I SNANSVIIXE, North Carolina a Lo:..a New;5:Year CId Star LTg'":l v Duplin's Attractions .Fcr i Ijli: Week; Marzon Davies Ccmn: ' " ' I rr -; T Opening the program at , tne. paviea, In the rolls of a? country Duplin Theatre nextweek W film- neither wtty- ;no; Bright, dom'a new sensational. 5-year-old .. lob as chambermaid ., in, a swanky Netw'Tork hotel in which reside a promoter, portrayed by Pat O'Brien, 'who haa-. nothing, to baby star Sybil Jason in the Ltt-, tie Big Shot" i "Little Big Shot", the Warner Bros, production, which marks the orombte. .and! Frank McHugb, American film debut of the 5 'year j jobless newspaper photographer, old genius, has" been hooked fori McHugb, learning ;.that an . ad- Monday and Tuesday ;t ithe X)up-, verHser is i, offering a lcg4 cash lin Theatre. It is aald to he. a pow- reward for a photograph of Amer? erful drama that cpnta niiarious i ica's pretUest girL makes a. com. comedy, touching pathos and a, de- pogite picture,? blending, the., tea lightful romance . jtures of famous-stage, and society The story by ijarnson jacoos beauties and submits it under tne was made into a , screen 'play by three ace writers; 'Jerry Wald, Julius i. Epstein and Robert An-j drews. , There Is a four star Cast beaded by Sybil Jason, -find : Including Glenda Farrell, Robert Armstrong maie.1ipi sne becomes the and Edward Everett Morton. llncarnaUottv of Dawn Glory.' name of ''Dawn Glory.T HeJ wins' the prize and . trouble start A "Dawn Glory" craze .sweeps the country and even Miss Davies 'falls for It with startling results. Properly attired ' arid rebut Sybil, who is not yet six years gh, wants to be is the-sweeti of age, plays the part 01 an or- Beart oT Didk pwwiV" f "m phan who is adopted.by two men r n&'irt&ta&t .fur,0us. living by their wits. . .vA ' ,1 Miss Davies, one of the screen's She wins their hearts rttH i most i beautiful women, wears. Willi UllC am w - " who has an eAttrely, different -xol to her usual vaiapingi gojd-digging land-fascinating,, plot, . Is said to girtwno Knows au tte jtei dL Mtas 1. DavW she longs for a. home fHm j.:x4,m,? and love, ; . 1 " : r"- : ' :. .'V -; ' W. I . (.. T.J-.. : I .' . ..- parts. In this picture .sne is; a check room answers, but in the country ; Robert (Armstrong and Edward Everett Horton have the1 i-oles-of the two near crooks; 'who fall in love with little Sybil and risk their own necks; to get her back from a gang of kidnapers. Armstrong and Horton are re sponsible for the hilarious laughter in the piece, and also . for many tender scenes. Sybil, besides hav ing a real acting role, in which she amazed the hard boiled film colony, also sings, dances and mimics in this picture. " The Wednesday showing will be Edmund Lowe in "Thunder In Th.3 Night" featured with Miss O'Connor. Charming Marion Davies, A- merica's outstanding motion designed foe her bjrDrry-KelTv. i "Paee Mlas J3lorv." with Its un usual cast,, magnificent ' settings ture star, will appear at the Dup-ltIe JIOSEHILL viceaiwere eld Monday, afternoon i All 1WU UHHBIi. 4yiWi vU T,v lis .ws- lah G.. Hanchey, widow sA the late, .Nathan- Frank Hanchey. The last rites were 'conducted by Rev. H. Carter of Turisey. and Rev. K Brown of Burgaw. Interment was in Uw family burial; plot, in the cemetery at -North i East., church. Mrs. Hanchey. died of a heart at tack, after an illness pf two weeks, : The deceased is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Evlyu:Brsds.haw, and Mrs. Joe Evans of Wallace, .two brothers, Blane Batts-of Hamstead i and Charlie BattB of Raleizh. the Plc" j following children, Mrs. J. M. Cot- Lula Matthews were recent' guests of relatives hers, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sutton, Mr. and Mra T. M. . Boone. 'all oi Greensboro were guests last week in the home of Mrs, J. H. Fussea The party .came for their mother, Mrs. Ellen Sutton, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. FusselL ,.. : Mr., and .' Mrs. . E... Q. Murray, Mis Ruth Murray and Miss Ul Man Newton attended the wedding of Miss Mary Moor and John Up church In Clinton Thursday, even- Misses Maggie Peart Scott and Lucille - Teachey, of wilminton spent the week end at their homes. Li. James Teachey, a student at Campbell College was home for. the week end. Charlie' Brown of Zebulon was a visitor in Rose H1U on Saturday. Miss EsteUe HarrelL a student at Louisburg College, visited her mo ther durin gthe week end. Miss Laura Matthews, who is an- gaged ih Welfare Work-in Kenans-. vine, was In Rose Hill Saturday. Miss Margaret Rogers is doing stenographlo work ih KenansvUlei J. D. Jerome Frank' Jerome, 'and Doaine Fussell,' who are, engaged in the produce business, are spend ing some time with relatives here, ; ; Mrs. ' ft. - F. Byrd pf Falson re cently visited her brother: Rev. P. O. Gee;.:' . . ,'.' - . Quarterly Conference will, . be held for the Wallace-Rose , HiU District ' Methodist Churches-t at Providence Church on Wednesday. October'SOVat elevea'o'clock. Elder Lk B. Jones will be present, i c Recent guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fussell were Mr. and Mrs. Orthur Baldwin, Mrs. Daniel Geddie, Miss Polly Geddie, of Whiteville; Miss Mamie- Lee KembaU of Wilmington; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hatcher of Four Oaks, tRev .and Mrs. J. H. Barnes are spending tfteir vacation with their parents in Georgia and Tennessee. Miss Bettie-Wells FusseU vis. and Mr.; and Mrs, Jessiei Fussell art spending some time, at Fulcefs rianery on New ver. f t . fa, i iUns- friends in WHminotnn ! Mrs. . en tuvenoarjc-Mrsv-, m. m t j-. .ii4 r, - lin Thpatrp Thllrsriav anrl FVidav ! c . it nin' I "T. . : rtwwr j opruui ixmiKavy w. nuav mo,, jnn. in "Page Miss Glory" her first Tlmmie Teachey qf Teachey,, Mrs. Cosmopolitan Picture to be re-ieay Rivenbark of Wallace and leased by Warner Bros. Mrs.fFrank Hanchey ef Burgaw, Supporting Miss Davies is a . the decease is also survived by remarkable all star cast of fa-1 thirty grandchildren and the great mous "name players" including grandchildren; Dick PoweU, Pat OBrlen, Mary Active: pall bearers, grandsons Astor, ranK jacnugn, i-yie ia- 0f the dedeaied were: Joseph, Her- oot, ratsy Keuy, tsarxon mac- man an(1 jnian Hanchey, Howard Lane, Allen Jenkins, Hobart Herbert Cottle and Waltes Cavanaugh and a score of others. Harrell. Honorary pall bearers "Page Miss Glory" was a big were: Roscoe Teachey, William hit on the Broadway stage. Southerfand, WUIle Moblejr, Gibb Mervyn LeRoy ,one of Warner Carr, Charlie CarterXieady' Rtv- Bros.' ace directors, fresh from enbark, J: E. Cavanaugh,.' B. R. his triumph with "Oil for the Mallard, G. W. Bohey, Oscar Blan Lamps of China," directed the chard, J. M. Cottle, Charlie Batts, film version which was written :K. D. Brown, Dr. Lanting, Dr. by Delmer Daves and Robert Haines and Dr. Carr. Lord from the original of Joseph Many beautiful floral designs at Schrank and" Philip Dunning. tested the esteem in which the de A new sdhg, also bearing the ceased was 'held in the communl- tltle "Page jMiss Glory," written ty. , j by Hollywood's leading team, of i The condition of Mrs. J. C. Jer- hit writers, Warren and Dubln, isjome, who has been in feeble health sung as a duet by Miss Davies for several weeks, has been worse and Dick Powell. for several days. The story of "Page Miss Glory'" Rev. Luther James Matthews of is as funny as, it is unique. Miss Wallburg , and his. iriother, Mrs. Li nm vm iiiw f,i ii im mi rfrw 7mi trm u n rim nm .imi nmi m, nmi wmi mi nmi nmi nmi Hjni inn Duplin Theatre WARSAW. Program Week October 28 : 1 1 Id star . '- ; Monday and Tuesday Sybil JASON, the new 5-year- sensation In ''-... v ' "LITTLE BIG SHOT" . , Matinee Monday 8 :S0 . . ..).' Wednesday. Only!. ,. i. .. . Edmund ji0WB and Karen MORLET la thunder In The Nifht,, - -;fe,,.y. MaUnee 8:80 -'fiJf . '.;';::,iursday. .and. 'Friday Marion DAVIES, Pat. O'BRIEN, Diek ' WAGE MISS GLORY" ' . Matinee Thursday :8ft j k, f .l,.Jy;:: Saturday , . , Ken BtAYNABO in. "IN OLD SANTA FJS" . FREE PASSES: The following will receive a tree pass to any show next week if they will present this ad to the ticket win' dow. Miss 'Elner Westbrook, Seven Springs, Rt 1; Mlsi Viola Westbrook, Seven Springs, Rt, IjfMi. and Mrs. U H. Fussell, Magnolia; IIlss .Mary Edna Smith;, B. F. "Grady; Miss Louliic ALLACl5jiEWS ' ,. Misses Xylda Cooper -. and Josie HalL studenU at Eastf, Carolina Teachers College, Greenville spent the, past week end with their pa rents.:..'..' , , ' n t Mrs, Sam! Bloom and small son Billle ef Kins ton spent several days last wqek with Mrs- W, U.Byrd. : Mr. and Mrs. . Bill, Brady v. of Greenville spent Sunday with the latters mother, Mrs.. -George Pow ers. ' . ; . u. Mr. Dave Campbell spent Satur day in Raleigh with his sisters, Mrs. Rufua Hunter and Miss -Virginia Campbell. .' . , . , Mrs. Gertrude-Cooper and dau ghter Xylda and Mrs. James. Hen ry Currie spent Saturday in Wil mington. ' Mrs. . William Wallace and small son JJavld Henry of Charleston, West Virginia are spending some time with relatives, y.. . Mrs. James Livesay Is spending wis week at cnapei HiU where she is taking a .course in Welfare work at the University. , - li . Miss Mary Graham Smith visit ed friends In Camden, S. CU last week..-,;.. , i v ,i . Mr. and Mrs.' 2. N. Henderson spent several days, last week with the. formers mother in Hubert, N. Mr. J. K Boney who . is attend- in Bute College visited Ins ; par ents Sunday, i , c v ',. ' mmeu BetUe Jenkins.- Anna Car, PatUe tof tin and Margaret Williams of Kenansvine spent Man day .night in Wallace, . , , i . Mrs. J. a Blair, who to District President of the P .T, A, Assw. attended the meeting in Wllmlngi' on iae past week end. i Mr, and Mrs. Walter Ennls smd daughter, Estell and Mr. and Mrs. Talmage Ennls of Hickory spent .Sunday in Morehead Qity with Mr. and Mrs. fmk-Reams.1,'' . . tr. , Brigglen and soif ftfcharff of If, T. fitate spent the past week end in. itown.v ' - ' Miss Martha Jane' Hanchey and Mr. Robert Grady Johnsdn visited Mrs. William Blossom in ' Castle Hayoes, Tuesday night of .last week. - ; Kenansville News Mrs,..SamWestbrook went to Durham -Sunday-to s her- hus band, -who is there in Duke Hospi tal, having recently undergone an operation. . , '' upt-vand Mra O. . P. , Johnson and" son, Jimmy, spent -flun?"y in Richlunds with friends. Mliw I- '"i rv-"e rirt the week e4 in - v - -i.' . 1 h f a I" 'i ton W. Ya, to Lexington, Ky. : ; Mr. and Mrtiw. V.jKIx land children JUJa Carrol ah4 WiUard, qA. Walstonburg, .spent . Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mur ray. They were accompanied .here- oy. mus imiy stalling, who also teaches this .year in the Walston- burg. school. , Mrs. Oliver. Stokes was hostess to the, KeaansvUia Kon tract Klub onv last Wednesday afternoon' at: S-M o'clock. There , were seven nmbsrs and one visitor, - Miss I , Lala Hlnson present At the eon- FOR BALE; Two Bell Telephones. elusion of the nines a chicken sa-4- .sell at reasonable nrlce. See Mrs. lag course was served by toe bos-1 i , Burke BarfleldM Ollvaoute three. 1 - - ' To ba wea grootaed, eoasidar your aair, your complexion, and I. Juiul A! .t a on busincas oe u attenJii in Fwa' 1 I . r. t 3 . I t Wi 'c. - Lf. J. o. Bowman attended a i'. Y. A. Conference in Ra ':h o.i ' it E turdsy. : L. A. Beasley, accomr 1 f re ' : r, Mrs. H. L. Eleven, Jr., sit erf from V&rsaw, to ,.- a on last Saturday.- - 1. ' f .1 f r, i 3.J ti ii r 1 1 l n put ' ' t J ty I 'rs. I , L IVfi t J, V - .i 1 r -A" of ri k- 'X c "os, roi 1 crc un .! ' s, crystn'.Uyl cu- 1 hot tea folluwej 'by ; L..e. u.l iv y ! .i JC. .- ku"y of . Cocert Mrs. J. ton and i beth La OUve, i with X. it. Lm..a L noCa visited ' i i Mrs., w. B. Jones a of 'Wallace spent wlth,I'raT' -d Jonos i ind'fji- .r. Leo- Sly on F..i -y. Lai us, Wil t-i-. daw; hter, Miss I .a s who teachers at Mt t thpjf'eek eM he re, lira. J. O. Temple and Mrs. C. Albritton of Kinston visited the Coopers here one day last week. Mrs. Hose Farmer of Goldsboro rct en e e i cu. I date-nut - . '. . .. . - The Kenansville Sub- Deb 'Club met at the home of Marie Williams on- October 19,. 1935. 'The new of ficers elected for the coming ses sion were as follows: Marie Wil !tnnii President, Hazel Williams Vw.ePresidentri'one Brinsrn, Sec retary and Lots Villi, tms Treasure, and Doris Dobson as Reporter. Af-t-T-re.'busineaa session delicious reiaiiments were served.- ; b. ' . . ; o . i 1 IXcatractaal) i fUitended for lasf week) . Misses Louise Brltt, Tesaie Smith and- .Edith Hlnson entertained the B. F. ' Grady ' Teachers ' at k lb vel v spent th r -k-en here with her 'coract Party m Wednesday mother,! u Iiiu'rM. avuv,;, ' fni4rf.Jrbm,-e.lght to ten-thirty In The Menus of 'Mrs. Joan White, their apartment : Pink Hill. Hal- ne Mis 7 'An jonea will u In. imn'm lUwntinm iiio. . , , . 1 V . - . , I ----- - U. lersteu ij iuam cnat.uer nusoang fSr-O ONES IN PERFLCT CONDiilON i, NEW ONES ' ' EAEYC-i aiB5.00 UP V " f i I3D3.00 UP ... . TERMS? t , ; We do expert tuning at reasonable prices ' ; " We pay 88 to 15 for, Information leading to a sale. LET US PLACE A PIANO ON APPROVAL, ' 4; ' i - ' NO OBLIGATION, .' "-.''"" ' ' " ' i. i if- WALLACE, N. C. viJrs nan oeen uansrerrea from cnariejHJof pi 1$ ttsevt At the, cpnclusipn ', hitfi score prize wa Viven tn miruB unggs, tow score to Hil sle Tic'ghman. An iced course was sdrvsej Jhe -?tollowlng: ,",Mrs.j- pie otTQua, Mrs., jn, u. uavis, Mrs. p. E. Shoulars, Misses Elsie Tilgh manj Alice AverltV, ;.Mary Edna Bmith, Tessle Smith, Louise. Britt Edith Hlnson, Sarah Carr, Kathe rine 'Whltehurst, ' Martha Griggs and Bessie Kernegay..' f CLASSIFIEI teas. High score for the afternoon was made by Ml&f Hlnsoiv The low Wore was made by Mra Andy Pnny. They, were awarded appro priate prises. 1 ' Mrs. J, O. Bowman entertained 1 tbree. FOR SALE pigs and 1 sow. i itjrs , .weigh . about 80 pounds t Wbt .HaryeyKornegay, at He W. G. Kornesrav nlace. ';. -., .- toe B. M. a Sewing Club on last iO-Sl-.Pt , . ,j ,)t.;( k -, , . ' t. , , i , , sr, r israwss'T,. -..jft-'' ' - -. i-jSV 3k An ' - , a , X 9SM,fAXl!y. . ;J ... v . Ail i ... . f?.eo , tV ' v''f OTHEllkaS isA t' :'; i yenr i '1a WOafejgTJARA, 1. fyr i 1 "'.' ' CAROLYNS -BEAU ROSE HILL, Nl P. nrTBEO ;nsH(ippn" . ,'v, jj, .t-..o H I B O P R'A'CT I'O. . J ; painless Spinal Treatment,. . ( CHascured all the diseases named below,, and many more too nu merous too mention. Arthritis, Angina Pectoris, Appendicitics, As , BronchiUcs,: Brlghts-Disease, High or Low Blood Pressure, U CoUtis, Constltpation, CosUvenness Diabetes Mellitua, Dropsy, I 1 n , , Fevers of all types, including, Hay-fdver Diseases, Heart, Li T Kidneys, Lumbago, Nervous Prostration, vNeuralgia, Neuritis, i . o -titis, Rh"eumatism,-Sctatica, "St "Vitua Dance, Tonsilitis, Tuber, uio Ulsers of Stomach. Uremic Poisoning are only a few of many di- -as. that have been cured and so you can be well fit you will only give my New Painless Chiropractic Method a fair chance. '; J . , . ... DR. G. O. ELLIOTT, Chiropractor - - It cost you nothing to talk your health quesnon over wnn dir. OFFICE HOURS: Mon., Tues.; Wed., ThUnfc, tTtaay, w;3U to :au, ru . ., Bldg., comer Main Raielgn St., wauace,, rt. v. , , Purol -A V 1 U?J l K5BE Ot.ES tt tl m i I .-MPWaBFi', I SPFiEBWAY PATHFINDER 4.40-21 i.i:.$G.05 IN WRITING ."i , aftainst road in juries and defects 4.50-21 JL 4.7549 6.65 7.05 4.S0-21 : 4.75-19. -,.$3.23 5.7C) -i. 6.C3 PrlcM ubct to ehanfle without llQtic. SUM alea tu additional.. . : w6. Cu A; WEST'S GARAGE ONE STOP SERVICE - R. F. tt, WARSAV. S f i-.'"5TT,.' 1 ' -H (, i'ii ' i' f , v-.-. i,m i. . i '. ' v-t AGENCY; r , V. k' J"' " f W - v ' " TfiS NdV 1936 PLYMOUTH .'.Is! Now; In Or Shov Kbc-'WcrIhvitc,'Tbu To Inspect And Drive Thio 1 tier, 5T. 1 Will Find The Same Courteous Treatment ;V" 5ii :Biiyiii5 - A Car From fJLJs As You Will Find 7;::4Uc:ns Our Service -V (t !t 1. ' at 1 ' G 1 1 r -- - - Britt, B. Ff Grady; Mr. and Mrs. D. P. May, I" id Mrs. C. E. Qulnn, KcrpnsvlHe;l'r nsvUle ' . .t '"-- - 1 nvnN'Tvo