TIMES, 0. PHONE 277 J C0VL.I3 . UI LIN LIIIE A ROOF JL 11. J JL ., r J KUfANSVILLS, North Carolina . 1 , BUSHED EVERV THURSDAY t TT M-n TL.-r.c- Issues Late G rA. "Celebration Last ' w that f e 1 . ed In I- t . so it to. ' It wan announced TO would be print-' ille this week. And THUtoDANOV, ttn, 19g , , T NUMw n ' a TI1IE3 moves Into its new - ' . er ten months of operation - the present manemcnt and printed in Vidn. the . . uw TI " 3 comes borne to : -y. Tlie printing plant formerly ' - 1 in Weldon baa been mov 1 ti J i.anBvllle and totalled In t;.i! .;ii!jr former'y occupied by C. : ,. Chimin. The t&..K of installs t " i id arrangement bas not quite l i finished but enough was put t work to enable us to publslh a paper this week, i-. ! ! . Beginning; next week the TIMES inaue a little earlier than here tofore, la addition: ;to; publishing the TIMES our shop te equipped to take care of any and all kinds of job printing, from envelopes, to . . broad - sides , ruled -work, we in vite you to learn our prices, they -. may be cheaper than, those from . companlea out of the county, " We wish to extend an invita rtiuU everyone who wishes to visit our plant any time after Novem ber 15th. Come and see for" your self what . It takes to get out a newspaper. It wttl be . Interesting if you have never seen it done. The TIMES force la composed of J. Robert Grady,' editor . and ' publisher; (Bob) Maxwell, contri buting editor; ' R. S,. Grady, clr- cuiation manager; Miss Louise Robinson of Wallace, news editor; ' James BendaU of Emporia, - Va., shop foreman; Harry Lee Price of Weldon, pressman , and Eddie Hughes of New York City, .com posing man. , y ;' ' 0" ' "in L,'-"-:--.if COTTON ALLOTMENT CARDS UNDELIVERED IS COUNTY There atllt remains in the Coun ty Agent's office in KenansvUle a t many cotton allotment cards "red. Notices ; have been t a oftae eer i and they .have not' been for, and receipted for them Un less this la dona' in a reasonable length of time, these certificates will have to be sent back to Ra leigh and canceled. ? ,:'Y;y--i. This la to advise all cotton grow ers wboAave not 'receipted, for their cotton tax-exempt certificat es to do so at once. r t - V' Kr.1- mi o mV ntV r x . , i - , ,- WARSAW VS. MT. OLIVE ' . Warsaw High School football team meets. Mt. Olive High on the Warsaw grid field.. The game la a feature part of the great Armistice program, War saw Monday. , , ' ' 1 The boys from Duplin and Bit. Olive boya are keen rivals of long standing, and the game promises to be one of the sea son's best In this section. . The: boya of both schools will be out to win. The largest crowd of the season Is expected to be on hand to urge the team of their choice to victory;: 5- . . Warsaw may be regarded aa a tUght favorite aa a result of the : season's record. But comparative scores and paat records mean ; nothing when these teams meet ' Be on hand Monday afternoon if you wish to see a good football Tame, ; . f j , ,v ; . -r" ;Sl Gives Halloween ' Party. - -: ' ALL COTTON PRODUCERS ' . SHOULD TURN IN UNUSED V COTTON POUNDAGE , -' ' 0r"'y 'r.-'r . It Is highly desirable that al cot ton producers who , have . excess cotton poundage 'left over to turn them to at he County Agent's of fice Immediately, says Mr. McLen don. . r , , j, .-'. "The demand for cotton cards Is now greater than the supply, and If the Duplin County.' Cotton grow ere ,nold..ihelr.- cotton cards until later on, it may be that they will have to carry them over until an other year,- whereas if they Would turn them in now they can be sold says Mr. McLendon. - A large number of people were present . and all reported a very enjoyable time. There waa- real good music and singing along with delicious refreshments served.' The small children marched out around the Jacalan terns and played some old time games. The following were present! . N-i .... , ;, - Martha . Lee Merritt i Marion Grey Merritt, Glydas Teachey, tlo rlne Edwards, ' Julia Deans Edw ards, Anna. Mae Rivenbark, Cath- erllne Brown, Hilda Brown, Jen- nette Murphey Norma HlQ Cart er,, Mary PearL Murphey, Luctal Murphey, MryUe Teachev. Walter Hanchey, Lbwood Hanchey, Bam- oo nancney, Joe n tun ? Teachey, Henry Southeriand, Sam RlTfn- i-uft,' Rauioiid Bradsn&wT Edward Teachey, Macy Caateen, Dorrlss Evans, Mildred Teachey, Raeford Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Gartha Mer ritt, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Murphey, jar. ana Mrs. Mutcnen Edwards, Mr. C O. HarreU ind wife.- Mrs. Anna Merritt, Mra.f CatUa Brown, air. uqeu xeacney' and Wife. Mrs. Jessie Murphey, Mrs. J. W.-Judge, Mrs Holland Teachey, Mrs. Frank lin Rivenbark. Mrs. B. F. Riven. "bark, Mrs. Lucy HarreU, Mrs. Co ra uarcer, Mr. - Alfred Murphey, Mr. Enoch Teachey, Mias- Winnie Williams,' ? Miss : MarV Francis Teachey,, Miaa Ruby Deane Teach ey, Sarah Rivenbark, Wilms Mer ritt, kaura Rivenbark, Mary Riv enbark, James Bradahaw.' Fredis Bf adshaw, Leslie Batts, Kirby Har- mu, xutmona narreii, James Tea chey, Homes Murphey and Jamas wuuama. race adjustment payments to Warren County cotton growers will run to approximately 1135,000 this year, the -county agent esti mated - , p.--.: Hon. Paul JD.? Grady - , Speaks To Juniors - -Rich : Souaro. Nov. 8. The Rich Square Council of the Junior Order of United American Mecha nics together with a large, dele gation from the Lasker , Council gathered -at the cafeteria of the Rich Square School for an oyster supper on Mondey nighty October 28th.- The' supper,, which was ser ved by a unit of the P. T. A. was In itself a sufficient reward for attendance. ; .y ,v FoUowing the .supper the Jlon. Paul i D. Grady, of Kenly,. state Senator and candidate for lieute nant Governor, apoke upon the importance of the expression of the beliefs and ideas of the "ave rage man" In the .proper conduct of Goveernment Senator Grady empnaalzed the fact that those I special privileges are .The?" S b coming to you late duo t , delay In getting ..the prlu i ,- machinery set up ' and prt v e rnnning. It is hoped . that w 3 .. '.t week's Issue yon wL4 begin n ceiving your paper much earlier In the week than yon have heietofore.-,:);-,--'''i . Next week will be carried a re port of the diplltt County Fed eration of Home Demonstration Clubs, the. Junior Woman's Club bridge touroa wnt, County Courf and 'other lt"it 'that werV sche duled to apiar ' ln "thla week's issue. ' - ; .;;,; . , y. - .-yt - .. . - - Hen PeclH Husband GraHy Will 'Deliver Speech Instructions on . - Tobacco Sales Cards 'Al tobacco contract signers, up on the completion of the sale of the 1938 crop,- must return the sales card and sign the marketing card. along with their tenants, if they nave Tenants, it they have tenants, so that the parity payment in 1935 may be paid and aQ matters per taining to the 1934-85 contracts can be settled. ' ' "The 1936-39 contract cannot be settled; ,'..-., -The 1936-89 son tract eannot be accepted by the Secretary of Ag-1 ncuHnre.;oniu - an lorms in con- Kenansville News Monday will be a gala day In the town of Warsaw, home of ' Henry L Stevnna fnM-u - Miss Fannie Aldrldge and Ma- ionol common, . . rietta Neeca went to Raleigh last Legion. Warsaw will put on its an- ' Saturday shopping. . nual show for Armistice. The Ar- v Misses Louise. Bowen and Eliza- mistice Dnv Beth Sparkman spent Friday night j has become known in cvor- nn.-.v and Saturday! at their' homes in Watha and BurgaW, respectively. Mrs. Roacoc Poopcr of Fhison, and corner of the Old North State. mo oays proirram will with a parade at 10 o'clock Jn ' As w go fo press- at this late' Friday. night; hoar information cornea to the TIMES', desk that the. hen-peeked husband contest; which is being brought trf a close at the Masonic building tonight with . the Junior Woman's Club Bridge tournament, will award inave been signed and delivered in' necUon with the 1934-35 contract l?. Z!i contacting and advising our pub lic officials; while the farmer, mer chant or other business or profes sional men from the small towns neglect to Inform their jrepresenu- ryea ..in Government as to their wiabes. He urged a closer rela- uontnip Between the neonle ' and meir representauves, to Vta end that; the rights and privileges of au people be more cleariy recog the grand prize to Mr. Less WU- Uams, Kenans vUle's most amia ble ' DOSt master. Hoaanm thla information Is not official as re-: continually porta also state that Dr. ,G. V. Ooodlng; Mr, O. p. Johnson and Mr. W. B.'BeUoga ara Duahlna- the leader close and last minute voting could easily change to picture. Watch for. next week's TIMES- for an account of: the tournament and the name of the man who wearH the laurels for Dupttn County's most Hen-pcck- the County Agent office. . A trTAJlt tnan lOttR mat4raMnM tfiHf4ai hflVA hAH " mi(Ut ai aaa - UIMWU VUL - LQ mot iHuuwni, wmcn every community in tlia Robert and Jim.:Bowden, .j county is expected to bo represea" Rev. and Mrt. F. Xt Goodman led. At eleven o'clock in the fair and email daughter, Carolyn Vir- building, judge Henry a Urndv ginla, are vacaoning In the Val- wlU deliver the annual adch-ss leyjrf Virginia; -fe r ' Senator Rivers Johnson of wat ; Mrs. Ronald Harris of Kinston; will be master of ceremonies visited her mother, Mrs. Emma I In the afternoon a foathaii between Warsaw an.l ). mi,.. tt of E. C. T.'t5. Will be too feature attraction a i d here with her at night tho days bui will bo con cluded with a dance irorn D m i MlssReba spent the week i ' Barents. ' Mrs. J; O. nlzed In the formation of Govern- t?ftoiTtTSli Tii'.. ment polices.- Senator Gmdy won VOSe 111 JUniOr many friends among his audlehce (T 3fr EntertainpH by his frank , declaraUons - that - ,IU"IneA those elected to office should at all times be guided by the beUefa of his constituents, a , , A A regular meeting of the' Coun cU in the local Council .hall ended a .moat enjoyable evening. . .ROSJH QLL,.' Nov. 8th. The Bowman.- accomoan-1 fj music win ho f,i.r,iov..i k.. uu vut U) T - I .jj,. . . u uy contract signers for signatures of 7 1, V w " i "euuie jonnson and uia Carolina the contractor and his tenants, and 2 Gr'n(,J Saturday wtoro Orcfcastra, featuring PcSSy Wooa, have not been returned. Many , tteded 3trty- j famous torch singer, more have been carried out by the' . " Mr-? Norwood -accom- o contractor for signatures of ten- . TT v- uood"lPnt n,,f RV:i. rr., ants nrt h n i J.. . . g. to Raleigh on last Saturday 1 r Ut UUt rillt TreCS AU of these forms must be return- ES! E.aWoa tte CaroHna- NOW Spp Tniintv A crH ed before the 1935 contract can be iState same' ' "ww oee OUnty Agf t completed. "" On Friday Of last week Mr' o . AU persons having contracts are Mm. John Gavin and Vance j During the summer and fall of urged to attend to this matter at c'v,n ttenfWl 'oot ball game the year everyone likes to go out once. ."k T"" roraw 1 10 ms inut trees and gather a few - 0 - , I Mr. and .Mrs, JR. V., Wells and peaches or apples for eating, can- KOSe XllU DeatnS . Aulander With relaUves. I Beginning now, and for the next p -r. Miss . V Irgniia Kornegay of six weeks, will be the proper time ROSE HILL.'': Nov. 4 iriinrai Oxldsboro spent 8unday"here with for putting out fruit trees. Your services for AlUe 'James Robinson, Ur' Norwood Boney. . County Agent or Assistant County eteht vear old son of Mr. and Hn - Miss Margaret Wise of Haaard, 1 Agent, by buying with a coopera- boys auTgirls of the Junior Choir -B- Robinson, were held from the Ky" u nere c0" U P!ay. "Oh, tive order, can get fruit trees for of the Preshyterian churbh wersihom Friday morning, with Rev, pfr!" She. represents the you at a nomial cost of from 10 delightfully entertained on Friday J- E- tahier of Wallace In charge. ""J" oeweii company, of At- to a cents each, depending on the afternc 4hLhome of Mr,' L. ' Death came after a week's illness kwJfi.Ga. i - s!tc tree you desire to set. KV Alderman; theehurch bianlst pneumonia; Thla boy waa a f10 of Muis Erma Wil- ' In purchasing fruit trees, espe- llams Will bei Interested to know ciallv oeach. it ia hpfror tn hnv .'"Ope jBeEIejaea y wn9,e mm tvae- m::V 1aeat..iKlxiL inter- f,toJ2MW English and fvera different varieUes, with the Tfu-;.t m a M guesr waariv . i email corsage of h was u tns Toung cemetery,; " "r"" 1 b" ""'"'e p ui-nng ;. J.--.-'."-"- ."jr? I waa naaiated in entertalninc-bv ed, who as a high school senior died mk i-ttlr, "vBItulJf - e-lo -tsmlfts wf septemeer, ha- M srw.a. aa-asa UUUU OUUU1 111 " . uii, aaa iac OCOSUli. the home of her aunt, Mrs. H. D. 1 Fruit trees are no different Williams. , from any other crop, in that if Mrs. Sam Bradahaw waa called you are to have good fruit, you to BennetUviUe, S. C. on Monday have to give the trees some at night to join her husband who is tention in the wav of Drunlnir Magnolia: Nov:' 4th. Tha ?. Misses Yvonne Alderman and Au- last March. Flower girls were cou nolia F. T. A. met Monday nio-ut M"y Wetes Farrior. X . - V sins of the deceased. November 4th with a good attend- r -Chiesta present were Bobby Her- Besides the parents, the deceas anceand aU had .j a pretty f good ring, K, a Alderman. Richard ed is survived by four sisters. Mls- 354.K;ii4;-'i.' , I Watson. - Kenneth ' Turner. John ses Adele and Rebecca Robinson rACthe bustaeaa meelin: offte- WUtpn MaUard, . Ethel Herring. Mrs. WiUle Knowles. of Rose H1U. Z6 T.v .I..,, j . .- . : Uarilvn AManx.n rfh- cr and Mm Winlfrrt V-,.r, nr..'"' " ""t" uiore. bkku, m u a npi wu tt " " . ' -! Hesdames D. M Jollv Pickett, Vice-president; Miss Grace Teacy. Betsy Hall, Marthay O. o Hood t re-elected Secretary and MuPry' Gedine Johnson, : Mary Funeral services for Dorothy -fi"w;,l'j4j mM I0''. Fassell, Mary Fair- j FusseU, nine year old daughter of .Committees 1 appbmtewere: ,B V -awy wuson, Mr. and Mrs. Byrd FusseU, whose Explorer tells State Denartmanr that lost Redfern is alive. v Ilcco Hill School Still ';: ; -. Clc-ctl, Due?T6 Eijidemic ROSE HILLs Nov. Out. The lo cal situation in regard to sickness with colds and pneumonia la much brighter than it was last week, when three deaths were reported, feveral children are recovering and but few cases of sickness have been reported.. - A statement has not been made as to the exact date U-'t the local schools' will reopen, but it is hoped that this informa tion win soon be known. - t icdyVAt C:ccl Text Week 'TV Professor" a three act inu MaghoBa First In . Red Cross " Magnolia, ' under the Jurisdiction' of Mr. Sam Pope is the first unit to bring in their Red Cross contri bution, having brought It in to the Kenansville office, November 7th., 1935.' HURRAH FOR fc MAGNO LIA- WHO'S NEXT? . . . - Program, Mrs. F.. N. " Barden. Chairman, Mra. Kenneth " Taylor, art, Miaa' Isabel Boylea.,:"'i-': F Social, Mrs. F. O. Hollingsworth, Chairman, Mrs. G. B.- King - and Miaa jsheflit-.beriCCfes;; Ways and- Means,- Mra- i 'J. 'P-, Tucker, Chairman, J. A. Smith .and 3. W. naini';v:rf--''.frtVri-.-Hr Welfare,. Prof, U H. FusseU. Chairman. " , fffi&?.;&Y!,'- Membership, Mrs.' A. W. Croom, Chairman,. Mra. L. p. DaU and Mrc'D.' M. WllldnpV:".;' Miss McArthAjr and Mrs.-Fus-aeUs room had the largest number of parents present and got a boU- v'0riv.ipi'iwi'v Mr. FusseU urged the parents' V keep,, their children in school and help try to prevent flue epidemics. Mr. Moore . of Kenansville,. tea cher of various music classes made a talk off the purposcbf the P,'T A. and urged parents to take -ad vantage of the opportunity of juwwws; uw leacnera oeuer, and through, aome of his ! young stu- Sarah Watson, Johnny Teachey, Joyce wunams, saVle G. Herring, and Pansy Alderman.1 ; - FARM section: 'TEATUKES ; IATEST. AAA DEVEL- -. & ' 3i OFMENT8 w V " Featuring latest developments j-to the AAA, as ibey affect farm -oommodities produced : locally, the Noven.ber issue of our, ! STATE. 'FARMER SKt.Tl iN, -appears with this Issue of our jnewBpaper,- I Much has transpired within ' AAA. circles since the last issue four STATE FARMER SEC TION. Stepe have been ' taken' i to increase potaW prices prior . ta the time the Warren potato fcpl becomes operative. The .corn -hog referendum has given the adpalnistratlon ; :':-; resounding Vote of -confidence, mid a new contract Is In course of prepa ration tor 1986, baaed on fair proOto to the produoer and rca-,: aonable prloes to the consumer. and C. Weils went to Goldsboro Wednesday of this week. 1 o a MmmlMa. nHhl- -h" A A A - denta from bia Dunn eW n.lV i.ZZr,!;TMr? a.a ii " T:? . " iraBve ,-mea-'. ?v?vr"u P.5. aurea designed W substltuto for " . "-w WVt OU1V Darkness on the' DeMa. - v death resulted from pneumonia, were conducted from the home on Saturday morning by Rev. J. E. Lanier of Wallace. Interment was in the family cemetery. Thla little girl, beloved by friends and school mates, was a member of the third grade in the local school.. Besides the parents, the deceased is survived by three sisters, Mrs. -red Rogers, Misses Mattie Lee and Evelyn FusseU; three brothers, Ira, Lester and John FusseU. Funeral-services for James Blan- icnard, eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blanchard, were conducted from the home on Thurs day morning by Rev. S. G. Harn ess of Rose Hill, and interment was in the family burial plot. This child, who died of pneumo nia, had many friends In his sec ond grade in the local school. Besides the parents, thedeceaa ed is survived by two sisters. Ae nes and Bettie Mae Blanch ard, and one brother, Worth Blanchard. o Magnolia Degree Team At Burgaw spraying and treatment for borers and other bisects. Of course it isn't practical for a farmer to be as particular witn his home orchard as a commercial grower would be with his, but even home orchards should have some attention, and unless you are going to buy, with the above suggestions in view, it o , would be better to leave them off Magnolia, Nov. 4th. The Degree and use the space for some other Team of Tuberose Council No. 330 crop. Jr. O- U. A. M. of Magnolia led Vour County Agent or Assistant by Kenneth Taylor, local Councilor County Agent can advise you a visited the Burgaw ColncU Moh-,bout pruning, spraying and treat day night and put on degree work, ment for the different insects. There were about twenty members ' o of Tuberose Council present at I With clubs in all 15 of the high this meeting. j schools, Johnston County will have u appruxjiiiaieiy z uuu memDcra en- ' rnllari tfy A -VI .Ink -T. . I. : . . ., County farmers , . . have recently purchased high grade ! Hull pledges moral support to bulls with which to improve the the League of Nations on peace. 1 Company union move to nutlonal bodies is alarming industry. Two Yadkin quality of their herds. The Boys From Duplin Shut Out Goldsboro Grid Eleven GOSHEN NEWS Joe Cmk vocal solo: Love.and a, Dime, f-jr,'-!!, Miss Ruth Balnea, vocal solo: .now 4'm,a Lady,", . ' : - SPAGHETTI PARTY BAT: ROSE IfflJ t '8 Grady Drops Second 1 Game To Kenansville Kenansviua jaign school .: Boyst ROSE HILL, Nov. 6th. Frank V w,a , 1 wam won its second, victory over Jerome who la engaged ta the pro vine high school audi- ,b, F. Grady Monday afternoon on duce' business andUhMecent Friday night, Novem- the KenansvUle court Grady boyslly spent some time her wit? ha, ': , . , Inut un a Stiff flo-ht Kiif miiM utLntlu. T r t-i e comedv. Drodueed bv Mie'ir.'V-V ..t-L.- - 1 - t. C. ' r. ' v" "aa as - . . I UI.LU Lug VHXY Ui LHO I .fill , I V ,n on 15thw e P. SeweU production com y and sponsored by the local 1 is much heralded as a ... , , . I ""J I . 1 vi expeciauons and' are playing a Over 60 prominent local peo- Very good brand of baU fof this a BViarfitlAH tt InnaQii In tVn ' . .. . ...... "v-v.-. " auigo oi mo season, t Champs. The final score of the game was KenansvUle 25, Grady 15. Kenar-ivllle boya are living up ) f lay wlU be presented with nctors properly dressed In ). Kehearsala are being ESACLAVTLLE POSTMASTER' . John C. Kennedy has received y nicht from now until the appointment from Postmaster t lit. A real treat is pro-.General James A. Farley to m t ie foU.s of this section. I postmaster at BeulavUie. i be nis gueat for several days . last week, his employer," John Vena of Philadelphia. On , Friday evening mr. vena was nost at an Italian Spaghetti ' supper, which he pre pared and served himself, This was given at the home of Mr. Jerome's sister, Mrs. Oscar FusseU. Those present for' the delightful supper were Mr. and Mrs. J, -M. Jerome, Mrs. B. F. Symons, Mr. and Mrs, E. G Murray, Mrs. & KV Butler. J. D. Jerome, Frank Jerome and Doalne-Fuasell. , ajiy adverse ruUag by the Su preme Court on.brocesslns; tax- h ea or on the constitutionality of me Agricultural Adjustment Act ltseU. ; v: '-. '!l;ij 5 if : ..v-''v'V'a: ' " ' i-!:;r:'-i.:; ' : AJB of these happeninars ' are interpreted by expert special ' cation,':- '-S:Q . ;fe3t; in datUaav:ittera-la ., of news and feature . articles ' dealing with every commodity4 produced in this area, and with '- national aoUvlUes In tho field of agriculturtf. , progress which", - nave a local bearing.' Among ; thjese are the -.National Future Farmer Congress; the National ': r 4-H Club Congress, the Amer- loan Royal and . International ' ' Uveateck Expositions; the Na- Uonal Dairy Show -and other . . . In OuV Issue will be V found something of Interest to ' every ; memner or the farm family, aU of which has been speolally pre pared With many illustrations. . Head feature carefully . and' let -' us have- your comments, :, -' The' Revival which has been In session at Pears ads Chapel . the past week came to a, close Sunday nignt with a good attendance. There were four additions to the church. . -Mr., and Mrs. Luby Jones and children of Warsaw visited Mr. Albert Chambers and family Sun day. : ; , :- - Street Garner, Mose Garner, Vel man Benson, Owen Quinn and Ber nard Langston were Kinston visi tors Sunday afternoon.' , . ' Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Quinn 'yialt- ed Mr. and Mrs: D.-F. Chambers Sunday. '".''-' Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Garner, Jr., 'visited Mr. and Mra. Johnnie Hun ter Sunday. 'y:-'-:-,'":---:'.:,. -Mr. and Mrs! Piekett Chambers and Miaa DoUle MUler of ShowhlU visited in this community Sunday. Mrs. Mary Alice Dunn and dau- Playing their best game of the season the Warsaw boys trounced Goldsboro High footbaU team 19 to 0. ' The Warsaw boys did themsel ves proud. Everyone played hard. heads up ball. Goldsboro didn't get a chance against the hard charg ing boys from down in Duplin. The feature of the game, teamwork on the part of every member of the Warsaw team. The coach, Denny has developed a real footbaU mechlne at Warsaw High and deserves the praise and commendation of every citizen of the Warsaw section. The team and PINK HILL NEWS Misses Edna Turner, Doris Smith and Nannie Mae Smith of E. C. T. C., Greenville, spent the week-end at their homes here. Pink HiU shoppers in Kinston Saturday included Mr. and Mr3. Ike Stroud, Mrs. Jasper Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Moore, Mrs. G. M. Tprner and Mrs. Herbert Joner,. Turner and Mis. Jlcrbeit Jone3. Hill Items recently : i was t'a:.; that Dr. Henderson of Wilson ha I moved to Pink Hill to practice medicine. Instead it was Dr. Chan. coach deserves the wholehearted J Swindell, who with Mrs.. Swindell support of every Warsaw citizen.; are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Turner. Mr. Forrest Smith of Kinston was a Pink Hill visitor Sunday. Mr. Rommie Holt, teaching near Rocky Mount, spent the week-end here . Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Small, re cently married, are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jarman. Mrs. SmaU was the for- The writer and -this paper again wish to congratulate coach Denny On the splendid Job he is doing and also congratulate the members of the team. ' i Aunt Mary First - , VTst vrlmh a AAitflrvoiiilaf a Aunt ghter, Margaret, also Mr. and Mrs.- Mary Davis on being the first to jmer Miss Sarah Lee Jarman wuue : narnoit . and naoy -were join the Red Cross in Duplin Coun- Miss Lena- Smith, a student guests at the home of Mra. Dunn's ty, having paid her membership, nurse in the Carolina --aierai Hoj- parenu, ar. ana mrs. tt. X . CDam- November BtK lg.ts. oera aunaay. pltal in Wilson, spent the weekend Aunt Mary is a well known co- here with her parents, mr.-jacK tsenson was the sniest ktred woman In Dunlin nountv of Miss Sallie Lou Hunter Sunday she ia the maid at the local we leaflet-noon. . k ' ' 1 ' fare and relief office.. , ( Mr. Hugh Maxwell of the Uni versity of N. C. was a visitor here, over, the week-end. '1- 4 -i I ' 4 4 H 'ft ( -:'-i':C'

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