I S, No f i ( Jolli ,;iiagi;oua NEWS ;:V.:''; ' iO " "j 5 " '(Intended lor tost week) ' - -Mr. and Mm. Wfckcliffe Ewell of Tamp - Florida spent Tuesday ,'night with Us mother, Mm.. Mary EaeU and carried Mrs. Eszell 'with them to , Florida to spend the ." winter. They, left; Wednesday A. M. "r i 1 . Miss MaVgaret" Taylor visited her aunt, MMt Norwood Blanchard V of Chinquapin., last week. , " ' , Miss Elizabeth Evans visited her cousin, Mr Winslowi Southerland of WUlard, faat, week. I! i Mrs. EffJ Johnson andMtle son of Raleigh, ent the week end , with retake-and. friends. , T.b pmx iif.tlu C. C. Camp Is vialUngihis, pother,, Ada Rouse.. ; Guests of jirsJiara v-"v"-day were ,Mts , EsteUe . Qsvln of Warsaw and Mrs. Kelly Pearson of Scotland Qounty, , , , . 0 Mr. aniJKM. C4 T,Meachum and little wmiiCX' Mn&n & : i Bragg spent the. week-end. wlh her mothers MMtMary, Haste, ,, mm. JamWa'fSwjMjWwf-ffiyy. spent Thursday ,wfl) Mrio Flprr ence HomtiitoKMbft-jJI i.iltc j ! Mrs. HateX'p'iteylerd lau ghter, MissilMelrAsft-snQtored to Clinton Satarday .aftemoxwn ... Messrs. Jotfa'.Tuoker and. son, J. P. Jr., : and .Marvin. ;Bradshaw went to Kenanavilltf Monday. .. -,. Rev T. H,. WllUams held revival to The BapUsV Church a f eacheya last week of "which he to pastor and was assisted' by Dr. Barton of Wilmington;. He filled his appoint ment here Sunday A. M. Ha and Mrs. Williams , and , son , Hilton ront tn Teachevs after services. The Womans Missionary. Society of the Baptist Church met Sunday afternoon. Miss- Lizzie Edwards had charge of ..the-program and was assisted by Mesdames S. B. Hunter and John Parker and Miss Macy Cox. Misses Battle Home and . Grace Hood spent: the week end with Miss Alice , Grace Slaughter ..At Spring Hope . . . Mr. C. C Everett who has had pneumonia ..nearly two weeks is slight improved: - - - Mr. .CX-i'fowell and his son Bertlce; and daughter; Miss. Net tie who haye been visiting anoth er soivMr: rRay poweU in . Port- - M,w MiVnjul lMt week and sold their household goods to day (Monday) and WUT return to Portworth Wednesday to make their home there They expect al s to sell thejr house here.. . Miss AUine. Wilson Is., visiting her sister, Mrs, Zeno,. Moore of Greensboro. ..' ' Mm. Hatty Register and little on, Harry; Jr.,' and Miss Beatrice Bass of Wilmington spent the week end with their brother, ; Mr. Paul Bass. . Miss Macy Cox motored .to Ke nansvUle Monday A. M. She. has the Old Age. Pension Blanks to be filled out by all eligible men and women for Reunion, in the town and township of Magnolia. . All people, white 'and black, 65 years of age whose income Is less than $30.00 per month, see her at once and fill out the Blank. This must be done before the ' last of Nov ember. Capt Asa Matthews of Wilming ton spent Sunday with his . sister Mm. O. G. Bradshaw. Mr. and Mm, D. M. Wilkins and children spent the week end with 1 : a . WOOD Funeral Service DAY PHONE 48 . NIGHT PHONE 878 and 208 Ambulance SXNSTON, jr. o. 24 HOUKIS SERVICE v Day and JMght ServlcAuBtatfoKt Oft -Highway Xlf.h - ...ii . i. i ..mi. i viij AREYpURjjABI SAFE ,nx,W;i!x,wtv'r., ," ""K 1 'Am yooWking 'i'j'iiMe-rf-f should, bf rt -von leavlBK them tucked iaway m some Book or corner where j .w ,'niMti lMia defrisi'-Klweirtw i 2 etc., represent an tovestmnt ' - ,4. d box for yrvaluabte can be a , , . her mother, Mm. Luther West near Waraaw. r ... ? ... Mr. J. J. Howard attended ser vice at the : Free Mill Baptist Church in Rose Hill Sunday A.; M. Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Quinn of Ra leigh and. Miss Kate' Jarroaa of Beulavlllet visited Mr. and- r Mrs. J. A. Smith Saturday. , Mrs. Clara Gavin, Mr. and Mm. Jack Bostlc motored to Saleraburgi Saturday night to see, Mrs. Gav in's son, also . at Hneiana , mh lege. . t f j Paul Kelly of Wake forest Col lege spent the week end here with his grand mother, -mm, vieiuna Gaylprw. . -r - " WARSAW ITEMS -' (Intended for last Week) ' - ', -Mi- nnit Mrs. L Mann, and fami ly of Raeford and Mr. and Mm.. HanHl nf TllntOn W6M STUBS tS Of Mr And MM. A."Brooks Sunday.;,', Mm. G. G.: Best, Mr.. G. S. Best Rebecca and George . Best ; .were visitoM to Goldsboro Sunday. u, R M. tterMn? Sr.. made a business tlrp ,to- Richmond r last week. i f J 1 v Mr nrt Mrs. William Cooper spent the week-end with relatives in Jacksonville. ' . 1 RhiriRV Ktnr of Faison spent the week-end with Sue Gnffin Deb- nam, at the home of 'Bf, ana tin. M. V. Orr, Sr .y-J. v. v Mr. H. U Stevens returned-Monday morning from a business trip to Chicago. ' 'Mm.' J. U lominack of New berry S. C, spent several days last 4uk nrtth her son and daughter In law 'Mr. and Mrs. R. N.'Lomi- nack. Mr. A. L. Cavenaugh and daugh ter Miss Jenny Quinn Cavenaugh spent Sunday in KocKy jaoum nritH Mm Cavenaucrh at the Rocky, Mount Sanatorium. Mm. Cave naugh is planning to return nome the latter part of the week. Mrs. J. F. Lnden of Chinqua pin spent Monday with Mm. P. L. Page.' .-.' Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Sheffield were visitors to Greenville Friday. Mr. and . Mrs. J. C. ThomDSOn. and little daughter Barbara Jean spent the week-end to Chapel Hill Mentampn S - E. Hines. J. W. Best, W. P. ' BridgeM and Miss 2 JOHN M. LITTLE Black and Little, ' KLNS TON'S High Class Jewelers 130 N. Queen St. SINGER SEWING MACHINES New and Used liberal Allowance for Tour Old Machine,' - mi l. nit NOTIFY . L. L. HERRING SEVEN SPRINGS . . i o . . ' ,5 y . g V' Vf f . - V Nothing Serves Like : Marfak Service! KTNTft'S COTTRT S SERVICE STATION A Full Line or 1 TEXACO Products Firestone Tiresj - -'Batteries,;.;;1.-4:;: . i Accessories, ,.' iv PHONE 183 . -J; Opposite Courtr; HoUSe rV; i-t W.,8.J(NUNNj f,J KinSton;'N:iP.r'",!! i' i and shonid be pretectal. Why . little. A afetr dPOoaU rented at. this bank at veryUtMe Nell J. Bowden epent Saturday In Goldsboro. ;Y,.' Mm. W. E. Hines, accompanied Mrs. L. P. Faison and Miss Mara- ble Faison t6 Oreenville Sunday. Mrs. B. M. Turner of Wallace was the guest of her daughter MM RJL.Best, Jr., Monday. Mr. K p. WUllams la spending this week' in Durham with Mm. Williams And children. Mrs. R. i E.. Wall is . spenamg some time tn Hendersonville, the guest of Mm. Frank Bell. . . ; ... Mrs-P. K. Teachey and son Wil liam,, and! Misa Fleming Of Rich mpnd, were guests Friday and Sat urday of Mrs. W. J. Middleton. The many friends, or utue xume Best, younf soa of Mr,, and Mrs. K. b Best, are-giaa w juiuw us much better and. ..able to be brought home after receiving treat ment f or blood poison at the Jame Walker Hospital Wilmington.; Mn. W-, J- Middleton, spent Hun- day In Wilmington visiting, rela- Mr. and Mm, B.J.C.- Surra tt spent 'the: week-end in. Lexington visltihg telattvMk frXfeW-ic. Miss Elizabeth Moore ar, wiison spent the week-end with her. aunt Mrs. . Jii A ;PoweOi :4t:iKT Misses Talton, Freeman, White head,, Clarke and Jones spent Sat urday in Goldsbora tl ' Mrs;. . Claude Murray , or Jicn- mond spent Monday wUhherv voo- ther -Mrs. Sallie JE. .Johnstone. Mrs -Elizabeth B. Vlok. a mem ber of the Rose Hill school faculty is at home for several days on ac count ,of ; the schools then being closed . .v-H-irfii Mrs. Sallie B. Snlne M Wilming. ton,: Mrs. N. K. Oats of Faison and little Hugh Shine .of Goldsboro were guests of Mrs. Henry Bowden Saturday., Mr. and Mrs. Paul . Berry and Mrs. R. Li Beat Sr., were visitoM to" Wilmington Friday," they , went to see BUUe Best who was a pet lent at the; Jattoes Walker Hospital .' .W'juu Htt, J. C. Thompson spent 'Toeddfcy In Greensboro ..i ..'Mr' and'- Mrs. Jack : Qulnnerly and Mary fJarden Qulnnerly of Ay den, Mrt and Mm. J. R. Best and family of' Clinton wen the guests of Mm R L. Best 6f. Sunday. . ..Miss Alene West attended r the football game in purham Saturday - P "ki,".iv. .'. -'HnH .uiii 'V ' W-'T;Ma--0r.SrMWWT :tt: '.j- tt .... ; 'V--iM.-i,Hriirlrf''. & i"-:l t; S( : -i4 .. -?- " .7 n - . iitL' pi5 ixicui, 11 waiters xiuic vvudi. wt uiaj oay. - 41 1 . vui-i- l v..-- j'X .".. -. ... .... jA VJuwtajm'riMm r " - VII IK It' t , - . is.jy : is f (f(! ft.' ti .". ' I " i i -'i - ly. , . r t v r , i. Ii. V.'l. Mius I j v i spent EaturU-y with her r s Ilr. and XtM. J. u. Quinn. . Among the. , who attends the State-Cahoii: j ime in Rate'th Saturday a - r. and Mm J. C. Thompson, i s A. L. Hum phrey, Friiiik 1 "ackmOM, H. M. Waters, Milton Ve.it, W. E. Hines, W. P. BrH!0i, J, T. Gresham,Jr, Edward Hines and Edwin Page. Mm. G. Parke Prldgen la spen ding this week in Rich Square, the guest of her daughter Mrs. Wilson Sholars. i - , MessM J. E. WlUiams and A. 3 Middleton made a business trip to Florence, S. C, Monday . ' ; ' ' ' Mrs. Harvey Eoney of Rose HU1 was the guest Tuesday of Mm D. E. Befc ..: Mrs. H. W. Hunter and her sis ter and house guest spent Monday in Fayetteville. Misa . May Cox of Kins ton was the guest of MM. H. D. Farrior several days last week. xMrs. W. B. . Isham of Greens boro spent Friday with Mrs., Geo rge N. Bennett Mr. aha Mrs. Willard Smith and VeM ' vis! -m in the horn of Mr. and Mm b tree t Kornegay Tues day. Mr and Mm Smith were en route home from a visit to rela tives' Jn'f Cyannah, Ga. ,-U ' Mm. X-MOle Hudson of Blakely. Ga., spent Friday witl her daugh ter MmH. W. Hunter.. IFAISONNEWSM;- 'Ifateaded for last weeki.; 0 . , HAUUOWKBN i VABXt - Mrs: Grace Cooper gave a deli ghtful Halloween ; party at the home of- Mm. Owens, on Friday night October 81 at 8:80, honoring Thomas Earl and Ethel Owens. Ghosts and Halloween costumes were In evidence; About 80 young friends were present, Chicken sa lad and tea were served by the hostesses. BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Martha Davis Faison en tertained a large number of fri ends at her home on Thursday, Oct 81, the occasion being herlOth. 1 ,n y4 -:W :,fv AGADf,:A1NEWAND BEAUTIFUL - -viv v OIKJItSTA; BDMPAT SWWIWOJ tnsi, a ., ' ' , I t J I, tJts. . , , i. i d.cuiaiiona mude the -r,e f active. J'any fames and c i i were ei J yej. Halloween' suj.3ev.ions were carrled put In the delicious refreshments which conIi(ted ' of cake, ice cream, and! candy.. ' lOTVIN CLUB JSSSTS -:r" 'The October meeting of the Nevin Club was held at the home of Mm. O. U. Taylor, who assisted by Mrs.- Frank Byrd, served as hos teas. The roll was called and the membeM answered with current musical events. Mrs. Durwood Clfr' ton read a paper on "White Top Music Festival". Mm. Archer WU llams entertained on "Indian Mu sic," and, several piano selections were played among them being "By the WateM Of Minnetonka," by lieurance and "From an Ind ian Lodge," by McDowell. A delicious salad course fi with hot chocolate, was served. ( , QUESTION. How long does . It take to fatten beef catUe for mar ket? ;: yi x r-ijtip''fcfr$ .. - ANSWER: Under average con ditions, cattle taken from pasture with no additional' feed cannot be satisfactorily fattened under four months. When there 'is sufficient feed It, Is better to teed them' out for four and one half to five mon ths. The extra weight and finish Will more than y the feed cost and the cattle will' bring a prem ium for, the prune finish. ' QUESTION Should turkeys' be confined before killing and what -'"(Liycicra!; ".yotero!' ; : ' ' THE DELICIOUS STUMP SOUND VARIETY " f ' ' " ROASTED RIGHT SERVED RIGHT ;, T ', ,.r. ,Ji 1 1 . ' .j. j " Kellum's Oyster Roast s CLAYTON KELLUM, Prop "( formerly at FarneU's . Located Tallman's Shell Service Station nearNew, River Bridge ,. . JACKSONVILLE, N. C. ' - . ' L 1 1 FORD V8 j iCar 1 - . line; safetv Let ''sPord J, v v' .fV - ' . - " - - - VO 9Rsn Amo ano' -iw rttoJSYtr-MAjfs. itmsoAV tveNwas i to . ..11 i.i- I 11(1 ui'i" ' t..a t... uikfc0 keys? ANSWER It la a good practice to confine the turkeys for from 18 to 24 hours before they are killed. During this time a liberal supply of water should be provided but no feed given, Where turkeys are dressed but not drawn there will be about a 10 percent loss of f ea-thnm- unA "Wood. Full-drawn 'tur keys lose about 25 percent of their live weight When tne mras are w be shipped care should be given to proper packing. See your farm or home agent for specif ic instruc tions ei to killing and packing. NOTICE OP, ADMINISTRATION J Having qualified as admlnlstrlx of the estate of Richard Brice, de ceased, late of Pupllh County,, N, Carolina, this Is to notify alj per havinff claims aasrlnst the estate oC said deceased to exhibit .them Mjthe undersigned at koss Hill, K. C. on or before the ITU- day mt October 1936. or this notice will fee pleaded in bar. or.tneur re- covenr. ':,'-V;':';A'-V"'.';:: Ail persons indebted to said es .tate will please make immeaiate paysMfc ."i'j'v.;, y .-'; ':'- -- TM Mia day 01 octooer, ivao. MARY BRICBL Admlnlstrix of Richard Brice. 'Gavin Gavin. Attys. ... isrojr., 28th. et'q;' .0. , X j" o NOTICE OF SALE".'":.-." North Carolina, V Duplin County.;" , ."i'Y'.tei--., Under the authority in.ine vest 1 - ?ar, rtory f motonng. vrue an.d pleasurf far 1 -1 Mow,-the iqtb rdrd v- speaics lor . - sf w a 1 new.' brighter colors; easier steering brakes. We urge you to get this . . eat-rto know at first hand its V-8 performance its luxury-car " rl . n the last. word about the 1936 V - 8 "bespoken by the car itself." arranVements today through:--" r J- - ' . lJR ' FORDED EA LpR hi. j. an, 1 16... 1 Ret ' ty, in 1 . . .... offer for 1 I r , estbidder, at t: e C v lh Kenansvule, fci u" 1 t twelve. Noon, and One Friday, November 22, -1 , following described tracts of 1 in Duplin County, North Ceo. 1, described as follows: ! It "BEGINNING at a stake t the Northwest corner of tJse t -ve yard, K. K. Fuftseil's con. -, and runs thence with the G. I ; Fussell line East 49 1-2 poles t a stake by the KenansvlUe , thence with, said road Nor:; e East 28 poles to a stake, S01, s east corner of the store lut; ' thence West 89 1-2 poles to a stake; thence South 14 yards to a stake; thence West 16 poles to a stake, Fostln McMilUon corn er; thence South 13 poles and 19 links to the beginning, contain ing 6 8-16 acres, more or less." ' 2. "BEGINNING at m ' black ' gum In a branch, J. T. HarreU and'Jasper Batts' corner, . and ' runs thence North B0 poles to a -stake; thence West 48 poles'to a ' 'stake In 1 the old Kenansvllle ." Road; thence ' with said,, road South 6 West 50 poles to a stake -on J. F. HarreU line' where It 'crosses said road; thence with Han-ell's line, South 40 poles to the, beginning, containing 15 acres, more or less. Recorded In ' Book 807 at Page 828 deeded 1 from William James and Cora Jaines to J. R. . Thomas. 8: "Tract ' of land in bland Creek Township, Duplin County, ' adjoining the lands of J. " A. Southerland and J. F. Thomas. BEGINNING at a stake on the ' mala joad at Pin Hook, J. B. . Thomas corner; thence West 12 ' poles to a stake; thence North 6 J-S poles to a stake en J. A. . " HoutHerland's line; thence his v line East 12 poles to a stake on -the .main road, containing .one half acre. v , ' ' This the 21st day of .October, 1935. f J. FAISON THOMPSON, . . Trustee. 1 Nov. 14-4t J. F. T. ' 1 t " ' . 1 ia 4"";'j-" e , ' A ' - itseu . . . new oeauty 01 and gear-shifUng;upo car's story from the driver's ,- i . , V,4sT 1 - JIV AND DP.F.O.B, DETROIT ' r,j.i ' tZavJta, i t, t. r.r&Autas 'atTwout :-0 ' A. y cost wujuiuwn w.r'.Yr'i -T v . X ' . . f- Ho- T V-i ' OUIIJttfVt nVi . i.'M-.ljttu ' I BRANCH-BANKING. & TRUST CO. 1 ' i . -.-.(. V ....... I7r.rra7, N. C. 1 je ( WALLACE, KINSTON, . WARSAW r'7 ' '' : " T jn' ' s .