THURSDAY, OCT. 24th., f in ! 'i a, , sue. . J. 13. ery at C. Cottle, l!r i i j fami'y, t : ney, IV i House. Jr.. ist the vc.,e : 1-2 . 'c, f ) ' t a t thence v t". 9 L : . lit a j t - t i i J. r. ; j .iii . -t t N. ill:. u ! t) a r i.e: l-.-'r ; i. t cs.r 1 ao N. ', ; to a i Vnt'; t". a- j ly tl-a tuif.'-H'!! Roii; - n i rc- a a. e. to containing 2 1-8 ) ( r lwsg. J L.ACT: Adjoining th T. Q. Hall, et al., and I - - . m. rchip . ' 'lanua tf i. ""-jine Eii; ', 'bound- -J and described as follows, .on weie t-i'-' S'to-va: I'' T and being in the . ). D. S. Boney Bun-T , Vli.ilace. North Carolina, bt f 'jisdi'T at a point ,200 feet West r mey Pne of Tren- X tiie center of the X C JU Rail- : rln.r lntafr tip with' "Q. nnH 17ft feat North Of toman H TY llaher. ' tu ninrthiini Una nf Main Street.! 1 end Miss Katie Page..' a!ii in the Western line of an Al I . Es. Richard Rouse and ley, and, runs parauel w saiu i. n. Bt. Twrair. Rtr.wt. S. 75' 15" West 111 feet 'relatives.' V ? ! to ; T, Q. Hall's ; line, thence said 1 - S vvii nngwn wu ETi ftrt to the West edge of Sunday, October 27. Ser- lUllread. and with Western Itae u be iield dailv at 11:00 ,0' said alley, S. 14 45" E. 00 feet 1 7 80 P-M BvwrtoS to the beginning, and being lots ' r'y id taS. os. 11 and 12 la the map of the . . 7 r .n. r Ic J. Boney estate. made by J. A. - " navenaiiffh. dated May jsotn. awh. uwden and Mrs, K. J. weiw . TRACT: Beginning at a I the District PederaUoA . . . tha from G. n'a Clubs at Salemburg w QnnllBV.1, tn . Creek "lay. ntist Church to Lucy Bonham's tu aomy, w. "'ijne . and runs thence ner nne n. .mes D. riv, wu v. g JS. 8 poles lO a pine, ner uvruor, i 1 the Baptist Association at, thence B. 72 X4 E. 60 poles to i v Tuesday. . - - atake in an old ditch, in the Una of and Mrs. - O. T. r Teachey the Bonham tract, thence that line MnnriAv in wilminrtoiL v v T 2n W. S7 Doles to a stake in the i. L. R Wells and Rev. Eu- aforesaid road, thence that road Carr are assisting Rev. W. P. N. 72 W. 44 poles, to the beginning, t;.a 1 of CiU'-am Weetbrook, Ee-'.:e iTasaey and It .L. Alphln and bounded as follows: ; tZCINNING s ta black gam In the N. E, River Swamp, Har riett Kornegay's corner and runs S. 47 1-2 W. 63 poles to a stake'" on' ditch, thence' 8. 84 W. 3 poles to a stake, Lewis Alphln corner) thence S. 60 W. 50 poles ABBUNISTBATBIX'S NOTICE : Having qualified, as administra trix of the estate of Mark Lee, de (ensed. late of the County of Dun lin,, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having Maimfl against the estate of said deceased to exhibit , them to , the undersigned Finn ui, xm. on or before the etn. oay oi uctooer - ' yOD, W UiU IIUUO w. fibuuvu to stake on the public waf in bar of their recovery. . tate will please make , immediate thence with the said road N. S& W. 60 poles , to the beginnings containing 26 acres, more or less. And known as the share ol O. D. Weetbrook In the division of the . lands of his father, J. H. West-,, brook. f' ' " r' r ; SECOND XBACTs A certain tract of land, adjoining the lands of James Westbrook, P. H. Ko negay, Ira Westbrook and Dew ey Westbrook and bounded as follows: BEGINNING at an old ditch where it crosses the public road In Bt F. Westbrooks line near the foot of the spring path and runs along the old line N... 80 W. 66 poles to a stake, thence navment. This etn. aay or uciooer, xvao. SARAH F. LeJE, ..uministra . trix of the Estate of Mark Lee.' ' 'C ' iJ i"?'"., . HaiHti A Gavin. AttVS. . -I- Nov. 14-6t-G4-G. ,.T , o ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualuied as administra tor of the estate of Essie L Smith, deceased, late of Duplin- County, North Carolina, this in to notify all nersons havins; claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit rrle in a series of services at ill Presbyterian Church this containing 10 acre, more or less .' snTiRTH TRACT: Situated in r Mtmiiw nuwwin lcHnn1nar t! .; S S. B. Wells entertained her I Mr nth Ida Keves. j club Thursday afternoon. .Iome, and a S. and Alix Souther- er several progressions ; tna land corner and running thence ore prize was awarded to Qje M Alix outherland irounvs. o ' ' IXBQ aOOUt JU. AO 1-D WKI W cu- hostess served . a delicious otne- ditch, thence that ditch N. 3 . . nn , Innliilni, maM . ... ... m Mn L ac. uuoou utuuuuu .. wv , noies lo a suuco, inence lb. OO uuioa to a stake in J. W. English's line, thence as J. W. Englisb line a 1 W. 10 poles to a stake m m. lihicrHah line .thence his line N. 89 W. 12 poles to a stake, his corner, thence his line & 2 1-2 W. 80 poles to a stake, thence his line w. 84 2-5 ooles to a nine stump, L- J Teacher's corner, thence his Una a 81 W. 20 3-4 poles to a stake in the bie ditch. Ida Heves corner. thence her line up -said big ditch as follows: N. 48 1-2 E. 7 poles . 40 E. 10 poles N. 22 E, S N. 14 1-2 W .5 poles N. W..12 poles and m IB 1-2. W 0 Doles to the beginning, containing oy esuma Hon 12 acres, more or less. - . :: ftbth TRACT: Beelnning at, a pine stump, C. 8. Southerland and Liifiv Bonham's. deceased, corner. and running thence as the Bonham line N, 27 8-4 E. 87 1-2 poles to a take. Alex Southerland corner. thence with his line S. 78 E. about 46 poles to a stake in the old Step hen English line, thence as said old line S. 29 1-2 W. 37 1-2 Poles to C. S. Southerland, thence with his line N. 78 ,w about poies to the beErinninr. contalnins by es timation 10 1-2 acre, more or less. SIXTH TRACT : Adjoining the lands of: R. T. Teachev. Ed Pen neU and J. D. Teachey and others, ana oounaea as xouows: - - i Lot No. 5 of the E. McN. Carr Joe Wallace. Charles Edgar Wells, C. V. Hoi' . Le Wells, David Wells, Irene WoUs, Thelma Wells y Adlene Wells, , ; Teachey - Home Makers t at the home of Mrs. i Bowden on Monday. Oct- '. The meeting was called to , the-president, Mrs. JI ; d the club sang an origi- T. t i 1 v the head of new business a Federation was discussed i-vone was urged to attend. , roll was ' called and the WCie'read. The hostesses - , 'ed; Mrs. J. B. Wells, Mrs. . .'ells and Mrs, Henry Wells. ; t the absence of Miss Mar- ,e Agent, we went directly l e leaders program a! which ; unusually " interesting. - The contest1 was Judged and - v mer was said to be Mrs. -v vita. '- . o meeting adjourned to meet i in November with Miss a Wells. . ' --r .... , '. ' o NOTICE OF SALE' :. ; r and by virtue of an order i .J.e, made in the Superior , i t nf . Dunlin Countv in the ; of the Bank of Duplin, et ., i inst waaie KivenoarK, ei to the undersigned, dated the 18th day of December, 1918, ana rec orded' in Book No, 186, at page 1st tract. Beginning at a stake In Little Sandy-Bun 504, of the Duplin County regis try, default having "been 'made in the payment of the notes thereby secured ,the undersigned will, be tween 12:00 o'clock, noon, and 1:00 o'clock, P. M., on Monday the ibui nf Nnvamtwr . , 19X5. at the door of the Court house in Ken- ansvllle. DuvUn County, N. C, of' for for aula and sell for cash to th highest bidder by public auc tion, subject to advance bids pro vided, for by law, the one-nan un divided interest of the said mort- agor in the following lands in Olio- son township. Duplin County, con vnved bv and ' described in ? saw mortgage deed as follows: - " Branch, and runs N.' 7678 pot to a stake in said orancn; tk v a w M haIm ft t stake, f. D. Koirnegay and l T. Oradys corner; thence S. 74 W. ooles aa their dlvldinr line w a stake, their corner thence a tralrht line to the beelnnuig; containing 21 1-2 acres, more or 2nd. ' tracts fieelnnlnsr at a. stake, and runs 8. 5 W. 8V poles to a nine! thence S. 65 W, 23 poles to a stake In the eld road; thence .8. Is E. 9 poles to a N. 57 W49 poles to a stake on to the undersigned at Pink Y. a. Hornegaya une, uumoe x. juil, N. C, on or before the put. 4 E. 45 poles to a stab corner dav October, a a, or this no- stake; thence N. 70 W. 67 poles up Sandy-Bun to a Stake; thence N. 8 W. 64 poles to a stake in Kornegay's line; thence to the beginning; containing 040 acres, more or less. , . There is excepted-, from the a Dove-described lands a tract of 11 acres conveyed by Arba Herring and wife to J. D. Komegay. This the lQtn day or octoner, 1935. f LEWIS KEATHLEY, j i t " ; Mortgagee. Albert S. Grady. "Attorney, i- ' . Nov-14 5t- A S. O,, . .'lit - O .M'jij'l , SALE OF VALUABLE FARM , PROPERTY ?, o Under and by virtue , of the au-, thority conferred upon'' "us In a rwtMi of Trust executed by Cora E. O'Danlel. Geo.JJ. Westbrook and wTfn. HetUe Belle' Westbrodk. and Sam V. Massey and. wife,'- Bessie Massey, on the 1st day of May, 1923, and recorded in Book 249, Page 40, we will on Saturday,' the i 9th day of 'November, 1935 '.. ' ', 12 o'clock noon ., - " at the Courthouse, door in Duplin County, Kenansville, N. C, sell at public auction-for cash to the high est bidder the following land, to wit: v'' - s ,-' . A certain tract of land adjoining of lot No, 3, thence N. 8 E. 62 poles to a Stake on a ditch; then ce With said ditch N. 12 E. 6 poles to a curve; thence S 84 E. 80 poles to a stake on the public road; thence with the said road S. 88 E. 54 poles to the be ginning, containing 20 ' acres, more or less,: and being known aa the share alloted to Bessie : Massey In the division of ' the . lands of her father, 1. H. West- This land Is sold subject to all iinnairi taxes. . This sale is made, bv reason of tliA "failure of Cora. E. : O'Danlel. Geo D. Westbrook and wife, Het Ue Belle westbrooK, ana sam v. Massey and wife, Bessie Massey, ta twjw nrr ann mtwtiuiTra oia in debtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, j.-A dnnnnlt nf 10 nercent will be required from the purchaser at the saie. V;;. ' This the 80th day of September, 10SW. 5 INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPORATION, Substituted Trustee, Durham. N. C. Nov. 7 . 4t L T. C. tice will be pleaded in bar of their rannverv. All nersons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This 9th day of octoDer, iaao. J. MACK SMlTta, Adminis trator of the Estate of Essie I Smith. Gavin &' Gavin, Attys. Nov. 14-6t.-G&G. "'.."i o ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having this day" qualified as Ad ministrator with Will annexed of E. A. Farrior, deceased, this is to notify all persons indebted to the said Estate that they are required to pay them at once. All persons having claims against said Estate nonnested to nresent them duly - itimlzed and. authenticated to the undersigned within twelve months, or this notice be pleaded in bar of their recovery. . w ' This September lTtn., laaa. H. D. FARRIOR, . Administrator With will annexed. .j , . , . . Warsaw. Get. 24-6t-H. D. F. ' . ..' ' v:.')) '. """'n'e'.';'. " NOTICE OF RE-SALE Of the authority upon the under, signed Commissioner by a Judg ment of the Superior Court of Duplin' County in the special pro ceedings entitled "H. F. Rouse & W. D. Rouse. Executors of J. S. Rouse VS Mrs. Delia Register, et al" entered on the 16th day of April 1928, and also an order of re-sale entered on the 28th day of September, 1935, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale and sell at public auction for cash at the court house door in tenons viUe,' North Carolina, Wednesday, th 30th of October. 1935, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, the following described tract of land: 1st tract: In Kenansville Township, ad joining the lands of A. i. Brln son, Mrs. W. D. Register and others, containing 78 acres, more Or less. , '' 2nd tract: In Magnolia Township, adjoin ing the lands of L. W. Brown, H. F. Rouse, Jno. F. Crbom and others, containing 98 acres, more or less. a ifonnait of 10 Der cent will be required of the successful bidder. This the 28th day or Hepiemoer, 1935. H. D. WILLIAMS, Commissioner. Robert C. Wells Attorney Oct. 24-4t-R. C. W. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE i Having qualified as administra tor nf tho rntM nf VL V: Wlcsinn. i deceased, -late of Duplin County, iNorcn (jarouna, uhs is io nouiy all nAranns hairfns claims against the estate of said deceased to. ex- Itlhff thom th unHArftfcmpd At ciinton7'N.T3;'6r W Gavin & Gav lin. Attvs' at Kenansville. N. C. i nn nr -wfhn th 7th. dav of Oct ober, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded: in bar of their recovery. a All persons maemea io sua es tate will please make immediate payment . . This 7th. day of October, 1935. ', W: A. WIGGINS, Admlnistra- '. . to of the Estate of E. F. Wig-eins. Gavin & Gavin, Attys. Nov. 14-6L GAG. The Home Of The Poor "Water seeks its own level", so the old saying goes, therefore, Economy-Wise shoppers come to our store for their Heavy and Fancy Groceries Fresh Vegetables, Country Produce and other needs around the dining room and kitchen. Scott Grocery Go. I ROSE HILL, N. C. the Janie Boney tract w to re-seU the lands here- . nf described, the undersigned,-; - 200 at aM B53 ta toners wiu on November at the ' o hour of 12:00 : than 2,500 -ears'of corn lected end entered at the ; Cleveland County fair by of the county. ' , i O i i i i ii-; ::.; . B. H0LT 3 LOOTS and EIZOSS T LASS'S AND PARTS i Precinct, Khway 111 ' '.luce Bought and Sold wuni au awwa. miw, w rwn th Retrlster of ' Deeds oiiice ox nnniin Countv. : aa reference to I same wiu more cieariy snow, ana Mnmved to the parties ' of the first part by L R. Brown and wife, deed registered tn dook vexo, an page 484, recoras or vupun vou- tv. w ' :i " " ...... D!Ap.h of the above tracts wiu m sold separately and then sold in hulk and deed conveyed to the hlehMrt. bidder for cash. O " ....... . ... I Advertised tms the I4tn aay or nctobnr. ig35. N. B. BONEY, " Commissioner j Nov 7. - 4t N.B.B. MORTOACE SALE OF LANDS ; Under and by virtue of the po wer nf sale contained in a mort- poire deed made by Dora Herring 'f , ; - . t errs T v. 'nvfJ',,t l - " kf- i i ;...but,after all is said and done, it's the cigarette it self that counts v: C , . i the question :is -, t. does tf SUtt yuut , . i , f 4 r.iAii7i:Li3 r:xL t Eread Good to the lii' t Cruiub F03 SALE by the , Fot'ovs Isg lc&Zstj t'orcl. antes c. e. c: :, ""?7"-i "vl"e - r s , v ! . T. 1 - "" ILL : I .1 ; ' PAC2X33 i. (. Warsaw . , -' "'.'C-IAKTS . f IJ.laton -'. . rink iuu- - T. . .riNN. Eovsn T "r'"i, R, F. D. , t""S CC1T 3 Put tt? and g-aarftteed ly :i;.::cirs II ill -ri r. r ir;. : il, rrr rowiwhenitcomestoamgarette will wit you want to think wnemer it's mild, yoii want to think about the taste lat Chesterfields are milder and taste better ' is n6 accident r ''. . . TA? farmer who grows the tobacco, the warehouseman who sells it at auction to the , highest bidder, every man who knows about tef tobacco will tell you thai it takes mild, , .1 ris tobaccos to make a good cigarette , ' In making. C' -tcrCdds We use mild ripe , 7 " t -" . f t ; .. tor mildness V. for better taste

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