--VTIAS ti:,:3 TltCR&DAY, MOV. HUu, ZZ1 i! I. Smith, , ! in County, j u to notify all . l.iia against the ( '.-censed to exhibit . undersigned at fink , on or before the 9th. . l er, 1935, or this no i pleaded in bar of their . na indebted to said e 1 please make immediate t. , ' ' ' . i Mih. day of October, 1985. J. HACK SMITH, Adminlstra r of tiie Estate of Essie' J 3mlth, 'ln Gavin, Attys. ..'-.-. . - . v. 14-6t.-GAG. 'IfVtt. AXONISTBATRJDCS NOTICE , Having this day qualified as ad jiiinistratrtu of the. estate Of S. B. rate, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to submit them to the un dersigned within one year -from date, and all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate set tlement or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. ' , This the lstvday of November; - 1935. r I ' MRS. S. B. PATE, Administratrix of the estate of S. B. Pate. , , N. B. Boney,' Atty., '. - , K.v Dec. 12, ' I ., i '"',- MORTGAGE SALE OF LANDS ;Under and by virtue of the po wer of sale contained in a mort gage deed made by Dora Herring to the undersigned, dated the, 18th day of December,, 1918, and, rec orded 'In Book No, 188, " at -page 504, of the Duplin County regis try, default, having been made In the payment ctf.the notes thereby secured ,the undersigned will, be tween 12:00 o'clock, noonand 1:00 o'clock, P. Nf.;,on Mondajr the 18th day of November,; 1935, at the door of the , Court house in Ken ansvlUe, Duplin' County, N,' C," of fer for sale and sell, for" cash' to the highest bidder by pubUc auc tion, subject to advance bida pro vided for by law, the onehalt un divided Interest of the said mort agor in the following lands in Gib son township, Duplin County, con veyed by and described in said mortgage deed as follows: . ' ; ' 1st tract. Beginning1, at a - stake' In little Sandy-Bun Branch, and rune N. 76 78 pol M t t stake in said branch; thence N. 1 8 W. 43 pole to a take, t. D Kornegay-and L T. Grady's corner thence S. 74 W. poles as 'their dividing Une te a stake, their corner; thence a straight line to the beginning; containing' 21 1-2 acres, more or Iesv-r !!' 1 v):f ' ' 2nd, ,". tracts-Beginning at a take, and runs S. 5 W. 80 poles to a pine; thonoe S. 65 W. 22 polea to a (take in the old road; ' thence S. IS E. 9 . polea , to a take; thence N. 79 W. 01 polea . up Sandy-Bun to a stake; thence N. 8 W. 04 pole to a stake In Kornegaya line; thence to the ; beginning; containing 40 acres, roorejr less. " -' There is 'excepted- from the a bove-descrlbed lands a tract of 11 acres conveyed by Arba- Herring and wife to J.' I). Kornegay. --.- Thla the 10th day of October, 1935. ') ' V LEWIS KEATHLET, Mortgagee. Albert 8. Grady, Attorney.-' ' Nov. 14 - et-'A 8. 0. , i NOTICE OF KE-8ALE . ....v ... i .i e i ii - . .-. UNDER AND BY virtue of pow er and authority vested in the un dersigned Commissioner by ascer tain Judgment ; of the Superior Court of Duplin County on a cer tain Civil action entitled: : Chas. Moore et al va C. E. Stephens, et al and by virtue of a certain other Hio of the' hereinafter described premises, the said commissioner will offer tor saw ana seuio me h' .hest bidder for cash at ,t the Court-House door in -KenansvlUe, N. C, Duplin County, on the 20th day of November; 1935 at or about the hour of 12:00 noon the follow ing: described tract of land: Beginning at a stake In the Towden Une, L. Mlddteton's eor-i-r and runs thence South 60 A , tt 28 poles to a stake, OUver biJ Emma Humford : corner; t nce that line 80, 1-2 West 48 r ' to jTstakiy ;A1 S. PhllUps iieir; thence his line North 84 1 2 r.ast 88 poles to a small pine t beginning corner; ,i thence "H 14 East S2 poles to the mlng containing 7, l- acrea i more or less, v, t Vertlsed this the 6th .day of : nbcr, 1935. ROBERT C. WELLS, -) . ' - j ' Commissioner. : v. i4-2t;R. C. w. ", KOTICE OF SUMMONS I I THE SCPERIOB'COUBT : - . Carolina - - '. . ' . i County r, .V ii '. J c'J- J t. Williams and , witt v I t de" Hicks WUUams aid ( ,:iiams 1 . VS. '.".I ' . i ' ;rce and wife, f'U'e .....3 at lu'.v of , iitimes and real- , t, . i .own. . To t.: e 1 as of J. H. Pierce, deer- si, l.hiaes and residences un known, t jhe notice: That an act ion entitled as above is pending in the Superior ; Court of :. Duplin. County, to foreclose . a cer tain deed of trust, dated Novem. ber 24, 1919, executed by J. H. Pierce and wife, Sallle Pierce in favor -of M. McD. Williams and wife, Mary Lyde Hicks Williams, recorded in Book 217 page 164,. Office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin County, conveying two lots in Faison, on which there is a bal ance due of $247.50 with interest: ; The said defendants will further' take notice that they are required to appear before: the Clerk of the Superior Court a this office .In Ke nansville, Duplin County, ' . North Carolina, on the 2nd day of De cember, 1935, and answer or demur to the complaint now on file in aid action; or. the plaintiffs will apply for the relief demanded in the complaint. - , . '.' This 1st day of November, 1935. ' , R. V.WELLS, ' ' ' Clerk Superior Court Nov. 28.-4t V, W. - NOTICE OF RESALE By virtue of an Order of Resale made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin County on a raise of the bid, in the foreclosure Bale ofi a certain Deed of Trust . Exe cuted by W. H. Herring and wife fEUa M. Herring to B. F. Pearsall, Tr., Recorded in Book 248, page 348 of the Office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin County; J will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door in , Duplin County : on Monday, November 18th at 12:00 o'clock noon, the following , des scribed tract of land. Beginning at a stake In the county line road, O. B. Herring's H isomer, Mose Johnson' line and running thence Johnson's line -bout north 22 east 89 8-9 pole to a stake in Timothy MathtoV line; thence Mathls. line about south 29 east 118 1-2 polea to a take, Elizabeth Register's corn er; thence her tine about south 44 west 60 poles to G. B. Her ring's corner; thence Herring's line north 47 1-2 west ,! 58 1-2 poles to a stake In the field; thence his line north 41 1-2 east 14 poles and Henry Herring's line ' same course 20 poles to a stake in the cart road leading by O. B. Herring's and Henry" Herring' residence; thence O. By Herring' line along laid cart road about north 41 1-2 east 6 poles to a take near W. M. Herring sta ble; thence his line Just passing the southwest edge of the stable north 47 1-2 west 2 4-5 polea to a stake; thence his line Just pas sing the edge of the stable north 47 1-2 east 8 1-5 pole to a stake In the county Une road thence his line along said road about north 47 1-2 west SO 2-5 pole to the. ' beginning, containing 29 1-S acres, more or less. ' - - Advertised this the 1st day of November, 1935. B. F. PEARSALL, ' ;: .-v Trustee.!. A. J. BLanton, Atty. Nov. 14-2t. A. J, B. ' NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE , N : Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority contained in that certain, mortgage- deed from-John C. Kennedy, to S. H. - Newberry and Rivers D, Johnson, mortga gees, dated February 2nd., 1929, and of record in Book 313, page 560 of Duplin County Registry, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the Indebtedness therein secured, and the holder of the bote therein secured having requested the said mortgagees to sell " the lands therein, described, the under signed S.' H. Newberry and Rivers D. Johnson, mortgagees, will offer for sale on Monday, December 2nd 1935, at about 12:00 noon, at the courthouse door in Duplin County, Kenansville, Ni C, to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed land: 'A-:';1'':' 'VP A ' certain- piece or tract of land lying and being In Ouplln County, State aforesaid and de- " scribed and defined as follows, to-wlt: Adjoining lands of Mrs. Addle Eta lock, Mrs. Lucy Albert sonet al, and bounded as follower . Beginning at a stake on the HallsvIUe and Sarecta Bead Mr. ' Lucy Albertson's corner and runs with the said road south 2 1-4 E.., 24 8-4 poles to a stake Mr. Ad dle Blaloek' corner, thence, with ! her line S. 79 8-4 W. 164 poles to a stake W. J. Kennedy's Une, thence' with hi' line N 10 W 27 pole to a stake on Mrs. Lucy ' Atbertaon's line, thence with the same N 81 E 159 petes to the . beginning, containing . 28 1-4 . acres more or less. Beings the same land conveyed by J. W. Kennedy to John C. Kennedy as appear of record In the office of the Register of Deed of Dup lin County, No. Car. at Book 200 page 271. Thla 29th day of. October, 1935. '". 'S. H. NEWBERRY r RIVERS D. JOHNSON,'. ' , Mortgagees Ely 3. Perry, Atty., , Klnston, N. C. Nov. 28-4t E. J. P.' - fc.VLr L V4TTArr.i5 FAKM '. , Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us In : a Deed of Trust, executed by J. B. Carr and wife, Joana Carr, on the 17th day of July, 1925, and record ed in Book 265, Page 699, we will on Saturday, the 30th day of November, 'lS5 r 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse door, in Duplin County, Kenansville, N. C., sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit: J tAU that certain lot, tract or. parcel of land containing 104.4 acres, more or less, located, ly- tag and being In Bockflsh Town ship, County of Duplin, State of , N. C, being bounded en the N. , by the lands of J. K. Haines, Mrs. Dollle Turner, and J. J Ward; E. by J. J. Ward and E. O. Forlaw; S. by the lands of U. B. Carr, and D. W. Turner and, W. by the land of D. W. Turner, Duff Creek, and C. C James; and having such shape, metes, courses and distance . a will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof made by J. W. Blanchard, Surveyor, on the 26th day of June, 1925, said lands be ing bounded and described a fol lows, viz: Beginning at a targe beach tree on the run of Duffs creek , -and runs - thence : with Duf r creek N. 59 E. 6 pole, Jft 21 "and 45 W. 12 poles N. ' 48 and 45 W. 6 1-4 poles N.' 58 and 45' E. 7 2-5 polea, N. 4 and, 10 E. 8 2-8 poles, N. 70 45' 6 2-8 poles, N. 47. 80 E. 18.5, S. 86 80 E. S 2-3 poles, N. 21 45 E. 1345, N. 56 W. 7 8-4 polea," N. 89 45 E. 5 8-4. N. 11 45' . W. 6 1-8 pole, N. 66 80 E 8 polea, N. 50 15' E. 4 2-5 poles, 8. 82 40 7 1-5 pole, and 81 E. 2 pole to a Sweet gumt thence 8. 71 X 59 poles to a take; thence 8. 15 80" W. 68 polea to a maple'; thence 8. 51 10 E. 68 petes to a gum; thence N. 81 E. 20 poles to a pine; then ce 8. 58 E. 64 polea to null bran ch; thence with mill branch 8. 44 W. 87.5 polea; thence S. 29 W. S polea; thence 8. 86 W. 11 1-8 polea; thence S. 9 W. 5 1-5 pole; thence S. 15 W. 24 poles; thence S. 88 80" W. 4 pole to a ataker thence N. 51 10 W. 124 poles to a stake; thence N. 41 W. 94 poles to the beginning. This land is sold subject to all unpaid taxes.- Thla sale i made by reason of the failure of J. B. Carr and wife Joana Carr, to pay off and dis charge the Indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust. i A deposit of 10 per cent will be required from the purchaser at the aale. Thla the 21st day of October, 1935. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE COR PORATION, Substituted Trustee, Durham, N. C. Nov. 28-4t. I. T C . , ,, vo'n i . NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND shaw (single) executed and deliver ed unto W. O. McGibony,. Trustee for the Land Bank Commissioner, a certain deed o trust which is recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deed for Duplin County, North Carolina, in Book 363, at Page 192; and Whereas, - default has been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured as therein provided,, and the trus tee has been requested by the own er, and holder thereof to exorcise the power of sale therein contain ed: -vr:.;-. .. , NOW, THEREFORE, under and by-virtue of the authority confer red by the said deed of trust the undersigned Trustee will on the i day of December, 1935, at the Court House door of Duplin Coun ty, North Carolina, , at twelve o'clock noon offer for sale to the highest bidder upon the terms here inbelow set forth, the following real estate.,-' -I'U v All those three oertaln tracts or parcels of land containing Seventy two " and three-fourths (72 3-4) Acres, lying : and' being in Rose Hill ' Townshipv Duplin County, State of North Carolina, located on the Atlantic Coast Line Rail Road, and the Wallace and Rose Ul)l Sand clay Public Road one mile East of the Town of Rose Hill, North Carolna, and being bounded and described as follows: ... FIRST TRACT: Containing Fifty-five (55) Acre, and bounded ori the North by the lands of. Jesse Fossell and W. C. Worsley, on the East by the lands of l . H. Bradshaw, on the South by the land of C. C. Carther and ' Hix Bradshaw, and on the Went by the AtlanUc Coast line Rail Road Blght-of-Way, and describ ed as follows: , V, -.- , , ' " , BEGINNINQ at an Iron take' In the Eastern edge of the right-of-way of the Atlantic Coast line" Railroad Company, Jesse Fussell's Southwest corner of his Z B. Bradshaw tract of land, and runs thence Jesse Fussell Line and old Une of Z. R. Bradshaw, North 69 degree East 226 pole to a stake In S. D. Bradshaw'. line; thence his line South 42 de grees East 42 1-2 poles to a atake 58 feet Northwest of the old pine corner; thence South 66 degrees West 246 poles ; to an old stake at the Eastern edge of the right-of-way of the- Atlantic Coaat Line I . Sroad; thence as the Eastern edge of said right-of-way North 14 1-2 degree West 40 pole .to the beginning, containing Fifty-five (55) Acre more of less.-- -:'';;,fi:5;!,'o SECOND TRACT." Containing Twelve and one-half (12 1-2) Acres, and bounded on the North by the lands of Maurry Ward, on the East by the lands of L., H. Bradshaw, on the South by the lands of Ida E. Bradshaw and on the West by the Atlan tic Coast line Railroad Right-of-way, and described as follows t BEGINNING at a stoke on theH Railroad, the lower corner of the 8th lot and runs with the lower line of the 8th lot North 82 de gree East 168 pole to a atake in the back Une; thence a the back Un South 45 degrees. East 18 , poles ' to ' a atake; '' thence South 62 degrees West 168 pcf.es to a stake In , the Rail Road; thence up Rail Road Right-of-way North 14 1-2 degrees West 18 polea' to 'the' beginning, con-, taming Twelve and one-half (12 1-2) Acres, more or less THIRD TRACT: Containing Five'-, and ' one-fourth (5 1-4) Acres, and bounded on the North by the lands of L. H. Bradshaw, on, the East, by the lands of L. H. Bradshaw, on the South by the. land of W. O. Worsley, and on the West, by the lands of I, E. Bradshaw, ; and described as foUowa: ' . '. v , BEGINNING at a stake In a ditch In Ida E. Bradshaw' Une or Z. B. Bradshaw of the D. D. Bradshaw tract, L. H. Brad shaw line along the ditch -about South 86 $-4 degrees East 48j polea to a stake In the Inter section of another ditch; thence his Une along the other ditch a . bout South 24 degrees West 97 pctea to a stake In Ida E. Brad shaw Une thence her Une nearly North 41t, degrees West 47 13-15 poles -to the beginning, containing Five and one-fourth (5'4) Acres, be the same more or less. .! Copy of said plat now being J ie ow$y Cmyde& rwjn'ieed Cote I '''f4' . ?"?& S -y --(SSsjJ t Avi -i v. tr X ' ' KW K CiajrwrKZSk iif "iHt-'- i w DCALIR ADVERTISEMENT WITH CHEVROLET'S NEW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES Safeguardin yon and your family as you have never been safeguarded before SOLID STEEL , TURRET TOP , ; - .-:"'.',',-. . a crown ef btavtf, a forfnu pi tahly NO DRAFT VENTILATION ON NEW BODIES vf FISHER ; Hi moif bMUtlM and comfortabb bodiM tnt cnaltd for a lowprlnd ear - .' ' ' " ' ' snocKPROor steering : Mailing drtWng satlsr and oftr . than svar iwfera Sit 1 NEW CHEVROLET F0T 1956 JJimeD. x(SIiiiewIlc5t!: m$3my !X;v,,-A''- on file with the Federal Bank Of Columbia. " - The Terms of aale are fol- lows, Cash: - No bid wUl be accepted un less Its maker shall deposit with the Trustee's attorney and a gent at the close of the bidding the sum of Three Hundred (880 0.00) Dtilara as a forfeit anJ guaranty of his compliance with his bid, the same to be credited on his bid when accepted.- Notice Is now given that said, lands will be resold Immediately1', at the same place and upon they same terms on the same day un; toss said deposit Is made. :".' . .Every deposit not forfeited or accepted will be promptly re turned to the maker upon the expiration of the period allowed,, by law. for filing of advanoe or upset bid. - This Slat day of October, 1985. ; i f Wl O. McGJBONY, ' Trustee. D. L. Carlton, ' Acta. anri Affnnitfv frtt TnifltAA. Nov. 28-4t. D. L.C. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY virtue of po er and authority vested in the un dersigned Mortgagee, by reason of a certain Mortgagee Deed execut ed by W. G. Kornegay and wite Georgle F. Kornegay on the 14th day of January 1929 to M. W. Simmon and duly recorded in the ornce or ine Kegiaier oi ueeaaoi Duplin Countj" In Book 304,, pjgs 252, default having been made m the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigied will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, af; fhe Court-House door in Kenansville, N. C. on the 26th day of Noveni ember, 1935 at or about the hour of 12:00 O'CLOCK noon the? fol lowing described tracts of land: . In Duplin County, Smith Town ship adjoining the lands of W. ii. Kornegay, H J. WUUams, et si, beginning at a Sweet gum,' the fourth corner of the Geo. W. Kornegay tract of land and runs S - Be hydraulic brake principle are standard on all Chevrolet models for 1936. And, like many other features of the only complete low-priced cor, "these new brakes are exclusive to Chevro3) uf its price range! They are the moat efficient brakes ever developed. They help to mak Chevrolet for-1936 the safest motor car ever built. Visit your nearest Chev rolet dealer. See and drive this car today! CHEVROLET MOTOR CO DETROIT. MICH. jCwpiIFW CfcaanaWal ImV fJtffMMsf JVIbW aaVta? ssW HHff VMs fMhwaaaf ; PINK HILL, NORTH CAROLINA South 67 West 150 ' polea to Kmuel iSmltfaa line; thence with hla Une to Westbrooks Unef thence with hla up the river to the Geo. W. Kornegay corner, a gum on the west bank ef the river; thence up the river with the Geo. W. Kornegay line to the S. E. corner of the old Kor- .negay bridge; thence North 7ft East 07 poles with the Geo. W. Kornegay Une to a hctly; tnence ---South 28 " East . 27 poles to. , a sweet gum the beginning cor ner containing 50 acres more or less being tract 1st tract. 2nd. tract: Being part of the Stephen 8. Kornegay land, ad Joining the above tract of land and being between said tract of land and the land of H. D. WU Uams, and being part of. the land conveyed by H. L. Kornegay to Stephen S. Kornegay, contain ing 80 acre more or less. Advertised this the 24th day of October, 1935. M. W. SIMMONS, Mortgagee. Robert C. Wells, Attorney. Nov. 21-4t. R. C. W. MAXWELL'S MEAL Makes Bread Good to the last Crumb FOR SALE by the Following leading Merchants: C S. QTJINN. Kenansville PAUL THOMPSON Rlchlands L. P. TVNDALL Pink Hill QVINN ft PARKER Beulavllle HOLTS STORE Seven Springs, R. F. D. Tea It's WATER GROUND Put up and guaranteed by Maxwell's Mill H. D. MAXWELL, Prop. PINK HILL Safe New Perfected Hydraulic Brakes -the Wheat develooment of the miotics. jJ ADMINIST11ATRLV8 NOTICE " " Having qualified as MsUftUrtra trtXvOf the estate of Mark Lee, de-. ceased, lata of the County of Dup lin, State of North Carolina,, thla U to notify all persons hiving claims against the -estate of said deceased to exhibit them to th-t undersigned. Pink Hill, N. C, on or , beforo the 9th. day of October, 1936, or thla nouce. wiU be pleaded in bar of tholr recovery. All persona indebted to said es tate will, please make .immediate payment. ' Thla 9th. day of October, 1935. SARAH F. LEE, Administratrix of the Estate of Mark Lee. Gavin Is Gavin, Attys. Nov. 14-6t.-G.&3. 44OO"0O0O"&' Koilak Filnii DcvclopCkl, Eight Ex posure Ro.i. auj Eight J?rlnfci 40c. Southern Art Co. KENANSVILLBi N. C. PACKERS Warsaw GRANTS Klnston L. C. TURNER Pink Hill T. W. QUINN Kenansville, R. F. D. 9 MaMr Dt htm Sptrt Smt IMPROVED GLIDING KNEE -ACTION RIDE tht imooflMf, tahsl rid of oil HIGH-COMPRESSION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE giving mi softer porrormanco milk nron Ion gai and 01 ALL THESE FEATURES AT CHEVROLET'S LOW PRICES A VAii AND "UP. Listprlcoof New SAMS Standard Coupe at Flint. llDtiU Michigan. With bumpers, spare tire and tire lock, the list price is 120 additional. "Knee-Action on Master Models only. 20 additional. Priceo quoted 'in this advertisement are list at Michigan, and subject to change without