ft I y " It J uf w i & w w - Coy And - Girls Le-rn . J Things Of Life In Y. ' "' 07 tun ubttis .' . . Sooth Carolina, State Coys CI a") . cnt ' '. Education Is, not a preparation I r u:a It is r dubv movement has grown and re ived the lt" support of the 'people because It U 1 -:.?20gl-.cally sound, developing' young pec- '3 through encouraging them to' take an active part In - - demonatratlng the better' practices la sericul ture and home "economics. - - - The. purpose of" 4-H Club work la to im- - tarove uractloes In agriculture and home mak- " - ing and to. develop . a . more satisfylr;; rural .- me. xu no uiu, 1010 wuuuuuu ua ." of the -rural boys' and girls must fca l-rroved. ; Listen to what Parker Frallx, calf cl j meni , her of Colleton county. South Carolina, has to ay; "One of the moat .valuable wajs C S3 work. ' ha helped me was to teach me how o r.ioulder " responsibility. It has brought me 1 ; contact f with the life problems of my cor- ' liy.., It has helped me. to do something wcif '-J on ' 'the farm; and In my home. It Lai 1' o en- . couraged me to finish high school given me a desire to go to college. It tea shown me the necessity of fitting myself for , life's .' work, . i,'h- , ' Develops Chsrscter "Club work has taught- me good r-rt3maa- ' ship, self control, and co-operation I ; Las de- feeling of responsibility to, my hona t -1 com' munlty. .'Vi-:.il: - : ' ' 5 "Club work has. taught me to think Crough 'V ana, aorvm prowenw;. mw. thjb w. &uu ,uio. r 'dignity of labor; and. rt-has influtzc: J me in - character development," ".'-,'""" '' Another boy from Colleton county la rpeak- v Ing of the value of club-work- said: The most y- ' valuable thing I learned, from club- work. In " 1934 was thaVit paid-to use fertile r. Corn, " In the fields adjoining mine was. almoc t- a com. ""' plete failure and my acre was among the best ' in the county." ; ; - From Chester 'county Marlon Hall, another 1 rw . an. jwrm' Ten., nuirw x. ui&va mil 'teamed how to fit and show them at the Ctate , Pair. By attending 4-H dub camps and tally days held during the summer. I have learned to ' play sew games and. formed new. jnena ahlpsJ U kv , Has Made Uoney ' Now listen to Boy Gramllng of Orangeburg'. During my years of -H club work from be- ginning to end I have atrlved to attain the high Ideals of the Four ffs. Bead. Heart Hands, and Health, set as goals for all club boys' and girls. I have also . taken -an active' part In . s everything my duh has .done. I have grown outstanding demonstrations, taken part in live stock Judging; contests, attended the - monthly community club meetings and the summer 4-H camps, exhibited my products at the ' county and State fairs, gone to' and taken part In rally and achievement day programs, : and ' taken part In leadership training and other activities, I have made money, from my club. ' projects., learned some 'thrift principles and made .many friends '.f;..''K.f-;r:':; , Otis copeland of Bamberg, in discussing 4-XX ' dab work and what it meant to him, outlined Its purposes as. follows i To' teach (1) the de . velopment of character; (S) proper appre ciation of agricultural science, (ty thrift and srudecne. (4) the dignity of labor, () love and development of home, (8 to learn ty , demg, (7) integrity, (8) good iportsmanship, () co-operatkm, (10) self-control and self-reliance, '"' (11) an appreciation of healthj U) the de velopment OI SDUiiy W UU. MIU . U . WUHMfll ' a vision to see. - ' dub work teaches stick-to-ltlvenesst " -rha fellow who never surrenders - - ' jutd Is taking things as they come; Who never says quit' and exhibits grtt. . . When the whole world's looking glumj . The fellow who stays to the finish, . - That nothing can hinder or stop, ' - .'And who works likf sin. Is the chap who'U , And some day hell be on top . &.' A. Patrick of Fairfield county says: "I have " learned valuable lessons, ' in caring for and ' ' Judging livestock. , To grow good livestock one ... w. jvm tha Inh r riAV fn tha Mar. &TUI if van m onlr clve them a' fair chance they will repay you threefold, ciuo won: has in- 1 spired me to greater tamp and 1 am very anx ious to continue my education, specializing: a. . agriculture." ' B A hopes to enter Clemaon ' college this fan. - ' "Some more of tas vaiuawe lessons ciuo "' ' ,work has taught me are as, follows: I have .' learned the .worthwhile, lesson of keeping rec ords of different farm projects, and of Vt: v findina out whether they brovsht me a prc-.t. 1 have learnea . a tc'pful lesson In patiencs " "' a! -re I have t wcii and to wait before I ' c?uld see any fcarve:t la return. I found t-st I - c- . 1 not always be a prize winner . 1 - tl .11 ri!o-t strl7 ever so hard, to I lcr 1 v r f 1- :nn nf rr.pnf:lnT i-.f.t chfifirf ; - ,11 1 i l rv.t tr-9 a s'.:J greyer i;:aon t r , 1 1 ' 3 c i ry C .Uy r"rrr.and tc" f -- I cr 1 1 "t r4 v . '1 tut t.l'.iout Ela alJ " New' Ears-and Clr'CIaa Latg ca' croun. of .InterniUii-4 Lie - --n Union Ktock Yaris, Chicago, rcj:-clES building lost In fire of Hzj 12, liol, anl Ce&.caUd at the lvCl 4-H Cluh-Con-resa. . "-. . " e n 77 UJi WwJii -CS . r-.'v'V. Ey ttenneth 1 'vw ; s ' .Iresldent; Young Tar Cecl rarmeirs v'. -" who erneeta to amount to any thing in life must have an objective a goal to work toward ana aspir .w at all times. Therefore any younhi?n school student wh hopes, 9 make his high caaool v career amount to anything Jthould select , his: objectives or goal' upon en tering v school, .Then, at all times. ; during . , the - high school 4ays he should, and rith U hte. God-given, pow ers and: talents, strive to reach this, goal-; - high school careers as agricultural students t ntf or- tnarm nobla cool than the Carolina Famet degree . The Carolina Tsxmer degree ; stands for achievement ta an agricul tural student's farm projects, tis clh school. and the Young Tar ii.su axmer It also stands for thrift, stamina and leader tUp. Last, but hot least, this Ccsres stasis for - I.Mal" ass ira a jr t etttdent-who comes up to the stnJIsria cf tho CaroUna Farmer degree Is ; tcr notccr" la his school, communltyand icuitural O- partment. -:'". ? .;i,-i:-rT'''!i'-t .. . Tn M( rw vAAza it seems that the nunv ber of hoys awarded , the Carollaa .rarsaer gree each year has been far below the hopes of thsf TToung Tar Keol rtrcicr Associ-tlon. Last year the scholastio Etarizrl -i leered a few points : as taat ssemca 1.-3 stto.'--X -was .hoped tj Co'j tms s;jiw. ntusher oT; Carolina 1 ?zaers - wouia w in creased In : the . future. - . ' With these changes and the value of the decree before you, the entire Toun2 Ttr nod rarmer Association wishes to isr- every ew.i cultural student to make tie Crcli-i Yzxzast C'ree one of hi chief ctjactlv:j. rvn e&n lose HOl!2!T CY tTTtT. Just remember the woria cf Czzio, tl. preat 4 philosopher, rihrhen you are arpjurs, -i-s highest place it Is honorable- to reach tie sse end or third rank.", ' " , ; - 1 J v ( t , ' r - 1 J ".- r,' i:-- TTfteen local chapters Rnd e: J ne .v cicmters were added ty the Toues n E::l Assertion cf Future Tanners of America during; the r"-' year.' Boy H. Thomas, supervloor of . '.cul tural education, has announce!. This five 3 t:ie youns Tar Heel Tarmers a total cf 11) active chapters and a membership cf BfSi. - "Here Eaterest : Jxsm tcsa shown la thrift vrorkthis year than ia any previous year," ez.ll l' Thomas, aii-'r-s fhz t'cre are tojt 1 ITatiosal Ers.azl.C-' C"! ccr J be held la cuicrja irvr ler r :i tj : - -er Ttu. have J-jct te:a rc::asci ty ts r. nal committee on fceja and girls work." Thc-3 lists are prepared. e:r-cls."y for state leaders in cbarge of 4-H Cluh work and are slnllar . to previous premium lts. It Includes prUes tor practically every conceivable achievement in fsrlcultture. ' " ' , Club" loaders --lac various , states are working on the sUectUi ff dolc;;st?s to Conrei, al though none 1 tl ti.esa has yet teea n,.od. The Ccc"s rr.arks the combination of the year's work 'fa. various 4-II CIu'j rrcjscts. DeU egates from ITorta and. Eouih Carolina, will be announced: la our pctooer .issusv y Z. jiTh rnnK, l, hfl'sl In. ivini'mr.tlri With the international ' Livestock Exposition at Chi- casOrJIovemhcr C3ta to Decemuir 7a. iigion ity of- C ,ecatc3, anT contestants is governed by the' f w!owbjrulest l--Qv: ,l.,Oniy rt-wiannig ; -u ciud memoem other'. eu; j, winners whose trips aref ap proved, by the State Club Leaders, nd - those who win trips arranged through ' f the', cZlzzi cl the Katlonal Committee ion r - -Bova and C!rla Club Work. Subject to the approval 6f the State Club - Leaders, are 2. Each 4-H Club delegate must have passed V , his ' or her fifteenth ' (15th) birthday, and must not have passed his or her twenty-first (21st) birthday on December .l of the i current year.- . Kt, (A). A delegate may attend as a county -, representative not more than once, .'(B) A debate may attend as a state - representative' not more than once. " V (C), 4 delegate .may -attend as a sectional ' winner fxon an extension .section of the - United Etat.s. more than once, but not "rln the sin rrc;3ct,i . , . - (D) A d:-':'.ta may attend as a national winner rr re tain ones, but not la the ' - same jrej-vS.' - - "' ' 4. club menxhers who have, previous to the fall tena of XZZi. been enrolled la a col , ler or school giving courses in advance Cf hh eshoct grades -are lne";'ile to all , . , cctci'j .. ' " , - ; - ia j-a'jlrj contorts members wabe - "' Vic-z.-la who Lave enrc":i la a college , ' course 'in -the til of 1ZZ3 and 'have e . 1 eeived Instructions In J'jins related to ' the contest ia which be cv.she- Is to eom- pets , 'f, lTo ccstrrtart wiU te etle to-more ,, - than c cf ti-S flowing national con- - tests In - - ' . U 4-H C:uh kai2r.!p. - r -,k a. 4-n Clc ahiavement, - - . ' 8. 4-n 1 it Anizzrl Livestock Fro;ot. - 4.,4-n Ctrl3 E.r: Eevue, K , -' 0, 4-n C znlri Achievement." 1 ?v . 4-H c:a C-M' Eecord. ' . - And ey ether f-zillzx contests which may : - be tzri-z-l la 1CC3. ' .. 6, The r-aiL-un nu-.Lcr of 4-H Club dele c te each e'-' shaU be Efly (50). . , - ' ' ' ' " ' TL "Car thrift banlrs ia creraUoa cx;-ts totalinj tZ 123.75. with eavij R3- t -'":3, eM others v.ho tave a lar; r cJ.'zC: c a 1 :a. ccr-i-ct v.l"i thca i - ' -t I ir' : irc3 cl.'j re- " i 13 I 1 I - l, -:3 pilncl;le3 throv'i one'.-', -lva LlvIji- 1 ... . J.t - - - 1 1 : i t i 1 -'a" p"fLhH r i i '. . ' 1 r-r-3, r . ; 1 .j, si.ccr,rul f " i t. j t--:3, fa c::i. r- 1 1 La cu.' c - "ct v..i r. ,3 orrortunlly tJ 1 ra t: j ' tlv-s cf t' 3 r-'.jril v. j r .rt.r.lty to J it's !(M'3".lrli , t 3 t'.. :" -3 r 1. v 3 r ICft 3 8 i J 1 J (! 13 fc'fc.t honors that can to bestowed uroa a -cr cf the Etal3 Ajoclaitloa cf I'uture s ci Amen.--',, 11 cocn awarca to is Hcrtfcr ! C , ;rcre.j: . rjr : : Twenty-'- yc r . nine toclc a t anJ J e! . boys and, oranlzcd tl.J f... in North C.-' 13 and c. 1 t kind ia Ac:. ilea.' That younj man was Ira : left the hills cf Etches c. -' ture at N. C. Et.-.ta and.cl' . lejes and had then fcec 1 r State club loader.,: Ira Echaub 1 now Eer a E C. Echool of As-Iture t 11, V. and the Ecys' Corn Cl"'? he ( ford 'CouHf7- f'tnty-'t . 4-H ClUi wl'.h mem. - j 1 la i civilized world. - .' v-'.rIn lIc:vh;CirGl:'a C. ' -six years., mora tl.aa a r toys and c.rlj have J . day more thaa C3,t:j 1 this Etate are actlva t ' . I : . ' In many circles E 1 . being the "daddy cf t: ; some definitely pc'it t 1. as being the fcie-rurj. t largest orc-nL-alloa cf 1 la the wcr'l. T3 V at f 11 ! that the i rr c. Echaub cr; 1 t-i c : kind la lea. ' - The wora cf t:.a, 4-n C. cllna during the pt has been la the har.,1? c 1 Echaub, who t'rtcd t" 3 ' as club leader until 121Z; T. Etate director of tocatirr 1 c 1913; Homer H. E. I 'U, 1 lelh as Te.cnal Clii'-'r c tlement rrcrain, 1315 t ? . from 1S22, to e . r. tock charsa la 1C25 ar I v leader. - ' v 1 ' ) Thrift Centra 1 Prior to 1325 the fccyr c 'clubs- were ! sep&rate-.-cr'. clubs being la char3 of I" moh, now assistant director c Service, and irtss iaud3 V."-" demonotratioa agent -la . 7 But - the story of ; the frt Club is best told by L. E, II -loader and under " whose z'-' ' 'past nine years dub work 1- : sinaes. ' - ' "EeaUzing the need for c rural communities," says I"-. 1 leaders ia, club work resorted t . of reaching a larger number ia a way. r ' - ' ' -' "Today -practically every. cot Carolina has toth ecnmun: crganizations of tcys srd C' -J- -' lngs, at .camp, at the E'.tj l achievement days, it C-:J ( event?. ,,th duh memLi ti t to, nr ti.witifcls f--y ' r learn' trc.i lL hot ' -the i-inci which m:' j iV: - Thruf-e good ' 'L FrarJLlla' wrcte abc-t i r theses cf 4-n Cu'j v J.:" thriCi, B.s veil as the t T and' good citen:.'7, L i t Club members thrv 3 "1 they have from ycr t , ' i ; la its prc-rara cf I .' cf cluh xieiucrs eac"i' . ' the rules cf tclth s:I k ... . grca of recrctlca, n.j.;J ; 3 U far tc7$ tr. 1 r'.'.j. "It v.c:i t L-pc-i-' 1 1" to give ths r-cctrry x:l cr f ment ta I.'rth Car' i. I. of yields tl prodw .lea t" 3 i Viva, r:cr--.crj e:'?vi rj a r la the advsnccr: . 5 cr trx f .'Ta ITor'.a c.-cl! - j t' " n beys f-1 t-i t't.--j t ' rrfr.et.:a years. Tl: r -3 1 culture and mar 7 01 ? r : is tied up la this g-o-. : ' '. - ; -Jt we wouli c-ili, fcr t' 3 f would dev:,'.c; our grt 1 t 1 render ourselves tho-tT"""" I we must torn our at'." 1 t t cJ J. C.rcllna f :n Eucr"-:-.! c-nd" f 3 f-'.oc'j t'.-oy r-- :.tt, r; i i r.- j i'to; ljc'i 1 ' J.'.nr a X"' " L- ' r : 1 I"i ' In, E. . i": I , 0,3 (-,.-..; c i f ' , I ircr; C:or- Lea j r. .... j , r, r j,. I "1 I ".. C,t ; Iy C-..1 r, r lk- 3 fcr the dr"ree and :t f'lo'v: l'--ywood . 1 Ccne, : ci. ::j r "t; Vcr- a. I. "1- 3, Au." : a c- - c .1 1. .Their ability ta Ju' 3 swine, sheephand beT c "Tour Tar II 1 I CU7, L.J., ar.l 11 3 r 1 tlonai Llveto. ': J ture TarniT3 cf :. They will -3 ts I where tl.ey v.-l c Juirj cor.t t v ' conventlo.1 cf I". 3 1 Ja.'Jr; c ' l, v ' V.1VX t 3 1 Tl 3 f r ' Cats 1 ' : f ' ;' '. T 1 . 1 r ' ': ' ' j 1 , tie J cl I '-, - '. . 1 f ) na. 1 cf v::i;;' I.y llrr r, 11 '; I" '!; r.l E?vl3, Let- f Ezd IU Cryoa.