...iES COVERS E J.1 JIN i TTTH 100P p. cf ,Gotj:. , ; ... themiU. - V ' ic'i the, ad- . 3 pointed . i Hi state for , cJ the other to :tcr:hipcf ' the ciirt 3 provided id ml amendment 3V. 3. Jar occurrence cf wrel; was the tom.br D. p. rdlirner-cf 7 crcp:! iata ; tLa,' :I1 fc t!is.f;m cf 13 c:cztica by l:thal cas -. i ' , -tar f chcu-r"-'''-'ps- cf ; t'Mj, - t':3 z3ji i,c i r;:-2-r CC1- " J V. 1 Jt' T JT3 ,K" . Iv:t;a and o C":" C ;r- Ii V. Veto J: A. LU cf lleck- to chaif- . I. 3 f li. tud a .ra rTncnt and .Victor ;: ra took the firan :Li;r L"g:;st surprise ittci lists was failure t r cr lee Gravely of Rocky t ta g;et the finance commit tLiirmaaship f ' ,,; ; :V , , "z was given consertatiori and 11 :r".cnt instead:. , " 1. j week-end at home may well b 11.3 last legislators will get this , " ion. A resolution was jammed i :ci';;h House and '' Senate V last providing, fof & ' I'six-day " for the General Assembly, ' Ii'r.eans that, hereafter' ; ses i ' 111 fee held all day Saturday " r'l day Ilonday and that com es will do business as usual 1 -3 days. V:Y , '' ; V v ';, this is what Tthe legis .il ii its first week:. .-f,.'" jj-"convened for a i t session, ', eonfirmed aiapted, for the Ee r-r'"t T '.ed W , . : vce: ' l:y r.:aa.s c.a . 't":n. 1.j3 heard " in ' f 121 ty F;?. Uellp 3 ard return to use I Hi Cajitcl be . . ' ' cerenc-ks 1 i' 3 rerrt a- j i :i T.'ii,, a mi- , i . . a - to '"ija for a j;ist -. f ' ? . r-.TTjur?- i v- --- . "AAcy -'.an-u Lit 3 program and , . 3 f .tly corid -:s all posai- i. Ia the House also a ;..:;cd to reaprrtipat ' cf certain ccities .lure. Under ,tl.3 pro 1 r:ea;ure, Eurccmb?, I Iccklenb'arg wcIl :tative c :.cr z irl f Ji J p- rr- o The Farm Agent ar.l Li workers have, moved iatj 11.3 l.'v Agriculture Euilling ia ,He:::..:5 ville'and .all farmers y.ho v;art to find infromaticn cr alvice, must now go; to the ITev; rll-ir. TI.3 Farm z;siit Depart" t is in the south erj cf the tdiirg. Mr. Leyr-cU's effice is ta the left of the entrance, aI Ce general of fice is at the end cf the hall-way to -the left as you enter the build? in. ' ' ' Ihe f cneral farm business" will Lj har ':d by the office force to th p-illlo ever the desk at,the tzl cf thi hall. Only those, who hate" some definite and- personal t;nc:'3-will hate occasion to en ter -3 criiee; and those wanting to" IIr.v tsyiclii " personally t;Zt D t J hh cilice. The efficient cice f tee U now able to handle most cf tlia farm problems. As jti cr. -? the DUiia:n th CEULkVilLE ; HoisOii roll rintCrads:' Georgia Ma Ever- ; Ilttr- MaUay atd Gerldii'e Lcciid' Cfde:' Ibist Killef; mon'it Thictf, EOnav Jane- Tur ner, Fifty ttM, Eunice ter, John Costic;; Avottv filler,- Earl Hatcher and Pansy Eimpon. Sec-; end ' Cartis Kennedy, Eichard Williams, Madefine Cottle, . Euby Lanier, Lessie Whaley,-Ernestine Elakek,u Bobby Kentedy, Elouise Whaley, Estelle Whaley, Hobart Whaley, Wilina Erinson, ' Evelyn Kennedy, Eetty Simpson, Colleen Jones, Robin Thomas,. Billy Gres ham, Louise, Whaley, Juanita Ed: wards, Joyce . , Thomas, : Jean Thigpen, Cary I,ou- Cole, Bussell Daughtryi1' Hazel -. Penny, , Perry Whaley,4 Getald Williams, and 0 dell Thompson, , " V .' . f. " -" Third Grade: First Samuel Thomas, Glenn:-Lanier, Louise Quinn, Mary Lois Cottle, Edna Hue ; Thomas, Letha Thigpen, mba Jfian Thomas, Mertie Lou . Lanier and Marie , Hunter.. Second ' Frank Thomas, Eaeford Kennedy, Ottis Miller, Evelyn Sumner, Margaret Erhsca and Ilyrtle' Exum. Fouith Grade: Second Mary Ann Harris, Leo Miller, Geraldine Horris, Ilprvey - Brinson, Hilda r,l;n, . :ns Cuinn, Marjorie' L 3Wa, T red Luth - Kennedy, Etui Laii3 Kennedy and Lula Alice Eavaor. - ) l: t ' ti' "At lilii: Tirst , Eobert Craft, Earcthy Mae . Bostic, ' an4 c-i :a"iM-H07.rs-.D2i.:n:3mA CLUB .I&t AKUJYm OLIA' The- Magnolia Ilr-e Ecrr stratten Club.heli its n. -lx i..wi:j January 7th ' at 2 .10 P. II. v.ith the new Trcsiient Ilrs. IIerst'i .C.-jlcr- presiding "Tl:s C1I Ilcrth Etato' was sung ar 1 tLe Collect rjpeated. ,The roll call was answered with something each member wish?! to pccomjlish durirg thi year. Hiss-1 'ar tin, cur Agcr.t, gave a helpful tJ.k on pre venting accidents c;i the farm. Che renounced tha cheers rcciir, at Lcr.ansvill3, J -"ary ZZili at 10. O'clock ar.i r - leaders scLc:l 11;e rr.r.cuncrl 1J.3 in tLa d4y r-ich hones raet for ll'i ccnrldcraiiri li- l;crl ch- ' r.l' THURSDAY,; JAII. 14, 1CS3, iEW BUILDING cfTtirst ,dbor, totie right, is ihe of? fice , of Garland King ' and v. the County Credit Association.' ;, The second door is the private, office 1 cf the Credit Association. ; These offices are now -occupied and are ready .to. serve the public' ' -The door at the, end of the hall opposite the j, Farm Department will be the private office, of the home agent, Miss Jamye Martin, and the room adjoining wiir be used for, demonstration work,? . The auditorium' that you face as you enter the building will be used f of farm and home demon; stration meetings; The building is being heated by steam from an enlarged plant at the ;' jail. Best rooms for ladies and ; jjentlemen will-, be found on the basement floor with entrance Worn the. main hall. The plumbing has not been completed. The large room under the auditorium will be used for rtftra by the? cofaty;;: 'f SCHOOL" roam; mm& Macy ErinsOtf. Eeconcf 4-:,Caxlton rasdea. I!ayfiell Eriicn. . Clara Ilae Edwards; Xcis' Houston,. Iris Jones,- Patsy Euth Kennedy, AnH Canderrsnv Juanita Sandlin, Olive Mae Thomasj HaZel .Thompson Lois Williams, Ortelle Mercer. Ha zel Davis Evelyn Small,- Uaomi Whaley and Henry Daughtry., Bixth (iraae; "First Myrtle Bachelor. Second Nancy Harris, Ruth Jones;: Aileen-Brown, Mary Powers; Lucille Sanderson, f-Mary Small. -Edna Lee Albertson, and Pearl Blizzard. "V ',' ; Seventh Grade: SecondLouise Hunter. Ozelle Blizzard, and Ra leigh' Kennedy., '". ' Eighth Grade: First - Foye Elr lington,. W B. Harris Lou Belle Edwards, Evangeline Brinson, Jo sephine, Thigpen and Eunice Mae Thomas: Second Mavis Kenne dy Kathleen -Lanier. xCarrie Grace Thomas, Elizabeth Batts and- Cal vin Mercer, j C " ttf t 1 1 . -Nineth .Grade f First v Mabel Blizzards Second Ida Lee Bos tic, Roma Dare - Jones, - Johnny Brows Kennedy, Julia Deane San dliirand Edrie Cuintf.:' ' J : 'jTentS GraHe: First OscaV Bat cnelor and-Mabel Kennedy.-Second "4LaTry Bostic. J V v7 A -Eleventh Gfdet Firstf Mary Lbu Bcfstie. Second Dofotbj Al beWsonrLlcJ BriSson. Karv, Kath- ryn Dobson, Azeline Edwards.-De- lia Mercer. same day at 2 P. M; "Making Com mon Vegetebleal?ncomm6n'r J was demonstrated by Miss Martin in the cocking of five Minute cabbage and creamed mixed vegetables. She was assisted by the new food lead er, Mrs. J. H Gaylor. Other sub jects by the leaders, were "Eight Dant's for The Home Seamstress", Ilrs, J, E. Tucker r "The Built In Ironing Board,"- Mrs.. L, E. Pope; "Concerning The Child's ' Mental ealth",- Mrs... S,E; . Hunter, imely Flower Tips lor January" "rs. Lloyd Lanier: , Vegetable va licties for 1937", Mrs; T. M. Rog- ers; 'Trades for Vcr.en and ,Wliy "3 Josephine aL.irs. Alter tne ;-rr-cf the x rcir.;3hip ' faong; 1). iio'ace, C. C. IV . l. r. Wi1- :Trs Lxx&if, llcghle Ehcaes, Eu'sseli iJandson; Ottia Simpson, Hazel ,LE, IT. c. v tlb Lifters Cdr ' Uipsie, house dog 'belonsizg , to L. A. Beasley of Kenansville .has had quite a "time ; recently ; trying to' keep up s with ' ; Mr. Beasley's'old car, and wondering why he ,cantrhave a. chance; to ride.'v v r' v"' V"' f -'-.r -Mr., 'Beasley recently ."traded! "his old car for a new one. The Warsaw dealer has sold the old "car to Mrs. A, J.; ' Strickland, and when, the car returned tos ;town Nipsie 1 recognized it.'; " He - was 1 first seen j spendinsr much v I'of his time lying on the run ning board of the car while it was parked in front of the cafe.' ,f When Mrs. Strickland would ha ve occasion to. use the car, the , dog could be seen running along . behind, and following it. to. all -point? in or near the town; . Dogs have a remarkable intel ligence as can be - seen by this case in which the dog'recogniz- ed the old car after it had been in WarsaW for several weeks. . and he had gotten used to See- ing his master , riding in the I new car. , r - , .vt... f.. ...... ..v.. i....;. ke::- ftuX&. FMti WILSON IS KOKOOED ON HER 85 MAGNOLLif Jan. ; 12 Mrs. Fannie Wilson, v affectionately called u Aunt Faimie" had a happy birthday surprise on her 83 th bir thday Friday; She is- the oldest woman in Magnolia and the oldest member of Magnolia Bapifst chur ch - and one of the i most beloved women in the community, At 4 :00 o'clock in the afterflo6iI, sixteen .girls of the Girls Auxiliary with their Counselor, Miss Macy Cox marched in her room and sang "Happy Birthday" to her, and af ter singing, several of her favorite songs they began piling bags of fruit in her Jap and made her heart glad with their bright faces, sweet songs and gifts. . But other joys awaited her. At 7:00 o'clock more than fifty wo men and young people met in the living room of Mrs,. Clara Gavin, in" same house with Mrs. Wilson, piled gifts on the davenport, leav ing, space for her to kit and on a table neaf by" , a beautiful white birthday cake was placed with can dies1 forming .the. figures ;V85". Mrs: Gavin invited Mrs; Wilson in to sit a while with her, and when she was led in the room a group ot girls, cheered her. again with the song "Happy Birfhday.'.Af- "AftsaB! Gxacflb , by the . large crowd present' the cake was pre sented, the candles lighted by Misses Alene Wilson and ftuida Lucas.'. ;'( l&'X? 'V- 't Mrs.1 Kenneth Gaylor" n sweetly sang 'Air Old Fashioned Mother", as sher sat close beside her After the gifts were presented and open ed. Mrs, Wilson in sweet .tender words-thanked' the friendSv and J while tit guests , chatted mern bit: CAHK REELECTED HEALTH OPFiCiilR, rJIS. HUFFHAM-MURSE i : vThe Duplin County 'Board., of Health hiet J.Ionday,with V' kin dred per cent attendance." The ex ecutive board "iompefsed oft J. ,'E. Jerritt, chairman, ,0'. P." Johnson, Sec' and J. L; Miller 'reelected Dr. Williams ' , of Warsaw, t Dr. Eland of Wallace and ,Dr; Quinn of Magnolia; ' y?"'" T:. Can was reelected' Health efficer f cr tvo years, and Mr3. Ja I" ff.n was reelected NUMBER TI 4st 37 Stravbeiry, - " .: Estelle Jarman, colored, brought ' -to theMIMES office this week a '', full grown, ripe strawberry she V picked in her, two acre patch Tues . day. The berry is well matured and : 'V v 1 Estelle "stated that the patch was .v K full of blooms and plenty cf green '.-', berries. She has not put straw un- ' ;' , der the vines yet. -The berry is of '''. the Klondike variety. The paten is v , , , located about two miles from Ke- , ansville on the old Cooper MiH road,s.-47''-!,';'?!''v j?, H ri,' ' '-Estelje says she picked some be;VV4'S ries in December several years a?'';V go. 'r i , , r " f " It the weather .continues' warm V , y . ' for another week she. thinks she;,,.;,l;' will have plenty cf berries to sell. Mrs. Willidiftf Leaves Hccpital Word reached KenansviKe thtt week that Mrs. Marshall Williami f of Faison has left the hospital in ' iBurlinston and is stavinr at tthe Home of her sen in Dunn. She' ia slowly improving but still cnite M helpless 'w . '. . . ' . '""' ' - " '...-'V V TV HdKbSED AT A SHOWED . 1 RIR TT4FI A V ( Pink Hill, ST. C. Mr. and Mrs. . i . Jasper . Tnomas ' entertained at v l their home Friday evening, JmC"' '. die Sumner., tride' and groom of , They were surprised when tliey . ;', . arrived at the home and met so ( , . many friends to welcome them, ' m ' Games were enjoyed by those pres-, r ent. , ' ' , i : t 'V;'f?( - The groom was blindfolded, and s " ' the hostess brought out a' large r 1 box, and asked him to step over. ;, " r When he found that he could not, . ; - ; the blindfold was removed and the , i? i r:n. J ."a-u 4.44.1 !f4- , i , Dux was imcu wuu ucauwiu guv9,( ,f He and the bride opened the jl,?.; gifts and presented them .to ,'the J; -friends, for ' inspection; " i'.;,'J V Apples were served as reiresn-;r , - , ;.;, t ments. ' .:-(?. vf i Cats claw at trees to get rid of -; loose bits of toenail. Read hte news of The Duplni Times each week. , . ." ly and every one seemed happy to ,;, oe present at "Aunt . jrannie s birthday party. "It was sponsored by the W. M. S. of her church but ' many otaer ,irienas were preseuv-, .- f j . otf the happy occasion. , t v vt'il . 'Many parties and other festivi- i 4 ties., are given for children r;, and 1 ' young people, but our dear old , ,; people should be tenderly remeihV,':! r f bered;, ,"- .r .vr;; m.ii ... ,. i ill ii I i. X i ii .'iitui I M ' n ' 'f'k I " ! ' A, .' Matters concerning sex hygene. 1 were discussed at length iand the " secretary was instructed to contact -the state, department of health for plans in presenting the; problems ' to our high scho,ols. ; 'i '. l : - ' ,The segretary was instructed to -ascertain if; the 'state laws were V, being inforced requiring soft drink dispensers , to use only paper cups unless the glasses were stcrliac 1 '' each time before' using. It tras or dered that the regt:It::n be i"-; f creed in Taplb Cc:; ' j. ' - 1 1 1 l t .V

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