THE TIMES COVERS DUPLIN LIKE A ROOF KENANS VDUJC, N. C. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ' THURSDAY. OCT. 11th, 1985 NUMBER X :oie n 3 0 .aictm McGovan" Again Association; Met In The one hundred and eighth i an nual Sea-ion of the Eastern Bap tlat Association met f1" Magnolia Baptist Church October 8 and 9, 1935, One of the largest crowd, to attend an "oa recent years was present for the opening: Sessions. i The following officers were elect- - ed at the opening sesstoni F .W. - McGowan, Moderator, H. I Bte - ' wart, Vice-Moderator, and L. . Robinson, Clerk-Treasurer, f Ministers present were as. fol- laws: Rev. X E. Lanier, , Herman Barnes, Rev. W, P. Page- ,'V: . T T . VnaMI. Rev. R.-C I t. .L. . Johnson, Rev. EJ , N. Johnson. Rev. W. R- 'Bteve ' J. Rev. H. G. BryanDr. R. F. Mar shhurn, Rev. D. W. Herring, Rev. x . J M. Herring. Rev, W. M. Bassett, , , Rev. J. M. Page and Rev. T. H. VW"; ' .tohnson preached the introductory Sermon, .Wngtog 'a sour-stirring message. " b,.n the Kennedy Home Bran- 1 - ch of the Mills Home Orphanage, , Drought a great message to the as eoclation in connecUon with the . report on the Orphanage. Rev. J. mT Page; a former pastor In this ' 'association, very ablely discussed 4w TnhHnai Recorder, and aiso I ". 'brought a great message on Tem JnfwurinTinrv Sermon ; was ; preached by Rev. H. O, Bryant, '.' , ui.h nFn a errant messasre. Dr, Chaa.' E. Brewer, President of Meredith Colleger was present - and spoke very touchlngly ' and V X very' convincingly on christian , Education. Dr, Leslie Campbell, President of Campbell .College, -f representing: Camp bell- College; and - made a great plea for Christian EducaUon.; f Mr. M. A. " Huggins, General Secretary of the Baptist ' State rnnvntinn was ' present and brought a great message, pleading 1? 7mBW w r -f. V-nuncn. ' f . The following reports were pre-y ' pared by the following namea persons , and read to .the Associa i: tlon, which reports were adopted by the Association: V, -, Report on BlbUcal Recorder i -prepared by Mr W-1 Beach, r Report on Mills Home and Cha j ' rity and ChUdren by Rev. W. P. ' Page. r Report on State Missions by Rev. J. I Powers. " i, Report ofl vHome Missions by " , Rev. T. H. King. v Repert on Foreign Missions by , Rev. E. N. Johnson. A ' , ' " ? Report on Hospital prepared by f Rev. W .R. Stevens. - i Report on Old Ministers Relief prepared by Rev. J. H. Booth, i ' Report on Woman's Work, pre- pared by Miss Macy Cox. ' Report on 'Christian Education, prepared by J5r. R. F. Marshburn. ReporfW Sunday Schools, pre nared bv Rev. J. H. Barnes., t Report on B. T. U. . prepared by v . Mr.: Frank Blackmorev , ''Report on Temperance, prepar- ed bv Mr. E. G. Murray. , Report on Memorials, prepared ' bv Mr. H. Stewart. . , Report on Promotion Work, pre- f nared bv Rev, R. C. Foster. , ' Mrs. R." a Foster, President Of. the Assooiational W JI. U, could not be present pn account off sick , . ness, but sent a great message to the - association,, which message - was read to the body, . This was one or the best annual meetings held. All Churches m the Association were represented by; messengers at the opening session, but two, and Church letters were la the hands of the .Clerk from - every Church in the Association at the - opening Session, : -- The dia-esti of church ; letters showed the following: ' - Total Church Membership 6,247, an increase of 147;- .Total Sunday School : enrollment' 4,874, an in crease of 211. Total Baptiams, 282, m increase over last year of 78. Total W. M. U. Membership 1,826, an Increase of 121. Total B. T. U. Membership 613, an ' Increase of 111. Total contributions fo? local mrch expenses $25,814.49, an In c PBse of $4,819.84. Total contri ions for Missions $7,500.03, an -case of $1,,268.53. e one minute reports from the ches were very Interesting, reports indicated that the hor were ttiaking progress. 'n one of t' e interesting ) h MODERATOR r ' ! i I i. -Mfc i. -JJ FAISON McGOWAN . " Popular Duplin County Auditor who was made Moderator of the Eastern .. Baptist '. 'Association which ; met In Magnolia last week, Mr. McOowan was Mod erator if the Association last year. ; . - -f : . :j-?! ?0?i 4; -fc: ; 9 1 - I Smith Chapel News Baii T. W Vnalr and MeMrS. J. R. MUler of Smith' and Mai- colm Grady of : Hebron attended h fnhvtinr a Tomi&U Tuesday and Wednesday. K t fJJ. r" ii. rvl SmrnT ' W. Wallace and Don Smith. ; : Misses Fannie. Gladys, and Do - rothy SmltTwere Kinston shop- prs Friday. -The many friends' of Mrs. Jose phine Stroud are ' sorry to .know Misses Louise Sheppard and Misses Louise ' Sheppard Lela Mae Page were the week end guests of Misses Mamie and Thel ma Smith. " A welrier roast was given Sat urday night at Hallaville Beach, honoring Messrs Fred Bland' and Robert Bradley of Georgia, week - end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R .W. Wallace.- , 1 gin. Quick acUon of citizen of the Mr. and Mrs. Ray' Miles and community prevented serious dam little Shirley Ann spent Sunday age. However the loss was estl wlth Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith. , mated at nearly,, $10,000,; accord : Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Miller and iner to reports. ; Ubby, Matue Feari , smith ... ana Doris Thomas .were Kinston shop- ..I . 1 OmU. Ua , , juabb . juidjru miiiui ww uiv guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Virginia Smith, Sunday. Miss Doris Thoroas was the weeK ena gi:est or jaiss - iaooj Miller. - - , - . Mr. apd Mrs. Ray Smith and little Ray Franklin were the week' ena guesw m axn oiiuiu par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Smith. Irvin Cobb, Famous ; Humorist, Writing-' . for This' Newspaper '; Irvin S. Cobbt How thoroughly you have enjoyed the inimitable humor of his books, his magazine articles and bis radio broadcasts! Some of you, recently, have seen , IRVIN S. COBB Whose Column of Humorous Com ment Is Now Feature of. !SV;-:' This Paper.; and heard him in- his first appear ance as an actor in his friend Will Rogers' last picture,' "Steamboat 'Round the Bond."; f ' 7 And now you will have Irvin p-Cobb ri; ' t in your, own home news- "?er, i.,r me t - a u-nnil to be ! l ..y Made 'He aptist Magnolia Students Woman College Reunite Kenansvllle Association . Hostess To Alumnar; Meet In Wallace In 19S6 ' Former students of the Women's College of the University of North Carolina, now residing in Duplin met last Saturday afternoon In the home of Mrs. N JB. Boney in Ken-,1 .nairiii. and hnid their annual a-1 lumnae meeting.. This annual v re union of Woman's College alum nae is regularly held In conjunc tion with the Founders Day exer cises at the college- In Greensboro. The Kenansvllle alumnae., Mesdames Boney, Wells, Wil liams and Gooding, were hostesses to other alumnaa in Duplin Coun ty. A total of 20 women were pre sent together with several high school'seniors. : - , Festivities began with the sing ing of the college song, following which messages from various tea chers, :: long-connected with - the Woman's College, were read and discussed. These messages; ac- Saaaibum the general alumnae association of the college. The County group wrote and forwarded a response to these messages. ': . ' ' During the business session, pre- wea over ny jars, wiwop x-oweu, I Wallace, President of the County I ASsociUHoa, uie nnwwiug wmwco Were elected: Prestdeht. MwAl- bert WeUs, Rose Hill; Vlce-Presl- dent, Mr Paisley Boney. Jr.. Wal, "I10: Bec.-Treas., Mrs. Elwyn U,J , ' "'' vm " fTn in hW next faU ta -Bitf Piie"AH?aigo1fSuVged This Afternoon ; i Falson, Oct ,17-One of ; the biggest fires in Falson history was experienced this afternoon at 2:30 when one of the big- gins belonging to L. Taylor and Bon Vas nearly destroyed. 1 The blaze started In the. press and: quickly spread all - ever- the Water from the newly installed waterworks; was a big factor in narhiHii1 uvhir turn Uoki! and a r 1 garage nearby. X ' .'' 1 , xhe other' gm ibeionging to this I firm will be running the last of; the week.- U; . J . A good grade of cotton Is ex pected to be produced in Warren adjolnuig counUes. because of ideaI weather in recent Weeks, . v , . . , able to announce that the famous humorist will write a column each week for the. . ; .'. . . . . . . . (Name of your paper.) ;.; ; . '-r,-; . In this column Cobb will be at his best because, he will be doing ha likosJbest to do. It will be a column of comment on those pass ing ovsnts that appeal to him as beir. interctinj or amusing. You will do ure always of getting his latest and most original flashes of thought,; shot through , with hard common sense- and with the good-, natured humor that is characteris tic of (everything that he writes,' - Irvin Cobb needs no introduction to any of the readers of this paper,. Ho won a national following within a very short tiro after hp entered newspaper work as a youngster in his native state of Kentucky. He was a newspaper editor .before he was 20 years old and since that time his experience has covered a wide field of journalistic and liter ary endeavor. Hp has been a dram atis V a novelist, a war correspond ent, a magazine writer, a -radio favorite and now he seems to have embarked upon a new career as a raovio -actor, for, following his cp pearanca in the last of Will Rogers' films, ho has bem' placed under con tract to appear in other pictures. Ton have laughed "with Cobb through his magazine articles and through his books "Old - Judge Priest" "Speaking of Operations," "Red Llkker" and others. Now en joy his weekly column in this paper.' Cobb will write upon whatever subjuct commands his Interest and whatever his subject jmay be you will find his comments'- interesting. His shrewd' inaitrht into- current ovonts will plvo you many a worth while tnv :,t iid his flashing wit wiil ds:.j i y u i .v : .. t , s -Mineral Springs To Sponsor Crazy Llcuntainers At ,"' . V . Warsaw ; , The Mineral -Spring Home Dem onstration Club near Warsaw, . is sponsoring' '"The Craiy Mountain eers," at the Warsaw High school Monda night, October 21 at 8:00 p iff. ' ! Th proceeds will be used r are planning to start building. soon. Welfare Workers' To Meet Oct. 24th. The foBwlng letter of invitation waa received by Mrs. Harvey Bo- ney tfada-'week: Dear Couaty Superlntendenta Ah Public Welf are : of , InyvieW ior. we iaci inai no aa- ditlonal. programs of the Public Welfare Institute, October 21-25, are to be issued, we are entrust ing you with the responsibility of notifying the various social groups and interested citizens in your county. Who usually attend, that they are most cordially invited to meet with us; We are happy to announce that Director Frank Bane of tne Amer lean Publlo Welfare Association, Chicago, WU1 aaaress tne insuiuie Son the evening of the 24th. Dr- Frank Graham, 'President of the University, Dr. H. W. Odum, Dean Of the School of Public Adminis tration .and Dr. E. R. Groves, are our other evening speakers for the week. .For (Our discussion of Juvenile- Court problems on Wednes day morning we are . to have the privilege of having as leader a re presentative f the Children's Bu- reau Miss Alice Scott Nutt, waan Ington, p.Xti "Arrangements should be made. for the clerical assistants m your oince 4.enu uw iKiuica u" Office Procedure and Records by ( Dr. Kather)ne Jocher, scheduled for Monday and Tuesday morn- lugs. Juvenjle Court judges, relief. official case -workers, probation day.' ')f . . ..There are number or new County , Superintendents of Public clatl0M and Legislation A, Welfare with whom we will fallow-, A j m(mers ,WP,'?P e.,in,tm! ln0U!i"l County d City Councils -nual InsUtute gathering and the Room B.Mrs j w Burke establishment of friendly and mu-j Recreatlon Room c. Mrs, tuaJlrelationBhips among the coun-; Juatln M-N., uty worKers is jusvas aenmie a part, of the program as the lec - ture periods, The program will follow very closely the, outline as originally planned for the Institute to have been hel din July. Although Caro lina Inn will be headquarters, special rates being offered by the management, registration of those attending the Institute will be in the Alumni Building.. The morning and afternoon sessions will-be held on' the third floor of that -building, but all evening meetings will be held in Bingham Hall. ( Again may I remind you to per sonally see that all Social work Mrs .county officials, board mem bers ,and socially minded citizens generally are. contacted. Have an nouncements put in your local pa pers giving the names of speakers, topics, etc. - Looking forward- to seeing you iir a very short time, I am Sincerely yours, MRS. W. T. BOST, ' Commissioner. Bowman Gets ' 'Appointment -i 'J. O.. Bowman, ; former; County Supt waa named field :. represen tative of the National Youth Ad ministration In North Carolina, by State Director C. E. Mcintosh, Monday. ' FISH DRAW RATS, David Ressie Smith went fish ing one day recently and while In the boat had occasion to sit on a board on which flah had been placed. After finishing his fishing, David Ressie returned to his home and hong his trou sers ' lit their usual place.' A fews days later he went to get the . pants to use .; again ' and found that the rats had been attracted by the smell , of ; fish and had eaten great holes-In the trousers, making them .use less. He advises that one-wash all fish "odor out W panto be fore, storing where they are ac cftssable to rats. 1 Dedicate Warsaw Methodist' GHurch Sunday; Bishop Kerns Will Deliver Morning Sermon Program SOUth- eastern Dist. P-T-A Southeastern District of the North Carolina Congress of Pa rents and Teachers, New Hanover High School, Wilmington, N. C, Saturday, October 19th., 1935. Mrs. J. S. Blair, President, Presiding. Theme: The Parent's Part in Edu cation. 9:15 Registration. 9:30 Open with Parent Teacher Prayer. Business Session. Annual Report of District Presi dents. Guilding Principals and Policies. Field Worker Mrs. A. J. Flo wers, Jr. Modern Parents Know the School Clyde A. Erwln, State Supt. of Public Instruction. Panel Conference on Member ship Hemenway P. T .A., Wilm ington. Panel Conference on Congress Publications New Hanover Coun cil. The Parent's part in Education Mrs. W .B. Aycock, State Pres. Room Conferences. 11:15-11:55 President Room A. Mrs. W. B. Aycock. Membership Room B. Mrs. W. A. Fonvlelle. ' Program Room C. Mrs. A. J. Flowers, Jr. Publicity Room D. Mrs. W. J, Seeley. Publications Room E. Mrs. a. B. Holmes. 11:55-12:30 Budget Room A. mrs. j. w. nunce. parent Education Room B. Mrs. H. Bluethenthal and Mrs. Bess Ross. Room Representatives Room c. Mrs .W. B. Aycock. ' garet Gilbert. 12.So.i:oo -High School Asso- character Education A. Fonveille. 'DMrs. W. Room School Superintendents ant Principals Mrs. W. B. Aycock Room E. 1:00 Luncheon with the Na tional parent Teacher Magazine Presented Mrs. A .B. Holmes and Mrs. B. W, Dunham. 1:45-2:00 Mother singers Mrs. J. Martin and Mrs. Justin McNeil Lumberton. The Modern Parent Konws the Child Mrs. Bess Rosa, Parent Education Specialist, Woman's College . Reports and Questions. 2:45-3:00 Election of Officers. Hostesses New Hanover Coun t yCouncil Mrs. A. M. Alderman, President. Sunday Will Be Homecoming DayAtTheHallsville Church - Sunday will be Home Coming Day ; at ' Halls ville Presbyterian Church with all of the former members returning for the day to join in the series in the church and the fellowship on the lawn. Dinner will be spread on the large table on the lawn and the friends are all Invited to attend and bring their lunch baskets and be with us. . Sunday school will begin at 10:00. Dinner On the lawn at 12.30 and an hour of fellowship. Short service will be held-In the after noon and messages from old mem bers will be In order. A short in spirational service will be held at the afternoon session and singing will be emphasised. - Mondays night will be the first night of the meeting in which Rev. H. R. Poole of 'Rocky Point will do the preaching. You will want to hear Mr. Poole, the first night and if you do. then you will want to keep on hearing him. Each evening at 7:00 and each morning at 11:00. Mr. Poole wll) preach. Special in vitations are being sent to differ ent organizations to be there in' a body, on different nights during the week. Special musical num bers .every night 1 r ' T TO BE AT WARSAW BISHOP PAUL B. KERN Rev. Fitzgerald Writes Of Reports With great Interest the Outlaw's Bridge congregation heard the de legates make a report of the Kins ton Convention Sunday morning. The president of the Mission Circle, Miss Blancha Sutton, spoke on "Our Report to the Associa tion." The Women's Association meets" along with the Convention. No better report was heard at Kinston than the one from Out law's Bridge. Miss Elithe Outlaw told about the plans of the Association for the coming year. Mrs. Eliza Outlaw discussed "OUr Report to the Convention". It was among the best that the LConyerttbrn faeer& Mrs. M. L. Outlaw, Jr., gave her impressions of both the Conven tion and the Association." She praised highly the play "Old Pea body Pew." Amos J. Outlaw, commended highly the resolutions adopted by the Convention, especially the re solution against war, and the one favoring the separation of church and state. Mrs. M .W. Suttnn nraiserl the hospitality of the kinston people. Mr. M. W. Sutton told about the business plans of the Conven tion, and made a s :-ong appeal for the Tar Heel Universalist, the denominational pfr jr published at Clinton. A considerable 1. umber of the Outlaw's Bridge people plan to at- Trni..nH.niiA. 1 tcm me uiuvcioaiiai. wjneiiii UI) -25. There are 600 aces of the Cro talaria legume growing on the sandy soils of Richmond County at present. In 1932, there were only two acres in the county. , i- . 1 -.t Outlaw's Bridge NeWS The Community Club will meet in the School Auditorium Saturday night for the regular monthly meeting. Mr. O. P. Johnson, Supt. of County Schools will make the principal address. The public is invited to hear Mr. Johnson. Mr .and Mis. J. H. Parker and children visited in the Smith Cha pel Community Sunday. Mr. B .F. Outlaw spent Sunday with Mr. George Rouse near Lld dell. Mr. Grover Jones of Garris Cha pel was among visitors at church Sunday night. Miss Ruth Hlnson of the School faculty spent the week end at her home in .Monroe. Miss Annie Max well accompanied her for a visit. 1 ... o Attending Chicago Meeting Dr. Johnnie Robinson of Wallaco chairman of the County Board of Commissioners and Auditor Falson McGowan left Monday; for Chica go'' where1 they will attend a na tional meeting of Commissioners. They are expected to return via New Tor City. i,iiririTinr,MiiirTiajui;iiiui.wjiJiw. Hosts of Methodists and their friends are expected to gather In Warsaw with the local congrega tion for the dedication of the War saw Methodist Church Sunday, October 20, at 11 A. M. Bishop Paul B. Kern, Bishop of the two Carolinas, will preach and will dedicate the Church. At the even ing service Rev. Frank Culbreth, a former pastor, will preach. The Church building is one of the most lovely and most wor shipful small churches to be found anywhere. Its dedication will be a nigh spot of rejoicing and of thanksgiving for the local congre gation, and it will be the climax of a long process of labor and prayer on the part of many faith ful men and women. The day will be made one of historic signifi cance in the life of the Church by the presence of Bishop Kern and of former pastors, and members. The charter members of the Church only five in number were Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Lambeth, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore, and Mrs. Sallie E. Johnstone. The corner- I stone of the Church was laid. Nov. 8, 1889, and years later, when dirt was broken for the remodeling and building of the present structure the first shovel of earth was turn ed by Mrs. Johnstone. She is still a faithful member, greatly beloved by the entire church. For the building of the Church School rooms and renovation of the Church, Mr. J. S. Fleming, Mr. J. C. Russ and Mr. Howard Black more served faithfully and well. Much credit is due to the faithful women of the Church who under the leadership of the Woman's Missionary Society constantly con tributed to meei. the financial needs. The president of the society at present is Mrs. Wayne Jordan. The history of this Church has been one of conspicuous harmoni ous cooperation on the part of all its congregation, with a minimum emphasis upon social prestige and a maximum manifestation of the sincere religious spirit always no ticeable. The stewards of the church are: J. C. Thompson, J. C. Russ, J. M. West, J. N. West, W. L. Surratt, Mrs. G. P. Pridgen, Mrs. D. J. Middleton. The Trustees are. J .C. Russ, J. J. West, N. W. West, H. E. Blackmore, J. W. Davis. The following pastors have ser ved the Warsaw Church, in form er years: Rev. Jno. R. Sawyer, W. A. Forbes, A. R. Raven, H. Ken dall, F. B. Fisher, W. E. Hocutt, Geo. B. Webster, W .D. Sasser, W. H. McLaurin, F. E. Dixon, J . M. Lowder, D. C. Geddie, Thos. W. ; Lee J P Pait E C T,cn O P Merritt, E. L. Stack, J. C. Whed bee, Frank Culbreth, Earl Cun ningham. The present pastor is Rev. Geo. W. Blount. The Death Of E. F. Wiggins Mr. E. F. Wiggins of Warsaw died at his home on September 30 at ii:d f. m.., naving neen sick of pneumonia for one week. Fune ral services were conducted by Rev. R .C. Foster of Warsaw and interment was made in Calypso ; cemetery, Tuesday afternoon ! October 1st at 4:00 P. M. The deceased is survived by his wife and three children. His moth er Mrs. Florence Wiggins of Clin ton. Three sisters and two broth ers, Mesdames Lillian Herring of Goldsboro, Mattie Brogden of Mt. Olive, Messers Bill and Norman Wiggins of Clinton, and Joe Wig gins of Warsaw. o Mount Olive Youth Wins Eagle Badge Mount Olive, Oct. 11 At the chapel period of the Mount Olive High School session Thursday morning, Wilson Edgar Lewis, Jr., received the insignia which desig nates him as an Eagle Scout. The presentation was the climax of an Impressive program on which Scout Executive George Hamer of Tuscarora County, appeared for the main address. Presentation of the badge was by Rev. J. I. Knight Presbyterian minister of : Mount Olive, who delivered the; award ta Mrs. Lewis. Wilson's mother, Mrs Wilson in turn pinning It in place. , Patriotic school sown and a f w i remarks by School Supermtendeat , 1 u - A.