KI SVILLE. KC:iTH CAROLINA 47 LOST? r 1 . The teacher wai telling hi clan boat the cooquetti of Alexander the Great "When Alexander had conquered India." he said, "what do yon think k did? Do yon think he gaye a great feast to celebrate his triumph? Mo : he sat down and wept" s The children seemed a little dis appointed at this childish exhibition on the part of the hero, so the ' teacher continued: "Now, why do you think Alexander weptf Up wenf a little-hand. . "Well, Tommy I" said the teacher. ' -Please, sir." said Tommy, hesi tatingly, "perhaps he didn't knfvr the way back." Tit-Bits Magazine. Anything toWave Mother Here comes the parade, and your Aunt Helen will miss It I Where Is she Daughter She's upstairs, waving f. her hair. . ' Mother Mercy! Cant we afford f a flag? Economy "Here's a ticket Tor the conjurln how, Maggie." : "Thank ye, Donald," said his 'wife. "And hark ye, Maggie, when he comes to that trick where he takes a teaspoon o' flour and one egg and makes 20 oam'lettes watch very close!" PLAYING THE GAME Father ton hare been running ahead of your allowance, John. Son I know it, dad. I've been hoping for a long time that the al lowance would strengthen up enough to overtake me. A WUa Farmer Farmee I've arranged it so that I won't be caught by a drouth next summer. Friend How's that? ;, Farmer I fjanted onions and po tatoes in alternate rows. The on ions will make the potatoes' eyes water and so Irrigate the soil. Windsor Star. Advaacinf Ideals' "How Is your daughter progress ing In music?" - "Well," replfciF Mr: Cumrox, "I think her taste Is improving. She la getting so she thinks enough of some of those songs not to sing them." . . Oat bt the Woods A shot is heard. Nit Hey, Jeff. Wit What do you want? Kit Are you all right? Wit Yes. Kit Then I guess I shot a bear! .. Flniaha.. .. Kovlce (with great determination after numerous attempts) I'll stay here till I hit this JtwlL - Caddie Weel, ye can get some Ither laddie to hand yer sticks, for this is ma bath nicht ' J'f. ' . The. Differanea : ' ' James The modern girl Is noth ing but sn animated doll. . , George Except In one respect v sh doesn't call "Mamma" when she T: Is squeezed, Wor4 Pletnra Enough .,. ' Butcher Shall 1 draw this chick en for you. Madam t Mrs' NewbrideOb, no, that W not necessary. Your descrlpUon la vaults sufficient - , JUST GAZING AWAY; ; "A beautiful, clear night; Ural ltr "res, all the starfish are out ' Hard t Convince , "Rafferty," said Mr. Dolan, "are you wan a" those people that never know when they're whipped J" l ira not , But 1 take nobody's word fgr it except the doctor's aft er I come to." , ' . ' ' ti M-- OUR; COMIC SECTION Events FINNEY OF THE CAtvCcr- UnuJ rnuB I I vJAL , TIME OUT - wWWit. w. h. v.y . I. "TWOSEV TWO -J A ALMOST CROOKS SOT 4.UIAV CBOU SOT HOW KU4 fex i f i mr CAR ' AM J 7CJT i f L v- ' spbep umit 1 -i i i 1 in. i 1 1 i i ' ii... X , -a THE FEATHERHEADS .J saiBjBjBaBCsBaBaaBwBaaaBa a-...a 3i al . ffBT S0HG ON A SUV ) v lv-T V. 60irQ J JU. " ' "' ' ' " ' ' ' in the Lives of Little FORCE Ol NAUX JlST - Ol SbNUA fire GONMA rlKB VB till HOUR AMD UD II OA Cn I REALLV T0 BRiHcr lUTo YoUR. V1 t n lien A Fast One "7 at Al I ( BLU- ALL WS OTHER (1 . WATCM F6R. Early to Rise be i. ur 1L SAV 6sTfMtf ME UP t AKUi . v TO 60 TO WORK 'i ' I r r , " ' 7S A kindly old general, an ardent horseman, .was visiting the hos pital every Snday whilst In an In dian command. . . ' "What's you" trouble ?'he asked a juntor .officer patient ' 1 "Fell off my motor bike, sir," re plied the subaltern. ' hYoa would do much better," od- served the general, "to sell the noisy; smelly thing and get a good pony. Then you wouldn't be wast ing time In hospital." He turned to the. occupant ol the next bed. "Well, and what's the matter with youn - "Feu off my horse, sir rr-watcn.-word. YOUR GUESS Is there any alcohol In elder!" "Inside who?" V l. V lasislaat ' Joan, and .mother had come to calL In the afternoon their hoat- ess bad given the child several cookies. On their departure Joan drew her to one side and whispered : "Ma I have a cookie to take home?" ' You'll have to ask mother," an swered the hostess. ' They're not mother's cookies, they're your cookies. Yon tell me I" Indianapolis News. v 1 r nijii ' ,:i i Prapara4aM , "Good morning," said a stranger to a woman who had answered the door bell where a- room was ad vertised for rent "Would you Uke to buy come Insect powder?" "No," she snapped. have no use for that stuff."' . ', .i "Good,? replied the stranger. "I will take that room you are adver tising." Wall Street JonrnaL " - , Waated a Rwt V . A little four-year-old had been taken for a country walk; It waa a warm day, and after a time the father lifted him and carried him pack-a-back for several miles. . Tiring himself, the parent waa searching for an excuse to put dowa his load wh,en.a small voice piped, "Daddy, may I get down and have a rest?"' '' Something to Think Abaet -Young Hopeful Say, paw! Paw Well, what the dtckena la It this time? . Young Hopeful Say, pawl If the day ' of Judgment came . and (he whole world was destroyed and an airman was flying above the earth, what would he come down on?-- Pathfinder Magazine. ' .. NIBBLE, NIBBLE Mr. Mouse Yes, we are very happy, we've moved next door to a cheese factory. . , t y Uaataal vHetty-Ia jour bey friend a nsual? i Betty Sure 1 He ran put: of pe trol the first lonely lane we came to In his new car the other day. 'a Hetty That's not unusuaL- Betty No? He walked two miles "for some more. Larson's Weekly. Paaca Maker , Judge This-, officer states ho found yon two fighting In the mid dle of the street ;Is that true? First Defendant Not at all, your honor. .When the officer arrived we were trying to separate each other. Isn't that right Jim? ... Hard Aadiaaea " i fHow would you like to be a gov ernment-paid artist?" . . ' "Fine," said" Mr. Stormington Barnes. "The only thing I'm afraid of Is the fact that a public made up of taxpayers Is always liable to be mercilessly crlticaL" ., -, . On Way . Jack How can I beat my Income tax? " , . ' - . Pott What's your Income? - Jac Ten thousand dollars. Pott Marry a widow with eight children. . , Still to Come r.IHy What you drawing, JlmmyT Jimmy A dog. r'"y But Where's its tall? i'n any Oh, that's 5 '"! in the I, '..'X Wis . COMMENTS ON CURRENT'TCTSCS BY NATIONAL CI lAnACTZPvS ' Opinions expressed in die paragraphs below are not necessarily concurred in by the editor of this newspaper. , AMERICAN TRADITIONS SOUND THE. philosophy, of Fascism gWl nes the nation, to which the In dividual Is expected to sacrlnce him self: therefore the gesture -by Mus solini, to Impress the Italian people J with the great traditions and the splendor of their country's conquests. I believe that the courage which is asked ot-youtb in a democracy, the courage to think things out for them selves rather to depend blindly oii their leaders, Is a far greater courage than la asked of young peo ple going into a war.!" v . It was the traditions or uermany, of Russia and of Italy the; tradition of obedience to a kaiser, a czar, a king, which made It possible, to set up Fascism, Commnnlslm, Nazism. The tradltlona . ofr the -American people, on the other hand, the prin ciples of liberty, justice and equality for all - of which -your -ancestors fought in 1776, would prevent such a happening In America. Youth, think for yourselves, even though Amerl can Ideals have never been complete ly realized. , - , . . . PRESENT AMERICAN ECONOMY BT SBOVi HKNY A. WAlfLACB THERE Is as much need today for a Declaration of Independence as there was for a Declaration of Inde pendence in ivr v :'- ; The typical. New England farming community of the eighteenth century was . 95 per cent economically tnde- pendent of the rest of the nation and the world. The rest of the colonies might have : suddenly disappeared, and the community could continue to function. Of how many communities In America could'that be said today? Merely to ask the question Is to an swer lt', And If farmers, With the help ' of - government should today achieve even a 60 per cent economic self-sufficiency, as compared ' with their present 20 to 30 per-cent, the result would ' be the starvation ; of many millions in our cities. A change of this sort might be brought about slowly,, but brought about rapidly It would prove a catastrophe. ;.L ' WAR'S MENACE ' Bv VISCOUffT CfiCIL THE nations, In America no less than in Europe, are preparing for further war. More money Is at the present time being spent for armies. navies and air forces than ever be fore. In peacetime. Moreover, one treat ; country, In defiance of all treaty obligations,? has launched war of conquest against another, And jret the contest which finished In 1918 waa a war to end war. We are drifting toward another world catastrophe worse even than the last. Can nothing be done, to prevent it? Certainly good Intentions and pious aspirations are not enough. No - doubt the peace-loving nations will wish' to remain at peace. But we found In 1014, and you found three yar later,' that la apHe our wishes we were driven Into war. What happened then may nay, will happen again unless we take adequate ateps to prevent it V. ; m i I i i ' iv, - " FAITH IN THE LEAGUE w OB. JAM SMUTS THE league Is. -not moribund or on its last legs, but only finding Its feet, only beginning Its career, Henceforth more and more it will stand forth as the determined foe of Imperialism, of that spirit of aggres sive expansion and annexation that characterized the old pre-war order and which waa fondly thought to have been killed In the Worlds war bat Js again .hMiln; Its horrid Aea! In world anairs. No. the message of 'Armistice day Isn't forgotten. Long live the League of Nations! 'r .1 iu ' A Horrible Eaample '. " ' : The Customer Isn't It rather nn usual to see a barber with long hair and whiskers like yours? - - - The Barber Yes; but it's , good business. Every man that sees how awful they look on me will fall for. a haircut and shave. . . 1 WfUSLEY'S i IS C0OLIW6 TO THE TASTE ! VlOOll 1 L via. jpd i w i li t- while k-... i an lukewarm ain In the air to c Wt'i r. Sometimes ro t b ( light colored. If you v, i i i rich golden brown, lit t- frying pan until it hua lio--dissolve It in water and t ; gravy, A squeaking In hardwood f s : f caused by floors not bolni; - ' nailed or when subfIoorli I , , or laid parallel -10 noonug t . i. An experienced floor-layer-' wLl i move the squeak. Have sort tried . serylng bukel cranberry apples with a roost pt-i dinner? t Fill the cavity luft i-i ap ple after core 'has -been removed with cranberry sauce and bake. When making a pumpkin pie, b t the. whites .of, eggs stiff and f 1 them into mixture Just before baki; Instead of heating the egg yalks asid whites together. The pumpkin filling will be much lighter if prepared in this way. . (s. ..jjfjv,.-;, . a,-, oii i-1,- If you enjoy painting try your (kill on one of the anpainted dress ing, tables; They are most useful and ornamental. A Anoelattd Nmngm-WNO SwrlM. LIGHTS INSTANTLY i I'U i, i.,,sijinew(lninltl''r"a oq ainnnwruriM warmth on l. oldast winur (Uys. ComorUir Iw" "f nnunroomrnsahorttiiM, hotonnw" . BoinaUUins. Mkwndlmni(itowninuitr-m ardlnur tuolin. Porttbw. . . eanr ana " anrwhan. Coata kaa tnan M hoot to oa. V Uchtamatasttr. Joatatrlka a match, torn s vain, and oat flowa war span wava ex elaan, cWitul. haaltKnl haC ' - S Tar Laeal Dalw-or wiha a . . lor Fi UlnatrmUd Toiit. ' THE COLEMAN LAMP AND 8TOVB CO. pt.WU3, fbUaaiiaala, WU4M, WkhUa, Km.) Pa. Ua Aasataa, CaSf. ' Ctlldhoold a Cuida .'. . Cblldhobd sbovrs the' , man,' as morning", shows the day. MUton. And bale that Holiday ' . ',Cakw . ' ' with the (v famous r - iua aasajiiii m 1,MiiKggaBaaaalaMnv Innaaa tVcnrina- Quality of Bihw. Tnat l(ht balr tic dallvarad In 17. M. t back tuaraimia. ima wanted. f-uui Sappbr Co. Box Salt, illendala. Cauif. DRUG STORE, FIRST CLASS "You say he's opened a flrst-clf drug store?" "Yes has the finest soda fount ' Ii town.". . v d ' "N I. .