'. 23. One of the i'. Kol.ment of the t l'i-ik Hill was a ., ...i, It has been i cnr.r,olilated scnools i. at Pink Hill and Deep Inolr county . school 1 the towns were so close cne school grades In the Fink Hill school should be reestablished, JX-p r.i i will kp Its high srtocl. Lvtryl-oi' Is loti J. - o " " ':.' none?, cf s.rr.::.:oN9 BY IN TILS SUPERIOR COURT HIE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF Fertilizer, and seed are then sown. I ULUCATION . o North Carolina ' high school should Biiiilln County. Hi. 'A high school aeparr-i n '. led to the Pink Hill ' i ro Run residents did not t. They were told that if i should become t larger k Hill the high school de t would be transferred. "., , li fore last Christmas Deep m.mnlAtlnn wna ' nhown lo 1 ...All 1- ... . ....... V, . 1 1 " O v more inhabitants than nun ' " : . tii.- . .... . I bove . entitled action, take notice .. ine scnoois ooaru Kepi us,,. . . .iD 1 and moved the high- school. ! "t summons was j-sued -gainst .... .... . ... .. . . , .... saia aeienaani on mo uoi s. 1935 by R. : V. Wells, Clerk Of the Superior Court of Duplin County, said state, for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage deed recorded, in the Public , Registry of Duplin Timely Farm Q-cv Answered At Czllzse '' JTJESTION: How can I renew, my old, run-down pasfore? ,i ; , , ANSWER: All weeds and shrubbery should be cut out and the soil scratched to a depth of 2 or 8 Inches. , This may be done with a heavy spike-tooth narrow or with a disc set- almost straight so as not to destroy the old sold, COLUMBIA Jesse B. Brown and wife, Bonnie B. Brown and Stephen W. Carroll. To Stephen W. Carroll in the a- Ilill students refused to go to '1 at Deep Run. Resident? of i-.rmer village were compelled t up a private', high school. the youth of the town rat id through the spring. - t week it whs decided high DANDY D2NIL NERAL MERCHANDISE" -AND SERVICE STATION : Near Outlaw Bridge D. D. HERRING, Prop. However, If the pasture is badly infested with obnoxious weeds it is advisable to break the land and grow soma crop before reseedlng for pasture. Recommendations for fertilizer and seed mixtures for va rious soils are contained In Exten sion Circular Nov 202 and copies may be obtained, free upon appli cation to Agricultural Editor, State College. ' , -. . 4 . , ' ' ' QUESTION?- Will burning of woods Increase the folw of water County, said state, in book 249, at in springs T page 560; and note thereby secur ed, executed by Jesse B. Brown and wife, Bonnie B. Brown, on July 2, 1925, said mortgage deed convey ing a 49 8-4 acre tract of land, more of less, in Kenansvllle Town ship, said county and state, said I Stephen W. Carroll having assum I HOURS SERVICE AT ' -Day and Night Service Station J. L SMITH , On Highway 11 ANSWER:-No. On the contrary this practice will decrease .the spring flow. Percolation of water in the ground is a slow process and the more woods mold a forst accu mulates the more water it can ab sorb and feed into the springs. Any fira destroys materials for making ed and agreed to pay said mort-' this woods mold and thereby lee- gage indebtedness as evidenced by sons spring now. deed from Jesse B. Brown to Step- f ,,',- O hon W. Carroll, said deed beinerl QUESTION Should cows be duly recorded in-the public regis- milked before freshening? try of Duplin County in book 836, at page 514, which lands the said defendant has or claims to have an interest therein all of which is set out In the complaint filed in this action.' - , ' Let the said defendant further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin County, at his office in Kenansvllle, North , Carolina on the 23 day of Septem- , . ,. . . 4ber, 1935, and answer or demur to rilms Developed, Eght Ex- complamt meA in said action, ,ire Roll and Eight Prints' 40c Ccithern Art Co. r.r.NANSVItlE, N. c. ' - in laid or the relief demanded complaint will be given. . This the 21 day of August, 1935. R. y. WELLS, ' ' J Clerk of .the Superior Court ; 5' 9-19-4 1. L. L. C.. . ANSWER:-In the majority of cases no milk should be taken be fore the animal freshens. However there are some cases where this is necessary. ' When : the udder be comes inflamed or where the ani mal shows signs of heavy milk pro duction and seems to be in pain it is well to remove a small amount of milk so as to relieve this condi tion.:, Calves need this colostrum or first milk and, where possible, It should not- be removed, unless there is another cow freshening at the same time from which the calf may secure this first milk, i o ; Gates County farmers are work ing hard to eradicate Bangs' di sease from their cattle herds. It-A T E I.I E N x 1,1 INSURANCE COMPANY, Buffalo, N, Y. Com! - "ber SI, 1984, As Shown By Statement Filed - " ' Amount of Ci, il paid in cash I 1,000,000.00 Amount Ledger Assets, Dec. 81st previous , 'year .'..... 6,493,041.35; Increase paid up Capital Total, - f 6,493,041.35 Income From Policyholders, $1,998,558.90; ' - . Miscellaneous, $ 281,639.86; U J. .Total,. $ - 2,280.198.76 Disbursements To Policyholders, $708,297.56; , , ' i .' ' ' Miscelaneous,' $1,455,755.67; Total; . S 2,164.053.23 Fire Premiums Written or renewed during year,' ' ' 1 $3,224,835.51 .... ,. In Force 9 1 5,205,239.54 All 'Other Premiums Written or renewed during- . , ,V i . . .year, $254567.32 ,.' r..In Force, I ; 419.172.16 t -'.i t ,, 'ASSETJS;, ..V.1?" ' V"'J Value of Real Estate 1 1,375,595.27 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate ; 639,540.00 Value of Bonds and Stocks '....'....,'$ 3,446,995.51 Cash In Company's Office . . $ 1 8,405.64 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks ( not on Interest . . . : .V, 850,116.52 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on : . , interest 231,754.98 Agents' balances, representing business written sub-. ' - . - sequent to October 1, 1934 $ '436,896.34 Agents'' balances representing business written prior. - . to October 1, 1934 , $ 113;534.53 Interest and Rents due and accrued $ ' 40,677.54 All other Assets, as detailed in statement. $ 114,282-55 i - - Total .....y.. 6,652,898.88 Lest Assets not admitted 258,696.75 - - 'v pt , ' ' ' Total 'admitted Assets 9 6,894,002.13 '"' -'r. UABIUTIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims ... $ 142,821.26 Unearned premiums -vs , .....,... $ 2,177,191.82 Salaries, rents,' expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued .,... $ 2,000.00 Estimated amount payable, for Federal, State, : ; county and municipal taxes due or "accrued . $ 100,000.00 Contingent commissioners, or other charges due ' ' or accrued '. . , . $ 75,000.00 All othe HablliUes,as detailed in statement .... $ 935,428.64 ' TQtal amount of all liabilities except Capital. ... 9 8,482,441.72 Capita! actually paid up in cash.. ....... .$1,000,000.00 Guaranty and Special. Surplus Fund .., .$1,000,000.00 Surplus over all HabiUUes . $ 961,560.41 STATL IE NT BIB" INGHAM FIKE INSH VNC2 COM: NY, Ala. Condition December 81, 1984, A Shown By Btonsnaent Filed Amount of Capital paid in cash . , Amount Ledger Assets, Dec. 31st previous year, . .$1,279,963.27; Increase paid up Capital . , . ...,TTotal, Income -From Policyholders, $278,601.21; ' : r , Miscellaneous, $112,765.78 -...Total, 9 Disbursements To PoUcyholders, $ 95,416.82; , Miscellaneous, $256,490.50 ..............Total, $ Fire Premiums Written or renewed during , v ; , t .;' ; , . year, 8 427,634,58 In Force, ' 9 AU Other Premiums Written or renewed during , year, 9v 43,678.35 ,. . In Force, . 9 .j4r,' ASSETS . v. v-s" Value of Real Estate X. , 9 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate .' 9 Loans secured by pledge of Bonds, Stocks, or other collateral .'. '. 1 Value of Bonds and Stocks 9 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest . . Agents' balances, representing business written sub sequent to October ,!, i3 Interest and Rents due and accrued $ All other Assets, as detailed In statement $ 800,000.00 ; 9 1,279,963-27 9 , 391,366.99 351,907 J2 520,702.17 66,172.16 ; 227,590.99 36,651.43 638.22 958,110.87 60,807.02 31,359.73 6,046-96 14,358.68 Total...! 9 1,825,469.00 Less Assets not admitted , . . . 9 . 150,502.75 Total admitted Assets 8 1,174,967.15 V LIABHJTIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims $ 20,956.58 Unearned premiums ....'....... $ 256,787.78 Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, county and municipal taxes due or accrued ....... $ 11,000.00 Reinsurance and return premiums dfte other companies , 9 5,792.25 All other liabilities, as detailed in statement $ 15,659.17 Total amount of all liabilities except Capitol V . Capital actually paid up In cash .$300,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities $564,771.37 810,195.78 864,771.37 1,174,967.15 Surplus as regards Policyholders $ 2,961.560.41 i i . i -Thm Worn Rotpltmlfer DUmi- ' . ONE YEAR AGO ' :' . teas rushed to the OTITUPLETS ' l :"" C ' - OUICiC FACTS AEOUT Gas-operated ELECTROLUX Low operating cost . . permanent silence i . no moving parts to.wear . . . every worth-while modern convenience . . . finest modem beauty .- y:'.ie Grocery Co. Sine then, this most modern , of refrigerators has been faith ? ' fully guarding their health with ; - dependable food protection - N May 28, 1984, the world was electrified by a message flashed from the remote Canadian village of Corbeil. Quintuplets were born . '. I and " living ; , , for the first recorded time. : Though their birthplace was almost j i beyond the reach of civilisation, these babies have received during the past : year the utterly dependable food pro- tection 'that' only modern" automatic refrigeration can provide. Forty-eight ' ' hours after .orders were riven in New ; York, a New Air-Cooled. Electrolux, j operated with kerosene, was, at work 7 cooling the human' milk rushed from Toronto and Montreal to feed these newborn babes.. . ' ' ' . ".. This kerosenMperated Electrolux is : s the same nationally advertised refrig erator that is already serving more than half a million modern American families. In the cities it is run by a tiny gas flame . . . in the country, beyond . . the gas mains, by a wickless glow-type : . kerosene burner. Listed at the left are ... r some of the vital advantages' of this s most modern of refrigerators. , ELECTROLUX 4 THE SERVE I, K FB ICE SATO K ".TO CO. L. HARVEY & SON COMPANY - Kir:3T0N, N. c. , Stcdrian Carr Hardware Co. - Wallace, N. C. - nLlV.Co. - Total liabilities ..'......,.. 9 6394,002.18 lv ' -. " ' V " Business In North Carolina During 1984 . . . Fire Risks written.'; . . .$1,483,594; Premiums ree'd,. . $ 17,920.00 AU other Risks written. $ 90,914;. Premiums ree'd, . . $ 219.00 Losses Inpurred-r-Fire. .$ 6,018 1, Paid . : . , : $ 5,981.01 . .President, Sidney B. Kennedy tt Secretary, Geo. E. Honck Home Of floe, 451 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. Attorney for service: DAN C. BOlfEY, Insurance Commissioner, - -: Raleigh, N. C. ':.';;.' ' ., Manager for North Carolina Home Office. ; STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, (SEAL). INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, ,f i, 1000. - i-. . Raleigh, June 12th, 1935 ( I, 'DAN C, BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above ia'a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Buff alo Insurant Company of New York City, filed with this Depart- ment,'showlng the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of De cember, 1934. Witness my.hand and official seal, the day and year above written. " ij PAN C. BONEY. Insurance Commissioner Premiums ree'd Paid Paid 4,202.00 122.00 968.00 1.00 Secretary, T. K. Byrne Surplus as regards Policyholders $ Total Liabilities 8 Business In North Carolina During 1934 Fire Risks written $461,438.00; Premiums ree'd . . $ AU other Risks writ. . .$ 63,196.00; Losses In. Fire $ 1,030.00; Losses in. All other . .$ 1.00; President, H. O. Selbel Treasurer, Chas. Van yy. iCorwell Home Office 221 North 21st St., Birmingham, Ala. Attorney for service: DAN C. BONEY,. Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, North Carolina. Manager for North Carolina Home Office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, (SEAL) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, June 12th., 1935 I, DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Birmingham Fire Insurance Company, of Birmingham, Ala., filed with this Department, showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of December, 1934. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. DAN C. BONEYl Insurance Comm'ssloner. 4 -WOOD Funeral Service , i DAT PHONE 48 NIGHT PHONE 878 and 208 Ambulance Si , ( , .I ; ','' ,5 '- ' " ' f t" . HJNSTON, N, C jft. Richard R. Rouse NEWS PTAND ALBEBTSON, BARBER , GAS, OHJ9 and DRINKS . . . Highway 111 ' . SHOW YOUR CHILDREN ; THE VALUE OF MONEY You can teach them how to be thrifty by Insuring their lives fat the Northwestern , MutnaL And the younger you start them the lower their premium rates win be. M. Jm stadiem Special Agent Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company TRUCK DRIVERS AND TOUR ISTS HEADED NORTH NEW YORK CAFE - Weldon, N. C. Offers you the best in foods and Clean, Comfortable Rooms Rooms 75c STATEMENT BANKERS' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Durham, N. C Condition December 81, 1984, As Shown by Statement Filed Amount of Capital paid In cash $ 200,000.00 Amount Ledger Assets, Dec! 31st previous year, $354,284.35: Increase paid up Capital Total, Income From Policyholders ,$25,440.11; Miscellaneous, $61,338.88; Total, Disbursements To Policyholders, $19,334.75; Miscellaneous, $92,060.96; Total, Fire Premiums Written or renewed during year, $75,987.47 In Force, - ASSETS Value of Real Estate , - $ Mortgage Loans on Real Estate $ Loans secured by pledge of Bonds, Stocks, or other collateral 9 Value of Bonds and Stocks Cash in Company's Office . . , $ Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest $ Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on Interest . . . .$ Agents' balances, representing business written sub sequent to October 1, 1934 $ Agents' balances, representing business written prior to October 1, 1934 $ Bills receivable, taken for fire risks , . $ Bills receivable, taken for other risks $ Interest and Rents due and accrued $ All other Assets, as detailed in statement $ $ 354,284.35 86,778.99 $ 111,395.71 $ 107,217.86 122,908.00 88,069.00 17,273.40 36,930.61 1,157.02 9,307.86 12,233.67 11,000.50 9,336.74 5,813.83 4,176.38 4,950.31 11,460.62 TOTAL 9 884,617.94 Less Assets not admitted 8 29,026.62 : Sarecta Cash Store - OAS, OILS & GROCERD3S ; IOE COLD DRINKS , ;' Bottom Prices. At Top of Hill ' PAUL INGRIM PORKIE'S Quick Lunch s , DONALD KENNEDY '-.' ( Pink Hllf, N. C. . ' ; o. NEW STORE v IN OCD BANK AT , Benlaville, N. C. ' GENE 3AL .MERCHANDISE . ' ' KENEDY Er.C3. ' ' R. H. LANIER Muddy Creek, Duplin County - GENERAL MERCHANT AND :-':.: SERVICESTATION . ' i Cold Drinks' and Cream DOROTHY LANIER, Manager II Day & Night Service COLD DRRINKS,' AND MERCHANDISE We Buy and Sell Farm Products. On Fink Hill and Beulaville High- , -. j t way. - ' GEORGE RHODES, Prop. SEVEN SPRINGS . GENERAL MERCHANDISE ' . Everything to Eat, Drink . and Wear. Correct Prices and weights to all. Ice Cold Beer and Fresh Meats. Mules and Horses for Sale or trade. Discount on Shoes 15c pair.'. I ' i v ,i- !. j " M. W.HUSEY, Prop. v TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS 8 805,591.82 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims $ 1,747.69 Unearned premiums 8 32,927.97 Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued ; 8 426.30 Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, county and munieipai taxes due or accrued 9 2,901.69 Total amount of all liabilities except Capital 9 58,248.19 Capital actually paid up in cash 8200,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities , .$ 52,348.13 Surplus as regards Policyholders 9 252,348.13 Total Liabilities - . 805,591.82 Business In North Carolina During 1984 Fire Risks ..... ......$1,361,927; Premiums received, 8 15,886.00 Losses incurred Fire ..$ 8,650;. Paid . . 1 . . . $ 10,696.00 " President, W. G. PEARSON Secretary, L. W. WILHOITE V: Treasurer, E. R. MERRICH . Home Office, 809 Fayetteville StM Durham, N. C. Attorney for service. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, ' Raleigh, North Carolina. . .., ' . ,' ' ; j . 'ST4TB OF NORTH CAROLINA, . (SEAL) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. " V ; i , -.Raleigh. June 19th., 1935 " , I, DAN C, BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the' above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of lh$.. Bankers' Fire Insurance Company of Durham, N. C, filed with thisf: Department,, showing the condition 'of said Company, on the 31st day of December, 1934. '"' " , 11 ' : Witness my hand and 'official ' seal, "the day and year : above written. j 'v ..,, - " ' DAN tk BONEY, InBtamnoe CommUsloner. i ?i i . 1 1 r 1 if p A