. E. District Leader r Mrs. J. S. Blair of Wallace, pre above the outside temperature, and sident of the South Eastern Dis trict will have charge of a program maintain that heat until the leaves are fairly yellow. This period lasts 24 to 86 hours.";;y:.-1.ji' Then raise the temperature four to be presented by members from this district on Monday morning o'clock. or five degrees each hour' ' reaches 120 to 12S degrees . . , v.. l . renneit Hoia mil neai unui ine $ w3! Henry 8teVe"' Heave, begin to dry; then raise it Jr., of Warsaw. , : j, I. . ? j , . ... UIUULV . IjUUUUII I. . . ... . .. . . ........ iiwr w gut uoKrnB aui iiuur , states that a larirt. Fit reaches ISO or ISO decree expeciea to atiena me tain tills' temperature until ... .. . K .. I. - nieeung irom uupun sterns are dry. Usually 84 to 96 hours are ed to cure a barn of tobacco. Wea-; production Is a gain of 24,630 units their conditions, the amount of sap , over July of last year. in the weed, and other factors mayi 1 t o make it necessary ta prolong or j President on trip, West will avoid shorten one or more of the 'curing ; Constitution isque. periods. 1 Britain proposes naval limitation Weed Curing Must . Be Done Properly "Proper harvesting and curing: are growers re to get good ' From 4,000 to 5,000 COBURN'S SHOE STORE KTV8TON, NORTH CAROLINA GSLILina CUT SALE ENTIRE STOCK OF JOYNER & ORMAND 500 Pairs on Racfc $1.00 Per Pair Shoes Arriving Daijy - (ipm To Coburn'sy. Buy At Coburn's KINSTON'S NEWEST SHOE STORE i Kinston's Only Exclusive Shoe Store TO PLAINTIFFS Continued from front' page. NOTICE No. 13 ' , 50 86 138 216 217 f A-96 A-218 A-308 A-324 . A-366 A-508 A -546 v A-694 )-A-904 " A-1102 A-1124 ' A-1235 A-1290 ; A-1291 . ' A-1338 ' JA-1339 , A-1461 A-1489 A-1502 A-1557 1 A-1599 . A-1683 A-1782 A-210T' ' A-2111 A-2117 '. A-2129 A-213S , A-2139 A-2211 . A-2237 A-2248 A-2254 . A-2255 , A-2291 A-2313 A-2314 , A-2317 A-2362 A-2373 A-2398 A-2402 . A-2428 - . A-2432 ' A-2434 A-2482 " A-2483 ' A-2496 A-2S06 - A-2520 - ' A-2525 A-2532 ' A-2548 A-2351 A-2554 " A-2555 A-2561 , A-2583 A-2586 A-2595 A-259B H. E. Boney .Thomas D. Howard SalUe E. Pierce ; i J. W. MaUard Ballaam Murray Ballaam Murray John F. Croom Et Al A. H. Mathls W. D. Southerland Co. Inc. . . NelHe G. Murray C. W-' Smith State of N. C. Et Al W. B.-Martin1 P. K. Teachey C. C. Bradsnaw Et Al Farmers Bk Trust Co. Ashley Mercer Egbert Stroud W. F. Pickett ': W. U Byrd Et Al F. F. Newkirk i C, B. Baiter . Egbert Stroud A. J. Brinson . ' P. K. Teachey ' W. J. Mlddleton ' Ada McGowan Exr. Et al Union Guano Company ; C. Al Robetch Et al . John F Croom J. H. Turner V M. McD. Williams Et al J. H. Ellis Robert Matnia ; A. J. Turner Et al Bank of Beulaville W. H. Rlvenbark Supptee Biddle Hardware Co. Duplin Real Eat & Ins. Co. Jesse Grice " W. H. Graughon i( - Jacob Powell Br. Banking & Tr. Co. Rec. i ' Irene Brice Et al" - . " Maury Ward ' Maury Ward - 1 " ' 3. B. Colt Company T. W. Mewborn Et al , W, J. Pickett " y ' ' Raeford Brown P. E. Rouse . . . The James J. MltcheU.Co. Southern Coffee Mills ' ' Hulda W. Best, Admrx. Mrs. Hulda W. Best Admrx. Sarah E. Letf Et al -vs--vs--vs--vs--vs--vs- -VB- vs- -VB- , -VS-. -VS- -.vs-'' -VS-'' -va- -VSt" -vs- -VS- -vs--vs--vs--vs-vs--vs- -VS- ; '' -ys- ,vs ' -vs- 7YS-' -vs- -VB-VS -vs--vs-, vs-... . -vs- -T- vs .. -ys--vs--vs -.' ;VS-. ,-, -VI--vs-, -vs--vs--VI- r v -V8--Vr . -vs-vs- .vs- -VI- -VI- Mary a Teachey, Admrx, Et al f -vs- T. W. Mewborn Et al -vs- Flrst Nat Bk. Mt. OUve Et al -vs- Carolina Bagging Company . -vs- Walker Motor Company ' -vs- Sharp and Dome . y , . -vs- , Urban Potts , , . G. B. D. Parker - , -vs- ' Fireman's Friend Ins. Co. . -w O. C. Blanchard Et al , " -vs- , J. A, HarreU " -w- Attorney HLS Ik ve, will be damaged. After the tobacco is dry,, how ever, the ventilators may be clos ed when the temperature is being increased for the final hot heat. After the fire has been allowed to die but, the ventilators should be opened again to give-the leaf a DMJ DMJ AJB AJB says E. AJB G&B S- , ' 1,' i AJB RPU, PJC MCG HLS special chance to absorb moisture and be come more pliable. , ' as soon July Production of Cheyrolets Continued At High Level Detriot.'Xug. 21st-July produc. B&S LA&T LAB PJC MCG MCG MCG HLS AJB G&B G&B G&B G&B G&B PJC tlon of the Chevrolet Motor Com- nany continuea i niguer icci statement issued by the company today. Total Chevrolet production, in niudme the United States, Canada, l and cars snipped overseas, was 117, until it 577 units, which is tne third larg est July total in the history of the company, exceeded only in the in dustry's bis years of 1928 and 1929 Fah- . . ... July was the fourth month of the 'year with a production total ex- UuUI Main the ceedlng 100,000. No other year ' since 1929. has had more man iwo need- 100,000 car months. Last month's PJC AJB AJB DMJ J&G GRW LAB 3&B G&B MJH MJH GB&J NBB CPG G&B MJH JLE G&J 6&S G&J G&J B&S DMJ OBT G&J DMJ JAG G&J NBB DMJ LAB miuxe t,r . . ..4 be removed from each curu of green tobacco and the barns should therefore be well ventilated in order to allow the moisture to escape as fast as it is given off; otherwise the lea pounds or oonrerenee in ocw"r. RSG NBB DMJ B&S B&S NBB RDJ DLC GRW G&J GRW GRW GRW GRW LAB JAG J&G JAG DMJ LAB DMJ DMJ J&J NBB RDJ B&S B&S JAG S&B B&S B&S B&S B&S B&S s&s s&s Atty. SB&S Boney and Company Richard D. Hall H. E. Faison Exr. Et al T. T. Clifton Et al D. L. Wells, Adrar. D. L. Wells, Admr. John H. Torrans Et al The Atlantic Cof . & Cas. Co. Chauncey Rodgers C. C, Jenkins Geo. C. Leach Et al D. T. Chambers Et al AUen Wood Et al Amer. Railway Express Co. G. S. Carr Et al Prime Sloan Et al F. E. Smith John Waters, Admr. Et al Fisheries Prod. Co. Et al Willie Sloan Et al E. B. Newkirk Et al Ashley Mercer Et al John W. Waters Et al C. T. Pickett GRW GRW B&SS B&G SS&S HDW NBB HDW R&C GRW G&B RDJ DMJ HDW&L&B Macon Cavenaugh W. H. McElwee Et al Banco Alderman Et al JFT H.F.Byrd SB&S Bradley Tew Camp Manufacturing Co. SB&S Camp Manufacturing Co. SBM J. H. Pierce Et al , , Levi Bataon RDJ Camp Manufacturing Co. SB&S Q. L. Quinn T; H. Edwards SB&S Zeb Bradsnaw Et al W. L Hall & Son , G&B J. L. Carlton D. J. Kennedy W. T. MUler John Powell' Q&B Jasper McCuUen Et al Martin Schnibbon Camp Manufacturing Co. ' IP, Davis, Agt Et al Alonca James Turner v John J. Herring Needham Dobson L. J. Brown Lonnie Tucker L. Rlvenbark & Bro. L, Rlvenbark & Bro. A. O. Grady Et al S&J Chauncey McGowan ' ' Amps Jones Et al ' Thomas Graham Et al , . t : W. A. Blanchard " :s , - F. Potter, Admr. Et a ASG E. B. Sutton !;' 1, -RDJ J. A. Weeks RDJ : R. E. L. Dees Et al t G&B A. D. Swinson Et al , , . ', W. M. Cole Et al ' JFT Eastern Carolina Realty Co. J . t L. Rlvenbark ' ' JAG NBB GRW, G&B NBB McE NBB GRW GRW JTG JAG NBB RCW AWB AJB RCW EJJ HTR HTR LAB JAG JAG LAB LAB LAB JAG NBB LAB NBB and Hicks Pirford ' -, . r - W&F No. A-2608 , A-2609 A-2616 A-2621 A-S62? A-2625 A-2629 A-2639 A-2652 A-2653 A-2661 A-2662 A-2678 A-2681 A-2696 A-2722 A-2737 A-2747 A-2769 A-2774 A-2784 A-2801 A-2805 A-2806 A-2812 A-2838 A-2846 A-2850 A-2854 A-2861 A-2879 A-2882 A-2883 A-2892 A-2893 A-2908 A-2918 A-2920 A-2921 A-2925 A-2932 A-2937 A-2939 A-2940 A-2956 A-2959 A-2965 A-2973 A-2979 A-2990 A-2992 A-3009 A-3026 A-3030 A-3031 A-3057 A-3058 A-3092 A-3126 A-3141 A-3143 A-3144 A-3149 A-3155 A-3157 A-3175 A-3181 A-3185 A-3200 V-3202 A-3204 A-3208 A-3215 A-3216 A-3225 A-3252 A-3280 A-3319 A-3322 A-3323 A-3324 A-3334 A-3346 A-3358 A-3374 A-3439 A-3440 A-3445 A-3458 A-3465 A-3477 A-3481 A-3487 A-3499 A-3508 A-3514 A-3521 A-3526 A-3541 A-3555 A-3564 A-3565 A-3569 A-3574 A-3589 A-3590 A-3602 A-3603 A-3604 A-3628 A-3629 A-3642 A-3657 A-3662 A-3665 A-3671 A-3672 A-3675 A-3679 A-3686 A-3708 A-3727 A-3782 A-3820 A-3840 A-3841 A-3853 A-3855 A-3856 A-3866 A-3870 A-3892 A-3901 A-3916 A-3939 A-3940 A-3953 A-3973 A-3985 A-4006 A-4018 A-4029 A-4030 . A-4145 A-4176 A-4196 ; George Whaley Et al ' Alton Carlton . , E. F Strickland ' ' Brooks Cabinet Company ' Ai M. Pickett . (. V; L. J. Summerlin L. V. Carroll SR. L. Quinn Camerons Surgical Sp. Co. L. Rlvenbark Et al Mrs. P. H. Aldridge Mrs. P. H. Aldridge . W. L. Byrd Et aU J J. W. Wilkins A. H. Handley Motor Co. Gen. Contract Pure. Corp. i , Hannah Miller W. F. Upshaw Blanchard Motor Co. Inc. Br. Banking & Tr. Co. Rec. F. L. Stevens Chas. M. Stieff, Inc. N. C. Corp. Commission Et al Cavenaugh Chevrolet Co. . . Utility Manufacturing Co. Hoke Smith, Liq. Agt. Et al Faiscn Garage Company C. I. T. Corporation Murcblson National Bank Murchison National Bank Br. Banking & Trust Co. Rec. N. C. Corp. Commission kit al B. L. Hawes I. J. Sandlin . I. J. Sandlin M. L. Outlaw, Jr. G. L. Jcrdan I. J. Sandlin Cavenaugh Chevrolet Co. A. J. Pickett Robert M. Carr & Company W. L. Byrd Et al W. L. Byrd Et al G. B. D. Parker Warsaw Bldg. & Loan Assoc. The Bank of Duplin Et al G. B. D. Parker 'Blanche Howard Et al A. J. Strickland R. W. Lae R. W. Lee D. E. Wood Company C. H. "Pulley Et al S. L. Sanderson, Admr. Lone Star Cement Co. Inc. R. W. Lee Stanley Clothing Company Gallon Iron Works & Mrg. Co. Owen Stroud Norwood Cox I. J. Sandlin J. B. Sandlin Et al N. C. Corp. Commission Et al J. W. Walker Charles Teachey Et al David Brock T. P. Quinn Jr. Pearsall & Company Inc. Pearsall & Company Inc. Paul Williams J. B. Fussell P. G. Smith G. B. D. Parker R. L. English Et al Charlie Warren Frank Wilkins Owen Stroud J. L. Cooper Com. of Banks Ex Rel Com. of Banks Ex Rel G. H. Hunt (Trading as) P. H. Hare Fed. Land Bank N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co. Amos Jones Et al Gurney P. Hood, Com. Gurney P. Hood, Com. N. C. Bk. & Tr. Co. Et al Gurney P. Hood, Com. Et al G. B. D. Parker Fred Sutton Et al L. Taylor & Sons Co. T. B. Schley G. B. Hudler G. B. D. Parker Freemont Oil Mill Co. A. J. Pickett Gurney P. Hood, Com. Et al Duplin Real Est. & Ins. A. R. Wood Gurney P. Hood, Com. Et al Gurney P. Hood, Com. Et al I. J. Sandlin D. B. Hill Gurney P. Hood, Com. Et al Gurney P. Hood, Com. Et al Dorathy C. Margolis Dorathy C. Margolis G. B. D. Parker Meadows Fertilizer Co. Meadows Fertilizer Co. W. H. Brown v I. W. Lane Joseph Isaacs I. J. Sandlin Penn. Rubber Co. M. F. Register W. M. Brice Et al Freeman Shoe Co. N. C. Bank & Trust Co. E. L. Winner Dave Mercer Endlcott Johnson Corp. G. V. Gooding, Admr. N. C. Bank & Trust Co. N. C. Bank & Trust Co. Smith Hardware Co. Inc. Lewis A. Gavin D. T. Murphy R V. Wells, Clerk Faison Garage Company Kadar Bryan, Et al Fred Scott Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co. 'Bank of Faison Bank of Faison B. P. Eggleston, Tr. Et al Jake Hill The T. W. Raleigh Co. Albert Sanderson B. P. Eggleston, Tr. Et al B. P. Eggleston, Tr. Et al L. R. Hagood, Et al . Mrs, Emma Padgett , Zack Williams B. P. Eggleston Tr. . ' W. B. Flake Et al A-4254. Let this order be published In the DUPLIN TIMES, said publication shall be deemed a full and final notice hereinbefore set out k This August E6ttw 1955. - ' Attorney- -vs- J, A. HarreU Et al ' -vs- J. A. HarreU Et 1 ' -vs-' LeRoy Waters - -vs- W. I. HaU Et al . -vs- Hicks Pigford Et al ' -vs- Ed Burnham Et al -vs- J.D.Robinson v -vs- j. B. Horne ' " f -vs- Dr. R. L. Carr , -vs- t. J. Brown , ' -vs- Gilbert Outlaw " ' . -vs- jonle Outlaw Et al -vs- r. t. Sheffield Et al -vs- Hicks Pigford Et al -vs- Paul Smith -vs- Dan Heath -vs- j. c. Jenkins -vs- Macon Cavenaugh Et al -vs- Oliver Blizzard -vs- W. P. Moore Et al -vs- T. F. Chandler Et al -vs- Annie Walker Et al -VS- E. R. Boney Et al , -vs- Joe Teachey -vs- George J. Powers Et al " -VS- Steve Kelly -VS- H. S. King -VS- Joe D. Teachey Et al -vs-' J. W. Straughan RDJ GRW j&w PRF RDJ -VS-,. A. P. Cooper -vs- J. R. Barden -vs- H. J. Whaley Et al -vs- O. B. Stroud -vs- J. P. Miller -vs- E. J. Brinson -vs- William Vernon -vs- John Tart -vs- Med Thlgpen Et al -vs- H. H. Lanier -vs- Cleve Taylor -vs- J. C. Jenkins -vs- Jack Fennell Et al -vs- E. C. Bennett Et al -vs- Dolphia Williams -vs- S. T. Marshburn Et al -vs- H. S. Wells, Et al -vs- F. A. Jones Et al -vs- Sarah E. Lee Et al -vs- Sam Johnson -vs- Claton Dixon -vs- J. H. Gotier -vs- D. F. Sandlin Et al -vs- L. H. Southerland DMJ -vs- Nellie Susan Outlaw. Admrx. J&B -vs- L. Taylor Et al -vs- S. A. Wooten Et al -vs- Mrs. W. C. Ward (Trading as) -vs- Warsaw Construction Co. RDJ -vs- Henry Gurgainus -vs- Ed Cummings JTG -vs- Gordan Kennedy -vs- John Miller -vs- A. J. Bray Et al -vs- DeLeon Kornegay -vs- Georgs T. Travers Et al -vs- Gordan Kennedy -vs- Ernest Williams -vs- L. T. Jones -vs- Harry Potter Et al -vs- Ed Graham -vs- J. C. Turner Et al -vs- Amos Jones -vs- Kate Smith Et al -vs- Ben I. Branch -vs- R. B. Best -vs- Luther Wilkins NBB -vs- Neuse River Lumber Co. -vs- Owen Stroud -vs- Mrs. S. R. Turner -vs- A. J. Bray -vs- S. D. Kelly -vs- Atlantic Telephone Co., Inc. -vs- H. S. Wells Et al -vs- S. R. Turner Et al -vs- Carl Miller -vs- H. N. Rouse Et al -vs- T. C. Wilkins Et al -vs- J- C. Mallard Jr. Et al -vs- J. W. Hoffler Et al -vs- D. A. Jones -vs- F. L. English Et al -vs- James Armstrong -vs- Fred S. Winner -vs- John Ball -vs- J. N. Horne -vs- Freeman G. Davis -vs- Floyd Hunter -vs- H. B. Dunn, Admr. Et al -vs- Mrs. Ida S. Apple -vs- R. A. Morris -vs- S. R. Williams -vs- John H. Scott Et al -vs- C. B. Baker -vs- D. W. Hobbs Et al PJC EWS RDJ -vs- R- A. Parker Et al -vs- A. J. Bray Et al -vs- Conn. Gen. Life Ins. Co. -vs- Conn. Gen. Life Ins. Co. -vs- Earnest Whaley -vs- S. P. Bostic -vs- Dallis Moore Et al -vs- Grover Maready -vs- T. L. Thompson Et al JTG -vs- Fannie Wright vs- Catherine Basden Et al -vs- J- N. West (Trading as) JTG -vs- George Register -vs- E. W. Evans -vs- M. Kaminsky PJC -vs- J. B. Rlvenbark Et al vs- James Rose Et al -vs- Jobe Stroud -vs- H. B. Mills Et al -vs- Robert Bowden Et al RDJ -vs- J- P- Herring Et al -vs- V. B. Teachey Et al -vs- G. L. Everton -vs- M. B. Dunn RCW -vs- Tracy Murphy GRW -vs- WaUace Gin Co. Et Al -vs- L. A. Beasley, Com. Et al -vs- Mrs. S. A. P. Bryan Et al RCW -vs- C. E. Stephens, Admr. Et al -vs- Rcy Carter -vs- W. P. Hobbs Et al RDJ -vs- W. P. Hobbs Et al RDJ -vs- William J. Pickett NBB -vs- Mrs. Annie M. Quinn JTG "-vs- D. J. Oates Et Al jTG -vs- -V8- -ys--vs--vs--vs--vs- -VS-' Hallle Teachey O. R. Quinn Et al W. G. Judge Et al DLC George Baker D. U Lee R, E. Koonce Et al JFW M. B. Brock Et al Neuse River Lumber Co. Et al V issue on Thursday, August 29th, 19S8, la Its to the parties, both plaintiffs and defendants , ' " ' 'IV HENBT A. G&ADY, Judge Presiding.. 1 I ( .. ... 1' ; t 1 - i '1