0VPUN TT arnr-nsnaT. OCT. S4th., 1835 ' i r - ' ' nvni ronUM , . J. ROBERT GRADY, Edtor-Owner y , B. O. (BOB) MAXWELL, Contributing Editor R. 8. GBADY, Circulation Manager J- ; ... .. V .'Vl-; ' i '"" ' 1 1' ... "i - ENTERED XT THE POST OFFICE, KENANSVXE. N. cj AS SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER, ffl i , . BATES OF SOTSCBIPTION ONE TEAR (BY MAIL)., POSTPAID SIX MONTHS i 1.60 .76 A DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL. PUBUSHED CBAT AND DEVOTED TO THE MATERIAL, ATI ScSmio. andaoricultiwterests OF DVPUN AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES. , THURSDAY. OCTOBER 24th.. mm SCRIPTURES ci-.nrPT7RTCS .. jp ttuoi inu kv.- i,M.e exalteth a nation; But sin to a reproach to any people. Proverbs 14:34. , o QOLDEN GLEAMS jSmTwoT k.on, a Pile that ayWa.worlh. warfare and yet there is no league tor j The only way to get through a difficult piece of wort : isj to .lLIuin.r at the ceiling blowing .moke ring- doe-nt nan "ulnme " " count. ' The wonder is whether Hoover and -Rt J other again in 1936. There la no advance dope that can tell you any thing about It, either. V mlttee on Banning ana ""-"-j twl .042 796 00. Sub- . h .hB Federal Reserve Bank in gold certificate 84Aw.uv. buit there is left WATEH WAGON .VSISDOM. I THE DRUNKARD'S DREAM - By" Frank E. Edward I had a "warning" In a dream one night, , And I have promised on nay bend ed knee ' That I will, supported by . His might. My Savior and my God, to serve ., and please. I know that some will ridicule and sneer 1 ' 1 And say "the poor, 014 Soak has His love for me, has banished all my fear, . . ' Til never touth the cursed doom As I lay on my fifthy bed that :. itlarhfr ' An earthquake came, an down and down I leu " Screaming with terror, filled with nlvhtnun frleht." Until at last I found myself In ..! "VTffll No brimstone and no fiery flames f - were there, r I semi-darkness, shadowy forma I saw, "Banished from God," Eternal Bitter, 1 remorseful, lost forever more, I mingled with the "helpless, hop. lees crowd." Cursing the boore .and railing at mv fate. Some wept In silence, others cried : aloud, . - And some cursed God, because, it . was too late. . "v.-' I met a lot of so-called friends of earth, Drunkards and fools, nXe me, Til grant . f orgiveness freely, - not doubt, And give you "Life Eternal" . - for His sake, "Come unto me I will not cast v you out" ' - Then I awoke, and knelt beside my bed -1 And cried Oh, Father, take this curse- away. ' Forgiv a drunken sinner, OfldI shnu race was run. Gone their Indecent laughter ' and their mirth. Then, all at once, before me stood "My Son, The blame is yours, aU. yours, Ykm wttjunAd at me. Through endless ages I shall cur- I ' as VIM I T)fld. ' a amount from the amount of other' money given above ru cUng to throughout eternl 4 725 404.011. Now this amount U supposed to represent ty ,;i , ' . ia M, iw whatever amount Hn mu with the curses And I was saved-for Jesus heard me pray. rm on "the water wagon" now, : with booze Tva done. , - , Tm working; to support my home ana wue, - 1 And we go to church on Bunday with our son, ' . 1 c For my dream of Hell, showed me "Eternal Life," CLYDE HOEY, Tie-In With Roosevelt x '. tm MtAtemenL ooenlntc With the direct and personal declaration that the decision to run is his own la a nrorjer encroach to the major state candidacy. It stresses atate problems in the soivmg 01 wb governor ', can.f,' conceivably lead. North Carolina coming out of the depression; is especially concemeu nvr rehabilitation as Mr. Hoey co-ordinates It with education child welfare and social security, mere Is like wise m this paramountcy an obvious inclination, to parallel the Roosevelt program ana u m ine aiato; chuhkus", wo from which this' candidate aims to conduct it, wito emphasis .wnjcn national Democracy portends to be placing about that .time. , (The Greensboro News.) . ,. - do of the estate of Ricnara ceased, late of Duplin v;oumy, CaroUna, this is to notify all per sons having claims aaglnst the estate of -said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Rose Hill," N. C. on or before the 17th. day of October 1936. oVthia notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. . , , , : All persona lnaeDtea w "r tate will please make Immediate payment. ' ' This'iTtnc uay 01 MARY BRICK, Admlnistrix of Richard Brlce. Gavin & Gavin, Attys.'. ; v ' j muln rniDjl lt III I.iiik, J. Thomas corner; t cuce .t 12 polee to a stake; thence North a 9- nnlM to a stake on J. A. Southerland's line: thence his iin Vjmt 12 Doles to a stake on the main road, containing one- This the 21st day of October, 1035. ' ' J. FAISON THOMPSON, ' Trustee. Nov. 14-4t J. F. T. Mrs. George F. ' .Browrt , week. Dr. I in this section and 1 are expected to be la Cedar FcrliK Mr. and Mrs. Paul oo spent Sunday with Mr. fc Doasie Lanier. Mr .and Mrs. Btepnen x and children spent Sunday v I Mr. and Mrs. James Aineri..-i. Mrs. Blan Lanier, Miss u ' 1 rwev Lanier and Mr. Fred , ett spent Sunday at the Prl . Batplst AssoclaUon at Nov mm n tt. learner auu v Lanier-' spent Saturday night -; 1 NOTICE OF SALE ' North Carolina, Duplin County. ' ' ' . Under the autnomy in ed by a Deed of Trust from Robert J. Kenan and wire, tinenne mu an, bearing -date of October 4th., 1934, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of cupun coun ty, in Book 358 at Page 630, 1 wlU t. tnr nln for cash, to the high- ' , ' , .1 est bidder, at the Court Mouse ooor in KenansvlUe,, between we nours twelve, Noon, and One P. M. on Friday, November 22, 1935, the aoai4im1 trRitjj of land AUllUWUlfi VWW.WW - iln'TJuplin County, North Carolina, described as follows: '? 1: "BEGINNING at a stake at the Northwest corner of the gra ve yard, K. K. FusaeU's corner, and run thence with the G..K. FusseU line East 49 KS poles to a stake by-tB KenaBvuleoa; 'thence with said road North' 6 EasJWj, poles to stake, South tkt corner of the store lot; stake; theoce South- 74 yards to a stake; thence wesi io pvm i a stake,'Foetln McMinion corp- t. 2 Ton , Flarht .Leader u- n a man. of charming peraonatiiy, "b r wnsr . r - . .7'.. - LI- 1 . .... . a.tL , nnlu D r A 1 and- OX flowing eloquence t.iii,r; uenw dotmi i - r . 1 nnn.Ani,w in il,ii. .h. twio-lnnfniy Anntaln- ranmnir in inn iMiiuuwm uni.ii'ii among the top-fUght 'leaders. VH is honoraue, unswervuigiy, acwi"? n it. KnnviMiFel It la. mate to admit that He la Intelligent and ,rtn k a Aimlerhtv rind in iTv ani Mrs.. Melton Lanier Win infinite Wisdom on October Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood t . , . . 1 . . jk 1 . , : ir a 1 v uii a.w. Ura IMtArfTfl I . 1VW U I MllTinflV. and,' Mrs. Beatrice Brmson,. WHEREAS, The nusDana, cuu- Southeriana ana ...j i th, fnmilv I . nviiiA nnndav -niivht , . o. Hovnttvl and lov-1 uin XTnllle Ravnor. nave iwi. . - wiui - . , , , lng wife, moiner ana raui 1 v Mrs. lienor suffered an irreparable loss; and, Miss, ida-Earl Pierce took dinner nn . n rm.. k,inlw hfll) I -...J TLfr-H" TVlHHlA Lanier. ..... - , , .m. on frlnndlVl vh 'A. R. Wood and neighbor; and, ', daughter. MargatHayes made a WHEREAS, D. JO"?, Counc. busies. No. 833. Jumor uraer uiuwi . A" ' v , mertcan, Mechanics desire to ex- Lanier spent theweek end at New press weir jraiuij i -. . . Thlmpn thi, nhiMrnn. and Mr' and Mrs. Bryson , inigpen ueorse , ' iV o- Hth Mrs. O. V. La THEREFORE. Be resoiyea j r. r. Brlnson, Mrs. D. M. Jolly ?cVi:'ZZ-:laM WUson, nior Order United American Qrav made a bu- hanics in Council aBsemwea e Klnston and La- 22?.f i" oran Monday afternoon. ui. n nutvuir Rrawn. Mr andv Mrs. A. R.- wood and BB .1 rifw.Il h. miiw in L..,ma: Mamraret Hayes attend W said hour of their bereave- ed the Annual Home Canning day ment; and, aonnnH That, a' oonv of this re solution be dellevered to the fami Third. That a copy or uus nu- lUnk to Vthe beginning, contata ' lngv6 S-16 'acres, more or less." - jjC "BEGINNING at a ' black gulu in a . vnuiiMi, w. - and Jasper jBatts' corner, and . ... ca 79K AM Oil NOW UUS atnuuui 10 owft -- iy. . circulate either. As this small siocn m u, - God, X cried tt Itai 1 to be supplemented by bank credit which enriches the money MerCy!Then a voice from lenderiCSnrta the cauae,of our eomc v mis J"BB" , onH p o. MAXWELU Awake. - M la .Via nhlQT PB11U II UU,DIU - acunit Uiaw ne ja uiteiuiscuk nu 1 - mm "" -r .. . . . Aw iM . Vnrlh RA nolaaa ta'.A him' a highly acceptable govenor. J stake; thence West 4S poles to m -i-riharintte News. I 'I 'stake In .the oli Kenansvine 1 '. . -. i.-ju;.- .. - .'II Lucky iror waroui-., j The next governor of Nerth Caj rollna 'la going to be Ciyae tts t . y. 1- -xtMnttt . that, a: man' in public -life- reaches .a posittbn t.of love and leaoersnip luava iTnai it was a lucky day --- tv. nw North State when Cly de Hoey threw ma.nai rlngw iMCLWweii newij -"........-i W 1 ... . NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION, 1 TT.fnar viiia1lflaVl1 aa adminlStrtX Boad; thence with saldv road South 6 West 50 poles to a stake l.l wn " Hn. mllMMi It crotwea f said ' road; tlienoe with HarreU's' Un : South 40 poles to the ' beginning, containing s 15 acres, more or less. Recorded In Book 807 at-Page 828 deeded from 'William arames and Cora James to I. JBL Thomas." ,. gv rTract of : land In Island Creek Township, Duplin County, adjoining the t , lands of al. A.' Southerland.and. I. F- .Thomas.. . BEGINNING at a stake on me Marriages it Haiiavilla Sunday. ' . Mr. and Mrs.; Arnold Hunter ( made a business 1 trip-to Kinston Saturday. . " xnira. iiiai. - - We having again now, lution be spread , upon the mlnu- mg at cedar Fork church, tes of our Council; and, - Wedne8day evening at -7:80- iouruu mv irfdock. Everybody is corum.i furnished tothe Duplin Times for "ff-.",Y". i Atoo Sunday .. . - I VlbCU ..... mihllpntinn.i : v v - ' v 1 . . . aimdv lYinrniriC ftt lacauui cv" - - . Jmlvn 10.00 o'clock. lam H.a If . aUlJiiBav tx7. tho familv 6f Geo. F. Brown niM ilk- to express to all our I friends our appreciation for your kind assistance ana syiutautjr lng the Illness and death of the mo ther of our home, i O. F. Brown and unuaren. iDr .Storey At Beulaville Rev. C. H. Storey, D .D, pasxor V'U Anderson to Irene of the St Andrews Prespywrian , f ---- Church of Wilmington win oegui ' PusaeU to Reedy a in the Beulavile AlJZ MaK y mu..ui. WindB AVAtimir ana iwkubi .M . wlU ; Continue through out the Btamngs White - ; n Un,,atnn to Inez . . Qumn. Hampton DaU to Beatrice Mobley. Cyrus FUireii u Hiighle Waters to Irene JorOm. Claude Hinnaut to KeanUe Ellis. Mike Cavenaugh to wora nc. wnua J. Williams to Thelma . , x . ... I- c - - ,1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 H tt n T rmMMSM2 . SATURDAY. A AUDITOR'S REPORT KENANSynXE. North Carolina NORTH CAROLINA PRESS ASSOCIATION 1 Circulation AndiCBureaii Sanford, JN.iJ. ' ; , . i. County. i'lubUctlQli,.THEPyPLIN TIMES 8, . Year Established, i3 .vv.. 8, Report for months enddSmber W, " ' . ' .... .ji. '.'.JliI i''S;v ' . .. 9. Average weekly nw,r. 4. "5. f . , 6. ,7. Present Ownership, JV Robert 0dy; Publisher, J. Robert Grady. - jv Published, Eaxh Thursday. . Audited, September 27, 1935. y . Iff The only cqi priced aaaaaaaBaMaiaaaa i .. a.-rtfft . Vn J- V . None irr::-. ; ' n " i . .. .' .... J i-t-.sJ'--ty--&M K I : ' jVv''- Va- -?v ;i"-.sr-: .--if-'V:'-'- A',: '''''"v Beulaville .;;'!;B';Faison, i Warsaw tiS'., Calypso : Teachey ; ' Magnolia 1 Rosa Hill rrhinnuaDln $ Wallace ' i .v . other Immediate Towns... !j Total Innnedlato Territory , . .. An rothert V ,.V,V. wj'v'ii1 wvpl..V..V. ...... ' . :,'"Y..y ' , , is. .other Papewt" Immediate Tf'G mory.. uiuea ' v-i'i-'. Weekly Papers: "r ;- . Local None. v . ' '.V, . North-lount OUve, 25 miles. : :t- , South,' WaUace, 17 miles. 'Baat-None, .;" '. ;:v ?. .' :'y West Warsaw, 7 miles. ( fA..'it;;;qtwia" MWiwdi. , i ii . Subscription. Bates, Regular 9;$: . . Mail, $1.50 per year? Office , v Yj'-'YY Sales," 5Ci; per copy;--Dealers, '.' i-l"jme Carriers,- none.-r Ar., ? i;Y k: 4 Special Rates: .- Mal, None; Short ; Tefm,-ii.;i.i;, Yy hv'Noner BulkV None. (' . 15v Allowances on BetnirnW;'-;,;-' , Y.:,;'-!Vj None.-" --''iYY'F-J'Y iV. i6.:?PmlqOoiUes1 i-, ".'' mentst iV-H'i YVtr-' Y, Y'Y ; 'None.1 SY.-:ialBf-' ' -- N . DnlMMtnllflll BjIMWUli! " '.vafacar VIiy.1p.--.-.y...... YY-i'' Ygocitc, on CommlsBlo'n Baals. . f ' '.is..'.. Eplanatory. Remarks: fijr; Tear average' based 'pn Issue' ; September 26, 1935. - i 'Iff jSf YSjf-Y;;.?!; tit. v.nh Mrtifv that this audit was made accord- 19; CerUHcatlonsi ; y;. '..H';, w''Y Ingto the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations aaopiea v. ' We certify that the 'facts nerem ',. j,e Newspaper Associauon uumsi, u ' J..L. U,' :Unnti hv'all the requirements h u.. NaUonal Editorial Association andjmder the dl- irAvnrninar tlua AUuit. .' : ,,-:..: v'Y; iY -' ' DAHLBERG COMPAJTT-7-AudltoTS. ; :. --.r ;! Yy' - vf b. a Dshiberg,' :. 'u; : ;YyY. YY- 'V v" "':,?:.;v " Y t certified 'Public Accountant. Yy Y (Etondard Audit Reyort Form. !' Adopted by Newspaper: - t ITanrers, Inc., and American Association of, - ' ' ' Y; " ' " " rectioh of . the North Carolina Press AssoclaUon. W. E. Homer, Audit Secretary Y'fyf,yYyy 'ijorth Carolina Press AssoclaUon Yyi Vernbn T. Sanford, SewtaryAy"Y. Y ,Y';y; Newspaper AssoclaUon Managers, Inc. Harry B. RuUedge, Director, ' National Editorial Association. ;'7Y; n nnT7

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